Sharon Oster

American economist and former dean of Yale School of Management
Died on Saturday June 11th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Sharon Oster:

@NYTObits: The economist Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and th… - 3 years ago

@SusanCo08428427: RT @NYTObits: The economist Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first wo… - 3 years ago

@JenSmithNYC: RT @NYTObits: Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first woman to be name… - 3 years ago

@willthewordguy: RT @NYTObits: Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first woman to be name… - 3 years ago


@NYTObits: Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first woman… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@mbbrad: What fun ⁦@TripleBottomCo⁩. No better place to be with ⁦@YaleSOMAlumni⁩ than a mission-driving venture owned and le… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first woman… - 3 years ago

@SilSamora: Êxodo 33:14, diz: “A Minha presença irá com você, e Eu lhe darei descanso.” Não importam as circunstâncias, Deus… - 3 years ago

@asv141: @MonetaristMaia Nancy Stokey and Sharon Oster (her paper with Milgrom is one of my favorites) - 3 years ago

@LyraMW: RT @NYTObits: Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first woman to be name… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first woman… - 3 years ago

@pgulliver: @gregggonsalves @DataDrivenMD @ProfEmilyOster Her mom died this past week, might consider cutting her some slack th… - 3 years ago

@HofCulCtr: RT @HofstraU: The @HofstraU community is saddened by the passing of Sharon Oster ’70, @YaleSOM's first female dean and first female tenured… - 3 years ago

@DiversityinEcon: RT @judy_chevalier: The NY Times writes a much-deserved obit for Sharon Oster. Nice quote from @Austan_Goolsbee - 3 years ago

@QuickdrawkTTV: Sadly my Aunt Sharon has passed after a hard battle with lung cancer, she acheived amazing things and inspired many… - 3 years ago

@jeffmgould: RT @judy_chevalier: The NY Times writes a much-deserved obit for Sharon Oster. Nice quote from @Austan_Goolsbee - 3 years ago

@DBachGlobal: “Befuddling someone is not convincing them.” Sharon Oster, Barrier-Breaking Economist, Dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@bindrak: Sharon Oster, Barrier-Breaking Economist, Dies at 73 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@MimoCT: Professor Oster was a proponent of clarity, in teaching and in business. “Befuddling someone is not convincing them… - 3 years ago

@NaomiDanis: <In life, sometimes you can get someplace by befuddling people, but it’s not a good long-run strategy. Much better… - 3 years ago

@YaleSOM: RT @HofstraU: The @HofstraU community is saddened by the passing of Sharon Oster ’70, @YaleSOM's first female dean and first female tenured… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@CLYouakim: RT @Bresnahan4MN: Econ Prof. Oster was a leading figure in the field of business and strategy, a breaker of glass ceilings and an inspirati… - 3 years ago

@HofstraU: The @HofstraU community is saddened by the passing of Sharon Oster ’70, @YaleSOM's first female dean and first fema… - 3 years ago

@healthcareicare: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@drcraigfleisher: Sad to hear about the passing of one of "the greats" in competitive #strategy, microeconomic theory, industrial org… - 3 years ago

@aeniii: RT @NYTObits: Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first woman to be name… - 3 years ago

@Bresnahan4MN: Econ Prof. Oster was a leading figure in the field of business and strategy, a breaker of glass ceilings and an ins… - 3 years ago

@KateScorza: I had the great honor of studying with Sharon Oster in grad school; she is one of the main reasons I chose @YaleSOM… - 3 years ago

@bookofjoe: "Befuddling someone is not convincing them. In life, sometimes you can get someplace by befuddling people, but it's… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first woman… - 3 years ago

@FerGIDNL: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@stanfordc: “In life, sometimes you can get someplace by befuddling people, but it’s not a good long-run strategy. Much better… - 3 years ago

@Darrell57624316: News - 3 years ago

@PurpleTieRI: Oster’s longtime colleague Judith Chevalier: “[…] Sharon always held the view that the school’s role in training l… - 3 years ago

@Catheri43329468: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@jcaetanoleite: RT @judy_chevalier: The NY Times writes a much-deserved obit for Sharon Oster. Nice quote from @Austan_Goolsbee - 3 years ago

@PaulDion5: RT @TimothyTTaylor: Sharon Oster has died - 3 years ago

@econotw: RT @YaleEGC: Remembering pioneering economist Sharon Oster, and her many contributions to Economics at @YaleEconomics, @YaleSOM, and beyond… - 3 years ago

@004nino: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@davidyin44: - 3 years ago

@JackMog45: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@MariaE84322422: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@dtascon: RT @judy_chevalier: The NY Times writes a much-deserved obit for Sharon Oster. Nice quote from @Austan_Goolsbee - 3 years ago

@YongtaeKwon: RT @judy_chevalier: The NY Times writes a much-deserved obit for Sharon Oster. Nice quote from @Austan_Goolsbee - 3 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Sharon Oster, Barrier-Breaking Economist, Dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@MarkL137: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@EdHeadington: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@saffship: RT @NYTObits: The economist Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and the first wo… - 3 years ago

@AaronFoleyChan1: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: The economist Sharon Oster was the first woman to win tenure as a professor at the Yale School of Management and th… - 3 years ago

@AWAbner: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@rosenfieldclar1: RT @TerriApter: Professor Oster “argued that one reason employers denied women and members of minorities promotions was to keep their profi… - 3 years ago

@Sashana34616986: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@TerriApter: Professor Oster “argued that one reason employers denied women and members of minorities promotions was to keep the… - 3 years ago

@dmayzlin: RT @judy_chevalier: The NY Times writes a much-deserved obit for Sharon Oster. Nice quote from @Austan_Goolsbee - 3 years ago

@SarahLaditka: RT @ProfEmilyOster: A lovely tribute from @YaleSOM - 3 years ago

@Ianto_back2_TW: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@MicaSotheby: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@Aiphos2: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@Donaldverger: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professo… - 3 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@christianbla_28: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@bengin1003: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@jdakotapowell: RIP Sharon Oster... absolute fave prof of Economics. - 3 years ago

@GatewayGIS: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@DrRozNor: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@ILEKTRAKOUTOUKI: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@childofGodlu9: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@emily_baker: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@sstern_mit: RT @judy_chevalier: The NY Times writes a much-deserved obit for Sharon Oster. Nice quote from @Austan_Goolsbee - 3 years ago

@linanowicki: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@RobertLobwin: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@JenieMillerl: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@nicojanssen: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@WontCaveDave: RT @kitchen5203: This! 💔💔💔💔💔 Rest in Peace, Sharon😢👩‍🏫🕯️ Sharon Oster, Barrier-Breaking Economist, Dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@LOVE2UNIQUE: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@CountingCharity: RT @judy_chevalier: The NY Times writes a much-deserved obit for Sharon Oster. Nice quote from @Austan_Goolsbee - 3 years ago

@ElletteJames: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@BradSeds: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@1patogh: Sharon Oster, Barrier-Breaking Economist, Dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@Mangakiko12: Sharon Oster, Barrier-Breaking Economist, Dies at 73 - 3 years ago

@blackhawkPPT: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@TheRealJTIII: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@gastropoda: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@ShannyTab: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@62_elizay: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@RodneyClaeys: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@drewalsh: RT @drewalsh: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@HTexans1392: RT @nytimes: Sharon Oster, an economist who shattered glass ceilings in academia as the first woman to become a tenured professor of the Ya… - 3 years ago

@AEACSWEP: Our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends. - 3 years ago

@AEACSWEP: @AEACSWEP is deeply saddened by the passing of Sharon Oster. Sharon was a true friend of CSWEP and the 2011 winner… - 3 years ago

@EconAdvanced: RT @ProfEmilyOster: A lovely tribute from @YaleSOM - 3 years ago

@LeoKemboi: RT @ProfEmilyOster: A lovely tribute from @YaleSOM - 3 years ago

@ProfSongMa: RT @florianederer: A wonderful obituary of the amazing Sharon Oster - 3 years ago

@YuleeNewsome: Warm summer sun, Shine kindly here, Warm southern wind, Blow softly here. Good night, dear heart, Good… - 3 years ago

@Prof_Nishith_P: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@mushfiq_econ: A fitting tribute to a giant in our profession and at @YaleSOM - 3 years ago

@KateCooney16: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@SCHutchins: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@JoeVavra: RT @florianederer: A wonderful obituary of the amazing Sharon Oster - 3 years ago

@TinaDacin: RT @florianederer: A wonderful obituary of the amazing Sharon Oster - 3 years ago

@robseamans: RT @florianederer: A wonderful obituary of the amazing Sharon Oster - 3 years ago

@florianederer: A wonderful obituary of the amazing Sharon Oster - 3 years ago

@StubbsLaw: RT @ProfEmilyOster: A lovely tribute from @YaleSOM - 3 years ago

@KejiaJura: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@BarbaraBiasi: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@YaleSOMExecEd: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@AlexBigler: RT @ProfEmilyOster: A lovely tribute from @YaleSOM - 3 years ago

@YaleEconomics: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@YaleInsights: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@YaleSOMAlumni: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@judy_chevalier: RT @YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepest condolenc… - 3 years ago

@KejiaJura: RT @ProfEmilyOster: A lovely tribute from @YaleSOM - 3 years ago

@YaleSOM: Prof. @WGoetzmann ’86: “She was great fun to work with. She understood research as serious play, and as an intellec… - 3 years ago

@YaleSOM: Beloved economics professor and former dean Sharon Oster lost her battle with cancer on June 10. We send our deepes… - 3 years ago

@ProfEmilyOster: A lovely tribute from @YaleSOM - 3 years ago

@YaleEGC: Remembering pioneering economist Sharon Oster, and her many contributions to Economics at @YaleEconomics, @YaleSOM,… - 3 years ago

@edutoleraymondi: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@yongkwangkimus: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@YaleSOMExecEd: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@YaleSOMExecEd: RT @bindrak: A world without Sharon Oster in it is a pretty rough one indeed. She was a teacher, mentor, and role model to so many of her s… - 3 years ago

@SCHutchins: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@NaraeLeeRes: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@kamromero: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@SanFranFredo: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@sidneyl97872907: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@carminaovargas: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@Undercoverhist: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@robseamans: RT @florianederer: On Monday I will teach the introductory session of the "Women on Boards" Program during which we will discuss the Cola W… - 3 years ago

@dpaller38: RT @DBachGlobal: 💔 about the news of Sharon Oster’s passing. Sharon was a pioneering scholar, educator & dean and represented everything th… - 3 years ago

@MRogers097: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@florianederer: On Monday I will teach the introductory session of the "Women on Boards" Program during which we will discuss the C… - 3 years ago

@JaanPill: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@JaanPill: Professor Sharon M. Oster | Yale School of Management - 3 years ago

@HLSPaola: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@FrauDoktor11: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@CristinaVelezV: Este perfil de Sharon Oster me llegó al alma, pedazo de ejemplo para la vida y el trabajo! - 3 years ago

@bindrak: A world without Sharon Oster in it is a pretty rough one indeed. She was a teacher, mentor, and role model to so ma… - 3 years ago

@hcfigueiredo: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@jedeutsch: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@arturobris: Rest in peace Sharon Oster 😢 - 3 years ago

@luengo1958: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@ProfSongMa: RT @WGoetzmann: @florianederer @YaleSOM Over the 38 years I knew her, Sharon Oster was my teacher, co-author, colleague and friend. I will… - 3 years ago

@hilmoss: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@YujungHwang3: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@florianederer: RT @WGoetzmann: @florianederer @YaleSOM Over the 38 years I knew her, Sharon Oster was my teacher, co-author, colleague and friend. I will… - 3 years ago

@TonyDick: RIP DR. Sharon Oster "In teaching, clarity is key, and this holds true in business too, Oster says. “Befuddling so… - 3 years ago

@WGoetzmann: @florianederer @YaleSOM Over the 38 years I knew her, Sharon Oster was my teacher, co-author, colleague and friend.… - 3 years ago

@bnashat: “That’s how I’d like to be remembered, as someone who stepped into a difficult situation, got to work, and got thin… - 3 years ago

@PeterIsztin: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@walterolson: R.I.P. economist Sharon Oster. As an undergrad I took her course in Industrial Organization (itself my favorite eco… - 3 years ago

@Prof_Nishith_P: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@BarbaraBiasi: RT @DBachGlobal: 💔 about the news of Sharon Oster’s passing. Sharon was a pioneering scholar, educator & dean and represented everything th… - 3 years ago

@mchmura: RT @DBachGlobal: 💔 about the news of Sharon Oster’s passing. Sharon was a pioneering scholar, educator & dean and represented everything th… - 3 years ago

@DBachGlobal: 💔 about the news of Sharon Oster’s passing. Sharon was a pioneering scholar, educator & dean and represented everyt… - 3 years ago

@fabolange: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@Massimi63361824: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@JoyeeDeb: @ProfEmilyOster I am very sorry for your loss. I will miss her so much. She was everything I want to be! Am so grat… - 3 years ago

@baharlev: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@MeltemDaysal: “Sharon has modeled what it means to be a true colleague. She has provided the protective and productive leadership… - 3 years ago

@Rainbow_Battarr: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@Birdseye1: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@bolajiabdul: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@grg_motta: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@erinhengel: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@Universe749: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@73Newport: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @deadpeoplecom: Sharon Oster is no longer with us - #SharonOster #Sharon #Oster #rip - 3 years ago

@Susan_Athey: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@devyani_pande: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@pqblair: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@AnikoOery: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@jen_mcfadden: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@LauraKGee: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@jen_mcfadden: I’m so sad to hear that Sharon Oster passed away. What an incredible role model she was to so many students, includ… - 3 years ago

@judy_chevalier: RT @judy_chevalier: The incomparable Sharon Oster putting the honorary degree hood on the incomparable Angela Basset at the @Yale graduatio… - 3 years ago

@LaurieToth: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sharon Oster is no longer with us - #SharonOster #Sharon #Oster #rip - 3 years ago

@subyroy: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@eshakun: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@florianederer: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@morhannah: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@Birdseye1: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@ecohis: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@caitsjam: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@fkojima79: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@LemonSturgis: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@Austan_Goolsbee: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@John_Bailey: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@Acai_Visualse: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@PGunigantiAT: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@causalinf: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@WGoetzmann: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@DecisionJedi: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@Elizabethcohn: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@SarahHBana: RT @florianederer: Today we received the very sad news that the inimitable Sharon Oster has passed away. She was the first tenured female… - 3 years ago

@DN5eeCw55PpNeDS: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

@Chanman_ECON: RT @ProfEmilyOster: My mother was impossibly cool, incredibly warm, smart, funny, charming, honest and I owe her approximately everything a… - 3 years ago

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