Sidney Altman

Canadian-American molecular biologist
Died on Thursday April 7th 2022

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sidney Altman:

@CNKDSSRS4: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@smrtquotes: For our immediate family and relatives, Canada was a land of opportunity. ~Sidney Altman #inspiring #motivation… - 3 years ago

@QuotesAutomated: For our immediate family and relatives, Canada was a land of opportunity. ~Sidney Altman #inspiring #motivation… - 3 years ago

@ScienceResear16: Nobel Laureate Sidney Altman Dies At 82 - 3 years ago


@ZyiteGadgets: Nobel Laureate Sidney Altman Dies At 82 - 3 years ago

@helpBIOTECH: RT @cenmag: Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at age 82. His discovery of the catalytic properties of RNA helped scientists rethink the ima… - 3 years ago

@ircm_mtl: RT @doyenCossette: Le Dr Sidney Altman, prix Nobel de chimie s’est éteint le 5 avril dernier. Il aura été professeur invité ⁦@med_umontrea… - 3 years ago

@FCTQ_uclm: Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at age 82 - 3 years ago

@WayneKoberstein: RT @cenmag: Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at age 82. His discovery of the catalytic properties of RNA helped scientists rethink the ima… - 3 years ago

@ProfeGreg: Among the first to discover that not just proteins but RNA also catalyzes biochemical reactions. (Ribozymes). Now h… - 3 years ago

@ChemicalEyeGuy: RT @cenmag: Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at age 82. His discovery of the catalytic properties of RNA helped scientists rethink the ima… - 3 years ago

@cenmag: Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at age 82. His discovery of the catalytic properties of RNA helped scientists ret… - 3 years ago

@ditlevbrodersen: RT @MRC_LMB: Sidney Altman #LMBalumni and @Yale has died at the age of 82. He did ground-breaking work in the field of RNA biology: his dis… - 3 years ago

@FabienDlab: RT @MRC_LMB: Sidney Altman #LMBalumni and @Yale has died at the age of 82. He did ground-breaking work in the field of RNA biology: his dis… - 3 years ago

@PallabiB_20: RT @MRC_LMB: Sidney Altman #LMBalumni and @Yale has died at the age of 82. He did ground-breaking work in the field of RNA biology: his dis… - 3 years ago

@MRC_LMB: Sidney Altman #LMBalumni and @Yale has died at the age of 82. He did ground-breaking work in the field of RNA biolo… - 3 years ago

@ChemicalEyeGuy: RT @ChemistryWorld: 'Sidney Altman believed non-scientists should have an understanding of science, and that scientists would benefit by ha… - 3 years ago

@aruberutou: ChemistryNews: Chemistry Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@ChemistryWorld: 'Sidney Altman believed non-scientists should have an understanding of science, and that scientists would benefit b… - 3 years ago

@AbbyMoo41154143: @CaptainTrippyy the best dev! @emaru_joseph @ireland4_vicki @orz78549856 @LEECHIKIEN1 @HoangLetg @sidney_altman… - 3 years ago

@blogtech12: Chemistry Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at 82 | News - 3 years ago

@EvanGorelick: RT @yaledailynews: UNIVERSITY | Sidney Altman, former dean of Yale College and Nobel Prize winner, died in his New Jersey home on April 5.… - 3 years ago

@yaledailynews: UNIVERSITY | Sidney Altman, former dean of Yale College and Nobel Prize winner, died in his New Jersey home on Apri… - 3 years ago

@BRAINCURES: @KenDilanianNBC @NBCNews China Bullying Statement by @NobelPrize Laureates: Peter Agre Sidney Altman Paul Berg… - 3 years ago

@abhikghosh: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@FCTQ_uclm: Chemistry Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@bajnozit: @ChemistryNews My condolences to the family, friends, and loved ones at the passing of Sidney Altman. My thoughts and prayers follow. 😇 - 3 years ago

@ChemistryNews: Chemistry Nobel laureate Sidney Altman dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@_blake_smith: I saw Sidney Altman all the time on the 4th floor while I was working in @CraigMCrews's lab despite his emeritus s… - 3 years ago

@cesar_mayacela: RT @ChemistryWorld: ‘When he sent his first publications out on ribozymes, the community of molecular biologists did not want to believe th… - 3 years ago

@ChemistryWorld: ‘When he sent his first publications out on ribozymes, the community of molecular biologists did not want to believ… - 3 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @patchurchland: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@patchurchland: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@nogodbutarceus: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@sebsabbagh: RT @LeDevoir: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@Chantal73662106: @jes_MAYC the best dev! @emaru_joseph @ireland4_vicki @orz78549856 @LEECHIKIEN1 @HoangLetg @sidney_altman… - 3 years ago

@Voices4Forrest: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@CourtRum: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@MColvinMcKenzie: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@GrenettaWater: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@inside_cupboard: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@KennethKBurton: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@MikeEdmonson2: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@SusanLa69642683: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@Dehler45: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@Stweeting1: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@ErikaAbrahamss2: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@MattHourihan: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@JustOnlyJohnny: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@razibkhan: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@jallepap: RT @ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies… - 3 years ago

@ProfPCDoherty: He and Tom Cech 'illuminated the role of RNA in the chemistry of life'. Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry,… - 3 years ago

@chirese2000: RT @MovingPictures2: February 20th In Memoriam: Ivan Browning, Bramwell Fletcher, Gale Gordon, Malcolm Atterbury, Margot Grahame, Philip Fr… - 3 years ago

@Shakeet96090243: @jes_MAYC the best dev! @emaru_joseph @ireland4_vicki @orz78549856 @LEECHIKIEN1 @HoangLetg @sidney_altman… - 3 years ago

@med_umontreal: RT @doyenCossette: Le Dr Sidney Altman, prix Nobel de chimie s’est éteint le 5 avril dernier. Il aura été professeur invité ⁦@med_umontrea… - 3 years ago

@Messe3Christina: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@skevans1963: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@Susan13x: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@ircm_mtl: RT @LeDevoir: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@Thierry_Harris: Sad to hear about the passing of a Canadian Icon in biotechnologies. Nobel Laureate #sidney Altman. Impact with dis… - 3 years ago

@NicoleH62458767: @jes_MAYC the best dev! @emaru_joseph @ireland4_vicki @orz78549856 @LEECHIKIEN1 @HoangLetg @sidney_altman… - 3 years ago

@doyenCossette: Le Dr Sidney Altman, prix Nobel de chimie s’est éteint le 5 avril dernier. Il aura été professeur invité ⁦… - 3 years ago

@ComicThief: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@CarolWi58127808: @jes_MAYC the best dev! @emaru_joseph @ireland4_vicki @orz78549856 @LEECHIKIEN1 @HoangLetg @sidney_altman… - 3 years ago

@michaelcollins: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@msnintl: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@Georgin61168842: @jes_MAYC the best dev! @emaru_joseph @ireland4_vicki @orz78549856 @LEECHIKIEN1 @HoangLetg @sidney_altman… - 3 years ago

@nageen27: RT @MarcoMangone_AZ: I learned yesterday that Sid Altman #SidneyAltman passed away. Sid was a very good man and a terrific scientist. One o… - 3 years ago

@grandosek: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus. - 3 years ago

@MattSchudel: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@KitchenChemProf: RT @YaleChem: Sidney Altman,Sterling professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 3 years ago

@flomeney: Un magnifique hommage à Dr Sidney Altman, dont l'envergure intellectuelle et l'humanité auront marqué l'IRCM. - 3 years ago

@hazard_leah: …I didn’t understand all of the work that made my dad eminent in his field, but he was unfailingly enthusiastic and… - 3 years ago

@hazard_leah: Quiet week for me on Twitter as we laid this guy to rest. My dad, Sidney Altman, 1939-2022, grew up in Montreal, th… - 3 years ago

@karkhanechi: RT @diamondlass99: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82. Sidney Altman, a Canadian-born researcher who shared the Nobel P… - 3 years ago

@Uconservatrice: - 3 years ago

@Noted_Lives: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@JamieAgee6: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @usdaynews: We were informed that sadly #Canadian-#American #molecular #biologist, and #NobelPrize winner, #SidneyAltman passed away on… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @mtlRNAsalon: It is with great sadness that we learn the passing of Montreal born RNA pioneer and Nobel laureate Sidney Altman. - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @death_obituary_: Sidney Altman Death News, Not Obituary; 1989 Chemistry Nobel recipient, Sidney Altman has passed away on 6 April 2022.… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @diamondlass99: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82. Sidney Altman, a Canadian-born researcher who shared the Nobel P… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @InsidEkoMedia: Obituary News - Sidney Altman Death : Sidney Altman a Canadian-American molecular biologist, who is the Sterling Profess… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @YaleChem: Sidney Altman,Sterling professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @ircm_mtl: The IRCM community wishes to express its great sadness at the passing of Sidney Altman, a pioneer in RNA medical research. ht… - 3 years ago

@diamondlass99: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82. Sidney Altman, a Canadian-born researcher who shared the No… - 3 years ago

@twitbituaries: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 26 394) #Canadian - #born #American #Sidney #Altman 82 , #pathbreaking #scientist #dies #April 5, 2022 - 3 years ago

@postobits: Sidney Altman, Nobel laureate in chemistry, dies at 82 - 3 years ago

@Sophia72007692: @ExprnKakashi Great airdrop! @jhnrlbcd @gaetanomani @SameerM7000 @Jally_Duong @ZZiafinance @emaru_joseph… - 3 years ago

@sebsabbagh: RT @flomeney: Dr Michel Chrétien, pilier de l'IRCM, parle de sa relation privilégiée avec le regretté Dr Sidney Altman. - 3 years ago

@nicolebourgault: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@PCE3_Sci: We are very sad to hear that Nobel laureate Sidney Altman has passed this week. His discoveries and work on ribozym… - 3 years ago

@mtlRNAsalon: RT @flomeney: Dr Michel Chrétien, pilier de l'IRCM, parle de sa relation privilégiée avec le regretté Dr Sidney Altman. - 3 years ago

@rbrtcormier: RT @BernardBourdon: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@YaleCRC: Sidney Altman, pathbreaking scientist - 3 years ago

@SciencesExtreme: TVA Nouvelles: Le pionnier de la recherche sur l'ARN, Sidney Altman, n'est plus. - 3 years ago

@FondationIRCM: La Fondation salue la mémoire de Dr Sidney Altman, pionnier de l’ARN attaché à l’IRCM. - 3 years ago

@MSN_Quebec: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@sdelagrave: RT @ircm_mtl: La communauté de l’IRCM tient à exprimer sa grande tristesse à l’annonce du décès de Sidney Altman, pionnier de la recherche… - 3 years ago

@FRQS1: RT @ircm_mtl: La communauté de l’IRCM tient à exprimer sa grande tristesse à l’annonce du décès de Sidney Altman, pionnier de la recherche… - 3 years ago

@cltr: Sidney Altman, né à Montréal, colauréat du prix Nobel de chimie en 1989 pour ses découvertes sur l’ARN #science… - 3 years ago

@sebprovencher: Né en 1939 dans le quartier montréalais de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Sidney Altman a fait ses études universitaires aux États-Unis. - 3 years ago

@sebprovencher: "Il a été un pionnier de la recherche sur l’ARN, qui se trouve au cœur de deux vaccins contre la COVID-19." - 3 years ago

@flomeney: Dr Michel Chrétien, pilier de l'IRCM, parle de sa relation privilégiée avec le regretté Dr Sidney Altman. - 3 years ago

@LeDevoir: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@bertin85: RT @BernardBourdon: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@BernardBourdon: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@Baileyb17746443: @6_dhy @emaru_joseph @ireland4_vicki @orz78549856 @LEECHIKIEN1 @HoangLetg @sidney_altman @gugulothushank3… - 3 years ago

@ClaudeTellier: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - Le Devoir - 3 years ago

@ladevita12: Sidney Altman, qui a pavé la voie à l’ARN messager, n’est plus - 3 years ago

@ozgunharmanci: RT @YaleChem: Sidney Altman,Sterling professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 3 years ago

@Menilmuche: Co lauréat du Nobel de chimie 1989 pour ses recherches sur l’ARN, Sidney Altman est mort un mois avant ses 83 ans.… - 3 years ago

@doyenCossette: RT @recteurJutras: Un scientifique exceptionnel, le Prix Nobel de chimie Sidney Altman, précurseur de la recherche sur l’ARN, s’était récem… - 3 years ago

@grantsfacilitat: RT @ircm_mtl: The IRCM community wishes to express its great sadness at the passing of Sidney Altman, a pioneer in RNA medical research. ht… - 3 years ago

@MichelCayouette: RT @ircm_mtl: The IRCM community wishes to express its great sadness at the passing of Sidney Altman, a pioneer in RNA medical research. ht… - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Sidney Altman cause of death - 3 years ago

@JFGDesBiens: RT @recteurJutras: Un scientifique exceptionnel, le Prix Nobel de chimie Sidney Altman, précurseur de la recherche sur l’ARN, s’était récem… - 3 years ago

@UMontreal: RT @recteurJutras: Un scientifique exceptionnel, le Prix Nobel de chimie Sidney Altman, précurseur de la recherche sur l’ARN, s’était récem… - 3 years ago

@recteurJutras: Un scientifique exceptionnel, le Prix Nobel de chimie Sidney Altman, précurseur de la recherche sur l’ARN, s’était… - 3 years ago

@sebsabbagh: RT @ircm_mtl: La communauté de l’IRCM tient à exprimer sa grande tristesse à l’annonce du décès de Sidney Altman, pionnier de la recherche… - 3 years ago

@sebsabbagh: RT @ircm_mtl: The IRCM community wishes to express its great sadness at the passing of Sidney Altman, a pioneer in RNA medical research. ht… - 3 years ago

@mtlRNAsalon: RT @ircm_mtl: La communauté de l’IRCM tient à exprimer sa grande tristesse à l’annonce du décès de Sidney Altman, pionnier de la recherche… - 3 years ago

@mtlRNAsalon: It is with great sadness that we learn the passing of Montreal born RNA pioneer and Nobel laureate Sidney Altman. - 3 years ago

@MarcBoudvillain: RT @YaleChem: Sidney Altman,Sterling professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 3 years ago

@Mathieu_Ferron: RT @ircm_mtl: The IRCM community wishes to express its great sadness at the passing of Sidney Altman, a pioneer in RNA medical research. ht… - 3 years ago

@ircm_mtl: The IRCM community wishes to express its great sadness at the passing of Sidney Altman, a pioneer in RNA medical re… - 3 years ago

@ircm_mtl: La communauté de l’IRCM tient à exprimer sa grande tristesse à l’annonce du décès de Sidney Altman, pionnier de la… - 3 years ago

@TriggerLoop: RT @YaleChem: Sidney Altman,Sterling professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 3 years ago

@MarkGerstein: RT @YaleChem: Sidney Altman,Sterling professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 3 years ago

@usdaynews: We were informed that sadly #Canadian-#American #molecular #biologist, and #NobelPrize winner, #SidneyAltman passed… - 3 years ago

@MCDB_Yale: Sidney Altman, Pathbreaking Scientist, Professor Emeritus of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology has died… - 3 years ago

@Estefano_lopes: Sidney Altman (Montreal, 7 de maio de 1939 – Rockleigh, 5 de abril de 2022) foi um bioquímico canadense e estadunid… - 3 years ago

@gordonmturner: RT @YaleChem: Sidney Altman,Sterling professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistr… - 3 years ago

@MichelGuenette3: Le pionnier de la recherche sur l’ARN, Sidney Altman, n’est plus | JDQ - 3 years ago

@YaleChem: Sidney Altman,Sterling professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale who won the Nobel Prize i… - 3 years ago

@flomeney: Tristesse aujourd'hui à l'IRCM - 3 years ago

@JdeMontreal: Le pionnier de la recherche sur l’ARN, Sidney Altman, n’est plus #JDM - 3 years ago

@JdeQuebec: Le pionnier de la recherche sur l’#ARN, Sidney Altman, n’est plus #JDQ - 3 years ago

@394Histoires: #New 5 Avril 2022 (Mardi dernier): Nous avons appris le décès à 82 ans aux Etats-Unis de Sidney Altman, biochimist… - 3 years ago

@Linn79965506: @nayrscrypto_ Amazing! @cryptopillman @YasinAlkac19 @RaresEnescu1 @kwj8445 @DelllDelllll @MariaVilladie13 @jhnrlbcd… - 3 years ago

@ZugolJannone: Sidney Altman, pathbreaking scientist - 3 years ago

@gramoo65: RIP Sidney Altman, Nobel prize winner for Ribozyme discovery - 3 years ago

@iselkholi: Such a big loss. Inspiring scientist. At the age of 80+, he was responding promptly to his emails and giving "techn… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Sidney Altman - #SidneyAltman #Sidney #Altman #rip - 3 years ago

@Vivian_Irish: Sad news, Sidney Altman, pathbreaking scientist has died. - 3 years ago

@Rongsheng_Wang: @RonBreaker Sigh, just taught yesterday’s evening class introducing the #ribozyme #RNaseP and Dr. Sidney Altman. RIP 🙏 - 3 years ago

@MarcoMangone_AZ: I learned yesterday that Sid Altman #SidneyAltman passed away. Sid was a very good man and a terrific scientist. On… - 3 years ago

@AnnMAltmanPhD: @arnui Interesting translation: "Sidney Altman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nobel laureate became a goddess today" - 3 years ago

@ProfJeffBrock: RIP Sid Altman, Scientist and Dean. Sidney Altman, pathbreaking scientist - 3 years ago

@InsidEkoMedia: Obituary News - Sidney Altman Death : Sidney Altman a Canadian-American molecular biologist, who is the Sterling Pr… - 3 years ago

@ShechnerLab: Aw, man, sad to hear that Sidney Altman has passed. :( - 3 years ago

@TolgaTarkanlme1: Bölümümüzdeki Nobel odullu genetikci Sidney Altman hayatını kaybetti. RNA' nin katalitik özellikleri (RNase P) üzer… - 3 years ago

@AbertRollan_: @mrbrianrowe Denzel & Sidney + LOTR wins + Lynch and Altman clearly not giving shit about losing to Ron Howard - 3 years ago

@kika_kills: La ‘generación de la televisión’, a la que la Filmoteca Española está dedicando un amplio ciclo, abarca, entre otro… - 3 years ago

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