Sir Bob Elliott

New Zealand medical researcher.
Died on Friday August 21st 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Sir Bob Elliott:

@newssummedupNZ: Sir Bob Elliott - paediatrician, medical researcher, boat-rocker - 5 years ago

@NZStuff: Sir Bob Elliott - paediatrician, medical researcher, boat-rocker - 5 years ago

@louaitken: I was honoured to meet Sir Bob at @NZeroftheYear in March. What a amazing, inspiring, humble, funny man. Truly one… - 5 years ago

@bridgetdicker: RT @FMHS_UoA: Obituary: Sir Robert (Bob) Bartlett Elliott KNZM (3 January 1934 – 21 August 2020) Sir Bob Elliott was an outstanding paediat… - 5 years ago


@NZGerontology: RT @FMHS_UoA: Obituary: Sir Robert (Bob) Bartlett Elliott KNZM (3 January 1934 – 21 August 2020) Sir Bob Elliott was an outstanding paediat… - 5 years ago

@FMHS_UoA: Obituary: Sir Robert (Bob) Bartlett Elliott KNZM (3 January 1934 – 21 August 2020) Sir Bob Elliott was an outstandi… - 5 years ago

@Bureauchem: RT @LCTGlobal: We are very sad to report that LCT founder Sir Bob Elliott has died peacefully at home. Bob was a scientific entrepreneur at… - 5 years ago

@LCTGlobal: We are very sad to report that LCT founder Sir Bob Elliott has died peacefully at home. Bob was a scientific entrep… - 5 years ago

@ColinTukuitonga: RT @PeterGluckman: Some thoughts and memories on passing of Sir Robert (Bob) Elliott and the importance of mentorship: - 5 years ago

@PeterGluckman: Some thoughts and memories on passing of Sir Robert (Bob) Elliott and the importance of mentorship: - 5 years ago

@strawfie: RT @NewshubNZ: 'Shining bright light': Pioneering child health researcher Sir Bob Elliott dies - 5 years ago

@wouden_van: Pioneering child health researcher Sir Bob Elliott dies - 5 years ago

@PairsonnalitesA: Fighting Stigma : Pioneering child health researcher Sir Bob Elliott dies: Credits: Newshub. Sir Bob Elliott, desc… - 5 years ago

@GrantMMcLachlan: Good bye friend. What an amazing legacy. I hope that I can do it justice one day. Good tribute, @paddygowernz - 5 years ago

@SW12welve: RT @ingridgrenar: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir Bob Elliott. He did so much for the #cysticfibrosis community in NZ. Such a shame he di… - 5 years ago

@pinkstephness: Rest In Peace Sir Bob Elliott. What a legacy - 5 years ago

@AliJonesCCC: @patrickgowernz your story on Sir Bob Elliott and the money hungry drug companies is the best story I’ve seen in ye… - 5 years ago

@phoenix19712: Pioneering child health researcher Sir Bob Elliott dies - 5 years ago

@NewshubNZ: 'Shining bright light': Pioneering child health researcher Sir Bob Elliott dies - 5 years ago

@pearlwendyl: RT @PeterGluckman: Extremely saddened to hear of the death of Sir Bob Elliott, my first mentor and whose had does so much for the health of… - 5 years ago

@StefanieTulloch: RT @StephenClarkeNZ: “My best achievement lies in co-founding with Ron Caughey and Rotary the charity now known as Cure Kids ... bringing h… - 5 years ago

@djbeatmasteruk: RT @ingridgrenar: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir Bob Elliott. He did so much for the #cysticfibrosis community in NZ. Such a shame he di… - 5 years ago

@NZBC88: RT @StephenClarkeNZ: “My best achievement lies in co-founding with Ron Caughey and Rotary the charity now known as Cure Kids ... bringing h… - 5 years ago

@ingridgrenar: Sad to hear of the passing of Sir Bob Elliott. He did so much for the #cysticfibrosis community in NZ. Such a shame… - 5 years ago

@Bureauchem: RT @BioPacPartners: Vale Professor Sir Bob Elliott - 5 years ago

@BioPacPartners: Vale Professor Sir Bob Elliott - 5 years ago

@StephenClarkeNZ: “My best achievement lies in co-founding with Ron Caughey and Rotary the charity now known as Cure Kids ... bringin… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Sir Bob Elliott has passed away - #SirBobElliott #Sir #BobElliott #rip - 5 years ago

@bicknell_l: RT @PeterGluckman: Extremely saddened to hear of the death of Sir Bob Elliott, my first mentor and whose had does so much for the health of… - 5 years ago

@clairemcgowan: RT @PeterGluckman: Extremely saddened to hear of the death of Sir Bob Elliott, my first mentor and whose had does so much for the health of… - 5 years ago

@PeterGluckman: Extremely saddened to hear of the death of Sir Bob Elliott, my first mentor and whose had does so much for the heal… - 5 years ago

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