Shantaram Potdukhe

Indian politician
Died on Sunday September 23rd 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Shantaram Potdukhe:

@yadu_patidar: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@ketan99222: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@JamanbhaiKanta3: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@BankingBhai: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago


@Kadirsolanki2: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@kalinaassembly: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@Amol4BJP: RT @SMungantiwar: Heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Shri Shantaram Potdukhe Ji, former Union Minister of State. Shantaram Ji has m… - 6 years ago

@bpramodg3: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@NileshKhaire11: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@harendrarawat05: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@TOI_Nagpur: Ex-Union minister of state Shantaram Potdukhe no more Download the TOI app now: - 6 years ago

@Saamanaonline: माजी केंद्रीय अर्थ राज्यमंत्री आणि काँग्रेसचे ज्येष्ठ नेते शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे काल रविवारी दुपारी येथे वृद्धापका… - 6 years ago

@JituPrakashPar5: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@GawandeDevendra: शांताराम पोटदुखे Shared via Loksatta iPhone App - 6 years ago

@JamanbhaiKanta3: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@NewsBossIndia: Ex-Union minister of state Shantaram Potdukhe no more.. - 6 years ago

@451Madhav: Congress leader Shantaram Potdukhe passes away - 6 years ago

@NewsBossIndia: Ex-Union minister of state Shantaram Potdukhe no more.. - 6 years ago

@TOICitiesNews: Ex-Union minister of state Shantaram Potdukhe no more - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Shantaram Potdukhe (85) Member of Parliament - 6 years ago

@451Madhav: Ex-Union minister of state Shantaram Potdukhe no more - Times of India - 6 years ago

@maharashtra: RT @SMungantiwar: Heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Shri Shantaram Potdukhe Ji, former Union Minister of State. Shantaram Ji has m… - 6 years ago

@salaamhyd11: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@ankit_RG_IYCiii: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@ankit_RG_IYC_ii: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@ankit_RG_IYC_i: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@ShesheraoWakar2: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@ankit_RG_IYC: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@suman_sharman: RT @apnnewsindia: #Nagpur: Former Union Minister and #Congress leader Shantaram Potdukhe dies at a hospital following brief illness. https:… - 6 years ago

@Dnyaneshwar2113: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@shubhamgadewar1: RT @SMungantiwar: Heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Shri Shantaram Potdukhe Ji, former Union Minister of State. Shantaram Ji has m… - 6 years ago

@MrityunjayTripa: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@arifmaniyar62: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@Shrikantmaloza1: RT @SMungantiwar: Heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Shri Shantaram Potdukhe Ji, former Union Minister of State. Shantaram Ji has m… - 6 years ago

@Rrkondbattunwar: RT @SMungantiwar: Heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Shri Shantaram Potdukhe Ji, former Union Minister of State. Shantaram Ji has m… - 6 years ago

@SwahelG: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@s_mahantare: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@mukadamrafi: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@SarfrajRikibdar: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@gondwanatimes: माजी केंद्रीय अर्थराज्यमंत्री आणि काँग्रेसचे ज्येष्ठ नेते शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन - - 6 years ago

@baghi_sumit: RT @INCMaharashtra: PCC president @AshokChavanINC paid homage to the Ex.Union Minister Shri.Shantaram Potdukhe at Chandrapur and extended c… - 6 years ago

@RavindraPatilT1: @satyajeettambe Rest in peace.. to Former Union Minister of State Hon Shantaram Potdukhe Saheb..!!💐💐 - 6 years ago

@Sampat_sakaal: इंदिरा गांधी यांच्या कठीण काळातील साथीदार शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन - 6 years ago

@NewsBossIndia: Former Union minister Shantaram Potdukhe passes away.. - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Shantaram Potdukhe - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Shantaram Potdukhe - #ShantaramPotdukhe #Shantaram #Potdukhe #rip - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Shantaram Potdukhe, 86, Indian politician, MP (1980–1996). - 6 years ago

@ArvindJadhavMT: MT: माजी केंद्रीय मंत्री शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन - 6 years ago

@anoopkr00: RT @apnnewsindia: #Nagpur: Former Union Minister and #Congress leader Shantaram Potdukhe dies at a hospital following brief illness. https:… - 6 years ago

@sameherealso: Former Union minister Shantaram Potdukhe passes away - 6 years ago

@apnnewsindia: #Nagpur: Former Union Minister and #Congress leader Shantaram Potdukhe dies at a hospital following brief illness. - 6 years ago

@nagpurtoday1: माजी केंद्रीय मंत्री शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन,, - 6 years ago

@MukulAdhikary5: Former Union minister and Congress leader Shantaram Potdukhe died at a hospital here on Sunday following brief illn… - 6 years ago

@suresh_bhusari: इंदिरा गांधी यांच्या कठीण काळातील साथीदार शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन - 6 years ago

@NewsBossIndia: Former Union minister Shantaram Potdukhe passes away.. - 6 years ago

@latestly: Former Union Minister Shantaram Potdukhe Passes Away in Nagpur | Read full report | #ShantaramPotdukhe #Congress… - 6 years ago

@TOIIndiaNews: Former Union minister Shantaram Potdukhe passes away - 6 years ago

@Teli_India: तेली समाजाचे जेष्ठ नेते माजी केंद्रीय अर्थराज्यमंत्री आणि काँग्रेसचे ज्येष्ठ नेते शांताराम पोटदुखे याचे वृद्धापकाळा… - 6 years ago

@MySarkarnama: इंदिरा गांधी यांच्या कठीण काळातील साथीदार शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन - 6 years ago

@Shantanud007_: tallest teli leader shantaram potdukhe is no more - 6 years ago

@MaxMaharashtra: शांताराम पोटदुखे यांच्या निधनामुळे अनुभवी आणि निष्ठावान नेतृत्व काळाच्या पडद्याआड!: विखे पाटील… - 6 years ago

@jitumasharkar1: चंद्रपूरचे माजी खासदार, माजी केंद्रीय अर्थराज्यमंत्री शांतारामजी पोटदुखे यांच्या निधनाबद्दल भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजली ▪प… - 6 years ago

@vijayholamMT: RT @mataonline: माजी केंद्रीय मंत्री शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन #shantarampotdukhe - 6 years ago

@ThaneMt: MT: माजी केंद्रीय मंत्री शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन - 6 years ago

@MiLOKMAT: माजी केंद्रीय मंत्री शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन  - 6 years ago

@mataonline: माजी केंद्रीय मंत्री शांताराम पोटदुखे यांचे निधन #shantarampotdukhe - 6 years ago

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