Sir David Amess

British politician
Died on Friday October 15th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sir David Amess:

@AzadehRezai: RT @GBNEWS: 'He was really a true champion of human rights.' Hossein Abedini, the Deputy Director of the National Council of the Resistanc… - 3 years ago

@HelenaPigott: RT @trixie_2000: I remember when Jo Cox was murdered. The media went on and on and on about it. There were documentaries scrutinising it. I… - 3 years ago

@sofeajoy1: @Jefflez It's barely been a week since the brutal murder of Sir David Amess, & the vicious hatemongers have already… - 3 years ago

@PupspurJeanette: RT @trixie_2000: I remember when Jo Cox was murdered. The media went on and on and on about it. There were documentaries scrutinising it. I… - 3 years ago


@UNKB2: RT @Marbas1984: 🔪Ali Harbi Ali, ciudadano británico de 25 años de ascendencia somalí, asesino del Parlamentario Sir David Amess. El 15 de o… - 3 years ago

@lucieLooLoo1: RT @SJSAMMY12: @richardaeden You've already linked one disgusting tweet about the murder of Sir David Amess with Meghan, now you're doing i… - 3 years ago

@RosieDuffield1: RT @SebastianEPayne: 🎙 This week’s Payne’s Politics: - @GeorgeWParker and @mroliverbarnes on the return of Covid to Westminster and whethe… - 3 years ago

@Glenbonny: RT @HollieTheCard: No one becomes an MP to be met by an intimidating scene of marauding mobs of teeth baring protesters - no matter what th… - 3 years ago

@tomkapsidelis: Opinion | Gabby Giffords: The stabbing of a British MP is another example of how violence eats away at democracy - 3 years ago

@HelenaPigott: RT @JoyousCivic: A week on from the shocking murder of Sir David Amess and it's barely mentioned on @BBCNews A week after the dreadful mur… - 3 years ago

@JohnBro13002328: RT @trixie_2000: I remember when Jo Cox was murdered. The media went on and on and on about it. There were documentaries scrutinising it. I… - 3 years ago

@davstir: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@DootyEmJ: RT @domdyer70: Off Leash this week we discuss tragic loss of animal champion Sir David Amess MP, what next after the guilty verdict in the… - 3 years ago

@DootyEmJ: RT @domdyer70: Off Leash this week we focus on tragic loss animal champion Sir David Amess MP, huge impact of the guilty verdict in Mark Ha… - 3 years ago

@BernieW38312449: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@Goldielocks1960: RT @trixie_2000: I remember when Jo Cox was murdered. The media went on and on and on about it. There were documentaries scrutinising it. I… - 3 years ago

@TraceyA54242410: RT @trixie_2000: I remember when Jo Cox was murdered. The media went on and on and on about it. There were documentaries scrutinising it. I… - 3 years ago

@AngelaH58: RT @trixie_2000: I remember when Jo Cox was murdered. The media went on and on and on about it. There were documentaries scrutinising it. I… - 3 years ago

@FittonLady: RT @Simon_S70: The father of Ali Harbi Ali, the Islamist terrorist who killed Sir David Amess is Harbi Ali Kullane @Xarbi A Somalian ex Gov… - 3 years ago

@4annegs: RT @AdamMilstein: What starts with Israel doesn’t end there. The father of the man charged with the murder of Tory MP Sir David Amess poste… - 3 years ago

@m_mrezamm: RT @PooranArbabi: @BobBlackman @HoAbedini @WestHam @SpursOfficial He will be missed greatly! Sir #David_Amess was a great friend of Iranian… - 3 years ago

@DrewNista: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@TSLizR: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@ladycarolinn: RT @PVelleAntiJihad: Veroordeelde jihadprediker Anjem Choudary, die onder meer moordenaar van Brits parlementslid Sir David Amess radicalis… - 3 years ago

@GaskinSharongm: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@LittleBoats2020: RT @LittleBoats2020: Islam in Britain🙄 Followers = 1961 50k - 2021 4M+ Result = Misogyny, Homophobia, Religious Racism, FGM, Halal,… - 3 years ago

@SasanJavedan: RT @DowlatNowrouzi: Members of the Anglo-Iranian communities, supporters of the Iranian Resistance, hold a memorial service opposite the UK… - 3 years ago

@alexbellars: RT @tortoise: “It is not enough to safeguard individual MPs. We must safeguard the parliamentary system they personify.” The murder of Sir… - 3 years ago

@charleycharleyH: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@ExasperatedTory: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@fitbitsmash: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@LindyYorksLass: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@TWRuk: Coming up on #TWRNewsDesk this morning we'll be reflecting on the life and work of Sir David Amess, with… - 3 years ago

@BuzzyDave: RT @LittleBoats2020: Islam in Britain🙄 Followers = 1961 50k - 2021 4M+ Result = Misogyny, Homophobia, Religious Racism, FGM, Halal,… - 3 years ago

@fliegerrick: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@kastop68: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@Dwalingen: RT @PVelleAntiJihad: Somalische moslimterrorist, die verantwoordelijk is voor moordaanslag op Brits parlementslid Sir David Amess, werd ger… - 3 years ago

@chelsea261955: RT @LittleBoats2020: Islam in Britain🙄 Followers = 1961 50k - 2021 4M+ Result = Misogyny, Homophobia, Religious Racism, FGM, Halal,… - 3 years ago

@RightAngleUK: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@jaynewilliams_: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@s_ktwitt: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion | Gabby Giffords: The stabbing of a British MP is another example of how violence eats away at democracy https:… - 3 years ago

@JimHarr09011504: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion | Gabby Giffords: The stabbing of a British MP is another example of how violence eats away at democracy https:… - 3 years ago

@murphsio: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@FergusMcCoig: RT @oflynnsocial: I disagree with Sadiq Khan about almost everything, but the way he's been stitched-up over his tweet re Sir David Amess "… - 3 years ago

@KrisEphemeral: RT @HouseofCommons: Today's #FridayPhoto is dedicated to Sir David Amess, MP for Southend West from 1997-2021. He is pictured here in Jan… - 3 years ago

@dadbanazadi: RT @Masoud_Dalvand2: .@Maryam_Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance in Iran, expresses her condolences following the murd… - 3 years ago

@jaxyw: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@csl0csl: RT @GregHammond66: Pleased to dedicate my animal welfare motion at tonight's @RBKC full Council meeting to Sir David Amess, who did so much… - 3 years ago

@nabardeakharin1: RT @BobBlackman: The senseless & savage murder of my good friend & colleague Sir David Amess has left my colleagues & I in a state of shock… - 3 years ago

@_LivesMatter: RT @Stan_VoWales: When interviewed by anti Terrorist police about stabbing Sir David Amess to death it, Ali Harbi Ali has claimed to be af… - 3 years ago

@65alyson: RT @washingtonpost: Opinion | Gabby Giffords: The stabbing of a British MP is another example of how violence eats away at democracy https:… - 3 years ago

@nabardeakharin1: RT @4freedominiran2: Iranian Community in #Belgium Statement Following the Passing of the Co-chairman of the British Committee for Iran Fre… - 3 years ago

@BardneyBoy: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@massacre_1988: RT @BobBlackman: The senseless & savage murder of my good friend & colleague Sir David Amess has left my colleagues & I in a state of shock… - 3 years ago

@AnnieMM_M: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@massacre_1988: RT @amsafavi: Sir David Amess, A True Champion Of Freedom To The End - 3 years ago

@_RIP_LREM: RT @cnalive: A Catholic bishop has called for greater recognition of the last rites as an “emergency service” in the wake of the killing of… - 3 years ago

@alanmcbride: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@jwahjwah: RT @snb19692: Whilst they bow their heads in silence for Sir David Amess...they vote to pollute our beaches, our land & our lives 😓 - 3 years ago

@daddyginge2: @actiontiff Anyone taking the knee for sir David amess? - 3 years ago

@masoudlondon: RT @SFundamentalism: #Iran: Thousands of #MEK Members Commemorate Sir David Amess, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National… - 3 years ago

@masoudlondon: RT @SFundamentalism: #Iran: Mrs. Rajavi hailed Sir David as “an enemy of dictatorships, particularly the mullah’s dictatorship,” emphasizin… - 3 years ago

@masoudlondon: RT @amsafavi: Sir David Amess, A True Champion Of Freedom To The End - 3 years ago

@yorkshirepost: 🗣️ "The tragic murder in 2016 of Jo Cox should have been a warning to our elected representatives that their own in… - 3 years ago

@PhotographyTim2: RT @HouseofCommons: Today's #FridayPhoto is dedicated to Sir David Amess, MP for Southend West from 1997-2021. He is pictured here in Jan… - 3 years ago

@KonstantinKisin: RT @oflynnsocial: I disagree with Sadiq Khan about almost everything, but the way he's been stitched-up over his tweet re Sir David Amess "… - 3 years ago

@KateAus1976: RT @DouglasKMurray: On this week’s ⁦@spectator⁩ podcast I discussed the murder of Sir David Amess and the failures of the UK government’s P… - 3 years ago

@Ozymandias_00: RT @DouglasKMurray: On this week’s ⁦@spectator⁩ podcast I discussed the murder of Sir David Amess and the failures of the UK government’s P… - 3 years ago

@DancerGuard: RT @DouglasKMurray: On this week’s ⁦@spectator⁩ podcast I discussed the murder of Sir David Amess and the failures of the UK government’s P… - 3 years ago

@PARLYapp: RT @HouseofCommons: Today's #FridayPhoto is dedicated to Sir David Amess, MP for Southend West from 1997-2021. He is pictured here in Jan… - 3 years ago

@LeslieEilselK: RT @attorneygeneral: Thinking of commenting on the case of Ali Harbi Ali (the man charged with the murder of Sir David Amess)? #ThinkBefore… - 3 years ago

@Streakyblue1951: RT @HouseofCommons: Today's #FridayPhoto is dedicated to Sir David Amess, MP for Southend West from 1997-2021. He is pictured here in Jan… - 3 years ago

@Babak92790028: RT @amsafavi: Sir David Amess, A True Champion Of Freedom To The End - 3 years ago

@vivienmiss: RT @DouglasKMurray: On this week’s ⁦@spectator⁩ podcast I discussed the murder of Sir David Amess and the failures of the UK government’s P… - 3 years ago

@kmfmnews: NEWS: 25-year-old Ali Harbi Ali has appeared at the Old Bailey this afternoon following the stabbing in Essex a wee… - 3 years ago

@MetroUK: BREAKING: Sir David Amess' accused killer could stand trial in March - 3 years ago

@rubycooper007: RT @GBNEWS: Sir David Amess: Southend community gathers for two-minute silence to remember killed MP - 3 years ago

@BGIPU: RT @IPUparliament: #MPs Across The Political Divide Pay Tribute To #DavidAmess, proud supporter of the #IPU and @BGIPU, After He Was Kille… - 3 years ago

@jmarine: 'Act of terror': UK police charge man with murder of MP Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@mmarwanb: RT @HouseofCommons: Today's #FridayPhoto is dedicated to Sir David Amess, MP for Southend West from 1997-2021. He is pictured here in Jan… - 3 years ago

@s9tmt: RT @BHheadlines: ❌𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚❌ MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess: MPs are to… - 3 years ago

@RonsRant: The suspect murderer of Sir David Amess worked for the heath service. One of his sisters works in the NHS. A neighb… - 3 years ago

@tariqahmadbt: RT @abdulla_shahid: Good to meet Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon, Minister of State for South Asia & the Commonwealth of the UK.   Discussed… - 3 years ago

@RoxKhanWilliams: RT @hopenothate: This week's R43 podcast features @Nick_Spooner1 and @RoxKhanWilliams discussing the terrible murder of Sir David Amess and… - 3 years ago

@BestHindiTech1: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@Pmuggerud: RT @BBCPolitics: Southend falls silent to remember Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@SPandproudofit: RT @fransmaassen3: - 3 years ago

@Black_Author: RT @GBNEWS: Sir David Amess: MPs to be offered security guard for constituency surgeries - 3 years ago

@BBCPolitics: Southend falls silent to remember Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@FigenMurray: RT @LBC: MPs offered unarmed security guards at constituency surgeries after threat level raised to "substantial" - 3 years ago

@BBCLookEast: Sir David Amess: Southend falls silent to remember Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@BBCEssex: Sir David Amess: Southend falls silent to remember Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@LBCNews: MPs offered unarmed security guards at constituency surgeries after threat level raised to "substantial" - 3 years ago

@LBC: MPs offered unarmed security guards at constituency surgeries after threat level raised to "substantial" - 3 years ago

@mysouthend: RT @BBCEssex: A beautiful and calm scene in Leigh-on-Sea this lunchtime as the town holds a two-minute silence in memory of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@mysouthend: RT @SkyNews: A two-minute silence has been held to remember Conservative MP Sir David Amess who was murdered last week during a constituenc… - 3 years ago

@TiAntonia3: RT @jshocds: CPS believes murder of Sir David Amess had religious & ideological motives. Looking like he may well have been killed ‘in odiu… - 3 years ago

@MichaelBarnes54: RT @RonMooreMoreRon: As predicted last week, the party of cutting police numbers - the Tories - is to offer private security guards for con… - 3 years ago

@news_tsc: UK National News Security guards will be offered to MPs for constituency surgeries following a review into their… - 3 years ago

@iceni03373385: Nigel Farage: Sir David Amess death 'an act of Islamist terrorism we can... - 3 years ago

@BreezerGalway: For goodness sake. #MuppetMich needs sectioning. Calling the murder of Sir David Amess an 'inside job' 😡😡😡😡😡😡 - 3 years ago

@conniebelinga: RT @BBCEssex: A beautiful and calm scene in Leigh-on-Sea this lunchtime as the town holds a two-minute silence in memory of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@irish_news: Taoiseach calls for review of TDs' security in wake of Sir David Amess killing - 3 years ago

@dennisgjones: RT @SkyNews: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@Mohamme09073545: Michael Chaves boasting about being in the media again & is happy Sky News are now mentioning him, He then goes on… - 3 years ago

@GHREssex: NEWS: MP's will get security guards for their constituency surgeries following the murder of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@Anndav8: RT @darkfarces: On @BBCPM today six Peterborough residents told Andrew Marr that MPs were out of touch because they never met "the common J… - 3 years ago

@GHR_WestNorfolk: NEWS: MP's will get security guards for their constituency surgeries following the murder of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@HornToday: RT @AJEnglish: Sir David Amess’s killing and why MPs’ safety is important ➡️ — #AJOpinion by @Johnny__Luk https:… - 3 years ago

@GHRSuffolk: NEWS: MP's will get security guards for their constituency surgeries following the murder of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@GHRRutland: NEWS: MP's will get security guards for their constituency surgeries following the murder of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@GHRNorfolk: NEWS: MP's will get security guards for their constituency surgeries following the murder of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@GHRBucks: NEWS: MP's will get security guards for their constituency surgeries following the murder of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@lrbcnews: RT @BBCEssex: Two clergy from Sir David Amess' and Jo Cox's constituencies share their experiences of losing their MP's in tragic circumsta… - 3 years ago

@gproud23: RT @SkyNews: A two-minute silence has been held to remember Conservative MP Sir David Amess who was murdered last week during a constituenc… - 3 years ago

@AnthonyGlees: 'MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess': And about time,… - 3 years ago

@UCBNewsTeam: A 2 minute silence has taken place to remember the MP Sir David Amess. The Catholic father of 5 was stabbed to deat… - 3 years ago

@Ally04034829: RT @itvmeridian: Security guards will be offered to MPs for constituency surgeries following a review into their safety in the wake of Sir… - 3 years ago

@Awarding_Women: RT @BBCBreaking: "Our hearts are shattered" - the family of Essex MP Sir David Amess call on people to "set aside hatred" - 3 years ago

@Dasthageer99: RT @AJEnglish: Sir David Amess’s killing and why MPs’ safety is important ➡️ — #AJOpinion by @Johnny__Luk https:… - 3 years ago

@MatthewdAncona: RT @tortoise: The brutal murder of Sir David Amess has revealed a system of representative democracy in poor repair, targeted by terrorists… - 3 years ago

@LatestTable: Sir David Amess’s killing: Why MPs’ safety is important - 3 years ago

@LauraPh222: RT @LeighMilnerTV: A two minute silence has been held in Leigh-on-Sea for the Southend MP Sir David Amess. More @BBCLookEast @BBCLondonNews… - 3 years ago

@RonMooreMoreRon: As predicted last week, the party of cutting police numbers - the Tories - is to offer private security guards for… - 3 years ago

@RadioWrexham: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@zohretwit: RT @BorisJohnson: This morning I laid a wreath in memory of Sir David Amess MP, a much loved colleague and friend. My thoughts are with h… - 3 years ago

@stephenkeane233: Why is the murder of Sir David Amess not being labelled as racist? - 3 years ago

@AbboDereje: RT @AJEnglish: Sir David Amess’s killing and why MPs’ safety is important ➡️ — #AJOpinion by @Johnny__Luk https:… - 3 years ago

@PolishNews1: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess | Politics News - 3 years ago

@trivedi_the: RT @AJEnglish: Sir David Amess’s killing and why MPs’ safety is important ➡️ — #AJOpinion by @Johnny__Luk https:… - 3 years ago

@LeighMilnerTV: A two minute silence has been held in Leigh-on-Sea for the Southend MP Sir David Amess. More @BBCLookEast… - 3 years ago

@Ryn_writes: RT @AJEnglish: Sir David Amess’s killing and why MPs’ safety is important ➡️ — #AJOpinion by @Johnny__Luk https:… - 3 years ago

@post_asia: Sir David Amess’s killing: Why MPs’ safety is important - 3 years ago

@paul_lever: Sadiq Khan has expressed his sadness that Sir David Amess has "passed away". What an extraordinary choice of langua… - 3 years ago

@keithmartin62: RT @Andy_In_The_UK: Are we still pretending that the dreadful & tragic murder of Sir David Amess is even remotely connected to anonymous so… - 3 years ago

@newsorb360: Sir David Amess’s killing: Why MPs’ safety is important - 3 years ago

@mysouthend: RT @BBCEssex: Join us on BBC Essex as we join businesses in Leigh-on-Sea for a two-minute silence in memory of MP Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@tortoise: The brutal murder of Sir David Amess has revealed a system of representative democracy in poor repair, targeted by… - 3 years ago

@StuMcMillanSNP: Here's my column from yesterday's @greenocktele reflecting on the tragic death of Sir David Amess MP and how we all… - 3 years ago

@snicklin1: Sir David Amess: Police announce murder and terror charges - 3 years ago

@RodBamberry: RT @SkyNews: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@AntiTerta: RT @SkyNews: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@RaheemDickson: RT @SkyNews: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@BBCEssex: Join us on BBC Essex as we join businesses in Leigh-on-Sea for a two-minute silence in memory of MP Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@stevenrafleming: RT @CatholicKicks: Check out our latest video "A Catholic Reaction and Tribute to Sir David Amess RIP and @MikeKaneMP Powerful Tribute spee… - 3 years ago

@MrDJones: Politics - SKY NEWS: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Ame… - 3 years ago

@metalrabbit0: RT @BHheadlines: ❌𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚❌ MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess: MPs are to… - 3 years ago

@ChristopReese: RT @SkyNews: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@German_Dictator: - 3 years ago

@CatholicKicks: Check out our latest video "A Catholic Reaction and Tribute to Sir David Amess RIP and @MikeKaneMP Powerful Tribute… - 3 years ago

@vmrwanda: RT @SkyNews: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@Gateway978: 2 minutes silence today at 12 to remember Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@mi6rogue: RT @BHheadlines: ❌𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚❌ MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess: MPs are to… - 3 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Sir David Amess’s killing: Why MPs’ safety is important - 3 years ago

@BHheadlines: ❌𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚❌ MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess: MPs… - 3 years ago

@DTNBreakingNews: MPs to be offered security guards for constituency surgeries following murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@helyng7gmailco1: RT @JonHolb: David Amess murder suspect Ali Harbi Ali, 25, plotted to kill politician for TWO YEARS before targeting Tory because he voted… - 3 years ago

@tgmurta: Sir David Amess RIP A servant of the people but no “White Lives Matter” protests ?? - 3 years ago

@zooinspectors: RT @campbeagleoffic: We are shocked and saddened to hear about the death of Sir David Amess. He was a supporter of our campaign to free t… - 3 years ago

@RonReg0807: RT @Bath_SomerUKIP: We have a “fifth column” at work within the #UK The man who allegedly murdered Sir David Amess in a terror attack carr… - 3 years ago

@IanGeary: RT @Docstockk: Somewhat amazed to hear @PBottomleyMP mention me in the HoC yesterday during tributes to Sir David Amess. My dear Essex dad… - 3 years ago

@RosieVegGdn: @PinskerCentre @COLRICHARDKEMP Incredible that Essex Uni students should do this, just days after the Islamist terr… - 3 years ago

@IndoElaine: RT @DaveAtherton20: You are wrong @DominicRaab that the elephant in the room is "vile abuse" online that contributed to Sir David Amess' de… - 3 years ago

@CiudadanoCarran: RT @dlacalle: El asesinato de Sir David Amess ya confirmado como ataque de terrorismo islamista. Acusado de terrorismo y asesinato Somali… - 3 years ago

@Iranlibre30: RT @amsafavi: Sir David Amess, A True Champion Of Freedom To The End - 3 years ago

@Bo99841265: RT @bluenobby: Worth repeating seeing as the murder of Sir David Amess by an Islamic terrorist has already been filed away by the usual sus… - 3 years ago

@zooinspectors: RT @campbeagleoffic: Speakers include the amazing star of Unforgotten and After Life, actor and animal rights campaigner, Peter Egan. Sir… - 3 years ago

@LucieGutfreund: RT @LKPleasehold: @amessd_southend 'Horrendous Grenfell fire should never have happened; if only the recommendations and advice of the APPG… - 3 years ago

@AurangAzadehind: RT @Afzal4Gorton: I welcome the commitment shown by the Foreign Secretary, now it’s time to put words into action @trussliz read my piece… - 3 years ago

@zooinspectors: RT @ScarlettBeagle: Rescued laboratory @ScarlettBeagle woofs: "I'm joining my humans today at Churchill's statue, Parliament Sq, to help pa… - 3 years ago

@Turner1966James: RT @kelvmackenzie: I've only just stumbled across Mayor Khan saying in his condolence PR that Sir David Amess had "passed away". Contrast t… - 3 years ago

@AOverment: RT @jshocds: CPS believes murder of Sir David Amess had religious & ideological motives. Looking like he may well have been killed ‘in odiu… - 3 years ago

@daybreak9449: RT @Bath_SomerUKIP: We have a “fifth column” at work within the #UK The man who allegedly murdered Sir David Amess in a terror attack carr… - 3 years ago

@boblister_poole: He Should Be Kept In Solitary! - 3 years ago

@Duckbird3: RT @MickeyD44314901: Hate preacher Choudary's rallying cry just hours before David Amess' murder - 3 years ago

@EdwardNorkett: RT @Flashma78139552: Since my tweet complaining of Sadiq Khan and how he reacted to George Floyd's death and Sir David Amess? He has now 'i… - 3 years ago

@Leila4Norbury: RT @CroydonHco: @Leila4Norbury @yourcroydon Sir David Amess MP was very clear on his position regarding hate crime and standing in solidari… - 3 years ago

@azadi_payman: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Paying homage to the great friend of the Iranian Resistance- Sir #DavidAmess -Ashraf 3 - 3 years ago

@BenBell86931876: RT @benjaminbutter: Deeply moving to visit the memorial to Sir David Amess in Parliament Square. It is organised by members of the Iranian… - 3 years ago

@Joey51574402: RT @Prof_Umbongo: In the wake of the killing of Sir David Amess, where should we be looking? - 3 years ago

@ArthurFleck2021: RT @loanchargeAPPG: The Loan Charge & Taxpayer Fairness APPG meeting scheduled for today has been postponed, as a mark of respect to Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@azadi_payman: RT @Maryam_Rajavi_F: Cérémonie en hommage à Sir #DavidAmess, grand ami de la Résistance iranienne, à Achraf-3 en Albanie - 3 years ago

@AbuWankinobbi: RT @JournoStephen: After the killing of Jo Cox, there was a determination to focus on the ideology responsible. After the killing of Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@SkyAnnieJ: RT @SkyNews: On today's #Daily podcast... @DermotMurnaghan is joined by @ashnahurynag and @robpowellnews to reflect on the life and legacy… - 3 years ago

@TowserY: RT @JournoStephen: After the killing of Jo Cox, there was a determination to focus on the ideology responsible. After the killing of Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@BWelleweerd: RT @iran_policy: Paying homage to the great friend of the Iranian Resistance- Sir #DavidAmess -Ashraf 3 #Iran htt… - 3 years ago

@philhmitchell54: RT @jallen1947: Not looking good for the our borders.. Wave of terrorism in Europe moving towards the UK', ex-counter terror ch… - 3 years ago

@newsinglossop: High Peak MP @robertlargan pays tribute to his Conservative colleague Sir David Amess, who was fatally stabbed whil… - 3 years ago

@Tizly2: RT @State_Control: "...the death of Sir David Amess is a timely reminder that the tighter licensing of guns can only be part of the solutio… - 3 years ago

@jeffjames49: RT @SteveRightNLeft: Good to hear @drdavidbull on @TVKev on @talkRADIO highlight the actual cause of the horrific murder of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@davie_low: RT @JournoStephen: After the killing of Jo Cox, there was a determination to focus on the ideology responsible. After the killing of Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@sja123: RT @JournoStephen: After the killing of Jo Cox, there was a determination to focus on the ideology responsible. After the killing of Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@Sallamoon1: RT @CBTHunting: Please ask your MP to support #EDM490 in honour of Sir David Amess MP. It reiterates his call for a total ban on hunting… - 3 years ago

@McBazface: @BillyVacant I just don't understand how the media/MP's have connected this to the murder of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@steviethecab: RT @JournoStephen: After the killing of Jo Cox, there was a determination to focus on the ideology responsible. After the killing of Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@inndexinnsltd1: RT @JournoStephen: After the killing of Jo Cox, there was a determination to focus on the ideology responsible. After the killing of Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@Andy35892175: RT @NeilClark66: Reacting to the tragic & horrific murder of Sir David Amess MP by saying ‘We need to ban anonymous social media accounts’… - 3 years ago

@aftabiranzamin: RT @DailyMirror: 'My friend Sir David Amess was warm, friendly and a true champion of human rights' | Hossein Abedini - 3 years ago

@IranianRoya: RT @GBNEWS: 'He was really a true champion of human rights.' Hossein Abedini, the Deputy Director of the National Council of the Resistanc… - 3 years ago

@EurovisionRG: RT @ComputerChick0: Hate preacher #JaydaFransen is running for Sir David Amess Southend seat. - 3 years ago

@McShaneChris: RT @SteveReedMP: Absolutely appalling that the British Somali community is being targeted after Sir David Amess’ murder. Terrorists want to… - 3 years ago

@worldnewstop247: RT @DailyWorld24: UK:Police shield Michael Gove from anti-vaxx mob days after Sir David Amess murdered:POLICE formed a ring of steel around… - 3 years ago

@cookiris14: The main political parties will not contest the seat as a mark of respect for David Amess - 3 years ago

@wiseowl42896765: RT @GBNEWS: Patrick Christys: Online hate speech did not kill Sir David Amess, it appears that radical Islamist terror did - 3 years ago

@lilyloola80: RT @TheFamousArtBR: The Chilling Effect is taking place with Rosie Duffield MP on Saturday evening here in Leigh on Sea. Given the horrific… - 3 years ago

@khassan56: RT @NasserRashidi: 'My friend David Amess was warm, friendly and a true champion of human rights' - 3 years ago

@castervaria: RT @AaronBastani: If Twitter existed during 9/11 there would be MPs & pundits calling for an end to social media anonymity. The fact that… - 3 years ago

@darrenscrimes: RT @ComputerChick0: Hate preacher #JaydaFransen is running for Sir David Amess Southend seat. - 3 years ago

@IranianRoya: RT @DailyMirror: 'My friend Sir David Amess was warm, friendly and a true champion of human rights' | Hossein Abedini - 3 years ago

@AdrianaCothran: RT @no2censorship: #Iran'ian state media celebrate murder of Sir David Amess @tomhfh @Falvey_Dan @BaerbelKofler - 3 years ago

@TimAyles: RT @cnalive: A Catholic bishop has called for greater recognition of the last rites as an “emergency service” in the wake of the killing of… - 3 years ago

@IranianRoya: RT @DowlatNowrouzi: Members of the Anglo-Iranian communities, supporters of the Iranian Resistance, hold a memorial service opposite the UK… - 3 years ago

@FreeSpeechFiona: RT @JournoStephen: After the killing of Jo Cox, there was a determination to focus on the ideology responsible. After the killing of Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@azmodaeh: RT @Maryam_Rajavi_A: #ديفيد_أميس هو مدافع بلا كلل عن الحرية والديمقراطية - 3 years ago

@MohsenFerdowsi1: RT @aliakbar1346ta: #BREAKING The suspect arrested in the killing of Sir #DavidAmess is of "Somali origin and the suspected motivation is… - 3 years ago

@khassan56: RT @iran_policy: Iran’s State Media Lash Late Sir David Amess and Celebrate His Assassination #Iran #DavidAmess - 3 years ago

@LightspeedSteps: RT @CBTHunting: URGENT - Please ask your MP to sign #EDM490 today! MPs have tabled a motion in memory of Sir David Amess MP and his campai… - 3 years ago

@dadbanazadi: RT @Masoud_Dalvand2: Part1- Iranians, #MEK Supporters Rally in Front of #Stockholm Court, Commemorating #SirDavidAmess — October 18, 2021 D… - 3 years ago

@lynnelwhite: RT @ArgyleLoz: Boris Johnson wasn't in Parliament for the one minutes silence in memory of Sir David Amess, even in tragedy its all about h… - 3 years ago

@shahriarkia: RT @iranian_voice: Iran’s State Media Lash Late Sir David Amess and Celebrate His Assassination By Shahriar kia .@shahriarkia - 3 years ago

@Power2803: @Femi_Sorry @KayBurley In any event, it seems that Sir David Amess was murdered by an Islamic extremist - so all th… - 3 years ago

@TakashiMichaels: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨🚨 | BREAKING: The suspected killer of Sir David Amess attended an official Deradicalisation course Via @DailyMailUK - 3 years ago

@Hadiroshan7: RT @GBNEWS: 'He was really a true champion of human rights.' Hossein Abedini, the Deputy Director of the National Council of the Resistanc… - 3 years ago

@poppyybmayx: RT @Femi_Sorry: Mark Francois is taking advantage of the murder of Sir David Amess to clamp down against free speech. He wants a David's L… - 3 years ago

@mag55rbt: RT @KateBolger7: Following the brutal murder of Sir David Amess by an islamic terrorist, Islamic terrorism in the UK will not be discussed… - 3 years ago

@dadbanazadi: RT @Falvey_Dan: Outside Parliament as MPs walk to church for a service in memory of Sir David Amess, campaigners for causes close to his he… - 3 years ago

@Bogecevic: RT @adilray: The focus on online abuse following the tragic murder of Sir David Amess MP is curious. If the idea is online abuse contribute… - 3 years ago

@Azurenai: RT @davidrog: Boris Johnson says Southend to be given city status to honour Sir David Amess ... Don't resent this, but what was done in hon… - 3 years ago

@PratingCoxcomb: RT @Liam08612451: @GBNEWS I assume Mr Francois genuinely cared for the late Sir Amess, so I doubt this is being done cynically, but wrappin… - 3 years ago

@AlonzoJamison2: RT @jolenebuntinguk: Wave of terrorism in Europe moving towards the UK', ex-counter terror chief warns - 3 years ago

@captainmohadeb: RT @katielfrank: Sir David Amess wasn't killed by someone who had been vile to him online. So why are MPs talking about online abuse?🤷‍♀️ T… - 3 years ago

@LeeGTMarsons: RT @gavreilly: The Dáil has observed a moment of silence in memory of Sir David Amess MP, four days after his murder at a constituency clin… - 3 years ago

@gullisjam: RT @piersmorgan: Sir David Amess a few weeks ago with his wife Julie at their daughter Alexandra's wedding with their other girls as brides… - 3 years ago

@SiouxWorsfold: RT @ArgyleLoz: Southend gets granted city status in memory of Sir David Amess, fair enough, but what did Boris Johnson do in memory of Jo C… - 3 years ago

@Ruby78678013: OK another question. Why did @CarolineLucas not attend and speak as spokesperson for @TheGreenParty at the Sir Davi… - 3 years ago

@MichaelWiebe8: RT @FreeeIran: This is the last article of Sir David Amess, published in Townhall one day before he was killed-- Reverse a Pattern of Appe… - 3 years ago

@B17Manijeh: RT @BigM0h: @BobBlackman Thank you for sharing this news. A very nice thing to do in order to commemorate the services and indeed sacrifice… - 3 years ago

@billlamb1965: RT @ArgyleLoz: Boris Johnson wasn't in Parliament for the one minutes silence in memory of Sir David Amess, even in tragedy its all about h… - 3 years ago

@danieleydmann: RT @MahyarTousi: Repeat after me: Mean anonymous tweets did not kill Sir David Amess. Islamism did. Do NOT allow politicians to take adva… - 3 years ago

@cavemanmartin: RT @davidrog: Boris Johnson says Southend to be given city status to honour Sir David Amess ... Don't resent this, but what was done in hon… - 3 years ago

@EclatExcel: RT @GBNEWS: Patrick Christys: Online hate speech did not kill Sir David Amess, it appears that radical Islamist terror did - 3 years ago

@AllotmentPalBri: RT @TheFamousArtBR: The Chilling Effect is taking place with Rosie Duffield MP on Saturday evening here in Leigh on Sea. Given the horrific… - 3 years ago

@Amir23316595: RT @DowlatNowrouzi: Sir #DavidAmessMP: “One of the proudest things I have ever done in my political career is to support the National Counc… - 3 years ago

@stevewmobb: RT @bloggerheads: 'The killing of Sir David Amess is already being used as an excuse to pass bad laws' Take it fro… - 3 years ago

@steve1metalock: RT @GBNEWS: Patrick Christys: Online hate speech did not kill Sir David Amess, it appears that radical Islamist terror did - 3 years ago

@johnelalamo: RT @adilray: The focus on online abuse following the tragic murder of Sir David Amess MP is curious. If the idea is online abuse contribute… - 3 years ago

@Richard77350394: RT @jallen1947: Not looking good for the our borders.. Wave of terrorism in Europe moving towards the UK', ex-counter terror ch… - 3 years ago

@StevenEJohnso: RT @cold957: Now do you see how important language is to the left? Sir David Amess was “killed” or “passed away” And yet Jo Cox was “sens… - 3 years ago

@suzejm63: RT @cold957: Now do you see how important language is to the left? Sir David Amess was “killed” or “passed away” And yet Jo Cox was “sens… - 3 years ago

@NickBeech7: RT @MahyarTousi: Repeat after me: Mean anonymous tweets did not kill Sir David Amess. Islamism did. Do NOT allow politicians to take adva… - 3 years ago

@BobStPier1: RT @Loknayn: A group of Iranians are holding a memorial for Sir David Amess outside Parliament. They say he was a hero to them - a champion… - 3 years ago

@Kayyvon65: RT @daninspain70: I wonder if any M.P.s paying tribute to Sir David Amess today, will,actually take any responsibility for the mess, that i… - 3 years ago

@BESTGrowthHub: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed that Her Majesty The Queen has accorded Southend-on-Sea city status, in… - 3 years ago

@Jojones2762: RT @BeeAHoney_: “Nigel Farage: Sir David Amess death 'an act of Islamist terrorism we can... “ - 3 years ago

@ipaperviews: 'We cannot allow this attack to disrupt, to sow division and discord, to strike fear into us as individuals and acr… - 3 years ago

@rubycooper007: RT @IranNewsUpdate1: Sir David Amess MP was a staunch enemy of dictators, especially the mullahs’ tyranny, and an honorable friend of the p… - 3 years ago

@deborah8576: RT @GBNEWS: Patrick Christys: Online hate speech did not kill Sir David Amess, it appears that radical Islamist terror did - 3 years ago

@kirkham_caron: RT @davidrog: Boris Johnson says Southend to be given city status to honour Sir David Amess ... Don't resent this, but what was done in hon… - 3 years ago

@polyolbion: RT @adilray: The focus on online abuse following the tragic murder of Sir David Amess MP is curious. If the idea is online abuse contribute… - 3 years ago

@JoPatWar: RT @MahyarTousi: Repeat after me: Mean anonymous tweets did not kill Sir David Amess. Islamism did. Do NOT allow politicians to take adva… - 3 years ago

@ChrisE1805: RT @Loknayn: A group of Iranians are holding a memorial for Sir David Amess outside Parliament. They say he was a hero to them - a champion… - 3 years ago

@jdupdater2: RT @SebastianEPayne: House of Commons erupts into applause as Boris Johnson announces the Queen will grant Southend city status in memory o… - 3 years ago

@adiskype: RT @NeilClark66: Reacting to the tragic & horrific murder of Sir David Amess MP by saying ‘We need to ban anonymous social media accounts’… - 3 years ago

@UniversalMindH1: RT @professor_mor: Sir David Amess wasn’t murdered as a result of tweets, he was murdered as a result of a certain religion combined with z… - 3 years ago

@PatHarr58217854: RT @KellGardner: Sir David Amess was brutally Murdered by a suspected Islamic extremist. Not because some people say hurty words on the in… - 3 years ago

@AlisonS64339458: RT @MarieAnnUK: That awkward moment when an MP who hid behind anonymity when being investigated for rape complains about other people's ano… - 3 years ago

@RobertHalbert14: RT @davidrog: Boris Johnson says Southend to be given city status to honour Sir David Amess ... Don't resent this, but what was done in hon… - 3 years ago

@screamingspuds: RT @MahyarTousi: Repeat after me: Mean anonymous tweets did not kill Sir David Amess. Islamism did. Do NOT allow politicians to take adva… - 3 years ago

@Lovelyevening1: RT @KateBolger7: Following the brutal murder of Sir David Amess by an islamic terrorist, Islamic terrorism in the UK will not be discussed… - 3 years ago

@CCJCroft: RT @MahyarTousi: Repeat after me: Mean anonymous tweets did not kill Sir David Amess. Islamism did. Do NOT allow politicians to take adva… - 3 years ago

@rufusnstark: RT @NeilClark66: Reacting to the tragic & horrific murder of Sir David Amess MP by saying ‘We need to ban anonymous social media accounts’… - 3 years ago

@Paullam69876759: RT @pritipatel: Sir David Amess represented all that was good about this place. My statement on our great friend. - 3 years ago

@QuinlanQuinlan: RT @CEPinEurope: In seconds, @DailyMirror journalists discovered over 40 hours of hate speech from notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary.… - 3 years ago

@katielfrank: Sir David Amess wasn't killed by someone who had been vile to him online. So why are MPs talking about online abuse?🤷‍♀️ Thread 👇 - 3 years ago

@SimSays2: RT @NeilClark66: Reacting to the tragic & horrific murder of Sir David Amess MP by saying ‘We need to ban anonymous social media accounts’… - 3 years ago

@TheDrive4Five: Online abuse didn’t kill Sir David Amess, radical Islamic extremism did. Counterterrorism & de-radicalization campa… - 3 years ago

@LFC_Grae: RT @Britain_People: BAN #HUNTING ▪️In honour of Sir David Amess - a passionate opponent of #bloodsports - we call for a "Bloodsports Ban"… - 3 years ago

@fereshteh531: RT @iran_policy: Iran’s State Media Lash Late Sir David Amess and Celebrate His Assassination #Iran #DavidAmess - 3 years ago

@Layo_GP: RT @LiamSD12: .@JournoStephen describes how the "gammon view", that Sir David Amess MP's murder was linked to civility & online abuse, beca… - 3 years ago

@atU14CenRFo9nf6: RT @GBNEWS: 'He was really a true champion of human rights.' Hossein Abedini, the Deputy Director of the National Council of the Resistanc… - 3 years ago

@Zeons_: RT @GBNEWS: Patrick Christys: Online hate speech did not kill Sir David Amess, it appears that radical Islamist terror did - 3 years ago

@CaomhinCamshron: RT @jamesbundy: Mike Kane MP delivered a fitting tribute to Sir David Amess earlier today. - 3 years ago

@Rubiespal: RT @ScarlettBeagle: Absolutely wonderful to hear MPs open today's @UKParliament proceedings with what Sir David Amess MP would be driving f… - 3 years ago

@Carlostheghost: RT @Femi_Sorry: Mark Francois is taking advantage of the murder of Sir David Amess to clamp down against free speech. He wants a David's L… - 3 years ago

@eviegemma7: RT @davidkurten: I completely disagree with a new law making it illegal to be anonymous online. It is quite bizarre that 'Tory libertarians… - 3 years ago

@ANoiLaParola: RT @CBTHunting: URGENT - Please ask your MP to sign #EDM490 today! MPs have tabled a motion in memory of Sir David Amess MP and his campai… - 3 years ago

@Bronwen6720: RT @jude5456: @BorisJohnson Why were you absent from the minute's silence for Sir David Amess? - 3 years ago

@Fizza09: RT @CBTHunting: Sir David Amess MP was a tireless campaigner for a trophy hunting ban. What better way to remember him and to honour his le… - 3 years ago

@zip929: RT @alanmendoza: It is concerning that a “David’s Law” is being touted just for social media abuse. Sir David Amess wasn’t murdered because… - 3 years ago

@MyCherryClub1: RT @PetenShirl: The father of the terrorist that murdered Sir David Amess is so traumatised that he travels back to Somalia, the country he… - 3 years ago

@superdupedoodle: RT @CGreenUK: We had one of the more profound days in Parliament today marking the death of Sir David Amess MP. He really was a role model… - 3 years ago

@tonybwlch: RT @adilray: The focus on online abuse following the tragic murder of Sir David Amess MP is curious. If the idea is online abuse contribute… - 3 years ago

@fereshteh531: RT @Masoud_Dalvand2: Part1- Iranians, #MEK Supporters Rally in Front of #Stockholm Court, Commemorating #SirDavidAmess — October 18, 2021 D… - 3 years ago

@BasfordMaggie: RT @GBNEWS: Patrick Christys: Online hate speech did not kill Sir David Amess, it appears that radical Islamist terror did - 3 years ago

@gabrielshino: RT @GBNEWS: Patrick Christys: Online hate speech did not kill Sir David Amess, it appears that radical Islamist terror did - 3 years ago

@TheHouseMag: RT @politicshome: "Personally, I will never forget his kindness and the camaraderie and laughter we shared. He was one of a kind and I ador… - 3 years ago

@mockacuckoo: RT @danwootton: We owe it to Sir David Amess to properly discuss the circumstances of his death. It was nothing to do with coarsened politi… - 3 years ago

@ricey_sarah: RT @mrjamesob: You boasted about tweeting libellous abuse and now you’re trying to co-opt Sir David Amess’s murder to excuse your appalling… - 3 years ago

@jacquihames: RT @PoliceInspForum: Media Advisory Notice - Death of Sir David Amess MP - 3 years ago

@Barlow5Mel: RT @DaveAtherton20: Who do you blame for the murder of Sir David Amess? Please retweet for a large sample. - 3 years ago

@jjsmith1245: RT @brimage_stephen: The way MPs talk to each other is irrelevant in regards to the killing of Sir David Amess.He was killed by a Muslim ex… - 3 years ago

@maryazadi213: RT @Bagheri_Ali_: In the memory of #DavidAmess. Iranian opposition leader, Maryam Rajavi, praised Sir David Amess for his dedication to Fre… - 3 years ago

@celticgoddess51: RT @GBNEWS: Sir Peter Bottomley MP: ‘We should defend people in every walk of life... I mention, mildly, the philosopher and Professor Kath… - 3 years ago

@maryazadi213: RT @DailyMirror: 'My friend Sir David Amess was warm, friendly and a true champion of human rights' | Hossein Abedini - 3 years ago

@kwanforyou: RT @nathanlawkc: This is a devestating and shocking news. R.I.P. Sir David Amess, and paryers to his friends and family. Sir David Amess:… - 3 years ago

@maryazadi213: RT @DowlatNowrouzi: Members of the Anglo-Iranian communities, supporters of the Iranian Resistance, hold a memorial service opposite the UK… - 3 years ago

@maryazadi213: RT @amsafavi: TownHall features editor @LeahBarkoukis fitting tribute to Sir #DavidAmess Thank you Leah. 🙏 The pict… - 3 years ago

@James_Thorburn: RT @GBNEWS: 🚨 Tonight on Farage from 7pm • Mark Francois MP pays tribute to his friend, the late Sir David Amess • Is it time to 'face up t… - 3 years ago

@CopyOfOne: RT @KyleWOrton: Harbi Ali Kullane, the father of the man suspected of murdering MP Sir David Amess, the former comms director for the Somal… - 3 years ago

@nohj56: RT @davidrog: Boris Johnson says Southend to be given city status to honour Sir David Amess ... Don't resent this, but what was done in hon… - 3 years ago

@maryazadi213: RT @benjaminbutter: Deeply moving to visit the memorial to Sir David Amess in Parliament Square. It is organised by members of the Iranian… - 3 years ago

@gemandmoll: RT @BThroughParty: As MP’s come out in full force today saying ‘be kind’ following the murder of Sir David Amess MP they should perhaps tak… - 3 years ago

@Lightanshade: RT @its_johnmartin: Over the weekend it seems every Tory MP has decried the murder of Sir David Amess as a threat to democracy. Yet they al… - 3 years ago

@sobhAza: RT @IranAkhbareSima: Sir David Amess, British MP and supporter of Iranian Resistance, murdered - 3 years ago

@SEALMacsgirl: RT @ScarlettBeagle: Absolutely wonderful to hear MPs open today's @UKParliament proceedings with what Sir David Amess MP would be driving f… - 3 years ago

@PeterWilliamMos: RT @LiamFox: Touching tributes to our friend Sir David Amess today. Of course, we must improve civility in politics as in society as a whol… - 3 years ago

@PenaltyTicket: RT @revolving_news: Terrorism suspect being held by police over murder of Sir David Amess named Ali Harbi Ali, another worshipper of the re… - 3 years ago

@USNewsRankcom: MPs sit shoulder to shoulder at emotional service in honour of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@England17Joan: RT @PennyMordaunt: This evening we held a service of Prayer and Remembrance for Sir David Amess in St Margaret’s Church. This was the bles… - 3 years ago

@UsNewsRank: MPs sit shoulder to shoulder at emotional service in honour of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@Itsofftheline1: RT @JonHolb: The father of alleged jihadi killer: • came to 🇬🇧 as a “refugee” from Somalia in 1990s • is thought to have homes in Somalia… - 3 years ago

@Suffer_Till_End: RT @BBCPolitics: MPs pay emotional tributes to Sir David Amess in the Commons - 3 years ago

@Angela_C00k: RT @eleanor4epping: It’s a sad week ahead. There will be tributes in the @HouseofCommons tomorrow to Sir David Amess and, on Wednesday, to… - 3 years ago

@FibonacciNature: RT @angel_gardia: @GBNEWS @Nigel_Farage No... The murder of Sir David Amess had nothing to do with anonymous accounts. The man who did it… - 3 years ago

@alfisutton: RT @Hells4Heroes: It's astonishing that Anjem Choudarys name crops up yet again.... yet he's been linked to so many terror attacks, and whe… - 3 years ago

@FibonacciNature: RT @SteveBurston1: @GBNEWS @Nigel_Farage Mark Francois is utterly wrong about this. Anonymity on social media had absolutely nothing to do… - 3 years ago

@MacRose27: RT @Femi_Sorry: Mark Francois is taking advantage of the murder of Sir David Amess to clamp down against free speech. He wants a David's L… - 3 years ago

@Irani5683: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Paying homage to the great friend of the Iranian Resistance- Sir #DavidAmess -Ashraf 3 - 3 years ago

@Aleksey8558: MP Sir David Amess is murdered by a Somalian terrorist. So, now the government is talking about removing internet… - 3 years ago

@Irani5683: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Sir #DavidAmess’s brutal murder is a wake-up call to the world about the dangers of fundamentalism, extremism and terror… - 3 years ago

@Irani5683: RT @DailyMirror: 'My friend Sir David Amess was warm, friendly and a true champion of human rights' | Hossein Abedini - 3 years ago

@Irani5683: RT @tomhfh: Moving vigil to Sir David Amess put on by the Iranian Council of Resistance. Sir David co-chaired British Committee for Iran F… - 3 years ago

@CharlieRatster: RT @JonHolb: The terror suspect’s father owns houses in Somalia & Kenya (D Telegraph). He “returned to the UK 2 years ago to have a heart… - 3 years ago

@chrislswood: RT @johnredwood: Today Parliament remembers the work and life of Sir David Amess. I urge the government to look at the causes he held dear… - 3 years ago

@AnnBPear1: RT @MrHarryCole: Benches stand in silence for Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@Lesley_London: RT @mrjamesob: You boasted about tweeting libellous abuse and now you’re trying to co-opt Sir David Amess’s murder to excuse your appalling… - 3 years ago

@CatFree19: RT @KRLS: It is with great sadness that I learnt the killing of Sir David Amess MP, a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Catalo… - 3 years ago

@PoliticalOwen: RT @SUFCRootsHall: The city of Southend. 🙌 A fitting tribute to MP Sir David Amess. 💙 - 3 years ago

@lizmcglynn: RT @Ianblackford_MP: Today the House of Commons pays tribute to man who contributed so much to his constituency and to this chamber for nea… - 3 years ago

@farside1: RT @adilray: The focus on online abuse following the tragic murder of Sir David Amess MP is curious. If the idea is online abuse contribute… - 3 years ago

@Matt528chap: RT @PARLYapp: A poignant image of the Mother and Father of the House @HarrietHarman and @PBottomleyMP at the service for Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@Scribemole: RT @BThroughParty: As MP’s come out in full force today saying ‘be kind’ following the murder of Sir David Amess MP they should perhaps tak… - 3 years ago

@LorraineDevereu: RT @adilray: The focus on online abuse following the tragic murder of Sir David Amess MP is curious. If the idea is online abuse contribute… - 3 years ago

@JEyal_RUSI: RT @eleanor4epping: Lovely Service of Prayer & Remembrance for Sir David Amess in St Margaret’s Church @wabbey tonight. - 3 years ago

@StephenPLundy: RT @KonstantinKisin: The reaction to Sir David Amess tragedy is so guttingly predictable. We are so lost as to what to do about Islamist… - 3 years ago

@85_charlotte: RT @Hells4Heroes: It's astonishing that Anjem Choudarys name crops up yet again.... yet he's been linked to so many terror attacks, and whe… - 3 years ago

@FouadBoussetta: RT @YorkshireReborn: @PoliticsForAlI As Sir David Amess was bleeding to death after a Somali muslim extremist stabbed him in broad daylight… - 3 years ago

@davidjo67292557: RT @itvnews: First picture of Ali Harbi Ali, suspected of killing MP Sir David Ames - 3 years ago

@CharlieSquires_: RT @eleanor4epping: Lovely Service of Prayer & Remembrance for Sir David Amess in St Margaret’s Church @wabbey tonight. - 3 years ago

@PoppyFletcher18: RT @daninspain70: I wonder if any M.P.s paying tribute to Sir David Amess today, will,actually take any responsibility for the mess, that i… - 3 years ago

@NeilHutchi1: RT @GBNEWS: Sir Peter Bottomley MP: ‘We should defend people in every walk of life... I mention, mildly, the philosopher and Professor Kath… - 3 years ago

@BlueCollarWrk: RT @Simon_S70: They could also tell us why Somalian Harbi Ali Kullane @Xarbi who has houses in Somalia and Kenya, "lives" in a £2m London c… - 3 years ago

@lambretta123: RT @danwootton: We owe it to Sir David Amess to properly discuss the circumstances of his death. It was nothing to do with coarsened politi… - 3 years ago

@matkinson956: RT @pressgazette: Contempt reminder from Attorney General following killing of Sir David Amess: Don't publish anything that asserts or assu… - 3 years ago

@drumspares: Sir David Amess murder ‘terror incident’ as police arrest Briton, 25, of Somali descent - 3 years ago

@rubithecat: RT @CBTHunting: Sir David Amess MP was a tireless campaigner for a trophy hunting ban. What better way to remember him and to honour his le… - 3 years ago

@HalseyJane: RT @LloydHardy: The Telegraph and the Daily Mail are very busy releasing stories that David Amess was killed by the terror suspect "at rand… - 3 years ago

@jesusperezloza: RT @Telegraph: 🔴NEW: Boris Johnson leads MPs' tributes to Sir David Amess. Follow live updates here ⬇️ - 3 years ago

@sadydoust: RT @iran_policy: In memory of Sir David Amess Sir David Amess was a staunch enemy of dictators, especially the mullahs’ tyranny, and an ho… - 3 years ago

@100glitterstars: RT @MirrorPolitics: 'Sir David Amess' death is already being used as an excuse to pass bad laws' | ✍️ @fleetstreetfox - 3 years ago

@BobthecatBevan: Listen to BBC Radio Essex Late Show tonight 10- 1am. I'm on talking about the sadly late MP Sir David Amess who ove… - 3 years ago

@hoseintayyar67: RT @iran_policy: Ashraf 3, Albania: A Memorial Ceremony To Pay Tribute To Sir David Amess #Iran #DavidAmess - 3 years ago

@ManojKu70630177: RT @BBCBreaking: "He was one of the kindest, nicest, most gentle people in politics" PM Boris Johnson pays tribute to Sir David Amess, who… - 3 years ago

@Ash_Hirani: RT @GBNEWS: Parliament pays tribute to Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@etbusby: RT @prwhittle: In the aftermath of Sir David Amess’s murder it seems we have at least been spared the ‘Religion of Peace’ line which is usu… - 3 years ago

@sabrieh5: RT @iran_policy: Iran’s State Media Lash Late Sir David Amess and Celebrate His Assassination #Iran #DavidAmess - 3 years ago

@ValerioZach: RT @johnredwood: Today Parliament remembers the work and life of Sir David Amess. I urge the government to look at the causes he held dear… - 3 years ago

@NavidAfkari2: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Sir #DavidAmess’s brutal murder is a wake-up call to the world about the dangers of fundamentalism, extremism and terror… - 3 years ago

@MsTKIndeed: RT @ScarlettBeagle: Absolutely wonderful to hear MPs open today's @UKParliament proceedings with what Sir David Amess MP would be driving f… - 3 years ago

@Gramoss: @SarahG20123 Sir David Amess. Happened last week, apparently. Not a peep from the media. - 3 years ago

@BanglaViral: MPs say prayers and pay tribute to Sir David Amess in House of Commons – watch live - 3 years ago

@RussMcKernan: RT @LeagueACS: Paying tribute to Sir David Amess MP, who was stabbed to death in his constituency surgery in Leigh – on – Sea on Friday, 15… - 3 years ago

@ManojKu70630177: RT @BBCBreaking: Man arrested on suspicion of murdering MP Sir David Amess - Ali Harbi Ali - is further detained under Terrorism Act https:… - 3 years ago

@AirmailLynn: RT @GBNEWS: Sir David Amess’ family including his widow Julia, read messages on floral tributes left outside Belfairs Methodist Church wher… - 3 years ago

@Binaliuae: RT @Emarati_Shield: علاقة قطر بالسير ديفيد اميس، وعلاقة قطر مع الصومال، ومسألة أن والد القاتل عمل كمستشار سابق لرئيس وزراء الصومال، جميعا م… - 3 years ago

@papasharma00: RT @GBNEWS: Parliament pays tribute to Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@Andym6769: RT @SkyNews: The family of Sir David Amess has read messages of condolence at Belfairs Methodist Church, where the MP was fatally stabbed d… - 3 years ago

@ATGBrokers: New post (Sir David Amess: How a tragic day unfolded) published on - 3 years ago

@honeybuns_49: RT @its_johnmartin: Over the weekend it seems every Tory MP has decried the murder of Sir David Amess as a threat to democracy. Yet they al… - 3 years ago

@dariushabbasi72: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Sir #DavidAmess’s brutal murder is a wake-up call to the world about the dangers of fundamentalism, extremism and terror… - 3 years ago

@BHheadlines: ❌𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚❌ Sir David Amess's family visit church where he was murdered: Sir David Amess's family have visited th… - 3 years ago

@DTNBreakingNews: Sir David Amess's family visit church where he was murdered - 3 years ago

@IAmzxc1: RT @JohnsonDelreo: First picture of Sir David Amess murder suspect, 25 - 3 years ago

@LesleyBurghart: RT @BBCWomansHour: Listen now: Former Labour MP @paulasherriff shares her memories of the late Sir David Amess and the work he did to suppo… - 3 years ago

@Yellowarrow7: RT @JohnsonDelreo: First picture of Sir David Amess murder suspect, 25 - 3 years ago

@LaizyDaizey: RT @SkyNews: The family of Sir David Amess has read messages of condolence at Belfairs Methodist Church, where the MP was fatally stabbed d… - 3 years ago

@BodellePhebe: RT @JonHolb: The terror suspect’s father owns houses in Somalia & Kenya (D Telegraph). He “returned to the UK 2 years ago to have a heart… - 3 years ago

@DowRonnie: RT @GBNEWS: Tom Harwood: 'Defeating Islamism should be a higher priority than avoiding causing offence' GB News’ Tom Harwood gives his vie… - 3 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @yorkshirepost: 🗣️ "As Jo Cox said in her own maiden speech that was so evocative, people do usually have ‘more in common’ with their op… - 3 years ago

@hamonstar58: RT @Maryam_Rajavi_F: Le meurtre brutal de Sir #DavidAmess est un signal d'alarme pour le monde entier sur les dangers du fondamentalisme, d… - 3 years ago

@MsMigot: 1pm London & SE news: Southed remembers Sir David Amess, Barking & Dagenham vaccine take-up low amongst young peopl… - 3 years ago

@tubeway: The excuse Raab has been waiting for to bring in draconian social media reform has presented itself… - 3 years ago

@RudraTheDstroyr: RT @KonstantinKisin: The reaction to Sir David Amess tragedy is so guttingly predictable. We are so lost as to what to do about Islamist… - 3 years ago

@KeithB44107046: RT @Jen4Scot: I was just thinking this. Terrible as abuse of politicians is (from the public & each other), it has little to do with the h… - 3 years ago

@hamonstar58: RT @Maryam_Rajavi_F: Cérémonie en hommage à Sir #DavidAmess, grand ami de la Résistance iranienne, à Achraf-3 en Albanie - 3 years ago

@GadaboutP: RT @COLRICHARDKEMP: Sir David Amess murder suspect ‘radicalised after watching videos of hate preacher Anjem Choudary’. My comments in The… - 3 years ago

@ConUnit_UCL: RT @ConUnit_UCL: As MPs gather to reflect and to pay tribute to Sir David Amess, a reminder of this from Meg Russell in 2019. There can be… - 3 years ago

@Allchanges: RT @LloydHardy: Sir David Amess was the Chairman of the Qatar All-Party Parliamentary Group. He shared a photo of a recent meeting with th… - 3 years ago

@the_cynical1: RT @KonstantinKisin: The reaction to Sir David Amess tragedy is so guttingly predictable. We are so lost as to what to do about Islamist… - 3 years ago

@Forougho_Zaman: RT @ttespillere: @Maryam_Rajavi Paying homage to the great friend of the Iranian Resistance- Sir #DavidAmess -Ashraf 3 - 3 years ago

@Forougho_Zaman: RT @abulfath2: @Maryam_Rajavi Paying homage to the great friend of the Iranian Resistance- Sir #DavidAmess -Ashraf 3 - 3 years ago

@afchine_alavi: RT @Maryam_Rajavi_F: Le meurtre brutal de Sir #DavidAmess est un signal d'alarme pour le monde entier sur les dangers du fondamentalisme, d… - 3 years ago

@azadi_payman: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Sir #DavidAmess’s brutal murder is a wake-up call to the world about the dangers of fundamentalism, extremism and terror… - 3 years ago

@Forougho_Zaman: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Sir #DavidAmess’s brutal murder is a wake-up call to the world about the dangers of fundamentalism, extremism and terror… - 3 years ago

@GreggPetre: RT @DouglasKMurray: Hi Angela (@AngelaRayner). Could you tell us whether you think Sir David Amess was ‘scum’? - 3 years ago

@azadi_payman: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Paying homage to the great friend of the Iranian Resistance- Sir #DavidAmess -Ashraf 3 - 3 years ago

@BatleyResi: RT @MarkUmpl: Sir David Amess' family have released a statement:”we ask people to set aside differences & show kindness & love to all.This… - 3 years ago

@Allchanges: RT @LloydHardy: The Telegraph and the Daily Mail are very busy releasing stories that David Amess was killed by the terror suspect "at rand… - 3 years ago

@dannyshevlin3: RT @DailyMailUK: David Amess’ widow wipes tears from her eyes as she and family view floral tributes left for tragic MP - 3 years ago

@carlldne3: RT @JonHolb: The terror suspect’s father owns houses in Somalia & Kenya (D Telegraph). He “returned to the UK 2 years ago to have a heart… - 3 years ago

@MintoNeil: RT @MarkH_Photo: Pretty sure that the lack of respect for MPs comes from their inability to be honest with the people they are supposed to… - 3 years ago

@gemcch: RT @CharlieEvans0: Plaid Cymru ought to suspend Arfon Jones. This is not the first time he has behaved indecently. BBC News - Sir David A… - 3 years ago

@JoButterfly888: RT @attorneygeneral: We would like to remind anyone reporting or commenting on the death of Sir David Amess MP to be aware of the law on Co… - 3 years ago

@benjamin_unplug: @DouglasKMurray @AngelaRayner When an MP complained in parliament that she and other MPs were getting death threats… - 3 years ago

@Forougho_Zaman: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Paying homage to the great friend of the Iranian Resistance- Sir #DavidAmess -Ashraf 3 - 3 years ago

@afchine_alavi: RT @Maryam_Rajavi_F: Cérémonie en hommage à Sir #DavidAmess, grand ami de la Résistance iranienne, à Achraf-3 en Albanie - 3 years ago

@EvelynSpring8: RT @piersmorgan: All this talk of politicians needing to be kinder to each after Sir David Amess' murder is irrelevant to what happened. Th… - 3 years ago

@rodjameslaight: RT @10DowningStreet: Prime Minister @BorisJohnson paid tribute to Sir David Amess MP in Leigh-on-Sea. - 3 years ago

@harryriedl: RT @icrowson: Exclusive: Sir David Amess murder suspect ‘radicalised after watching YouTube videos of hate preacher Anjem Choudary’. As a f… - 3 years ago

@jono_jarmen: RT @GBNEWS: Tom Harwood: ‘Even if - not a single migrant boat made it across the channel this year, this act of terrorism would still have… - 3 years ago

@EAClarkAuthor: RT @ScarlettBeagle: Rescued laboratory @ScarlettBeagle woofs: "I'm joining my humans today at Churchill's statue, Parliament Sq, to help pa… - 3 years ago

@hellofaread: I’ve been targeted with acid attack and death threats, says Dominic Raab, after Sir David Amess’ death 👊 💀 👨… - 3 years ago

@AskThePatrick: RT @PaulBrandITV: One MP tells me tonight that the feeling in Parliament is so strong that he believes some of his colleagues will leave fo… - 3 years ago

@GonjiHalimeh: RT @iran_policy: In memory of Sir David Amess Sir David Amess was a staunch enemy of dictators, especially the mullahs’ tyranny, and an ho… - 3 years ago

@gistbang: Pictured: Terror suspect who killed British MP, Sir David Amess, is released as it’s revealed he became radicalized… - 3 years ago

@Klaa2BaradaNik2: @PerringSimon @PennyMordaunt @Little_G2 @HouseofCommons @CommonsSpeaker @AngelaRayner Disguising deflection of the… - 3 years ago

@nodbear: RT @GBNEWS: Tom Harwood: 'Defeating Islamism should be a higher priority than avoiding causing offence' GB News’ Tom Harwood gives his vie… - 3 years ago

@SiriuslyCold: RT @ScarlettBeagle: Rescued laboratory @ScarlettBeagle woofs: "I'm joining my humans today at Churchill's statue, Parliament Sq, to help pa… - 3 years ago

@philiprichards5: RT @Eastwood1A1: Will The Muslim Council of Britain & The Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board issue statements fully supporting the S… - 3 years ago

@lynzr33: RT @ScarlettBeagle: Rescued laboratory @ScarlettBeagle woofs: "I'm joining my humans today at Churchill's statue, Parliament Sq, to help pa… - 3 years ago

@hamrahshowaziz: RT @FlorenceIran: Ashraf 3, Albania: A Memorial Ceremony To Pay Tribute To Sir #DavidAmessMP @Maryam_Rajavi : David Amess was a great adv… - 3 years ago

@Klaa2BaradaNik2: @NaughtyNigel3 @Femi_Sorry @KayBurley Disguising deflection of the reality of Sir David Amess's death. Only serves… - 3 years ago

@zpyarom: RT @COLRICHARDKEMP: Sir David Amess murder suspect ‘radicalised after watching videos of hate preacher Anjem Choudary’. My comments in The… - 3 years ago

@sportmarketing1: Man, 76, arrested after Labour MP Chris Bryant received death threat - 3 years ago

@karenlovesbarns: RT @ScarlettBeagle: Rescued laboratory @ScarlettBeagle woofs: "I'm joining my humans today at Churchill's statue, Parliament Sq, to help pa… - 3 years ago

@FJEB88: RT @GBNfans: 🚨 | A 76-year-old man has been arrested after a Labour MP received death threats in response to a call for kindness in the wak… - 3 years ago

@MerluNationV: RT @F_Desouche: Attentat islamiste dans l'église de Belfairs (R-U) : le député conservateur David Amess tué à coups de couteau par Ali Harb… - 3 years ago

@JosAntn47225351: RT @lordivan22: Reino Unido 🇬🇧: A polícia não descarta a possibilidade de terrorismo no assassinato do parlamentar conservador Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@deane258: RT @Paularoy1977: I was so shocked to hear of the murder of Sir David Amess, like many I shed a tear for him and his family. The media cov… - 3 years ago

@NegusPilled: RT @MailOnline: PICTURED: Terror suspect 'who killed Sir David Amess after choosing him at random - 3 years ago

@wolf_sioux: RT @SpeakerPelosi: Today, I spoke with my friend @CommonsSpeaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle to express the condolences of the U.S. Congress for the… - 3 years ago

@Barlow5Mel: RT @MartinDaubney: Lisa Nandy making the brutal murder of Sir David Amess about tweets against Diane Abbott & the online safety bill - whil… - 3 years ago

@DrSarteschi: RT @raffpantucci: Sir David Amess murder suspect ‘radicalised after watching YouTube videos of hate preacher Anjem Choudary’ - according to… - 3 years ago

@2plus2is222: RT @AmyMek: A British Islamic terrorist of Somali origin stabbed to death Sir David Amess 17 times in a Church. A convert to Islam killed… - 3 years ago

@Stephen_from_Fr: RT @F_Desouche: Attentat islamiste dans l'église de Belfairs (R-U) : le député conservateur David Amess tué à coups de couteau par Ali Harb… - 3 years ago

@Stop_The_EU: RT @UKIP: “A UKIP spokesperson on the issue told @politicaliteuk last night that the Government is “failing in its responsibility to protec… - 3 years ago

@freedom_girl123: RT @daninspain70: Since the tragic Murder of Sir David Amess, over 300, anonymous fighting aged men have arrived on our Beaches. Those very… - 3 years ago

@Hamdam69244505: RT @IranNewsUpdate1: Freedom-loving people of #Iran and their organized Resistance pay tributes to the late Sir David Amess for his tireles… - 3 years ago

@bcfrohlichs: RT @AlanCane604: CBC couldn't help comparing the murder of Sir David Amess to the radical Right. But a murder in the name of a religion isn… - 3 years ago

@FazelehRassouli: RT @iac_virginia: Sir David Amess’ Last Article Calls for Reversing a Pattern of Appeasement by Arresting Iran’s Genocidal President https:… - 3 years ago

@LeProtecteur22: RT @F_Desouche: Attentat islamiste dans l'église de Belfairs (R-U) : Ali Harbi Ali, un Britannique d'origine somalienne, assassine le déput… - 3 years ago

@PulpNews: Pictured: #Terror #suspect 'who #killed Sir #David Amess at RANDOM' - Oct 17 @ 11:18 PM ET - 3 years ago

@wcheck08: RT @BorisJohnson: All our hearts are full of shock and sadness at the death of Sir David Amess MP. He was one of the kindest, nicest, most… - 3 years ago

@SanjayChk6117: RT @SortedEagle: Shocking details of the murder of UK MP Sir David Amess have emerged with reports suggesting that the suspect, a Somali de… - 3 years ago

@lukeyolives: RT @MaajidNawaz: I have made a covenant with ALLAH that I will honour YOU RIP ❤️ Sir David Amess, MARTYR 🇬🇧 - 3 years ago

@aloecab: RT @zatzi: Wouldn’t it have been nice if Sunday Worship on BBC Radio4 had been from a Catholic Church in memory of Sir David Amess? And per… - 3 years ago

@myfavenews: RT @SkyNews: The terror suspect arrested following the killing of Conservative MP Sir David Amess is the son of a former senior Somali gove… - 3 years ago

@AsiehZahedani: RT @Maryam_Rajavi: Sir #DavidAmess was an admirable symbol of advocating freedom, democracy, and among martyrs to the cause of freedom. We… - 3 years ago

@William65541257: RT @SooksThe: Translation: The UK has been 'cowed' but we think our fluffy narratives will prevent the public from seeing it! Get them OU… - 3 years ago

@H_77H_H: RT @HeshmatAlavi: #UPDATE The Metropolitan Police, whose counter-terrorism unit are leading the investigation of the incident, said in a st… - 3 years ago

@James_Thorburn: RT @GBNEWS: The family of Sir David Amess have released a statement following his death: 'We are enormously proud of him. Our hearts are sh… - 3 years ago

@myfavenews: RT @SkyNews: Conservative MP Andrew Mitchell says the safety of MPs is a 'very difficult issue', adding 'to lose accessibility of MPs would… - 3 years ago

@AsiehZahedani: RT @Maryam_Rajavi_A: #ديفيد_أميس هو مدافع بلا كلل عن الحرية والديمقراطية - 3 years ago

@lilicabust: RT @lordivan22: Reino Unido 🇬🇧: A identidade do homem que atacou e matou o parlamentar conservador m Sir David Amess foi revelada. Ali Harb… - 3 years ago

@Homeyra1988: RT @iran_policy: Iran’s State Media Lash Late Sir David Amess and Celebrate His Assassination #Iran #DavidAmess - 3 years ago

@WaldirPatriota1: RT @lordivan22: Reino Unido 🇬🇧: A identidade do homem que atacou e matou o parlamentar conservador m Sir David Amess foi revelada. Ali Harb… - 3 years ago

@Homeyra1988: RT @IranNewsUpdate1: On October 15, the people of #Iran and their organized Resistance lost Sir David Amess MP, one of the kindest, nicest,… - 3 years ago

@enordye2: RT @australian: The man accused of murdering British politician Sir David Amess, in what has been classed as a terrorist attack, is the son… - 3 years ago

@Homeyra1988: RT @iran_policy: Iran’s State Media Lash Late Sir David Amess and Celebrate His Assassination #Iran #DavidAmess - 3 years ago

@kamransaghah: RT @mark4ceredigion: Sir David Amess was truly respected by all who met him. He did give politics a good name. 7/7 - 3 years ago

@Homeyra1988: RT @IranNewsUpdate1: For decades, Sir David Amess did his best in the quest for a free and democratic Iran. He tirelessly supported the Nat… - 3 years ago

@Homeyra1988: RT @IranNewsUpdate1: The people of #Iran and their Resistance will never forget Sir David Amess MP, who did whatever he could in the quest… - 3 years ago

@bychristinebswk: It’s not often we can get a peek inside the Clinton Administration today. Here WH Corr. @Jcbua gives us a candid l… - 3 years ago

@monkeyglasses22: RT @DouglasKMurray: I see that ‘anonymity online’ has become the latest distraction debate adopted in the UK in the wake of the murder of S… - 3 years ago

@Destiny92805899: RT @michaeldickson: Jewish Groups Around the World Condemn Killing of British MP, Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@c21mehri: RT @iacogeorgia: Iranian people who Sir David Amess campaigned with for freedom and democracy in #Iran have laid a floral tribute where he… - 3 years ago

@Jaweybreakers: RT @Independent: Granting Southend-on-Sea city status a ‘wonderful tribute’ to Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@rezaazari17: RT @Maryam_Rajavi_A: #ديفيد_أميس هو مدافع بلا كلل عن الحرية والديمقراطية - 3 years ago

@damasus01: RT @annettejals: Here’s some information on the man who murdered Sir David Amess. He seems to have been a radicalized Muslin who doesn’t fi… - 3 years ago

@CAChalmers_: RT @Ned_Donovan: The first time I met Sir David Amess I didn’t know him and asked what he did. “I’m an MP,” he said and I apologised for n… - 3 years ago

@WoodthorpeAnna: RT @IainDale: NEW BLOGPOST A Tribute to Sir David Amess 1952-2021 This is based on my Sunday Telegraph article, but is a third longer. I… - 3 years ago

@DianaRo91347991: RT @Chickpea200: Why is the BBC describing Sir David Amess's death as him being killed? He was murdered. - 3 years ago

@LukeWil37622558: RT @Keir_Starmer: Sir David Amess was a dedicated public servant, a husband and a father. May he rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@Wilburgiles6: RT @Chickpea200: Why is the BBC describing Sir David Amess's death as him being killed? He was murdered. - 3 years ago

@Allegoryofthec3: RT @themood2020: Something isn’t right about Sir David Amess’s murder narrative. It stinks. - 3 years ago

@wiseowl42896765: RT @daninspain70: Since the tragic Murder of Sir David Amess, over 300, anonymous fighting aged men have arrived on our Beaches. Those very… - 3 years ago

@pleepolitics: RT @DouglasKMurray: Hi Angela (@AngelaRayner). Could you tell us whether you think Sir David Amess was ‘scum’? - 3 years ago

@QamarULIsLamAr1: RT @NewsMTA: Conservative MP Sir David Amess was tragically murdered on Friday in Southend-on-Sea. Missionaries of the Ahmadiyya #Muslim… - 3 years ago

@Bfast0001: RT @georgegalloway: #MOATS | POLL “After the murder of Sir David Amess should the death penalty be brought back?” Have your say in the… - 3 years ago

@EzzatHabibnejad: RT @LBC: Iranian people who Sir David Amess campaigned with for freedom and democracy in Iran have laid a floral tribute where he was tragi… - 3 years ago

@EarlofHalton: RT @Ned_Donovan: The first time I met Sir David Amess I didn’t know him and asked what he did. “I’m an MP,” he said and I apologised for n… - 3 years ago

@AlisonH15864665: RT @EmmaKennedy: You know what Mail on Sunday, having a prominent picture of Angela Rayner under the heading “I don’t know why Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@Katewms: RT @BBCPolitics: “I think no better tribute would be ensuring that his constituency gets the city status” Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyl… - 3 years ago

@al3xcostin: Sir David Amess stabbing event - Conservative MP Sir David Amess died after being stabbed multiple times at his Ess… - 3 years ago

@Jboy1878: RT @DouglasKMurray: Hi Angela (@AngelaRayner). Could you tell us whether you think Sir David Amess was ‘scum’? - 3 years ago

@ASK_des: RT @ASK_des: #FemiOluwole Femi Oluwole proving why he is the most annoying man in Great Britian 🇬🇧. Bringing Brexit into Sir David Amess d… - 3 years ago

@drpaulitious: RT @EmmaKennedy: You know what Mail on Sunday, having a prominent picture of Angela Rayner under the heading “I don’t know why Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@lsrlinda: RT @ConservativeAWF: ‘Sir David Amess was a lovely, kind and compassionate man - a great loss to us all ‘ our founder remembers Sir David o… - 3 years ago

@jksmith2128: RT @DouglasKMurray: I see that ‘anonymity online’ has become the latest distraction debate adopted in the UK in the wake of the murder of S… - 3 years ago

@chloe4711: RT @Paularoy1977: I was so shocked to hear of the murder of Sir David Amess, like many I shed a tear for him and his family. The media cov… - 3 years ago

@AnthonyMcConn20: RT @DouglasKMurray: I see that ‘anonymity online’ has become the latest distraction debate adopted in the UK in the wake of the murder of S… - 3 years ago

@MeyerGringo: RT @morocologne1: 1. er ist nicht #gestorben, sondern wurde #ermordet 3. das opfer trägt einen namen: Sir david #amess 2. der täter war #… - 3 years ago

@alan_daniels46: RT @Labour4Animals: Horrified to see Early Day Motions tabled by Sir David Amess already ‘withdrawn’ & signature removed. I URGE Speaker @L… - 3 years ago

@William04093226: RT @JeffWoolnough: This what actually happened at the scene of the crime -Sir David Amess RIP🙏to put the record straight - 3 years ago

@citoyenneFrance: ---Attentat islamiste dans l’église de Belfairs (R-U) : le député conservateur David Amess tué à coups de couteau p… - 3 years ago

@caroline353353: RT @Paularoy1977: I was so shocked to hear of the murder of Sir David Amess, like many I shed a tear for him and his family. The media cov… - 3 years ago

@sguitar50: RT @zatzi: Wouldn’t it have been nice if Sunday Worship on BBC Radio4 had been from a Catholic Church in memory of Sir David Amess? And per… - 3 years ago

@Esmail45215221: RT @iran_policy: In memory of Sir David Amess Sir David Amess was a staunch enemy of dictators, especially the mullahs’ tyranny, and an ho… - 3 years ago

@cue_bono: RT @ClarkeMicah: So who now says this is still a Christian country? Police 'prevented priest from giving Sir David Amess his last rites' ht… - 3 years ago

@tomhfh: Thank you to the 42,000 who tuned in for the special extension of our Great British Breakfast programme yesterday w… - 3 years ago

@tinkerbell0672: RT @JeffWoolnough: This what actually happened at the scene of the crime -Sir David Amess RIP🙏to put the record straight - 3 years ago

@canuckuk: RT @EmmaKennedy: You know what Mail on Sunday, having a prominent picture of Angela Rayner under the heading “I don’t know why Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@Hlrybuck: RT @Paularoy1977: I was so shocked to hear of the murder of Sir David Amess, like many I shed a tear for him and his family. The media cov… - 3 years ago

@Justice4the21: RT @DouglasKMurray: I see that ‘anonymity online’ has become the latest distraction debate adopted in the UK in the wake of the murder of S… - 3 years ago

@billpostmus: RT @GdnPolitics: Sir David Amess obituary - 3 years ago

@BJ_Gardener: RT @EmmaKennedy: You know what Mail on Sunday, having a prominent picture of Angela Rayner under the heading “I don’t know why Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@DillonClear: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨 | NEW: Following the murder of Sir David Amess, Priti Patel says she has not ruled out getting rid of anonymity on so… - 3 years ago

@diggybicjen: RT @Olgachristie: ‘Terror suspect Ali Harbi Ali plotted attack on Tory MP Sir David Amess for a week: British Muslim, 25, lives on celebrit… - 3 years ago

@GlynisWinestein: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@Frances__Carlin: RT @JeffWoolnough: This what actually happened at the scene of the crime -Sir David Amess RIP🙏to put the record straight - 3 years ago

@ResisterSis20: RT @JCBua: Listen To My @LBC Overnight Interview With The Amazing @clivebull Discussing @BillClinton Legacy The Tragic Killing Of MP Sir Da… - 3 years ago

@Fonte331: RT @BashirHashiysf: The fatal stabbing of Conservative MP Sir David Amess has been declared a terrorist incident, Metropolitan Police have… - 3 years ago

@UKHomeSecretary: RT @SkyNews: Home Secretary Priti Patel says MPs could get police protection for constituency surgeries in wake of MP Sir David Amess's kil… - 3 years ago

@alliemig: RT @JeffWoolnough: This what actually happened at the scene of the crime -Sir David Amess RIP🙏to put the record straight - 3 years ago

@shafi125: RT @Mohaddessin: My deepest condolences on the passing of Sir David Amess, a noble friend of the Iranian people and Resistance in our strug… - 3 years ago

@shafi125: RT @OmidySetareh: #دیوید_ایمس مدافع خستگی ناپذیر آزادی و دمکراسی - #مريم_رجوی - 3 years ago

@BelmontEscritor: RT @lordivan22: Reino Unido 🇬🇧: A identidade do homem que atacou e matou o parlamentar conservador m Sir David Amess foi revelada. Ali Harb… - 3 years ago

@Stan7300: RT @COLRICHARDKEMP: Anjem Choudary, convicted supporter of Islamic State and terrorist radicaliser, again rabble rousing, justifying murder… - 3 years ago

@CapybaraCop: RT @JeffWoolnough: This what actually happened at the scene of the crime -Sir David Amess RIP🙏to put the record straight - 3 years ago

@steviecairns: RT @daninspain70: Since the tragic Murder of Sir David Amess, over 300, anonymous fighting aged men have arrived on our Beaches. Those very… - 3 years ago

@aidanodr: RT @JeffWoolnough: This what actually happened at the scene of the crime -Sir David Amess RIP🙏to put the record straight - 3 years ago

@LESFERGUSON8: RT @Chickpea200: Why is the BBC describing Sir David Amess's death as him being killed? He was murdered. - 3 years ago

@WiddecombeB: RT @EmmaKennedy: You know what Mail on Sunday, having a prominent picture of Angela Rayner under the heading “I don’t know why Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@DianewasHR: RT @Chickpea200: Why is the BBC describing Sir David Amess's death as him being killed? He was murdered. - 3 years ago

@UnderYourTree: RT @Justice_forum: Sat 16 Oct: A day after Sir David Amess MP was murdered by a Somalian immigrant, hundreds of illegals continue to be bro… - 3 years ago

@Broke4Go: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨 | NEW: Following the murder of Sir David Amess, Priti Patel says she has not ruled out getting rid of anonymity on so… - 3 years ago

@Conviction19c: RT @Ned_Donovan: The first time I met Sir David Amess I didn’t know him and asked what he did. “I’m an MP,” he said and I apologised for n… - 3 years ago

@realhumanrights: #UK - Ali Harbi Ali initially arrested on suspicion of murder of Sir David Amess, now reported to be detained at… - 3 years ago

@GregPaulHayes: RT @MartinDaubney: Lisa Nandy making the brutal murder of Sir David Amess about tweets against Diane Abbott & the online safety bill - whil… - 3 years ago

@Elaine_j7: RT @piersmorgan: Sir David Amess a few weeks ago with his wife Julie at their daughter Alexandra's wedding with their other girls as brides… - 3 years ago

@PaulGWesson: RT @reformparty_uk: We can confirm that, following the horrific killing of Sir David Amess MP, Reform UK will not be contesting the upcomin… - 3 years ago

@saeedshams0: RT @r_siavosh: Historic speech by #DavidAmess in 2018 Sir David Amess had supported the MEK & NCRI for well over 3 decades. He was one of… - 3 years ago

@NasrinPazuki: RT @IranNewsUpdate1: Freedom-loving people of #Iran and their organized Resistance pay tributes to the late Sir David Amess for his tireles… - 3 years ago

@BNP56879445: Pope condemns recent terror attacks in wake of Sir David Amess murder Sent via @updayUK - 3 years ago

@BobBob456789: @WestminsterWAG So Sarah who is the likely murderer of Sir David Amess? @AngelaRayner (mentioned along with her pho… - 3 years ago

@Pingachoo: RT @gnutothis: @RhonddaBryant Of course the killing of Sir David Amess was horrible but politicians also have a cushion of people to take t… - 3 years ago

@spsapper: RT @spectator: ‘A priest is an emergency service. In the case of Sir David, the priest was someone who could help see him into the next wor… - 3 years ago

@GilRobles7: RT @daninspain70: Since the tragic Murder of Sir David Amess, over 300, anonymous fighting aged men have arrived on our Beaches. Those very… - 3 years ago

@RebeccaHarrisMP: RT @PARLYapp: After home office questions tomorrow, the PM will move a motion for the adjournment which will enable Members to make contrib… - 3 years ago

@peg_leg5125: RT @JeffWoolnough: This what actually happened at the scene of the crime -Sir David Amess RIP🙏to put the record straight - 3 years ago

@Humming_Zone: Colleagues among those to lay flowers in memory of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@KettleyRuss: RT @reformparty_uk: We can confirm that, following the horrific killing of Sir David Amess MP, Reform UK will not be contesting the upcomin… - 3 years ago

@lazycunt: Sir David Amess: MP murder suspect held under Terrorism Act - 3 years ago

@teejaykent: RT @daninspain70: Since the tragic Murder of Sir David Amess, over 300, anonymous fighting aged men have arrived on our Beaches. Those very… - 3 years ago

@estef_aguirre: RT @estef_aguirre: @Sachinettiyil Was "odium fidei" the real reason #DavidAmess was killed though? 1) Anti lockdown ( - 3 years ago

@theipaper: Priest says he was blocked from reading Sir David Amess last rites after stabbing - 3 years ago

@estef_aguirre: @Sachinettiyil Was "odium fidei" the real reason #DavidAmess was killed though? 1) Anti lockdown (… - 3 years ago

@Jasper44118677: RT @SkyNews: Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy called the response from police forces "patchy" in a discussion about MPs' safety. Read t… - 3 years ago

@susiesale6: RT @daninspain70: Since the tragic Murder of Sir David Amess, over 300, anonymous fighting aged men have arrived on our Beaches. Those very… - 3 years ago

@PeteDurnell: I understand the arguments for potentially contesting that some people have made, but personally believe this is th… - 3 years ago

@Wazzara: RT @Chickpea200: Why is the BBC describing Sir David Amess's death as him being killed? He was murdered. - 3 years ago

@Makerel_Sky: RT @Chickpea200: Why is the BBC describing Sir David Amess's death as him being killed? He was murdered. - 3 years ago

@andrewPilling1: RT @daninspain70: Since the tragic Murder of Sir David Amess, over 300, anonymous fighting aged men have arrived on our Beaches. Those very… - 3 years ago

@handley_cian: RT @reformparty_uk: We can confirm that, following the horrific killing of Sir David Amess MP, Reform UK will not be contesting the upcomin… - 3 years ago

@councilla: RT @ActivePatriotUK: “We will carry on, we live in an open society, a democracy. Britain cannot be cowed by acts of terror” “measures are… - 3 years ago

@KaranLeMay1: RT @MartinDaubney: Lisa Nandy making the brutal murder of Sir David Amess about tweets against Diane Abbott & the online safety bill - whil… - 3 years ago

@Mick33088302: RT @GBNEWS: The 25-year-old suspect arrested on suspicion of killing Sir David Amess had previously been referred to Prevent, the governmen… - 3 years ago

@CarwashVinny: RT @EmmaKennedy: You know what Mail on Sunday, having a prominent picture of Angela Rayner under the heading “I don’t know why Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@RsStrath: @matthewsyed .@matthewsyed references civility throughout today's column, but not the reason why Sir David Amess th… - 3 years ago

@leenahxs: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨 | NEW: Following the murder of Sir David Amess, Priti Patel says she has not ruled out getting rid of anonymity on so… - 3 years ago

@flashingplover: RT @EmmaKennedy: You know what Mail on Sunday, having a prominent picture of Angela Rayner under the heading “I don’t know why Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@Roger_Xanth_Day: RT @EmmaKennedy: You know what Mail on Sunday, having a prominent picture of Angela Rayner under the heading “I don’t know why Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@ManutdMMM: RT @BBCPolitics: Do you feel safe doing your job? "No, not really, if I'm honest," Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy reacts to the killi… - 3 years ago

@TerryJeffreys2: RT @zatzi: Wouldn’t it have been nice if Sunday Worship on BBC Radio4 had been from a Catholic Church in memory of Sir David Amess? And per… - 3 years ago

@feemcg1: RT @Ian_Burnett_: Food for thought when you are digesting the statements from our First Miniature and others on the murder of Sir David Ame… - 3 years ago

@Olicanarama: Sir David Amess killer was on terror alert list and had extremist material on phone < Another MI5 and police cock… - 3 years ago

@RingoNbi: RT @MailOnline: Hate preacher Anjem Choudary suggests MP may have been killed for being 'pro-Israel' - 3 years ago

@davoodi_farid: RT @MasumehBolurchi: David Ames, tireless advocate for freedom and democracy @BaerbelKofler @He… - 3 years ago

@EastMidsPrevent: RT @metpoliceuk: A warrant of further detention has been granted for the man arrested in connection with the murder of Sir David Amess MP.… - 3 years ago

@GrumpyOldLab: RT @GrumpyOldLab: How should we refer to the sub-human monster who took the life of Sir David Amess MP? (Please RT for bigger sample) - 3 years ago

@cbergmaga: RT @COLRICHARDKEMP: Anjem Choudary, convicted supporter of Islamic State and terrorist radicaliser, again rabble rousing, justifying murder… - 3 years ago

@Ian_Burnett_: Why are the MSM referring to the "killing" of Sir David Amess? A "killing" could be an accident. When someone stab… - 3 years ago

@DanLevi20071833: RT @JewishPress: UK Lawmaker Sir David Amess, MP, Murdered by Terrorist - - 3 years ago

@jonny26414585: RT @COLRICHARDKEMP: Anjem Choudary, convicted supporter of Islamic State and terrorist radicaliser, again rabble rousing, justifying murder… - 3 years ago

@RFCGW: RT @Tony_Yorkshire: Why is this hate preacher still in the UK? Fury over preacher saying MP may've been killed for being 'pro-Israel' http… - 3 years ago

@RobertPittenger: @jimmorrill Sir David Amess was the sweetest man who knew what it meant to be a friend. He visited the Carolinas m… - 3 years ago

@maheshps369: RT @OpIndia_com: People on social media accused Sadiq Khan of making it seem as if Sir David Amess died a natural death - 3 years ago

@JANzKETY: RT @piersmorgan: Sir David Amess a few weeks ago with his wife Julie at their daughter Alexandra's wedding with their other girls as brides… - 3 years ago

@Jennife26746386: @themetskipper Well done 👏to the wonderful met police officer. wonderful met police fully trained to see avaluate a… - 3 years ago

@ATGBrokers: New post (British Muslim, 25, arrested over Sir David Amess murder is named as Ali Harbi Ali) published on… - 3 years ago

@IACNorCal: Our Community offers its heartfelt condolences on the passing of Sir David Amess in the United Kingdom. Not only di… - 3 years ago

@tvidjka: RT @10DowningStreet: Prime Minister @BorisJohnson paid tribute to Sir David Amess MP in Leigh-on-Sea. - 3 years ago

@veyyon_004_: RT @tamilsforum: We are shocked & saddened by the wanton killing of an extremely conscientious MP @amessd_southend… - 3 years ago

@Ainsbey: RT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Suspect in killing of UK Conservative MP Sir David Amess is of "Somali origin and the suspected motivation is Isl… - 3 years ago

@gazetalublinpl: Sir David Amess killing casts shadow over Leigh-on-Sea constituency - 3 years ago

@smsiraj2472: RT @ukhomeoffice: This morning Home Secretary @PritiPatel joined Prime Minister @BorisJohnson, @EssexPoliceUK, @Keir_Starmer & the @Commons… - 3 years ago

@gazetalublinpl: Sir David Amess: Fun, frie... - 3 years ago

@BigM0h: RT @Mojahedineng: Friday saw the shocking news of the death of British MP Sir David Amess, murdered while he was holding a meeting with his… - 3 years ago

@mysouthend: RT @emdeedeedd: RIP Sir David Amess: The day started out much like every other Friday morning for Sir David Amess. One of Essex's most long… - 3 years ago

@GBNEWS: 'Politics feels far nastier than it used to be.' Author Tim Stanley says the context of the fatal stabbing of Sir… - 3 years ago

@BeeAHoney_: RT @sandieshoes: Labour and Lib Dem’s won’t stand candidates to contest the Southend-West by-election after the murder of Sir David Amess.… - 3 years ago

@UstpacAdvocacy: RT @tamilsforum: We are shocked & saddened by the wanton killing of an extremely conscientious MP @amessd_southend… - 3 years ago

@annebarlow21: RT @FlowerP79667758: Following the murder of Sir David Amess I am left feeling very sad for our country and for all of the good and kind B… - 3 years ago

@A_RandomVulture: RT @BorisJohnson: This morning I laid a wreath in memory of Sir David Amess MP, a much loved colleague and friend. My thoughts are with h… - 3 years ago

@Jossfren_Guzman: RT @SwPrayer: Let us pray for the eternal rest of the soul of Sir David Amess and his grieving family. PC: @shalomworldnews #RIP #Prayers #… - 3 years ago

@PA: Hundreds of people attended a candlelit vigil in memory of MP Sir David Amess, who was stabbed to death while meeti… - 3 years ago

@Gillianamy2911: RT @27476b54549e462: And the Bastard who killed Sir David Amess was flagged up to the Counter Terrorist Unit This shit just goes on and o… - 3 years ago

@lou225588: RT @ArchRose90: The terror suspect arrested for the murder of MP Sir David Amess was known to the authorities. He was also referred to the… - 3 years ago

@GnlSevim10: RT @BBCNews: Sir David Amess killing: Security for politicians is a global dilemma - 3 years ago

@uncleprober: RT @BHheadlines: ❌ 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗘: Defiant MPs declare 'terrorism won't win' as rivalries cast aside to honour David Amess: Political leaders Bor… - 3 years ago

@sandy21957: RT @ObozoLies: Friends fear MP Sir David Amess was targeted because he was a devout Catholic who regularly attended his local church https:… - 3 years ago

@Patrici42297935: RT @COLRICHARDKEMP: Ali Harbi Ali, of Somali descent, arrested under Terrorism Act 2000, on suspicion of murder of Sir David Amess. Let us… - 3 years ago

@newslanes: Police blocked Catholic Sir David Amess from receiving last rites – priest moved away - 3 years ago

@LouiseB67210472: RT @KensingtonRoyal: We are shocked and saddened by the murder of Sir David Amess, who dedicated 40 years of his life to serving his commun… - 3 years ago

@FlapZappa: DAN HODGES: I don't know why Sir David Amess was killed - 3 years ago

@harwinbosworth: RT @rakibehsan: Joint statement from all Southend Mosques. What is clear is that Sir David Amess was highly respected in his local Muslim… - 3 years ago

@Gillianamy2911: RT @ByrneBarry: Ali Harbi Ali held for the horrific killing of Sir David Amess was only involved with the Prevent scheme for a short while.… - 3 years ago

@AyubDahirFarah1: RT @SkyNews: The name the police have of the terror suspect arrested on suspicion of murder following the stabbing of a senior Conservative… - 3 years ago

@_archristiansen: RT @Telegraph: "It was said of Sir David Amess that though he had opponents, he didn’t have enemies. As we come to terms with the horror of… - 3 years ago

@GreyWol08482159: RT @ObozoLies: Hundreds of mourners carry lanterns and candles to remember Sir David Amess at vigil in memory of Tory MP on the field where… - 3 years ago

@Hryding: RT @10DowningStreet: Prime Minister @BorisJohnson paid tribute to Sir David Amess MP in Leigh-on-Sea. - 3 years ago

@PeterBa82304711: RT @GBNEWS: The 25-year-old suspect arrested on suspicion of killing Sir David Amess had previously been referred to Prevent, the governmen… - 3 years ago

@TruthLion100: RT @BBCBreaking: Man arrested on suspicion of murdering MP Sir David Amess - Ali Harbi Ali - is further detained under Terrorism Act https:… - 3 years ago

@Timelored: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨🚨 | BREAKING: The Metropolitan Police have declared the killing of Sir David Amess as a terrorist incident - 3 years ago

@onlinelisting: RT @onlinelisting: #UKBlogNewsServiceintheUnitedKingdom #uklive #uknews #ukreports Sir David Amess killing was terrorist incident, say poli… - 3 years ago

@Esprit_225: RT @VICENews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess was treated by emergency services but died at the scene. Essex Police said that a 25-year-ol… - 3 years ago

@thehoff102: RT @JewishNewsUK: Sir David Amess was a keen campaigner for his local Jewish community and remarked during a parliamentary debate earlier t… - 3 years ago

@teflonsteph: RT @GBNEWS: The 25-year-old suspect arrested on suspicion of killing Sir David Amess had previously been referred to Prevent, the governmen… - 3 years ago

@katedodd3: RT @paulwaugh: I understand that the man arrested after Sir David Amess's killing was not and never has been on MI5's Subject of Interest (… - 3 years ago

@TonyGrayson6: RT @FlowersEnglish: Police blocked Catholic Sir David Amess from receiving last rites – priest moved away CAN WE IMAGINE HOW THAT WOULD GO… - 3 years ago

@Hollandorange1: RT @piersmorgan: Sir David Amess a few weeks ago with his wife Julie at their daughter Alexandra's wedding with their other girls as brides… - 3 years ago

@Peter_Clark8: RT @sandieshoes: Have you seen how many charities, pressure groups, different organisations Sir David Amess was involved in. He really work… - 3 years ago

@diggybicjen: RT @piersmorgan: Sir David Amess a few weeks ago with his wife Julie at their daughter Alexandra's wedding with their other girls as brides… - 3 years ago

@newsoneplace: (Mirror):#Tragic David Amess admitted his family 'pay big price' for being #MP in unearthed clip : Tributes have po… - 3 years ago

@BBCPropaganda: Why Sir David Amess? Not his constituent Not exactly high profile Not known for saying things that piss off Isla… - 3 years ago

@lmanhart: RT @PrisonPlanet: The murderer who brutally stabbed Conservative MP Sir David Amess to death earlier today in what is likely an Islamic ter… - 3 years ago

@DDutova: RT @MaajidNawaz: For Obits Our murdered MP David Amess opposed state power: 1) Anti lockdown (2) Anti mask mandat… - 3 years ago

@Purrpatrol: RT @ArchRose90: The terror suspect arrested for the murder of MP Sir David Amess was known to the authorities. He was also referred to the… - 3 years ago

@WendyD64824476: RT @FJolivet36: Curieusement, les réactions sont peu nombreuses en France. Et pourtant, c'est un drame absolu pour la démocratie. Un député… - 3 years ago

@SalisburyTitan: RT @markwhiteTV: BREAKING - The terror suspect arrested on suspicion of murdering Conservative MP Sir David Amess had previously been refer… - 3 years ago

@TommyRobins5: RT @27476b54549e462: A 16 year old charged with the stabbing to death of 18 year old Hazrat Wali, an Afghan refugee, in Twickenham A Somal… - 3 years ago

@thetis2001: RT @failosK: Ο Sir David Amess, βουλευτής του βρετανικού συντηρητικού κόμματος,δολοφονήθηκε από Σομσλό μουσουλμάνο.Τον έσφαξε με μαχαίρι σα… - 3 years ago

@tpreject: RT @27476b54549e462: And the Bastard who killed Sir David Amess was flagged up to the Counter Terrorist Unit This shit just goes on and o… - 3 years ago

@LemonLaces: RT @SouthendBC: Another moving community led vigil was held tonight at Belfairs Park in memory of Sir David Amess. Cllr Alan Dear of Belf… - 3 years ago

@YDdraigGoch12: RT @theroyaleditor: Terror suspect Ali Harbi Ali plotted attack on Tory MP Sir David Amess for week: British Muslim, 25, lives on celebrity… - 3 years ago

@BeckySm54509086: RT @GBNEWS: Mark Dolan: 'Today we have witnessed an evil crime and an appalling tragedy. And the country has lost a great man. Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@KevinLa04924670: RT @27476b54549e462: A 16 year old charged with the stabbing to death of 18 year old Hazrat Wali, an Afghan refugee, in Twickenham A Somal… - 3 years ago

@isumunna: Killing of British MP Sir David Amess declared act of terrorism - 3 years ago

@ShepMichaels: RT @Hardeep_Matharu: Sir David Amess & Jo Cox were MPs loved across politics, known for their kindness & dedication to constituents. As Jox… - 3 years ago

@FuneralHomeCool: RT @BBCEssex: "What a tragic, tragic waste of a good man." BBC Essex's Dave Monk - who knew and worked with Sir David Amess for more than… - 3 years ago

@CazB52: RT @LBC: The head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales Cardinal Vincent Nichols says we need to 'reboot' respect and honour for each… - 3 years ago

@TedwynBladey: RT @WestHam: We are shocked and saddened by the tragic death of Sir David Amess, a lifelong West Ham United fan. The Club sends its deepe… - 3 years ago

@archie09manutd: RT @GBNfans: 🚨 | BREAKING: The British-Somali arrested for the murder of Sir David Amess was previously referred to an anti-radicalisation… - 3 years ago

@LineBallTennis: RT @sylingam: We are in deep shock and dismay to learn that Rt. Hon. Sir David Amess MP have left us. It is an irreplaceable loss for the T… - 3 years ago

@kaeshour: RT @metpoliceuk: The murder of Sir David Amess in #Essex earlier today has now been declared as a terrorist incident, and the Met's Counter… - 3 years ago

@tessaemad: Assassinated by Islamic fundamentalist ,, it doesn’t surprise me as its the nature of Islam and it’s teachings ..… - 3 years ago

@lesleylu1023: RT @niccijsmith: Horrific and shocking that MPs in the UK are not safe doing their jobs- Sir David Amess is the second sitting MP to be kil… - 3 years ago

@benjaminto2010: @benedictrogers @hk_watch May Sir David Amess R.I.P. 🙏 - 3 years ago

@BeckySm54509086: RT @tomhfh: The murder of Sir David Amess has now been declared a terrorist incident by police - 3 years ago

@TillyFlop1: Sir David Amess death: Why tributes to Conservative MP killed in Leigh-on-Sea are so fulsome - 3 years ago

@Sheanderthal: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨 | BREAKING: The man arrested for the murder of Sir David Amess may have previously been referred to an anti-radicalis… - 3 years ago

@mikeroebuck53: RT @YorksBylines: On behalf of the Bylines Network, Yorkshire Bylines would like to express our deep condolences to the family, friends and… - 3 years ago

@BeckySm54509086: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨🚨 | BREAKING: The Metropolitan Police have declared the killing of Sir David Amess as a terrorist incident - 3 years ago

@chris_joannides: The killing of Sir David Amess is declared a terrorist incident by the Police. - 3 years ago

@tpv_tragula: RT @MaajidNawaz: On lockdowns: "British public have been extremely patient & forbearing, and most people have accepted the guidelines until… - 3 years ago

@IanCornwell6: RT @GBNfans: 🚨 | BREAKING: The British-Somali arrested for the murder of Sir David Amess was previously referred to an anti-radicalisation… - 3 years ago

@setareh1335: RT @hoori_seyyedi: Sir David Amess was a great man with a kind heart and a defender of freedom and democracy #DavidAmess - 3 years ago

@bogoroditzaDina: RT @BBCNews: PM Boris Johnson and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer lay flowers outside Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex, wh… - 3 years ago

@BeckySm54509086: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨 | BREAKING: The man arrested for the murder of Sir David Amess may have previously been referred to an anti-radicalis… - 3 years ago

@OmidEhsani1: RT @Mojahedineng: RIP Sir David Amess, MP, a dear and brave friend of the Iranian people and Resistance, and a strong advocate of freedom,… - 3 years ago

@jackwexford: RT @Imogenlemon02: Watching people blame Angela Rayner for the stabbing of Sir David Amess is, I must say, one of the most depressing thing… - 3 years ago

@Margi94093356: RT @Nigel_Farage: Desperately sad news about Sir David Amess being murdered doing his job as an MP. Awful for his family and friends, this… - 3 years ago

@SamGititu: RT @BBCNews: “He was a man of the people, he was absolutely there for everyone” Home Secretary Priti Patel pays tribute to her friend Con… - 3 years ago

@woodstorquay: RT @EssexPoliceUK: Today, Chief Constable @BJH251 was among those who laid flowers in a moment of respect for Sir David Amess MP at Belfair… - 3 years ago

@LogicWorker: RT @jbohigasm: Descansi en Pau Sir David Amess, de 69 anys, pare de 5 fills, catòlic, diputat tory, proVida, defensor dels animals i amic d… - 3 years ago

@Astralgadget: RT @exodotpet: just heard about Sir David Amess(onthesidewalk) - 3 years ago

@Dibbles810: RT @JustinTrudeau: I am shocked by the news that British MP Sir David Amess was stabbed and killed today. My thoughts are with his family a… - 3 years ago

@BeckySm54509086: RT @ITVNewsPolitics: Remembering MP Sir David Amess: 'At his very core was his constituency and the people he represented', writes @DavidWh… - 3 years ago

@SamGititu: RT @BBCWorld: Political world pays tribute to much-loved UK MP Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@chadissacclark: RT @DogsTrust: We’re devastated to hear of the death of Sir David Amess, a huge dog lover who always supported our work. Our thoughts are w… - 3 years ago

@bigwo0rk: RT @fabienne_keller: Pensées à la famille, les proches et l’équipe de Sir David Amess. Un acte ignoble sur un élu qui tenait une permanenc… - 3 years ago

@peterhenry9: RT @OireachtasNews: The Ceann Comhairle and the Cathaoirleach, on behalf of the Houses of the Oireachtas, extend their deepest sympathy to… - 3 years ago

@IranianRomania: RT @DowlatNowrouzi: Sir #DavidAmessMP: “One of the proudest things I have ever done in my political career is to support the National Counc… - 3 years ago

@CharmaineDooley: RT @Imogenlemon02: Watching people blame Angela Rayner for the stabbing of Sir David Amess is, I must say, one of the most depressing thing… - 3 years ago

@LindsayGrahamUK: RT @NinaWarhurst: Today @BBCBreakfast we heard how Sir David Amess helped surfers, refugees, choirs, mosques, & to secure a statue of Vera… - 3 years ago

@Bethlyse: RT @lordivan22: Reino Unido 🇬🇧: A polícia não descarta a possibilidade de terrorismo no assassinato do parlamentar conservador Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@alanfromcardiff: RT @SWAM10056: I am heartened to see a Labour MP Paula Sherriff on Newsnight paying her respects towards an opposition MP Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@jfiose44: - 3 years ago

@hbghoopster: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@analiramo: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@marionste: RT @DogsTrust: We’re devastated to hear of the death of Sir David Amess, a huge dog lover who always supported our work. Our thoughts are w… - 3 years ago

@prospero1960: "Sir David Amess died in a terror attack: Tory MP was killed in murder 'linked to Islamist extremism', say Met Poli… - 3 years ago

@DianaPlant5: RT @lukemcgee: Amess developed a strong personal following and, as one journalist put it, ‘never completed a sentence without mentioning hi… - 3 years ago

@Twiss47: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: GB News understands that a 25-year-old man who has been arrested on suspicion of murdering Sir David Amess MP is a So… - 3 years ago

@Lakshmi37323235: RT @Gazkhn: Absolutely shocked to hear about the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP this afternoon, and my thoughts and prayers are w… - 3 years ago

@travelerapps: MP Sir David Amess fatally stabbed – BBC Newsnight - 3 years ago

@AARK34461362: RT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Suspect in killing of UK Conservative MP Sir David Amess is of "Somali origin and the suspected motivation is Isl… - 3 years ago

@kelsmith81: RT @tomhfh: The murder of Sir David Amess has now been declared a terrorist incident by police - 3 years ago

@ChadMastny: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@rajukua08341460: British MP Sir David Amess stabbed to death | 9 News Australia - - 3 years ago

@PLDJ2021: RT @SoyElsaMendez: El diputado Británico Sir David Amess, padre de 5 hijos, devoto católico, provida y conservador, ha sido asesinado en un… - 3 years ago

@MartJensen2: - 3 years ago

@spellbound04: RT @GBNEWS: A 25-year-old man arrested on suspicion of the murder of Sir David Amess is believed to be a British national with Somali herit… - 3 years ago

@bosch_anon: RT @Holbornlolz: Murderer of Sir David Amess is a 25 year old Somali. - 3 years ago

@Crow31Darkness: RT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Suspect in killing of UK Conservative MP Sir David Amess is of "Somali origin and the suspected motivation is Isl… - 3 years ago

@garethrwallace: RT @DominicPenna: A father-of-five, Sir David Amess was a Tory MP for nearly 40 years. Only Sir Peter Bottomley, Barry Sheerman and Harrie… - 3 years ago

@Tess_Cat_20173: RT @josepalay: El diputat anglès Sir David Amess sempre havia estat al costat de la democràcia, la llibertat i el dret a l’autodeterminació… - 3 years ago

@2021yall: RT @SkyNews: "There is a reason why the tributes today to Sir David Amess from all parts of the political system were so fulsome - he was d… - 3 years ago

@tvidjka: RT @benedictrogers: Shocked, outraged and deeply concerned by this appalling attack. I know Sir David Amess and I am horrified that this h… - 3 years ago

@harry_vish: The Metropolitan Police says the early investigation has revealed "a potential motivation linked to Islamist extrem… - 3 years ago

@PPPonGo: RT @nathanlawkc: This is a devestating and shocking news. R.I.P. Sir David Amess, and paryers to his friends and family. Sir David Amess:… - 3 years ago

@ConstableXL: RT @metpoliceuk: The murder of Sir David Amess in #Essex earlier today has now been declared as a terrorist incident, and the Met's Counter… - 3 years ago

@jason_c_howk: RT @metpoliceuk: The murder of Sir David Amess in #Essex earlier today has now been declared as a terrorist incident, and the Met's Counter… - 3 years ago

@Santos_santosol: RT @vidadestra: 🇬🇧O parlamentar britânico conservador Sir David Amess foi esfaqueado várias vezes até a morte, na Igreja Metodista de Belf… - 3 years ago

@SwingVoter01uk: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@Washing41753473: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@PPPonGo: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@voidgardener: I bet when Sir David woke up this morning he didn't think his day would become such "Amess" - 3 years ago

@BevH111: RT @PrisonPlanet: The murderer who brutally stabbed Conservative MP Sir David Amess to death earlier today in what is likely an Islamic ter… - 3 years ago

@Sanatani2R: RT @SarahLGates1: Police Statement on Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@doritarossiOk1: RT @Telegraph: 🔴Sir David Amess, MP for Southend West in Essex, was attacked on Friday at Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea, accord… - 3 years ago

@ALEX_F_CA: RT @IDA_Canada: Sir David Amess a great friend of the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom and human rights. #SirDavidAmess will be… - 3 years ago

@RussNic: RT @PrisonPlanet: The murderer who brutally stabbed Conservative MP Sir David Amess to death earlier today in what is likely an Islamic ter… - 3 years ago

@Candidate514: RT @metpoliceuk: The murder of Sir David Amess in #Essex earlier today has now been declared as a terrorist incident, and the Met's Counter… - 3 years ago

@GranshoabM: RT @TheSun: Tomorrow's front page: Tory MP Sir David Amess was knifed to death in a suspected terror attack, it emerged tonight - 3 years ago

@singharj: RT @thejohnsimpson: BREAKING Scotland Yard confirms Sir David Amess murder was a terror attack - 3 years ago

@FAMDOC7: RT @623Sis: British Conservative politician Sir David Amess dead after being stabbed while meeting constituents - 3 years ago

@BobbyDazzler24: RT @thejohnsimpson: BREAKING Scotland Yard confirms Sir David Amess murder was a terror attack - 3 years ago

@tryingattimes: RT @VickyMiller74: A story about Sir David Amess MP: After a female constituent came to him as a last resort to get a specialist appointmen… - 3 years ago

@IanSpindley: RT @simoncoveney: What a shocking and tragic incident. Our thoughts and sincere sympathies are with family, friends and political colleague… - 3 years ago

@sloaneellen: RT @SecBlinken: The United States sends its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Sir David Amess of the United Kin… - 3 years ago

@DebandezScott: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: GB News understands that a 25-year-old man who has been arrested on suspicion of murdering Sir David Amess MP is a So… - 3 years ago

@maritavlachou: RT @BBCBreaking: "He was one of the kindest, nicest, most gentle people in politics" PM Boris Johnson pays tribute to Sir David Amess, who… - 3 years ago

@andi_pr_: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@Martin_02: RT @metpoliceuk: The murder of Sir David Amess in #Essex earlier today has now been declared as a terrorist incident, and the Met's Counter… - 3 years ago

@Tazfaa_Group: RT @metpoliceuk: The murder of Sir David Amess in #Essex earlier today has now been declared as a terrorist incident, and the Met's Counter… - 3 years ago

@Fullerarty: RT @MaajidNawaz: BREAKING: Sir David Amess MP stabbed in Leigh church @AmesSD_Southend was my mother’s local MP. He honourably defended me… - 3 years ago

@NickMillward: RT @BBCNews: Sir David Amess: Tributes to much-loved MP who has died after being stabbed - 3 years ago

@NasrinPazuki: RT @mark4ceredigion: Sir David Amess was truly respected by all who met him. He did give politics a good name. 7/7 - 3 years ago

@BlakewayDiane: RT @SamanthaMalin: It has been a terrible day for democracy in the UK. So, wine o'clock is starting early. Thought are with the family an… - 3 years ago

@HaydenTGAtkin: RT @Malcolm4Linn: From all at @Labour_GCC our thoughts and condolences are with the family, friends and colleagues of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@maritavlachou: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@joao_kay: RT @ValedeAlmeidaEU: Very shocked by the news of the death of MP Sir David Amess following a horrific attack. Our heartfelt condolences go… - 3 years ago

@fluxcapdoodah: RT @Keir_Starmer: Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@REBELTROOP: RT @metpoliceuk: The murder of Sir David Amess in #Essex earlier today has now been declared as a terrorist incident, and the Met's Counter… - 3 years ago

@Oleole95813707: RT @APPGCatalonia: Sir David Amess RIP joins Hywel Williams MP, Gavin Newlands MP, Jonathan Edwards MP, Liz Saville Roberts MP & Ben White… - 3 years ago

@garyp65: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@AbraAbraCadaver: RT @HSIUKorg: We are deeply shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic death of Sir David Amess, a true friend of HSI and a compassionate c… - 3 years ago

@westdunwaspi: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@niyall22: I’ve liked cross party tributed from cross party MPs in respect of the brutal murder of Sir David Amess today. T… - 3 years ago

@JohnDoe00Se7en: Why aren't the media releasing the picture of the coward who murdered Sir David Amess? @SkyNews @BBCNews why aren… - 3 years ago

@KevinBi82985113: RT @carrielbjohnson: Absolutely devastating news about Sir David Amess. He was hugely kind and good. An enormous animal lover and a true ge… - 3 years ago

@OH_Coop: RT @BorisJohnson: All our hearts are full of shock and sadness at the death of Sir David Amess MP. He was one of the kindest, nicest, most… - 3 years ago

@Gato188: RT @ScottMorrisonMP: Shocked & terribly saddened by the awful loss of Sir David Amess, stabbed & killed in the UK while doing his job, serv… - 3 years ago

@Hatim37371088: RT @sophieevebarnes: Sir David Amess was chair of the APPG Fire Safety and Rescue Group and fearlessly went up against his own party to war… - 3 years ago

@K1w127: RT @JudithCollinsMP: Shocking, and deeply sad news of the murder of Sir David Amess MP, while serving his constituency. @NZNationalParty an… - 3 years ago

@RICKHARD63: RT @ArturoVilla_: Sir David Amess era un buen hombre, padre de 5 hijos, diputado desde 1983, un respetable conservador, y un luchador incan… - 3 years ago

@Marthya31: RT @josepalay: Catalunya perd un gran amic amb l’assassinat aquesta tarda del diputat britànic Sir David Amess, membre del All-Party Parlia… - 3 years ago

@rully2020PhD: RT @theresa_may: Heartbreaking to hear of the death of Sir David Amess. A decent man and respected Parliamentarian, killed in his own commu… - 3 years ago

@hurtthemlilmore: RT @ScottMorrisonMP: Shocked & terribly saddened by the awful loss of Sir David Amess, stabbed & killed in the UK while doing his job, serv… - 3 years ago

@cwclp: RT @Keir_Starmer: Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@tartancobweb: RT @Keir_Starmer: Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@allijensenpayne: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@avatar_blu: RT @PrisonPlanet: The murderer who brutally stabbed Conservative MP Sir David Amess to death earlier today in what is likely an Islamic ter… - 3 years ago

@BattleWithEndo: RT @EndometriosisUK: All of us at Endometriosis UK are devastated by news of Sir David Amess (@amessd_southend) MP's death. Sir David worke… - 3 years ago

@CalvertRender: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: GB News understands that a 25-year-old man who has been arrested on suspicion of murdering Sir David Amess MP is a So… - 3 years ago

@OviedoCapital: RT @ArturoVilla_: Sir David Amess era un buen hombre, padre de 5 hijos, diputado desde 1983, un respetable conservador, y un luchador incan… - 3 years ago

@AustChannel: British politicians from both sides of politics are mourning Sir David Amess after the British Conservative MP was… - 3 years ago

@joanneladybird: RT @MaajidNawaz: BREAKING: Sir David Amess MP stabbed in Leigh church @AmesSD_Southend was my mother’s local MP. He honourably defended me… - 3 years ago

@jwahjwah: RT @Imogenlemon02: Watching people blame Angela Rayner for the stabbing of Sir David Amess is, I must say, one of the most depressing thing… - 3 years ago

@georgep3438: RT @GBNEWS: Mark Dolan: 'Today we have witnessed an evil crime and an appalling tragedy. And the country has lost a great man. Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@IanSpindley: RT @JoCoxFoundation: The Jo Cox Foundation is horrified to hear the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP. We are thinking of him, his f… - 3 years ago

@Jojo42255244: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@LathamNorm: RT @AlboMP: Shocked and saddened to hear the news that Sir David Amess MP was killed in the UK. On behalf of @australianlabor I extend my d… - 3 years ago

@Shahid3411: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@fluxcapdoodah: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@juanmiguelworld: Sir #David Amess: #Conservative MP stabbed to #death - 3 years ago

@ohdaisydog: RT @MartinSLewis: Shocked at the news about Sir David Amess. Another sitting MP murdered while doing his job; an affront to democracy. An… - 3 years ago

@JanetWhittake19: RT @cheesedoff3: Somalian national arrested for the murder of Sir David Amess … what a sad state of affairs 😢 - 3 years ago

@DebandezScott: Rip Sir David Amess. You may be gone but never forgotten. What a legacy you have left. Legend. - 3 years ago

@CharlieHatton73: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@PoliticsUSNews: 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 U.S Secretary of State Antony Blinken joins hundreds of British MPs, journalists and political activists in… - 3 years ago

@1Maesumeh1: RT @AladdinTouran: Sir David Amess was a champion of human rights and democracy in Iran for more than three decades. He consistently spoke… - 3 years ago

@1969Human: RT @GordonBrown: Saddened and shocked to hear about the death of Sir David Amess. My condolences to his family and friends. - 3 years ago

@CalvertRender: RT @celebrityradio: A 25 Year Old Somalian Man Charged Over Sir David Amess Murder. This was a terrorist attack. Now we need an honest c… - 3 years ago

@lharriswhite: RT @BBCNewsnight: Sir David Amess MP was president of the Music Man Project, an international music education charity for people with disab… - 3 years ago

@KdwUh: RT @BylineTimes: Byline Times extends its heartfelt condolences to the family of Sir David Amess and all who knew and loved him. His death… - 3 years ago

@Enrique29744649: RT @CarlRamirezA: El diputado Británico Sir David Amess, padre de 5 hijos, devoto católico, provida y conservador, ha sido asesinado en una… - 3 years ago

@Fayth43: RT @colinbrazierGBN: Our Security Editor Mark White confirming that MP Sir David Amess has died from his injuries. - 3 years ago

@CalvertRender: RT @PatrickChristys: John Bercow on @SkyNews using the death of Sir David Amess as an excuse to let us all know that 300 people turned up t… - 3 years ago

@KevinLa04924670: RT @DominicFarrell: Not that it will change what happened today, but the motive for the assassination of Sir David Amess (RIP) allegedly by… - 3 years ago

@DanielJ48240512: RT @pueblicas: Padre de 5 hijos, devoto católico, provida y diputado conservador, un perfil que molesta a demasiada gente. Hoy sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@cmagic1976: RT @MartinSLewis: Shocked at the news about Sir David Amess. Another sitting MP murdered while doing his job; an affront to democracy. An… - 3 years ago

@westdunwaspi: RT @WASPI_2018: The news about Sir David Amess is so terribly sad. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family at this very difficult tim… - 3 years ago

@luisaf19r: RT @pueblicas: Padre de 5 hijos, devoto católico, provida y diputado conservador, un perfil que molesta a demasiada gente. Hoy sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@DaniJ65974055: RT @DogsTrust: We’re devastated to hear of the death of Sir David Amess, a huge dog lover who always supported our work. Our thoughts are w… - 3 years ago

@cathandfearne: RT @adilray: Awful and shocking news of the tragic murder of Sir David Amess MP. Thoughts with his family, friends, colleagues and all MPs… - 3 years ago

@Nordic36Wolf: RT @PrisonPlanet: The murderer who brutally stabbed Conservative MP Sir David Amess to death earlier today in what is likely an Islamic ter… - 3 years ago

@XeviDN: RT @KRLS: It is with great sadness that I learnt the killing of Sir David Amess MP, a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Catalo… - 3 years ago

@ArchiveDank: RT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Suspect in killing of UK Conservative MP Sir David Amess is of "Somali origin and the suspected motivation is Isl… - 3 years ago

@LucyShersby: RT @GBNEWS: Remembering Sir David Amess - 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@TECPackaging: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@Nelliejs501: RT @AmyMek: Nothing to Do With Islamic Terrorism - I'm Sure! BREAKING: 'British Citizen of Somali Heritage' Arrested for Murder of MP Sir… - 3 years ago

@MrChrisRennie88: RT @KensingtonRoyal: We are shocked and saddened by the murder of Sir David Amess, who dedicated 40 years of his life to serving his commun… - 3 years ago

@miss_appropriat: RT @zatzi: Sir David Amess MP RIP Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls o… - 3 years ago

@SimonWhelband: This evening I’ve been welcoming constituents who have been visiting their MP at the fortnightly surgery; it’s a vi… - 3 years ago

@asaaseradio995: The Conservative MP David Amess has died after being stabbed at a constituency surgery in Essex. Sir David, 69, had… - 3 years ago

@RupanjanaDutta: In 2018, @AsianVoiceNews was the co-organiser of Bengal’s Pride Awards which was hosted by Sir David Amess MP. Payi… - 3 years ago

@Margaretb2107: RT @PaulEmbery: Though it may seem a passing detail, the fact that Sir David Amess was murdered in a church - a place of sanctity and peace… - 3 years ago

@GermanJack6: RT @Simon_S70: Sir David Amess was a christian, a humorist, a non-interventionalist, an advocate for disabled and animal rights. He was but… - 3 years ago

@21stcenturyhw: RT @AmyMek: Nothing to Do With Islamic Terrorism - I'm Sure! BREAKING: 'British Citizen of Somali Heritage' Arrested for Murder of MP Sir… - 3 years ago

@a_shipl12: RT @KensingtonRoyal: We are shocked and saddened by the murder of Sir David Amess, who dedicated 40 years of his life to serving his commun… - 3 years ago

@WithMaalin: RT @Gobannimo: Just shocking. my thoughts and prayers are with the British people, especially those in Essex and family and friends of Sir… - 3 years ago

@GoofNash: RT @peterwebb28: So,he’s. Somali, the man held in the murder MP sir David Amess. A Migrant, I, and millions like me have been saying WHY ar… - 3 years ago

@Typhoon20002: RT @emperoreagan: RIP Sir David Amess. 💔🇬🇧 - 3 years ago

@HelenaRelat: RT @ANCEngland: We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of Conservative MP Sir David Amess, a friend of Catalonia. - 3 years ago

@TFCFan: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 BREAKING: Police have arrested a 25-year-old Somalian man on suspicion of murdering the Conservative MP Sir David Amess h… - 3 years ago

@MASBR26: RT @10DowningStreet: The Union Flags have been lowered to half-mast above Downing Street as a mark of respect for Sir David Amess MP. https… - 3 years ago

@Gobannimo: Just shocking. my thoughts and prayers are with the British people, especially those in Essex and family and friend… - 3 years ago

@parvaneh_azady: RT @Offord4Hendon: I am deeply shocked and so very sad at the death of my friend and colleague David Amess. Sir David was a kind man, a h… - 3 years ago

@DrMKAbdelHaq: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@abarber597: RT @campbeagleoffic: We are shocked and saddened to hear about the death of Sir David Amess. He was a supporter of our campaign to free t… - 3 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @yorkshirepost: 🗣️ "Prophetically, one of his last contributions to the House Commons coincided with the fifth anniversary of her own tr… - 3 years ago

@catrinafeb11: RT @Keir_Starmer: Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@GillyRay2: RT @Foilheadgear: RIP Sir David Amess! if today doesn't wake up the Government nothing ever will!! Stop the flow of immigrants NOW!! - 3 years ago

@mag55rbt: RT @PrisonPlanet: The murderer who brutally stabbed Conservative MP Sir David Amess to death earlier today in what is likely an Islamic ter… - 3 years ago

@DrAdrianHeald: Condolences to the family and friends of Sir David Amess, there is never an excuse for taking a live! - 3 years ago

@Mike95320097: RT @NormanBrennan: BREAKING DREADFUL NEWS UPDATE! Conservative MP Sir David Amess has been Stabbed to Death in his constituency office in L… - 3 years ago

@nicolagaunt: RT @BorisJohnson: All our hearts are full of shock and sadness at the death of Sir David Amess MP. He was one of the kindest, nicest, most… - 3 years ago

@jonniby: RT @RichardFerrand: Profondément choqué et attristé par l’assassinat du député britannique Sir David Amess, poignardé lors d’une permanence… - 3 years ago

@stuartgrantuk: Unbelievably tragic. Sir David Amess death: Counter-terror police investigate killing of Conservative MP after st… - 3 years ago

@Ajad_d: RT @jessphillips: Don't really have the words. The feeling of wanting to be amongst my colleagues is very strong. To lovely David's family… - 3 years ago

@michaelcroft61: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@adamrcarney: RT @theresa_may: Heartbreaking to hear of the death of Sir David Amess. A decent man and respected Parliamentarian, killed in his own commu… - 3 years ago

@CharlieHatton73: RT @SkyNews: Kim Leadbeater - sister of late Labour MP Jo Cox who was murdered in 2016 - says she is thinking of Sir David Amess' family an… - 3 years ago

@RPBerkhout: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 BREAKING: Police have arrested a 25-year-old Somalian man on suspicion of murdering the Conservative MP Sir David Amess h… - 3 years ago

@trad_es: RT @MaajidNawaz: He was a good human being people. Sir David Amess MP Rest in Peace 🤲🏼 - 3 years ago

@Grumpyknickers: @B_W_Marshall Evening, everybody needs a break away from Twitter madness occasionally. Terrible news about Sir Davi… - 3 years ago

@ShedHender: RT @DaveAtherton20: Jo Cox, Sir David Amess, what is this country coming to? - 3 years ago

@RyanR_99: RT @SkyNews: Kim Leadbeater - sister of late Labour MP Jo Cox who was murdered in 2016 - says she is thinking of Sir David Amess' family an… - 3 years ago

@MMvedruna: RT @josepalay: Catalunya perd un gran amic amb l’assassinat aquesta tarda del diputat britànic Sir David Amess, membre del All-Party Parlia… - 3 years ago

@Jorge5674: RT @pueblicas: Padre de 5 hijos, devoto católico, provida y diputado conservador, un perfil que molesta a demasiada gente. Hoy sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@SoyiniGrey: RT @BorisJohnson: All our hearts are full of shock and sadness at the death of Sir David Amess MP. He was one of the kindest, nicest, most… - 3 years ago

@TraceyK77738153: RT @Keir_Starmer: Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@BlenkinsopWing: RT @sandieshoes: Sir David Amess wrote a book called.. In Ayes & Ears: A Survivor's Guide to Westminster. In it he wrote about MPs safety… - 3 years ago

@peninsulaboome1: RT @BBCNews: "Attacking our elected representatives is an attack on democracy itself... It is as cowardly as it gets" Brendan Cox, whose w… - 3 years ago

@PhilCARVEY3: RT @julieAn34464628: - 3 years ago

@Gavin_B_Hayes: RT @NSoames: I’m so desperately sorry to hear of the Murder of my old friend Sir David Amess. We entered the House on the same day in1983 a… - 3 years ago

@imagoogami: RT @MuslimCouncil: STATEMENT: Muslim Council of Britain responds to news of the brutal murder of Sir David Amess MP | 15th October 2021 ➡️… - 3 years ago

@JaniceForsyth: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@EnglishGoose: RT @Holbornlolz: Murderer of Sir David Amess is a 25 year old Somali. - 3 years ago

@yrotitna: RT @Imogenlemon02: Watching people blame Angela Rayner for the stabbing of Sir David Amess is, I must say, one of the most depressing thing… - 3 years ago

@lewis_corti: RT @WestHam: We are shocked and saddened by the tragic death of Sir David Amess, a lifelong West Ham United fan. The Club sends its deepe… - 3 years ago

@ffnn_alm: RT @RE_DailyMail: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have posted a tribute to #SirDavidAmess We are shocked and saddened by the murder of S… - 3 years ago

@franalon11: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 BREAKING: Police have arrested a 25-year-old Somalian man on suspicion of murdering the Conservative MP Sir David Amess h… - 3 years ago

@pallious: RT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Suspect in killing of UK Conservative MP Sir David Amess is of "Somali origin and the suspected motivation is Isl… - 3 years ago

@DaisyClvr: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@PabloKlarname: #Einmann hat Sir David Amess totgestochen. "Engländer" mit "Somalian heritage"...Was soll man dazu noch sagen? Wie… - 3 years ago

@scook2003: RT @jessphillips: Don't really have the words. The feeling of wanting to be amongst my colleagues is very strong. To lovely David's family… - 3 years ago

@Bimble73: RT @zatzi: Sir David Amess MP RIP Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls o… - 3 years ago

@CochgerDavid: RT @opinion_black: Female Christian preacher Hatun Tash was almost murdered in Speakers Corner. BBC? Quiet. Sir David Amess murdered. BBC?… - 3 years ago

@KGBlonde59: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@Lise_Magnollay: RT @Never_Again2020: A lovely thread on Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@TheRealMickCla1: RT @kelvmackenzie: So counter terrorism officers have taken over the investigation of the knife murder of Tory MP and Christian Sir David… - 3 years ago

@CianCianp: RT @BorisJohnson: Sir David Amess MP 1952-2021 - 3 years ago

@ConnorDennis01: RT @theresa_may: Heartbreaking to hear of the death of Sir David Amess. A decent man and respected Parliamentarian, killed in his own commu… - 3 years ago

@marchope10: RT @NSoames: I’m so desperately sorry to hear of the Murder of my old friend Sir David Amess. We entered the House on the same day in1983 a… - 3 years ago

@TowserY: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@Missspaven: RT @epilepsysociety: Following the tragic death of Sir David Amess, our Chief Executive @ClarePelham pays tribute to the MP who championed… - 3 years ago

@ludolf924: RT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Suspect in killing of UK Conservative MP Sir David Amess is of "Somali origin and the suspected motivation is Isl… - 3 years ago

@KateAus1976: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: The investigation into the fatal stabbing of Tory MP Sir David Amess will be led by counter-terrorism officers, Essex… - 3 years ago

@hermitemporary: RT @GBNEWS: The investigation into the fatal stabbing of Sir David Amess is being led by counter-terror officers, Essex Police have said. h… - 3 years ago

@nikkiraqs: RT @Imogenlemon02: Watching people blame Angela Rayner for the stabbing of Sir David Amess is, I must say, one of the most depressing thing… - 3 years ago

@AnthonyJmercer: RT @BoerboelBritish: But he didn’t just ‘pass away’ did he @SadiqKhan, he was brutally murdered by a Somalian.. RIP Sir David Amess 🙏. ht… - 3 years ago

@Emerson32471630: RT @lorrie_e: @BorisJohnson My heart goes out to the family and friends of Sir David Amess who was murdered today. Whatever your politics… - 3 years ago

@lynlittlelion: RT @nigella_i5e: Wake up @BorisJohnson ! There’s no integration Sir David Amess dies: Somalian man, 25, arrested on suspicion of stabbing… - 3 years ago

@SeanFionn: RT @OireachtasNews: The Ceann Comhairle and the Cathaoirleach, on behalf of the Houses of the Oireachtas, extend their deepest sympathy to… - 3 years ago

@ModerateBritain: RT @Keir_Starmer: Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@jim_machinist: RT @CAFOD: We are shocked and saddened to hear the news that MP Sir David Amess has died. For many years, he has been a friend and support… - 3 years ago

@GeoffWa12883798: RT @Number10cat: Heartbreaking to hear that Sir David Amess has died. He gave his voice for cats and I thank him for his service. - 3 years ago

@jackjiffy: RT @bobmca1: Sir David Amess dies: Somalian man, 25, arrested on suspicion of stabbing MP to death - latest news - 3 years ago

@DaveWiles15: RT @The_Blue_Cross: It is with great sadness that we learn of the tragic death of Sir David Amess today. During his time as an MP, David ch… - 3 years ago

@GillJames54: RT @theresa_may: Heartbreaking to hear of the death of Sir David Amess. A decent man and respected Parliamentarian, killed in his own commu… - 3 years ago

@Holcroft_A: RT @calvinrobinson: Prayers this evening for the repose of the soul of Sir David Amess. May the Lord grant comfort for those who grieve hi… - 3 years ago

@_selaxoxo_: RT @VICENews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess was treated by emergency services but died at the scene. Essex Police said that a 25-year-ol… - 3 years ago

@lovelysarahjane: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@PlexNetflix: RT @IainDale: Thread 1/ There are no words that I can find to explain how bereft the entire body politic is at the loss of such a good man.… - 3 years ago

@CaraBentley: The Archbishop of York will be joining us on @PremierRadio at 2:30 to share more of his memories of Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@Aibuiwai: RT @LordSpeaker: My thoughts are with the family and friends of Sir David Amess MP at this incredibly difficult time. - 3 years ago

@fatfei_: RT @ajcdeane: Rest in peace, Sir David Amess. A great, hardworking public servant, murdered as he sought to help his constituents. - 3 years ago

@danieleydmann: RT @talkRADIO: Police officers are at the scene near the Belfairs Methodist Church in Eastwood Road North, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, where Conse… - 3 years ago

@jorgedonato: RT @lordivan22: 🚨Reino Unido 🇬🇧: O parlamentar conservador Sir David Amess morreu após ser esfaqueado em seu escritório em Essex. A políci… - 3 years ago

@ZackT613: RT @yairlapid: From Israel, we send our deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Sir David Amess. He always stood with… - 3 years ago

@Smithkjj: RT @CardinalNichols: I was shocked and saddened to learn of the killing of Sir David Amess MP, while serving his constituents and country.… - 3 years ago

@chrissyplatt: RT @ConservativeAWF: Sir David Amess was a dedicated champion for his constituents and country. This cowardly attack on one of our best and… - 3 years ago

@wonw080: RT @ALewerMBE: Deeply sad and shocked by the news of Sir David Amess MP's death. The word that will be used over and over to remember him i… - 3 years ago

@lfcpassion_3: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@BDChelt: RT @marksimms3: Horrified to hear the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP. thoughts are with his family and loved ones at this difficu… - 3 years ago

@SJ_Barrick: RT @HullUniPolSoc: We are devastated and shocked to hear of the Murder of Sir David Amess. Violence and hatred has no place in politics. We… - 3 years ago

@mariaangelesj: RT @curandero_el: RU 🇬🇧 La noticia del asesinato del diputado conservador Sir David Amess por apuñalamiento, está por todas partes, e inclu… - 3 years ago

@IsuphJt: RT @cnni: The deadly stabbing of Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) Sir David Amess is the second murder of a sitting British lawmaker… - 3 years ago

@kirancmoodley: RT @IainDale: Thread 1/ There are no words that I can find to explain how bereft the entire body politic is at the loss of such a good man.… - 3 years ago

@LlibertatCat_: RT @KRLS: It is with great sadness that I learnt the killing of Sir David Amess MP, a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Catalo… - 3 years ago

@remelrose1: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP for Southend West Sir David Amess has been stabbed multiple times at a local constituency surgery For mo… - 3 years ago

@MeeganReadCBC: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@LVBurke: RT @Limeylizzie: He has now died. MP Sir David Amess stabbed at constituency meeting - BBC News - 3 years ago

@yike_m: RT @trussliz: Devastated to hear the terrible news about Sir David Amess MP. He was a lovely, lovely man and a superb parliamentarian. My t… - 3 years ago

@andreakirwan: RT @NormanBrennan: BREAKING DREADFUL NEWS UPDATE! Conservative MP Sir David Amess has been Stabbed to Death in his constituency office in L… - 3 years ago

@RobbieMTurner: RT @rpharms: We're shocked at the death of Sir David Amess MP. An officer on the @APPGPharmacy and a huge advocate for pharmacy and the NHS… - 3 years ago

@dputra217: RT @JoePorterUK: Rest in Peace, Sir David Amess MP (1952-2021), who was murdered as he sought to help his constituents. Thank you for your… - 3 years ago

@Sunpoches: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@Scott74208805: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@SeidGoro: Sir David Amess, a Tory MP, killed by stabbing in a church in Essex while at least 32 people have been killed and 4… - 3 years ago

@German_Dictator: - 3 years ago

@JasonHorton_uk: Yesterday morning Sir David Amess MP was on BBC Essex campaigning for Southend to become a City. Today he died doin… - 3 years ago

@edmarno: RT @snb19692: Sir David Amess has died following the attack on him in his constituency. It's tragic for democracy, his family & his friends… - 3 years ago

@Kunyia_: RT @BBCBreaking: Obituary: Sir David Amess, the prominent campaigner - 3 years ago

@Peter_Dowd: I am shocked and saddened that Sir David Amess MP has died following an attack whilst carrying out his duties. My… - 3 years ago

@joelewisgod: RT @Telegraph: 🔴Sir David Amess was attacked at Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea - 3 years ago

@_WildfellHall: RT @Ed_Miliband: Devastating and awful news about Sir David Amess. He was kind, decent and simply doing the job he loved. A terrible loss.… - 3 years ago

@theplace4music: RT @Number10cat: Heartbreaking to hear that Sir David Amess has died. He gave his voice for cats and I thank him for his service. - 3 years ago

@ChurchTimes: Statement from the Archbishop of York, a former Bishop of Chelmsford, on his friend Sir David Amess MP - 3 years ago

@OutragedOf: RT @DavidDavisMP: Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and staff of Sir David Amess. He was a thoroughly kind and decent… - 3 years ago

@SteveSayersOne: Sir David Amess: Conservative MP dies after stabbing - 3 years ago

@PeterGmad7: It's really quite sickening seeing the "sympathetic" (hollow) words of the worst perpetrators of the hate-filled po… - 3 years ago

@Davetripp68: @WatchRatio Words have meaning, hatred has a voice and everything we do has consequences. RIP Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@PARLYapp: RT @elliereeves: Devastating news that Sir David Amess has been killed. He was just doing his job. A thoroughly decent man who showed me gr… - 3 years ago

@jallen1947: RT @Telegraph: 🔴Sir David Amess was one of the longest-serving parliamentarians in the UK and a staunch supporter of the Brexit campaign.… - 3 years ago

@saeidamhhm1: RT @Mojahedineng: RIP Sir David Amess, MP, a dear and brave friend of the Iranian people and Resistance, and a strong advocate of freedom,… - 3 years ago

@KerryTacos: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@avalengajr: RT @lordivan22: 🚨Reino Unido 🇬🇧: O parlamentar conservador Sir David Amess morreu após ser esfaqueado em seu escritório em Essex. A políci… - 3 years ago

@LotsoforHK: RT @LSETories: We are deeply shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of Sir David Amess MP following the horrific attack which took pla… - 3 years ago

@yately9320: RT @FacundoSavala: With the news about Sir David Amess today, I wonder of Angela Rayner still believes #ToryScum was an appropriate thing t… - 3 years ago

@Ann31236488: RT @GBNEWS: David Davis pays tribute to his fellow MP Sir David Amess ‘I don’t think he saw politics as a career, I think he saw it as a v… - 3 years ago

@DemolitionsLdn: RT @JustinWelby: Shocked to hear of the attack on Sir David Amess. Praying for him, his loved ones and his staff. Our elected representat… - 3 years ago

@photolinepic: Sad news about Conservative MP Sir David Amess RIP has died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Esse… - 3 years ago

@davidlwashburn: RT @VICENews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess was treated by emergency services but died at the scene. Essex Police said that a 25-year-ol… - 3 years ago

@checkyoursheds: RT @DanielZeichner: I am devastated to learn that Sir David Amess has now died. A servant to his constituents, to Parliament and the countr… - 3 years ago

@EleriTudor: RT @BBCNews: Essex police appeal for "anyone who saw anything or has CCTV, dash-cam or doorbell footage" to contact them, following the dea… - 3 years ago

@AnnieKoutrakis: RT @CanadianUK: Shocked by the tragic news of the passing of UK MP Sir David Amess. On behalf of High Commissioner @RalphGoodale and all of… - 3 years ago

@BreakingClutter: RT @Imogenlemon02: Watching people blame Angela Rayner for the stabbing of Sir David Amess is, I must say, one of the most depressing thing… - 3 years ago

@CDenchN21: RT @CardinalNichols: I was shocked and saddened to learn of the killing of Sir David Amess MP, while serving his constituents and country.… - 3 years ago

@harry_depaepe: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@catcanny: @theJeremyVine I think the whole political climate is to blame and that started with Brexit RIP JO Cox / Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@MehmoodSemab: RT @Ianblackford_MP: The news about Sir David Amess is utterly devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, staff tea… - 3 years ago

@EpilepsyRUK: We are appalled to learn of the brutal attack resulting in the death of Sir David Amess MP. Sir David was Vice-Chai… - 3 years ago

@Knewz_Currently: British MP Sir David Amess dies after stabbing - 3 years ago

@JonsJazzJoint: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@mfbtnPT: RT @PaulEmbery: GB News reporting that Sir David Amess has died. Utterly tragic. - 3 years ago

@BillieO2: RT @SkyNews: Sir David Amess: From a 'humble' East End background to a 38-year career as an animal-loving MP - 3 years ago

@GregMulholland1: Dreadful news about Sir David Amess, my condolences, thoughts & prayers with his family, friends & colleagues. Ano… - 3 years ago

@MathewHulbert: RT @christiancalgie: Jaw-dropping, gut-wrenching, heart-stopping. Events like this are always too horrendous for words. I pray for his fami… - 3 years ago

@moellerdav: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@ladybird5477: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 BREAKING: The Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after he was stabbed multiple times at his constituency surgery - 3 years ago

@biozero: RT @CNNChile: 🔴 AHORA | Murió legislador británico apuñalado: El conservador, Sir David Amess, fue atacado en un consultorio médico Más in… - 3 years ago

@ciarariordan: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has been killed in a stabbing attack in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex - what we know so far?… - 3 years ago

@DorothyLove: RT @trussliz: Devastated to hear the terrible news about Sir David Amess MP. He was a lovely, lovely man and a superb parliamentarian. My t… - 3 years ago

@Johnc48517906: RT @ITVNewsPolitics: Tory MP Sir David Amess died after being stabbed multiple times - 3 years ago

@Joshua22193: RT @LibDems: We are shocked by the tragic news of Sir David Amess' death. We send our sincere condolences to his family, his friends and h… - 3 years ago

@JillDyson7: RT @rpharms: We're shocked at the death of Sir David Amess MP. An officer on the @APPGPharmacy and a huge advocate for pharmacy and the NHS… - 3 years ago

@AtticussFrench: @MattHancock Matthew, you handed contracts to incompetent friends because you cared more about giving backhanders t… - 3 years ago

@mmuk59: . Terrible news that Sir David Amess has died Thoughts with his wife and family . - 3 years ago

@yokkyokii: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@bitlife_guy: RT @PoliticsForAlI: Sir David Amess has sadly died RIP ❤️ - 3 years ago

@Harrington_URC: RT @baptistuniongb: It has now been confirmed that the MP Sir David Amess has died following a stabbing at his constituency surgery in Esse… - 3 years ago

@leon_dobie: Sir David Amess MP (1952 - 2021) - 3 years ago

@unmanili90: RT @MahyarTousi: RIP Sir David Amess MP ❤️😢 - 3 years ago

@martinpalmer351: RT @lienomail: This one’s on Angela Rainer 😡 Conservative MP Sir David Amess stabbed multiple times in incident at constituency surgery ht… - 3 years ago

@WatfordLabour: RT @AKatWatford: Saddened & shocked by the death of Sir David Amess. When I met him I found him to be thoughtful and respectful person. @… - 3 years ago

@MoCashman777: RT @DavidDavisMP: Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and staff of Sir David Amess. He was a thoroughly kind and decent… - 3 years ago

@callumrhodes_: I’m not a fan of the Tory party, far from it. But I am extremely shocked, disgusted and saddened with what has tran… - 3 years ago

@suecollins5511: My Thought with he’s family at this terrible time truly shocking….Conservative MP Sir David Amess stabbed multipl… - 3 years ago

@jmitch78278477: RT @RhonddaBryant: My heart goes out to all the family and friends of Sir David Amess MP, a man of unfailing courtesy, a wicked sense of hu… - 3 years ago

@BennGrimes: RIP Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@birmingham_live: Husband of murdered Jo Cox responds after MP Sir David Amess killed - 3 years ago

@Bethyann_x: RT @hopenothate: Sir David Amess' murder is an attack on our democracy and freedom. Condolences to his family and those closest to him. - 3 years ago

@Amandameszaros6: RT @LBC: 'Politicians across the country will be devastated by this news.' LBC's Political Editor @theousherwood breaks the news of the de… - 3 years ago

@Lewes_Lib_Dems: RT @JamesMacCleary: Horrifying news about Sir David Amess. I happened to meet him a few years ago when I worked for Cats Protection. He was… - 3 years ago

@Weeezin: RT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Conservative MP Sir David Amess attacked, stabbed multiple times at a church in Essex, United Kingdom. - 3 years ago

@adiskype: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess stabbed while holding constituency meeting in Leigh-on-Sea, UK, local councillors confirm… - 3 years ago

@onstanleyon: @GrahamJones_MP @SarBritcliffeMP I am so sorry for this.loss. BBC News - Tory MP Sir David Amess dies after stabbing - 3 years ago

@SkyTyler: RT @Nigel_Farage: Desperately sad news about Sir David Amess being murdered doing his job as an MP. Awful for his family and friends, this… - 3 years ago

@Here_Tuu_: RT @suthichai: ส.ส. อังกฤษหลายสมัย Sir David Amess ถูกแทงเสียชีวิต - 3 years ago

@trwoolley001: RT @WakefieldDYL: In the light of the heartbreaking murder of Sir David Amess MP, we have suspended campaigning in his memory. Our thought… - 3 years ago

@ClaireThurwood: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@rick9525: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@Jacob_Barden: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@mazwilsh: RT @DavidDavisMP: Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and staff of Sir David Amess. He was a thoroughly kind and decent… - 3 years ago

@KapilYa80206007: RT @SkyNews: BREAKING: MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed at his constituency office, police say. Read more: - 3 years ago

@Masenkeng: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@Troyella5: RT @LibDems: We are shocked by the tragic news of Sir David Amess' death. We send our sincere condolences to his family, his friends and h… - 3 years ago

@PARLYapp: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@hizself: RT @GuidoFawkes: Essex Police Announce Death of Sir David Amess Following Stabbing - 3 years ago

@moojongbread: RT @suthichai: ส.ส. อังกฤษหลายสมัย Sir David Amess ถูกแทงเสียชีวิต - 3 years ago

@TheJoeHarper_: RT @PennyMordaunt: For those who didn’t know Sir David Amess, this will give you a measure of the man. I’d played a small part in helping h… - 3 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: RT @UnitedSynagogue: The news of the murder of Sir David Amess is horrific and chilling. Democracy is a cherished right and one we can neve… - 3 years ago

@migmigsmall: RT @BBCNews: “David was stabbed, a number of times, not just once, which makes me very worried” Conservative MP Sir Iain Duncan Smith says… - 3 years ago

@Val_J_London: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being 'stabbed multiple times' - 3 years ago

@SEinecke: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@DoHoBOB: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@jrcykm: RT @Nigel_Farage: Desperately sad news about Sir David Amess being murdered doing his job as an MP. Awful for his family and friends, this… - 3 years ago

@annaturley: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@HST_7: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@doutorandarilho: RT @eixopolitico: 🇬🇧 Deputado pelo Partido Conservador do Reino Unido, Sir David Amess, de 69 anos, morre após ser esfaqueado durante encon… - 3 years ago

@johnmbray: RT @HakunaMatata26C: Oh my God! Sir David Amess has died. Such a tragedy, he didn't deserve to lose his life in this way. So very, very sad… - 3 years ago

@tinklez108: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has passed away, after he was stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex. It is r… - 3 years ago

@boyfriendkapoor: RT @VICENews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess was treated by emergency services but died at the scene. Essex Police said that a 25-year-ol… - 3 years ago

@CTighfield: RT @oflynnsocial: As everyone who knew him says, Sir David Amess was a lovely man. I didn't know him well but remember in particular an out… - 3 years ago

@guaph: conservative mp sir david amess got covfefe in his hamberders - 3 years ago

@mattstu555: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@MrsTrevithick: RT @MLewisLawyer: Terrible news. killing an MP whether Sir David Amess or Jo Cox is an attack on democracy. It forces MPs to think twice ab… - 3 years ago

@DavidPetrov6: RT @Nigel_Farage: Desperately sad news about Sir David Amess being murdered doing his job as an MP. Awful for his family and friends, this… - 3 years ago

@daventure1: Angleterre : Le député conservateur Sir David Amess poignardé à plusieurs reprises lors d’une réunion publique (màj… - 3 years ago

@AshcroftDungeon: RT @mailplus: Sir David, 69, received treatment for his injuries at the scene for around two hours on the church floor - 3 years ago

@AllisonPearson: RT @ajcdeane: Rest in peace, Sir David Amess. A great, hardworking public servant, murdered as he sought to help his constituents. - 3 years ago

@lifebythecreek: RT @VICENews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess was treated by emergency services but died at the scene. Essex Police said that a 25-year-ol… - 3 years ago

@ResurrectedDude: RT @JoCoxFoundation: The Jo Cox Foundation is horrified to hear the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP. We are thinking of him, his f… - 3 years ago

@StephWi50796441: RT @Nigel_Farage: Desperately sad news about Sir David Amess being murdered doing his job as an MP. Awful for his family and friends, this… - 3 years ago

@Wiblicks: @Mistywoman1 This is now being covered by @BBCWalesNews confirming what you have said. This is very not good and is… - 3 years ago

@gyme7: RT @JayMitchinson: I have no words. I feel utterly bereft for his family. His friends. His constituents. - 3 years ago

@OlliGenos: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@SusanElvidge: RT @fmwales: Deeply saddened to hear about the death of Sir David Amess. A truly despicable and horrifying act. My thoughts are with his… - 3 years ago

@lizgloyn: RT @thebishopoflynn: Whatever your politics, of your charity pray for the late Sir David Amess and for all those who now mourn him. Rest et… - 3 years ago

@JaneRemain: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@HawsonMichelle: RT @JoCoxFoundation: The Jo Cox Foundation is horrified to hear the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP. We are thinking of him, his f… - 3 years ago

@zanderjustdont: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@golfwino46: RT @JuliaHB1: It is absolutely heartbreaking that another MP, just doing his job, meeting with constituents to help them with their problem… - 3 years ago

@WellesleyDOW: RT @PoliticsForAlI: Sir David Amess has sadly died RIP ❤️ - 3 years ago

@scorpiotiger77: RT @wallaceme: This is appalling news - my thoughts are with Sir David and his loved ones. - 3 years ago

@Olaitanpops: RT @LBC: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has been stabbed multiple times at a constituency surgery at a church in Essex - 3 years ago

@AIiizzath: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@RealStephenKerr: RT @William_Wragg: Sir David Amess was a friend to all. I never heard him say a bad word about anyone. He was tremendous fun, could be reli… - 3 years ago

@Carti_Mandua: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@cathynewman: On air @TimesRadio early to report on tragic breaking news about Sir David Amess. Tune in now. - 3 years ago

@timmyvoe: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@johnmbray: RT @AnnaBritannia: It’s beyond sad that Sir David Amess has been murdered. Please, we need to know who did this. My very sincerest condo… - 3 years ago

@UrdingBenjamin: RT @Frankie_W: Deeply saddening to hear about the tragic loss of Sir David Amess. My thoughts are with his friends and family. RIP - 3 years ago

@emptytomb54: RT @SkyNews: "He cared passionately." Former Communities and Local Government Secretary, Lord Eric Pickles has paid tribute to Conservativ… - 3 years ago

@ZimmermanJoel: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times at a constituency advice surgery earlier… - 3 years ago

@Christy70766983: RT @simoncoveney: What a shocking and tragic incident. Our thoughts and sincere sympathies are with family, friends and political colleague… - 3 years ago

@Hubertlaneite: RT @snb19692: Sir David Amess has died following the attack on him in his constituency. It's tragic for democracy, his family & his friends… - 3 years ago

@justindquirk: RT @OhGodWhatNowPod: We are utterly horrified at the death of Sir David Amess after he was stabbed at his constituency office. MPs deserve… - 3 years ago

@joshclarkk: RT @SUFCRootsHall: The thoughts, prayers and heartfelt condolences of everyone at Southend United Football Club are with the family, friend… - 3 years ago

@philip_pbm339: Absolute Tragedy that Sir David Amess has been murdered serving his community. R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@Andrew_S_Hatton: RT @BBCEssex: Armed police on scene at the constituency surgery in Leigh on Sea where MP Sir David Amess was fatally stabbed. A 25-year-ol… - 3 years ago

@philipjdoyle: RT @DavidDavisMP: Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends and staff of Sir David Amess. He was a thoroughly kind and decent… - 3 years ago

@le_Parisien: 🔴 Le député conservateur britannique poignardé à plusieurs reprises est mort. Sir David Amess était âgé de 69 ans… - 3 years ago

@witherjay: RT @christiancalgie: In 2015 David Amess was awarded a knighthood for political and public service. How did the newly-knighted Sir David ce… - 3 years ago

@GlasgowTories: RT @CllrTKerr: Absolutely horrifying news about David Amess. Thoughts and prayers of the entire nation will be with Sir David and his fami… - 3 years ago

@therestis_: RT @NasimiShabnam: Today is a very dark day for our democracy in the UK as Sir David Amess MP is stabbed to death. We are extremely privi… - 3 years ago

@JankelFranks: RT @Ianblackford_MP: The news about Sir David Amess is utterly devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, staff tea… - 3 years ago

@AdrianUK48: RT @eleanor4epping: All elected representatives must be able to go about their work without the fear of physical or verbal attacks. What ha… - 3 years ago

@SweetLemonPot: RT @talkRADIO: "I'm absolutely devastated. I have heard that David has died." Conservative MP Sir Roger Gale broke down while speaking to… - 3 years ago

@Steve_D_Allen: RT @britishchambers: The thoughts of everyone at the British Chambers of Commerce and the Chamber Network are with the family, friends and… - 3 years ago

@m_hostage: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@Ciaran_Dunne: RT @simoncoveney: What a shocking and tragic incident. Our thoughts and sincere sympathies are with family, friends and political colleague… - 3 years ago

@philiprichards5: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 BREAKING: The Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after he was stabbed multiple times at his constituency surgery - 3 years ago

@DouglasMac5: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@JaneLytv: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@KeCauchie: RT @David_Cameron: Very alarming and worrying news reports coming from Leigh-on-Sea. My thoughts and prayers are with Sir David Amess and h… - 3 years ago

@wyrecouncil: We're shocked and saddened to hear this news. Our thoughts are with Sir David Amess MP's friends and family at this… - 3 years ago

@DanielaNadj: RT @Ianblackford_MP: In recent years, we have seen increasingly unacceptable levels of abuse and intimidation aimed at MPs, parliamentary s… - 3 years ago

@GreatSociety64: RT @rhi4islwyn: My thoughts are with the family, loved ones and colleagues of Sir David Amess MP. Truly awful news - 3 years ago

@DeanSmi47962704: RT @MahyarTousi: RIP Sir David Amess MP ❤️😢 - 3 years ago

@snevinoj: RT @halfon4harlowMP: So so sad about Sir David Amess. He embodied Essex man. Kind, thoughtful funny, compassionate and generous spirited. M… - 3 years ago

@ashindestad: RT @__POTUK: RIP Sir David Amess. Another dark episode in the recent history of British politics. - 3 years ago

@Ahmad16776285: RT @HanifJazayeri: RIP Sir David Amess MP. Forever a friend and champion of freedom and human rights for the people of Iran. - 3 years ago

@DailyMailUK: Politicians reveal shock at murder of Sir David Amess at his constituency surgery - 3 years ago

@Denverite76: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@TheeBibbs: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@MarilenaMunaro: RT @deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Sir David Amess has passed away - #SirDavidAmess #Sir #DavidAmess #rip - 3 years ago

@MvHMusic: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@9NewsMelb: RT @9NewsAUS: UPDATE: Essex Police have confirmed Conservative Party politician Sir David Amess, 69, has died after being stabbed during a… - 3 years ago

@NightRiderTunes: RT @SkyNews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times in an incident at his constituency surgery, police… - 3 years ago

@Billysolo1: RIP Sir David Amess - 3 years ago

@FrankCogliano: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@pamatluing: RT @Ianblackford_MP: The news about Sir David Amess is utterly devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, staff tea… - 3 years ago

@Chris_N247: RT @JayMitchinson: I have no words. I feel utterly bereft for his family. His friends. His constituents. - 3 years ago

@martinpalmer351: RT @Nigel_Farage: Desperately sad news about Sir David Amess being murdered doing his job as an MP. Awful for his family and friends, this… - 3 years ago

@Smiliebiker: Sir David Amess, a tragedy for his family, friends and democracy #RIP - 3 years ago

@ElecSafetyFirst: We are shocked and saddened at the tragic death of Sir David Amess MP. He was a great supporter of our work, most r… - 3 years ago

@SYLVIASELZER: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@UKDeanBarney: RT @fmwales: Deeply saddened to hear about the death of Sir David Amess. A truly despicable and horrifying act. My thoughts are with his… - 3 years ago

@eleanorfights: RT @JoCoxFoundation: The Jo Cox Foundation is horrified to hear the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP. We are thinking of him, his f… - 3 years ago

@PierreCullen5: RT @SUFCRootsHall: The thoughts, prayers and heartfelt condolences of everyone at Southend United Football Club are with the family, friend… - 3 years ago

@Omz2468: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@saitanasker: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@Dest_unknown0: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@Cheeky_Danniee: RT @SkyNews: Sky News understands a man walked into Sir David Amess' constituency surgery and stabbed him multiple times. Essex Police hav… - 3 years ago

@JenniferLlewe12: RT @JoCoxFoundation: The Jo Cox Foundation is horrified to hear the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP. We are thinking of him, his f… - 3 years ago

@florida87731057: RT @PoliticsForAlI: Sir David Amess has sadly died RIP ❤️ - 3 years ago

@AlexandraChatz: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@MagicGonzi: RT @lemondefr: Un député conservateur britannique poignardé à mort dans sa circonscription - 3 years ago

@cameron78936: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@Eli_Kane_: RIP Sir David Amess. ‘More than likely’ a victim of the divisive bigotry promoted by MSM SM & the venomous rhetoric… - 3 years ago

@JohnGillibrand: RT @frjrconnell: Prayers for the repose of the soul of Sir David Amess MP murdered in a church while supporting his constituents. Prayers a… - 3 years ago

@pamela_nash: RT @scotlandinunion: We are deeply saddened at the death of Sir David Amess MP in the most terrible of circumstances today. Our thoughts… - 3 years ago

@TanglewoodSteve: I'm both appalled and saddened at the horrendous killing of Sir David Amess MP and my heart goes out to his family,… - 3 years ago

@AtlantaLiberal: RT @TiceRichard: Deeply shocked and horrified at the appalling murder of Sir David Amess MP. My deepest sympathy to his family and friends.… - 3 years ago

@dan_davies91: RT @fmwales: Deeply saddened to hear about the death of Sir David Amess. A truly despicable and horrifying act. My thoughts are with his… - 3 years ago

@Ajmal_30: RT @PoliticsForAlI: Sir David Amess has sadly died RIP ❤️ - 3 years ago

@_WillWalters: RIP Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@CardRedeemer: RT @Telegraph: 🔴Sir David Amess, MP for Southend West in Essex, was attacked on Friday at Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea, accord… - 3 years ago

@ginnyturquoise: RT @BillNeelyReport: Multiple sources now confirm a British lawmaker has been murdered in a church while meeting constituents. Sir David Am… - 3 years ago

@buckeye089: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times at a constituency advice surgery earlier… - 3 years ago

@AnneGor77871669: Very sad to hear of the murder just now of British conservative MP Sir David Amess at his meeting today UK time. Sy… - 3 years ago

@DeanSmi47962704: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times at a constituency advice surgery earlier… - 3 years ago

@TerryJones0001: BREAKING NEWS :- 🇬🇧 Conservative MP Sir David Amess stabbed to death at his constituency office . - 3 years ago

@IHNTblah: RT @JoCoxFoundation: The Jo Cox Foundation is horrified to hear the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP. We are thinking of him, his f… - 3 years ago

@bluredfrank: RT @BBCNews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess stabbed at his constituency surgery What do we know so far? - 3 years ago

@sturdyAlex: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@gjn2401: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times at a constituency advice surgery earlier… - 3 years ago

@BaklavaNTea: RT @BBCNews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess stabbed at his constituency surgery What do we know so far? - 3 years ago

@Mrs_forecast: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@vx220eddie: RT @Nigel_Farage: Desperately sad news about Sir David Amess being murdered doing his job as an MP. Awful for his family and friends, this… - 3 years ago

@javiertionloc: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@Ionanic: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times at a constituency advice surgery earlier… - 3 years ago

@APPGAA: We are devastated to learn of the death of our friend and colleague Sir David Amess MP. A long-standing and active… - 3 years ago

@totalBPM: RT @Renegade_Inc: What, on earth, are we doing to one another? Sir David Amess dies: Conservative MP stabbed to death at surgery https:/… - 3 years ago

@MichelaPalese: RT @hopenothate: Sir David Amess' murder is an attack on our democracy and freedom. Condolences to his family and those closest to him. - 3 years ago

@jdsmith_08: RT @FoxNews: British Conservative politician Sir David Amess stabbed while meeting constituents - 3 years ago

@klikr: RT @SkyNews: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times in an incident at his constituency surgery, police… - 3 years ago

@LaurandOrdre: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@Corvini: Sir David Amess has died - 3 years ago

@_GemmaKH: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@caddymation: RT @hopenothate: Sir David Amess' murder is an attack on our democracy and freedom. Condolences to his family and those closest to him. - 3 years ago

@mariejane2020: @nicktolhurst I want to get off this world. RIP Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@ERConservative: RT @Jackson_Carlaw: Shocked and appalled at the death of Sir David Amess. An MP who had visited & taken an interest in the Scottish Parliam… - 3 years ago

@MithraFelinity: RT @ghost_wales: OMG SKY News reporting Sir David Amess British Conservative MP has died after being stabbed multiple times. I hope its not… - 3 years ago

@ka83k: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 BREAKING: The Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after he was stabbed multiple times at his constituency surgery - 3 years ago

@BigBadBabington: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@ThatAFCgirlMand: RIP Sir David Amess. Thoughts with your family. - 3 years ago

@jannikkel6: BBC News - Tory MP Sir David Amess dies after stabbing - 3 years ago

@Shoolyboo: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@julianknight15: Terrible to hear of the news of Sir David Amess, such a kind man. My thoughts are with his family at this awful time. - 3 years ago

@bigstraps: RT @PoliticsForAlI: Sir David Amess has sadly died RIP ❤️ - 3 years ago

@salithtaydan: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@Sosban_in_Exile: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@asafy627: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@faerielightss: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@DanJohnHolland: Tragic, horrific and sad news. Prayers for David Amess MP, his family and all involved in this incident. BBC News… - 3 years ago

@alexgoodwin_: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@peterchapman10: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@naotaco: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@schielonimus: Conservative MP Sir David Amess was stabbed to death in #LeighonSea. Attacker was arrested. Currently no informatio… - 3 years ago

@may_gun: RT @Rita_Katz: MP Sir David Amess confirmed dead after being stabbed at a meeting with constituents at Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-o… - 3 years ago

@CharliesNovella: RT @DominicBuxton: The attack on Sir David Amess is absolutely chilling, deplorable and triggers memories of the news on Jo Cox. Regardless… - 3 years ago

@RaptusHellwolfe: RT @GuidoFawkes: Essex Police Announce Death of Sir David Amess Following Stabbing - 3 years ago

@BerkleyBearNews: British Conservative politician Sir David Amess stabbed while meeting constituents - 3 years ago

@alastairdick: RT @ghost_wales: OMG SKY News reporting Sir David Amess British Conservative MP has died after being stabbed multiple times. I hope its not… - 3 years ago

@SteveLJenkins: RT @JustinWelby: Shocked to hear of the attack on Sir David Amess. Praying for him, his loved ones and his staff. Our elected representat… - 3 years ago

@dicksonjulie1: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@_dylanbuckley: RT @durhamunion: Tragic news from Leigh-on-Sea, our thoughts are with Sir David Amess’s family at this time – a horrific and cowardly attac… - 3 years ago

@JoeMSpence1: Unbelievably awful to hear about Sir David Amess - these attacks on MPs, people just doing their jobs, needs to end - 3 years ago

@claudfom8: BBC News - Tory MP Sir David Amess dies after stabbing - 3 years ago

@suspark76: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@AndyVermaut: British Conservative politician Sir David Amess stabbed while meeting constituents - 3 years ago

@Mgauzeo: BBC News - Tory MP Sir David Amess dies after stabbing - 3 years ago

@MrDanMcLaughlin: An attack on an elected representative is an attack on democracy, and tragically, that attack has resulted in the d… - 3 years ago

@juju_zeez: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after a stabbing attack on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex For more on t… - 3 years ago

@BohemiaStable: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@pauladunstable: RT @JoCoxFoundation: The Jo Cox Foundation is horrified to hear the news of the attack on Sir David Amess MP. We are thinking of him, his f… - 3 years ago

@gmgd1971: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 BREAKING: The Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after he was stabbed multiple times at his constituency surgery ht… - 3 years ago

@Brad_ley21: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@trouwschmidt: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@clementosuhor: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@DanielWilton6: RIP Sir David Amess, you will he missed. A sad day for British Politics. - 3 years ago

@DJJonatron: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@TheFluffyViking: RT @hopenothate: Sir David Amess' murder is an attack on our democracy and freedom. Condolences to his family and those closest to him. - 3 years ago

@GeeWotshela: Tory MP Sir David Amess dies after stabbing - 3 years ago

@channingms1: RT @vampywitchy: This is dreadful news. I'm so sorry for his family and all who loved him. RIP Sir David Amess. BBC News - Tory MP Sir Davi… - 3 years ago

@ninahazelby: RT @HakunaMatata26C: Oh my God! Sir David Amess has died. Such a tragedy, he didn't deserve to lose his life in this way. So very, very sad… - 3 years ago

@Lorrain71264171: RT @SkyNews: BREAKING: MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed at his constituency office, police say. Read more: - 3 years ago

@TayaAmritsaria3: Tory MP Sir David Amess dies after stabbing - 3 years ago

@_stedon: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: Community leaders have reacted with horror to the stabbing of Conservative MP Sir David Amess “Sir David has long… - 3 years ago

@juju_zeez: RT @PoliticsForAlI: 🚨 | NEW: Sir David Amess was operated on within the building, a councillor has told BBC News Via @BBCNews - 3 years ago

@dante_lopezOban: My thoughts are with the family of Sir David Amess during what must be an indescribably difficult time. Violence a… - 3 years ago

@AbigailLucy_: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@TheDomenic: RT @sajidjavid: Thinking of my friend and colleague Sir David Amess and his family. - 3 years ago

@zoka64620384: RT @lewis_goodall: Truly tragic news. Sir David Amess, one of Parliament’s longest serving MPs has been killed at his constituency surgery,… - 3 years ago

@Monty72street: RT @MahyarTousi: Motive and person/people behind Sir David Amess' attack will become known eventually. But what's already obvious is that t… - 3 years ago

@ChloeRhysJones: RT @BBCBreaking: Conservative MP Sir David Amess dies after being stabbed at his constituency surgery in Essex, UK - 3 years ago

@chidi_obii: RT @disclosetv: JUST IN - Conservative MP Sir David Amess attacked, stabbed multiple times at a church in Essex, United Kingdom. - 3 years ago

@dpjermy: RT @christopherhope: Sir David Amess dies: Conservative MP stabbed to death at surgery - 3 years ago

@AOzioro: RT @SebastianEPayne: Sir David Amess has died - 3 years ago

@JudyWeb92176381: RT @NHSNurse15: RIP Sir David Amess. No matter what political colour you associate with, violence is never acceptable. My thoughts go to… - 3 years ago

@theblindblogger: RT @UKIP: Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@Grettaelaine: RT @bbclaurak: Awful news - MP Sir David Amess has been killed while meeting constituents in Leigh-on-Sea - 3 years ago

@freespirited_p: RT @carrielbjohnson: Absolutely devastating news about Sir David Amess. He was hugely kind and good. An enormous animal lover and a true ge… - 3 years ago

@egorbrandt: Conservative MP Sir David Amess stabbed multiple times in incident at constituency surgery - 3 years ago

@DelynClp: Shocking and very sad news from Essex. Sincere condolences to the family, friends and constituents of Sir David Amess. - 3 years ago

@craig4nwarks: In total shock hearing news about Sir David Amess. A genuinely lovely man and this is truly horrendous. My thoughts… - 3 years ago

@HoldMyBooks: RT @cathynewman: MP @DavidDavisMP tells me on @TimesRadio that security for MPs needs to be beefed up after stabbing of Sir David Amess. Li… - 3 years ago

@Tulip94727807: RT @PeterStefanovi2: Horrifying, heartbreaking news. Sir David Amess has sadly died after being stabbed at his constituency surgery. Though… - 3 years ago

@NormanBrennan: BREAKING DREADFUL NEWS UPDATE! Conservative MP Sir David Amess has been Stabbed to Death in his constituency office… - 3 years ago

@lepdavidnowell: RT @GordonMarsden: Am appalled to hear of knife attack on Sir David Amess MP. We worked together in Parliament on seaside, tourism & anima… - 3 years ago

@CostiAndrew1: RT @GuidoFawkes: Essex Police Announce Death of Sir David Amess Following Stabbing - 3 years ago

@mawfunx2: RT @GBNEWS: BREAKING: Conservative MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed multiple times at a constituency advice surgery earlier… - 3 years ago

@Justin10798847: RT @SkyNews: BREAKING: MP Sir David Amess has died after being stabbed at his constituency office, police say. Read more: - 3 years ago

@Allchanges: RT @BBCNews: Armed police officers on scene, following the stabbing of Conservative MP Sir David Amess in Leigh-on-Sea A man has been arre… - 3 years ago

@SeanLXIV: RT @CharlesTannock: Shocked to hear about this knife attack on Sir David Amess MP in his constituency surgery. My prayers are with his frie… - 3 years ago

@journeymanstev1: Tory MP Sir David Amess dies after stabbing …. Shocking news 🥲 … what levels has society sunk to … RIP feller 🙏🏻 - 3 years ago

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