Sir Brian Kenny

British army general
Died on Thursday June 22nd 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Sir Brian Kenny:

@NATOlizer: #General Sir #BrianKenny #WestGermany #EastGermany #WestGermany... - 8 years ago

@MilitaryPhotouk: General Sir Brian Kenny Tall, dashing and straight-talking commander-in-chief of the British Army of the Rhine... - 8 years ago

@MacMcPhersonMBE: RT @jrmgower: - 8 years ago

@jrmgower: - 8 years ago


@Of_Mice_And_Ben: General Sir Brian Kenny - tall, dashing and straight talking commander-in-chief of the British Army during Cold War - 8 years ago

@NellKane12: - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Sir Brian Kenny, British army general, Died at 83 - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Sir Brian Kenny dies - #SirBrianKenny #Sir #BrianKenny #rip - 8 years ago

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