Shakti Sinha

Indian civil servant
Died on Tuesday October 5th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Shakti Sinha:

@ravisolankibjp: RT @PandaJay: Shakti Sinha was one of our finest civil servants & public intellectuals. He had served as a close aid to PM Vajpayee, wrote… - 3 years ago

@festivalbharat: RT @CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we are an ho… - 3 years ago

@Hitanshu_Sinha: RT @ShahnawazBJP: #GatiShaktiNationalMasterPlan , a 100 lakh crore national infrastructure master plan which will make a foundation for hol… - 3 years ago

@prateikjuneja: RT @ShekharGupta: How did I miss this fine tribute to former civil set & thought leader Shakti Sinha by scholar Constantino Xavier @Constan… - 3 years ago


@pajama_person: RT @RohanV: "He believed that instead of dismissing or overruling people’s concerns, however marginal, one should engage and accommodate th… - 3 years ago

@pickooo: RT @AdityaRajKaul: Shocked to hear about the sudden demise of Shakti Sinha ji @shaktisinha! We were both supposed to speak at a conference… - 3 years ago

@MukherjeeWritam: RT @IASassociation: We condole the untimely demise of Sh Shakti Sinha, #IAS AGMU:79. He was an Administrator, Thinker and Author par excell… - 3 years ago

@TSOA_011: RT @ShekharGupta: How did I miss this fine tribute to former civil set & thought leader Shakti Sinha by scholar Constantino Xavier @Constan… - 3 years ago

@vikantsahay: RT @ShekharGupta: How did I miss this fine tribute to former civil set & thought leader Shakti Sinha by scholar Constantino Xavier @Constan… - 3 years ago

@ConstantinoX: RT @ShekharGupta: How did I miss this fine tribute to former civil set & thought leader Shakti Sinha by scholar Constantino Xavier @Constan… - 3 years ago

@chemc1990: RT @ShekharGupta: How did I miss this fine tribute to former civil set & thought leader Shakti Sinha by scholar Constantino Xavier @Constan… - 3 years ago

@PatriotBharathi: RT @ShekharGupta: How did I miss this fine tribute to former civil set & thought leader Shakti Sinha by scholar Constantino Xavier @Constan… - 3 years ago

@ShekharGupta: How did I miss this fine tribute to former civil set & thought leader Shakti Sinha by scholar Constantino Xavier… - 3 years ago

@31ranjana: RT @ignca_delhi: A condolence meeting on the demise of Late Shri Shakti Sinha, Director General, @IbcWorldOrg was held in the premises of… - 3 years ago

@shounakset: RT @PaliwalAvi: Such a beautiful tribute to @shaktisinha, an outstanding, liberal Indian from the political right. He launched my book at T… - 3 years ago

@UpendraBaghel_: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@UpendraBaghel_: RT @rammadhav_rss: Shocked to hear about Shakti Sinha’s demise. He was a member of the Governing Board of India Foundation and was schedule… - 3 years ago

@asharma2081: RT @haryannvi: Shakti Sinha was a politician by instinct, and a street fighter for causes he believed in Good piece. I didn’t know Mrs Ka… - 3 years ago

@haryannvi: Shakti Sinha was a politician by instinct, and a street fighter for causes he believed in Good piece. I didn’t kn… - 3 years ago

@Vijayan22914387: RT @rammadhav_rss: Shocked to hear about Shakti Sinha’s demise. He was a member of the Governing Board of India Foundation and was schedule… - 3 years ago

@MukeshMaan_BJP: RT @PandaJay: Shakti Sinha was one of our finest civil servants & public intellectuals. He had served as a close aid to PM Vajpayee, wrote… - 3 years ago

@odishaminority: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@RaviHR02: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@DeepakG42987869: RT @BureaucratsInd: We deeply mourn the passing away of illustrious IAS officer Shri Shakti Sinha. A visionary bureaucrat, Shri Sinha play… - 3 years ago

@Gaurav_ddk: RT @ignca_delhi: A condolence meeting on the demise of Late Shri Shakti Sinha, Director General, @IbcWorldOrg was held in the premises of… - 3 years ago

@cgnetsubhash: RT @ignca_delhi: A condolence meeting on the demise of Late Shri Shakti Sinha, Director General, @IbcWorldOrg was held in the premises of… - 3 years ago

@sinha_susma: RT @Geethak_MP: On the auspicious 4th day of #ShardiyaNavaratri2021, Goddess Kushmanda is worshiped. It is also a celebration of feminine p… - 3 years ago

@MeenaTarunYadav: RT @PandaJay: Shakti Sinha was one of our finest civil servants & public intellectuals. He had served as a close aid to PM Vajpayee, wrote… - 3 years ago

@ignca_delhi: A condolence meeting on the demise of Late Shri Shakti Sinha, Director General, @IbcWorldOrg was held in the premi… - 3 years ago

@NTwtmAy55G1wFHH: RT @digambarkamat: Saddened by the passing away of my friend Shakti Sinha - IAS. He was a "Friend of Goa". My condolences to his family & f… - 3 years ago

@moneycontrolcom: #MCOpinion: #ShaktiSinha, as Private Secretary to PM AB Vajpayee, comprehensively transformed the powerful office.… - 3 years ago

@YuvrajsinhVashi: RT @aiprismsub: CONDOLANCE MEETING Our beloved SHAKTI SINHA (11/05/1957 – 04/10/2021 ) Director, AIPRIS, The M. S. University of Baroda… - 3 years ago

@aiprismsub: CONDOLANCE MEETING Our beloved SHAKTI SINHA (11/05/1957 – 04/10/2021 ) Director, AIPRIS, The M. S. University o… - 3 years ago

@burpingpanda: RT @haryannvi: Shakti Sinha was a politician by instinct, and a street fighter for causes he believed in Good piece. I didn’t know Mrs Ka… - 3 years ago

@shaitaanshanaya: Shakti Sinha was a politician by instinct, and a street fighter for causes he believed in - 3 years ago

@shaitaanshanaya: Shakti Sinha was a politician by instinct, and a street fighter for causes he believed in - 3 years ago

@AmitJha16095574: RT @BureaucratsInd: We deeply mourn the passing away of illustrious IAS officer Shri Shakti Sinha. A visionary bureaucrat, Shri Sinha play… - 3 years ago

@caedristi: Atal Vajpayee’s Former Private Secretary Shakti Sinha passed away - 3 years ago

@SunilCh73994856: RT @Andaman_Admin: Chief Secretary @Jitendra_Narain & officers of A&N Administration paid homage to former Chief Secretary of Islands Sh. S… - 3 years ago

@GhalotiPs: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@navin_bulusu: RT @CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we are an ho… - 3 years ago

@ppaparao87: RT @Andaman_Admin: Chief Secretary @Jitendra_Narain & officers of A&N Administration paid homage to former Chief Secretary of Islands Sh. S… - 3 years ago

@rule_babu: RT @Andaman_Admin: Chief Secretary @Jitendra_Narain & officers of A&N Administration paid homage to former Chief Secretary of Islands Sh. S… - 3 years ago

@Pksingh051688: RT @Andaman_Admin: Chief Secretary @Jitendra_Narain & officers of A&N Administration paid homage to former Chief Secretary of Islands Sh. S… - 3 years ago

@ShozabA81924970: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@ANUpdates1: RT @Andaman_Admin: Chief Secretary @Jitendra_Narain & officers of A&N Administration paid homage to former Chief Secretary of Islands Sh. S… - 3 years ago

@TSOA_011: RT @vmingoa: "He drank feni and sang Portuguese songs...ordered food for everyone like a niz goenkar, asking about different fish types, o… - 3 years ago

@keralaapscgk: അടൽ വാജ്‌പേയിയുടെ മുൻ പ്രൈവറ്റ് സെക്രട്ടറി ശക്തി സിൻഹ അന്തരിച്ചു. - 3 years ago

@SamikshaRoy5: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@SVarghese17: RT @CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we are an ho… - 3 years ago

@Marie_AdH: RT @CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we are an ho… - 3 years ago

@arimas_girl: RT @Andaman_Admin: Chief Secretary @Jitendra_Narain & officers of A&N Administration paid homage to former Chief Secretary of Islands Sh. S… - 3 years ago

@Andaman_Admin: Chief Secretary @Jitendra_Narain & officers of A&N Administration paid homage to former Chief Secretary of Islands… - 3 years ago

@CittiMedia: RT @CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we are an ho… - 3 years ago

@DineshR76415110: RT @AdityaRajKaul: Shocked to hear about the sudden demise of Shakti Sinha ji @shaktisinha! We were both supposed to speak at a conference… - 3 years ago

@shoonaya: RT @CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we are an ho… - 3 years ago

@RajanR96981436: RT @CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we are an ho… - 3 years ago

@festivalbharat: RT @CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we are an ho… - 3 years ago

@CittiMedia: FLASHBACK: "All surveys of Afghans showed India to be the most popular country in Afghanistan. This is because we a… - 3 years ago

@Fayaz63640698: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@hIy8V0XVhaGx3HO: RT @ShahnawazBJP: I am shocked & saddened to hear about Shakti Sinha Ji's untimely demise. He was a member of the Governing Board of India… - 3 years ago

@AbhaychaurasiaG: RT @IASassociation: We condole the untimely demise of Sh Shakti Sinha, #IAS AGMU:79. He was an Administrator, Thinker and Author par excell… - 3 years ago

@omgoa_dot_com: #GoaDiary_Goa_News How Shakti Sinha Embraced Goa To Deepen India’s Democracy - CONSTANTINO XAVIER - 3 years ago

@chatterjeearupk: RT @chatterjeearupk: Rest in peace Shri Shakti Sinha - 3 years ago

@Varun8Vijay: RT @dhume: I’ll remember Shakti Sinha for his zest for life, deep curiosity about the world, and ability to keep political disagreements se… - 3 years ago

@amitabhmattoo: RT @vmingoa: "He drank feni and sang Portuguese songs...ordered food for everyone like a niz goenkar, asking about different fish types, o… - 3 years ago

@Jeanstephanele2: RT @PMROffice: Shri Muralidhar Rao ji will take part in a discussion on Book ' Vajpayee: The years that changed India' Written by Shri Shak… - 3 years ago

@Akshobh: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@Ranjan_Narayan: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@chikoootweets: RT @Akshobh: Fantastic tribute to @shaktisinha:"He lived in proximity to power, but his instinct was to spend time with those on the margin… - 3 years ago

@RavijeetSehrawa: RT @PandaJay: Shakti Sinha was one of our finest civil servants & public intellectuals. He had served as a close aid to PM Vajpayee, wrote… - 3 years ago

@rrchaturvedy: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@Gokul_Sahni: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@SakshiNiharika: RT @IASassociation: We condole the untimely demise of Sh Shakti Sinha, #IAS AGMU:79. He was an Administrator, Thinker and Author par excell… - 3 years ago

@PrakashWKamatPK: RT @kunalone: Goa and Shakti Sir shared an intimate bond.. He is not among us is still unbelievable. @ConstantinoX has nicely narrated his… - 3 years ago

@kunalone: Goa and Shakti Sir shared an intimate bond.. He is not among us is still unbelievable. @ConstantinoX has nicely na… - 3 years ago

@sunitamrm: RT @PCITweets: The Press Club of India is shocked at the untimely passing of Shakti Sinha, former bureaucrat and Director of Nehru Memorial… - 3 years ago

@KaushalSatija: RT @IASassociation: We condole the untimely demise of Sh Shakti Sinha, #IAS AGMU:79. He was an Administrator, Thinker and Author par excell… - 3 years ago

@princeamitabh: RT @scroll_in: I knew Shakti Sinha had served in Goa, but how could a North Indian, former IAS official, know of such a typically Goan secr… - 3 years ago

@scroll_in: I knew Shakti Sinha had served in Goa, but how could a North Indian, former IAS official, know of such a typically… - 3 years ago

@PushHigherEd: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@56perumal: RT @tfipost: Shakti Sinha: The celebrated bureaucrat from the #AtalBihariVajpayee era will always be remembered Former IAS officer and pri… - 3 years ago

@ashuvaani: RT @maliniawasthi: This is unbelievable news. Respected shakti sinha is no more...Tough to believe this. What a fine gentleman, what a Grea… - 3 years ago

@trivedi_sonu: Gone but never forgotten!!! writes @sudarshanr108 Bureaucrat of a Different Mould: Unassuming and Gentle, Shakti Si… - 3 years ago

@shivu1601: RT @Manik_M_Jolly: A brilliant article on Shakti Sinha ji by @sudarshanr108. Do read 👍 - 3 years ago

@Suresh_Pankajj: RT @PandaJay: Shakti Sinha was one of our finest civil servants & public intellectuals. He had served as a close aid to PM Vajpayee, wrote… - 3 years ago

@CraigBDG: RT @Buddhistdoor: #Buddhistdoor #news: International Buddhist Confederation Director General Shakti Sinha Dies, Aged 64 Read more: https:/… - 3 years ago

@BuddhismShow: International Buddhist Confederation Director General Shakti Sinha Dies, Aged 64 - Buddhistdoor Global - 3 years ago

@Buddhismofworld: International Buddhist Confederation Director General Shakti Sinha Dies, Aged 64 - Buddhistdoor Global - 3 years ago

@DixitGK: @ConstantinoX You called a member of Saint Michael gang a north Indian ( Late Shakti Sinha was a proud student of… - 3 years ago

@JpPandya8: RT @HardeepSPuri: Deeply saddened by the sudden & untimely demise of great friend, author, intellectual & IAS officer Shakti Sinha. Our… - 3 years ago

@CSEP_Org: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@Buddhistdoor: #Buddhistdoor #news: International Buddhist Confederation Director General Shakti Sinha Dies, Aged 64 Read more:… - 3 years ago

@KamalMadishetty: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@IndianIR: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@_India_Research: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@yash__acharya: RT @ConstantinoX: My tribute to Shakti Sinha, recalling one night at the Clube Vasco da Gama. His approach to Goa embodied "the might of t… - 3 years ago

@ShriKan21710839: RT @IASassociation: We condole the untimely demise of Sh Shakti Sinha, #IAS AGMU:79. He was an Administrator, Thinker and Author par excell… - 3 years ago

@omgoa_dot_com: #GoaDiary_Goa_News_External How Shakti Sinha embraced Goa to deepen India’s democracy - 3 years ago

@news18dotcom: #OPINION: "Bureaucrat of a different mould - Unassuming and gentle, Shakti Sinha inspired young minds," writes… - 3 years ago

@Akshobh: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 24 319) #Indian #ex - #bureaucrat #and #Vajpayee #aide , #Shakti #Sinha #dies #cardiac #arrest… - 3 years ago

@pri1us: RT @ashubh: Shakti Sinha obits can also add that Pratap B Mehta had resigned from NMML executive Council opposing Sinha's appointment as NM… - 3 years ago

@SreenivasanBR: RT @Rajan_ptt: #shaktisinha It is hard to imagine the silence of someone who was always a voice of appreciation and encouragement for the y… - 3 years ago

@kumaruday99: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@ArchanaAgrawa10: RT @IASassociation: We condole the untimely demise of Sh Shakti Sinha, #IAS AGMU:79. He was an Administrator, Thinker and Author par excell… - 3 years ago

@THELEGALHINDU: RT @indfoundation: India Foundation mourns the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha. He had been a part of the IF team in many avatars over the year… - 3 years ago

@ManishSShrma: RT @acorn: Shakti Sinha will be fondly remembered and sorely missed by the faculty and students at @TakshashilaInst. His sudden passing is… - 3 years ago

@festivalbharat: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@Zeeshan44316910: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@ManishYati: RT @IndianExpress: Sources close to Sinha’s family said he died of cardiac arrest while asleep. “He was talking to his family till 2 am. Wh… - 3 years ago

@SonuSatbirSola1: RT @PandaJay: Shakti Sinha was one of our finest civil servants & public intellectuals. He had served as a close aid to PM Vajpayee, wrote… - 3 years ago

@MagaRam23334040: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@BablooPandeyBJP: RT @PandaJay: Shakti Sinha was one of our finest civil servants & public intellectuals. He had served as a close aid to PM Vajpayee, wrote… - 3 years ago

@NeelanjanSircar: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@RajniPandeyBJP: RT @PandaJay: Shakti Sinha was one of our finest civil servants & public intellectuals. He had served as a close aid to PM Vajpayee, wrote… - 3 years ago

@SMFriendAITC: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@naveenkapoor1: So true. I saw Shakti sinha closely during my reporting days. - 3 years ago

@HemantS76750129: RT @HardeepSPuri: Deeply saddened by the sudden & untimely demise of great friend, author, intellectual & IAS officer Shakti Sinha. Our… - 3 years ago

@HindustanTimes: Shakti Sinha: The liberal who found home in Vajpayee’s BJP - 3 years ago

@alishah19177080: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@Ayanangsha: @Artillery11 - 3 years ago

@ArnabRo79912358: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@dcac_du: Itihāsa, The History Association of DCAC along with IQAC is hosting "Hidden In Plain Sight-a Presentation Series,on… - 3 years ago

@imtruelegend: RT @ShekharGupta: Shocking news this and a terrible loss. Shakti Sinha, old friend and fellow-traveller, had the heart, and art of smilingl… - 3 years ago

@news18dotcom: #OPINION: "Shakti Sinha always stood for encouraging young thinkers and sought for them to come up with innovative… - 3 years ago

@LordCalvyn: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@devashishsaxen9: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@IndianIR: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@IndianIR: RT @PaliwalAvi: Such a beautiful tribute to @shaktisinha, an outstanding, liberal Indian from the political right. He launched my book at T… - 3 years ago

@Karan_2456: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@yasharkpandey: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@Dharmapla1: RT @subhash_kak: Saddened to hear of Shakti Sinha ji's passing He will be much missed - 3 years ago

@YudhishterSin12: RT @ABHAYKUMAR_IPA: Deeply shocked and anguish on hearing the untimely and sudden demise of Sh. SHAKTI SINHA JI, (IAS). Even few days back… - 3 years ago

@clary_co: RT @PaliwalAvi: Such a beautiful tribute to @shaktisinha, an outstanding, liberal Indian from the political right. He launched my book at T… - 3 years ago

@chatterjeearupk: Rest in peace Shri Shakti Sinha - 3 years ago

@priyankchn: A deeply moving obituary for Shri Shakti Sinha ji. "In his story lies a clue into why a generation of India’s soci… - 3 years ago

@ForumFed: RT @ForumFed: Everyone at the Forum of Federations mourns the sudden loss of our colleague and Forum Senior Advisor, Shakti Sinha. The w… - 3 years ago

@AmitSen9333: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@subhash_kak: RT @subhash_kak: Saddened to hear of Shakti Sinha ji's passing He will be much missed - 3 years ago

@AmbikaKhanna: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@niranjanbhatta0: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@AmbikeshSahu: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@GhulamH04691391: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@RavindraVenkata: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@ErN_K_Trivedi: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@TVMohandasPai: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@PaliwalAvi: Such a beautiful tribute to @shaktisinha, an outstanding, liberal Indian from the political right. He launched my b… - 3 years ago

@Marie_AdH: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@1w2590tf: RT @SANATANI__HARSH: Ex-bureaucrat and atal bihari Vajpayee ji private secretary Shakti Sinha ji humari sath nahi rahai OM SHANTI - 3 years ago

@Ptr6Vb: @anirbanganguly @spmrfoundation @shaktisinha Sad & Shocked. RIP Shakti Sinha - 3 years ago

@MnJad2: RT @rammadhav_rss: Shocked to hear about Shakti Sinha’s demise. He was a member of the Governing Board of India Foundation and was schedule… - 3 years ago

@navin_bulusu: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@CittiMedia: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@RajanR96981436: RT @festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@festivalbharat: A tribute to Shri Shakti Sinha ji: 🙏🏼🕉❤️ #ShaktiSinha #AumShanti ❤️🕉🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@TSOA_011: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@VediLal: RT @DarshanaJardosh: Sad to hear of the demise of former IAS officer and a member of the Governing Board of India Foundation, Shri Shakti S… - 3 years ago

@RUPRAMPARIHAAR1: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@abusakerjamader: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@HatuiMonalisa: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@iamrrj1: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@aryandrozario: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@PushHigherEd: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@iamdanishussain: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@aitc_moumita: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@DrIanHall: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@change_thinker: Shakti Sinha: The liberal who found home in Vajpayee’s BJP - 3 years ago

@tridiveshsingh: @SuhasiniSinha @shaktisinha Deepest Condolences. May God give your family strength and fortitude to bear this irrep… - 3 years ago

@npfingeshwar: RT @HardeepSPuri: Deeply saddened by the sudden & untimely demise of great friend, author, intellectual & IAS officer Shakti Sinha. Our… - 3 years ago

@Gokul_Sahni: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@pakhalabadi: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@parasratna: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@vmingoa: RT @ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power, but… - 3 years ago

@Rajendr93646711: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@ShiekYasus: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@RajeshKuGiri1: RT @RajeevSolar: Saddened by untimely demise of Shri Shakti Sinha ⁦@shaktisinha⁩ whom I regarded as my most sensible guide. My prayers for… - 3 years ago

@ConstantinoX: Shakti Sinha as a political liberal, a foreign policy realist and a democratic man: "he lived in proximity to power… - 3 years ago

@DrRamAmbatkar: RT @rammadhav_rss: Shocked to hear about Shakti Sinha’s demise. He was a member of the Governing Board of India Foundation and was schedule… - 3 years ago

@Usha37809125: RT @HardeepSPuri: Deeply saddened by the sudden & untimely demise of great friend, author, intellectual & IAS officer Shakti Sinha. Our… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Shakti Sinha, you will be missed - #ShaktiSinha #Shakti #Sinha #rip - 3 years ago

@RajeevSolar: Saddened by untimely demise of Shri Shakti Sinha ⁦@shaktisinha⁩ whom I regarded as my most sensible guide. My praye… - 3 years ago

@AmitTri27919113: RT @ShahnawazBJP: I am shocked & saddened to hear about Shakti Sinha Ji's untimely demise. He was a member of the Governing Board of India… - 3 years ago

@swanikmaharaj: RT @subhash_kak: Saddened to hear of Shakti Sinha ji's passing He will be much missed - 3 years ago

@Johniky5: RT @rammadhav_rss: Shocked to hear about Shakti Sinha’s demise. He was a member of the Governing Board of India Foundation and was schedule… - 3 years ago

@deepaprakash: RT @indfoundation: India Foundation mourns the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha. He had been a part of the IF team in many avatars over the year… - 3 years ago

@BWBusinessworld: Former IAS Officer, Vajpayee Close Aide, Shakti Sinha Dies At 64 #shaktisinha #IAS - 3 years ago

@MazahirRaza4: RT @HardeepSPuri: Deeply saddened by the sudden & untimely demise of great friend, author, intellectual & IAS officer Shakti Sinha. Our… - 3 years ago

@KhanNis86054369: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@Chef_arindam: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@Bilal_Shabbu: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@ImSuryaTrichy: RT @luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa has… - 3 years ago

@Charu98174036: RT @maliniawasthi: This is unbelievable news. Respected shakti sinha is no more...Tough to believe this. What a fine gentleman, what a Grea… - 3 years ago

@OkeyEgwim: @rammadhav_rss Rip Mr.Shakti Sinha - 3 years ago

@SomanNidhish: RT @news18dotcom: #OPINION: "Bureaucrat of a different mould - Unassuming and gentle, Shakti Sinha inspired young minds," writes @sudarshan… - 3 years ago

@luizinhofaleiro: Deeply saddened and shocked at the demise of Shakti Sinha. An intellectual, a gentle soul and a true patriot. Goa h… - 3 years ago

@puran263: RT @AjayDhawle: Bureaucrat of a Different Mould: Unassuming and Gentle, Shakti Sinha Inspired Young Minds. - 3 years ago

@AjayDhawle: Bureaucrat of a Different Mould: Unassuming and Gentle, Shakti Sinha Inspired Young Minds. - 3 years ago

@NawangDorjay11: RT @OfficeOfLGJandK: Saddened to hear about the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. He was an able administrator, eminent thinker who rendered… - 3 years ago

@gorhardik: RT @AshwiniVaishnaw: Saddened to hear about the demise of my respected and beloved senior Shri Shakti Sinha Ji. My deepest condolence to hi… - 3 years ago

@devanshkaushik1: RT @indfoundation: India Foundation mourns the demise of Shri Shakti Sinha. He had been a part of the IF team in many avatars over the year… - 3 years ago

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