Sir Peter Fry

British politician
Died on Tuesday May 12th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Sir Peter Fry:

@adaul989: * Tributes paid as ex-Conservative MP Sir Peter Fry dies on

@2908barryg: Sad day attending the funeral of Sir Peter Fry. Funeral service celebrated his life and was composed by Peter himself

@FrankMenger: Interessant dit soort artikelen.

@CzAivenev: Tributes as ex-Conservative MP dies Tributes are paid to former Conservative MP for Wellingborough and Rushden, Sir Peter Fry, who has di


@Barbara76906790: Tributes paid as ex-Conservative MP Sir Peter Fry dies on

@LindaBr40303458: - Tributes paid as ex-Conservative MP Sir Peter Fry dies on

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