Shuntaro Hida

Japanese physician.
Died on Monday March 20th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Shuntaro Hida:

@sa3609: RT @xy_typhoon: Dr. Shuntaro Hida、#Hiroshima bomb victim himself、known for his research on〖#bura_bura disease(#chronic_fatigue)caused by☢〗p… - 8 years ago

@xy_typhoon: Dr. Shuntaro Hida、#Hiroshima bomb victim himself、known for his research on〖#bura_bura disease(#chronic_fatigue)caus… - 8 years ago

@erfnyc: R.I.P. Shuntaro Hida - 8 years ago

@yoko_chase: Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies at 100 - 8 years ago


@TrutherForever: Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies at 100 - 8 years ago

@sabrina68: RT @OccuWorld: Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies at 100 - 8 years ago

@OccuWorld: Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies at 100 - 8 years ago

@taxineil55: Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies at 100 – Fukushima 311 Watchdogs - 8 years ago

@pripensi: RT @Blanka_Meduzo: Mortis d-ro Hida-Shuntaro, kiu estas HIBAKUSHA, atom-bombito en HIROSHIMA, kaj kuracisto. Li bat… - 8 years ago

@hervecourtois1: Shuntaro Hida died. He had been a doctor in the Japanese imperial army and a doctor for the "hibakushas", an... - 8 years ago

@hervecourtois1: Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies at 100 - 8 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Shuntaro Hida Long-living person, Doctor, - 8 years ago

@TokyoHappenings: Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies at 100 - 8 years ago

@Blanka_Meduzo: Mortis d-ro Hida-Shuntaro, kiu estas HIBAKUSHA, atom-bombito en HIROSHIMA, kaj kuracisto. Li bataladis por abori nuk - 8 years ago

@discardedbacon: Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies at 100 (3/21 JapanTimes) - 8 years ago

@BradleyFest: RT @thickaswolves: RIP Shuntaro Hida, doctor, anti-nuclear activist, and advocate for hibakusha - 8 years ago

@MokuhyouShinbum: Hiroshima notável hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida morre em 100 - 8 years ago

@thickaswolves: RIP Shuntaro Hida, doctor, anti-nuclear activist, and advocate for hibakusha - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Shuntaro Hida, Japanese physician, Died at 100 - 8 years ago

@aokumota: RT @ShokoHachiya: Shuntaro Hida, a doctor, atomic bomb survivor, who treated patients of Hiroshima atomic bomb attack dies at 100. - 8 years ago

@ShokoHachiya: Shuntaro Hida, a doctor, atomic bomb survivor, who treated patients of Hiroshima atomic bomb attack dies at 100. - 8 years ago

@bnzjpn: Latest news from Japan Times - #japan #banzaijapan #japantimes Noted Hiroshima hibakusha Dr. Shuntaro Hida dies... - 8 years ago

@cFYXZm9Wo3r7Z85: RT @Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

@thus_spake: Shuntaro Hida, a former Japanese army doctor who survived the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War ... - 8 years ago

@mahespro: 肥田舜太郎先生死亡 Hida Shuntarô (1917-2017), 1945 selbst in Hiroshima, beschäftigte sich als Arzt mit d. Folgen d. Atomstra… - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Shuntaro Hida, you will be missed - #ShuntaroHida #Shuntaro #Hida #rip - 8 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Shuntaro Hida, 100, Japanese physician. - 8 years ago

@atomicmom: Doctor Shuntaro Hida passed away today. Beautiful soul! What a life, what a legacy! - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Shuntaro Hida has passed on: - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Hida Shuntarō, japanischer Arzt, am 20.03.2017 im Alter von 100 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@pakstarr: RT @Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

@JapanTrends: RT @Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

@okaphon: RT @Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

@kaigotaxiassist: RT @Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

@yuki_2_1: RT @Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

@pigeon440: RT @Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

@greenlabel_tw: RT @Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

@Thoton: Japanese anti-war doctor Shuntaro Hida dies at 100. He witnessed bombing of Hiroshima, treated many A-bomb survivors - 8 years ago

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