Sidney Poitier

Bahamian-American actor
Died on Friday January 7th 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Sidney Poitier:

@SfogliaRoma: RT @SfogliaRoma: E se a venire a cena fosse una donna? - 3 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Jan 6, Eastern Europe, Arbury, COVID Omicron/Vaccine Totals, Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Jan 6, Eastern Europe, Arbury, COVID Omicron/Vaccine Totals, Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @BrotherJulius83: My tribute to #SidneyPoitier for @AwardsDaily. It’s about as good as I can do. - 3 years ago


@Carlabela1: To Sir, with Love • Theme Song • Lulu - 3 years ago

@1tYCOvkEB1ESJWj: Sidney Poitier "predicts" Barack Obama (1967) - 3 years ago

@Warren_Whitlock: Sidney Poiitier’s recount of learning to read re-enforces our common humanity. - 3 years ago

@zaibatsu: 12 Quintessential Sidney Poitier Performances Everyone Should Know - 3 years ago

@meichahenry: @IMDb Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@Akbarou25: RT @GbiusBD: 🇺🇸 Paris Blues - Martin Ritt (1961) Avec Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier, Louis Armstrong et Serge Reggiani ❤️ - 3 years ago

@arno_dr: Sidney Poitier: Würde, Kraft, Intelligenz, Stolz, Eleganz. #werfehlt - 3 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Jan 6, Eastern Europe, Arbury, COVID Omicron/Vaccine Totals, Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@WLPR891: Sidney Poitier was, as many have noted, an unparalleled actor, committed activist and beloved family member. He was… - 3 years ago

@KeishaGaye1: My cousin's interview about her work with Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@007hotmail: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@Goldenbrotha06: Sir Sidney Poitier Your Words relevant then and STILL IS NOW 🕊❤️🕊🙏🏾 Thank u for posting @naomi #prolific - 3 years ago

@chuydvd: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Sidney Poitier, the first Black performer to win an Oscar for best actor, is dead at 94. He was known for his p… - 3 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Jan 6, Eastern Europe, Arbury, COVID Omicron/Vaccine Totals, Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@chuydvd: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, the pioneering actor who died at 94, has been chronicled in The New York Times for decades. Here is a look bac… - 3 years ago

@ShiftParadigm: MUST read post by -> @dubioseducator -- Covid, MLK, Sidney Poitier - and Hope - 3 years ago

@portal_com: Sidney Poitier, reflejo del movimiento por los derechos civiles en la gran pantalla - 3 years ago

@juanlujanm: RT @yqqwwee: Ayer estuve viendo "Adivina quien viene a cenar esta noche." Un homenaje a Sidney Poitier por su reciente fallecimiento. No me… - 3 years ago

@jpanjoubault: RT @PremiereFR: Mort de Sidney Poitier, le premier acteur noir sacré aux Oscars - - 3 years ago

@mettumarasa: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, the first Black man to win an Oscar, died last week at 94. How did he change U.S. cinema? Listen to today’s e… - 3 years ago

@jpanjoubault: RT @PremiereFR: Dans la chaleur de la nuit/Devine qui vient dîner ? : La télé rend hommage à Sidney Poitier, ce soir - - 3 years ago

@samuelnicholls: The Meaning of Sidney Poitier’s Historic 1964 Oscar - The New Yorker - 3 years ago

@rifan155: RT @Marcus_Theatres: In the Heat of the Night starring the trailblazing Hollywood icon, Sidney Poitier, is back on the big screen at Marcus… - 3 years ago

@rosicakoleva6: RT @amanpour: “Sidney Poitier was the person that allowed me to feel that I could become an actor,” @FrankieFaison tells me. When Poitier w… - 3 years ago

@davidbroadley: I'm just stupid! I never looked upon him as Iconic or ground breaking Sidney Poitier was just a good actor in a goo… - 3 years ago

@Marsal95: RT @tonivall: Ha mort un mite, el gran Sidney Poitier, fantàstic actor, precursor d’una batalla fonamental, va trencar motlles, la primera… - 3 years ago

@MrsMkMoore: RT @carlquintanilla: “You sit here and ask me such one-dimensional questions .. about the ‘Negro-ness’ of my life. .. I am an artist. A man… - 3 years ago

@TheRealShuban: The Life and Legacy of Sidney Poitier @Wesley_Morris @mikiebarb @terrigarber1228… - 3 years ago

@Whyatt_darshay: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@rogerahicks: RT @Miss_Snuffy: Nuanced and historical short chat about Poitier as a black man but a black Caribbean man and what that meant for the US in… - 3 years ago

@RobNorwood6: To Purr, with Glove In memory of the wonderful Sidney Poitier #ASongOrMovieForPetsInDress - 3 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @formichenews: Quando #SidneyPoitier passeggiava per le strade di Roma. 📸Foto di Pizzi📸 ➡️ - 3 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @ewnewsbahamas: Letter to Sir Sidney Poitier: To sir with love - 3 years ago

@DrSJFine: RT @jklagge: Since Sidney Poitier has been celebrated at his passing, I think we need to note his connection to Philosophy! He did an LP-l… - 3 years ago

@Paulborgmeister: - 3 years ago

@Abhinandan_R: RT @SadhguruJV: #SidneyPoitier- celebrated as much for his celluloid achievements as for being a non-confrontational non-conformist. His li… - 3 years ago

@_brexoxo_: RT @UberFacts: Actor and filmmaker Sidney Poitier has passed away at the age of 94 In 1964, he became the first Black actor to win an Acad… - 3 years ago

@TheBigPic: What films should be in Bradley Cooper’s Hall of Fame? @SeanFennessey and @akdobbins discuss that, the surprises a… - 3 years ago

@paintbritain: RT @TheArtNewspaper: As the world mourns the death of the actor and activist Sidney Poitier, Patron Gallery in Chicago is inviting visitors… - 3 years ago

@ByClaytonDavis: Will Smith is considered the front-runner by many pundits for his role as Venus and Serena Williams’ father in… - 3 years ago

@TheReelTray: Check us out this Sunday on Facebook Live (6pm EST/3pm PST), celebrating SIDNEY POITIER. - 3 years ago

@Bleu_de_Paris: RT @TheEconomist: No one could mistake the determination and talent it took for Sidney Poitier to become Hollywood’s exemplar of African-Am… - 3 years ago

@JalapenoFilms: @HBattlebot Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@ana_captures: RT @ODEONCinemas: Celebrate the life and work of Sidney Poitier with two of his most influential films back on the big screen. Guess Who'… - 3 years ago

@Bharu1307: RT @Hammynotinmiami: We lost a great man in Sidney Poitier today. 😞😞 - 3 years ago

@amarchivepub: RT @mayascade: denzel washington on being called the next sidney poitier. 1998 clip via @amarchivepub’s “sidney poitier; one bright light… - 3 years ago

@EasyPortsmouth: “Things began to happen” Sidney Poitier, legendary actor and Oscar winning star of the 1963 film ‘Lilies of the F… - 3 years ago

@Annabella_J_dH: RT @TheEconomist: No one could mistake the determination and talent it took for Sidney Poitier to become Hollywood’s exemplar of African-Am… - 3 years ago

@OpinionessWorld: RT @citizendamepod: The Dames return to discuss the legacy of Sidney Poitier, the awesomeness of Betty White, and the most important celebr… - 3 years ago

@GlobalTimeseu: RT @TheEconomist: No one could mistake the determination and talent it took for Sidney Poitier to become Hollywood’s exemplar of African-Am… - 3 years ago

@pranesh: "Sidney Poitier, a giant who broke ground and changed perceptions" - 3 years ago

@Slick_Nay: And Betty white dying not even Sidney Poitier got love like that lol - 3 years ago

@IMinchener: RT @DineshDSouza: Today: How Biden, like the Devil, went down to Georgia—and largely for the same reason. Economic historian Phil Magness,… - 3 years ago

@Alphapointe: Watch on Amazon: Your reviews are welcome and we would like to hear your opinion about thi… - 3 years ago

@_IamCoachBrian: Losing Sidney Poitier Reminds Us That Only Four Black Men Have Won Best Actor via - 3 years ago

@BadboyvsGoodman: Betty White is gone Sidney Poitier is gone, Steve Harvey is a TV judge, and Taco Bell has wings.. Lord if you bout… - 3 years ago

@Dan_Rothenberg: Why does @guardian insist on writing black, concerning skin colour, with a capital B, eg describing Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@themoodscapes: Sidney Poitier merupakan aktor kulit hitam pertama yang dinominasikan untuk Academy Award dan memenangkan pengharga… - 3 years ago

@JanisWedmore: RT @Ireland0828: SIDNEY POITIER. @emarblack @smaddoxsr @claudia_herren @waylinpremier @Bellarealness @SueSaysEnough @MrJohnJohn @MichaelH… - 3 years ago

@mix_martes86: RT @20m: Hulk Hogan se declara antivacunas y las acusa de matar: "Están cayendo como moscas" 👉 El exluchador rela… - 3 years ago

@the_derhey9: RT @VoLinxx: “It gave others a window into my reality, of what it felt like to navigate the world with both Black and white parents,” write… - 3 years ago

@wendellwallace: @RonaldH131 Ifb New episode now available. NFL playoffs are here. College football has a new champion, and I pay tr… - 3 years ago

@laventana: 🎬Carlos Boyero, sobre 'La tragedia de Macbeth': "Me ha interesado, me recuerda al cine expresionista alemán" 🍊Tamb… - 3 years ago

@rachel_maria65: RT @VoLinxx: “It gave others a window into my reality, of what it felt like to navigate the world with both Black and white parents,” write… - 3 years ago

@elsalmonello: RT @THR: Sidney Poitier's daughter Sydney also took to social media to pay tribute to her trailblazing father - 3 years ago

@wendellwallace: @sportingbuzz_ Ifb!! New episode now available. NFL playoffs are here. College football has a new champion, and I p… - 3 years ago

@Lupita67713215: RT @DineshDSouza: Today: How Biden, like the Devil, went down to Georgia—and largely for the same reason. Economic historian Phil Magness,… - 3 years ago

@JustG62: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@supremely_black: RT @Variety: .@halleberry pens a tribute to the late Sidney Poitier for this week’s Variety cover story, reflecting on seeing her family’s… - 3 years ago

@elvia_francis: RT @CarolynBranno16: @QuincyDJones A lot of men would gain much insight into what a MAN truly means if they read Sidney Poitier's book; The… - 3 years ago

@karlwhitney: ‘Sidney Poitier was the only light at the end of the tunnel’: Don Warrington on his lifelong hero - 3 years ago

@InfoMgmtExec: Very nice Don. ‘Sidney Poitier was the only light at the end of the tunnel’: Don Warrington on his lifelong hero - 3 years ago

@LongfellowJean: RT @VoLinxx: “It gave others a window into my reality, of what it felt like to navigate the world with both Black and white parents,” write… - 3 years ago

@elvia_francis: RT @QuincyDJones: 1/6 I couldn’t even begin this morning…Losing my dearest of brothers, Sidney Poitier, is like losing a piece of myself. W… - 3 years ago

@lyricalarrow: @smoakqueenfam Don't forget Sidney Poitier. 😭 - 3 years ago

@JayNYC1987: RT @MrPanou: #RIPSidneyPoitier Sir, you were a trail blazer for people just like me🙏🏿"Sidney Poitier, who helped break down Hollywood’s on-… - 3 years ago

@DemetriusACart1: RT @RepWilson: The great Sidney Poitier - my fellow Bahamian, a son of Miami, the first Black man to win an Academy Award, and a close frie… - 3 years ago

@TimCunninghamRE: RT @Strandjunker: “To simply wake up every morning a better person than when I went to bed.” ~ Sidney Poitier Rest in paradise, Sir. - 3 years ago

@jvanblargan: RT @JoyceCarolOates: yes!--& already you could see that Sidney Poitier was destined for greatness. - 3 years ago

@theGrio: The "Bruised" actor/director wrote about how one of Poitier's films reached her in a profound way. - 3 years ago

@edward_stilson: RT @VoLinxx: “It gave others a window into my reality, of what it felt like to navigate the world with both Black and white parents,” write… - 3 years ago

@richcoppola8: Remembering Sidney Poitier's time at New Haven's Shubert Theatre - 3 years ago

@GPBGeorge: RT @GPBGeorge: Sidney Poitier Kennedy Center Honors 1995 Paul Newman, Louis Gossett, J... - 3 years ago

@badbye_mp3: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Sidney Poitier, the first Black performer to win an Oscar for best actor, is dead at 94. He was known for his p… - 3 years ago

@TittlePress: The meaning of Sidney Poitier’s historic 1964 Oscar - 3 years ago

@Nancy81648843: @cher What a tough start to 2022😫...the arts🌎has already lost SO MANY incredible artists this year...Betty White,… - 3 years ago

@smudge1: RT @shaunwkeaveny: We need these people out of government. We need love and kindness and respect. I know it is perhaps naive to say it but… - 3 years ago

@TimAllston: Check out my latest article: Remembering Sidney Poitier’s Starring Role: Silver-Mettle Leader - 3 years ago

@barbaravitali2: RT @oxley264: Sad news of the death today of legendary actor, director SIDNEY POITIER age 94. Sidney won a best actor award for Lilies of t… - 3 years ago

@c_cloutier: @HBattlebot Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@Deeperthanrhyme: RT @AviMayer: WATCH: Sidney Poitier, who passed away this weekend at age 94, chokes up as he tells Lesley Stahl about the elderly Jewish wa… - 3 years ago

@BrianHerron18: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@MaadiHotti: RT @people: Hollywood Legend Sidney Poitier and Beloved Comedian Bob Saget Honored on PEOPLE Covers - 3 years ago

@StevenW03365815: RT @POTUS: The son of tomato farmers in the Bahamas, Sidney Poitier became the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor — bu… - 3 years ago

@Amycrocker76Amy: - 3 years ago

@AdamRaymer11: RT @wendellwallace: New episode now available. NFL playoffs are here. College football has a new champion, and I pay tribute to the America… - 3 years ago

@rebelsmart: RT @ZvenThe: RIP Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) Poitier with Harry Belafonte and Charlton Heston March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom Au… - 3 years ago

@EileenGrubba: RT @Steverusso1: #quotestoliveby I always wanted to be someone better the next day than I was the day before. ~ Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@rebelsmart: RT @virat_garg: "‘Brother and partner’: Harry Belafonte remembers his longtime friend." by BY MATT STEVENS via NYT - 3 years ago

@DJJasonNagel: @LindsayGuentzel I've had the same problem. Usually I fix that with a novel or a video game but lately I haven't ha… - 3 years ago

@RaRaRidenhour: RT @VoLinxx: “It gave others a window into my reality, of what it felt like to navigate the world with both Black and white parents,” write… - 3 years ago

@rebelsmart: RT @BeschlossDC: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) with Harry Belafonte at March on Washington: - 3 years ago

@rebelsmart: RT @CitizenScreen: Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte by Gordon Parks, 1961 - 3 years ago

@MelvinEmory: RT @Variety: Inside Variety’s cover story by @halleberry: Halle Berry Pens Tribute to Sidney Poitier: ‘An Angel Watching Over All Of Us’… - 3 years ago

@startspreading: RT @CineSuffragette: - 3 years ago

@AkitaShows4Sho: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@NINI_ETERNALSOL: Halle Berry Pens Tribute to Sidney Poitier: ‘An Angel Watching Over All Of Us’ - 3 years ago

@ShalinaBaysan: RT @Variety: Halle Berry on the late Sidney Poitier: “His work behind the scenes was as important as his on-screen work. It served as a blu… - 3 years ago

@Reanimateddoll: RT @Variety: Halle Berry recounts the night she won her historic Oscar and her inextricable connection to the late Sidney Poitier: “In 2002… - 3 years ago

@CarolynB246: RT @AJCGlobal: Watch this emotional moment as the late Sidney Poitier recounts the story of a Jewish waiter whose small act of kindness cha… - 3 years ago

@CineSuffragette: - 3 years ago

@GoogeliArt: Hulk Hogan Makes Baseless and Crazy Claim That Betty White and Sidney Poitier Were Killed by Vaccines… - 3 years ago

@BlueRaveFinn: RT @Variety: “I will recall him as my first mirror, and the true measure of a man — and I will forever see him as the angel in the balcony… - 3 years ago

@Yantofullpelt33: RT @ClassicMovieHub: Join @Cinema_Detroit on Friday, Jan. 14 for a tribute to the great Sidney Poitier with IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT (1967)… - 3 years ago

@meetingbuddha: #CultureCulturalComment #NewsNewYorkerFavorites The Meaning of Sidney Poitier’s Historic 1964 Oscar: The actor felt… - 3 years ago

@wendellwallace: @AdamRaymer11 @PatriotsGirlUSA Ifb!! New episode now available. NFL playoffs are here. College football has a new c… - 3 years ago

@HHaller4: RT @yqqwwee: Ayer estuve viendo "Adivina quien viene a cenar esta noche." Un homenaje a Sidney Poitier por su reciente fallecimiento. No me… - 3 years ago

@Mak158Marc: RT @TheLastWord: .@Lawrence honors the creative work and ideals of Sidney Poitier, Bob Saget, Marilyn Bergman and John Bowman. - 3 years ago

@Retro80sLover: RT @marc_marhone: I’m sorry Hulk Hogan suggests that 99 year old Betty White and 95 year old Sidney Poitier died because of the covid vacci… - 3 years ago

@ScrossZA: Raised Catholic and the first black man to win an Oscar, Sidney Poitier left a mark on the Catholic world. - 3 years ago

@NYBajangal: RT @FuneralsToday: Sidney Poitier, Oscar-winning actor and Hollywood's first Black movie star, dies at 94 🖤 . #sidneypotier #funeralstoday… - 3 years ago

@smaywash: “Poitier was the first marketable Black male superstar and romantic lead. He helped the movie industry pivot from p… - 3 years ago

@mariasm98804986: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@unclejoeblazer: RT @TSting18: I'm so sorry to hear Sidney Poitier has died, what a beautiful actor and a beautiful man he was. The slap from In the Heat of… - 3 years ago

@ASMOKEE1: RT @davenewworld_2: Famous epidemiologist Dr. Hulk Hogan implies that Betty White and Sidney Poitier passed away because of the vaccine htt… - 3 years ago

@shustweet: RT @TheLastWord: .@Lawrence honors the creative work and ideals of Sidney Poitier, Bob Saget, Marilyn Bergman and John Bowman. - 3 years ago

@fresh_shopping: RT @cinenuevatribu: NOTICIAS| Sidney Poitier, del Oscar al duende de la gran Costa| EL ACTOR HA FALLECIDO A LOS 94 AÑOS DE EDAD| Artículo c… - 3 years ago

@JuneZent: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@yagalzhane: RT @people: Hollywood Legend Sidney Poitier and Beloved Comedian Bob Saget Honored on PEOPLE Covers - 3 years ago

@bonito00652148: RT @people: Hollywood Legend Sidney Poitier and Beloved Comedian Bob Saget Honored on PEOPLE Covers - 3 years ago

@RonaldM49175686: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@KingM91: RT @davenewworld_2: Famous epidemiologist Dr. Hulk Hogan implies that Betty White and Sidney Poitier passed away because of the vaccine htt… - 3 years ago

@chiradio: RT @people: Hollywood Legend Sidney Poitier and Beloved Comedian Bob Saget Honored on PEOPLE Covers - 3 years ago

@vbrock963: RT @ScottFeinberg: Terrible 10-day stretch: Betty White. Peter Bogdanovich. Sidney Poitier. Marilyn Bergman. Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@ah20_Damsel_fly: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@Patrick57200851: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@Jazzmom12: RT @AndyOstroy: Joan Didion. Betty White. Sidney Poitier. Michaal Lang. Bob Sagat. The last 2 1/2 weeks truly suck... - 3 years ago

@mokaThought: RT @TheSpectator: Sidney Poitier was conscious of his race - how could he not be? - and he took his role as a sort of representative of the… - 3 years ago

@PineAntonie: RT @yqqwwee: Ayer estuve viendo "Adivina quien viene a cenar esta noche." Un homenaje a Sidney Poitier por su reciente fallecimiento. No me… - 3 years ago

@SatinTightsPOD: RT @RealLyndaCarter: Sidney Poitier was an absolute vanguard. His work touched so many lives, and his legacy will endure. Rest well, sir.… - 3 years ago

@yiffyskunk420: RT @elpardack: RIP Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@Marycoo02712230: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@yees888: RT @TheLastWord: .@Lawrence honors the creative work and ideals of Sidney Poitier, Bob Saget, Marilyn Bergman and John Bowman. - 3 years ago

@James_V8024: RT @davenewworld_2: Famous epidemiologist Dr. Hulk Hogan implies that Betty White and Sidney Poitier passed away because of the vaccine htt… - 3 years ago

@nyonwu: RT @StefSimanowitz: “I am an awful lot of things so I wish you would pay me the respect & not just ask me about my blackness” Sidney Poiti… - 3 years ago

@Paulanewport02: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@CitizenFront: RT @carlquintanilla: In 1964, Sidney Poitier became the first Black artist to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. As he once said: "I ne… - 3 years ago

@Jon64308058: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@mammaham: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@nerjeno: RT @yqqwwee: Ayer estuve viendo "Adivina quien viene a cenar esta noche." Un homenaje a Sidney Poitier por su reciente fallecimiento. No me… - 3 years ago

@graceboogie: Long live Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@afforsyth: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@petersoby: I know I am a little bit late to the game but… Rest in peace, Betty White, Sidney Poitier and Bob Saget. Sorry that… - 3 years ago

@JuliaFlorence17: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@AnishGo35240484: RT @SadhguruJV: #SidneyPoitier- celebrated as much for his celluloid achievements as for being a non-confrontational non-conformist. His li… - 3 years ago

@tg_coe: RT @drvolts: Told my boys tonight: aspire to be a man like Sidney Poitier or Bob Saget, such that no matter your talent & accomplishments,… - 3 years ago

@NugFTsNation: #Afwreck (25% THC) Hybrid #1093 . . . . . What Makes a NugFT Rare? Rarity Consists of the following characteristics… - 3 years ago

@zbfan3: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@leahmundorff: RT @EmilyMason1192: Betty White and Sidney Poitier are gone, but Mitch McConnell is still here. No wonder I don't believe in God. - 3 years ago

@OficialEnLaMira: Sidney Poitier, que murió a los 94 años, fue el primer actor de color en ganar un Óscar, premio que sólo un pequeño… - 3 years ago

@Soujourner220: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@danilettte: RT @danilettte: Sidney Poitier raconte avec émotion comment quand il faisait la plonge dans un restaurant, c'est un vieux serveur juif qui… - 3 years ago

@BriceTaylor11: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@Eathbound420: RT @davenewworld_2: Famous epidemiologist Dr. Hulk Hogan implies that Betty White and Sidney Poitier passed away because of the vaccine htt… - 3 years ago

@rjcaliente: Sidney Poitier, pioneering movie star, dies at 94 - The Times of London - 3 years ago

@mplspat: RT @AP: Sidney Poitier, the actor and enduring inspiration who transformed how Black people were portrayed on screen, became the first Blac… - 3 years ago

@DisabledCel: RT @nodqdotcom: Hulk Hogan under fire for Facebook comment about Betty White and Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@ChristineIAm: RT @SwannErik: When thinking about Sidney Poitier, my mind goes to In the Heat of the Night. He once said that he joined the film on the co… - 3 years ago

@StillClutchCity: RT @davenewworld_2: Famous epidemiologist Dr. Hulk Hogan implies that Betty White and Sidney Poitier passed away because of the vaccine htt… - 3 years ago

@DisabledCel: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@CivilDiscours11: RT @TheSpectator: Sidney Poitier was conscious of his race - how could he not be? - and he took his role as a sort of representative of the… - 3 years ago

@carew_mad: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@d1m9enG: RT @TIME: Sidney Poitier, who has died at 94, helped reshape that world to such a degree that we’ll never be able to reckon fully with his… - 3 years ago

@626_6272: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@Mngk: RT @mistergeezy: This is what Sidney Poitier taught me. - 3 years ago

@LT38: RT @ClassicMotown: "Today, the world has lost an icon, and I have lost one of my dearest friends, the great Sidney Poitier. He was a man of… - 3 years ago

@StacyBrownMedia: RT @VoiceViewpoint: Sidney Poitier Remembered: His legacy as Hollywood's first Black leading man reflected the Civil Rights Movement on scr… - 3 years ago

@NewBlackMan: RT @LeftOfBlack: "When I met him on the red carpet, I blurted out that somewhere in heaven all four of my grandparents were smiling down at… - 3 years ago

@BevySummerGirl: RT @claycane: The legendary Sidney Poitier has reportedly passed away at 94. A true icon. Here is a powerful interview from him back in 1… - 3 years ago

@snouts_mcgee: Thinking about seeing my nana yesterday and us reflecting on all of the old Hollywood deaths recently. She said she… - 3 years ago

@ashleyr59069183: Sidney Poitier KBE was a Bahamian-American actor, film director, and ambassador. In 1964, he was the first African… - 3 years ago

@moved2italy: RT @Analisa_Swan: Today starts w/a gorgeous sunrise! Look for inspiration & hope! Take time for self care, to reflect, & commit to make thi… - 3 years ago

@MzDivah67: RT @ScottFeinberg: Terrible 10-day stretch: Betty White. Peter Bogdanovich. Sidney Poitier. Marilyn Bergman. Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@teresaecapel: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@Ladeegem01: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@pietro_di_walsi: RT @AviMayer: WATCH: Sidney Poitier, who passed away this weekend at age 94, chokes up as he tells Lesley Stahl about the elderly Jewish wa… - 3 years ago

@DEBNAGAN: @DavidHarewood I was lucky enough to see you at the Young Vic last week in the brilliant best of enemy. Your magnif… - 3 years ago

@ruben_corella: RT @Auroraiterum: -SI tus sueños no te asustan,no son lo suficientemente grandes. Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Sidney Poitier funeral, date, venue & obituary - 3 years ago

@JEAM_79: 👉 2 DE 50 ya son 2 las celebridades muertas de la lista de 50 que publicó el portal 'DEATH LIST' (Sidney Poitier y… - 3 years ago

@martydwyer: RT @JustKVB: In the last two weeks we’ve lost: Harry Reid John Madden Desmond Tutu Betty White Peter Bogdanovich Sidney Poitier Bob Saget… - 3 years ago

@matthew46956757: RT @RPanh: Sidney Poitier 1960… Roy DeCarava - 3 years ago

@AKarenJo: RT @HArlerte: Sidney Poitier,décédé le 6 janvier 2022 à l'âge de 94 ans, parle avec émotion du serveur vieux serveur juif qui lui a appris… - 3 years ago

@avnblogfeed: Sidney Poitier reflects on lessons from childhood l ABC News - 3 years ago

@haines_barb: RT @RubyWaves_: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Sagat are gone, yet Mitch McConnell’s still here. - 3 years ago

@dexsissyslave: RT @POTUS: The son of tomato farmers in the Bahamas, Sidney Poitier became the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor — bu… - 3 years ago

@CRISTIA62922088: RT @shleper: El mozo judio que le enseñó a Sidney Poitier a leer. fuertisimo - 3 years ago

@Sonduong1: Sidney Poitier #sidneypoitier #sonofagunart #portraitpainting #portraitart #portraitoftheday #watercolorpainting… - 3 years ago

@SLPLearn: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@BastrikDorianGr: RT @My_CineLife: A Sidney Poitier documentary is in the works at Apple with #OprahWinfrey executive producing. The documentary has been fil… - 3 years ago

@sports_MLR: Sidney Poitier – Hollywood’s first Black leading man reflected the civil rights movement on screen… - 3 years ago

@sbryant02647117: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@AugustEve2012: RT @MajorFactor2: It’s still the beginning of the year. January, 2022, and it has not been too kind. 1: Betty White 2: Sidney Poitier 3:… - 3 years ago

@AngrySouptin: RT @iamgabesanchez: First Betty White, then Sidney Poitier, and now Bob Saget. Season 3 of 2020 sucks. - 3 years ago

@RonsRamblings: @BBCiPlayer any plans to schedule any Sidney Poitier films? - 3 years ago

@reeceecup: RT @AllCharisma: What a story! Sidney’s diction is a thing I always noticed about his speech. How beautiful of his mentor to recognize Sidn… - 3 years ago

@Gcbenba: RT @shleper: El mozo judio que le enseñó a Sidney Poitier a leer. fuertisimo - 3 years ago

@latina56: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@cmbreezysupport: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@dan_doo1975: RT @IbsiNow: An elderly Jewish man did a good deed for Sidney Poitier that changed Poitier’s life. Poitier went on to help change the world… - 3 years ago

@IlMortoDelMese: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@EricDeanLewis1: RT @FelipeCruz_593: 📸: Michael Caine, Sean Connery y Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@Monnsssster: RT @BenjamenXXX: We got him! Illegal immigrant Chris Wilding just committed audio black face with his Sidney Poitier impression. This is ha… - 3 years ago

@LOALLL: RT @ScottFeinberg: Terrible 10-day stretch: Betty White. Peter Bogdanovich. Sidney Poitier. Marilyn Bergman. Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@snowflake_not: How Sidney Poitier learned to read | Power Line. Beautiful story, still so moving to Sidney Poitier so many decad… - 3 years ago

@nicksologist: RT @YoJustinKing: @nicksologist Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@sharalynnm: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@lauriepuhn: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@___daddyLEXX: RT @_kyanaaaa: damn we’ve lost 3 greats in a week. Betty White, Sidney Poitier, now Bob Saget - 3 years ago

@Amlaf3: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@3peasowner: RT @ScottFeinberg: Terrible 10-day stretch: Betty White. Peter Bogdanovich. Sidney Poitier. Marilyn Bergman. Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@raymondofnine: RT @claycane: The legendary Sidney Poitier has reportedly passed away at 94. A true icon. Here is a powerful interview from him back in 1… - 3 years ago

@bulletkingx: RT @noobde: Betty White Sidney Poitier Bob Saget Ok you’re done now 2022. 🤬 - 3 years ago

@FryarMelodie: RT @electMikeHarvey: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Saget were all icons individually. It’s been a rough two weeks for the Country’s… - 3 years ago

@MissMuTangClan: @srodan La grande classe Sidney Poitier ! - 3 years ago

@bradleyhatcher: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@Wisconajb: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@NanceSullivan: RT @davenewworld_2: Betty White and Sidney Poitier were hard, but now Bob Saget too? Man, fuck 2022. Time to rewatch the Roast of Bob Saget… - 3 years ago

@sallydavisnm: I had such a crush on Sidney Poitier as a teenager. - 3 years ago

@CWeeddiva: RT @ScottFeinberg: Terrible 10-day stretch: Betty White. Peter Bogdanovich. Sidney Poitier. Marilyn Bergman. Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@RoseDaddyMike: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@raymondofnine: RT @TSting18: I'm so sorry to hear Sidney Poitier has died, what a beautiful actor and a beautiful man he was. The slap from In the Heat of… - 3 years ago

@Deborah43325229: Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the most difference in the lives of people. This simple thing required c… - 3 years ago

@Fried49G: RT @Yamiche: A thread worth reading about the character and courage of Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte, who at the height of stardom ris… - 3 years ago

@TruthOuter: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@coxashton82: RT @kirstiealley: I did a movie with Sidney Poitier. The sadistic director kept making me do dangerous stunts that hurt me. During one sce… - 3 years ago

@Mix965Tulsa: How awesome will this be?! - 3 years ago

@elvigia: MIRADAS Fallece Sidney Poitier pionero de Hollywood - 3 years ago

@SuzanneWinland: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@noh8rdi: RT @TheAtlantic: The late Sidney Poitier portrayed characters who sometimes made the actor a lightning rod for criticism and resentment. Bu… - 3 years ago

@AngelRe96386095: RT @ScottFeinberg: Terrible 10-day stretch: Betty White. Peter Bogdanovich. Sidney Poitier. Marilyn Bergman. Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@onthevergetime: RT @AviMayer: WATCH: Sidney Poitier, who passed away this weekend at age 94, chokes up as he tells Lesley Stahl about the elderly Jewish wa… - 3 years ago

@CutiesLilBunny: RT @PuckinSassPot: Sweet Jesus this 2022 is starting out fantastically. First Betty White, Sidney Poitier, now Bob Saget! 😢 #RIP - 3 years ago

@RockyLum: RT @ScottFeinberg: Terrible 10-day stretch: Betty White. Peter Bogdanovich. Sidney Poitier. Marilyn Bergman. Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@sinequa77539511: RT @AviMayer: WATCH: Sidney Poitier, who passed away this weekend at age 94, chokes up as he tells Lesley Stahl about the elderly Jewish wa… - 3 years ago

@vtmoneyobx: RT @electMikeHarvey: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Saget were all icons individually. It’s been a rough two weeks for the Country’s… - 3 years ago

@Shelley_Lawless: @nyc1543 @elliott_jacks @BillyCrystal And Sidney Poitier and Peter Bogdanovich? - 3 years ago

@sheltgarner: RT @latimes: Sidney Poitier’s timeless performance keeps the 1967 film about a mixed-race couple relevant today; so does its personal reson… - 3 years ago

@MarieSimonsen5: RT @AviMayer: WATCH: Sidney Poitier, who passed away this weekend at age 94, chokes up as he tells Lesley Stahl about the elderly Jewish wa… - 3 years ago

@bizbrokerchris: RT @rolandsmartin: Oscar-winning actor Sidney Poitier dies at 94. #RMU pays tribute to the Hollywood icon - 3 years ago

@Alixandrakupcik: Joan Didion Betty White Sidney Poitier Peter Bogdanovich Marilyn Bergman Bob Sagat Hopefully heaven is now a full house💔 - 3 years ago

@amaxwell986: RT @rolandsmartin: Oscar-winning actor Sidney Poitier dies at 94. #RMU pays tribute to the Hollywood icon - 3 years ago

@iamcynmarie: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@Numecet: RT @electMikeHarvey: Betty White, Sidney Poitier, and Bob Saget were all icons individually. It’s been a rough two weeks for the Country’s… - 3 years ago

@nonnaruth: RT @ScottFeinberg: Terrible 10-day stretch: Betty White. Peter Bogdanovich. Sidney Poitier. Marilyn Bergman. Bob Saget. - 3 years ago

@earljenkins: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@GVG1: RT @LoveExpands: RIP Sidney Poitier 🙏🏽 (1927 - 2022) - 3 years ago

@jaemery: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@poetweeetery: RT @paulocruzphi: Hoje foi dia de homenagear Sidney Poitier, que era, verdadeiramente, um ator estupendo! Assisti aos 3, na sequência. E va… - 3 years ago

@Pat67693255: RT @MSNBC: Ali Velshi on Sidney Poitier: "On principle, he made a point to play roles that shined a light on the ugliness of racial injusti… - 3 years ago

@nightmare00007: @PardesiYT Cool - 3 years ago

@WilliamCobane: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@CgemCritics: RT @RottenTomatoes: In honor of his passing, we look back at the films of the history-making Hollywood great - Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@soy_yemaya: RT @MissRita1964: @cher Agreed! Prayers going up to his family, friends, and co-workers. Rip Sir Sidney Poitier. Job well done.💔🪦🙏🏽 https:/… - 3 years ago

@vpaige: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@CatbytheC: Sidney Poitier: a natural film star who quietly pioneered a revolution #SidneyPoitier R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@CKellyKish: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@Sirjlv: @CDN37 Sidney Poitier era de origen haitiano🇭🇹..."A muchos de nosotros nos produce angustia imaginar que Dios pueda… - 3 years ago

@maricallah: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@Bostonlover01: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@The_Top_Loader: @superjude81 wow what are the odds of that ! .. unless you saw my tweet then watched it then the odds would of been… - 3 years ago

@hnsvanniekerk: RT @AviMayer: WATCH: Sidney Poitier, who passed away this weekend at age 94, chokes up as he tells Lesley Stahl about the elderly Jewish wa… - 3 years ago

@amigal923: RT @carlquintanilla: Sidney Poitier — choking up, describing how a kind co-worker offered to teach him how to read as an adult — is one pow… - 3 years ago

@judesgee: @NickPonticello The Defiant Ones with Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis. Also, Rebel Without A Cause with James Dean,… - 3 years ago

@awaitinggaia: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, who has died at age 94, was modest about his career, despite his role in changing American perceptions of race… - 3 years ago

@ShayTorie: Bill Cosby remembers legendary actor Sidney Poitier | Movies | - 3 years ago

@HAMradiosCanada: An undeniable presence both on-screen and off, Sidney Poitier inspired generations with his talent, his grace, and… - 3 years ago

@302Rackss: RT @JayZOverratd: black ppl went harder for betty white than sidney poitier everything a trend - 3 years ago

@LelHulagirl101: RT @IanHartley_: The Defiant Ones (1958) - Afraid of Catching My Color? Scene (7/9) | Mov... Sidney P… - 3 years ago

@Desiree_Oz4Sure: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@Therealmolea: RT @LightsCameraPod: “I’ll be chasing you, Sidney. I’ll always be following in your footsteps.” Still a timeless moment between Denzel Was… - 3 years ago

@snglesee: RT @Mediavenir: 🇺🇸 FLASH - L'acteur Sidney Poitier, légende de Hollywood, est mort à l’âge de 94 ans. (AFP) - 3 years ago

@world_news_eng: RT @CNN: "Beautiful," "brilliant," "grace" and "elegance" are just a few of the words used by those who paid tribute Friday to the late Sid… - 3 years ago

@Executnr: RT @mayascade: denzel washington on being called the next sidney poitier. 1998 clip via @amarchivepub’s “sidney poitier; one bright light… - 3 years ago

@GrenadaHAM: An undeniable presence both on-screen and off, Sidney Poitier inspired generations with his talent, his grace, and… - 3 years ago

@ReneWes47393430: RT @JoelABowmanSr: Without SIDNEY POITIER, there would not have been a Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Forest Whitaker, Jamie Foxx, Will… - 3 years ago

@BiggerMike_: RT @TMZ: Remembering Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@VE3BRA: An undeniable presence both on-screen and off, Sidney Poitier inspired generations with his talent, his grace, and… - 3 years ago

@MarieAnne1482: RT @DavidDTSS: the best Sidney Poitier story is the time he and Harry Belafonte flew down to the Delta to bring $70K to keep Freedom Summe… - 3 years ago

@costaliqueur: RT @CNN: "Beautiful," "brilliant," "grace" and "elegance" are just a few of the words used by those who paid tribute Friday to the late Sid… - 3 years ago

@JenniferFowle17: RT @BFI: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Sidney Poitier, the legendary actor, director and diplomat who led a life of rema… - 3 years ago

@wabz2: RT @Coolness941: This moment between Sidney Poitier and a Black French reporter was everything ❤️ - 3 years ago

@YCharotm: RT @CNN: "Beautiful," "brilliant," "grace" and "elegance" are just a few of the words used by those who paid tribute Friday to the late Sid… - 3 years ago

@pverdaguer: RT @CNN: "Beautiful," "brilliant," "grace" and "elegance" are just a few of the words used by those who paid tribute Friday to the late Sid… - 3 years ago

@Sunshinedepriv1: RT @CNN: "Beautiful," "brilliant," "grace" and "elegance" are just a few of the words used by those who paid tribute Friday to the late Sid… - 3 years ago

@adf1956: RT @prensagrafica: La muerte de Poitier, el primer actor negro en ganar un premio Oscar, sería el primer acierto de la polémica Lista de la… - 3 years ago

@thenakedz: RT @mayascade: denzel washington on being called the next sidney poitier. 1998 clip via @amarchivepub’s “sidney poitier; one bright light… - 3 years ago

@erer_buket: RT @Hel2021: RIP Sidney Poitier ⭐⭐⭐ #SidneyPoitier #ToSirWithLove - 3 years ago

@ArmYeezy: RT @mayascade: denzel washington on being called the next sidney poitier. 1998 clip via @amarchivepub’s “sidney poitier; one bright light… - 3 years ago

@NikhilNaik4: RT @SadhguruJV: #SidneyPoitier- celebrated as much for his celluloid achievements as for being a non-confrontational non-conformist. His li… - 3 years ago

@ZennieAAbraham: Sidney Poitier Dead At 94, First Black Man To Win Oscar - 3 years ago

@HeadQueen919: RT @MoreAndAgain: Sidney Poitier went harder for a white woman, too 🤷🏾‍♀️ - 3 years ago

@XicdeBeneixama: RT @margasoli: No és per menystenir Sidney Poitier, tot el reconeixement. Però el primer oscar concedit a una persona negra, va ser per una… - 3 years ago

@BarnabyEdwards: RT @BarnabyEdwards: Sidney Poitier (noir pencil on white paper). (#8 in 2022) #45minutes #figure #model #actor #BLM #film #filmstar https… - 3 years ago

@pandapadilla: Volver a ver IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT, es reconocer el portento de actor que era Sidney Poitier, Rod Steiger está g… - 3 years ago

@talrefai1: RT @MuhsinAlRamli: هدفي هو أن أستيقظ كل صباح وأن أكون شخصًا أفضل مما كنت عليه عندما ذهبت إلى الفراش *سيدني بواتييه... وداعاً💐 Mi meta es le… - 3 years ago

@polkmusic: RT @THR: Morgan Freeman took to social media to share a statement about his "inspiration" and "friend," Sir Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@solarseaman: RT @moved2italy: Film is powerful and can bring changes in cultural perception but it takes a powerful man to insist that those changes be… - 3 years ago

@faiella_francy: RT @harrisonfunk: RIP Sir Sidney Poitier, KBE with the King, backstage during the #BADTour 1988 in LA at the now-demolished Sports Arena (n… - 3 years ago

@VimalSMalik: RT @DrSeemaMalik: RIP Sidney Poitier ! We will miss you !! @ NCPSpeaks ⁦# Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@MrAceB85: RT @MoreAndAgain: Sidney Poitier went harder for a white woman, too 🤷🏾‍♀️ - 3 years ago

@NoN9P: RT @mefeater: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier has passed away at 94. The prolific actor was known for his roles in ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Di… - 3 years ago

@annie04522986: RT @Strandjunker: “To simply wake up every morning a better person than when I went to bed.” ~ Sidney Poitier Rest in paradise, Sir. - 3 years ago

@sophiatseliem: RT @sophiatseliem: JOHN PODHORETZ: Sidney Poitier’s life was a testament to the greatest of American stories. Unscho… - 3 years ago

@sophiatseliem: JOHN PODHORETZ: Sidney Poitier’s life was a testament to the greatest of American stories. Unscho… - 3 years ago

@FreeJaneDorotik: RT @TheAcademy: "I'll always be chasing you, Sidney. I'll always be following in your footsteps. There's nothing I would rather do, sir."… - 3 years ago

@lilimichelena: RT @nhannahjones: Many of you know Sidney Poitier as the barrier-breaking actor. But at his core, he was a RACE MAN. A few years ago I inte… - 3 years ago

@N4TVM: RT @Variety: Why Sidney Poitier Is the Most Important Actor in American History - 3 years ago

@ViperMinion: RT @BetamaxPod: Sidney Poitier directing Stir Crazy - 3 years ago

@MichaelLoris5: "A guiding light. A landmark actor. An absolute legend. The best of the best." - 3 years ago

@RicRochardt: RT @Coolness941: This moment between Sidney Poitier and a Black French reporter was everything ❤️ - 3 years ago

@Darlene35084473: RT @Coolness941: Sidney Poitier’s Honorary Oscar Speech (2002) - 3 years ago

@kamalakannang73: RT @SadhguruJV: #SidneyPoitier- celebrated as much for his celluloid achievements as for being a non-confrontational non-conformist. His li… - 3 years ago

@themindof_tasia: RT @JayZOverratd: black ppl went harder for betty white than sidney poitier everything a trend - 3 years ago

@Goddess8008: RT @Variety: Sidney Poitier, along with 50 or so other actors including Sammy Davis Jr., Marlon Brando and Paul Newman, attended the 1963 M… - 3 years ago

@SanhoTree: RT @HowardMortman: #RIP Sidney Poitier: "The urgency that was evident today has been bubbling in me personally most of the years I came in… - 3 years ago

@AnandhiEnergy: RT @SadhguruJV: #SidneyPoitier- celebrated as much for his celluloid achievements as for being a non-confrontational non-conformist. His li… - 3 years ago

@BringasAlavez: RT @FilmotecaUNAM: Murió Sidney Poitier, uno de los actores más destacados e influyentes en la industria del cine hollywoodense, quien luch… - 3 years ago

@Melianaaquino: RT @infobae: De Biden a Oprah, las personalidades de EEUU se despidieron de Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@IngaBowyer: RT @washingtonpost: Sidney Poitier was an icon of racial reassurance. But his genius lay in his rage. - 3 years ago

@patiencesosweet: RT @MoreAndAgain: Sidney Poitier went harder for a white woman, too 🤷🏾‍♀️ - 3 years ago

@CherylBarnesHu2: RT @KwikWarren: Without Sidney Poitier there’s no Morgan Freeman, no James Earl Jones, no Billy Dee Williams, no Lou Gossett Jr, no Denzel,… - 3 years ago

@LorenzoMiguelis: RT @JayZOverratd: black ppl went harder for betty white than sidney poitier everything a trend - 3 years ago

@carrot_topiary: RT @POTUS: The son of tomato farmers in the Bahamas, Sidney Poitier became the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor — bu… - 3 years ago

@lilmecca: RT @strongblacklead: We are celebrating the life of one of Hollywood's most esteemed actors, Mr. Sidney Poitier. The Bahamian-American acto… - 3 years ago

@unixdoss: Halle Berry shared a heartfelt tribute to Sidney Poitier, "the true measure of a man." - 3 years ago

@califlo_ijo: RT @Phil_Lewis_: 1964: Sidney Poitier’s Oscars acceptance speech after he became the first Black man to win an Academy Award for Best Actor… - 3 years ago

@Teebalo: RT @thengoiff: Our tribute to Sidney Poitier, the first black man to win a best actor Oscar. Poitier has been a life ambassador to develop… - 3 years ago

@Maria96141123: Muere el actor Sidney Poitier, la primera estrella negra de Hollywood - 3 years ago

@chalkytalkle: RT @DavidDTSS: the best Sidney Poitier story is the time he and Harry Belafonte flew down to the Delta to bring $70K to keep Freedom Summe… - 3 years ago

@maialgarcia: RT @quiethandfilms: You have been & will continue to be the greatest inspiration of my career. Your distinguished presence, dignity, streng… - 3 years ago

@carlosalpunto: RT @dannyleewynter: Sidney Poitier signing autographs for British kids in 1960. For me the look on that little boys face is the whole point… - 3 years ago

@MarcusGMay1: RT @business: Here's what's buzzing on social media on Saturday, from Sidney Poitier to Elvis - 3 years ago

@jarws: RT @TMZ: Remembering Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@RickeyEpps: RT @CoreyGJohnson: Never forget Sidney Poitier directed Stir Crazy, which amid chicken suits and hilarious jive talk, told Americans about… - 3 years ago

@SheelPalm: RT @nypl: NYPL honors the life and legacy of actor & activist Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@ateacher97: Amazon Prime is doing a tribute to Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@anihtek: RT @mayascade: denzel washington on being called the next sidney poitier. 1998 clip via @amarchivepub’s “sidney poitier; one bright light… - 3 years ago

@ella_ionia_: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@BIdatalearner: RT @JackieWoodson: Thank you for this @CharlesMBlow I will take "but I really want it" and 'can'ts are soft' into 2022. I will hold on to M… - 3 years ago

@Vigilan66356230: RT @twittndre: Em “No Calor da Noite” (1967) o personagem de Sidney Poitier foi o primeiro negro no cinema americano a revidar a violência… - 3 years ago

@chanel_glasses: RT @rolandsmartin: I just set my DVR to record all of the shows on @OWNTV @Oprah tomorrow paying tribute to Sidney Poitier. Any of the othe… - 3 years ago

@blacktropolisCi: newsone: 5 Sidney Poitier Movies Every Black Person Should Watch - 3 years ago

@DianeSATX: @dyddgu I read the book for the first time a few years ago. It's excellent, well-written, and accurate. I hated it.… - 3 years ago

@ojibwelw: RT @NPR: Sidney Poitier represented many different things to many people — including a symbol of progress, a daunting cross to bear that he… - 3 years ago

@bestofbritish2: RT @BrexitBassist: Sidney Poitier was a wonderfully talented actor and a great man. And yet the lefty media and certain black people have… - 3 years ago

@LyneCohen: RT @pierrelescure: Harry Belafonte. Matilda Harry Belafonte a 94 ans. L’âge qu’avait Sidney Poitier q… - 3 years ago

@c_ankrum: @Numbers28 @dankgram I will always remember Sidney Poitier as one of my favorite actors. His wonderful style of act… - 3 years ago

@goyettejordan: RT @DavidDTSS: the best Sidney Poitier story is the time he and Harry Belafonte flew down to the Delta to bring $70K to keep Freedom Summe… - 3 years ago

@rebeccaellerr: RT @ofuxico_oficial: Luto! Morre, aos 94 anos, Sidney Poitier. Ator foi ícone negro do cinema e primeiro ator negro a vencer um Oscar. A mo… - 3 years ago

@frywell24: RT @VP: Sidney Poitier transformed our world both on and off the screen. As an Oscar-winning actor and Ambassador, he advanced our dialogue… - 3 years ago

@williamdhi: RT @981CHFI: Sad news 💔 Sidney Poitier, first Black male to win an Oscar for best actor, dies at 94. 📸 CP Images - 3 years ago

@DelightedDame: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Sidney Poitier, the first Black performer to win an Oscar for best actor, is dead at 94. He was known for his p… - 3 years ago

@IVvalentine: RT @Phil_Lewis_: 1964: Sidney Poitier’s Oscars acceptance speech after he became the first Black man to win an Academy Award for Best Actor… - 3 years ago

@aim_higher2c: RT @POTUS: The son of tomato farmers in the Bahamas, Sidney Poitier became the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor — bu… - 3 years ago

@pulpitovidente: RT @lemondefr: Sidney Poitier, premier comédien noir à recevoir l’Oscar du meilleur acteur, en 1964, est mort - 3 years ago

@mauldemais: RT @twittndre: Em “No Calor da Noite” (1967) o personagem de Sidney Poitier foi o primeiro negro no cinema americano a revidar a violência… - 3 years ago

@sharigaines18: RT @Pauline76318996: @rolandsmartin @DocYvetteHarris @BlkStarNetwork I wasn't ready to hear this sad news this morning. I love Sidney Poiti… - 3 years ago

@HeritageMSSings: RT @TheAcademy: "I'll always be chasing you, Sidney. I'll always be following in your footsteps. There's nothing I would rather do, sir."… - 3 years ago

@deco_lima2: RT @twittndre: Em “No Calor da Noite” (1967) o personagem de Sidney Poitier foi o primeiro negro no cinema americano a revidar a violência… - 3 years ago

@faully33: RT @ChristineMilne: Reading stories about Sidney Poitier reinforces power of individuals to change people’s lives. He was an illiterate di… - 3 years ago

@mnkerrik: RT @kenolin1: For those who didn’t grow up with Sidney Poitier it’s impossible to convey what this giant meant to all of us who did. He was… - 3 years ago

@sharigaines18: RT @rolandsmartin: BREAKING NEWS CONFIRMED: I'm the bearer of sad news....I've confirmed from additional sources that our beloved Sidney Po… - 3 years ago

@JaysonEvander: RT @exavierpope: “I’ll always be chasing you Sidney” - Denzel Washington at the 2002 Academy Awards when he won his first actor lead actor… - 3 years ago

@MilesToG: RT @CAFinUS: To Sir, with Love. Rest easy, Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@Seagull19571: RT @PerePeries: Ha mort Sidney Poitier. Molt més que un actor. - 3 years ago

@buritsch: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@MrNavidHudson: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@MelissaBillions: RT @mistergeezy: This is what Sidney Poitier taught me. - 3 years ago

@miaInPololu: RT @LWLies: Sidney Poitier RIP Spend this eve (re)visiting one of his countless classics: In the Heat of the Night, Lilies of the Field, A… - 3 years ago

@TomFlowers: RT @latimes: Remembering Sidney Poitier: A look back at the actor’s legacy - 3 years ago

@mighty_mayo: RT @OrskiAndrzej: Sammy Davis, Jr., Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier in an outtake from their February 4, 1966 LIFE magazine cover. Pho… - 3 years ago

@Annalina63: RT @NatashaFatah: Sidney Poitier, trailblazing Hollywood icon who broke barriers for Black actors, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@plusultra56: RT @Phil_Lewis_: 1964: Sidney Poitier’s Oscars acceptance speech after he became the first Black man to win an Academy Award for Best Actor… - 3 years ago

@ladymindful: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@camkaipink: RT @SwannErik: When thinking about Sidney Poitier, my mind goes to In the Heat of the Night. He once said that he joined the film on the co… - 3 years ago

@royaleight: RT @PostOpinions: Sidney Poitier changed Americans’ perception of Blackness, @bijancbayne writes in an op-ed - 3 years ago

@nickbergqvist: Sydney Poitier har gått bort, 94 år gammal. Vila i frid! - 3 years ago

@ChesayColson: RT @Luvvie: Sidney of House Poitier. First of his name. Bahamian Baron of Hollywood. Trailblazing Thespian 🎭. Duke of Our Grandmother’s… - 3 years ago

@vaughn_melonie: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@spices27: RT @rolandsmartin: We don't worry about what mainstream media does. We know how to honor our own on #RolandMartinUnfiltered @blackstarnetwo… - 3 years ago

@RICS78: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Sidney Poitier, the first Black performer to win an Oscar for best actor, is dead at 94. He was known for his p… - 3 years ago

@carlos4GLiveTV: RT @helensclegel: RIP Sidney Poitier This as incredible scene from an incredible film - 3 years ago

@beccabalicious: RT @openculture: Great Cultural Icons Talk Civil Rights: James Baldwin, Marlon Brando, Harry Belafonte & Sidney Poitier (1963) - 3 years ago

@black_feminist: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@a_eridani: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@ElianaMonthony: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@roseysweetus: RT @SwannErik: When thinking about Sidney Poitier, my mind goes to In the Heat of the Night. He once said that he joined the film on the co… - 3 years ago

@olewis12: RT @wcchen: Sidney Poitier (20 Feb 1927 - 6 Jan 2022) was a big deal; an integral part of our growing up. His films were big events in Jama… - 3 years ago

@LadyOfLakes57: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@AishaStaggers: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@misticdream: RT @RealLyndaCarter: Sidney Poitier was an absolute vanguard. His work touched so many lives, and his legacy will endure. Rest well, sir.… - 3 years ago

@Brooklynkash: RT @exavierpope: “I’ll always be chasing you Sidney” - Denzel Washington at the 2002 Academy Awards when he won his first actor lead actor… - 3 years ago

@Tsumetai_Go: RT @AxelKuschevatzk: To Sir, with Love II (1996), starring Sidney Poitier and directed by Peter Bogdanovich. - 3 years ago

@wgrosse: RT @MarkRuffalo: Immediately dispelling the perverted, obscene, and misinformed notion of white supremacy in every beautifully human, artis… - 3 years ago

@ThatOtherBoi: RT @BeschlossDC: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) with Harry Belafonte at March on Washington: - 3 years ago

@JANINE507: RT @people: Sidney Poitier, the first Black man to win a Best Actor Oscar, and a titan of cinema, has died. He was 94. - 3 years ago

@dhoolx: Sidney Poitier outside the Apollo Theatre in Midtown in 1959. Photographed by Sam Falk/The New York Times (… - 3 years ago

@VansenEric: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@dace0429: RT @HillaryClinton: We were all so lucky to share a culture with Sidney Poitier, and benefit from his hand in shaping it. - 3 years ago

@mantisman7: RT @nhannahjones: Many of you know Sidney Poitier as the barrier-breaking actor. But at his core, he was a RACE MAN. A few years ago I inte… - 3 years ago

@Schumacher_The: RT @JesseDrucker: This great profile of Harry Belafonte by @JeffSharlet includes this incredible moment about him and Sidney Poitier travel… - 3 years ago

@poet_yorkshire: RT @StefSimanowitz: “I am an awful lot of things so I wish you would pay me the respect & not just ask me about my blackness” Sidney Poiti… - 3 years ago

@junietunez: RT @LightsCameraPod: “I’ll be chasing you, Sidney. I’ll always be following in your footsteps.” Still a timeless moment between Denzel Was… - 3 years ago

@inkonspicuo: RT @HillaryClinton: We were all so lucky to share a culture with Sidney Poitier, and benefit from his hand in shaping it. - 3 years ago

@Nirmalabhujel10: RT @VP: Sidney Poitier transformed our world both on and off the screen. As an Oscar-winning actor and Ambassador, he advanced our dialogue… - 3 years ago

@MzCCoz: RT @thespecialbka: Sidney Poitier: Hollywood star dies aged 94 - BBC News - 3 years ago

@SanguDelle: RT @franklinleonard: One thing that's always struck me about Sidney Poitier's life is that he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II 35 years b… - 3 years ago

@KBnotkb: RT @raegldn: "sidney poitier passed" colorism twitter: "booo TOMATOES TOMATOES TOMATOES" - 3 years ago

@lifeintention: I am in tears tonight because we lost a giant in Sidney Poitier and tears of mixed happiness because Ahmaud Arbery’… - 3 years ago

@siralangrant: - 3 years ago

@vkovva: RT @nickusen: Sidney Poitier wins best actor at the 1964 Oscars - 3 years ago

@bcw_dc: RT @VP: Sidney Poitier transformed our world both on and off the screen. As an Oscar-winning actor and Ambassador, he advanced our dialogue… - 3 years ago

@flightbomb: RT @nhannahjones: Many of you know Sidney Poitier as the barrier-breaking actor. But at his core, he was a RACE MAN. A few years ago I inte… - 3 years ago

@slimmgenny: damn 2022 just started and we already lost a real legend. long live Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@LibrosVintage: RIP Sidney Poitier (20 febrero 1927-6 enero 2022) 'To Sir, with love' (1967), conocida en España como 'Rebelión en… - 3 years ago

@1746_blythefan: RT @rickperlstein: "Producers, already nervous about Southern theaters banning the film, worried about including the Tibbs slap. Yet if the… - 3 years ago

@LancelotLinkSC: RT @WendellPierce: I got to thank Sidney Poitier personally for this interview. His words served as beacon of how a principled person condu… - 3 years ago

@CarverAnderson: Sidney Poitier dies aged 94 | RIP Sir Sidney - You were an extraordinary actor , now leaving us with thoughts re lo… - 3 years ago

@SteveMarinucci: RT @A6thSense: Sidney Poitier gone…. Betty White gone…. - 3 years ago

@ckkaufmannsvcs: RT @VP: Sidney Poitier transformed our world both on and off the screen. As an Oscar-winning actor and Ambassador, he advanced our dialogue… - 3 years ago

@EvilCaz78: RT @Phil_Lewis_: 1964: Sidney Poitier’s Oscars acceptance speech after he became the first Black man to win an Academy Award for Best Actor… - 3 years ago

@Sassy__V: RT @strongblacklead: Rest in Peace to trailblazer and icon Sidney Poitier. 🤍 - 3 years ago

@DrParchizadeh: In 1967 he appeared as a Philadelphia detective fighting bigotry in small-town Mississippi in "In the Heat of the N… - 3 years ago

@Danny82825564: RT @Phil_Lewis_: 1964: Sidney Poitier’s Oscars acceptance speech after he became the first Black man to win an Academy Award for Best Actor… - 3 years ago

@helomaria: Descanse em paz, Sidney Poitier. Você fez a diferença, seu legado não será esquecido. - 3 years ago

@newcastleboyy: RT @deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Sidney Poitier has passed away - #SidneyPoitier #Sidney #Poitier #rip - 3 years ago

@SageRagnar: RT @VP: Sidney Poitier transformed our world both on and off the screen. As an Oscar-winning actor and Ambassador, he advanced our dialogue… - 3 years ago

@dplouro: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@jewel_thin: RT @MrGeorgeWallace: Proudest I've ever felt in a movie theater. Thank you forever, Sir Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@dariasteigman: RT @nhannahjones: Many of you know Sidney Poitier as the barrier-breaking actor. But at his core, he was a RACE MAN. A few years ago I inte… - 3 years ago

@Arias27413579: RT @cayetanaAT: «Dad, you’re my father. I’m your son. I love you. I always have and I always will… But you think of yourself as a colored m… - 3 years ago

@3LeggedCat70: RT @BillClinton: Sidney Poitier changed Hollywood, America, & the world forever through his many unforgettable performances, & through the… - 3 years ago

@DRichFIT: RT @nhannahjones: Many of you know Sidney Poitier as the barrier-breaking actor. But at his core, he was a RACE MAN. A few years ago I inte… - 3 years ago

@vjmahon: RT @ChristineMilne: Reading stories about Sidney Poitier reinforces power of individuals to change people’s lives. He was an illiterate di… - 3 years ago

@coanchar: RT @Strandjunker: “To simply wake up every morning a better person than when I went to bed.” ~ Sidney Poitier Rest in paradise, Sir. - 3 years ago

@richhill1122: Sidney Poitier was a very disciplined person and actor. After moving to New York, he listened endlessly to radio pr… - 3 years ago

@flipcritic: RT @Rendy_Jones: A really inspiring aspect about Sidney Poitier’s career was how after 20 years of acting in other people’s projects, he ju… - 3 years ago

@bsdtectr: RT @LightsCameraPod: “I’ll be chasing you, Sidney. I’ll always be following in your footsteps.” Still a timeless moment between Denzel Was… - 3 years ago

@Zerglinator: RT @DavidDTSS: the best Sidney Poitier story is the time he and Harry Belafonte flew down to the Delta to bring $70K to keep Freedom Summe… - 3 years ago

@fch29421033: RT @Petit__Rien: "I never had an occasion to question color, therefore, I only saw myself as what I was a human being." ___________Sidney… - 3 years ago

@AndrewG38409056: RT @DishNation: Sidney Poitier, the first black and Bahamian man to win an Oscar for Best Actor, has passed away. He was 94-years-old. He w… - 3 years ago

@MedicVet68: RT @MedicVet68: RIP Sidney Poitier 94, winging his way to Heaven. We won't have to wonder, "GUESS WHO IS COMING TO DINNER", A BELOVED AND A… - 3 years ago

@Creativecre: RT @CNN: "Beautiful," "brilliant," "grace" and "elegance" are just a few of the words used by those who paid tribute Friday to the late Sid… - 3 years ago

@TimeTraveler017: Sidney Poitier, Pioneering Oscar-Winning Actor and Director, Dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@dakota_girl495: RT @washingtonpost: The actor, who came to the United States from the Bahamas at 15, lived on the streets and in an orphanage, was brutaliz… - 3 years ago

@Film89UK: RT @WrongReel: RIP Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@rafagarciacruz: RT @CowboysEs_Radio: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) - 3 years ago

@baluch_h1: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@jerbon57: RT @Triumphrat7: President Obama gave Sidney Poitier the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Donald Trump gave it to Rush Limbaugh! WTAF?! #Sidn… - 3 years ago

@SheilaFortune: RT @WendellPierce: I got to thank Sidney Poitier personally for this interview. His words served as beacon of how a principled person condu… - 3 years ago

@CocoaGallery: @robsheppe At the VIFF I saw "In the Heat of the Night" on the big screen presented by Roger Ebert. A remarkable wo… - 3 years ago

@tuhleee: RT @nhannahjones: Many of you know Sidney Poitier as the barrier-breaking actor. But at his core, he was a RACE MAN. A few years ago I inte… - 3 years ago

@piper_frank: RT @Goodable: In 1927, a baby was born two months premature. Doctors said he'd never survive. He lived to 94. In his 20's, critics told… - 3 years ago

@MissPersist2: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@BletheringLass: RT @nytimes: Before his death, Sidney Poitier’s family had agreed to work with a group of theater makers on a play about his life. The play… - 3 years ago

@hopeasha: RT @SightSoundmag: RIP Sidney Poitier, 1927-2022 - 3 years ago

@mysausageking: RT @nytimes: Before his death, Sidney Poitier’s family had agreed to work with a group of theater makers on a play about his life. The play… - 3 years ago

@gah52: RT @HillaryClinton: We were all so lucky to share a culture with Sidney Poitier, and benefit from his hand in shaping it. - 3 years ago

@tweekiedee: RT @halleberry: (1/3) “A tiny bit of myself is lost when my friends are gone,” Sidney Poitier wrote in his book LIFE BEYOND MEASURE. My dea… - 3 years ago

@bossladydsb: RT @nytimes: Before his death, Sidney Poitier’s family had agreed to work with a group of theater makers on a play about his life. The play… - 3 years ago

@Linny730: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@kathleenmwade: RT @nytimes: Before his death, Sidney Poitier’s family had agreed to work with a group of theater makers on a play about his life. The play… - 3 years ago

@conkeyc: RT @carlquintanilla: “You sit here and ask me such one-dimensional questions .. about the ‘Negro-ness’ of my life. .. I am an artist. A man… - 3 years ago

@EquitySKG: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, the pioneering actor who died at 94, has been chronicled in The New York Times for decades. Here is a look bac… - 3 years ago

@T4booboo: RT @GeorgeTakei: Sidney Poitier, the first Black man to win an Oscar, has died at the age of 94. The star of “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner”… - 3 years ago

@capwell6: RT @sistercelluloid: If you're looking for a slightly less well known film in Sidney Poitier's brilliant canon of work, try THE SLENDER THR… - 3 years ago

@_IAint_NoG00d: RT @SeanBlackmon9: Did anybody else used to rewind this scene of Sidney Poitier slapping a racist in the mouth or is that just me? 😬 - 3 years ago

@dominiqueBCN: RT @AFPespanol: Sidney Poitier, la primera gran estrella afroestadounidense de Hollywood, falleció a los 94 años de edad, según informó el… - 3 years ago

@CulpepperPJohn: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@leahloms: RT @nytimes: Before his death, Sidney Poitier’s family had agreed to work with a group of theater makers on a play about his life. The play… - 3 years ago

@MattJorg4543446: RT @kylegriffin1: Biden: Sidney Poitier "blazed a path for our Nation to follow, and a legacy that touches every part of our society today.… - 3 years ago

@de_jever: RT @hollywoodfilmtv: In Susanne Rostock's 2011 documentary Sing Your Song, Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier describe their trip to Missis… - 3 years ago

@jborrego: RT @openculture: Great Cultural Icons Talk Civil Rights: James Baldwin, Marlon Brando, Harry Belafonte & Sidney Poitier (1963) - 3 years ago

@Micha_el0: RT @BerniceKing: Sidney Poitier Poor People's Campaign, Resurrection City, Washington, D.C., May 1968 Powerful beyond the stage and scre… - 3 years ago

@Gix_GamingMC: RT @THR: Denzel Washington paid tribute to Sidney Poitier when accepting his Oscar in 2002 for 'Training Day': "I'll always be chasing you… - 3 years ago

@rubadubbing: RT @IMDb: Sidney Poitier, the trailblazing actor best known for 'In the Heat of the Night' and 'Lilies of the Field,' has died at the age o… - 3 years ago

@Aletxas: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier was the first Black performer to win the best actor Oscar. Throughout his career, a heavy weight of racial sign… - 3 years ago

@SuperSuperNana: RT @BerniceKing: Sidney Poitier Poor People's Campaign, Resurrection City, Washington, D.C., May 1968 Powerful beyond the stage and scre… - 3 years ago

@marvenbraga: RT @Biakicis: Nunca vou me esquecer do emocionante “ Ao mestre com carinho.” Sidney Poitier foi um gigante que venceu pelo trabalho, esforç… - 3 years ago

@ldagstine: Sidney Poitier RIP. - 3 years ago

@MigueLandarraga: RT @CNN: "Beautiful," "brilliant," "grace" and "elegance" are just a few of the words used by those who paid tribute Friday to the late Sid… - 3 years ago

@D0MINSI: RT @WUTangKids: RIP Sir Sidney Poitier 🙏…here’s his acceptance speech after becoming the first Black actor to win the Academy Award for ‘Be… - 3 years ago

@Darlene35084473: - 3 years ago

@marclacey: What all of us should do tonight... - 3 years ago

@DoomaM_Btc: RT @Inafr_officiel: DISPARITION. Sidney Poitier, premier comédien noir à avoir remporté l'Oscar du meilleur acteur, est mort à l'âge de 94… - 3 years ago

@RomanoooUno: RT @TIME: Sidney Poitier, who has died at 94, helped reshape that world to such a degree that we’ll never be able to reckon fully with his… - 3 years ago

@JosMiguelGndar1: RT @la2_tve: Como homenaje al actor Sidney Poitier emitiremos "Adivina quién viene a cenar esta noche". Te esperamos el lunes a las 22:00h… - 3 years ago

@democracy8888: Harry Belafonte, second from right, and Sidney Poitier, right, in court in New York after they volunteered to post… - 3 years ago

@Showtimeizback: RT @BrentSpiner: Sidney Poitier. I was fortunate to spend an evening with him. He was everything one would imagine. Kind, humble, gracious.… - 3 years ago

@frankfilmgeek: Farewell to a one-of-a-kind acting talent, a barrier breaker and a true gentleman. RIP Sidney Poitier 🥲👏💗 - 3 years ago

@traviesomanolo: One of my favorite actors have passed away. Thank you for opening those doors for others. #RIPSidney - 3 years ago

@SnowflakeWoke: RT @sarahcpr: A brilliant actor, director and activist RIP Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@robinalexbaker: Sidney Poitier + goatee. Publicity portrait for the British film CRY, THE BELOVED COUNTRY (Zoltan Korda, 1951) pres… - 3 years ago

@lv32617900: RT @nytimes: Oprah Winfrey added her condolences to the chorus of praise for Sidney Poitier, calling him a mentor, friend, brother and conf… - 3 years ago

@alem1954: RT @BarnatanMR: Muere Sidney Poitier, el primer actor negro en ganar un Oscar - 3 years ago

@Bruno_J_Navarro: RT @Phil_Lewis_: 1964: Sidney Poitier’s Oscars acceptance speech after he became the first Black man to win an Academy Award for Best Actor… - 3 years ago

@molliedice: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@Harvest2050_MZ: RT @BeschlossDC: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) with Harry Belafonte at March on Washington: - 3 years ago

@__olgaalmeida: RT @pablovillaca: E hoje morreu Sidney Poitier, cuja importância é multifacetada e inquestionável, dizendo respeito tanto à sua linda carre… - 3 years ago

@MrBurnItDowN29: RT @BerniceKing: Sidney Poitier Poor People's Campaign, Resurrection City, Washington, D.C., May 1968 Powerful beyond the stage and scre… - 3 years ago

@NOLAHistoryGuy: RT @WendellPierce: I got to thank Sidney Poitier personally for this interview. His words served as beacon of how a principled person condu… - 3 years ago

@manyfeathers420: SAG-AFTRA Statement on the Passing of Actor and SAG Life Achievement Recipient Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@CollingsworthSr: RT @WendellPierce: I got to thank Sidney Poitier personally for this interview. His words served as beacon of how a principled person condu… - 3 years ago

@AmyJPetty: It's a damn shame that Sidney Poitier's death has barely registered as a blip on my timeline. - 3 years ago

@tara_vanessa: RT @quiethandfilms: You have been & will continue to be the greatest inspiration of my career. Your distinguished presence, dignity, streng… - 3 years ago

@EnyazAsylla: RT @goodreads: "Living consciously involves being genuine; it involves listening and responding to others honestly and openly; it involves… - 3 years ago

@OldGreyRabbit: RT @Criterion: We're deeply saddened to hear that the incomparable Sidney Poitier has passed away at the age of 94. A transformative cultur… - 3 years ago

@AlreadygreatUSA: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@Atticusfinchhl: RT @MarinaCasadoH: Qué pena me ha dado esta noticia. Grandísimo actor, Sidney Poitier. Nunca olvidaré “Rebelión en las aulas”. - 3 years ago

@93DWTW: Rest in Power. Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) #SidneyPoitier - 3 years ago

@MNTrout: RT @emilyabclark: Sidney Poitier was already an established film actor with Oscar noms when he went back to New York to star in Lorraine Ha… - 3 years ago

@FilmTVManAran: RT @TheAcademy: "I'll always be chasing you, Sidney. I'll always be following in your footsteps. There's nothing I would rather do, sir."… - 3 years ago

@tbarnaud: RT @bonnetbrothers: Examinant avec une finesse d'écriture remarquable les conflits raciaux dans une petite ville du Sud, In The Heat of the… - 3 years ago

@pjRN: RT @kylegriffin1: Biden: Sidney Poitier "blazed a path for our Nation to follow, and a legacy that touches every part of our society today.… - 3 years ago

@MightyMB: RT @Lupita_Nyongo: Sidney Poitier, my hero. A life so well lived. - 3 years ago

@normasgone: RT @AfricanArchives: Rest in Power Sidney Poitier. In 1964, he made history, becoming the first Black man to win an Oscar for Best Actor a… - 3 years ago

@Sulliview: RT @MarkHarrisNYC: I've dreaded this day and I'm glad it was so long in coming. Rest in peace, Sidney Poitier. I don't believe any actor in… - 3 years ago

@JordanPaul_10: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@mharvey_mary: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@Realism7L: RT @LouDPhillips: Many of us owe a debt to Sidney Poitier that we can never repay. He single-handedly changed the face of the Leading Man.… - 3 years ago

@OwusuAlbany: We lost a trailblazer and iconic actor today. Rest in peace Sidney Poitier! - 3 years ago

@miguelmole: RT @freeblackgirl: When Jamie Foxx was campaigning for the Best Actor Oscar, he was, in his words, “blowing it.” Oprah brought him to a par… - 3 years ago

@OldGreyRabbit: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@Geoffrey_Naturo: RT @InstitutLumiere: Une légende autant qu’un pionnier s’est éteint aujourd’hui à l’âge de 94 ans, et dont l’histoire du cinéma retiendra l… - 3 years ago

@KimNicky: Some of my fav films of all time are the #BlackXplotation ones Sidney Poitier did with Cosby! My dad introduced us… - 3 years ago

@playboyjusto: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@AJWoodson: RT @cspan: From 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony: "Sidney Poitier has left an indelible mark on American culture." RIP. - 3 years ago

@_sru96: RT @strongblacklead: Rest in Peace to trailblazer and icon Sidney Poitier. 🤍 - 3 years ago

@tony_gentry: RT @byron_queen: rip sidney poitier - 3 years ago

@JoHoad1: @nytimes A brilliant man on screen and off; a talent that will never be forgotten. Sidney Poitier will always be th… - 3 years ago

@migo_migo: RT @mmpadellan: Oh man, we just lost another acting legend and wonderful human being, Sir Sidney Poitier. RIP, Sir. 👑 🙏 - 3 years ago

@Giovanni_Brooks: Rest in paradise Sidney Poitier, definitely an icon in his own right. 🐐 - 3 years ago

@jotapevaldivia: RT @Jou_Kaiser: Falleció a los 94 años el actor Sidney Poitier. Un grande del cine. Gracias por los bellos momentos cinematográficos! https… - 3 years ago

@Becca2885: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@sfiorata82: RT @DEADLINE: Barack Obama Pays Tribute To Sidney Poitier: “Epitomized Dignity And Grace” - 3 years ago

@SandraHalifax: RT @AP: Tributes to Sidney Poitier are pouring in from Hollywood and elsewhere following the death of the groundbreaking actor and cultural… - 3 years ago

@FreudLacan59: RT @AFPespanol: Sidney Poitier, la primera gran estrella afroestadounidense de Hollywood, falleció a los 94 años de edad, según informó el… - 3 years ago

@OopsLiyaTweeted: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@Juliolcubano: RT @LightsCameraPod: “I’ll be chasing you, Sidney. I’ll always be following in your footsteps.” Still a timeless moment between Denzel Was… - 3 years ago

@honey_of_life: RT @halleberry: (1/3) “A tiny bit of myself is lost when my friends are gone,” Sidney Poitier wrote in his book LIFE BEYOND MEASURE. My dea… - 3 years ago

@heatherdunlap: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@HMSullivan: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@RealKaristina: RT @Variety: “When you say the name Sidney Poitier there was always such reverence and humanity attached to that name,” writes Colman Domin… - 3 years ago

@girlinme: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, who has died at age 94, was modest about his career, despite his role in changing American perceptions of race… - 3 years ago

@EYESNHOUSEHaute: RT @Variety: Sidney Poitier’s six-decade Hollywood career ranks among the most iconic runs for any actor in history. Fortunately, many of h… - 3 years ago

@colinmsimo: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@BSoprano124: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@Ripley2win: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@dropletsofpearl: RT @restot50: Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@GomezGomez1608: RT @gfrias: Murió Sidney Poitier a los 94 años. Fue el primer negro en ganar el Óscar a Mejor Actor. Sin duda alguna, un referente del cine… - 3 years ago

@ntrllyme: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@takemusu: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@MonaTorreblanca: RT @reedcliffe83: R🕯P Sidney Poitier 🙏 #SidneyPoitier - 3 years ago

@lavenderblue27: Sir Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@aIaddinsane: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@lFDc3Z6TnSuuMgN: RT @HillaryClinton: We were all so lucky to share a culture with Sidney Poitier, and benefit from his hand in shaping it. - 3 years ago

@FotiaCheria: RT @mmpadellan: Oh man, we just lost another acting legend and wonderful human being, Sir Sidney Poitier. RIP, Sir. 👑 🙏 - 3 years ago

@E_VanEvery: RT @812filmreviews: Somehow lulled myself into believing that Sidney Poitier could never die. I still don’t wholly believe it. Even so, for… - 3 years ago

@AlgiersLady: RT @nytimes: At a time when Hollywood often relegated Black actors to roles as servants, Sidney Poitier was rarely a supporting player. The… - 3 years ago

@RockbeatRock: RT @Independent: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier, the first Black man to win Best Actor Oscar, dies aged 94 - 3 years ago

@fengelman123: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@EveLyn_Eub: RT @nytimes: Before his death, Sidney Poitier’s family had agreed to work with a group of theater makers on a play about his life. The play… - 3 years ago

@UnravelingDark: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@vivigreice20: RT @nytimes: Before his death, Sidney Poitier’s family had agreed to work with a group of theater makers on a play about his life. The play… - 3 years ago

@SamuelZaida: @juanborrelli Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@DorothyMB: RT @1055TheDove: An irreplaceable talent passes away at 94. Sidney Poitier was an actor, director, civil rights activist, and the very firs… - 3 years ago

@vivianeacostas: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 94 años de edad el gran Sidney Poitier. Descansa en paz. - 3 years ago

@JoelRayIshman: RT @WUTangKids: RIP Sir Sidney Poitier 🙏…here’s his acceptance speech after becoming the first Black actor to win the Academy Award for ‘Be… - 3 years ago

@suffraggette: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@mjohnso27: RT @ABC: Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg and Viola Davis are among the stars paying tribute to the Hollywood icon. - 3 years ago

@RamblingGuy89: RT @Rendy_Jones: Sidney Poitier's iconic roles were so influential, some of your favorite jokes from family films stemmed from his lines. h… - 3 years ago

@mrsharpe_20: RT @AfricanArchives: Rest in Power Sidney Poitier. In 1964, he made history, becoming the first Black man to win an Oscar for Best Actor a… - 3 years ago

@2Bhattarai: RT @Forbes: Legendary Hollywood actor Sidney Poitier, who was the first Black man to win an Oscar for Best Actor in 1964 for his role in 'L… - 3 years ago

@CortneyMiller22: RT @ReverendWarnock: Saddened to hear about the passing of trailblazing, iconic actor and performer, Sidney Poitier. Poitier brilliantly us… - 3 years ago

@15minutosUSA: #Entretenimiento: Murió Sidney #Poitier, el primer actor afroamericano en ganar un #Óscar - 3 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @BillClinton: Sidney Poitier changed Hollywood, America, & the world forever through his many unforgettable performances, & through the… - 3 years ago

@JOchoaVidal: RT @EFEnoticias: El primer ministro de Bahamas, Philip Davis, aseguró que la luz del fallecido actor Sidney Poitier, originario del archipi… - 3 years ago

@CpaDrakes: RT @exavierpope: “I’ll always be chasing you Sidney” - Denzel Washington at the 2002 Academy Awards when he won his first actor lead actor… - 3 years ago

@AlbertMulei: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@SMacD49: Just saw the sad news about Sidney Poitier - a true legend of the silver screen. To Sir, With Love… always ❤️ R.I.P… - 3 years ago

@christine_kelly: Respect à cet acteur hors du commun. - 3 years ago

@dlotter: RT @LakotaMan1: Wishing Sidney Poitier a blessed journey. - 3 years ago

@GudrunAssmann: Sidney Poitier 1927 - 2022 Rest in Peace 🌹 - 3 years ago

@TikiRose: RT @joanwalsh: Hey, I loved Betty White -- she reminded me of my godmother, she was awesome, she promoted Arthur Duncan -- but why is cable… - 3 years ago

@Atreid__: RT @InstitutLumiere: Une légende autant qu’un pionnier s’est éteint aujourd’hui à l’âge de 94 ans, et dont l’histoire du cinéma retiendra l… - 3 years ago

@thaliasromania: RT @g1: Sidney Poitier, primeiro negro a vencer o Oscar de Melhor Ator, morre aos 94 anos - 3 years ago

@hatz_patty: RT @theiosthanassis: Πέθανε ο Sidney Poitier. Ήταν 94 ετών και ένας κινηματογραφικός γίγαντας. - 3 years ago

@danielle_76us: RT @ABC: Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg and Viola Davis are among the stars paying tribute to the Hollywood icon. - 3 years ago

@DarkFlame94: RT @PBS: Sidney Poitier, the groundbreaking actor who became the first Black actor to win an Academy Award for best lead performance and th… - 3 years ago

@Iammakindell: RT @halleberry: (1/3) “A tiny bit of myself is lost when my friends are gone,” Sidney Poitier wrote in his book LIFE BEYOND MEASURE. My dea… - 3 years ago

@JennaLeeTV: RT @CourtneyBVance: Thank God for the life of Mr. Sidney Poitier! In a time of great racial strife in our country, he gently changed the wo… - 3 years ago

@taliawhyte: RT @nytimes: At a time when Hollywood often relegated Black actors to roles as servants, Sidney Poitier was rarely a supporting player. The… - 3 years ago

@Jeremy_Horn: RT @nytimes: Barack Obama, who awarded Sidney Poitier with the Presidential Medal of Freedom during his first term, honored the actor on Fr… - 3 years ago

@pepebarcelona: RT @fotogramas_es: ÚLTIMA HORA: Fallece a los 94 años el gran Sidney Poitier y le rendimos homenaje recordando sus 10 mejores películas. D.… - 3 years ago

@anourag: RT @TIME: Why all actors—and the world—owe a debt to Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@davidapino: RT @ddhewty: “I have nothing but respect for Paul Robeson—and that’s the truth. And if you see my respect for him as un-American, then I am… - 3 years ago

@Peej_vs_lil_Art: RT @mistergeezy: This is what Sidney Poitier taught me. - 3 years ago

@frances_rickard: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@roygerdodger: RT @woolf_atthedoor: A bad week for film deaths. Yesterday Peter Bogdanovich. And now, RIP Sidney Poitier. Fairly certain I've seen all his… - 3 years ago

@GIlda__2001: Muere el actor Sidney Poitier, la primera estrella #n3gra de Hollywood. DEP - 3 years ago

@BluePrince73: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@N30L1b3ralHe11: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, who has died at age 94, was modest about his career, despite his role in changing American perceptions of race… - 3 years ago

@JeanMichel228: RT @cjubarrington: Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis on the set of The Defiant Ones (1958) - 3 years ago

@nytimes: Before his death, Sidney Poitier’s family had agreed to work with a group of theater makers on a play about his lif… - 3 years ago

@mkkstt: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@ikama: RT @distractedfilm: RIP Sidney Poitier. 20th February 1927 - 7th January 2022. - 3 years ago

@Reemzestilo: RT @MJFINESSELOVER: Sidney Poitier and Diahann Carroll in Paris Blues, 1961. - 3 years ago

@wrldgrlbmp: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@AmaBOforiD: RT @UzoAduba: The blueprint, the original, a way maker. A singular icon who created vision for so many to dream, including me. Thank you, M… - 3 years ago

@DoDoxDreamy: RT @RonenRubinstein: A trailblazer in the truest sense. Rest in Honor King. Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@becca_leigh17: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@ASUopendoor: RT @michaelcrow: I am deeply saddened to learn of Sidney Poitier’s passing. His contributions as an artist, through his service, and as an… - 3 years ago

@PGHfan72: - 3 years ago

@Jakethekid71: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@KDOgGetPOd: RT @TheAcademy: Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win the Best Actor Oscar, has died at 94. Poitier was barrier-breaking and an endu… - 3 years ago

@FolkyHel: RT @stevesilberman: RIP actor Sidney Poitier. "He was unimpeachably dignified, but he could smolder. And I think we were partly identifying… - 3 years ago

@anourag: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@matthieubell: RT @ClassicFilm2: Magnifique séquence dans « Paris Blues » de Martin Ritt. Rien moins qu’un bœuf jazzy avec Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier, L… - 3 years ago

@derkutter: RT @readingmar: Rest In Peace, Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) 🌹 - 3 years ago

@JuhaTy: Sidney Poitier 1927-2022. "I think my work has been representative of me as a man." R.I.P #Sidney_Poitier - 3 years ago

@MinassianMedia: RT @BillClinton: Sidney Poitier changed Hollywood, America, & the world forever through his many unforgettable performances, & through the… - 3 years ago

@bkh74: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, trailblazing Hollywood icon who broke barriers for Black actors, dies at 94, source close to the fam… - 3 years ago

@Billsablu33: RT @andrewaydin: Sidney Poitier was a giant on and off the screen. Here he is with Harry Belafonte in 1966 after bailing John Lewis, Jim Fo… - 3 years ago

@Regjr_Rich: RT @rolandsmartin: BREAKING NEWS CONFIRMED: I'm the bearer of sad news....I've confirmed from additional sources that our beloved Sidney Po… - 3 years ago


@zitamendez: RT @nelsonbocaranda: Sidney Poitier, el primer afroamericano en ganar un Oscar, murió este #7Ene a sus 94 años - 3 years ago

@Sade1090_: RT @harpersbazaarus: Trailblazing Actor Sidney Poitier Has Died at 94 - 3 years ago

@LAmericana: RT @BeschlossDC: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) with Harry Belafonte at March on Washington: - 3 years ago

@bouillou75: RT @InstitutLumiere: Une légende autant qu’un pionnier s’est éteint aujourd’hui à l’âge de 94 ans, et dont l’histoire du cinéma retiendra l… - 3 years ago

@ReginaV39455988: RT @folha: Morreu o ator e cineasta americano Sidney Poitier, aos 94 anos. Ele foi o primeiro ator negro homem a ganhar um Oscar, numa époc… - 3 years ago

@xashee: RT @AcousticForay: RIP Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@dshaniso: RT @robreiner: To be in the presence of Sidney Poitier was to be in the presence of grace, dignity, and humanity. And a pretty great actor… - 3 years ago

@maxxoliveiraaa: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@HorrorBearsNFT: RT @Sandytoes2211: just minted "to sir, with love" tribute to a legend - rip 💫 sir sidney poitier, a bahamian-american actor, film director… - 3 years ago

@zexxlo: RT @people: Sidney Poitier's Life to Be Subject of an Upcoming Broadway Play Based on His Autobiography - 3 years ago

@JUmurungi: RT @BerniceKing: Sidney Poitier Poor People's Campaign, Resurrection City, Washington, D.C., May 1968 Powerful beyond the stage and scre… - 3 years ago

@ledrumars: RT @davidlisnard: Il émergea aux côtés de John Cassavetes dans L'homme qui tua la peur, avant l'étonnant duo de La chaîne avec Tony Curtis.… - 3 years ago

@swhiitt: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, the pioneering actor who died at 94, has been chronicled in The New York Times for decades. Here is a look bac… - 3 years ago

@mamenarsenio: RT @CsarBards: Otro que se nos va: el gran Sidney Poitier. Con él,el cine cambió de color,fue mucho más allá de los límites y sudé a su lad… - 3 years ago

@IanRobinsonyyc: Man oh man. Sidney Poitier has passed. Heat of the Night was one of those movies pivotal to the civil rights strugg… - 3 years ago

@Nikkido11: RT @OrskiAndrzej: Sammy Davis, Jr., Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier in an outtake from their February 4, 1966 LIFE magazine cover. Pho… - 3 years ago

@UmbraArcturus: Just learned about Sidney Poitier's passing. The transition of 2021 to 2022 is playing hell with my liver. - 3 years ago

@StomachTax: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, trailblazing Hollywood icon who broke barriers for Black actors, dies at 94, source close to the fam… - 3 years ago

@AdamSco909: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, the pioneering actor who died at 94, has been chronicled in The New York Times for decades. Here is a look bac… - 3 years ago

@dayan_shalom: RT @goodfortuneamy: Sidney Poitier, un símbolo del movimiento por los derechos civiles en Hollywood - 3 years ago

@annie04522986: RT @nytimes: Sidney Poitier, the pioneering actor who died at 94, has been chronicled in The New York Times for decades. Here is a look bac… - 3 years ago

@Barneyhen: RT @latimes: Sidney Poitier, who helped break down Hollywood’s onscreen color barriers before becoming one of the top box-office draws of t… - 3 years ago

@PACSNwkPress: RT @ZinnEdProject: 1964: "Harry Belafonte & Sidney Poitier [RIP] personally brought the money [they'd raised] to summer project headqrtrs i… - 3 years ago

@MaryAnneGruen: RT @RepTerriSewell: Sidney Poitier was a true icon whose trailblazing film career broke down barriers for Black Americans everywhere. Sendi… - 3 years ago

@CrockWatch: RT @Variety: Questlove called Poitier “one of the greatest actors of his generation.” “You already know I can spew paragraphs of what hi… - 3 years ago

@NinoBrown415N: RT @BerniceKing: Sidney Poitier Poor People's Campaign, Resurrection City, Washington, D.C., May 1968 Powerful beyond the stage and scre… - 3 years ago

@Der_Hungrige: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Sidney Poitier, the first Black performer to win an Oscar for best actor, is dead at 94. He was known for his p… - 3 years ago

@jeremai_hulud: RT @jsmooth995: What a life. - 3 years ago

@zasuzu2: RT @TSting18: I'm so sorry to hear Sidney Poitier has died, what a beautiful actor and a beautiful man he was. The slap from In the Heat of… - 3 years ago

@dlgatson: @calgal93 "Lillies of the Field" 1963 was the first Sidney Poitier movie I remember seeing at the movies. I didn't… - 3 years ago

@Karen_McCarter: RT @WhoopiGoldberg: If you wanted the sky i would write across the sky in letters that would soar a thousand feet high.. To Sir… with Love… - 3 years ago

@Heey_MrCarter: #RestInPeace Sidney Poitier!!! Trailblazer Icon, that open the doors for African American television. - 3 years ago

@jamie___beth: RT @ReverendWarnock: Saddened to hear about the passing of trailblazing, iconic actor and performer, Sidney Poitier. Poitier brilliantly us… - 3 years ago

@staybriezy: RT @Morehouse: Morehouse College celebrates the life and legacy and mourns the passing of the legendary civil rights icon, humanitarian, Os… - 3 years ago

@Terrilltf: RT @neilogurrero: Reminders that Sidney Poitier directed the film stir crazy, featuring Gene Wilder riding a mechanical bull. - 3 years ago

@ninamariano: RT @Alma_Preta: O ator e cineasta bahamense-americano Sidney Poitier, primeiro negro a vencer o Oscar de Melhor Ator, morreu aos 94 anos. A… - 3 years ago

@Sabrina_dazzles: RT @claycane: The legendary Sidney Poitier has reportedly passed away at 94. A true icon. Here is a powerful interview from him back in 1… - 3 years ago

@KeepItBlueDems: RT @Yamiche: Despite his role in changing perceptions of race, Sidney Poitier remained modest. “History will pinpoint me as merely a minor… - 3 years ago

@HeroesWest: My poem of tribute to Sir Sidney Poitier: - 3 years ago

@breezega: RT @BarackObama: Through his groundbreaking roles and singular talent, Sidney Poitier epitomized dignity and grace, revealing the power of… - 3 years ago

@juicencrackers: RT @BlackGirlNerds: RIP to the legendary Sidney Poitier. Your work will forever remain an important legacy in film and entertainment. #Sid… - 3 years ago

@ferantoniovm: RT @AFP: #BREAKING Pioneering Black movie star Sidney Poitier dies aged 94: Bahamas media - 3 years ago

@woodymafu: RT @silviolual: O maior de todos. Que nossos ancestrais o recebam em festa, Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@knorretje0081: RT @verweesdlinks: Mister Tibbs is niet meer. Groots acteur en gentleman. Acteur en Oscarwinnaar Sidney Poitier (94) overleden | Sterren |… - 3 years ago

@Jerry_Doshier: RT @TheLeoTerrell: Sidney Poitier was a great actor and a fantastic role model. My condolences to his family. May he rest in peace. - 3 years ago

@RoquemoreSherry: Sidney Poitier ,what a life he lived.Wonder actor & human being.Will be greatly missed - 3 years ago

@SolaceBiersack: RT @FamousBirthdays: Sidney Poitier - one of the most legendary actors of all-time - has passed away at the age of 94 - 3 years ago

@AlberTo10430061: RT @AlertaNews24: 🇺🇸 | URGENTE: Muere la leyenda de Hollywood Sidney Poitier a los 94 años, es el primer actor negro de la historia en gana… - 3 years ago

@paleautumnmoon: RT @christinalefou: Are you KIDDING me, 2022? - 3 years ago

@JerryHicksUnite: @guardianculture Sidney Poitier RIP : An inspiration The term legend is thrown around too much, but with Sidney Po… - 3 years ago

@hyperfp: RIP Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@Gojira007X: RT @nemalki: Actor. Director. Producer. Award-winner. Activist. Protestor. Ambassador. Inspiration. Trailblazer. Icon. Legend. These and s… - 3 years ago

@tkc1971: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, trailblazing Hollywood icon who broke barriers for Black actors, dies at 94, source close to the fam… - 3 years ago

@19581lucy7_: RT @WSJ: Sidney Poitier, a trailblazing movie star who became the first Black actor to win an Oscar for a leading role, has died. He was 94… - 3 years ago

@DanStabb: @Dianadep Sidney Poitier. Totally thought... - 3 years ago

@NBC10Boston: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, trailblazing Hollywood icon who broke barriers for Black actors, dies at 94, source close to the fam… - 3 years ago

@Immaterialone: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@thwippin: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@brandonmscales: RT @AnneMarieWTHR: Sidney Poitier, trailblazing Hollywood icon who broke barriers for Black actors, dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@bnb952: RT @UberFacts: Actor and filmmaker Sidney Poitier has passed away at the age of 94 In 1964, he became the first Black actor to win an Acad… - 3 years ago


@3_Blind_Moose: RT @BBCBreaking: Sidney Poitier, the first black man to win a best actor Oscar, has died aged 94 - 3 years ago

@Pheywen: RT @dnatweets: Cinéma. Mort de l'acteur Sidney Poitier, première star noire d'Hollywood. - 3 years ago

@thauuuuuuuuum: RT @FilmstoFilms_: Academy Award winner Sidney Poitier has passed away. - 3 years ago

@the_voice_actor: RT @hmvtweets: Iconic actor Sidney Poitier has died at the age of 94. RIP - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @lawanda50: Tears this morning. How do you say thank you and goodbye to such a legend as Sidney Poitier? Well to smile through the tear… - 3 years ago

@AngiesByKim1: Ah come on 2022! Sidney Poitier has passed now! - 3 years ago

@IyadHallaj: RT @le_Parisien: ⚫ Mort de l’acteur Sidney Poitier, première star noire d’Hollywood, à 94 ans ➡️ - 3 years ago

@SeeHateGoAway: RT @NBCNews: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, trailblazing Hollywood icon who broke barriers for Black actors, dies at 94, source close to the fam… - 3 years ago

@Yzhadenough: RT @AjaforCongress: Sidney Poitier, Oscar-winning actor, dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@SmileGoodSir: RT @BecketAdams: Rip, Sidney Poitier. One of the all-time great lines. - 3 years ago

@HourNyc: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@AcidHeist: RT @NBCNews: In a groundbreaking film career that spanned decades, Poitier established himself as one of the finest performers in America.… - 3 years ago

@sasyecat: RT @BeschlossDC: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) with Harry Belafonte at March on Washington: - 3 years ago

@ryansears_: RT @NBCNews: In a groundbreaking film career that spanned decades, Poitier established himself as one of the finest performers in America.… - 3 years ago

@AnthonyLMariani: RT @BBCBreaking: Sidney Poitier, the first black man to win a best actor Oscar, has died aged 94 - 3 years ago

@coldestMcK: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@floraldisgrace: RT @WSJ: Sidney Poitier, a trailblazing movie star who became the first Black actor to win an Oscar for a leading role, has died. He was 94… - 3 years ago

@Peioss: RT @rtvenoticias: 🔴ÚLTIMA HORA | Fallece a los 94 años el actor Sidney Poitier, el primer actor afroamericano en ganar un Óscar Lo cuentan… - 3 years ago

@TheImmaculateC: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@JacoCorrea: RT @TheUndefeated: Sidney Poitier has passed away. The pioneering actor, filmmaker and director was 94 years old. Rest in power 🙏🏽 https:… - 3 years ago

@xavihurji: RT @BeschlossDC: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) with Harry Belafonte at March on Washington: - 3 years ago

@MtnMod: RT @CAFinUS: To Sir, with Love. Rest easy, Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@DeleMage: RT @KirkWrites79: Sidney Poitier starred in “In the Heat of the Night,” “To Sir, with Love,” and “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” in the sam… - 3 years ago

@MaryDil29664033: RT @jasperward94: Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. Poitier was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. He… - 3 years ago

@maxbabeyeah: RT @Nadine_Writes: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier has died, aged 94. He became the first Black - and Bahamian - man to win the Best Actor O… - 3 years ago

@Wings_of_Ash: RT @Independent: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier, the first Black man to win Best Actor Oscar, dies aged 94 - 3 years ago

@GiantsOfSF_NY: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@theMidlifeMaven: RT @jasperward94: Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. Poitier was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. He… - 3 years ago

@MaxCityFC: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@stayingpowah: RT @TIFF_NET: "If I’m remembered for having done a few good things, and if my presence here has sparked some good energies, that’s plenty."… - 3 years ago

@ThatHipsterChik: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@nitasu987: RT @jasperward94: Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. Poitier was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. He… - 3 years ago

@RarefiedLevin: RT @iowahawkblog: To me the essential Sidney Poitier movie was one of his first, "No Way Out" with Richard Widmark, available on Criterion… - 3 years ago

@Zarandi: RIP Sidney Poitier. Here he is in the underrated Sneakers 🥀 - 3 years ago

@wheatgrower: RIP Sidney Poitier. He was a tremendous actor and humanitarian. - 3 years ago

@Joelz_slime: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@Rypac78: RT @MarcJSpears: Rest In Peace, Sidney Poitier. 🕊 - 3 years ago

@IFauvette: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@DanScully: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@Lupourvous: RT @CineverseOff: ⚫️ Après Peter Bogdanovich, un autre grand nom du cinéma vient tristement de s'éteindre... Sir Sidney Poitier, premier a… - 3 years ago

@givanno: RT @repubblica: E' morto Sidney Poitier, primo attore afroamericano a vincere l'Oscar. Aveva 94 anni - 3 years ago

@cinemalbeuf: RT @FilmUpdates: Trailblazing actor and filmmaker Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black actor… - 3 years ago

@singlesister45: RT @mmpadellan: Oh man, we just lost another acting legend and wonderful human being, Sir Sidney Poitier. RIP, Sir. 👑 🙏 - 3 years ago

@Guidoioa: RT @LWLies: Sidney Poitier RIP Spend this eve (re)visiting one of his countless classics: In the Heat of the Night, Lilies of the Field, A… - 3 years ago

@Gus_Vzla: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago


@bebci23: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@matthewccook5: RT @ChiDefender: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. Sir Sidney's death was con… - 3 years ago

@ctha1ne: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@SydneyMarie_13K: @JustSchmeltzer Betty White and now Sidney Poitier, it's too much. 🙏🙏🙏 - 3 years ago

@GammaMoon_: RT @GeekVibesNation: Legendary actor Sir Sidney Poitier has reportedly passed away at the age of 94 Our thoughts and prayers are with his… - 3 years ago

@Bianca09051997: RT @ToscaAusten: LEGEND LOST=>🌹 Sir Sidney Poitier dead aged 94: Lilies of the Field star who was the first black man to win Best Actor. ht… - 3 years ago

@debsoil2: RT @JeffreyGuterman: Sidney Poitier RIP. - 3 years ago

@_ClayJ: RT @LightsCameraPod: Hollywood and entertainment icon Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win Best Actor at the #Oscars, has passed aw… - 3 years ago

@etl592: RT @BeschlossDC: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) with Harry Belafonte at March on Washington: - 3 years ago

@titMcGrit2: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@TheUndefeated: Sidney Poitier has passed away. The pioneering actor, filmmaker and director was 94 years old. Rest in power 🙏🏽 - 3 years ago

@LAFLAME_21: RT @HuffPost: BREAKING: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier, who paved the way for countless Black actors in Hollywood, has passed away at 94 ye… - 3 years ago

@KaraAndDeb: RT @erinoverbey: The legendary actor Sidney Poitier has died at age 94. Here’s Kenneth Tynan’s original @NewYorker review of the Broadway p… - 3 years ago

@vannickArtz: RT @TMZ: Sidney Poitier Dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@kamikizito: RT @patrickgaspard: It’s next to near impossible to have to describe the importance of Sidney Poitier to millions. It’s like trying to expl… - 3 years ago

@CedricLalaury: RT @erinoverbey: The legendary actor Sidney Poitier has died at age 94. Here’s Kenneth Tynan’s original @NewYorker review of the Broadway p… - 3 years ago

@LorraineMohsen: @Lorrain94741983 RIP Sidney Poitier Legend ♥️ 🙏🏼 ♥️ 🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@loveterran_: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@russpal: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@incarceratedbob: RT @CAFinUS: To Sir, with Love. Rest easy, Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@ilona84010600: “A Warm December” a 1973 film directed and stars in this romantic drama. Sir Sidney Poitier RIP 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 🇺🇸 - 3 years ago

@ProjectSeaStar: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, the first black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor, has died - 3 years ago

@Miastruth: RT @Independent: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier, the first Black man to win Best Actor Oscar, dies aged 94 - 3 years ago

@MattofDC: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@AngieStone_: RT @mmpadellan: Oh man, we just lost another acting legend and wonderful human being, Sir Sidney Poitier. RIP, Sir. 👑 🙏 - 3 years ago

@Teethabawse_: not Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@CHPoindexterIII: Tweeting again because of my horrible misspelling... RIP to a Great Actor, Sidney Poitier. He was 94. 🙏 - 3 years ago

@RoyHay7: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@mfmaive: RT @nypost: Beloved actor Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@MASizMore: Sidney Poitier, Oscar-winning actor, dead at 94 #RIP - 3 years ago

@angelofmercy911: RT @mmpadellan: Oh man, we just lost another acting legend and wonderful human being, Sir Sidney Poitier. RIP, Sir. 👑 🙏 - 3 years ago

@426785: @GBNEWS One hell of an actor RIP Sir Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@iamwatoza: RT @OurNewsRev: JUST IN: Sir Sidney Poitier has died at the age of 94. Our newsteam can confirm that he died last night. Poitier was the… - 3 years ago

@Kareem_A113: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@_AKenney: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@96RockATL: Sidney Poitier Dead At 94: Report - 3 years ago

@artiegold: RT @mmpadellan: Oh man, we just lost another acting legend and wonderful human being, Sir Sidney Poitier. RIP, Sir. 👑 🙏 - 3 years ago

@Yoshida69626130: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@julezozzy: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@KHIRXH: RT @nypost: Beloved actor Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@MuddyWaters_: RT @HuffPost: BREAKING: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier, who paved the way for countless Black actors in Hollywood, has passed away at 94 ye… - 3 years ago

@BenMcLeish: RT @BNONews: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, the first black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor, has died - 3 years ago

@HerrDirector: Ah man, Sidney Poitier. In The Heat of the Night was one of the first “grown up” films I was allowed to watch when… - 3 years ago

@JoanneVerbeek: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@erinoverbey: The legendary actor Sidney Poitier has died at age 94. Here’s Kenneth Tynan’s original @NewYorker review of the Bro… - 3 years ago

@ADnl: RT @ADshownieuws: Acteur Sidney Poitier (94) overleden - 3 years ago

@TerryJones2011: RT @mmpadellan: Oh man, we just lost another acting legend and wonderful human being, Sir Sidney Poitier. RIP, Sir. 👑 🙏 - 3 years ago

@theiosthanassis: Ο Sidney Poitier ήταν πραγματικά συγκλονιστικός στο Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, απέναντι στα υποψήφια πεθερικά το… - 3 years ago

@eileenmnoonan: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@MRREDDONUTS: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@Super_Sonic2121: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@cwaller33: RT @LightsCameraPod: Hollywood and entertainment icon Sidney Poitier, the first Black actor to win Best Actor at the #Oscars, has passed aw… - 3 years ago

@the_new_jack: Sir Sidney Poitier, rest in peace and thanks for all the great movies and joy you gave us. - 3 years ago

@missjordanti: Not Sidney Poitier 😭 - 3 years ago

@MonayPerry_93: RT @HuffPost: BREAKING: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier, who paved the way for countless Black actors in Hollywood, has passed away at 94 ye… - 3 years ago

@ladyjimrockford: RT @aliarikan: 94 is great innings but that doesn’t make this any less of a monumental, massive loss. Even in his hundredth decade around t… - 3 years ago

@luxe_kitten: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@BrionnRenee: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@commoncentz: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@AfrolatinProjec: RT @shadowandact: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, the legendary and groundbreaking actor, has died at 94 - 3 years ago

@EarlyPone: RT @mmpadellan: Oh man, we just lost another acting legend and wonderful human being, Sir Sidney Poitier. RIP, Sir. 👑 🙏 - 3 years ago

@LauraLFB: Another icon lost 😥 #RIPSidneyPoitier Sir Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@IziaFrank: RT @thescrewballgrl: An incredible talent. What a devastating loss. RIP Sidney Poitier. - 3 years ago

@SouthanBelle: RT @PageSix: Beloved actor Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@golden_ugo: RT @jazzt: Rest in power Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@Annette74422560: What sad news💔 R.I.P Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@CK1london: RT @HuffPost: BREAKING: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier, who paved the way for countless Black actors in Hollywood, has passed away at 94 ye… - 3 years ago

@Auribus_T_Lupum: Today we lost a legendary actor. So many iconic performances from To Sir With Love to In The Heat of the Night to L… - 3 years ago

@nelebira: RT @jasperward94: Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. Poitier was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. He… - 3 years ago

@McGloogly: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@JeremydePRQY: RT @nypost: Beloved actor Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@nerdy_reads: RT @jazzt: Rest in power Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@the_15th_victim: RT @LWLies: Sidney Poitier RIP Spend this eve (re)visiting one of his countless classics: In the Heat of the Night, Lilies of the Field, A… - 3 years ago

@isthecowboy: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@XMatwetwe: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@MoesDiary3: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@DDMcNasty: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@videodrome71: RT @DiscussingFilm: Sir Sidney Poitier has sadly passed away at the age of 94. He was the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Bes… - 3 years ago

@NicoleW27542851: RT @Variety: The groundwork for a star like Washington was done by Sidney Poitier, the first Black man to win an acting Oscar. Washington w… - 3 years ago

@Sighlent_eyes: RT @jfreewright: Sidney Poitier. What a landmark actor. One of a kind. What a beautiful, gracious, warm, genuinely regal man. RIP, Sir. Wit… - 3 years ago

@avg_sean: RT @darcangel21: Sidney Poitier winning best actor at the 1964 Oscars - 3 years ago

@P_e_31: RT @OurNewsRev: JUST IN: Sir Sidney Poitier has died at the age of 94. Our newsteam can confirm that he died last night. Poitier was the… - 3 years ago

@allnatrlsuga: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@captngz: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@kimashton: RT @HuffPost: BREAKING: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier, who paved the way for countless Black actors in Hollywood, has passed away at 94 ye… - 3 years ago

@DrConnyS: All those giants who are passing on…. The celebrated actor Sidney Poitier has died at age 94. - 3 years ago

@feversilverline: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@ShepherdNdhlov: RT @MailOnline: Sir Sidney Poitier dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@phillipstribune: And now Sidney Poitier. This has been a grim damn week. - 3 years ago

@WordsOfSage: RT @rolandsmartin: BREAKING NEWS CONFIRMED: I'm the bearer of sad news....I've confirmed from additional sources that our beloved Sidney Po… - 3 years ago

@Hugues_Marly: RT @ArmstrongHouse: RIP to the legendary actor, Sidney Poitier, shown here with Louis Armstrong and Paul Newman in the 1961 film “Paris Blu… - 3 years ago

@superteach232: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@TendaDaTruth1: @ilovenatur 😭😭💔💔 The celebrated actor Sidney Poitier has died at age 94. - 3 years ago

@thewonderfulH: RT @nypost: Beloved actor Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@margee227: Wow Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@DamnGirlMelanie: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@vandenberg0767: RIP 😔 Sir Sidney Poitier, actor and activist, dies aged 94 @RadioTimes - 3 years ago

@NavinPokala: RT @BeschlossDC: Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) with Harry Belafonte at March on Washington: - 3 years ago

@Spoilerpiece: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@Northern_Ozbird: I fell in love with Sir Sidney Poitier the moment he delivered the line “They call me MR. Tibbs” Beloved, for sure.… - 3 years ago

@MetsFanInPhilly: It's sadly official now -- RIP Sidney Poitier in 1964, he won the Academy Award and the Golden Globe Award for Be… - 3 years ago

@_AlwaysMissD: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Legendary actor Sidney Poitier has reportedly died at 94 - 3 years ago

@DevyDreamboat: RIP Sidney Poitier - 3 years ago

@stayMACRO: The first Black man to win an Academy Award for Best Actor. Sidney Poitier was the catalyst in Hollywood. We exten… - 3 years ago

@berthacoombs: One of my first trips to NYC, I remember eying an incredibly handsome man walking down the street on 5th Ave. I did… - 3 years ago

@RaquelStecher: Sidney Poitier was in my thoughts yesterday. I just had a feeling that he would go soon. I hate that I was right. W… - 3 years ago

@CathyHill53: RT @nypost: Beloved actor Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@pettyrising: RT @shadowandact: BREAKING: Sidney Poitier, the legendary and groundbreaking actor, has died at 94 - 3 years ago

@lethiaa: Sidney Poitier, your work have been a reflection of your values. You are such an inspiration. Rest peacefully💔. - 3 years ago

@JLowery76170106: RT @nypost: Beloved actor Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

@Sheriff_thedon: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@SherlanPW: RT @mubi: Sidney Poitier (1927 — 2022) - 3 years ago

@Raisersword00: RT @ewnewsbahamas: BREAKING: Beloved Bahamian actor and former ambassador Sir Sidney Poitier has died. He was 94. A Broadway play about the… - 3 years ago

@CourtOrdermore: RT @nypost: Beloved actor Sidney Poitier dead at 94 - 3 years ago

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