Sir Richard Swinburn

British army general
Died on Friday October 13th 2017

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Tweets related to Sir Richard Swinburn:

@Haz882: RT @allan_mallinson: The obituary of a proper general. @DefenceHQ wouldn't know what hit them were he there now. - 7 years ago

@allan_mallinson: The obituary of a proper general. @DefenceHQ wouldn't know what hit them were he there now. - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 17 003) #British #Lieutenant #General #Sir #Richard #Swinburn 79 #KCB dies #October 11, 2017 (17/21L & QRL) - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sir Richard Swinburn is no longer with us - #Sir #rip - 7 years ago

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