Sir Jeremy Heywood

British civil servant
Died on Sunday November 4th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Sir Jeremy Heywood:

@CSWnews: Missed the Civil Service Awards? Read about the winners here, announced in a ceremony that paid tribute to Sir Jere… - 6 years ago

@RobertJ161: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@Markchris0: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@Lukeruby7: RT @David_Cameron: Sir Jeremy Heywood is the outstanding civil servant of his generation. Sam and I wish him well with his retirement, trea… - 6 years ago


@TauheedulGirls: RT @MuftiPatel: Deeply saddened by passing of Sir Jeremy Heywood today. A loyal servant of our country and a true patriot. Will be hugely… - 6 years ago

@Matterific4MAGA: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@Gallycat12: RT @bbcnickrobinson: Sad news. Sir Jeremy Heywood - Cabinet Secretary - has died of cancer aged just 56. He continued to work for his count… - 6 years ago

@HMPPS_PiPP: RT @MoJDandI: We are forever in the debt of Sir Jeremy Heywood and his commitment to leading to Civil Service that has diversity and inclus… - 6 years ago

@CSWnews: 2018 Civil Service Award winners announced in ceremony that paid tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood:… - 6 years ago

@Mr_IanP: RT @CSWnews: Meet the winners of the 2018 Civil Service Awards: - 6 years ago

@az2bw: RT @CSWnews: Meet the winners of the 2018 Civil Service Awards: - 6 years ago

@Charmel78: RT @CSWnews: Meet the winners of the 2018 Civil Service Awards: - 6 years ago

@CSWnews: Meet the winners of the 2018 Civil Service Awards: - 6 years ago

@MEsufally: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@jbsandown: RT @Keir_Starmer: The sad death of Jeremy Heywood is a huge loss to public service. A real champion of the civil service and a remarkable m… - 6 years ago

@DefenceCutsCost: RT @CSWnews: The #CSAwards is now hearing from colleagues who worked with Sir Jeremy Heywood and the impact he had across the civil service… - 6 years ago

@paris03fr: RT @David_Cameron: Desperately sad news about Sir Jeremy Heywood. He was an amazing man, brilliant civil servant and dedicated to our count… - 6 years ago

@Gallycat12: RT @10DowningStreet: “This is extremely sad news and all of my thoughts are with Jeremy’s family and friends.” - PM @theresa_may on the dea… - 6 years ago

@beckie__smith: Sir Mark Sedwill and Richard Heaton open the #CSAwards - but first, tributes to Sir Jeremy Heywood - 6 years ago

@MikeABaker12: Congratulations to all the brilliant civil servants recognised in #CSAwards tonight for remarkable pubic service an… - 6 years ago

@JasonFeeney5: RT @CSWnews: Sir MArk Sedwill says that his word for remembering Sor Jeremy Heywood is unfollowable, which he says Jeremy would doubtless h… - 6 years ago

@CraigWatkinsEY: Tonight's civil service awards have been a brilliant tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood and his vision for the Civil Ser… - 6 years ago

@SG_PrimaryCare: @PermSecScot @scotgov Thanks! So proud to be here with Sir Jeremy Heywood's family to celebrate… - 6 years ago

@JHillCBE: RT @CSWnews: The award is being awarded in memory of Sir Jeremy Heywood and is being presented by his wife Suzanne, who gets a strong recep… - 6 years ago

@CSWnews: The award is being awarded in memory of Sir Jeremy Heywood and is being presented by his wife Suzanne, who gets a s… - 6 years ago

@CSWnews: The real winners are the people of the United Kingdom, who could not wish for better civil servants says May, and s… - 6 years ago

@CSWnews: The #CSAwards is now hearing a video tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood from PM Theresa May @10DowningStreet. The best t… - 6 years ago

@Emmasheldonz: Knight Grand Cross conferred on Sir Jeremy Heywood - 6 years ago

@DRUGSTORE_CLTR: The former Head of the Civil Service has died aged 56. - 6 years ago

@browniteblog: - 6 years ago

@lizzythemule: RT @HertfordCollege: We’re deeply saddened to learn of the death of alumnus and Honorary Fellow Sir Jeremy Heywood, a great friend of Hertf… - 6 years ago

@SavitriDewanga1: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@AWQHenstridge: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@SNPAdmin: 'Extraordinary' former head of UK civil service Sir Jeremy Heywood dies from cancer - 6 years ago

@MsNRuk: RT @CSWnews: In light of today's news, the forthcoming issue of Civil Service World will be a special tribute issue to Sir Jeremy Heywood - 6 years ago

@RichGreenhill: Sir Jeremy Heywood, Lord Heywood of Whitehall, promoted from K.C.B. to G.C.B., “Ordinary Member of the Civil Divisi… - 6 years ago

@NewsBuffM: Ex-civil service chief Sir Jeremy Heywood dies - 6 years ago

@sandi_childs: RT @BenNutland: Very sad to wake up to the news that Sir Jeremy Heywood has passed away. A dedicated public servant and outstanding cabinet… - 6 years ago

@NomenChanX: RT @10DowningStreet: “This is extremely sad news and all of my thoughts are with Jeremy’s family and friends.” - PM @theresa_may on the dea… - 6 years ago

@ReddropOscar: RT @gileskenningham: Sir Jeremy Heywood's death is a huge loss to public life. A towering figure who was universally liked - he made an imm… - 6 years ago

@lalojimjuarez: RT @10DowningStreet: “This is extremely sad news and all of my thoughts are with Jeremy’s family and friends.” - PM @theresa_may on the dea… - 6 years ago

@HaiyanWu7: RT @10DowningStreet: “This is extremely sad news and all of my thoughts are with Jeremy’s family and friends.” - PM @theresa_may on the dea… - 6 years ago

@Ageing_Better: Our condolences go to the family of former Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood and our deep thanks to him for his supp… - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: British civil servant, Sir Jeremy Heywood, Died at 56 - 6 years ago

@entbuz: British civil servant, Sir Jeremy Heywood, Died at 56 - 6 years ago

@121reggae: British civil servant, Sir Jeremy Heywood, Died at 56 - 6 years ago

@ForwardInst: We were very sad to hear Sir Jeremy Heywood passed away. He was a highly valued advisor and senior sponsor and was… - 6 years ago

@aortic_pumps: Sir #Jeremy #Heywood, erstwhile furniture secretary and #political entity civilised pedagogue, dies of Crab age bra… - 6 years ago

@kimberl26667531: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@aaerch2: Ex-civil service chief Sir Jeremy Heywood dies from cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@ProperDemocrat: RT @PoliticalPics: Something going on with Cabinet arriving at No10 lots wearing Black outfits, could be in respect for Sir Jeremy Heywood!… - 6 years ago

@BySpoke: RT @PoliticalPics: Something going on with Cabinet arriving at No10 lots wearing Black outfits, could be in respect for Sir Jeremy Heywood!… - 6 years ago

@PoliticalPics: Something going on with Cabinet arriving at No10 lots wearing Black outfits, could be in respect for Sir Jeremy Heywood! Or another reason. - 6 years ago

@vrai777: $BNews:Downing Street says former Cabinet Secretary and head of the Civil Service Sir Jeremy Heywood has died from cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@CSW_DepEd: Jeremy Heywood “set the highest standards and challenged us to meet them" | Cabinet secretary Sir Mark Sedwill's tr… - 6 years ago

@benjamingrice13: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@Haydnpress: RT @yorkpress: Four prime ministers have paid tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood - a former York school boy. #York @BoothamSchool @BoothamOldSch… - 6 years ago

@yorkpress: RT @yorkpress: Four prime ministers have paid tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood - a former York school boy. #York @BoothamSchool @BoothamOldSch… - 6 years ago

@YanaHomesLA: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@HmmMoorhead: RT @PermSecScot: My thoughts are with the family of Sir Jeremy Heywood on hearing this sad news today. Jeremy was a valued colleague & a so… - 6 years ago

@ana_captures: RT @macmillanPA: Very moving to read the tributes for Sir Jeremy Heywood over the weekend. He will he missed by all those who knew him. Our… - 6 years ago

@CliveBooth: RT @10DowningStreet: “This is extremely sad news and all of my thoughts are with Jeremy’s family and friends.” - PM @theresa_may on the dea… - 6 years ago

@moath2013aaa: RT @VickiTreadell: PM Theresa May and Sir Mark Sedwill's statement on Jeremy Heywood - 6 years ago

@Lisardo_GE: RT @Salim_SYR: Extremely saddened by news of Sir Jeremy Heywood’s death. He was generous to offer his time and knowledge to class 2017 ⁦@Bl… - 6 years ago

@dhuibap: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@htuan030982: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@cllrhbhatti: RT @MoJDandI: We are forever in the debt of Sir Jeremy Heywood and his commitment to leading to Civil Service that has diversity and inclus… - 6 years ago

@nlbang1980: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@hmzekinci: RT @BethRigby: Suzanne Heywood on the death of her husband Sir Jeremy. “He could light up any room or conversation” “For me, he was my wond… - 6 years ago

@evanwilliams_tv: RT @bbcnickrobinson: Sad news. Sir Jeremy Heywood - Cabinet Secretary - has died of cancer aged just 56. He continued to work for his count… - 6 years ago

@IainMac9: RT @williamnhutton: Very sad to learn of the untimely death of cabiney secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood at 56 - a man who retained a passionate… - 6 years ago

@tshep42: RT @williamnhutton: Very sad to learn of the untimely death of cabiney secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood at 56 - a man who retained a passionate… - 6 years ago

@VeeWilliams_: RT @ayymanduh: Thank you Sir Jeremy Heywood. - 6 years ago

@ely_Inyork: RT @yorkpress: Four prime ministers have paid tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood - a former York school boy. #York @BoothamSchool @BoothamOldSch… - 6 years ago

@BeverleyByford: RT @EmiliaCedeno82: “Creating a culture where it is safe to challenge is very important as well. You’ve got to have a culture in which anyb… - 6 years ago

@CSW_DepEd: Jeremy Heywood “set the highest standards and challenged us to meet them" | Cabinet secretary Sir Mark Sedwill's tr… - 6 years ago

@speakerpolitics: Tributes are continuing for Sir Jeremy Heywood, who passed away this weekend. #civilservice #ukpolitics - 6 years ago

@cuscorepublica: RT @GCHQ: Today we pay tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood. He was a friend of GCHQ and a remarkable Civil Servant, who served his country with d… - 6 years ago

@Johnadoyle1974: RT @David_Cameron: Desperately sad news about Sir Jeremy Heywood. He was an amazing man, brilliant civil servant and dedicated to our count… - 6 years ago

@ClairedeFossard: Former civil service chief Jeremy Heywood dies aged 56 - 6 years ago

@stewmott: RT @David_Cameron: Desperately sad news about Sir Jeremy Heywood. He was an amazing man, brilliant civil servant and dedicated to our count… - 6 years ago

@hydrazine: RT @yorkpress: Four prime ministers have paid tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood - a former York school boy. #York @BoothamSchool @BoothamOldSch… - 6 years ago

@h0rxh: RT @GCHQ: Today we pay tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood. He was a friend of GCHQ and a remarkable Civil Servant, who served his country with d… - 6 years ago

@BoothamSchool: RT @yorkpress: Four prime ministers have paid tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood - a former York school boy. #York @BoothamSchool @BoothamOldSch… - 6 years ago

@telegraphobits: RT @martinjohnfarr: The best of Lord Heywood's obituaries: "Cabinet Secretary at the heart of British politics for a quarter of a century":… - 6 years ago

@Imammismail: RT @patel_hilary: A sad day Sir Jeremy Heywood, Former Cabinet Secretary, Dies Aged 56 - HuffPost UK - 6 years ago

@ellenbroad: I was so sorry to hear about this. While I was working in the UK Sir Jeremy Heywood’s influence and philosophy coul… - 6 years ago

@Maurizio_Pilu: RT @ClareMoriarty: RIP Sir Jeremy Heywood, civil servant and public servant extraordinaire. As @HeadUKCivServ he held the civil service thr… - 6 years ago

@WhosoeverWill1: RT @BBCBreaking: Sir Jeremy Heywood, former cabinet secretary and civil service head, dies of cancer aged 56 - 6 years ago

@yorkpress: Four prime ministers have paid tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood - a former York school boy. #York @BoothamSchool… - 6 years ago

@PaulPaul49: RT @Avitusparta: Sir Jeremy Heywood denies Chilcot Inquiry cover up> - 6 years ago

@ben_guerin: RT @aliceolilly: A really lovely, touching tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood and his incredible record of public service from @jillongovt https… - 6 years ago

@ajreidwrites: Warm testimony @olyduff @theipaper as a farewell to Sir Jeremy Heywood,Head of the Civil Service. I spoke to a clos… - 6 years ago

@oohincensed: RT @Avitusparta: Sir Jeremy Heywood denies Chilcot Inquiry cover up> - 6 years ago

@Stacey198901: RT @Avitusparta: Sir Jeremy Heywood denies Chilcot Inquiry cover up> - 6 years ago

@AlexKerr3: RT @SamCoatesTimes: Death of Jeremy Heywood Each cabinet secretary does the job in a different way.I outlined Sir Jeremy Heywood’s unique… - 6 years ago

@Avitusparta: Sir Jeremy Heywood denies Chilcot Inquiry cover up> - 6 years ago

@vincey45660: RT @zoeconway1: Sir Jeremy Heywood was my husband’s boss for many years. When Chris died, Sir Jeremy’s humanity and compassion shone throug… - 6 years ago

@irGwyn: RT @GCHQ: Today we pay tribute to Sir Jeremy Heywood. He was a friend of GCHQ and a remarkable Civil Servant, who served his country with d… - 6 years ago

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