Sir Henry Brooke

British lawyer and Judge (Lord Justice of Appeal)
Died on Tuesday January 30th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Sir Henry Brooke:

@MarkHerbert8: RT @Uncivil_S: This is one of the best things written on Henry Brooke - I couldn’t agree more with the section on twitter. Well done, @Civi… - 7 years ago

@JerryLonsdale1: RT @Maggotlaw: Our tribute to the late Sir Henry Brooke forms a big part of Weekly Notes @TheICLR this week - 7 years ago

@seethrujustice: RT @Maggotlaw: Our tribute to the late Sir Henry Brooke forms a big part of Weekly Notes @TheICLR this week - 7 years ago

@alicetwaite: RT @Maggotlaw: Our tribute to the late Sir Henry Brooke forms a big part of Weekly Notes @TheICLR this week - 7 years ago


@MrJohnBates: RT @TomRHickman: 2/2 I hope a publisher will publish Sir Henry Brooke’s blogs for posterity. In the meantime I am going to make sure I have… - 7 years ago

@CivilLitTweet: RT @Courtwhisperer: @cjr1968 @CivilLitTweet The late great Sir Henry Brooke has generously reproduced the most exquisite openers on his… - 7 years ago

@Courtwhisperer: @cjr1968 @CivilLitTweet The late great Sir Henry Brooke has generously reproduced the most exquisite openers on… - 7 years ago

@kevpennington83: RT @GdnLaw: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@AdamWagner1: RT @TomRHickman: 2/2 I hope a publisher will publish Sir Henry Brooke’s blogs for posterity. In the meantime I am going to make sure I have… - 7 years ago

@simonmckay: RT @TomRHickman: 2/2 I hope a publisher will publish Sir Henry Brooke’s blogs for posterity. In the meantime I am going to make sure I have… - 7 years ago

@russelltim151: RT @GdnLaw: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@TomRHickman: 2/2 I hope a publisher will publish Sir Henry Brooke’s blogs for posterity. In the meantime I am going to make sure… - 7 years ago

@TomRHickman: 1/2 Terribly sad to hear of the passing of Sir Henry Brooke @HenryBrooke1 who spent his retirement from the CA cham… - 7 years ago

@marionste: RT @CivilLitTweet: SIR HENRY BROOKE: A TRIBUTE TO HIS ONLINE PRESENCE - 7 years ago

@hackneywick: RT @HackneyLawCentr: IN MEMORY OF SIR HENRY BROOKE. #Hackney Community Law Centre Chair Ian Rathbone pays tribute to our friend @HenryBrook… - 7 years ago

@senioribus: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@MilsomChr: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@JavedSairah: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@sp1ngirl: RT @JLeeBarrister: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@Steven_Mellor: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@DrDPrabhat: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@MichaelFordQC: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@lorna_borthwick: RT @JLeeBarrister: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@JLeeBarrister: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@adam79t: RT @FreeRepUnit: - 7 years ago

@FreeRepUnit: - 7 years ago

@dionne_cruidion: RT @GdnLaw: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@maryfordneal: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@rickmuir1: RT @GdnLaw: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@OU_Law: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@CCCBuryStEd: RT @GdnLaw: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@LawatKeele: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@profyarrow: RT @guardianobits: Sir Henry Brooke obituary. Appeal court judge who campaigned for greater access to justice - 7 years ago

@PoliScrutiny101: RT @patrickjbutler: RIP Sir Henry Brooke, judge, social justice campaigner - 7 years ago

@Lewis99Lewis: RT @AnthonyGoldLaw: We at Anthony Gold were deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Sir Henry Brooke - 7 years ago

@nearlylegal: RT @AnthonyGoldLaw: We at Anthony Gold were deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Sir Henry Brooke - 7 years ago


@grand_nagus2012: ““He has a slightly craggy exterior and an unruly and unruled head of hair (which is one of the more cogent argumen… - 7 years ago

@Michael_H_P: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@guardianobits: Sir Henry Brooke obituary. Appeal court judge who campaigned for greater access to justice - 7 years ago

@thejaipatel: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@M1999VA: - 7 years ago

@PublicLawWales: RT @CivilLitTweet: SIR HENRY BROOKE: A TRIBUTE TO HIS ONLINE PRESENCE - 7 years ago

@APCI1: RT @GdnLaw: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@HackneyLawCentr: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago


@dbfamilylaw: RT @TheICLR: Our latest Weekly Notes is dedicated to the memory of the late Sir Henry Brooke (@HenryBrooke1). Many thanks to @thebarcouncil… - 7 years ago

@dbfamilylaw: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - a man whose real concern for access to jusitce seemed never to leave him, right to the… - 7 years ago

@simonmckay: RT @TheICLR: Our latest Weekly Notes is dedicated to the memory of the late Sir Henry Brooke (@HenryBrooke1). Many thanks to @thebarcouncil… - 7 years ago

@Maggotlaw: RT @TheICLR: Our latest Weekly Notes is dedicated to the memory of the late Sir Henry Brooke (@HenryBrooke1). Many thanks to @thebarcouncil… - 7 years ago

@lsbu_law: RT @GdnLaw: Sir Henry Brooke obituary - 7 years ago

@TeresasMisc: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@futurelawdigita: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

@Kartik__Raj: RT @YLALawyers: Sir Henry Brooke obituary: “a tireless campaigner for improving access to justice” - 7 years ago

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