Seymour Topping

American writer.
Died on Sunday November 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Soul Jah Love

Tweets related to Seymour Topping:

@rochelleriley: IPI mourns the death of long-time member #SeymourTopping - 4 years ago

@MediaHistoryNow: RT @willthewordguy: - 4 years ago

@willthewordguy: - 4 years ago

@MKZKBIODEKlnolV: 前时报记者、编辑西摩·托平逝世,曾见证中国内战终结 - 4 years ago


@wangjianghuiCN: RT @RFAChinese: 枪声平息后,一名自称吴“副政委”人来到小屋,归还了托平被没收的打字机和照相机。吴告诉他,军方护送人员和马匹正等着把他送回去。 “你知道吗,我来这里是为了从你们的角度报道战事的,”托平说。 “不用了,”吴轻声说道。 战场上的国民党军队已经投降… - 4 years ago

@RFAChinese: 枪声平息后,一名自称吴“副政委”人来到小屋,归还了托平被没收的打字机和照相机。吴告诉他,军方护送人员和马匹正等着把他送回去。 “你知道吗,我来这里是为了从你们的角度报道战事的,”托平说。 “不用了,”吴轻声说道。 战场上的国… - 4 years ago

@RFAChinese: 他来到前线,穿过无人区,被共产党游击队俘虏。因此,随着决战的临近,他成为毛泽东的军队里唯一的一名西方记者。 作为俘虏,他被押送到数英里外的战地总部,位于一个弹坑密布的战场,到处都是尸体和国民党军队的美国制造车辆残骸。 - 4 years ago

@kdsilver: Mentors like Seymour Topping are able to inspire greatness and to instill a healthy respect for the responsibility… - 4 years ago

@duda_beth: Affirming the power of relationships: Mentors like Seymour Topping are able to inspire greatness and to instill a h… - 4 years ago

@AdamSank: I'd like to Seymour Topping too, if you know what I'm saying. (Thank you, I'm here all week.) - 4 years ago

@Realkishitakazu: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@varun18vijay: RT @raju: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 His @Wikipedia profile: h… - 4 years ago

@LiHongKuan: @Louis84532923 谢谢。是陕西省。 纽约时报的讣闻,号称是全世界最好的。 中国的记者要给习近平写一个恰如其分的讣闻, 帮他流芳百世,遗臭万年。 请看纽约时报给自己的副主编,写的讣闻,此人在淮海战役的战场上被共军俘虏… - 4 years ago

@jiangrongyao: 前时报记者、编辑西摩·托平逝世,曾见证中国内战终结 - 纽约时报中文网 - 4 years ago

@ruJoeCool: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@alaskaqian: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@chenhn16: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@saiwaisima: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@linyujing: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@kacmoodyalgeb: 前时报记者、编辑西摩·托平逝世,曾见证中国内战终结 - 纽约时报中文网 文摘 1993年,他成为..哥伦比亚大学颁发的普利策奖的负责人,他担任这两个职位长达10年。作为《在新旧中国间穿行》(Journey Between Two… - 4 years ago

@LiHongKuan: 纽约时报副主编讣闻 Topping, in his memoir, recalled the parting: “As I mounted my horse, Wu came up beside me, put his hand… - 4 years ago

@ShuquanZ: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@mranti: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@Qweaz: RT @buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@buchimifan: Seymour Topping去世了,七年前采访过他。他们夫妻都是薄粉,我们采访时薄已失势,Topping太太留着眼泪说,薄的魅力堪比周恩来 - 4 years ago

@bill_fischer: Seymour Topping & A.M. Rosenthal “While the 2 were as unalike as night & day, Mr. Topping was Mr. Rosenthal’s handp… - 4 years ago

@MtnShepherdess: RT @USCX1954: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@kath_motz: - 4 years ago

@liebaoya: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@yazi2k: 前时报记者、编辑西摩·托平逝世,曾见证中国内战终结 - 4 years ago

@ccni: "By 1949...Topping was in Nanking...He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communi… - 4 years ago

@LiuLazy: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@MHL3XDmatFMJLLX: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@JesseDrucker: RT @NYTObits: Seymour Topping, a correspondent and editor who was the New York Times's No. 2 during the tenure of the legendary executive e… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Seymour Topping, a correspondent and editor who was the New York Times's No. 2 during the tenure of the legendary e… - 4 years ago

@lukeyan99: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@jiongjiangca: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@jarvis_friday: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@goodgirland1: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@lilejia: RT @ccni: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist, Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 He was one of the most accomplished foreign correspon… - 4 years ago

@GBJprogram: RT @ccni: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist, Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 He was one of the most accomplished foreign correspon… - 4 years ago

@ccni: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist, Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 He was one of the most accomplished for… - 4 years ago

@GBJprogram: A fond remembrance of Seymour Topping, who covered the Chinese revolution in the 1940s and the hottest moments of t… - 4 years ago

@_a_l_e_x_m: - 4 years ago

@FPSEfhpBCSZfsoJ: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@WitchNuWa: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@258_kenken: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@andyChaolu: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@OMoRQMNcZp2LmhQ: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@joetrader6: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@WCelhen: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@maoxiaolei: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@tlzw: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@qshf10: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@toddwenwen: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@wuchaoshi: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@k68024: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@liushui1989: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@Jessica22156156: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 西摩·托平在读过《红星照耀中国》后立志成为驻外记者,曾在报道中国内战时被共产党游击队俘虏,见证了终战时刻。返美后,他作为时报编辑,历经越南战争、五角大楼文件案、水门丑闻、冷战的变迁,塑造了美国纸媒的黄金时代。 他于周日在纽约白原市去世,享… - 4 years ago

@jasonmudd9: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 #MissouriMethod #MizzouMade - 4 years ago

@opcofamerica: RT @aimeetwoee: I met Seymour Topping briefly from @opcofamerica and working with @sukille who had worked for him for many years. He is a j… - 4 years ago

@aimeetwoee: I met Seymour Topping briefly from @opcofamerica and working with @sukille who had worked for him for many years. H… - 4 years ago

@jtcone1977: RT @PulitzerPrizes: The #Pulitzers remember longtime Prize administrator, @columbiajourn professor, @nytimes reporter & editor and @AP corr… - 4 years ago

@mrkrynlds: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@TimWhiteRI: “The rising generations must be persuaded that the integrity and viability of their society, particularly as they r… - 4 years ago

@SueGreenbergPR: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@acheetah42496: RT @NYTObits: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@saffszyp: RT @NYTObits: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@MarkHorowitz: I first met Seymour Topping when I was still a teenager. What a privilege. What a life! - 4 years ago

@polithist: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 | History News Network - 4 years ago

@KaliChanNews: RT @PulitzerPrizes: The #Pulitzers remember longtime Prize administrator, @columbiajourn professor, @nytimes reporter & editor and @AP corr… - 4 years ago

@edpadgett: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Cultiv8Hope: RT @NiemanLab: R.I.P. Seymour Topping, longtime @nytimes journalist and administrator of the @PulitzerPrizes - 4 years ago

@PulitzerPrizes: RT @NiemanLab: R.I.P. Seymour Topping, longtime @nytimes journalist and administrator of the @PulitzerPrizes - 4 years ago

@bophaphorn: RT @ICFJ: We are saddened by the loss of Seymour “Top” Topping, a legendary war reporter and @nytimes editor, and a great friend to ICFJ ov… - 4 years ago

@ICFJ: We are saddened by the loss of Seymour “Top” Topping, a legendary war reporter and @nytimes editor, and a great fri… - 4 years ago

@ScotMackRI: RT @NewsProvidence: Rest In Peace Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@newsalliance: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@ananthkrishnan: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@SatoshiJournal: RT @NiemanLab: R.I.P. Seymour Topping, longtime @nytimes journalist and administrator of the @PulitzerPrizes - 4 years ago

@ejmccarthy: RT @NiemanLab: R.I.P. Seymour Topping, longtime @nytimes journalist and administrator of the @PulitzerPrizes - 4 years ago

@BrianRhoadsHK: RT @NiemanLab: R.I.P. Seymour Topping, longtime @nytimes journalist and administrator of the @PulitzerPrizes - 4 years ago

@PranayGupte: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Khang8752D: RT @Militarydotcom: WWII Vet Seymour Topping, Renowned World Correspondent, Dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@Anya_jebiga: RT @simonbchen: The last several paragraphs of this obituary paint an accurate picture of the Chinese Civil War at its cataclysmic climax i… - 4 years ago

@CholeraFan: RT @simonbchen: The last several paragraphs of this obituary paint an accurate picture of the Chinese Civil War at its cataclysmic climax i… - 4 years ago

@prof_hutchens: What a life. Obit: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@simonbchen: The last several paragraphs of this obituary paint an accurate picture of the Chinese Civil War at its cataclysmic… - 4 years ago

@A36942963: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@ChristineEliaz: RT @ejkomenda: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@ejkomenda: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@DaisyCatNine: RT @terencefsmith: Shocked and saddened at the death of Seymour Topping of The New York Times. As foreign editor, he dispatched me to Israe… - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Comedian Norm Crosby; singers Len Barry, Sylvia Morris; muse and activist Marguerite Littman; j… - 4 years ago

@ColumbiaAlumniA: RT @columbiajourn: Columbia Journalism School mourns Seymour Topping, whose remarkable career and impact in our industry remain a vital par… - 4 years ago

@NewslitCo: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist With an Enviable View of History, Dies at 98 – The New York Times - 4 years ago

@terencefsmith: Shocked and saddened at the death of Seymour Topping of The New York Times. As foreign editor, he dispatched me to… - 4 years ago

@Letopping: RT @jtcone1977: Blessed to have had this amazing man as my grandfather and mentor. #Journalism #Ethics - 4 years ago

@Letopping: RT @TeddyOstrow: The stories from his amazing life and work shaped my childhood and will inspire me forever. He was patient, generous, and… - 4 years ago

@MustafaTameez: Seymour Topping learned the fast, often dangerous game of deadline journalism the hard way, as a globe-trotting, no… - 4 years ago

@johnquinn83: RT @RayLong: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@RayLong: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@BillDedman: “We always knew Top’s strength was always with us,” Bill Kovach said, "and his thoughtful care for our contribution… - 4 years ago

@niemanstory: He was one of the most accomplished foreign correspondents of his generation and a newsroom leader under the renown… - 4 years ago

@lopez_mariapaz: RIP Seymour Topping 😢 He was one of my best #professors at #Columbia University J-School @columbiajourn. Class of 9… - 4 years ago

@asnowreports: - 4 years ago

@Submarine_Guy: RT @Militarydotcom: WWII Vet Seymour Topping, Renowned World Correspondent, Dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@STTinDC: RT @mbrauchli: An inspiration for me and generations of others for his history-defining adventures in China, his fearless global reporting,… - 4 years ago

@Omi_082: RT @Militarydotcom: WWII Vet Seymour Topping, Renowned World Correspondent, Dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@RichFM39517086: RT @Militarydotcom: WWII Vet Seymour Topping, Renowned World Correspondent, Dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@Militarydotcom: WWII Vet Seymour Topping, Renowned World Correspondent, Dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@DethVeggie: Wow, what a life, what a career... RIP Seymour Topping. - 4 years ago

@AndersonCheri: RT @David_Philipps: A giant of journalism who spanned eras and taught my generation at Columbia the timeless courage of real reporting. ht… - 4 years ago

@coylejim20: RT @David_Philipps: A giant of journalism who spanned eras and taught my generation at Columbia the timeless courage of real reporting. ht… - 4 years ago

@arappeport: RT @David_Philipps: A giant of journalism who spanned eras and taught my generation at Columbia the timeless courage of real reporting. ht… - 4 years ago

@NYTNational: RT @David_Philipps: A giant of journalism who spanned eras and taught my generation at Columbia the timeless courage of real reporting. ht… - 4 years ago

@bluepencil2: Seymour Topping: “He was equally at home in a war zone or at the helm of a newsroom tempest of breaking news.” - 4 years ago

@Sportswalkthe: RT @nytmedia: Seymour Topping, a correspondent and editor who was the New York Times's No. 2 during the tenure of the legendary executive e… - 4 years ago

@YaseminEsmen: R.I.P - 4 years ago

@nytmedia: Seymour Topping, a correspondent and editor who was the New York Times's No. 2 during the tenure of the legendary e… - 4 years ago

@mattvolz: Remembering Professor Topping from his Covering Conflicts class. He had the simplest, best advice for any young rep… - 4 years ago

@jasonmudd9: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 #MissouriMethod #MizzouMade - 4 years ago

@SteveLohr: He "shaped the crowning years of print journalism as an editor of The New York Times." Among other achievements. A… - 4 years ago

@barrioscq: RT @harrisondsmith: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and New York Times editor, dies at 98. Reported on the Chinese Comm… - 4 years ago

@CelebrityPool: RT @postobits: Seymour Topping, New York Times correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@grbusinaro: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@johnferrugia: RT @mujschool: Remembering Seymour Topping, BJ '43, foreign correspondent with the Associated Press and The New York Times, who died Nov. 8… - 4 years ago

@profsafety2: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@jojomano12: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: In a peasant hut in Central China, where he was held prisoner, Mr. Topping, a young correspondent, listened all night t… - 4 years ago

@reenaninan: RT @KevinPeraino: RIP Seymour Topping. Loved hearing his stories of the last days of the Chinese civil war while reporting my China book. H… - 4 years ago

@sweeper53: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@joannmw24: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: In a peasant hut in Central China, where he was held prisoner, Mr. Topping, a young correspondent, listened all night t… - 4 years ago

@mujschool: Remembering Seymour Topping, BJ '43, foreign correspondent with the Associated Press and The New York Times, who di… - 4 years ago

@frattigiovanni: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: In a peasant hut in Central China, where he was held prisoner, Mr. Topping, a young correspondent, listened all night t… - 4 years ago

@Ryan_FSullivan: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: In a peasant hut in Central China, where he was held prisoner, Mr. Topping, a young correspondent, listened all night t… - 4 years ago

@DavidMigoya: NYT icon Seymour Topping passes. Great quote: "Rising generations must be persuaded that the integrity and viabilit… - 4 years ago

@IanDon: RT @NewsProvidence: Rest In Peace Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@revolutionaryop: RT @adamgoldmanNYT: In a peasant hut in Central China, where he was held prisoner, Mr. Topping, a young correspondent, listened all night t… - 4 years ago

@adamgoldmanNYT: In a peasant hut in Central China, where he was held prisoner, Mr. Topping, a young correspondent, listened all nig… - 4 years ago

@KevinPeraino: RIP Seymour Topping. Loved hearing his stories of the last days of the Chinese civil war while reporting my China b… - 4 years ago

@AnnSmit45836518: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@DavidMFriend1: RIP “Top” - 4 years ago

@Fred63787071: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@reporterdavid: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@fahmo_mohammed: RT @columbiajourn: Columbia Journalism School mourns Seymour Topping, whose remarkable career and impact in our industry remain a vital par… - 4 years ago

@TravelingGirl50: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@BobCarter385761: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - The New York Times ++ A long lifes… - 4 years ago

@GMichaelMcElroy: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@_DanMangan: RT @GlennKesslerWP: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@pelham123456: RT @GlennKesslerWP: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@GlennKesslerWP: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@castulvich: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@JimLaurie_Asia: Met "Top" briefly in NYC years ago. Seymour Topping captured biggest #China story of mid 20th C. "1949: As he looke… - 4 years ago

@SidharthaBajpai: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@ONENATI42043514: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@mkraju: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@ron_fournier: RT @hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a foreign c… - 4 years ago

@hillhulse: RIP Seymour Topping, a former boss of mine. A great advocate for journalism with an extraordinary career both as a… - 4 years ago

@hammadsarfraz: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@NewsProvidence: Rest In Peace Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@JoeStrupp: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@freightelevator: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@SSXman2: RT @efipm: Nov 8 Journalists' Day in China! 📌 Seymour Topping died. The correspondent who chronicled the rise of China and the Cold War in… - 4 years ago

@onefern: #RIP #Journalism #media - 4 years ago

@HariNYT: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@SylviaWingfield: RT @LindaDeutsch: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@tomdrabowicz: RT @flr_louis: Décès du grand reporter américain Seymour Topping qui couvrit pour le NYT les fronts asiatiques de la guerre froide - 4 years ago

@nofrills: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@flr_louis: Décès du grand reporter américain Seymour Topping qui couvrit pour le NYT les fronts asiatiques de la guerre froide - 4 years ago

@ohiomail: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@hujane: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@austinramzy: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@nicoleperlroth: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@LindaDeutsch: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@reachtonikhil: RT @efipm: Nov 8 Journalists' Day in China! 📌 Seymour Topping died. The correspondent who chronicled the rise of China and the Cold War in… - 4 years ago

@sarbjeetjohal: RT @efipm: Nov 8 Journalists' Day in China! 📌 Seymour Topping died. The correspondent who chronicled the rise of China and the Cold War in… - 4 years ago

@jmichael424: - 4 years ago

@gaz_catt: "Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98" by Robert D. McFadden via NYT… - 4 years ago

@NYTNational: RT @jialynnyang: There's a generation of children of immigrants, whose parents came from Eastern Europe near the turn of the 20th c., who w… - 4 years ago

@MediaBot: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@jeffcone: A giant of journalism passed today. Top welcomed me into the Topping clan in 1974. He set the bar for what it took… - 4 years ago

@efipm: Nov 8 Journalists' Day in China! 📌 Seymour Topping died. The correspondent who chronicled the rise of China and th… - 4 years ago

@JoshMankiewicz: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@andrea_boscoli: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@ASHISHRAMDIMRI: RT @sree: RIP, Seymour Topping🌷 Legendary NYT journalist and administrator of @PulitzerPrizes. My @columbiajourn @columbia colleague for a… - 4 years ago

@BlairKamin: RIP “Top.” A great journalist and Pulitzer administrator. - 4 years ago

@mstandaert: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@InfoAeroQuebec: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@zosz60: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@johnyangtv: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@susankeith: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@pcooney55: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@BonellElizabeth: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@VAWeisman: RT @SangerNYT: Top was a model for all of us who became foreign correspondents - adventurous, intellectual, careful. As managing ed. he coa… - 4 years ago

@tomeblen: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@SangerNYT: Top was a model for all of us who became foreign correspondents - adventurous, intellectual, careful. As managing e… - 4 years ago

@GHofmar: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@DanBilefsky: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@opcofamerica: RT @liamstack: I met Seymour Topping thanks to the ⁦@opcofamerica⁩ board, whose monthly meetings he attended in incredibly sharp suits well… - 4 years ago

@MarkWillen: RT @rickberke: Legendary figure that many of us young @nytimes reporters so looked up to: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eye… - 4 years ago

@nami13: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@tonywalker1: Along with Edgar Snow and Theodore White among a generation of China reporters who took journey to the beginning, p… - 4 years ago

@mbrauchli: An inspiration for me and generations of others for his history-defining adventures in China, his fearless global r… - 4 years ago

@surferlulu: RIP Seymour Topping, 98. See obituary in NYT today. Quite a career as a journalist, SE Asia—very interesting. - 4 years ago

@gayatrishah: RT @postobits: Seymour Topping, New York Times correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@GretchenAPeck: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@marieann66: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@liamstack: I met Seymour Topping thanks to the ⁦@opcofamerica⁩ board, whose monthly meetings he attended in incredibly sharp s… - 4 years ago

@rickberke: Legendary figure that many of us young @nytimes reporters so looked up to: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalis… - 4 years ago

@stufalk: R.I.P. He was one of the most accomplished foreign correspondents of his generation and a newsroom leader under th… - 4 years ago

@RachelM030281: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@audispeak: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@palafo: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@PfaffSC: RT @GlennKesslerWP: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Pooh99Mom: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@IAMCAMAR1: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@drumenaker: Eyewitness to history across continents Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 - from @AP ⁦⁦… - 4 years ago

@KyleWMassey: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@davidabatchelor: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@TulaGo: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@YouGottaVote: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@lpolgreen: RT @NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at 98. He… - 4 years ago

@JamesMArcher: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@NickKristof: Seymour Topping, former managing editor of the NY Times and former administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, is dead at… - 4 years ago

@WilliamsSarah78: RT @HerschaftAP: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 (from @AP) - 4 years ago

@Stigr3: RT @GlennKesslerWP: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@AlanFisher: RT @GlennKesslerWP: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@GlennKesslerWP: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@NCStockGuy: An eyewitness to many major events of the 20th Century, Journalist Seymour Topping has died at 98 #journalism - 4 years ago

@eleditor: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@pattmlatimes: RT @SovernNation: The giants just keep falling. Seymour “Top” Topping, one of the most extraordinary journalists of all time, is dead at 98… - 4 years ago

@jtcone1977: RT @postobits: Seymour Topping, New York Times correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@fvogelstein: RT @michaelluo: Journalism. A life’s calling. Worth reading this to understand it. - 4 years ago

@williams_paige: “The rising generations must be persuaded that the integrity and viability of their society, particularly as they r… - 4 years ago

@abigailcat: Seymour Topping, high-powered foreign correspondent and editor, dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@mcgreek: RT @michaelluo: Journalism. A life’s calling. Worth reading this to understand it. - 4 years ago

@Onceatenor: RT @michaelluo: Journalism. A life’s calling. Worth reading this to understand it. - 4 years ago

@lizzieohreally: RT @michaelluo: Journalism. A life’s calling. Worth reading this to understand it. - 4 years ago

@deirdreabraham4: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@vctzdtapnz: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@grantcopywriter: Renowned world correspondent #SeymourTopping dead at 98. RIP. - 4 years ago

@whitingviki: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@michaelluo: Journalism. A life’s calling. Worth reading this to understand it. - 4 years ago

@SamLitzinger: - 4 years ago

@WellandTribune: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@sachi_bbsr: RT @ChrisBurkeShay: He was a newsman to the core with a deep love for the Times but he was also so creative, curious, thoughtful, and gener… - 4 years ago

@stevenleemyers: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@lightandlies: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@miKllavotS: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@raju: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 His… - 4 years ago

@jaynordlinger: By Robert D. McFadden, an engrossing obit of another Timesman. - 4 years ago

@royalmusing: RT @HerschaftAP: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 (from @AP) - 4 years ago

@GlobalNewsLead1: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@New_Narrative: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@JerryMarkon: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@JoanneRumford: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@TeddyOstrow: RT @jialynnyang: There's a generation of children of immigrants, whose parents came from Eastern Europe near the turn of the 20th c., who w… - 4 years ago

@BeTheVoiceOfRe1: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@HerschaftAP: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 (from @AP) - 4 years ago

@CIoJournalist: A noted foreign correspondent for The Associated Press and The New York Times, where he later rose to become managi… - 4 years ago

@TeddyOstrow: The stories from his amazing life and work shaped my childhood and will inspire me forever. He was patient, generou… - 4 years ago

@deiustitiaadrem: RT @David_Philipps: A giant of journalism who spanned eras and taught my generation at Columbia the timeless courage of real reporting. ht… - 4 years ago

@David_Philipps: A giant of journalism who spanned eras and taught my generation at Columbia the timeless courage of real reporting. - 4 years ago

@SusanCarver19: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@AllenParsons: Personal hero and cherished mentor to so many. RIP. via ⁦@nytimesarts⁩ - 4 years ago

@AriBrostoff: “Mr. Topping is survived by his brother, Seymour Bottoming” - 4 years ago

@ABarnardNYT: RT @ClydeHaberman: Seymour Topping, former foreign correspondent, foreign editor and managing editor at @nytimes, has died at 98. - 4 years ago

@AriBrostoff: it’s sad that Alex Trebek died but don’t get distracted, the real obit news here is that there was a major NYT fore… - 4 years ago

@YsanneBueno: RT @kitchen5203: This! Rest in Peace, Seymour😪 Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@kitchen5203: This! Rest in Peace, Seymour😪 Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@sophie_beach: RT @DavidBarboza2: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@JessicaKowal: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@caladewig: RT @jswatz: “The rising generations must be persuaded that the integrity and viability of their society, particularly as they relate to nat… - 4 years ago

@bilalabaloch: RT @davidjlynch: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@ISFeedNews: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@mrbaopanrui: “He de-emphasized official reports from abroad and focused on how people lived and their social, cultural and intel… - 4 years ago

@davidjlynch: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@MayaJRodriguez: Sad to hear my old @columbiajourn professor, Seymour Topping, passed away. When I last saw him, since my maternal f… - 4 years ago

@stevelevine: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@edmundlee: RT @DelRey: A wonderful obituary for a remarkable journalist & good man. Was lucky enough to get to know Top after his grandson, ⁦@jtcone19… - 4 years ago

@liamstack: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@jjkissell: RT @columbiajourn: Columbia Journalism School mourns Seymour Topping, whose remarkable career and impact in our industry remain a vital par… - 4 years ago

@luhes: RT @columbiajourn: Columbia Journalism School mourns Seymour Topping, whose remarkable career and impact in our industry remain a vital par… - 4 years ago

@LilyBelle05: RT @meslackman: A correspondent’s life. “He went to the front, crossed a no man’s land and was taken prisoner by Communist guerrillas. He t… - 4 years ago

@DrPaulHowe: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@charlesgraeber: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@JudithMaryGee: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@raghavanWaPo: RT @opcofamerica: The OPC is saddened to learn that longtime OPC member Seymour Topping, a veteran foreign correspondent and editor and Col… - 4 years ago

@andrewglazer: RIP to a great professor, who taught me how to make good luck— and mitigate danger— on difficult foreign assignment… - 4 years ago

@opcofamerica: The OPC is saddened to learn that longtime OPC member Seymour Topping, a veteran foreign correspondent and editor a… - 4 years ago

@sandragionas: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@GlobalMediaBuzz: RIP: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 4 years ago

@coopmike48: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Mad_Randolph: - 4 years ago

@Mad_Randolph: My father-in-law passed away this morning. He led a remarkable life. - 4 years ago

@Noted_Lives: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@ChrisBurkeShay: He was a newsman to the core with a deep love for the Times but he was also so creative, curious, thoughtful, and g… - 4 years ago

@ChrisBurkeShay: Wow, RIP Top. I last spoke to him 4 or 5 years ago after he’d finished playing tennis. He proceeded to go through a… - 4 years ago

@YahooNews: Seymour Topping, among the most accomplished foreign correspondents of his generation for The Associated Press and… - 4 years ago

@CoughlinJennie: RT @marclacey: "Thoughtful and precise and a cool evaluator of events and people, he was equally at home in a war zone or an interview with… - 4 years ago

@FSMuae: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@marclacey: "Thoughtful and precise and a cool evaluator of events and people, he was equally at home in a war zone or an inter… - 4 years ago

@anelsona: Seymour Topping, exemplary journalist, model of ethics and soul of generosity, Rest In Peace. We already miss you. - 4 years ago

@freependentedu: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@Big2News: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@AmericanOverwa1: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@psi_the: "Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98" by Robert D. McFadden via NYT - 4 years ago

@Barb_The_Great: "Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist and Eyewitness to History, Dies at 98" by Robert D. McFadden via NYT - 4 years ago

@clickondetroit: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@jenkers_en: Renowned world correspondent #Seymour Topping dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@WatchOurCity: (AP News) Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 98 - 4 years ago

@PulpNews: Renowned world correspondent #Seymour Topping #dead at 98 - Nov 8 @ 9:02 AM ET - 4 years ago

@CouteauxH: "Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist With an Enviable View of History, Dies at 98" by Robert D. McFadden via N… - 4 years ago

@leonornila0823: RT @WatchOurCity: NEW YORK (AP) — Seymour Topping, among the most accomplished foreign correspondents of his generation for The Associated… - 4 years ago

@twitbituaries: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist With an Enviable View of History, Dies at 98 - - 4 years ago

@WatchOurCity: NEW YORK (AP) — Seymour Topping, among the most accomplished foreign correspondents of his generation for The Assoc… - 4 years ago

@jongambrellAP: - 4 years ago

@TALK1370: HEADLINES: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@TimesofIsrael: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@TOIAlerts: Live update: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@WKRG: Renowned world correspondent Seymour Topping dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Seymour Topping is no longer with us - #SeymourTopping #Seymour #Topping #rip - 4 years ago

@pierremercer: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist With an Enviable View of History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

@earlduncand: "Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist With an Enviable View of History, Dies at 98" by Robert D. McFadden via N… - 4 years ago

@arches_cn: "Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist With an Enviable View of History, Dies at 98" by Robert D. McFadden via N… - 4 years ago

@TierneyInfo1: "Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist With an Enviable View of History, Dies at 98" by Robert D. McFadden via N… - 4 years ago

@DistinctToday: Seymour Topping, Former Times Journalist With an Enviable View of History, Dies at 98 - 4 years ago

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