
Egyptian actress (Viva Zalata).
Died on Friday August 14th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Shwikar:

@CairoScene: #SceneThrowback: Audiences across Egypt and the Arab world were heartbroken by the news of beloved actress Shwikar’… - 5 years ago

@Tech4Peace1: Egyptian veteran actress Shwikar passes away at 85. - 5 years ago

@TheSalXP: @Plusaziz You impersonate Shwikar? - 5 years ago

@AMLAN_KOLKATA: RT @legalmonk_rahul: @amytkg @AMLAN_KOLKATA @PradipM23839335 @rajbhawal143 @AmitShah @HMOIndia @narendramodi @BJP4India @BJP4Bengal @tathag… - 5 years ago


@legalmonk_rahul: @amytkg @AMLAN_KOLKATA @PradipM23839335 @rajbhawal143 @AmitShah @HMOIndia @narendramodi @BJP4India @BJP4Bengal… - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: That is why Shwikar recommended not to hold her condolences - 5 years ago

@NorthAfrican7: وفاة الممثلة شويكار عن عمر 82 سنة.. - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Actresses Linda Manz, Shwikar; theater's Brian Astbury; bassists Pat Fairley, Pete Way… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Fouad's Al Mohandes son, Mohamed leads the prayer at his stepmother Shwikar's funeral. Fouad who died since 14 year… - 5 years ago

@breadsuho: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@Amersabil3: - 5 years ago

@PopSugarME: Our deepest condolences go out to Shwikar's family and friends. She will surely be missed ❤️… - 5 years ago

@AlBawabaEntz: Shwikar Passed Away Aged 85.. What Was Her Illness? #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Malek0eid: RT @hindmezaina: RIP Shwikar, one of the funniest and sassiest actresses in Egyptian cinema. - 5 years ago

@XalmaMo: Goodbye lovely 💔 Rest in peace, Shwikar - 5 years ago

@ssoommhh12: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@kmezaina: RT @hindmezaina: RIP Shwikar, one of the funniest and sassiest actresses in Egyptian cinema. - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: He also narrated that on the stage during an unscripted scene from the same play Fouad Al Mohandes proposed to Shwi… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Adel Emam remembered his first meeting with Shwikar saying "When the professor chose me to be his secretary in his… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: Adel's Emam humble beginning was on theatre with the professor Fouad Al Mohandes & the Biscuit Shwikar , he was jus… - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: News: Iconic actor Adel Emam got emotional & collapsed at Shwikar's funeral... Wish him safety! - 5 years ago

@afghanese: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@olaallouz: RT @hindmezaina: RIP Shwikar, one of the funniest and sassiest actresses in Egyptian cinema. - 5 years ago

@hindmezaina: RIP Shwikar, one of the funniest and sassiest actresses in Egyptian cinema. - 5 years ago

@africanewshub: Décès de la star du #Cinéma #Égyptien, Shwikar - 5 years ago

@elvie1011: RT @DailyNewsEgypt: Daily News Egypt's video: #Egypt’s iconic actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #DNEvideo - 5 years ago

@OMARSeleem2274: Shwikar passed away - 5 years ago

@simo80: RIP shwikar - 5 years ago

@shibieka: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@MassirDestin: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@DailyNewsEgypt: Daily News Egypt's video: #Egypt’s iconic actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #DNEvideo - 5 years ago

@vintageIraqi: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@mrslonly1: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@bahga_samir: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@jananoor55: RT @magedghoraba: Shwikar 😢 Rest in peace, another Egyptian legend gone. - 5 years ago

@mgazamedia: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar dies aged 85 - 5 years ago

@VedastusDonlove: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar dies aged 85 - 5 years ago

@CaireneGirl: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@ArabianrecordsO: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar dies aged 85 More: - 5 years ago

@BiiiGGGG: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@ahmedrabea: RT @hgali5: Shwikar married the well known performer Fouad Al Mohandess and the two formed one of the most outstanding duos in the history… - 5 years ago

@hgali5: Shwikar "My beautiful lady" 💔 الله يرحمها ويغفر لها ويسكنها فسيح جناته ويلهم أهلها وذويها الصبر والسلوان 🙏… - 5 years ago

@ahmedrabea: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@dnosseir: RT @hgali5: Shwikar married the well known performer Fouad Al Mohandess and the two formed one of the most outstanding duos in the history… - 5 years ago

@mumaralid: RT @arabnews: Tributes pour in for veteran Egyptian star Shwikar, who has died aged 85 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@monagabra: RT @magedghoraba: Shwikar 😢 Rest in peace, another Egyptian legend gone. - 5 years ago

@samiaelsaid: RIP #shwikar 💔 - 5 years ago

@swastika_93: RT @arabnews: Tributes pour in for veteran Egyptian star Shwikar, who has died aged 85 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@aslamislahi01: RT @arabnews: Tributes pour in for veteran Egyptian star Shwikar, who has died aged 85 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@arabnews: Tributes pour in for veteran Egyptian star Shwikar, who has died aged 85 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Hanyghoraba: RT @magedghoraba: Shwikar 😢 Rest in peace, another Egyptian legend gone. - 5 years ago

@DogfightEtienne: Décès de la star du cinéma égyptien, Shwikar - 5 years ago

@samiaelsaid: RIP #shwikar 💔 الله يرحمها 😥 - 5 years ago

@PushMaroc: L’artiste égyptienne #Shwikar est décédée ce vendredi 14 août 2020, à l’âge de 85 ans, des suites d’une longue mala… - 5 years ago

@actuspherelb: La belle actrice égyptienne Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. - 5 years ago

@hassanson_: RIP Shwikar - 5 years ago

@proletarienne: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@PuspitaSamajpa1: hey mahadev purey vishwo ke log uske khatir lad rahe hai,uske nyay ke liye lad rahe hai.uske liye har ek din ashu b… - 5 years ago

@Mohmedtahir1: peace , peace beautiful 💔 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Snoby_tn: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@tamerred: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Breaking: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #EgyptToday #Egypt | #شويكار - 5 years ago

@EgyptTodayMag: A story of a lifetime love and friendship, the comic duo El Mohandes, better known as “El-Ostaz” (The Professor) an… - 5 years ago

@GagakNew: RT @Nervana_1: Veteran #Egyptian actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #RIP legend #Egypt | #شويكار - 5 years ago

@SamyShob: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@suhelaaj: RT @gulf_news: Veteran #Egyptian actress #Shwikar passes away She was well-known for teaming up with her ex-husband… - 5 years ago

@paulgeday: RT @seldeeb: One of #Egypt’s finest - comedian, entertainer, theater and cinema actress died today. Rest In Peace #Shwikar - 5 years ago

@AmaniAshour: RT @magedghoraba: Shwikar 😢 Rest in peace, another Egyptian legend gone. - 5 years ago

@ahmed0ashraf: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@MyTrueHope: RT @magedghoraba: Shwikar 😢 Rest in peace, another Egyptian legend gone. - 5 years ago

@min_alsefer: وفاة الممثلة المصرية شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عامًا توفيت الممثلة المصرية شويكار، الجمعة، عن… - 5 years ago

@namaahahao: RT @Nervana_1: Veteran #Egyptian actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #RIP legend #Egypt | #شويكار - 5 years ago

@AmrAdelFahmy: RT @magedghoraba: Shwikar 😢 Rest in peace, another Egyptian legend gone. - 5 years ago

@AmrAdelFahmy: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@LauraHennesse11: RT @seldeeb: One of #Egypt’s finest - comedian, entertainer, theater and cinema actress died today. Rest In Peace #Shwikar - 5 years ago

@nixonron: RT @seldeeb: One of #Egypt’s finest - comedian, entertainer, theater and cinema actress died today. Rest In Peace #Shwikar - 5 years ago

@UniversalEugene: RT @seldeeb: One of #Egypt’s finest - comedian, entertainer, theater and cinema actress died today. Rest In Peace #Shwikar - 5 years ago

@Demerdash1: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@Momenology: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@zahara84_: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@asma4s: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@Abdelrahman__96: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@Masryawebass: RT @seldeeb: الله يرحمك - #شويكار #Shwikar - 5 years ago

@h_hajbi: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@seldeeb: الله يرحمك - #شويكار #Shwikar - 5 years ago

@NorthAmericaNN: RT @gulf_news: Egypt’s comedy icon Shwikar, famous for a string of hit comic films and stage shows, died Friday in Cairo, the Egyptian acto… - 5 years ago

@nam4koos: shwikar est morte je suis trop triste je l’aimais tellement - 5 years ago

@nam4koos: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@seldeeb: One of #Egypt’s finest - comedian, entertainer, theater and cinema actress died today. Rest In Peace #Shwikar - 5 years ago

@NSharara: RT @hgali5: Shwikar married the well known performer Fouad Al Mohandess and the two formed one of the most outstanding duos in the history… - 5 years ago

@AfGharbi: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@hgali5: Goodbye "My beautiful lady" Goodbye Shwikar 💔 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Zeinobia: @Ahmed_Abrass Thanks :) I will sure ask :))) just need the time begad coz those ladies need some recognition especi… - 5 years ago

@LuluIbrahim8: RT @Zeinobia: I feel angry and sad because I am lazy, Egypt's Cinema lost since the start of 2020 three legendary actresses and I have not… - 5 years ago

@Jawaheeer: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@lish3ovic: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@Zeinobia: I feel angry and sad because I am lazy, Egypt's Cinema lost since the start of 2020 three legendary actresses and I… - 5 years ago

@OceanDewStrgazr: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@FatimaElAmran11: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@NawaraHaza: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Breaking: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #EgyptToday #Egypt | #شويكار - 5 years ago

@NawaraHaza: RT @hgali5: Shwikar married the well known performer Fouad Al Mohandess and the two formed one of the most outstanding duos in the history… - 5 years ago

@NawaraHaza: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@yamism0b1: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@LailoYousef: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@DaechwitaYSA: She’s gorgeous I was just talking about her with my friend. R.I.P Shwikar 😢 - 5 years ago

@M_Sherbiny: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@mennahyehya: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@eljareda: تزوجت في عمر الـ16 ومرضها لم يكن له علاج .. تعرف على الراحلة شويكار - 5 years ago

@ahmedaayoussef: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@AliNaji46: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@monagabra: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@Camaroza_Trans: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 #Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Monashry: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@Ashraf567: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@D_Alwerfaly: RT @hgali5: Shwikar married the well known performer Fouad Al Mohandess and the two formed one of the most outstanding duos in the history… - 5 years ago

@Majd_Khalifeh: Een van mijn favoriete Arabische actrices is niet meer. RIP #Shwikar #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Deslyxique: Shwikar : 1938-2020. #شويكار - 5 years ago

@amirazohdi: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: The Women and Health Bulletin … What is Shwikar disease that caused her death? … and the strangest methods of remov… - 5 years ago

@sallynabil: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@2yshaa: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@4soul_63: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@BA_Kuniv: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Veteran Egyptian actress and heartthrob comedian Shwikar passed away at 85 after a long struggle with illness. #EgyptTo… - 5 years ago

@Ahmad40272669: Peace, peace Egyptian art icon, Shwikar✨ #شويكار - 5 years ago

@ruhoneyru: #شويكار Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 - 5 years ago

@alowaiscf: Breaking: Egypt’s veteran actress Shwikar passes away at 85 - 5 years ago

@HolyHesa: Bye beautiful, Rest In Peace Shwikar❤️ #Shwikar - 5 years ago

@vchammaa: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@TuihriTyassine: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@jazz3162: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@Hawraa84: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@alachine18: RT @AlBawabaEntz: Egyptian Actress "Shwikar" passed away at the age of 85 💔💔 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@MonaMalekk: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@thehashimm: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@RousseauAgnes: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@RousseauAgnes: RT @Cairo67Unedited: One of #Egypt 's most memorable actresses Shwikar has passed on. Alternating between highly comedic and sultry roles t… - 5 years ago

@dYu7vug97v2Qcqh: RT @euronewsar: وفاة الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً - 5 years ago

@RousseauAgnes: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Breaking: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #EgyptToday #Egypt | #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Me_RoooR: RT @hgali5: Shwikar married the well known performer Fouad Al Mohandess and the two formed one of the most outstanding duos in the history… - 5 years ago

@GholamKaren: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Shwikar Actor, died 14.08.2020. - 5 years ago

@OsamaTashani: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@HaddadNar: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@Kemet2MkMert: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Veteran Egyptian actress and heartthrob comedian Shwikar passed away at 85 after a long struggle with illness. #EgyptTo… - 5 years ago

@LarbiBENMUSTAP1: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@AmaniAshour: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@MonaMalekk: Egyptian actress Shwikar. May your soul rest in peace. (1935-2020) - 5 years ago

@whenjoetweets: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@autobushaya: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@JWFarid: Why aren’t you mourning Shwikar!! She’s quite a loss. May her soul rest in peace.❤️ - 5 years ago

@Momoutunisiano: RT @MassirDestin: La belle Shwikar (1935 - 2020) vient de nous quitter pour un monde meilleur. Qu'elle repose en paix - 5 years ago

@EAzaziil: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@HodaAKamel: RT @Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians who en… - 5 years ago

@Omi_082: RT @ahramonline: Iconic Egyptian actress Shwikar dies in her 80s - 5 years ago

@harsiwarju: RT @ahramonline: Iconic Egyptian actress Shwikar dies in her 80s - 5 years ago

@AndObituary: Shwikar Death | Egypt Comedy Icon Shwikar Cause of Death, Obituary - 5 years ago

@AliTaha67: RT @ahramonline: Iconic Egyptian actress Shwikar dies in her 80s - 5 years ago

@ahramonline: Iconic Egyptian actress Shwikar dies in her 80s - 5 years ago

@Adam90480648: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@dostoevskysfool: RIP Shwikar 🙏💔 - 5 years ago

@DaliaSaeedd: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Breaking: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #EgyptToday #Egypt | #شويكار - 5 years ago

@MiznaTK: RIP Shwikar (1935-2020) 💔 - 5 years ago

@Hanyghoraba: RIP legendary Egyptian actress &comedian Shwikar dies at at 82. She was an iconic special breed of female comedians… - 5 years ago

@AliKharchafi: RT @NileFM: Iconic Egyptian actress #Shwikar, who inspired generations, passed away on Friday after a long struggle with illness. #RIP http… - 5 years ago

@EG24NEWS: Learn about Shwikar disease that caused her death - 5 years ago

@FatimaE60734469: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@Land_of_Nile: RT @magedghoraba: Shwikar 😢 Rest in peace, another Egyptian legend gone. - 5 years ago

@Land_of_Nile: RT @EgyptTodayMag: A story of a lifetime love and friendship, the comic duo El Mohandes, better known as “El-Ostaz” (The Professor) and Shw… - 5 years ago

@JoannaIskander: RT @hgali5: Shwikar married the well known performer Fouad Al Mohandess and the two formed one of the most outstanding duos in the history… - 5 years ago

@magedghoraba: Shwikar 😢 Rest in peace, another Egyptian legend gone. - 5 years ago

@NileFM: Iconic Egyptian actress #Shwikar, who inspired generations, passed away on Friday after a long struggle with illnes… - 5 years ago

@jehad_rajab: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@elnaggar396: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@shippedgold_: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@MirvatAlsaba: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@do7a_mostafa: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@esraa_ali: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@WENTAOMRI: - 5 years ago

@JoannaIskander: RT @EgyptTodayMag: A story of a lifetime love and friendship, the comic duo El Mohandes, better known as “El-Ostaz” (The Professor) and Shw… - 5 years ago

@Medi1tvAfrique: L’artiste égyptienne Shwikar n’est plus - 5 years ago

@MennaMostafa__: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@AsmaGR10: A beautiful Egyptian actress Shwikar has passed away Today😥 May her soul rest in peace🙏 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@mona_4aker: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@HYK30254821: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@hgali5: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@MihranSer: RT @AlBawabaEntz: Egyptian Actress "Shwikar" passed away at the age of 85 💔💔 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@MFathi_Abdallah: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@malicannes: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@malicannes: Une Grande actrice égyptienne nous a quitté, Reposez-vous en paix Madame #Shwikar #شويكار 🙏🕯💔😍 - 5 years ago

@wilsonseth: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Breaking: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #EgyptToday #Egypt | #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Pierrekahale6: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@_yasmeen_36: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@EgyChampagne: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@OmarAhmedF: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@RashlawQ10: RT @gulf_news: Egypt’s comedy icon Shwikar, famous for a string of hit comic films and stage shows, died Friday in Cairo, the Egyptian acto… - 5 years ago

@Le360fr: L’artiste égyptienne #Shwikar est décédée ce vendredi 14 août 2020, à l’âge de 85 ans, des suites d’une longue mala… - 5 years ago

@ALXBEBOOOOOO: RT @AlBawabaEntz: Egyptian Actress "Shwikar" passed away at the age of 85 💔💔 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@EgyptTodayMag: A story of a lifetime love and friendship, the comic duo El Mohandes, better known as “El-Ostaz” (The Professor) an… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Shwikar dies - #Shwikar # #Shwikar #rip - 5 years ago

@Nancy57142018: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@molegy: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@RubaAlHassani: Darn. Egyptian cinema has lost so many greats in 2020. It began with the loss of Magda, and here we are with Shwika… - 5 years ago

@Nody_Said: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@Fatma_lotfii: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@os6ora_80: الله يرحمها ويغفر لها 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Mash3ani: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@mohdmutairi_kwt: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@gulf_news: Egypt’s comedy icon Shwikar, famous for a string of hit comic films and stage shows, died Friday in Cairo, the Egyp… - 5 years ago

@ezzldin13: RT @reem3aziz: Media reporting that the beautiful Egyptian comedienne Shwikar has sadly died today.. #Egypt #Cinema #Comedy - 5 years ago

@radiaadam: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@imnotevenhere__: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@Marz0uk: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Breaking: Veteran Egyptian actress Shwikar passes away at 85 #EgyptToday #Egypt | #شويكار - 5 years ago

@Tarxk01: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@Raffaello2030: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@maysanazim: RT @maitelsadany: Rest in peace Egyptian actress Shwikar (1935-2020). - 5 years ago

@zi_zo599: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

@PhilosophiaLov1: RT @hgali5: Shwikar married the well known performer Fouad Al Mohandess and the two formed one of the most outstanding duos in the history… - 5 years ago

@PhilosophiaLov1: RT @hgali5: May her soul rest in peace 🙏 Shwikar (1935 - 2020) 💔 She is veteran Egyptian actress worked as a comedian in cinema, theatres… - 5 years ago

@RozIbrahim1: RT @cnnarabic: #عاجل.. الموت يغيب الممثلة المصرية #شويكار عن عمر يناهز 82 عاماً بعد صراع مع المرض - 5 years ago

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