Sidney Verba

American political scientist and librarian.
Died on Wednesday March 6th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Sidney Verba:

@vlassover: RT @nytimesworld: Sidney Verba, whose pioneering research comparing political behavior among the world’s democracies became a campus classi… - 6 years ago

@kioscoinfo: Se ha ido un grande. #SidneyVerba, académico de las mejores universidades del mundo, hizo grandes aportaciones a la… - 6 years ago

@StAndreasson: RT @APSAtweets: Political Scientist and Former APSA President, Sidney Verba, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@jpketterer: Sidney Verba, a legend in political science and ran the Harvard Library as well. - 6 years ago


@dimassyibli: RT @andreasharsono: Sidney Verba, whose pioneering research comparing political behavior among the world’s democracies became a classic boo… - 6 years ago

@Dan360Smith: RT @GoodwinMJ: Sidney Verba, who passed away last week, once hailed Britain as an exemplar of 'civic culture'; "a pluralistic culture based… - 6 years ago

@ghislainngbichi: Political Scientist and Former APSA President, Sidney Verba, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@TCarayannis: RT @SSRC_org: The SSRC mourns the passing of former board and committee member Sidney Verba, a long-time friend of the Council whose pionee… - 6 years ago

@Taddeiworld: Political scientist Sidney Verba dead at 86 - 6 years ago

@SSRC_items: RT @SSRC_org: The SSRC mourns the passing of former board and committee member Sidney Verba, a long-time friend of the Council whose pionee… - 6 years ago

@ImmanentFrame: RT @SSRC_org: The SSRC mourns the passing of former board and committee member Sidney Verba, a long-time friend of the Council whose pionee… - 6 years ago

@LetMicahDown: RT @SSRC_org: The SSRC mourns the passing of former board and committee member Sidney Verba, a long-time friend of the Council whose pionee… - 6 years ago

@alondra: RT @SSRC_org: The SSRC mourns the passing of former board and committee member Sidney Verba, a long-time friend of the Council whose pionee… - 6 years ago

@jaricheson: RT @SSRC_org: The SSRC mourns the passing of former board and committee member Sidney Verba, a long-time friend of the Council whose pionee… - 6 years ago

@SSRC_org: The SSRC mourns the passing of former board and committee member Sidney Verba, a long-time friend of the Council wh… - 6 years ago

@danielbeland: Political Scientist and Former APSA President, Sidney Verba, Dies at 86 - - 6 years ago

@utklibrarian: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@hmtennapel: #SidneyVerba , Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@LBustikova: RIP Sidney Verba, love your work on civic culture (how relevant today). - 6 years ago

@petersenoverton: - 6 years ago

@lightech: RT @RobinGoodFellow: One of the fathers... Political scientist Sidney Verba dead at 86 - 6 years ago

@henschr: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@worldnewsbox: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@ElFamosoCampous: "Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86" - 6 years ago

@Londied41: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 His pioneering research compared civic participation an… - 6 years ago

@KasandreaSereno: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@UsmanAnwar78: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@IFollowYooBack_: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 His pioneering research compared civic participation an… - 6 years ago

@alex_lopezs: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@craigmcangus: RT @GoodwinMJ: Sidney Verba, who passed away last week, once hailed Britain as an exemplar of 'civic culture'; "a pluralistic culture based… - 6 years ago

@NeuPetr: RT @GoodwinMJ: Sidney Verba, who passed away last week, once hailed Britain as an exemplar of 'civic culture'; "a pluralistic culture based… - 6 years ago

@diegodelunamx: RT @NYTNational: Sidney Verba, whose pioneering research comparing political behavior among the world’s democracies became a campus classic… - 6 years ago

@NYTNational: Sidney Verba, whose pioneering research comparing political behavior among the world’s democracies became a campus… - 6 years ago

@bcunyc: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@Ralucashu: “Academics,” he said, “are the only people I can think of for whom this sentence makes sense: ‘I’m hoping to get so… - 6 years ago

@mbhandial: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@Bronxvoice1: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@pierrestanley45: RT @GoodwinMJ: Sidney Verba, who passed away last week, once hailed Britain as an exemplar of 'civic culture'; "a pluralistic culture based… - 6 years ago

@_CollegeNetwork: The College Network Sidney Verba Innovative Scholar of Democracies Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@NewMidEast: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86. American political science has lost a giant. Many of u… - 6 years ago

@MrTouchwood: RT @GoodwinMJ: Sidney Verba, who passed away last week, once hailed Britain as an exemplar of 'civic culture'; "a pluralistic culture based… - 6 years ago

@SonamSaxena: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@XkeepsmilinX: RT @GoodwinMJ: Sidney Verba, who passed away last week, once hailed Britain as an exemplar of 'civic culture'; "a pluralistic culture based… - 6 years ago

@IngaDenisova1: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@maryumalam: - 6 years ago

@Gander_News_c3: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@mac46100: RT @GoodwinMJ: Sidney Verba, who passed away last week, once hailed Britain as an exemplar of 'civic culture'; "a pluralistic culture based… - 6 years ago

@LawrenceeBlack: RT @GlobeMetro: Sidney Verba, Harvard’s ‘consummate university citizen,’ at 86 - 6 years ago

@scatterbrain6: RT @GoodwinMJ: Sidney Verba, who passed away last week, once hailed Britain as an exemplar of 'civic culture'; "a pluralistic culture based… - 6 years ago

@SpacewomanR: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@Social_Media_b7: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@MeaganHillie: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@margalitwilli11: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@myadvisorsays: Sidney Verba, Innovative Scholar of Democracies, Dies at 86 - 6 years ago

@E_duardoH: @rsnunez - 6 years ago

@rsnsnl: Sidney Verba ölmüş :((( - 6 years ago

@dscheykopp: - 6 years ago

@teodoroalonso: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@DaniYozzi: - 6 years ago

@substockman: This guy really was a mensch. I met him a handful of times when I had a staff position (receptionist, basically) at… - 6 years ago

@juanguerrerocam: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@andresgaort: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@yazmorlet: #rip #sidneyverba #politicalscience 😢 - 6 years ago

@JAlatorreGDL: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@luiscarrera1986: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@ricard_irianda: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@El_FedexMG: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@LourdesMelgar: RT @Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre desigualdad… - 6 years ago

@Viri_Rios: Uno de los politólogos más prominentes de Harvard, Sidney Verba, murió a los 86 años 😢 Sus contribuciones sobre de… - 6 years ago

@MattDickinson44: When I was debating whether to return to Harvard as a junior prof, Sid Verba told me to flip a coin to decide. If… - 6 years ago

@LekkiPrince: Sidney Verba die at 86, may your gentle soul rest in peace. World Political Scientist mourn you.😂😂😂😂 - 6 years ago

@katyusha13: "What he did shaped the field of comparative #politics." Sad news about Sidney #Verba from a time when #PoliSci as… - 6 years ago

@IvanMarkovic91: Shocked by death of Sidney #Verba :( This is a huge loss for #politicalscience His work continues to inspire! - 6 years ago

@Cidhectorsagaz: Political scientist Sidney Verba dead at 86 - 6 years ago

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