Sir Antony Jay

English broadcaster
Died on Sunday August 21st 2016

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Sir Antony Jay:

@crysta598: RT @ALoraine282: The death of Sir Antony Jay on Tuesday, aged 86, robs us of the man who wrote the matchless Eighties political comedy seri… - 9 years ago

@nickford: Hacker: Europe is a community of nations, dedicated towards one goal. Sir Humphrey: Oh, ha ha ha. - 9 years ago

@Sitcom_Bot: RT @RichyLomas: Sad to hear passing of Sir Antony Jay. Incredibly talented #comedy writer. Yes Minister still hugely relevant - 9 years ago

@ohman4: RT @mrjonathanlynn: ICYMI: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago


@RichyLomas: Sad to hear passing of Sir Antony Jay. Incredibly talented #comedy writer. Yes Minister still hugely relevant - 9 years ago

@CharBotGreen2: In a few minutes on Radio 4: Last Word: Sir Antony Jay, Donald Henderson, Tom Cholmondeley, Pat... #pid:b07pjkj2 - 9 years ago

@willbadaloni: The quiet revolutionary who turned Sir Humphrey into TV gold: Yes Minister genius Antony Jay, who has died aged 86, loved nothing more - 9 years ago

@abragency: RT @mrjonathanlynn: ICYMI: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago

@Castle_Kearsley: Last Word, Sir Antony Jay, Donald Henderson, Tom Cholmondeley, Patsy Wright-Warren CBE, Lord Rix - 9 years ago

@otusposti: RT @JyrkiVainio: Poliittisen satiirin mestari, yhä ajankohtaisen Kyllä herra ministeri -sarjan toinen tekijä, Antony Jay poistui: - 9 years ago

@ALoraine282: The death of Sir Antony Jay on Tuesday, aged 86, robs us of the man who wrote the matchless Eighties political comedy series Yes, - 9 years ago

@19WHAT62: BBC News - Yes Minister writer Sir Antony Jay dies at 86 - 9 years ago

@HouseHfuhruhurr: RT @mrjonathanlynn: ICYMI: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago

@mariogreat: politicalbetting - A tribute to Sir Antony Jay - 9 years ago

@forgetmebot: RT .mrjonathanlynn: Never Forget: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago

@uglybutler1: RT @mrjonathanlynn: ICYMI: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago

@ppdoddy: RT @mrjonathanlynn: ICYMI: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago

@rckjnsn: RT @mrjonathanlynn: ICYMI: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago

@kathyf1024: RT @mrjonathanlynn: ICYMI: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago

@mrjonathanlynn: ICYMI: My tribute to Sir Antony Jay. RIP. - 9 years ago

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