Silvio Parnis

Maltese politician
Died on Tuesday January 3rd 2023

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Silvio Parnis:

@BertRidesAgain: They don't understand that @ONE_news_Malta is a private station because they're taught their party IS the state. “… - 2 years ago

@mdsabirbkt: RT @ONE_news_Malta: Il-Partit Laburista jagħti l-aħħar tislima lil Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@LovinMalta: As Parnis was being laid to rest, ONE TV broadcast a teleshopping show with items such as gas heaters and ladders f… - 2 years ago

@maltainde: Hundreds flocked to the Paola parish church to say their final goodbyes to the much-loved former MP. - 2 years ago


@chrisfearne: RT @ONE_news_Malta: Il-Partit Laburista jagħti l-aħħar tislima lil Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@netnewsmalta: Tingħata l-aħħar tislima lill-eks Deputat Laburista Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@ONE_news_Malta: Il-Partit Laburista jagħti l-aħħar tislima lil Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Illum tingħata l-aħħar tislima lill-ex deputat Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@Illumonline: Raħal Ġdid u l-poplu Malti jagħtu l-aħħar tislima lil Silvio Parnis: Dalgħodu f'Raħal Ġdid in-nies jingħaqdu biex i… - 2 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: Silvio Parnis to be nominated for posthumous recognition - 2 years ago

@disinformate_mt: RT @maltainde: Prime Minister Robert Abela, backed by the PL parliamentary group, will be nominating Parnis. - 2 years ago

@aphexpredator80: Il-Grupp Parlamentari tal-@PL_Malta qabel b’mod unanimu li l-eks deputat @silvio_parnis ikun rikonoxxut mill-istat… - 2 years ago

@maltatoday: Prime Minister to nominate Silvio Parnis for Republic Day honour - 2 years ago

@maltainde: Prime Minister Robert Abela, backed by the PL parliamentary group, will be nominating Parnis. - 2 years ago

@Illumonline: Il-PM Robert Abela jipproponi li Silvio Parnis jkun nominat għal Ġieħ ir-Repubblika: Il-Partit Laburista jsellem il… - 2 years ago

@netnewsmalta: Nhar il-Ġimgħa se tingħata l-aħħar tislima lil Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@mgupt108: RT @presidentmt: Shocked and saddened by the news I just received that former Parliamentary Secretary and colleague in politics Silvio Parn… - 2 years ago

@tony4mp: Kondoljanzi lill-familja ta’ sieħbi Silvio Parnis - pilastru ta’ għajnuna soċjali u wens fost il-poplu ta’ Raħal Ġd… - 2 years ago

@OwenBonnici: RT @presidentmt: Shocked and saddened by the news I just received that former Parliamentary Secretary and colleague in politics Silvio Parn… - 2 years ago

@paulmif70080924: RT @TelevisionMalta: Imut l-ex Deputat Laburista Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@GiorgosLikouri1: RT @presidentmt: Shocked and saddened by the news I just received that former Parliamentary Secretary and colleague in politics Silvio Parn… - 2 years ago

@CDNewsDispatch: Politicians pay tribute to Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@neil_spiteri: Rest In Peace dear @silvio_parnis :-( - 2 years ago

@muglj001: RT @TheTimesofMalta: 'Man of the people': politicians pay tribute to late Labour MP Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@captss: Silvio Parnis, former Labour MP, dies aged 57 - 2 years ago

@aphexpredator80: Deskritt minn bosta bħala persuna ta’ qalb kbira u li dejjem kien viċin in-nies, @silvio_parnis se jibqa’ mfakkar g… - 2 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Silvio Parnis se jingħata l-aħħar tislima l-Ġimgħa f’Raħal Ġdid - 2 years ago

@generazzjonilij: Din il-pagna ‘sellem il-memorja ta’ Silvio Parnis Silvio Parnis jibqa’ magħruf bħala politiku ta’ qalb tajba li de… - 2 years ago

@disinformate_mt: RT @maltainde: Parnis, who served as an MP for over 20 years, was 57 years old. - 2 years ago

@gladeolie: RT @CDNewsDispatch: Former Labour MP Silvio Parnis dies / Malta News Briefing – Tuesday 3 January 2023 - 2 years ago

@LONMI1951: RT @TheTimesofMalta: 'Man of the people': politicians pay tribute to late Labour MP Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@David83823494: Former Labour MP Silvio Parnis died on Tuesday, aged 57, following a period of ill health as a result of cancer.  - 2 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: 'Man of the people': politicians pay tribute to late Labour MP Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@GozoNews: New post: Silvio Parnis passes away at the age of 57 - 2 years ago

@ArnoldCassola: Silvio Parnis A political adversary. But his death at age 57 comes as a real shock. Sincere condolences to famil… - 2 years ago

@rscachia: RT @presidentmt: Shocked and saddened by the news I just received that former Parliamentary Secretary and colleague in politics Silvio Parn… - 2 years ago

@netnewsmalta: Il-PN isellem il-memorja ta’ Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@LeoBrincat: Insellem lil Silvio Parnis. Dejjem kont nafu bhala persuna li hadem qatigh ghall-batut u vulnerabbli kull fejn kie… - 2 years ago

@PL_Fgura: Il-Kumitat Lokali tac-Centru Laburista Fgura jsellem il-memorja ta’ l-eks Segretarju Parlamentari u Deputat Laburis… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Silvio Parnis, you will be missed - #SilvioParnis #Silvio #Parnis #rip - 2 years ago

@mdsabirbkt: RT @chrisfearne: Kondoljanzi lill-familja ta’ sieħbi Silvio Parnis - pilastru ta’ għajnuna soċjali u wens fost il-poplu ta’ Raħal Ġdid. Str… - 2 years ago

@tony4mp: RT @chrisfearne: Kondoljanzi lill-familja ta’ sieħbi Silvio Parnis - pilastru ta’ għajnuna soċjali u wens fost il-poplu ta’ Raħal Ġdid. Str… - 2 years ago

@maltainde: Parnis, who served as an MP for over 20 years, was 57 years old. - 2 years ago

@Muschelschloss: RT @TheTimesofMalta: Former Labour MP Silvio Parnis dies aged 57 - 2 years ago

@presidentmt: Shocked and saddened by the news I just received that former Parliamentary Secretary and colleague in politics Silv… - 2 years ago

@JoeGiglioMalta: Kondoljanzi lill-familjari ta' @silvio_parnis li serva għal diversi snin bħala Segretarju Parlamentari u Membru Par… - 2 years ago

@maltatoday: Former Labour MP Silvio Parnis passes away at 57 - 2 years ago

@TheTimesofMalta: Former Labour MP Silvio Parnis dies aged 57 - 2 years ago

@CDNewsDispatch: Former Labour MP Silvio Parnis dies / Malta News Briefing – Tuesday 3 January 2023 - 2 years ago

@captss: RT @chrisfearne: Kondoljanzi lill-familja ta’ sieħbi Silvio Parnis - pilastru ta’ għajnuna soċjali u wens fost il-poplu ta’ Raħal Ġdid. Str… - 2 years ago

@captss: RT @MaltaBreaking: BREAKING: Former Labour MP Silvio Parnis dies, aged 58 (Times of Malta) @silvio_parnis - 2 years ago

@Newsbook_com_mt: Imut Silvio Parnis Aqra iktar: #Slivioparnis #localnews #mayherestinpeace #LatestNews… - 2 years ago

@netnewsmalta: Imut l-eks Deputat Laburista Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@StephaniaDimech: RT @chrisfearne: Kondoljanzi lill-familja ta’ sieħbi Silvio Parnis - pilastru ta’ għajnuna soċjali u wens fost il-poplu ta’ Raħal Ġdid. Str… - 2 years ago

@chrisfearne: Kondoljanzi lill-familja ta’ sieħbi Silvio Parnis - pilastru ta’ għajnuna soċjali u wens fost il-poplu ta’ Raħal Ġd… - 2 years ago

@TelevisionMalta: Imut l-ex Deputat Laburista Silvio Parnis - 2 years ago

@MaltaBreaking: BREAKING: Former Labour MP Silvio Parnis dies, aged 58 (Times of Malta) @silvio_parnis - 2 years ago

@Illumonline: Ħafna messaġġi u appelli ta' talb għal saħħet l-eks Deputat Laburista Silvio Parnis: Parnis - Deputat Laburista fuq… - 2 years ago

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