Sir Ronald Davison

New Zealand judge
Died on Thursday July 2nd 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Sir Ronald Davison:

@nykonews: Obituary: Former chief justice and Winebox commissioner Sir Ronald Davison

@SysoonMemorial: Sir Ronald Keith Davison (1920 - 2015), died at age 94 years: was the tenth Chief Justice…

@TR_NZ: Former Chief Justice Dies - The Former Chief Justice Sir Ronald Davison, renowned for his role inthe Wine Box tax ...

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Sir Ronald Davison - #SirRonaldDavison #Sir #RonaldDavison #dead #rip


@saikyoushi: 2日Sir Ronald Davisonが死去。94歳。元ニュージーランド首席判事(78-89年)。78年首席判事就任に際して大英帝国騎士団大十字騎士に、同年イギリス枢密顧問官に叙任された。



@hannahnortonnz: RT @CourtsofNZ: Chief Justice notes passing of Sir Ronald Davison

@Publics_Notices: NZ Beehive | Attorney-General extends condolences following the death of Sir Ronald Davison

@AucklandNowNZ: Former Chief Justice Sir Ronald Davison dies

@nzsage: Chief Justice notes passing of Sir Ronald Davison: Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias notes with...

@CourtsofNZ: Chief Justice notes passing of Sir Ronald Davison

@theObituaries: Winebox Inquiry chair Sir Ronald Davison dies - Radio New Zealand

@vofnnewzealand: Winebox Inquiry chair Sir Ronald Davison dies: Former Chief Justice Sir Ronald Davison has died at his home at...

@ShakingStick: Sir Ronald Davison has died, (94). #RIP

@rnz_news: Winebox Inquiry chair Sir Ronald Davison dies

@jusetinbieberr: Former NZ judicial leader dies: Sir Ronald Davison, the former Chief Justice best known for his role in the Wi...

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