Sir Wira Gardiner

New Zealand soldier
Died on Thursday March 17th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Sir Wira Gardiner:

@StigmabaseU: RT @StigmabaseU: AUNZD — Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner had been ill for a whi… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner had been ill for a whil… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseU: AUNZD — Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner had been ill fo… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies, aged 78: He was the founding director of the Waitangi Tribunal and the foundin… - 3 years ago


@StigmabaseA: [Stigmabase AUNZ] Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies, aged 78 - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Season 2 | Episode 10: 22nd March 2022 - Party People: Party People reflects on the legacy of Sir Wira Gardiner, we… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Party People S2E10 | 22 March | RNZ - YouTube: This week, Party People reflects on the legacy of Sir Wira Gardiner,… - 3 years ago

@TeHiku: #MATE Whatitiri Te Wake joins us from Te Whanganui-ā-Tara to pay tribute to the late Sir Wira Gardiner - - 3 years ago

@TeHiku: #MATE Shane Jones pays tribute to the late Sir Wira Gardiner, reflecting on the time when they first met - - 3 years ago

@RNZTeAoMaori: 📢 This week on Party People, the team reflects on the legacy of Sir Wira Gardiner, we analyse The Hui Horizon Resea… - 3 years ago

@TeKarereTVNZ: Shane Jones reflects on late Sir Wira Gardiner's generosity Mātaki: - 3 years ago

@tdpel: - E te Rangatira, Sir Wira Gardiner, thank you for your service - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies, aged 78 - 1News: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Minister for Māori Developm… - 3 years ago

@MarkQuinnny: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 26 209) #Leaders #pay #tribute #to #New #Zealand #soldier , #public #servant #and #writer #Sir #Wira… - 3 years ago

@Orgetorix: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@politicalHEDGE: E te Rangatira, Sir Wira Gardiner, thank you for your service - 3 years ago

@TFPdaily: E te Rangatira, Sir Wira Gardiner, thank you for your service - 3 years ago

@tdpel: E te Rangatira, Sir Wira Gardiner, thank you for your service - 3 years ago

@PelMedic: E te Rangatira, Sir Wira Gardiner, thank you for your service - 3 years ago

@ErueraK: Been reading some beautiful tributes on Sir Wira Gardiner.. amazing man! Anyone know who the male in the hongi line… - 3 years ago

@Siana_Kovi: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@PuawaiCairns: RT @Te_Papa: Hotuhotu ana te manawa, mōteatea ana te whatumanawa, tangi kau ana te ngākau. We mark the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner, our fo… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Te Whānau-a-Apanui farewells prominent Māori figure Sir Wira Gardiner | Newshub: Watch: Tributes flow as people rem… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Bay of Plenty leaders pay tribute to Sir Wira Gardiner after death - NZ Herald: Tauranga Commissioner Shadrach Roll… - 3 years ago

@Parmjeet_Parmar: Really sad to hear about the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner yesterday. I had a great privilege of working with him on… - 3 years ago

@NewshubNZ: Iwi farewells prominent Māori figure Sir Wira Gardiner - 3 years ago

@Mykiwitwit: RT @RNZTeAoMaori: "This man's capacity for service had no limit. He gave to his country as a soldier, to his people as a leader, to the pub… - 3 years ago

@adamsmith1922: Sir Wira Gardiner 1945 – 17.3.22 - 3 years ago

@TonyStuart55: Kudos to One News and @MaikiSherman for a wonderful tribute to Sir Wira Gardiner last night. - 3 years ago

@wellington_wind: RT @NZStuff: Sir Wira Gardiner, a decorated Māori leader and dedicated public servant, has died. - 3 years ago

@direk_samjosh: RT @nzherald: Sir Wira Gardiner leaves 'a legacy that cannot be measured' - 3 years ago

@nzherald: Sir Wira Gardiner leaves 'a legacy that cannot be measured' - 3 years ago

@christollone: Sir Wira Gardiner, 78, New Zealand soldier, public servant and writer.[9] - 3 years ago

@nayatheaquarius: Sir Wira Gardiner worked the floor above me, when I heard of him stepping down I was saddened because he would’ve m… - 3 years ago

@the360informer: Sir Wira Gardiner Obituary – Death, Cause Of Death - 3 years ago

@Jill_Shaw: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@john_holley: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@pm_spotter: Sir Wira Gardiner seemed absolutely respected across all sides of the political spectrum- a pretty good indicator o… - 3 years ago

@1NewsNZ: RT @MaikiSherman: Video link for our story in tonight’s bulletin here, including kōrero from Sir Tipene O’Regan and Hone Harawira. @1NewsNZ… - 3 years ago

@its_api: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@Paranjyoti8: RT @formerlydaniels: 'We have to get into a mindset where mistakes will be made, and mistakes are a stepping stone to learning and becoming… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Across the country people are mourning the loss of a highly respected Maori Leader - NZCity: Across the country peo… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies | Otago Daily Times Online News: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gard… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Ardern pays tribute to Sir Wira Gardiner: 'His legacy has helped shape Aotearoa' | - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Tributes flow for Māori leader Sir Wira: 'a man of standing' - The Gisborne Herald: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira… - 3 years ago

@StigmabaseA: Tributes flow for Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner | Newshub: Māori Authority Chair Matthew Tukaki says it's hard to… - 3 years ago

@etangata: RT @MaikiSherman: Video link for our story in tonight’s bulletin here, including kōrero from Sir Tipene O’Regan and Hone Harawira. @1NewsNZ… - 3 years ago

@etangata: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@1NewsNZ: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies, aged 78 @MaikiSherman - 3 years ago

@MaikiSherman: Video link for our story in tonight’s bulletin here, including kōrero from Sir Tipene O’Regan and Hone Harawira.… - 3 years ago

@rebekahwin: RT @formerlydaniels: 'We have to get into a mindset where mistakes will be made, and mistakes are a stepping stone to learning and becoming… - 3 years ago

@paulaztweet: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@htfc2: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@BatemanBooks: All of us at Bateman were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner. A fine writer and historian… - 3 years ago

@AndrewNZ20: RT @MaikiSherman: I called Sir Bill English for an interview on the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner and text him afterward to say thanks. He… - 3 years ago

@waikato: It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of deeply respected leader, Sir Wira Gardiner. Read our fu… - 3 years ago

@Jamo_NZ: Very sad to see that a great Kauri had fallen in the forest. Rest In Peace Sir Wira Gardiner. - 3 years ago

@509spider: RT @melulater: I'm sad to hear of the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner. He was a totara we will miss in the forest. - 3 years ago

@melulater: I'm sad to hear of the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner. He was a totara we will miss in the forest. - 3 years ago

@sjones_gis: RT @NZMorningReport: "He has been a Tōtara tree in the cultural and political forest of Māoridom." The prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gar… - 3 years ago

@Stephen_Neville: RT @AgeConcernNZ: Sir Wira Gardiner, veteran and dedicated public servant, dies aged 78 - 3 years ago

@rox_taf: RT @Mihi_Forbes: Tā Wira, the exemplar of a public servant, no tangi to protect the health system and koha directed to St Johns. Moe mai e… - 3 years ago

@Gerry__Joyce: RT @StephenClarkeNZ: Moe mai rā e te Rangatira, tātou hōia hoa. Aroha nui Gardiner whānau. - 3 years ago

@waikato: RT @WebTaniwha: Sad to hear of the passing of respected & inspirational Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner. He served our country, our people &… - 3 years ago

@NZMorningReport: "He has been a Tōtara tree in the cultural and political forest of Māoridom." The prominent Māori leader Sir Wira… - 3 years ago

@StephenClarkeNZ: Moe mai rā e te Rangatira, tātou hōia hoa. Aroha nui Gardiner whānau. - 3 years ago

@Mykiwitwit: RT @radionz: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78. - 3 years ago

@LoxDixon: RT @RichardHills_: Gutted to read news of the death of Sir Wira Gardiner. Such a significant legacy to leave behind and such a great New Ze… - 3 years ago

@rlpalmy: Saddened to hear of the passing of a mighty Totara whose service to NZ and New Zealanders stands as a shining examp… - 3 years ago

@jukic_d: RT @Mihi_Forbes: Tā Wira, the exemplar of a public servant, no tangi to protect the health system and koha directed to St Johns. Moe mai e… - 3 years ago

@JaxVaxed: RT @FionaPrinz: Blessed to have known you Tā Wira - thank you, moe mai ra 💕Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@gringene_bio: RT @Mihi_Forbes: Tā Wira, the exemplar of a public servant, no tangi to protect the health system and koha directed to St Johns. Moe mai e… - 3 years ago

@KiwiLass8: RT @Te_Taipo: "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness" - 3 years ago

@peecee65: Unbelievably sad news for iwi across the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Kua hinga te totara i te wao nui a Tane Māori lead… - 3 years ago

@NewshubNZ: 'Significant totara tree in the forest of our people has fallen': Tributes flow for Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner - 3 years ago

@edenfusitua: RT @RNZTeAoMaori: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@kiwib: RT @Mihi_Forbes: Tā Wira, the exemplar of a public servant, no tangi to protect the health system and koha directed to St Johns. Moe mai e… - 3 years ago

@TodayFM_nz: Tributes are flooding in and reflecting on the significant legacy of Sir Wira Gardiner since his passing late last… - 3 years ago

@Mihi_Forbes: Tā Wira, the exemplar of a public servant, no tangi to protect the health system and koha directed to St Johns. Moe… - 3 years ago

@AgeConcernNZ: Sir Wira Gardiner, veteran and dedicated public servant, dies aged 78 - 3 years ago

@ShaunCurtisNZ: Very sorry to hear of Sir Wira Gardiner passing. Amazing NZer. - 3 years ago

@TuskCulture: RT @Te_Taipo: "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness" - 3 years ago

@ortizmartin43: RT @radionz: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78. - 3 years ago

@radionz: Prominent Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78. - 3 years ago

@BQuest_SHIPsCo_: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@ServDesignPaul: RT @WhatiTeWake01: Iwi mourn the death of Sir Wira Gardiner - 3 years ago

@poneke_matt: Sir Wira Gardiner was a Māori statesman whose love for people and korero was obvious. This was evident in the way h… - 3 years ago

@MatthewHootonNZ: Great New Zealander. 😞 - 3 years ago

@NewshubNZ: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies - 3 years ago

@usasharenews: Sir Wira Gardiner, veteran and dedicated public servant, dies aged 78 - 3 years ago

@RPamatatau: RT @Te_Taipo: "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness" - 3 years ago

@madchefred: RT @Te_Taipo: "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness" - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Sir Wira Gardiner Funeral, Obituary, Burial, Memorial Service - 3 years ago

@TonyStuart55: Saddened to hear of the passing of Sir Wira Gardiner. Moe ma ra Rangitira - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Sir Wira Gardiner cause of death - 3 years ago

@zabuzaboss: RT @RichardHills_: Gutted to read news of the death of Sir Wira Gardiner. Such a significant legacy to leave behind and such a great New Ze… - 3 years ago

@usasharenews: Sir Wira Gardiner, veteran and dedicated public servant, dies aged 78 - 3 years ago

@Mykiwitwit: RT @rnz_news: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@Mykiwitwit: RT @Te_Taipo: "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness" - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Sir Wira Gardiner wife: Meet Hekia Parata - 3 years ago

@efesocollins: RT @RichardHills_: Gutted to read news of the death of Sir Wira Gardiner. Such a significant legacy to leave behind and such a great New Ze… - 3 years ago

@Silverballnz: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@mattrondavis: RT @NZLainey: A great man. A humble man. He crossed many divides to bring people together in the service of his country. Moe mai ra Tā Wira… - 3 years ago

@IRONH3ART53: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@IRONH3ART53: RT @MaramaDavidson: Aue shocked to hear this mihi kau ana ki te whānau whānui, haere atu rā Wira. "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies af… - 3 years ago

@xD69nZNVo0BcYQO: RT @MaramaDavidson: Aue shocked to hear this mihi kau ana ki te whānau whānui, haere atu rā Wira. "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies af… - 3 years ago

@TodayFM_nz: decorated Māori leader and public servant Sir Wira Gardiner has died at home with his family in Gisborne, aged 78.… - 3 years ago

@Amonish: RT @WhatiTeWake01: Iwi mourn the death of Sir Wira Gardiner - 3 years ago

@ThinkReadTweet: RT @NZLainey: A great man. A humble man. He crossed many divides to bring people together in the service of his country. Moe mai ra Tā Wira… - 3 years ago

@2covet: RT @WebTaniwha: Sad to hear of the passing of respected & inspirational Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner. He served our country, our people &… - 3 years ago

@InsidEkoMedia: Obituary News - Sir Wira Gardiner Death : Acclaimed NZ public servant and writer Sir Wira Gardiner died on Thursday… - 3 years ago

@WhatiTeWake01: Iwi mourn the death of Sir Wira Gardiner - 3 years ago

@2covet: RT @RichardHills_: Gutted to read news of the death of Sir Wira Gardiner. Such a significant legacy to leave behind and such a great New Ze… - 3 years ago

@alisondesu: RT @MaramaDavidson: Aue shocked to hear this mihi kau ana ki te whānau whānui, haere atu rā Wira. "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies af… - 3 years ago

@LoveleeLeigh: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Sir Wira Gardiner dies - #SirWiraGardiner #Sir #WiraGardiner #rip - 3 years ago

@PaciFicEduCator: Rest In Peace great Totara ❤️ (Sir Wira Gardiner dies, aged 78) ( - 3 years ago

@eternalcanary: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@MaramaDavidson: Aue shocked to hear this mihi kau ana ki te whānau whānui, haere atu rā Wira. "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner die… - 3 years ago

@MadFTaylor: RT @rnz_news: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@WellyMands: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@geehall1: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@NZLainey: A great man. A humble man. He crossed many divides to bring people together in the service of his country. Moe mai… - 3 years ago

@JadedSphnix: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@etangata: RT @Te_Taipo: "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness" - 3 years ago

@JuryTeniteni: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@NewshubPolitics: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@NewshubBreaking: RT @NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@NewshubNZ: #BREAKING: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner has died at the age of 78 - hear the details from #Newshub Late - 3 years ago

@KiffinEileen: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@kawhiowhioau: RT @tauhenare: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@RichardHills_: Gutted to read news of the death of Sir Wira Gardiner. Such a significant legacy to leave behind and such a great N… - 3 years ago

@tamatiRS: RT @rnz_news: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@lizbanas: RT @Te_Taipo: "Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness" - 3 years ago

@FoonRrc: RT @RNZTeAoMaori: Māori leader Sir Wira Gardiner dies after illness - 3 years ago

@NZStuff: Sir Wira Gardiner, a decorated Māori leader and dedicated public servant, has died. - 3 years ago

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