Sir Hugh Rossi

British politician
Died on Tuesday April 14th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Sir Hugh Rossi:

@PetroNicolaides: RT @CFCyprus: "Nothing could have prepared him, or any of us, for the horrors of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus in 1974." A… - 5 years ago

@ReformedPsycho: Sir Hugh Rossi, long-serving Tory MP knighted by the Queen and by two Popes – obituary - 5 years ago

@CFCyprus: "Nothing could have prepared him, or any of us, for the horrors of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus in… - 5 years ago

@ianpuddick: RT @Widnes39: Sir Hugh Rossi: Former Hornsey MP and councillor dies aged 92 - 5 years ago


@JonnyJAndrews: RT @The_C_D_G: Sir Hugh Rossi, long-serving Tory MP knighted by the Queen and by two Popes – obituary in @Telegraph also a former Minister… - 5 years ago

@HarterPascal: RT @The_C_D_G: Sir Hugh Rossi, long-serving Tory MP knighted by the Queen and by two Popes – obituary in @Telegraph also a former Minister… - 5 years ago

@JasonMarcMerri1: RT @The_C_D_G: Sir Hugh Rossi, long-serving Tory MP knighted by the Queen and by two Popes – obituary in @Telegraph also a former Minister… - 5 years ago

@MillieFiore: RT @GilesMacDonogh: Two notable deaths announced: Roy Kerridge who wrote marvellous articles about his travels round Britain in the Spectat… - 5 years ago

@starbie99: RT @GilesMacDonogh: Two notable deaths announced: Roy Kerridge who wrote marvellous articles about his travels round Britain in the Spectat… - 5 years ago

@GilesMacDonogh: Two notable deaths announced: Roy Kerridge who wrote marvellous articles about his travels round Britain in the Spe… - 5 years ago

@HandMadePeter: RT @The_C_D_G: Sir Hugh Rossi, long-serving Tory MP knighted by the Queen and by two Popes – obituary in @Telegraph also a former Minister… - 5 years ago

@The_C_D_G: Sir Hugh Rossi, long-serving Tory MP knighted by the Queen and by two Popes – obituary in @Telegraph also a former… - 5 years ago

@TimesObits: As a Conservative MP Hugh Rossi was anything but typical. His twin passions were Italy and Catholicism. “That’s all… - 5 years ago

@Democrat84: RT @AmIRightSir: Sir Hugh Rossi, Conservative MP for Hornsey/Hornsey and Wood Green 1966-92, has died age 92: - 5 years ago

@UK_EPP: RT @DirkHazell: Sir Hugh Rossi was a highly principled political leader - his pro-European & Faith-based values could only make UK a better… - 5 years ago

@DirkHazell: Sir Hugh Rossi was a highly principled political leader - his pro-European & Faith-based values could only make UK… - 5 years ago

@Widnes39: Sir Hugh Rossi: Former Hornsey MP and councillor dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@vivjones10: @ConHistGrp @IainDale Very sad to hear this. I worked for Sir Hugh in the 60s when he had a legal practice in Queen… - 5 years ago

@PARLYapp: RT @AmIRightSir: Sir Hugh Rossi, Conservative MP for Hornsey/Hornsey and Wood Green 1966-92, has died age 92: - 5 years ago

@PaulGoodmanCH: RT @AmIRightSir: Sir Hugh Rossi, Conservative MP for Hornsey/Hornsey and Wood Green 1966-92, has died age 92: - 5 years ago

@Filly_Stein: RT @ConHistGrp: Very sorry to hear that Sir Hugh Rossi, MP for Hornsey, 1966–83, then Hornsey & Wood Green, 1983–92, has died aged 92: http… - 5 years ago

@IainDale: RT @ConHistGrp: Very sorry to hear that Sir Hugh Rossi, MP for Hornsey, 1966–83, then Hornsey & Wood Green, 1983–92, has died aged 92: http… - 5 years ago

@ConHistGrp: Very sorry to hear that Sir Hugh Rossi, MP for Hornsey, 1966–83, then Hornsey & Wood Green, 1983–92, has died aged… - 5 years ago

@ConHistGrp: RT @CatherineWest1: Condolences to the family of my predecessor, Sir Hugh Rossi, former MP in Hornsey from 1966, then Hornsey & Wood Green… - 5 years ago

@AmIRightSir: Sir Hugh Rossi, Conservative MP for Hornsey/Hornsey and Wood Green 1966-92, has died age 92: - 5 years ago

@redkite70: RT @GaryUK321: Sir Hugh Rossi: Former Hornsey MP and councillor dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@hackneywick: RT @HamandHigh: Former Hornsey MP and councillor Sir Hugh Rossi has died aged 92. Colleagues and friends across the political spectrum hav… - 5 years ago

@HamandHigh: RT @HamandHigh: Former Hornsey MP and councillor Sir Hugh Rossi has died aged 92. Colleagues and friends across the political spectrum hav… - 5 years ago

@pennylongstckng: RT @SurajBhanot: Sir Hugh Rossi: Former Hornsey MP and councillor dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@_ConservativeEd: RT @SurajBhanot: Sir Hugh Rossi: Former Hornsey MP and councillor dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@HWGCA: RT @SurajBhanot: Sir Hugh Rossi: Former Hornsey MP and councillor dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@SurajBhanot: Sir Hugh Rossi: Former Hornsey MP and councillor dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@crouchendwalks: RT @HornseyN8: Sorry to hear former Hornsey MP Sir Hugh Rossi as passed away aged 92. He was an excellent local MP - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Sir Hugh Alexis Louis ROSSI, KBE, KCSG, KHS, FKC (1927-2020), former British @Conservatives politician. Ro… - 5 years ago

@GaryUK321: Sir Hugh Rossi: Former Hornsey MP and councillor dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@HornseyN8: RT @BrianColeman251: Sad to hear of the death of Sir Hugh Rossi , Finchley boy , devout Catholic , former Deputy Mayor of the pre 1965 Boro… - 5 years ago

@HornseyN8: RT @HWGCA: Sir Hugh Rossi was MP for the constituency from 1966-1992. Pictured here with his late wife, Philomena. - 5 years ago

@HornseyN8: RT @HWGCA: Our thoughts and prayers with all who knew and loved Sir Hugh Rossi, former MP for Hornsey and Wood Green who has sadly passed a… - 5 years ago

@HornseyN8: Sorry to hear former Hornsey MP Sir Hugh Rossi as passed away aged 92. He was an excellent local MP - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sir Hugh Rossi is no longer with us - #SirHughRossi #Sir #HughRossi #rip - 5 years ago

@BrianColeman251: RT @HamandHigh: Former Hornsey MP and councillor Sir Hugh Rossi has died aged 92. Colleagues and friends across the political spectrum hav… - 5 years ago

@HamandHigh: Former Hornsey MP and councillor Sir Hugh Rossi has died aged 92. Colleagues and friends across the political spec… - 5 years ago

@crouchendwalks: RT @HornseyN8: I still remember when Hornsey Borough was staunchly Tory with Sir Hugh Rossi as MP. Pre Haringey of course. I am very Old! - 5 years ago

@_ConservativeEd: RT @HWGCA: Our thoughts and prayers with all who knew and loved Sir Hugh Rossi, former MP for Hornsey and Wood Green who has sadly passed a… - 5 years ago

@HWGCA: Sir Hugh Rossi was MP for the constituency from 1966-1992. Pictured here with his late wife, Philomena. - 5 years ago

@exracer99: RT @CatherineWest1: Condolences to the family of my predecessor, Sir Hugh Rossi, former MP in Hornsey from 1966, then Hornsey & Wood Green… - 5 years ago

@HWGCA: Our thoughts and prayers with all who knew and loved Sir Hugh Rossi, former MP for Hornsey and Wood Green who has sadly passed away. - 5 years ago

@BrianColeman251: Sad to hear of the death of Sir Hugh Rossi , Finchley boy , devout Catholic , former Deputy Mayor of the pre 1965 B… - 5 years ago

@philewis: RT @CatherineWest1: Condolences to the family of my predecessor, Sir Hugh Rossi, former MP in Hornsey from 1966, then Hornsey & Wood Green… - 5 years ago

@London74Grant: RT @CatherineWest1: Condolences to the family of my predecessor, Sir Hugh Rossi, former MP in Hornsey from 1966, then Hornsey & Wood Green… - 5 years ago

@CatherineWest1: Condolences to the family of my predecessor, Sir Hugh Rossi, former MP in Hornsey from 1966, then Hornsey & Wood Gr… - 5 years ago

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