Sir Harry Kroto

British chemist
Died on Saturday April 30th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Sir Harry Kroto:

@nanoConsult: RT @neetcic: Sir Harry Koto paved the way for the research that led to carbon nanotubes and graphene, which are sure to impact ev… - 9 years ago

@khan_laboratory: RT @center4inquiry: Sir Harry Kroto has died. @richarddawkins reflects on his "childlike curiosity" - 9 years ago

@cesar_moheno: RT @PopSci: In honor of Sir Harry Kroto’s passing, our 1991 cover story on the discovery of buckyballs: - 9 years ago

@jeriscience: RT @PopSci: In honor of Sir Harry Kroto’s passing, our 1991 cover story on the discovery of buckyballs: - 9 years ago


@Mrs_STEM: Sir Harry Kroto obituary - 9 years ago

@pdxhumanists: RT @center4inquiry: Joe Nickell remembers Sir Harry Kroto: - 9 years ago

@maccalarena: RT @timeshighered: 'He combined excitement, wonder and energy whenever he spoke': Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@TheAlisonDixon: RT @timeshighered: 'He combined excitement, wonder and energy whenever he spoke': Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@CFIportland: RT @center4inquiry: Joe Nickell remembers Sir Harry Kroto: - 9 years ago

@TheRationalLib: RT @center4inquiry: Joe Nickell remembers Sir Harry Kroto: - 9 years ago

@center4inquiry: Joe Nickell remembers Sir Harry Kroto: - 9 years ago

@tissington: RT @compoundchem: Sir Harry Kroto passed away at the weekend – he co-discovered buckminsterfullerene: - 9 years ago

@LRGSChemistry: RT @compoundchem: Sir Harry Kroto passed away at the weekend – he co-discovered buckminsterfullerene: - 9 years ago

@SussexLifeSci: RT @sandykilla: RIP Sir Harry Kroto... Father of Fullerene chemistry who did so much for @SussexLifeSci and @C60ChemSoc @SussexC60 - 9 years ago

@AntiProfessor: RT @timeshighered: 'He combined excitement, wonder and energy whenever he spoke': Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@UoLGradSchool: RT @timeshighered: 'He combined excitement, wonder and energy whenever he spoke': Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@timeshighered: 'He combined excitement, wonder and energy whenever he spoke': Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@JazzTreeLonegu: The science community pays tribute to Nobel Laureate Sir Harry Kroto, who passed away over the weekend aged 76. - 9 years ago

@CHM2911_2016: RT @compoundchem: Sir Harry Kroto passed away at the weekend – he co-discovered buckminsterfullerene: - 9 years ago

@k9s_scientist: RT @sheffielduni: It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of Professor Sir Harold Kroto - 9 years ago

@MacProvost: RT @timeshighered: 'A star that shone brightly, even among stars': @SteveCaddick on Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@SteveCaddick: RT @timeshighered: 'A star that shone brightly, even among stars': @SteveCaddick on Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@Bibliosophus: RT @timeshighered: 'A star that shone brightly, even among stars': @SteveCaddick on Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@ProfRalphEarly: RT @timeshighered: 'A star that shone brightly, even among stars': @SteveCaddick on Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@DrAdamGlen: RT @timeshighered: 'A star that shone brightly, even among stars': @SteveCaddick on Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@timeshighered: 'A star that shone brightly, even among stars': @SteveCaddick on Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@tttabata: Sir Harry Kroto obituary. 5 May 2016 - 9 years ago

@souravdoc: Nobel Laureate Prof. Harry Kroto is no obituary...great loss for chemistry - 9 years ago

@OundleSciTec: RT @oundle_chem: In case it had passed you by, Harry Kroto (almost local to Oundle) died last week... - 9 years ago

@LIFNanoRx: Saddened by death of Prof Sir Harry Kroto, whose work on nanostructures paved the way for us to deliver treatment directly to the brain. #MS - 9 years ago

@JamesIacobus: Sir Harry Kroto obituary #science #chemistry - 9 years ago

@GSweeney11: @Bucky_9 RT @CaraSantaMaria: In honor of Sir Harry Kroto and his magical #buckyballs. - 9 years ago

@YSJournal: Our co-founder and mentor Christina Astin pays tribute to Prof Sir Harry Kroto FRS, who was a YSJ Ambassador and... - 9 years ago

@peterscott1965: RT @timeshighered: 'He had one speed in life: fast': @SteveCaddick pays tribute to Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@clairestones: RT @BBCPallab: More tributes for the man who discovered “bucky-balls” - 9 years ago

@clairestones: RT @BBCNews: Science community paying tribute to Nobel prize chemist Prof Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@clairestones: RT @BHAhumanists: A few words in memory of our patron, Harry Kroto, who died on Saturday. A true standard-bearer of the Enlightenment. http… - 9 years ago

@JamesRoy: timeshighered: 'A star that shone brightly, even among stars': SteveCaddick on Nobellist Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@clairestones: Sir Harry Kroto obituary - 9 years ago

@discoveryfine: In honour of Sir Harry Kroto, Great british chemist, Nobel prize winner and his famous buckyballs.. - 9 years ago

@bernt420: RT @CaraSantaMaria: In honor of Sir Harry Kroto and his magical #buckyballs. - 9 years ago

@oundle_chem: In case it had passed you by, Harry Kroto (almost local to Oundle) died last week... - 9 years ago

@andypars: Sir Harry Kroto, apparently a Nobel-winning scientist did OK for himself by dying at the age of 977! @theipaper - 9 years ago

@dervesh_: RT @heliconiuscydno: The buckyball: Harry Kroto's great gift to the world: geodesic dome, football, exquisite nano. All in one molecule! h… - 9 years ago

@pascualmoraster: Sir Harry Kroto, el premio Nobel en química que vino a taller con niños andinos y estuvo en la ULA. Paz a sus restos - 9 years ago

@LeeME37: BRIAN TALKS #13 - A tribute to Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@MiTaFie: ほんとだ。。 Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel prize-winning chemist, dies at 76 | Science | The Guardian - 9 years ago

@MOGuerreroPerez: RT @guardianscience: Sir Harry Kroto obituary - 9 years ago

@CaraSantaMaria: In honor of Sir Harry Kroto and his magical #buckyballs. - 9 years ago

@Sussexmerlins: Sad to hear of the death of Sussex legend and Nobel Prize winner Sir Harry Kroto. An inspiration to my father in law and close friend. - 9 years ago

@TakisMoug: RT @UoMGraphene: Sad to hear that Sir Harry Kroto has died. The Nobel Prize-winner discovered "bucky-balls" - 9 years ago

@paunoteimporta: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 9 years ago

@CityTaxUnit: Bri Finally, a worthy commentary. Good words. I saw Sir Harry Kroto lecture on a single occasion and he was dazzling - 9 years ago

@fsuzeigler: RT @NationalMagLab: Sir Harry Kroto cited his work at the MagLab & @floridastate as “some of the best work I’ve done.” Read more at https:/… - 9 years ago

@Singleshot25: RT @NationalMagLab: Sir Harry Kroto cited his work at the MagLab & @floridastate as “some of the best work I’ve done.” Read more at https:/… - 9 years ago

@floridastate: RT @NationalMagLab: Sir Harry Kroto cited his work at the MagLab & @floridastate as “some of the best work I’ve done.” Read more at https:/… - 9 years ago

@NationalMagLab: Sir Harry Kroto cited his work at the MagLab & @floridastate as “some of the best work I’ve done.” Read more at - 9 years ago

@QueenFacts1991: BRIAN TALKS #13 - A tribute to Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@NotThomasEgan: RIP Nobel laureate Sir Harry Kroto, I remember attending his lecture series freshman year, most influential and inspiring human I've heard. - 9 years ago

@enviitechi: RT @sciencegoddess: Learn about Prof Sir Harry Kroto and his work. #RIP - 9 years ago

@CFImichigan: Sir Harry Kroto - English chemist, Nobel laureate, humanist, CSI Fellow, and all-around admirable human being, ... - 9 years ago

@marianabavi: Condolences to family, friends, colleargues and students of Sir Harry Kroto. - 9 years ago

@t3dy: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@ChemLinksDaily: Sir Harry Kroto obituary - 9 years ago

@KellieRoseWick: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@prateekbuch: Sad to hear that Nobel winner Sir Harry Kroto has died - 9 years ago

@mariamush: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@guardianobits: Sir Harry Kroto obituary. Chemist and Nobel laureate for his role in discovering ‘buckyballs’ - 9 years ago

@RealDrPaul: RT @RealTimeChem: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Prize winner & one of the most passionate advocates for #chemistry I… - 9 years ago

@Gino68B: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@SciPolTech: The science community has been paying tribute to Prof Sir Harry Kroto, who passed away over the weekend aged 76. - 9 years ago

@Chem_BoltonSch: 13j's assembly on notable @BoltonSchAlumni including of course, Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@mawormald: RT @heliconiuscydno: The buckyball: Harry Kroto's great gift to the world: geodesic dome, football, exquisite nano. All in one molecule! h… - 9 years ago

@sutohKADAA_SYA: RT @BBCNews: Science community paying tribute to Nobel prize chemist Prof Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@steveneugarten: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@rlfwriters: Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel-prize-winning chemist, dies, via @heliconiuscydno @guardian - 9 years ago

@foodwithmustard: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@doc_kristy: Frantic last minute preparations for my form's assembly this morning in the life and work of Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@fuzambointl: RT @BBCNews: Science community paying tribute to Nobel prize chemist Prof Sir Harry Kroto - 9 years ago

@fuzambointl: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@doc_kristy: RT @heliconiuscydno: The buckyball: Harry Kroto's great gift to the world: geodesic dome, football, exquisite nano. All in one molecule! h… - 9 years ago

@thatpebbles: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@twobuttondave: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@marcuschown: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

@poljiology: RT @compoundchem: Sir Harry Kroto passed away at the weekend – he co-discovered buckminsterfullerene: - 9 years ago

@Ramanan_V: RT @grahamfarmelo: Touching obituaries of chemist Harry Kroto, co-discoverer of buckyballs, in Guardian & NYT: - 9 years ago

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