Sir James Gobbo

Australian politician
Died on Sunday November 7th 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Sir James Gobbo:

@NickThiwerspoon: ‘A great and good man’: Victoria farewells Sir James Gobbo - 3 years ago

@ac_brite: A life well lived of service to others vale Sir James Gobbo - 3 years ago

@MoroccoCouncil: RT @VicGovernor: Vale to a great Victorian, the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, who, as the 25th Governor of Victoria, has left a legacy of… - 3 years ago

@catherinecrock: RT @VicGovernor: Vale to a great Victorian, the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, who, as the 25th Governor of Victoria, has left a legacy of… - 3 years ago


@VicGovernor: Vale to a great Victorian, the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, who, as the 25th Governor of Victoria, has left a leg… - 3 years ago

@BellzWebster: RT @theage: Victoria’s political leaders and sharpest legal minds gathered to commemorate the life and prodigious achievements of the state… - 3 years ago

@theage: Victoria’s political leaders and sharpest legal minds gathered to commemorate the life and prodigious achievements… - 3 years ago

@Newscolony_: ‘A great and good man’: Victoria farewells Sir James Gobbo - 3 years ago

@kellynettlefold: My sincere condolences to the Gobbo family, for the passing of Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC. A great loss to our Natio… - 3 years ago

@DAngeloFisher: RT @SenRaffCiccone: Remembering the life of Sir James Gobbo, former Governor of Victoria, at St Patrick’s Cathedral today. Sir James led a… - 3 years ago

@sir_alex52: RT @SenRaffCiccone: Remembering the life of Sir James Gobbo, former Governor of Victoria, at St Patrick’s Cathedral today. Sir James led a… - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @SenRaffCiccone: Remembering the life of Sir James Gobbo, former Governor of Victoria, at St Patrick’s Cathedral today. Sir James led a… - 3 years ago

@QldGovernor: The Governor this afternoon viewed the livestream of the State Funeral Service for former Governor of Victoria, the… - 3 years ago

@SenRaffCiccone: Remembering the life of Sir James Gobbo, former Governor of Victoria, at St Patrick’s Cathedral today. Sir James l… - 3 years ago

@7NewsMelbourne: A state funeral has been held today at St Patrick's Cathedral to honour Sir James Gobbo. 7NEWS at 6pm | More local… - 3 years ago

@GraffitiExpert: Her late father's brother Sir James Gobbo, who was a Supreme Court Judge and later the 25th Governor of Victoria, r… - 3 years ago

@FrenchProfessor: Pleased to be able to share in the funeral of Sir James Gobbo via livestream from - 3 years ago

@ISS__Institute: A State Funeral Service for The Honourable Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC will be held today at 3pm at St Patrick’s Cat… - 3 years ago

@MasonPeterJ: RT @VicParliament: The flags on Parliament House are being flown at half-mast in remembrance of The Honourable Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, t… - 3 years ago

@franpaterson: Vale Jim. For those who wanted to be here but couldn’t, here is the live feed link for the service at 3pm AEDT toda… - 3 years ago

@pmc_gov_au: #FlagNotice: The Australian National Flag will be flown at half-mast all day today in Victoria for the State Funera… - 3 years ago

@SpookyLib: Vale Sir James Gobbo, AC, CVO, QC. - - 3 years ago

@veneto_: RT @SBSitalian: La storia di un italoustraliano, figlio di immigrati veneti, diventato Governatore Generale del Victoria #ItaliansinAustral… - 3 years ago

@Philotherianizm: RT @AusAmbHolySee: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of 🇦🇺 Sir James Gobbo, who helped make Australia the multicultural nation that i… - 3 years ago

@SBSitalian: La storia di un italoustraliano, figlio di immigrati veneti, diventato Governatore Generale del Victoria… - 3 years ago

@glebbern: RT @AusAmbHolySee: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of 🇦🇺 Sir James Gobbo, who helped make Australia the multicultural nation that i… - 3 years ago

@clementclarke: RT @BishopComensoli: It is sad to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. A great Australian and proud Victorian. Sir James was a man of fait… - 3 years ago

@ilglobonews: Martedì prossimo funerali di Stato presso la cattedrale di St Patrick di Melbourne per Sir James Gobbo. Abbiamo rac… - 3 years ago

@davidbewart: RT @leonetwo: @davidbewart @RobWeller3 A "career" that lasted only about 11 years including only 2 as associate to Sir James Gobbo. He was… - 3 years ago

@leonetwo: @davidbewart @RobWeller3 A "career" that lasted only about 11 years including only 2 as associate to Sir James Gobb… - 3 years ago

@davidbewart: RT @davidbewart: @AG82339555 After graduation, he worked for the Law Institute of Victoria from 1980 to 1983, as a research solicitor and c… - 3 years ago

@davidbewart: @AG82339555 After graduation, he worked for the Law Institute of Victoria from 1980 to 1983, as a research solicito… - 3 years ago

@ilglobonews: Start your day with a copy of today’s paper for the latest news around the world, including our special about Sir J… - 3 years ago

@cusackandrew: Cardinal Pell asked us to pray for the soul of “Jim Gobbo” — Sir James Augustine Gobbo AC CVO QC — who died this we… - 3 years ago

@KostelacPaul: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@jimgandolf: RT @orderofmaltaau: 60 Members, Candidates and friends of the #OrderofMalta participated in an online Rosary yesterday evening, in memory o… - 3 years ago

@CAllderladd: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@Filomen14305414: RT @AusAmbHolySee: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of 🇦🇺 Sir James Gobbo, who helped make Australia the multicultural nation that i… - 3 years ago

@orderofmaltaau: 60 Members, Candidates and friends of the #OrderofMalta participated in an online Rosary yesterday evening, in memo… - 3 years ago

@SuperQueer619: Horacio the handsnake - Sir James Gobbo - 3 years ago

@ISS__Institute: A beautiful tribute to the life of Sir James Gobbo - former Governor of Victoria and ISS Institute founder - appear… - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 24 720) #Australian #judge , #Former #Victorian #governor 1997-2000 #Sir #James #Gobbo #dies #November… - 3 years ago

@magdalenoxford: RT @magdalenoxford: Magdalen alumnus Sir James Gobbo (1952) has died at the age of 90 - 3 years ago

@diiorio_amalia: RT @ISS__Institute: Tributes are flowing in for ISS Institute founder and board member Sir James Gobbo, who will receive a state funeral ne… - 3 years ago

@Dehler45: RT @VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous service… - 3 years ago

@peteb1975: @DanielAndrewsMP Shame you have none of the integrity and morals that made Sir James Gobbo such a well respected fi… - 3 years ago

@ilglobonews: On Sunday November 7, prominent Italo-Australian Sir James Gobbo sadly passed away. The former governor of Victoria… - 3 years ago

@ISS__Institute: Tributes are flowing in for ISS Institute founder and board member Sir James Gobbo, who will receive a state funera… - 3 years ago

@HazRobert: @DanielAndrewsMP I remember George VI and Queen Elizabeth. I remember very few state or federal governors which ref… - 3 years ago

@AUSTRALIANMULT2: On behalf of the Australian Multicultural Foundation board, Chairman, executive, and staff, it is with great sadnes… - 3 years ago

@Sey2S: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@JWGill3: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@lorraindeer: RT @SParnis: In respectful memory of a good, humble man, who used his prodigious talents to make Victoria a better place. He never forgot w… - 3 years ago

@MJA_Editor: RT @SParnis: In respectful memory of a good, humble man, who used his prodigious talents to make Victoria a better place. He never forgot w… - 3 years ago

@StathHawk: RT @JTasioulas: “He was a great Australian, always conscious and proud of his Italian heritage.” RIP Sir James Gobbo - 3 years ago

@rbaldett19: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@PercyMaltese: RT @AusAmbHolySee: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of 🇦🇺 Sir James Gobbo, who helped make Australia the multicultural nation that i… - 3 years ago

@ausheadlinebot: The Age altered a news headline: - 3 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: RT @rachelbaxendale: Sir James Gobbo, the 25th governor of Victoria, has died aged 90, prompting a flow of tributes. - 3 years ago

@petedavo_au: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@MSMWatchdog2013: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@FatherBob: RT @VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous service… - 3 years ago

@ShahidMobeen1: RT @AusAmbHolySee: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of 🇦🇺 Sir James Gobbo, who helped make Australia the multicultural nation that i… - 3 years ago

@Vaxman80: RT @AusAmbHolySee: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of 🇦🇺 Sir James Gobbo, who helped make Australia the multicultural nation that i… - 3 years ago

@AiseStampa: SBS Italian/ Sir James Gobbo: se ne va una delle anime della comunità italoaustraliana - di Massimiliano Gugole e D… - 3 years ago

@Mapleandmadeli1: RT @SParnis: In respectful memory of a good, humble man, who used his prodigious talents to make Victoria a better place. He never forgot w… - 3 years ago

@blackoton: RT @SParnis: In respectful memory of a good, humble man, who used his prodigious talents to make Victoria a better place. He never forgot w… - 3 years ago

@BLUEfingers2021: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@aDottore: RT @AusAmbRome: Pochi hanno fatto di più per promuovere il rapporto 🇦🇺🇮🇹 di Sir James Gobbo, che purtroppo e’ venuto a mancare ieri. Qui co… - 3 years ago

@BishopComensoli: RT @AusAmbHolySee: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of 🇦🇺 Sir James Gobbo, who helped make Australia the multicultural nation that i… - 3 years ago

@firenzeforti: RT @theage: He spoke not a word of English when, aged seven, he moved to Australia from Italy with his family. Yet he became a Supreme Cour… - 3 years ago

@larissa_reid: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@johns_education: RT @ISS__Institute: Sir James Gobbo, founder of the ISS Institute, passed away at the age of 90. It was Sir James’ vision for a better skil… - 3 years ago

@Swineton: RT @SParnis: In respectful memory of a good, humble man, who used his prodigious talents to make Victoria a better place. He never forgot w… - 3 years ago

@diiorio_amalia: RT @ilglobonews: Get a copy of today’s paper for the latest news around the world, including updates on the big protest day at COP26 climat… - 3 years ago

@diiorio_amalia: RT @VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous service… - 3 years ago

@Mazza793: Sir James Gobbo’s rise from humble beginnings to state governor - 3 years ago

@catherinecrock: RT @SParnis: In respectful memory of a good, humble man, who used his prodigious talents to make Victoria a better place. He never forgot w… - 3 years ago

@benwatson200: Vale - 3 years ago

@BLUEfingers2021: RT @SParnis: In respectful memory of a good, humble man, who used his prodigious talents to make Victoria a better place. He never forgot w… - 3 years ago

@SParnis: In respectful memory of a good, humble man, who used his prodigious talents to make Victoria a better place. He nev… - 3 years ago

@APadeau: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@SunnySparks01: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@MirageNewsCom: Late Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC #Australia #Australian #AustralianGovernment #Catholic… - 3 years ago

@mattinodipadova: Figlio di una coppia di Cittadella, è stato il primo discendente italiano nominato giudice della Corte suprema e po… - 3 years ago

@nuova_venezia: Figlio di una coppia di Cittadella, è stato il primo discendente italiano nominato giudice della Corte suprema e po… - 3 years ago

@GoldSuzie: RT @VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous service… - 3 years ago

@Missamy231: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@tribuna_treviso: Figlio di una coppia di Cittadella, è stato il primo discendente italiano nominato giudice della Corte suprema e po… - 3 years ago

@CorriereAlpi: Figlio di una coppia di Cittadella, è stato il primo discendente italiano nominato giudice della Corte suprema e po… - 3 years ago

@Mustang47636855: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@MsMelbourne3: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@pmc_gov_au: Media Statement PM @ScottMorrisonMP: The Late Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC - 3 years ago

@simongrenfell: RT @orderofmaltaau: Sir James was one of the original 13 foundation members of the Australian Association of the Sovereign #OrderofMalta ht… - 3 years ago

@Susan29191404: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@7NewsMelbourne: Former Governor of Victoria Sir James Gobbo is being remembered for his incredible contribution to the nation, afte… - 3 years ago

@Crystal56406138: RT @LameLoonyLeft: Wonder if Lawyer X will attend State funeral details for Sir James Gobbo revealed - 3 years ago

@nicoleyc17: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@PreAmpPlus: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@maztrev18: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@Eve5810: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@008moonside: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@LameLoonyLeft: Wonder if Lawyer X will attend State funeral details for Sir James Gobbo revealed - 3 years ago

@CommonManMartin: So, @abcnews, did @DanielAndrewsMP offer condolences to the deceased, or to his family? And why have you used twe… - 3 years ago

@saffyishere: RT @tandigi: @DanielAndrewsMP As the child of Italian migrants, I felt great pride when James Gobbo was made Governor of Victoria. Sir Gobb… - 3 years ago

@MadVet2000: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@saffyishere: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@xskinn: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@ANMallis: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@peterdvlahos: Vale Sir James Gobbo QC AC Jugde of the Supreme Court of Victoria and 25th Governor of Victoria. A distinguished… - 3 years ago

@AndreasKullman4: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@bsadams25: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@darren_c_martin: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@PaulKostelac: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@margelliott6: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@marieeandstuar2: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@Sandra_Sully: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: Sir James Gobbo led a life of service as Governor of Victoria, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and as a Victorian Supr… - 3 years ago

@MelbDeesFTW: RT @tandigi: @DanielAndrewsMP As the child of Italian migrants, I felt great pride when James Gobbo was made Governor of Victoria. Sir Gobb… - 3 years ago

@kattrejones: RT @BishopComensoli: It is sad to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. A great Australian and proud Victorian. Sir James was a man of fait… - 3 years ago

@catherinecrock: RT @VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous service… - 3 years ago

@Basant50457197: RT @rachelbaxendale: Sir James Gobbo, the 25th governor of Victoria, has died aged 90, prompting a flow of tributes. - 3 years ago

@australian: RT @rachelbaxendale: Sir James Gobbo, the 25th governor of Victoria, has died aged 90, prompting a flow of tributes. - 3 years ago

@rachelbaxendale: Sir James Gobbo, the 25th governor of Victoria, has died aged 90, prompting a flow of tributes. - 3 years ago

@damonTheOz: RT @australian: Sir James Gobbo, the 25th governor of Victoria, has died aged 90, prompting a flow of tributes. - 3 years ago

@roshaimurdoch: RT @VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous service… - 3 years ago

@iamtheoracle: RT @australian: Sir James Gobbo, the 25th governor of Victoria, has died aged 90, prompting a flow of tributes. - 3 years ago

@maztrev18: RT @VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous service… - 3 years ago

@ViscountBrooky: RT @VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous service… - 3 years ago

@VicGovernor: Mourning the passing of the Hon Sir James Gobbo AC CVO QC, 25th Governor of Victoria, and remembering his generous… - 3 years ago

@australian: Sir James Gobbo, the 25th governor of Victoria, has died aged 90, prompting a flow of tributes. - 3 years ago

@tonytardio: Some years ago I was having drink in the courtyard of the hotel Quirinaleon via Nazionale in Rome and the very di… - 3 years ago

@jimgandolf: RT @orderofmaltaau: Sir James was one of the original 13 foundation members of the Australian Association of the Sovereign #OrderofMalta ht… - 3 years ago

@orderofmaltaau: Sir James was one of the original 13 foundation members of the Australian Association of the Sovereign #OrderofMalta - 3 years ago

@rwade300: RT @bmcsherr: Saddened to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. I was privileged to have been his Associate in the Vic Supreme Court for 3… - 3 years ago

@ANZAPPL: RT @bmcsherr: Saddened to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. I was privileged to have been his Associate in the Vic Supreme Court for 3… - 3 years ago

@bmcsherr: Saddened to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. I was privileged to have been his Associate in the Vic Supreme Co… - 3 years ago

@plalor: RT @tony_debolfo: Sorry to learn of the passing of Sir James Gobbo, the former Supreme Court Judge, Governor of Victoria, lifelong Carlton… - 3 years ago

@kfm52: RT @tony_debolfo: Sorry to learn of the passing of Sir James Gobbo, the former Supreme Court Judge, Governor of Victoria, lifelong Carlton… - 3 years ago

@RichForrest2: RT @theage: Sir James was the 25th governor of Victoria from 1997 until 2000 under premiers Jeff Kennett and Steve Bracks. “He made an incr… - 3 years ago

@ilglobonews: Get a copy of today’s paper for the latest news around the world, including updates on the big protest day at COP26… - 3 years ago

@tony_debolfo: Sorry to learn of the passing of Sir James Gobbo, the former Supreme Court Judge, Governor of Victoria, lifelong Ca… - 3 years ago

@sxymlbgy: RT @theage: Sir James was the 25th governor of Victoria from 1997 until 2000 under premiers Jeff Kennett and Steve Bracks. “He made an incr… - 3 years ago

@theage: Sir James was the 25th governor of Victoria from 1997 until 2000 under premiers Jeff Kennett and Steve Bracks. “He… - 3 years ago

@MarkAClarkson: @JoeAssi The wider family relationships were strained quite early when in order to become… - 3 years ago

@Vaxman80: Vale Sir James Gobbo. Requesciat in Pace. - 3 years ago

@JoeAssi: Unless he suffered from dementia, he went to the grave knowing the shame the disgraced Nicola Gobbo brought to the… - 3 years ago

@In___Memoriam: ✝️ The Hon. Sir James Augustine GOBBO, AC, CVO, QC 🗓 22 Mar. 1931 - 7 Nov. 2021 🗺 🇦🇺 📝 Jurist Gobbo was a judge of… - 3 years ago

@Omegaville: RT @BishopComensoli: It is sad to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. A great Australian and proud Victorian. Sir James was a man of fait… - 3 years ago

@jeremystuparich: RT @BishopComensoli: It is sad to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. A great Australian and proud Victorian. Sir James was a man of fait… - 3 years ago

@atthegallops: RT @BishopComensoli: It is sad to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. A great Australian and proud Victorian. Sir James was a man of fait… - 3 years ago

@catholicmelb: RT @BishopComensoli: It is sad to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. A great Australian and proud Victorian. Sir James was a man of fait… - 3 years ago

@BishopComensoli: It is sad to hear of the death of Sir James Gobbo. A great Australian and proud Victorian. Sir James was a man of f… - 3 years ago

@YvonneGunn: RT @AaronDodd: Technically @theage, the Governor is above the Premiers, not under as you have written.#auspol - 3 years ago

@AaronDodd: Technically @theage, the Governor is above the Premiers, not under as you have written.#auspol - 3 years ago

@linda__paoli: RT @AlanTudgeMP: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir James Gobbo. He made an incredible contribution to this nation & was a true gentleman. H… - 3 years ago

@briannekeogh11: Sad to hear about the passing of Sir James Gobbo today. It was a pleasure to work alongside him at @ISS__Institute… - 3 years ago

@ausheadlinebot: The Age altered a news headline: - 3 years ago

@Gazzettino: Morto sir #james gobbo, grande veneto-australiano - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by watoday - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by watoday - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by brisbanetimes - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by The Age - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by Brisbane Times - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by The Age - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by The Sydney Morning Herald - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by The Sydney Morning Herald - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @AlanTudgeMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by theage - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Sir James Gobbo - #SirJamesGobbo #Sir #JamesGobbo #rip - 3 years ago

@pithanianudeep: RT @AlanTudgeMP: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir James Gobbo. He made an incredible contribution to this nation & was a true gentleman. H… - 3 years ago

@MayneReport: Vale Sir James Gobbo, who passed away over the weekend. Will be best remembered as a former Supreme court judge and… - 3 years ago

@harry_bellamy98: RT @AlanTudgeMP: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir James Gobbo. He made an incredible contribution to this nation & was a true gentleman. H… - 3 years ago

@LoughnaneB: RT @AlanTudgeMP: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir James Gobbo. He made an incredible contribution to this nation & was a true gentleman. H… - 3 years ago

@Rik_Baulch: RT @AlanTudgeMP: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir James Gobbo. He made an incredible contribution to this nation & was a true gentleman. H… - 3 years ago

@AlanTudgeMP: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir James Gobbo. He made an incredible contribution to this nation & was a true gentl… - 3 years ago

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