Sidney Rittenberg

American journalist
Died on Sunday August 25th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sidney Rittenberg:

@tdwatkins88: “The Man Who Stayed Behind”- the name of his memoir captures a tale of Sidney Rittenberg, Idealistic American Aide… - 6 years ago

@ElBazorto: RT @askolovitchC: Pour échapper au capitalisme, l'américain Sidney Rittenberg était devenu membre puis cadre du Parti communiste chinois, p… - 6 years ago

@Aureli1enGiraux: RT @Slatefr: Sidney Rittenberg «Li Dunbai» avait rejoint le Parti communiste chinois - 6 years ago

@periodistas_es: El 24 de agosto de 2019 falleció, a los 98 años de edad y en el centro médico de Fountain Hills (Arizona), Sideny R… - 6 years ago


@georgesy_09010: "Capitalism, is the most powerful engine yet created for fostering economic growth" Sidney Rittenberg 1921-2019--Un… - 6 years ago

@Aureli1enGiraux: L'Américain qui murmurait à l'oreille de Mao (et à celle de Bill Gates) - 6 years ago

@WallyTirera: Sidney Rittenberg alias «Li Dunbai», un américain membre du parti communiste chinois. Et va devenir grâce à ses rel… - 6 years ago

@MllerQuentin: RT @askolovitchC: Pour échapper au capitalisme, l'américain Sidney Rittenberg était devenu membre puis cadre du Parti communiste chinois, p… - 6 years ago

@askolovitchC: J'ai commis et je corrige une erreur sur le prénom du camarade Rittenberg, américain longtemps cadre du PC chinois,… - 6 years ago

@askolovitchC: Pour échapper au capitalisme, l'américain Sidney Rittenberg était devenu membre puis cadre du Parti communiste chin… - 6 years ago

@HTANSW: RT @HTAVed: "Sidney Rittenberg....was widely considered one of the most powerful Westerners advising the Chinese government in the 1950s an… - 6 years ago

@GerardGrizbec: L'Américain qui murmurait à l'oreille de Mao (et à celle de Bill Gates) - 6 years ago

@bonsoirmichel: L'Américain qui murmurait à l'oreille de Mao (et à celle de Bill Gates) - 6 years ago

@inversalis: L'Américain qui murmurait à l'oreille de Mao (et à celle de Bill Gates) - 6 years ago

@inversalis: L'Américain qui murmurait à l'oreille de Mao (et à celle de Bill Gates) - 6 years ago

@darylklyon: RT @HTAVed: "Sidney Rittenberg....was widely considered one of the most powerful Westerners advising the Chinese government in the 1950s an… - 6 years ago

@HTAVed: "Sidney Rittenberg....was widely considered one of the most powerful Westerners advising the Chinese government in… - 6 years ago

@spacetimeltd: RT @HMAesq: My old professor Sidney Rittenberg, died 8/24 at age 98, after living a most extraordinary life. Sometimes it takes you years… - 6 years ago

@Idocki1: RT @HMAesq: My old professor Sidney Rittenberg, died 8/24 at age 98, after living a most extraordinary life. Sometimes it takes you years… - 6 years ago

@ArgusC: RT @HMAesq: My old professor Sidney Rittenberg, died 8/24 at age 98, after living a most extraordinary life. Sometimes it takes you years… - 6 years ago

@Solutioneer72: RT @HMAesq: My old professor Sidney Rittenberg, died 8/24 at age 98, after living a most extraordinary life. Sometimes it takes you years… - 6 years ago

@MRothmanPetArt: RT @HMAesq: My old professor Sidney Rittenberg, died 8/24 at age 98, after living a most extraordinary life. Sometimes it takes you years… - 6 years ago

@morethanmySLE: RT @HMAesq: My old professor Sidney Rittenberg, died 8/24 at age 98, after living a most extraordinary life. Sometimes it takes you years… - 6 years ago

@iamakanawan: RT @HipHopHeadBoy: Sidney Rittenberg, Former American Advisor To Mao Dies At Age 98 - 6 years ago

@1q4gxcCQCIwEs8K: Sidney Rittenberg, Idealistic American Aide to Mao Who Evolved to Counsel Capitalists, Dies at 98… - 6 years ago

@gwencuny: Une histoire tellement incroyable qu’elle est vraie... - 6 years ago

@jose_jffontes: RT @press4change: He was a Lefty student supporting #workers' campaigns & went on to be U.S. workers' worst nightmare; counseling #Global c… - 6 years ago

@viajoshhunt: RT @press4change: He was a Lefty student supporting #workers' campaigns & went on to be U.S. workers' worst nightmare; counseling #Global c… - 6 years ago

@davidrieff: RT @press4change: He was a Lefty student supporting #workers' campaigns & went on to be U.S. workers' worst nightmare; counseling #Global c… - 6 years ago

@kat_pep_kat: RT @press4change: He was a Lefty student supporting #workers' campaigns & went on to be U.S. workers' worst nightmare; counseling #Global c… - 6 years ago

@press4change: He was a Lefty student supporting #workers' campaigns & went on to be U.S. workers' worst nightmare; counseling… - 6 years ago

@javiermiao: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@RichardRobinson: Sidney Rittenberg - An Amazing Life Filled with Adventure, Love, Joy and Forgiveness - 6 years ago

@SoPunnyBro: #RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and final… - 6 years ago

@IwantPuns: #RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and final… - 6 years ago

@MachaneYazid: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@realpendhammas: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@DesireVibe: #RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and final… - 6 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Sidney Rittenberg: - 6 years ago

@InspireVibe: #RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and final… - 6 years ago

@Nina03010: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@jornalistavitor: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@DhanadaKanta: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@marlenemorita14: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@husseinshoboksh: - 6 years ago

@CraigAWhiteside: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@daniel_crowell: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@gypsy_weiss: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@LianeHilton: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@ycchichan: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@MLCzone: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@RSGYQGMSFL: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@McKinleyFR: RT @WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalist roa… - 6 years ago

@WSJ: Obituary: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a… - 6 years ago

@JChengWSJ: Sidney Rittenberg, Mao’s American Friend, Survived Turmoil to Travel a Capitalist Road. Our weekend profile.… - 6 years ago

@cydoniacapital: Sidney was invited to Beijing. They asked him to come, because they thought he would stand on their side in their c… - 6 years ago

@SamC130B: An American soldier embraced Mao, broadcast propaganda, languished in Chinese prisons and finally found a capitalis… - 6 years ago

@ivanmladek: Sidney Rittenberg, Mao’s American Friend, Survived Turmoil to Travel a Capitalist Road - Wall Street Journal - 6 years ago

@12Kranenburg: RT @arnoyuma: Sidney Rittenberg, die hielp miljoenen Chinezen over de kling te jagen, is overleden - 6 years ago

@arnoyuma: Sidney Rittenberg, die hielp miljoenen Chinezen over de kling te jagen, is overleden - 6 years ago

@gail_hagerty: RT @JamesRHagerty: Mao's American friend finally traveled a capitalist road - 6 years ago

@robinsnewswire: "#Travel News: Sidney Rittenberg, Mao’s #American Friend, Survived Turmoil to #Travel a Capitalist Road #News": - 6 years ago

@JamesRHagerty: Mao's American friend finally traveled a capitalist road - 6 years ago

@GregHerczeg: @KaiserKuo Love your recommendation at the end, a great nod to Sidney Rittenberg in the week of his death (and what… - 6 years ago

@CHAIRRDRF: Non-transport tweet: Amazing story, tells you something of both an extraordinary individual and belief systems in… - 6 years ago

@WoltjesBia: Sidney Rittenberg True China Insider BBC World News America - 6 years ago

@jamescpll26: RT @MattSchiavenza: I'm sorry to hear that Sidney Rittenberg, one of the most interesting foreigners to ever live in the People's Republic… - 6 years ago

@CWHaire: RT @BristowatHome: Wish I'd seen this obit sooner. Born in South Carolina, Rittenberg spent 35 years after World War II living in communist… - 6 years ago

@JansensAdriaan: Sidney Rittenberg, die hielp miljoenen Chinezen over de kling te jagen, is overleden - 6 years ago

@iflickerman: RT @cydoniacapital: Mao's military strategist Sidney Rittenberg is back 👻 @nicoleelliott50 - 6 years ago

@cydoniacapital: Mao's military strategist Sidney Rittenberg is back 👻 @nicoleelliott50 - 6 years ago

@iflickerman: RT @cydoniacapital: American Sidney Rittenberg speaking at #Tiananmen Square during the Cultural Revolution. #antiELAB #HongKongProtests #C… - 6 years ago

@iflickerman: RT @cydoniacapital: Sidney Rittenberg, Idealistic American Aide to Mao Who Evolved to Counsel Capitalists #antiELAB #HongKongProtests #Chin… - 6 years ago

@iflickerman: RT @cydoniacapital: Sidney Rittenberg provided Mao's #PLA with military intelligence @Scutty - 6 years ago

@iflickerman: RT @cydoniacapital: Sidney Rittenberg at a Friends of Lubavitch UK Gaon Club breakfast event in central London. #Chinazis #antiELAB #HongKo… - 6 years ago

@cseh_andreas: RT @cydoniacapital: Sidney Rittenberg at a Friends of Lubavitch UK Gaon Club breakfast event in central London. #Chinazis #antiELAB #HongKo… - 6 years ago

@cseh_andreas: RT @cydoniacapital: American Sidney Rittenberg speaking at #Tiananmen Square during the Cultural Revolution. #antiELAB #HongKongProtests #C… - 6 years ago

@cseh_andreas: RT @cydoniacapital: Sidney Rittenberg, Idealistic American Aide to Mao Who Evolved to Counsel Capitalists #antiELAB #HongKongProtests #Chin… - 6 years ago

@cydoniacapital: Sidney Rittenberg at a Friends of Lubavitch UK Gaon Club breakfast event in central London. #Chinazis #antiELAB… - 6 years ago

@cydoniacapital: American Sidney Rittenberg speaking at #Tiananmen Square during the Cultural Revolution. #antiELAB… - 6 years ago

@cydoniacapital: Sidney Rittenberg provided Mao's #PLA with military intelligence @Scutty - 6 years ago

@RuttenWillem: - 6 years ago

@cydoniacapital: Sidney Rittenberg, Idealistic American Aide to Mao Who Evolved to Counsel Capitalists #antiELAB #HongKongProtests… - 6 years ago

@Okubudeghe: RT @Ibom_Weather: Sidney Rittenberg, Former American Advisor To Mao Dies At Age 98 - 6 years ago

@Mmuommiri: RT @Ibom_Weather: Sidney Rittenberg, Former American Advisor To Mao Dies At Age 98 - 6 years ago

@IKONGEKPO: RT @Ibom_Weather: Sidney Rittenberg, Former American Advisor To Mao Dies At Age 98 - 6 years ago

@Miss_AkwaIbom: RT @HipHopHeadBoy: Sidney Rittenberg, Former American Advisor To Mao Dies At Age 98 - 6 years ago

@akudinogu: RT @Ibom_Weather: Sidney Rittenberg, Former American Advisor To Mao Dies At Age 98 - 6 years ago

@hbbtruth: RT @KennethTuran: Gripping, stranger than fiction obit for Sidney Rittenberg, Idealistic American who went from pal of Chairman Mao to Bill… - 6 years ago

@SalleyRick: RT @BristowatHome: Wish I'd seen this obit sooner. Born in South Carolina, Rittenberg spent 35 years after World War II living in communist… - 6 years ago

@Klandestien010: RT @adrianxleconte: Sidney Rittenberg, die hielp miljoenen Chinezen over de kling te jagen, is overleden - 6 years ago

@adrianxleconte: Sidney Rittenberg, die hielp miljoenen Chinezen over de kling te jagen, is overleden - 6 years ago

@honkisme: Sidney Rittenberg, die hielp miljoenen Chinezen over de kling te jagen, is overleden - 6 years ago

@KaiserKuo: @JRBauer1021 @goldkorn Sure! Lots of 'em. Some personal faves are the Sidney Rittenberg ones (very timely given his… - 6 years ago

@laurenmsausser: @BristowatHome @aparkerwriter interviewed some of his relatives still here in Charleston. Sounds like he led a full… - 6 years ago

@BristowatHome: Wish I'd seen this obit sooner. Born in South Carolina, Rittenberg spent 35 years after World War II living in comm… - 6 years ago

@PeterLandau: Sidney Rittenberg, Idealistic American Aide to Mao Who Evolved to Councel Capitalists #obitpix #sidneyrittenberg… - 6 years ago

@lil_buckarooski: "Rittenberg also did simultaneous translations of Laurel and Hardy films, which Mao loved." - 6 years ago

@victoriaruffy: RT @TheFutureCritic: My Guardian obit today of the most interesting person I've ever met. - 6 years ago

@MidCoastCyber: Sidney Rittenberg obituary - 6 years ago

@angstormlevy: Sidney Rittenberg obituary “It’s a kind of corruption, exactly the kind of corruption that ruins the whole thing,”, - 6 years ago

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