Sir Alan Donald

British diplomat
Died on Tuesday July 17th 2018

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Gay Caswell

Tweets related to Sir Alan Donald:

@777francesa: RT @heraldscotland: Obituary - Sir Alan Donald, British ambassador during Tienanmen massacre - 7 years ago

@heraldscotland: Obituary - Sir Alan Donald, British ambassador during Tienanmen massacre - 7 years ago

@Yueober: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@music5599: RT @SoundofHopeSOH: 【前英驻华大使逝世 曾发秘密电文揭“天安门屠杀”真相】英国资深外交官唐纳德爵士(Sir Alan Donald)上周六逝世,享年87岁。唐纳德爵士在1988-1991年间任英国驻华大使,经历了北京89.6.4,曾将“天安门屠杀”真相以秘密… - 7 years ago


@15833242254_1: RT @SoundofHopeSOH: 【前英驻华大使逝世 曾发秘密电文揭“天安门屠杀”真相】英国资深外交官唐纳德爵士(Sir Alan Donald)上周六逝世,享年87岁。唐纳德爵士在1988-1991年间任英国驻华大使,经历了北京89.6.4,曾将“天安门屠杀”真相以秘密… - 7 years ago

@linchusa: RT @SoundofHopeSOH: 【前英驻华大使逝世 曾发秘密电文揭“天安门屠杀”真相】英国资深外交官唐纳德爵士(Sir Alan Donald)上周六逝世,享年87岁。唐纳德爵士在1988-1991年间任英国驻华大使,经历了北京89.6.4,曾将“天安门屠杀”真相以秘密… - 7 years ago

@MyHistoryMaster: RT @jc_mittelstadt: He “provided a horrific description of the massacre, saying that armoured personnel carriers had attacked students and… - 7 years ago

@caryhuangscmp: Alan Donald, British ambassador at time of Tiananmen killings, dies - 7 years ago

@caryhuangscmp: - 7 years ago

@nipp2sinoguanxi: RT @jc_mittelstadt: He “provided a horrific description of the massacre, saying that armoured personnel carriers had attacked students and… - 7 years ago

@jazmin_lee1: RT @SoundofHopeSOH: 【前英驻华大使逝世 曾发秘密电文揭“天安门屠杀”真相】英国资深外交官唐纳德爵士(Sir Alan Donald)上周六逝世,享年87岁。唐纳德爵士在1988-1991年间任英国驻华大使,经历了北京89.6.4,曾将“天安门屠杀”真相以秘密… - 7 years ago

@6V6zxr6KjgHFU5Z: RT @SoundofHopeSOH: 【前英驻华大使逝世 曾发秘密电文揭“天安门屠杀”真相】英国资深外交官唐纳德爵士(Sir Alan Donald)上周六逝世,享年87岁。唐纳德爵士在1988-1991年间任英国驻华大使,经历了北京89.6.4,曾将“天安门屠杀”真相以秘密… - 7 years ago

@zhenshanren999: RT @SoundofHopeSOH: 【前英驻华大使逝世 曾发秘密电文揭“天安门屠杀”真相】英国资深外交官唐纳德爵士(Sir Alan Donald)上周六逝世,享年87岁。唐纳德爵士在1988-1991年间任英国驻华大使,经历了北京89.6.4,曾将“天安门屠杀”真相以秘密… - 7 years ago

@SoundofHopeSOH: 【前英驻华大使逝世 曾发秘密电文揭“天安门屠杀”真相】英国资深外交官唐纳德爵士(Sir Alan Donald)上周六逝世,享年87岁。唐纳德爵士在1988-1991年间任英国驻华大使,经历了北京89.6.4,曾将“天安门屠杀”真… - 7 years ago

@BuntjenJens: RT @jc_mittelstadt: He “provided a horrific description of the massacre, saying that armoured personnel carriers had attacked students and… - 7 years ago

@jc_mittelstadt: He “provided a horrific description of the massacre, saying that armoured personnel carriers had attacked students… - 7 years ago

@pristinefidji: RT @carlworker: Alan Donald, British ambassador at time of Tiananmen killings, dies - 7 years ago

@carlworker: Alan Donald, British ambassador at time of Tiananmen killings, dies - 7 years ago

@dave2062: Alan Donald, British ambassador at time of Tiananmen killings, dies - 7 years ago

@Beijingshare: Sir Alan Donald, British ambassador to Beijing during Tiananmen Square killings, dies aged 87 - South China Morning… - 7 years ago

@bdnews24: Sir Alan Donald, British ambassador to Beijing during Tiananmen Square killings, dies aged 87 - 7 years ago

@fuckccp5: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@dudiaohan: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@yurongwei11: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@laodou369: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@lcw2829: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@edenmandom: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@xixihaha89: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@letdoit2017: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@enewsuk: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@willyNJ: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@Sandy27145417: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@k26Bw9OeEhn4kvh: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@szxiaojl: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@iaH6atQ5vWMAobG: RT @av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,並指他一直處理中國事務,… - 7 years ago

@av69bb: 【中國專家】密電爆六四北京屠殺逾萬人 英前駐華大使唐納德逝世 英國前駐華大使唐納德爵士(Sir Alan Ewen Donald)上周六(14日)逝世,終年87歲。 《每日電訊報》的訃聞標題是:發「天安門屠殺」秘密電文的駐華大使,… - 7 years ago

@ThompsonChau94: Former British ambassador to China Sir Alan Donald, from Aberdeenshire, has passed away at the age of 87. - 7 years ago

@jennywxf: - 7 years ago

@Beijingshare: Sir Alan Donald, ambassador to Beijing during Tiananmen Square massacre – obituary - - 7 years ago

@chas_pope: Obituary of Sir Alan Donald, British Ambassador to China at the time of the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989… - 7 years ago

@Dawsonatrix: Obituary of sinologist and British Ambassador to China: Sir Alan Donald. All but abandoned during #tiananmen, he… - 7 years ago

@magnusllewellin: RT @thetimesscot: Obituary: the life of Sir Alan Donald, a former British ambassador to China who, during the Tiananmen Square massacre in… - 7 years ago

@EINChinaNews: Sir Alan Donald, ambassador to Beijing during Tiananmen Square massacre – obituary - 7 years ago

@thetimesscot: Obituary: the life of Sir Alan Donald, a former British ambassador to China who, during the Tiananmen Square massac… - 7 years ago

@telegraphobits: Sir Alan Donald, ambassador to Beijing during Tiananmen Square massacre – obituary - 7 years ago

@RPleass: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@tombuchanan271: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@AmyLeeP: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@TimesObits: Alan Donald was British ambassador to China at the time of the Tiananmen Square massacre in June 1989. During the p… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Sir Alan Donald - #SirAlanDonald #Sir #AlanDonald #rip - 7 years ago

@llhmc: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@magnusllewellin: Our obituary for Sir Alan Donald, the Inverurie-born former UK ambassador to China - 7 years ago

@Atlas_Times: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@therealreyZion: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@PetekDemirciog1: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@_greatbike: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@ExiledfromDown: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@giandebiase: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@thetimes: During the Tiananmen Square massacre, Sir Alan Donald used the embassy to shelter British subjects - 7 years ago

@TXCuffer: RT @RidgeOnSunday: Sir Alan Duncan says Donald Trump's UK visit was a success with "some good political benefits" #Ridge - 7 years ago

@NapperDave70: 4. People who support Tommy Robinson, Donald Trump, Piers Morgan or the Klu Klux Klan. Yes I mean you Sir Alan Sugar #Syria #Trump #Brexit - 7 years ago

@parentchain: @SophyRidgeSky speaking to Sir Alan Duncan, she says of Donald Trump "This is a man who says it's okay to sexually… - 7 years ago

@joncraig: RT @RidgeOnSunday: Sir Alan Duncan says Donald Trump's UK visit was a success with "some good political benefits" #Ridge - 7 years ago

@JayJayCrane: RT @RidgeOnSunday: Sir Alan Duncan says Donald Trump's UK visit was a success with "some good political benefits" #Ridge - 7 years ago

@RobinDanaPoint: RT @RidgeOnSunday: Sir Alan Duncan says Donald Trump's UK visit was a success with "some good political benefits" #Ridge - 7 years ago

@MagriTiger: RT @RidgeOnSunday: Sir Alan Duncan says Donald Trump's UK visit was a success with "some good political benefits" #Ridge - 7 years ago

@cannoneerno4: RT @RidgeOnSunday: Sir Alan Duncan says Donald Trump's UK visit was a success with "some good political benefits" #Ridge - 7 years ago

@muhemmedasfand: RT RidgeOnSunday: Sir Alan Duncan says Donald Trump's UK visit was a success with "some good political benefits"… - 7 years ago

@Missycilious: RT RidgeOnSunday: Sir Alan Duncan says Donald Trump's UK visit was a success with "some good political benefits"… - 7 years ago

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