Sir Arlington Butler

Bahamian politician.
Died on Monday November 13th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Sir Arlington Butler:

@ZNSBahamas242: Tonight at 8 p.m.! Catch a rebroadcast of Legends with the late Sir. Arlington Butler. At 9;… - 7 years ago

@daBahamianTing: Sir Arlie’s widow fights his family SIR Arlington Butler’s widow has resorted to legal action to prevent her from... - 7 years ago

@ZNSBahamas242: A court dispute involving the late wife of Sir. Arlington Butler and his 2 sons took place in Supreme Court.… - 7 years ago

@BoutiqueVillas: Sir Arlington Butler Dies Age 79 - 7 years ago


@BoutiqueVillas: Sir Arlington Butler Dies Age 79 - Sir Arlington Butler By SANCHESKA DORSETT Tribune Staff Reporter Sdorsett@tr... - 7 years ago

@alpheusfinlayso: Tuesday's Track World will be dedicated to the contribution of a Giant of a man, Sir Arlington Butler, former... - 7 years ago

@daBahamianTing: Minnis pays tribute to ‘Sir Arlie’ SIR Arlington Butler, the first Speaker of the House of Assembly in an... - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Sir Arlington Butler dies - #SirArlingtonButler #Sir #ArlingtonButler #rip - 7 years ago

@Bradleybe: Leader Of The Opposition Says Farewell To Sir Arlington Butler - - 7 years ago

@BahamasWeekly: The Bahamas Olympic Committee: Death of Sir Arlington Butler... - 7 years ago

@bahamasurbanyou: A giant of a man. He will be missed. Rest in Peace Cousin Arlington. - 7 years ago

@Expatsinbahamas: Sir Arlington Butler dies age 79 - 7 years ago

@kellymacc: RT @mackeymedia: The Bahamas Olympic Committee: Death of Sir Arlington Butler via - 7 years ago

@mackeymedia: The Bahamas Olympic Committee: Death of Sir Arlington Butler via - 7 years ago

@daBahamianTing: Sir Arlington Butler Dies Age 79 - Bahamas Tribune Bahamas Tribune Sir Arlington Butler Dies Age 79Bahamas... - 7 years ago

@ZNSBahamas242: F.N.M Chairman Carl Culmer offers condolences to the family of Sir. Arlington Butler. - 7 years ago

@ZNSBahamas242: The first speaker of the H.O.A Sir. Arlington Butler has passed away. - 7 years ago

@daBahamianTing: Sir Arlington Butler dies age 79 - 7 years ago

@KwkMedia: Sir Arlington Butler dies age 79 - - 7 years ago

@DonaldMcLean14: Sincere condolences to the Family of the late Sir Arlington Butler, a legendary figure in the Olympic Movement from… - 7 years ago

@AmantePurpura: RT @Tribune242: Sir Arlington Butler dies age 79 - 7 years ago

@loverboi2010: RT @Tribune242: Sir Arlington Butler dies age 79 - 7 years ago

@Tribune242: Sir Arlington Butler dies age 79 - 7 years ago

@daBahamianTing: Sir Arlington Butler dies age 79 SIR Arlington Butler, the first Speaker of the House of Assembly in an... - 7 years ago


@SancutaryofGrac: RT @Bahamaspress: Breaking NOW >>> Sir Arlington Butler just passed away a few minutes ago. Rest Eternal Grant Unto Him O Lord....AMEN! ht… - 7 years ago

@daBahamianTing: A Man for All Seasons… Earl of Winton Sir Ali passes at 79… Sir Arlington Griffith Butler 1938 – 2017 Nassau,... - 7 years ago

@CRolleLB52: RT @Bahamaspress: Breaking NOW >>> Sir Arlington Butler just passed away a few minutes ago. Rest Eternal Grant Unto Him O Lord....AMEN! ht… - 7 years ago

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