Sir Stephen Cleobury

British organist and musician.
Died on Saturday November 23rd 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Sir Stephen Cleobury:

@DucatMylinda: RT @VeryDeplorable: A very sad week of loss for classical music: first the great Sir Stephen Cleobury and now Mariss Jansons. May they both… - 5 years ago

@ErikRetallick: Sir Stephen Cleobury, Music Director of King’s College, Cambridge for 37 years, has died | - 5 years ago

@starryadele: RT @ChoirOfKingsCam: It is with great sadness that King’s College has learned of the death of Sir Stephen Cleobury. Stephen died in his hom… - 5 years ago

@ESDisley: RT @hismajsagbutts: Deeply saddened by the loss of Sir Stephen Cleobury, a wonderful musician who touched the lives of so many. Heartfelt c… - 5 years ago


@VeryDeplorable: RT @VeryDeplorable: A very sad week of loss for classical music: first the great Sir Stephen Cleobury and now Mariss Jansons. May they both… - 5 years ago

@BrianELogan: RT @3choirs: We are very sorry to share this news with our followers, so many of whom will be grateful for the huge contribution Stephen ma… - 5 years ago

@GermanChoirLdn: This is such a nice little video of what happens behind the scenes in preparation for Christmas Eve at King's Colle… - 5 years ago

@Tambour_Major: Cet hymne ❤️ Et l'entrée totalement bouleversante du 32' de pédale à 2'40 ❤️❤️ Avec une pensée émue pour Sir Stephe… - 5 years ago

@VeryDeplorable: A very sad week of loss for classical music: first the great Sir Stephen Cleobury and now Mariss Jansons. May they… - 5 years ago

@davidbartonmus: RT @encorepubs: Sir Stephen Cleobury’s Christmas descants: available in two collections, Sing, Choirs of Angels and Tidings of Joy. Find ou… - 5 years ago

@MHalnan: RT @WinCathedral: Following the passing of Sir Stephen Cleobury, the Choir will be singing Howells Evening Canticles ‘Collegium Regale’ at… - 5 years ago

@encorepubs: Sir Stephen Cleobury’s Christmas descants: available in two collections, Sing, Choirs of Angels and Tidings of Joy.… - 5 years ago

@tomkeene: good @Cambridge_Uni morning - 5 years ago

@leedsphil: RT @CUSChorus: It is with acute sadness that CU Symphony Chorus marks the death last week of Sir Stephen Cleobury. We are to dedicate our… - 5 years ago

@MozartCircle: RT @GramophoneMag: Sir Stephen Cleobury, conductor and organist, died on Friday, aged 70. We pay tribute, and republish our last interview… - 5 years ago

@coolearrings: RT @CUSChorus: It is with acute sadness that CU Symphony Chorus marks the death last week of Sir Stephen Cleobury. We are to dedicate our… - 5 years ago

@CUSChorus: It is with acute sadness that CU Symphony Chorus marks the death last week of Sir Stephen Cleobury. We are to dedi… - 5 years ago

@ditsy_soprano: RT @ChoirOfKingsCam: It is with great sadness that King’s College has learned of the death of Sir Stephen Cleobury. Stephen died in his hom… - 5 years ago

@KingsWorcester: RT @Old_Vigornians: We've got mixed emotions in this week's #OV news. We are delighted to introduce our new Headmaster, Gareth Doodes & we… - 5 years ago

@KingsStAlbans: RT @Old_Vigornians: We've got mixed emotions in this week's #OV news. We are delighted to introduce our new Headmaster, Gareth Doodes & we… - 5 years ago

@CantemusIn: RT @WinCathedral: Following the passing of Sir Stephen Cleobury, the Choir will be singing Howells Evening Canticles ‘Collegium Regale’ at… - 5 years ago

@WinCathedral: Following the passing of Sir Stephen Cleobury, the Choir will be singing Howells Evening Canticles ‘Collegium Regal… - 5 years ago

@RyanM_Racing: @ehcwp @ESDisley @BBCSingers Would love to read what you said about Sir Stephen Cleobury - 5 years ago

@tufnelljimmy: RT @ANethsingha: Very very sad news indeed. @stjohnscam has now lost three of its most distinguished members in rapid succession - Sir Chri… - 5 years ago

@MozartCircleCN: RT @GramophoneMag: Sir Stephen Cleobury, conductor and organist, died on Friday, aged 70. We pay tribute, and republish our last interview… - 5 years ago

@ESDisley: RT @ehcwp: Today's @BBCSingers concert is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury our former Chief Conductor & Conductor Laureate.… - 5 years ago

@KamiarMohaddes: RT @ANethsingha: Very very sad news indeed. @stjohnscam has now lost three of its most distinguished members in rapid succession - Sir Chri… - 5 years ago

@DoMTaranakiCC: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@DoMTaranakiCC: RT @ehcwp: Today's @BBCSingers concert is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury our former Chief Conductor & Conductor Laureate.… - 5 years ago

@HandelGuy: RT @stephmunceydyer: Mourning the loss of Sir Stephen Cleobury (1948—2019) @ChoirOfKingsCam @Kings_College - 5 years ago

@ProMusica_Lewes: RT @ehcwp: Today's @BBCSingers concert is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury our former Chief Conductor & Conductor Laureate.… - 5 years ago

@clarelloyd_grif: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@JCLGillingwater: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@LookingGlassD: RT @ehcwp: Today's @BBCSingers concert is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury our former Chief Conductor & Conductor Laureate.… - 5 years ago

@KSWActingHead: RT @Old_Vigornians: We've got mixed emotions in this week's #OV news. We are delighted to introduce our new Headmaster, Gareth Doodes & we… - 5 years ago

@mrgrahamross: RT @IkonArts_EPAM: Wonderful location for an afternoon concert with @mrgrahamross & @BBCSingers, dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cle… - 5 years ago

@IkonArts_EPAM: Wonderful location for an afternoon concert with @mrgrahamross & @BBCSingers, dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephe… - 5 years ago

@eleanorstrings: @DG_Music @unilincoln Can’t wait! Here’s a rehearsal clip from when I performed it with the late, wonderful, Sir St… - 5 years ago

@MozartCircleNew: RT @GramophoneMag: Sir Stephen Cleobury, conductor and organist, died on Friday, aged 70. We pay tribute, and republish our last interview… - 5 years ago

@Old_Vigornians: We've got mixed emotions in this week's #OV news. We are delighted to introduce our new Headmaster, Gareth Doodes &… - 5 years ago

@ralphallwood: RT @ehcwp: Today's @BBCSingers concert is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury our former Chief Conductor & Conductor Laureate.… - 5 years ago

@sherinf: - 5 years ago

@FriseSally: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@lyndseyevans: RT @ehcwp: Today's @BBCSingers concert is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury our former Chief Conductor & Conductor Laureate.… - 5 years ago

@RockHyrax1: Tribute to Sir Stephen Cleobury by John Rutter - 5 years ago

@nglwaug: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@DerekWa49247492: BBC Radio3 reporting: death of Sir Stephen Cleobury - quoted from obits in Guardian & Times; death of Clive Jame… - 5 years ago

@MarkRRichards4: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@JosephHsieh6: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@JWHallBaritone: RT @ehcwp: Today's @BBCSingers concert is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury our former Chief Conductor & Conductor Laureate.… - 5 years ago

@ehcwp: Today's @BBCSingers concert is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury our former Chief Conductor & Conduct… - 5 years ago

@AliceGribbin: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@CollersB: RT @BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate… - 5 years ago

@NickBasson1971: RT @annalapwood: Really moving to hear this archive interview with Sir Stephen Cleobury ahead of his first Carols from Kings in 1982. Hear… - 5 years ago

@BBCSingers: This afternoon’s concert in St Paul’s Knightsbridge is dedicated to the memory of Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor L… - 5 years ago

@rfdenison: RT @annalapwood: Really moving to hear this archive interview with Sir Stephen Cleobury ahead of his first Carols from Kings in 1982. Hear… - 5 years ago

@mcleish_t: RT @annalapwood: Really moving to hear this archive interview with Sir Stephen Cleobury ahead of his first Carols from Kings in 1982. Hear… - 5 years ago

@heidiannhall: RT @annalapwood: Tonight’s #ClassicalCambridgeshire will be a special tribute to Sir Stephen Cleobury. Talking to friends & colleagues I’m… - 5 years ago

@P_Ladega: RT @annalapwood: Really moving to hear this archive interview with Sir Stephen Cleobury ahead of his first Carols from Kings in 1982. Hear… - 5 years ago

@fredric_wertham: RT @BBCSingers: Sir Stephen Cleobury, Conductor Laureate of the BBC Singers, and Chief Conductor from 1995 until 2007, has sadly passed awa… - 5 years ago

@petermannion: Beautifully said! A poignant and meaningful tribute to Stephen Cleobury by composer John Rutter John Rutter: A Tr… - 5 years ago

@janfmVI: RT @annalapwood: Really moving to hear this archive interview with Sir Stephen Cleobury ahead of his first Carols from Kings in 1982. Hear… - 5 years ago

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