Shamim Hanfi

Indian dramatist and literary critic
Died on Thursday May 6th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Shamim Hanfi:

@bilaltanweer: RT @NasirAbbas65: My tribute to Shamim Hanfi sahib. - 4 years ago

@aasembakhshi: RT @NasirAbbas65: My tribute to Shamim Hanfi sahib. - 4 years ago

@NasirAbbas65: My tribute to Shamim Hanfi sahib. - 4 years ago

@TheNewsonSunday: The void left by Shamim Hanfi is colossal, the loss deep #TNS #TheNews - 4 years ago


@daanishpk: شمیم حنفی – کچھ باتیں کچھ یادیں —– عزیز ابن الحسن #شمیم_حنفی #اردو_تنقید #shamim_hanfi… - 4 years ago

@Sona96944990: मैंने चाहा था कि लफ्जों में छुपा लूं ख़ुद को... ख़ामोशी लफ्ज़ की दीवार गिरा देती है... -Shamim Hanfi - 4 years ago

@TahirMujtaba_: شمیم حنفی: ایک ادبی اور تہذیبی بصیرت کا شخص - 4 years ago

@AliImranJunior: شمیم حنفی اور سنبل شاہد - 4 years ago

@ziyaussalam: RT @frontline_india: As #ShamimHanfi marched into adulthood, he kept the flame of poetry burning bright until he breathed his last in New D… - 4 years ago

@frontline_india: As #ShamimHanfi marched into adulthood, he kept the flame of poetry burning bright until he breathed his last in Ne… - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Artist Michelangelo Lovelace; travel guide Geoff Crowther; photographer Faye Schulman; actress… - 4 years ago

@MyJio79017139: RT @TheWireUrdu: ہندی والوں سے آپ شمیم حنفی کے تعلق سے کچھ پوچھیے تو وہ انھیں ہندی کا ادیب نہ سہی مگر وہ اپنا پاٹھک ضرور مانتے ہیں۔ یہی وج… - 4 years ago

@shahidobserves: RT @TheWireUrdu: ہندی والوں سے آپ شمیم حنفی کے تعلق سے کچھ پوچھیے تو وہ انھیں ہندی کا ادیب نہ سہی مگر وہ اپنا پاٹھک ضرور مانتے ہیں۔ یہی وج… - 4 years ago

@TheWireUrdu: ہندی والوں سے آپ شمیم حنفی کے تعلق سے کچھ پوچھیے تو وہ انھیں ہندی کا ادیب نہ سہی مگر وہ اپنا پاٹھک ضرور مانتے ہیں۔… - 4 years ago

@Laluvad: RT @aafiyapatween: दिल्ली में शमीम हनफ़ी साहब को प्लाज़्मा चाहिए। मुहतरम शमीम हनफ़ी साहब बहुत बीमार हैं। उर्दू वाले जानते हैं कि शमीम साब… - 4 years ago

@AmirAnsari9898: RT @aafiyapatween: दिल्ली में शमीम हनफ़ी साहब को प्लाज़्मा चाहिए। मुहतरम शमीम हनफ़ी साहब बहुत बीमार हैं। उर्दू वाले जानते हैं कि शमीम साब… - 4 years ago

@FaiyazWajeeh: ہندی والوں سے آپ شمیم حنفی کے تعلق سے کچھ پوچھیے تو وہ انھیں ہندی کا ادیب نہ سہی مگر وہ اپنا پاٹھک ضرور مانتے ہیں۔… - 4 years ago

@TheWireUrdu: شمیم حنفی: ایک ادبی اور تہذیبی بصیرت کا شخص #ShamimHanfi #Urdu #UrduCritic #Literature - 4 years ago

@Ritesh31708898: RT @aafiyapatween: दिल्ली में शमीम हनफ़ी साहब को प्लाज़्मा चाहिए। मुहतरम शमीम हनफ़ी साहब बहुत बीमार हैं। उर्दू वाले जानते हैं कि शमीम साब… - 4 years ago

@MohsinHasan92: RT @aafiyapatween: दिल्ली में शमीम हनफ़ी साहब को प्लाज़्मा चाहिए। मुहतरम शमीम हनफ़ी साहब बहुत बीमार हैं। उर्दू वाले जानते हैं कि शमीम साब… - 4 years ago

@aafiyapatween: दिल्ली में शमीम हनफ़ी साहब को प्लाज़्मा चाहिए। मुहतरम शमीम हनफ़ी साहब बहुत बीमार हैं। उर्दू वाले जानते हैं कि शमीम… - 4 years ago

@DeccanQuest: उर्दू अदबी हल्कों में प्रोफेसर हनफ़ी की मौजूदगी लाज़िमी होती थी। हर मसले पर अपना खुलकर तबादला-ए-ख्याल करते थे। मु… - 4 years ago

@frontline_india: DISPATCHES | He was merely nine years old when India kept her tryst with destiny in 1947. Those nine years of share… - 4 years ago

@mkhanpasha: شمیم حنفی کے متعلق سلیم سہیل کا ایک مختصر مضمون۔ - 4 years ago

@furqani_taiyab: آہ! شمیم حنفی - 4 years ago

@SaiyadDubai: RT @aafiyapatween: दिल्ली में शमीम हनफ़ी साहब को प्लाज़्मा चाहिए। मुहतरम शमीम हनफ़ी साहब बहुत बीमार हैं। उर्दू वाले जानते हैं कि शमीम साब… - 4 years ago

@iamrealanwar: RT @NasirHussainINC: Urgently medical help needed to Prof. Shamim Hanfi, a literary stalwart and noted Urdu critic. Attendant: Ghazala Sid… - 4 years ago

@frontline_india: Even as he groomed the next generation of students in the values of shared past, #ShamimHanfi retained his love for… - 4 years ago

@Hmr1990KHAN: RT @AMUNetwork: Shamim Hanfi, Urdu poet, playwright and critic, passes away - - 4 years ago

@taemeer: یہ کس کا خواب تماشا ہے - شمیم حنفی کے کالم - پی۔ڈی۔ایف ڈاؤن لوڈ - 4 years ago

@taemeer: پروفیسر شمیم حنفی بھی چلے گئے - از معصوم مرادآبادی - 4 years ago

@Muhamma46707571: RT @indyurdu: شميم حنفی چلے گئے۔ ادب میں انسان دوستی کا ایک باب بند ہوا۔ عجیب عالم ہے، انسانیت پر پیغمبری وقت ہے۔ وہ کندھے کم ہو رہے ہیں جو… - 4 years ago

@printweekindia: Urdu writer and critic Shamim Hanfi has passed away in New Delhi on 6 May 2021 after battling with coronavirus-rela… - 4 years ago

@madmohanan: RT @frontline_india: DISPATCHES | The early poetry sessions at home, the time spent with Majrooh Sultanpuri & others bore fruit. As #Shamim… - 4 years ago

@KalidasuGirid: RT @frontline_india: DISPATCHES | The early poetry sessions at home, the time spent with Majrooh Sultanpuri & others bore fruit. As #Shamim… - 4 years ago

@Peachtreespeaks: RT @frontline_india: DISPATCHES | The early poetry sessions at home, the time spent with Majrooh Sultanpuri & others bore fruit. As #Shamim… - 4 years ago

@ziyaussalam: RT @frontline_india: DISPATCHES | The early poetry sessions at home, the time spent with Majrooh Sultanpuri & others bore fruit. As #Shamim… - 4 years ago

@MdAmanu96610425: RT @frontline_india: DISPATCHES | The early poetry sessions at home, the time spent with Majrooh Sultanpuri & others bore fruit. As #Shamim… - 4 years ago

@frontline_india: DISPATCHES | The early poetry sessions at home, the time spent with Majrooh Sultanpuri & others bore fruit. As… - 4 years ago

@Yasmeen80859727: @Hamidkh94398540 Shukria , ye meri nhi h janab Shamim Hanfi sahb ki shayri h - 4 years ago

@temporal3: Shamim Hanfi, Urdu poet, playwright and critic, passes away - 4 years ago

@Faraz3083: RT @indyurdu: شميم حنفی چلے گئے۔ ادب میں انسان دوستی کا ایک باب بند ہوا۔ عجیب عالم ہے، انسانیت پر پیغمبری وقت ہے۔ وہ کندھے کم ہو رہے ہیں جو… - 4 years ago

@_ChSAli: RT @indyurdu: شميم حنفی چلے گئے۔ ادب میں انسان دوستی کا ایک باب بند ہوا۔ عجیب عالم ہے، انسانیت پر پیغمبری وقت ہے۔ وہ کندھے کم ہو رہے ہیں جو… - 4 years ago

@indyurdu: شميم حنفی چلے گئے۔ ادب میں انسان دوستی کا ایک باب بند ہوا۔ عجیب عالم ہے، انسانیت پر پیغمبری وقت ہے۔ وہ کندھے کم ہو… - 4 years ago

@sanasyed109: RT @nawaidanjum: Maqdoor ho to khaak se poochon ke aye laeem Tu ne woh ganj haaye gira-maaya kya kiye (If I were given the power, I would… - 4 years ago

@taemeer: پروفیسرشمیم حنفی بھی چلے گئے - از معصوم مرادآبادی پروفیسر شمیم حنفی کے انتقال سے اردو دنیا سوگوار ہے۔ انھوں نے ایک… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Obituary - Death : Veteran Urdu Critic, writer, and poet, Professo... - 4 years ago

@nadeemnknk: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and p… - 4 years ago

@AMUNetwork: Shamim Hanfi, Urdu poet, playwright and critic, passes away - - 4 years ago

@Mrs_suri_: RT @ZakiAzmi2524: A great modern Urdu poet, dramatist & critic 'Shamim Hanafi' Is no more (17 Nov 1938 – 6 May 2021) दर्द के पत्थर सभी… - 4 years ago

@pcumesh: Alvida ke din Shamim Hanfi Saab ne is fani duniya ko Alvida kaha. RIP. #ShamimHanfi @Rekhta @jaunsi - 4 years ago

@HussainiJaweria: RT @frontline_india: A prolific author, #ShamimHanfi's credit lay in his relentless endeavour to save Urdu from becoming an instrument of h… - 4 years ago

@gdmukherjee: RT @frontline_india: A prolific author, #ShamimHanfi's credit lay in his relentless endeavour to save Urdu from becoming an instrument of h… - 4 years ago

@ziyaussalam: RT @frontline_india: A prolific author, #ShamimHanfi's credit lay in his relentless endeavour to save Urdu from becoming an instrument of h… - 4 years ago

@arshad70007: Famous Urdu writer Shamim Hanfi.... RIP - 4 years ago

@uddinhasha: RT @frontline_india: A prolific author, #ShamimHanfi's credit lay in his relentless endeavour to save Urdu from becoming an instrument of h… - 4 years ago

@justfortayy: RT @nawaidanjum: Maqdoor ho to khaak se poochon ke aye laeem Tu ne woh ganj haaye gira-maaya kya kiye (If I were given the power, I would… - 4 years ago

@ISNTiwari: RT @ZakiAzmi2524: A great modern Urdu poet, dramatist & critic 'Shamim Hanafi' Is no more (17 Nov 1938 – 6 May 2021) दर्द के पत्थर सभी… - 4 years ago

@Khyali082280944: RT @airnewsalerts: Veteran Urdu Critic, Professor Shamim Hanfi passes away at 82 - 4 years ago

@FlickNookIn: Shamim Hanfi, Urdu poet, playwright and critic, passes away - Frontline: Shamim Hanfi, Urdu poet, playwright and cr… - 4 years ago

@Shahidlived: RT @frontline_india: A prolific author, #ShamimHanfi's credit lay in his relentless endeavour to save Urdu from becoming an instrument of h… - 4 years ago

@yusufpore: RT @frontline_india: A prolific author, #ShamimHanfi's credit lay in his relentless endeavour to save Urdu from becoming an instrument of h… - 4 years ago

@Maharajputsinh: RT @PBNS_India: Veteran Urdu Critic, writer, and poet, Professor Shamim Hanfi passed away at the age of 82 after battling COVID-related com… - 4 years ago

@PBNS_India: Veteran Urdu Critic, writer, and poet, Professor Shamim Hanfi passed away at the age of 82 after battling COVID-rel… - 4 years ago

@gudduansari7gma: RT @Rekhta: शमीम हनफ़ी जैसी साफ़-ओ-शफ़्फ़ाफ़ और दिल को छूती हुई बात-चीत मैंने किसी अदीब के यहाँ नहीं पाई। वो अगर आपको किसी शहर के बारे में… - 4 years ago

@DeepakPatrewal: RT @airnewsalerts: Veteran Urdu Critic, Professor Shamim Hanfi passes away at 82 - 4 years ago

@neetakolhatkar: RT @airnewsalerts: Veteran Urdu Critic, Professor Shamim Hanfi passes away at 82 - 4 years ago

@airnewsalerts: Veteran Urdu Critic, Professor Shamim Hanfi passes away at 82 - 4 years ago

@LegalPolitical: RT @sepoy: Alvida Shamim Hanfi sahib/ What great losses we must sustain…. - 4 years ago

@Mashable_PK: Famous Urdu Scholar Shamim Hanfi passed away at 81. - 4 years ago

@MUHAMMA45965422: وہ کندھے کم ہو رہے ہیں جو دوسروں کے دکھ اٹھانے کا کام کرتے ہیں - 4 years ago

@Aastiktripathi: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@NsseerAhmed: RT @indyurdu: شميم حنفی چلے گئے۔ ادب میں انسان دوستی کا ایک باب بند ہوا۔ عجیب عالم ہے، انسانیت پر پیغمبری وقت ہے۔ وہ کندھے کم ہو رہے ہیں جو… - 4 years ago

@mahamkhanum: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@a1nazim786: RT @Rekhta: शमीम हनफ़ी जैसी साफ़-ओ-शफ़्फ़ाफ़ और दिल को छूती हुई बात-चीत मैंने किसी अदीब के यहाँ नहीं पाई। वो अगर आपको किसी शहर के बारे में… - 4 years ago

@PoetWaqiK: RT @Rekhta: शमीम हनफ़ी जैसी साफ़-ओ-शफ़्फ़ाफ़ और दिल को छूती हुई बात-चीत मैंने किसी अदीब के यहाँ नहीं पाई। वो अगर आपको किसी शहर के बारे में… - 4 years ago

@beingshadab1011: RT @Rekhta: शमीम हनफ़ी जैसी साफ़-ओ-शफ़्फ़ाफ़ और दिल को छूती हुई बात-चीत मैंने किसी अदीब के यहाँ नहीं पाई। वो अगर आपको किसी शहर के बारे में… - 4 years ago

@Rekhta: शमीम हनफ़ी जैसी साफ़-ओ-शफ़्फ़ाफ़ और दिल को छूती हुई बात-चीत मैंने किसी अदीब के यहाँ नहीं पाई। वो अगर आपको किसी शहर… - 4 years ago

@AwaisAwaisse: RT @indyurdu: شميم حنفی چلے گئے۔ ادب میں انسان دوستی کا ایک باب بند ہوا۔ عجیب عالم ہے، انسانیت پر پیغمبری وقت ہے۔ وہ کندھے کم ہو رہے ہیں جو… - 4 years ago

@indyurdu: شميم حنفی چلے گئے۔ ادب میں انسان دوستی کا ایک باب بند ہوا۔ عجیب عالم ہے، انسانیت پر پیغمبری وقت ہے۔ وہ کندھے کم ہو… - 4 years ago

@Azharud16753089: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@afridijalil: Renowned Urdu writer and critic Shamim Hanfi succumbs to Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@Glowpoint: RT @KASHIFGRAMI: Prof Shamim hanfi a literally stalwart and noted Urdu Critic passed away may his soul rest in peace .he will always live w… - 4 years ago

@KHANAZIZ697: RT @sepoy: Alvida Shamim Hanfi sahib/ What great losses we must sustain…. - 4 years ago

@SyedAsg40342647: RT @ZakiAzmi2524: A great modern Urdu poet, dramatist & critic 'Shamim Hanafi' Is no more (17 Nov 1938 – 6 May 2021) दर्द के पत्थर सभी… - 4 years ago

@RashidJ33912922: Shamim hanfi passes away is lose an era of urdu literature we condolences there family and urdu lovers - 4 years ago

@brutality_files: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@TheFrontierPost: Renowned Urdu writer and critic Shamim Hanfi succumbs to Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@iamimansaleem: Renowned Urdu writer and critic Shamim Hanfi has passed away in New Delhi after battling with Corona Virus he was 8… - 4 years ago

@Rekhta: @justfortayy Shamim sahab ki videos Rekhta or @JashneRekhta ke Youtube channel par maujood hain Ap is link par clic… - 4 years ago

@apoorvasunshine: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@WaqasSaeed: RT @Punjnudcom: معروف نقاد، شاعر اور ڈرامہ نگار شمیم حنفی بھی ہم میں نہیں رہے - پنجند۔کوم شمیم حنفی 17 مئی، 1939ء کو سلطانپور میں پیدا ہوئے… - 4 years ago

@Aastiktripathi: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@ZakiAzmi2524: A great modern Urdu poet, dramatist & critic 'Shamim Hanafi' Is no more (17 Nov 1938 – 6 May 2021) दर्द के पत्थ… - 4 years ago

@Punjnudcom: معروف نقاد، شاعر اور ڈرامہ نگار شمیم حنفی بھی ہم میں نہیں رہے - پنجند۔کوم شمیم حنفی 17 مئی، 1939ء کو سلطانپور میں پ… - 4 years ago

@ShahabFaruqi: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@Saumyakul: Alvida, Shamim Hanfi sahab :( - 4 years ago

@dailypakistangl: Famous Urdu writer, critic #ShamimHanfi dies of coronavirus - 4 years ago

@Imharidutt1: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@IiserTirupati: RT @officialmanuu: @imcmanuu Pays tribute to Prof. Shamim Hanfi. A galactic contributer to the rich cultural heritage of Urdu Language. @E… - 4 years ago

@raiparmjit: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@ramadvocate4: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@YASEENAMIN10: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@HinaAhmedAl1: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@aana_2210: Patient Prof. Shamim Hanfi passed away @ICLU_Ind so deleting my earlier my tweet. Don't stop helping. Continue. - 4 years ago

@officialmanuu: @imcmanuu Pays tribute to Prof. Shamim Hanfi. A galactic contributer to the rich cultural heritage of Urdu Language… - 4 years ago

@imcmanuu: IMC Pays it's sincere tribute to an individual who has contributed massively to the rich cultural heritage of Urdu… - 4 years ago

@dips4v: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@amazing__ak: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@Ahl_e_Jaun: RT @Pallav561: Phir laut ke is bazm mein aane ke nahiin hain Hum log kisi aur zamaane ke nahiin hain - Shamim Hanfi... Alvidaa'a - 4 years ago

@uddinhasha: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@ShaqaibLilla: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@AMUNetwork: Famous Urdu writer and critic Shamim Hanfi succumbs to coronavirus - 4 years ago

@ghoseb: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@Adnanulhaq: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@DiLNawazkne: RT @khabarsemanchal: Urdu अदब को नया मुकाम देने वाले और जाने माने लेखक, हम सबके उस्ताद Prof Shamim Hanfi साहेब भी हमारे बीच नहीं रहे। दुआ ए… - 4 years ago

@Akshayamukul: RT @sepoy: Alvida Shamim Hanfi sahib/ What great losses we must sustain…. - 4 years ago

@awsukhan: "Ahhhh! Another doyen of Urdu literature, Prof. Shamim Hanfi one of the solid most pillars holding the roof of this… - 4 years ago

@ask_not_why: RIP Shamim Hanfi sb. - 4 years ago

@mutinousbehenji: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@manavtasarvapri: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@RoohaniHasan: RT @khabarsemanchal: Urdu अदब को नया मुकाम देने वाले और जाने माने लेखक, हम सबके उस्ताद Prof Shamim Hanfi साहेब भी हमारे बीच नहीं रहे। दुआ ए… - 4 years ago

@psychedelhic: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@sunny_satinder: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@Afreenalam_: RT @thealigarhwalla: Feeling sad to inform you all that, a wise man and noted Urdu critic, Prof Shamim Hanfi sahib is no more with us!! He… - 4 years ago

@corona_alerts: RT @sfida511: جدیدیت کی فلسفیانہ اساس والے شمیم حنفی بھی ہمیں داغ مفارقت دے گئے -😥😥 #shamim_hanfi #CoronavirusIndia #شمیم_حنفی - 4 years ago

@urduprof: Sad news. Rest in peace, Shamim Hanfi sahib. - 4 years ago

@munajir92: انا لله وانا اليه راجعون Urdu अदब को नया मुकाम देने वाले और जाने माने लेखक, हम सबके उस्ताद… - 4 years ago

@monibakhoond: RT @thealigarhwalla: Feeling sad to inform you all that, a wise man and noted Urdu critic, Prof Shamim Hanfi sahib is no more with us!! He… - 4 years ago

@sfida511: جدیدیت کی فلسفیانہ اساس والے شمیم حنفی بھی ہمیں داغ مفارقت دے گئے -😥😥 #shamim_hanfi #CoronavirusIndia #شمیم_حنفی - 4 years ago

@talkintree: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@khabarsemanchal: Urdu अदब को नया मुकाम देने वाले और जाने माने लेखक, हम सबके उस्ताद Prof Shamim Hanfi साहेब भी हमारे बीच नहीं रहे। दु… - 4 years ago

@NiftyEducation: RT @thealigarhwalla: Feeling sad to inform you all that, a wise man and noted Urdu critic, Prof Shamim Hanfi sahib is no more with us!! He… - 4 years ago

@ErZulfiRahman: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Shamim Hanfi, you will be missed - #ShamimHanfi #Shamim #Hanfi #rip - 4 years ago

@arbasar: RT @Ishq_Urdu: @iamrana And now Shamim Hanfi sahb is no more 💔 alvida sir - 4 years ago

@RizwanAhmad1: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@IMSajidHassan: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@Abdul248Abdul: Famous Urdu writer and critic Shamim Hanfi succumbs to coronavirus - 4 years ago

@yusufpore: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@roomynaqvy: Shamim Hanfi sahab was an excellent scholar and I was lucky enough to have known him. - 4 years ago

@AsifMas70691053: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@NaghmaWani: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@SHAHNAW35444800: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@waqarkauravi: RT @syedurahman: Prof. Shamim Hanfi is no more. #COVID19 consumes another literary giant. He was an Urdu critic, dramatist and a proponent… - 4 years ago

@FlyingA07531429: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@VIJAYraghavSING: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@sposhy0007: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@tawairkh: RT @thealigarhwalla: Feeling sad to inform you all that, a wise man and noted Urdu critic, Prof Shamim Hanfi sahib is no more with us!! He… - 4 years ago

@Husnashaikh177: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@Husnashaikh177: RT @thealigarhwalla: Feeling sad to inform you all that, a wise man and noted Urdu critic, Prof Shamim Hanfi sahib is no more with us!! He… - 4 years ago

@Kavya_Ras: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@AkhtarParweza: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@Anuraag1920: RT @Rekhta: We are saddened to inform you all about the demise of one of the most respected literary critics, playwrights and poets Prof. S… - 4 years ago

@KunwarRanjeet3: RT @jashneadab: With heavy heart we bid adieu to Prof Shamim Hanfi, a literary stalwart and noted Urdu critic. May his soul rest in peace… - 4 years ago

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