Sei Ashina

Japanese actress (Kamen Rider Hibiki
Died on Monday September 14th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Sei Ashina:

@japon_turismo: Crímenes de Japón #23 🚨🚔 "Atacada dos veces & Actriz Sei Ashina fallece" Lean un resumen de los delitos ocurridos e… - 4 years ago

@Chanil71727647: RT @MangaMexico: Crímenes de Japón #23 🚨🚔 "Atacada dos veces & Actriz Sei Ashina fallece" Lean un resumen de los delitos ocurridos en últim… - 4 years ago

@yo_u_s: RT @MangaMexico: Crímenes de Japón #23 🚨🚔 "Atacada dos veces & Actriz Sei Ashina fallece" Lean un resumen de los delitos ocurridos en últim… - 4 years ago

@MangaMexico: Crímenes de Japón #23 🚨🚔 "Atacada dos veces & Actriz Sei Ashina fallece" Lean un resumen de los delitos ocurridos e… - 4 years ago


@cuppiecake24: @rereyy_24 @S_SiscaJKT48 Bloody Monday terdebest 😍😍 dorama suspense tapi skrg jd nyesek klo mo ntn lg krn mendiang… - 4 years ago

@powerdi20: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@DarkWolfRJ2: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@ale_nagado: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@GlaucoPortela: RT @sessaoextra: Atriz japonesa Sei Ashina é encontrada morta aos 36 anos dentro de casa em Tóquio | A artista ficou conhecida por ter inte… - 4 years ago

@brigidamarcano: Conmoción en Japón: se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, de 36 años - Infobae - 4 years ago

@JuanCarlosBac20: Trágica noticia en el mundo del cine y la televisión. La famosa actriz japonesa, Sei Ashina, se ha suicidado a los… - 4 years ago

@sheikhnursalam: RT @TheTimWheaton: Japanese actress Sei Ashina, only 36 years old, took her own life this past week. We can never say it too much and it wi… - 4 years ago

@aliuaniyani: rip sei ashina, i used to adore you :’( - 4 years ago

@patriayo: Conmoción en Japón: se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, de 36 años - Infobae - 4 years ago

@Los40: Muere la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años Descansa en paz 💔 - 4 years ago

@jvetdb: AI hôkai sur échec et (ciné)mat. Un blockbuster qui ne m'intéressait pas vraiment mais... c'est le dernier film tou… - 4 years ago

@UltimesNoticies: RT @elnacionalcat: Commoció pel suïcidi d'una famosa actriu als 36 anys. via #ENBlau - 4 years ago

@cdevesaruiz: RT @elnacionalcat: Commoció pel suïcidi d'una famosa actriu als 36 anys. via #ENBlau - 4 years ago

@SilviaSol16: RT @elnacionalcat: Commoció pel suïcidi d'una famosa actriu als 36 anys. via #ENBlau - 4 years ago

@elnacionalcat_e: Conmoción por el suicidio de una famosa actriz a los 36 años. vía #ENBlau - 4 years ago

@elnacionalcat: Commoció pel suïcidi d'una famosa actriu als 36 anys. via #ENBlau - 4 years ago

@yogy_LPU: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, aktris Jepang yang berperan di film Kamen Rider dan drama Bloody Monday ditemukan bunuh diri di rumahnya p… - 4 years ago

@TheTimWheaton: Japanese actress Sei Ashina, only 36 years old, took her own life this past week. We can never say it too much and… - 4 years ago

@0rwell07: Muere la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@masataka_2007: 😢😢😢 - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@ActualArtistica: In Memoriam: Sei Ashina - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@edithmendez1969: RT @RevistaRonda: Encuentran muerta a actriz japonesa Sei Ashida - 4 years ago

@RevistaRonda: Encuentran muerta a actriz japonesa Sei Ashida - 4 years ago

@AntonioMedici6: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@RakelAtletica14: Una pena, QDP Muere la actriz Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@barnabijonis: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@viZeroLelouch1: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@btmstr2: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@ale_nagado: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@ECOTVSubs: I realized that this is Sei Ashina's last movie. - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@CineMGC: Fallece la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años. - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@rogerph2015: It looks like Kamen Rider 50th Anniversary ahead of April 3, 2021 is marred by the suicides of Haruma Miura, Sei As… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@ChristineLeip10: - 4 years ago

@revistaQMD: El cuerpo de la actriz Ashina Sei, de 36 años, ha sido hallado sin vida en su domicilio - 4 years ago

@jvetdb: Ashina Sei est morte la semaine dernière... à l'âge de 36 ans. Toujours triste d'apprendre ce genre de nouvelle. J'… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@JapaneseMusicID: Diduga Bunuh Diri, Sei Ashina Ditemukan Tewas di Apartemennya | - 4 years ago

@LusaGuerrero: Fallece por suicidio la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@ale_nagado: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@kamvena: RT @infobaeamerica: Conmoción en Japón. Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, de 36 años - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@tweet_on_earth: RT @miklonus: Three Asian celebrities were all found dead, two of them from apparent suicide attempts, within a day of each other from Sept… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@MohitHaram2049: RT @THR: Japanese actress Sei Ashina dies at 36: - 4 years ago

@David_E_Powell: Hoping it is not suicide, a terrible problem in Japan, and all over. Talk to people. Find good people, talk to them… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@Cap_Institute: Video: Actress Sei Ashina Found Dead at Age 36 - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@icp3_zero: RT @Tele7: Mort de l’actrice Sei Ashina à 36 ans - 4 years ago

@Tele7: Mort de l’actrice Sei Ashina à 36 ans - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@GoodVibra: ☀ Reps Confirm 'Silk' Actress Sei Ashina's 'Unfortunate' Death by Suicide at 36 #BreakingNews #cnbc #retweet ➔➔➔… - 4 years ago

@nochuchimin: RT @miklonus: Three Asian celebrities were all found dead, two of them from apparent suicide attempts, within a day of each other from Sept… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@MagnificientK: Sei Ashina, la partenaire de Keira dans le film Soie, est malheureusement décédée à 36 ans. Toutes nos pensées vont… - 4 years ago

@Boxopere: RT @Cinephemeride: L'actrice japonaise #SeiAshina a été retrouvée sans vie hier dans son appartement de Tokyo. La thèse du suicide est priv… - 4 years ago

@svil2019: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@Jiaaamiin: RT @TODAYonline: Alien Huang, Oh In Hye & Sei Ashina, Who Died Within 3 Days Of Each Other, Were All 36 - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@Mr_TeddyBR: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@Alexpachecolr: RT @lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@NextShark: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies of Suspected Suicide at Age 36 - 4 years ago

@ale_nagado: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@estimariam1: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@RenatoFerg: RT @KeiraKsource: Our condolences are with the family and friends of Sei Ashina. She was Keira Knightley's 'Silk' co-star. Rest in Peace. h… - 4 years ago

@Kanyinulia: Sei Ashina cause of death: Japanese Star dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@anto_galli4: RT @ilgiornale: L'attrice giapponese Sei Ashina, il cantante taiwanese Alien Huang e la modella sudcoreana Oh In Yhe: le tre star sono mort… - 4 years ago

@veloso53113195: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@Sky3_Jord4n: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@SaturnSunBand: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@viZeroLelouch1: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@ale_nagado: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@firdausfahmii_: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@KanyiDaily: Sei Ashina cause of death: Japanese Star dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@Kanyinulia: Sei Ashina cause of death: Japanese Star dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@shfiqzahari: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@bingoplr: - 4 years ago

@ahhjuuuu: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@wellingtonzzs: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@ReefilweSA: RT @VivienneChow: Alien Huang 小鬼 is the third Asian celebrity to have died at the age of 36 in three consecutive days, after Japanese actre… - 4 years ago

@mjazryjaafar: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@MohitHaram2049: RT @THR: Japanese actress Sei Ashina, star of the historical arthouse drama 'Silk' and the cult television series 'Kamen Rider Hibiki,' has… - 4 years ago

@_BetterWithAge: RT @THR: Japanese actress Sei Ashina, star of the historical arthouse drama 'Silk' and the cult television series 'Kamen Rider Hibiki,' has… - 4 years ago

@murillocasanova: Encuentran muerta a actriz japonesa Sei Ashina - 4 years ago

@onefive_fly: RT @THRGlobal: Japanese actress Sei Ashina dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@danSotong1: RT @TODAYonline: Alien Huang, Oh In Hye & Sei Ashina, Who Died Within 3 Days Of Each Other, Were All 36 - 4 years ago

@lucloreken: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@jjrbs: RT @ecartelera: Muere la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@WizePenguin: Japanese actress dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@Aqlilafz: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@thelivemirror: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Of Silk Fame Passes Away At 36 #SeiAshina #TheLiveMirror - 4 years ago

@spikenokakurega: RT @THR: Japanese actress Sei Ashina, star of the historical arthouse drama 'Silk' and the cult television series 'Kamen Rider Hibiki,' has… - 4 years ago

@Voufalarsoumav1: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@jeetrainers: √ 'Silk' Actor Sei Ashina Dead At Age 36 #MyNews ➤ - 4 years ago

@mirarsln: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@InfoMediatico: Muere la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - - 4 years ago

@LetraRoja2: El hermano de Ashina la encontró, después de que la artista no respondiera llamadas ni mensajes desde el 13 de sept… - 4 years ago

@anon8055: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@JoannOceanfalls: Actress Sei Ashina Found Dead at Age 36 via @WestJournalism - 4 years ago

@JJSea: RT @HuffPost: The Japanese star amassed dozens of acting credits after starting out as a model. - 4 years ago

@VanillaShua_: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@VanillaShua_: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@DiAlaineMorJim: RT @RedLopezDiaz: Conmoción en #Japón: se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, de 36 años - Infobae - 4 years ago

@GmoSotelo: El cuerpo sin vida de la artista, conocida por el filme “Retrato de amor”, fue hallado en su departamento de Tokio.… - 4 years ago

@fiestypelican: 'Silk' Actor Sei Ashina Dead At Age 36 - 4 years ago

@feagin36: 'Silk' Actor Sei Ashina Dead At Age 36 - 4 years ago

@lasopa_news: #Tendencias | ¡Conmoción en Japón! Se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, a los 36 años .- - 4 years ago

@GoldstarTMG: RT @mackadosia: 'Silk’ Actress Sei Ashina Dead at 36 - 4 years ago

@alexchina_0_: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@duende_azul69: RT @mariaj677: Fallece la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@venanciosouza93: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@azri_akmal98: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@wesrober: RT @ale_nagado: O suicídio na cultura japonesa: - O caso da atriz Sei Ashina e de outras celebridades que tiraram… - 4 years ago

@NZStuffGoss: Japanese actor Sei Ashina dies at 36, found at home by her brother - 4 years ago

@hslnazuraimi: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@HafizieyG: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@cronicas_diary: RT @larazon_es: Conmoción ante el suicidio de la actriz japonesa Sei #Ashina ➡ Tras intentar ponerse en contacto con ella varias veces el d… - 4 years ago

@Puterinarinaa: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@jsanchezg_: RT @InfobaeMexico: Conmoción en Japón: se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, de 36 años - 4 years ago

@i_rabb: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@AmerHoy: Conmoción en Japón: se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, de 36 años - 4 years ago

@beastszul: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@itsmeamiela: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@amirubyjane: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@francais123456: RT @francais123456: - 4 years ago

@InfobaeMexico: Conmoción en Japón: se suicidó la modelo y actriz Sei Ashina, de 36 años - 4 years ago

@MarieLa03038567: L'actrice Ashina Sei s'est suicidée à l'âge de 36 ans - 4 years ago

@francais123456: - 4 years ago

@LyannaConrad: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@faiz4words: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@helmihairi__: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@aefosz_: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@AkuHaiqalSlamat: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@Frostty23: RT @ecartelera: Se suicida la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@ielanabyla: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@_aimanlol: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@faroozalo: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@bharianmy: Tiga artikel popular dalam #BHONLINE hari ini. KES / Bukan kereta klon HIBURAN / Sei Ashi… - 4 years ago

@ecartelera: Se suicida la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@myrul9_: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@joverwatch: RT @cineasia_online: Semana trágica para el cine asiático. Alien Huang, Sei Ashina y Oh In-hye, tres jóvenes artistas fallecidos en esta se… - 4 years ago

@amliamirh: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@emigasm: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@SarfaAzi: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@ekowemilagnawoe: L' actrice, Japonnaise, Ashina Sei s'est suicidée à l'âge de 36 ans ce lundi 14 septembre - - 4 years ago

@ayanedune: RT @cineasia_online: Semana trágica para el cine asiático. Alien Huang, Sei Ashina y Oh In-hye, tres jóvenes artistas fallecidos en esta se… - 4 years ago

@Newslandng: Sei Ashina Dead At 36: Body Of Actress Who Starred In Silk Found In Tokyo Apartment - Newsland Forum - 4 years ago

@d_frankenheimer: RT @THR: Japanese actress Sei Ashina dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@filmfutter: Nach #HanaKimura & #HarumaMiura begeht ein weiterer junger japanischer Star Suizid. R.I.P. #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@samyeji: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@Sapik_Z: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@NewMexicoRoni: So many suicides, tragic. Asian society kept this closed now you are hearing daily truth. So many singers , groups… - 4 years ago

@__Fathi: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@syazwanhkmi: RT @bharianmy: Pelakon Kamen Rider Hibiki ditemui mati dalam apartmen. #BHHiburan - 4 years ago

@GoingHuman: RT @bufocalvin: Japanese actor Sei Ashina dies aged 36 - 4 years ago

@Popbela_com: Selamat jalan, Ashina! - 4 years ago

@FilmibeatTa: அடக் கடவுளே.. 36 வயது இளம் நடிகை தூக்கிட்டுத் தற்கொலை.. என்ன தான் ஆச்சு சினிமா உலகிற்கு? - 4 years ago

@LylouRetour: - 4 years ago

@thandojo: #Japanese actress Sei Ashina is found dead in her #Tokyo apartment at age 36 Ashina's death by suicide was confirm… - 4 years ago

@chaddioss: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@BrbaraPastor: RT @UHmallorca: Fallece la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@RajaNaimMalik: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@AbgAyiep: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@pmrkerian: RT @mstaronline: Pelakon Kamen Rider ditemukan tidak bernyawa di kediamannya di Tokyo. - 4 years ago

@nabilamaslan: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@AdityaSafriel: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, aktris Jepang yang berperan di film Kamen Rider dan drama Bloody Monday ditemukan bunuh diri di rumahnya p… - 4 years ago

@wizfun: Fallece la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@Saodionisio: RT @larazon_es: Conmoción ante el suicidio de la actriz japonesa Sei #Ashina ➡ Tras intentar ponerse en contacto con ella varias veces el d… - 4 years ago

@dialoque_: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@lemmeknowho: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@larazon_es: Conmoción ante el suicidio de la actriz japonesa Sei #Ashina ➡ Tras intentar ponerse en contacto con ella varias ve… - 4 years ago

@AmalTakaza: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@Chaaile: - 4 years ago

@nacho722: RT @THR: Japanese actress Sei Ashina dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@THEREELMARQUIS: RT @THR: Japanese actress Sei Ashina dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@2am_eu: Una dintre cele mai frumoase actrițe japoneze și-a pus capăt zilelor. Celebra Sei Ashina a fost găsită moartă în apartamentul său... - 4 years ago

@MariaEleG55: RT @LaVanguardia: La intérprete era conocida por participar en el drama de época ‘Seda’ junto a Michael Pitt y Keira Knightley - 4 years ago

@LaVanguardia: La intérprete era conocida por participar en el drama de época ‘Seda’ junto a Michael Pitt y Keira Knightley - 4 years ago

@Sophi_SM_: RT @cineasia_online: Semana trágica para el cine asiático. Alien Huang, Sei Ashina y Oh In-hye, tres jóvenes artistas fallecidos en esta se… - 4 years ago

@yippiesarah: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@melisagwee: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, aktris Jepang yang berperan di film Kamen Rider dan drama Bloody Monday ditemukan bunuh diri di rumahnya p… - 4 years ago

@_FarhanaRoslan: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@mimieNadzira: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@Danewwwww: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@hzrahdyana: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@BOLNewsOfficial: Japanese Star Sei Ashina Found Dead At Her Tokyo Apartment - 4 years ago

@Dulce_Laughter: RT @cineasia_online: Semana trágica para el cine asiático. Alien Huang, Sei Ashina y Oh In-hye, tres jóvenes artistas fallecidos en esta se… - 4 years ago

@lisabeth6550: RT @miklonus: Three Asian celebrities were all found dead, two of them from apparent suicide attempts, within a day of each other from Sept… - 4 years ago

@bartbhrdn: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@Timothy29276440: RT @THR: Japanese actress Sei Ashina dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@haziqzmri_: RT @hmetromy: #tokyo Pelakon yang pernah membintangi siri #KamenRiderHibiki, #SeiAshina, 36, dilaporkan meninggal dipercayai akibat bunuh d… - 4 years ago

@nikkibomb: RT @TheSun: Actor Sei Ashina found dead aged just 36 - 4 years ago

@cineasia_online: Semana trágica para el cine asiático. Alien Huang, Sei Ashina y Oh In-hye, tres jóvenes artistas fallecidos en esta… - 4 years ago

@VivienneChow: Alien Huang 小鬼 is the third Asian celebrity to have died at the age of 36 in three consecutive days, after Japanese… - 4 years ago

@OMortgage: - 4 years ago

@DanStevens1103: Sei Ashina suicide at 36 as Japanese actress found dead by brother in Tokyo apartment - 4 years ago

@miho_kom: RT @NME: The Japanese star was found dead at her home on Monday. - 4 years ago

@JohnSmith872987: RT @TheSun: Actor Sei Ashina found dead aged just 36 - 4 years ago

@nur_hatiraa: RT @mstaronline: Pelakon Kamen Rider ditemukan tidak bernyawa di kediamannya di Tokyo. - 4 years ago

@ilmaR_naifoS: RT @mstaronline: Pelakon Kamen Rider ditemukan tidak bernyawa di kediamannya di Tokyo. - 4 years ago

@LinndaLinda: RT @KompasTV: Artis Jepang Ashina Sei, Pemain Kamen Rider Meninggal Dunia - 4 years ago

@TheSun: Actor Sei Ashina found dead aged just 36 - 4 years ago

@kise_ryoshi: RT @mstaronline: Pelakon Kamen Rider ditemukan tidak bernyawa di kediamannya di Tokyo. - 4 years ago

@chiruchiru1029: RT @NME: The Japanese star was found dead at her home on Monday. - 4 years ago

@amo55555love: RT @koenyilz: He was 36 😭😭😭 - the same age as Korean actress Oh In Hye and Japanese actress Sei Ashina, who were both found dead 2 days ago… - 4 years ago

@mstaronline: Pelakon Kamen Rider ditemukan tidak bernyawa di kediamannya di Tokyo. - 4 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Silk actress Sei Ashina found dead after taking her own life aged 36 - 4 years ago

@Reporters_Large: The Japanese actress Sei Ashina was found dead at age 36 in her apartment in #Tokyo on Monday. Ashina's death by s… - 4 years ago

@Reporters_Large: The Japanese actress Sei Ashina was found dead at age 36 in her apartment in #Tokyo on Monday. Ashina's death… - 4 years ago

@alex_desukedo: Japanese Actress Ashina Sei Dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@Mivia1: Japanese Actress Ashina Sei Dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@KompasEnt: Artis Jepang Ashina Sei Meninggal di Usia 36 Tahun - 4 years ago

@brookeandtodd: Silk Star Sei Ashina Found Dead in Her Tokyo Apartment at 36 - 4 years ago

@yamabada: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@DaniellalLee: Japanese Actress Dead - 4 years ago

@Tsuyosh78212612: RT @DEADLINE: Sei Ashina Dies: ‘Silk’ Actress Was 36 - 4 years ago

@WeSmirch: Silk Star Sei Ashina Found Dead in Her Tokyo Apartment at 36 (Alexia Fernandez / People) - 4 years ago

@andycorner15: RT @primiciasyacom: 😢Encuentran muerta a Sei Ashina, actriz de la película "Retrato de amor" 📹 - 4 years ago

@f1AaTIfPD4wi5A7: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@MyWayMagazine: NEWS ! Sei Ashina Dead - 'Silk' Star Dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@_Tosin: So Sad! & this Girl was Pretty Attractive too! (One of these days I have to talk about the Suicides in 🇯🇵Japan, & a… - 4 years ago

@kbcpa1: RT @people: Silk Star Sei Ashina Found Dead in Her Tokyo Apartment at 36​ - 4 years ago

@webofslime: Ashina Sei Dead: Japanese Actress Was 36   - Variety - 4 years ago

@hanahrouh: RT @KAMIcomphnews: Japanese actress na si Ashina Sei, natagpuang patay sa kanyang apartment #ripashinasei Read more: - 4 years ago

@Khalildryer1: RT @JustJared: Japanese actress Sei Ashina has died at 36. #RIP - 4 years ago

@IliganCa: Silk Star Sei Ashina Found Dead in Her Tokyo Apartment at 36 - 4 years ago

@IliganCa: Japanese Actress Ashina Sei Dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@regbit1: #Ashina Sei,36 anos,foi encontrada morta em seu apartamento#Toquio, capital Japão.A atriz ficou mais conhecida pelo… - 4 years ago

@Yamatai68: RT @italiagiappone: - 4 years ago

@Js_Resistencia: RT @Rod39SK: Suicidios de famosos(🇯🇵): Ashina Sei (36) fue encontrada sin vida el día 14 en su apartamento de Shinjuku, Tokio. Desde su deb… - 4 years ago

@Qhyunkim: RT @Variety_Film: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies Age 36   - 4 years ago

@EPcine: Muere la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina a los 36 años - 4 years ago

@Rod39SK: Suicidios de famosos(🇯🇵): Ashina Sei (36) fue encontrada sin vida el día 14 en su apartamento de Shinjuku, Tokio. D… - 4 years ago

@DonYoung13: Japanese Actress Ashina Sei Dies at 36 - 4 years ago

@extratv: Japanese actress Sei Ashina has passed away at the age of 36. - 4 years ago

@BDFilmForum: - 4 years ago

@PrimeTalksNews: Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 #SeiAshina #SeiAshinaRIP #RIP - 4 years ago

@Tele2Semaines: Mort de Sei Ashina : l'actrice japonaise est décédée à l'âge de 36 ans - 4 years ago

@AiredeSantaFe: ESPECTÁCULOS | Los detalles, en la nota👇 - 4 years ago

@OtakkuOtaku: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@bukimoon: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@EdNumloque: RT @Toku_Custom: RIP Sei Ashina. her role in Kamen Rider Hibiki became one part of her successful career. - 4 years ago

@SylviePlanchat: L'actrice Ashina Sei s'est suicidée à l'âge de 36 ans - 4 years ago

@EdNumloque: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@________am4: RT @SkyTG24: Morta a 36 anni Sei Ashina: nel 2007 aveva recitato in "Seta", tratto da Baricco - 4 years ago

@SkyTG24: Morta a 36 anni Sei Ashina: nel 2007 aveva recitato in "Seta", tratto da Baricco - 4 years ago

@EdgardoSolano: Murió la actriz japonesa Sei Ashina. Pobre. - 4 years ago

@hrn_haruu: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, aktris Jepang yang berperan di film Kamen Rider dan drama Bloody Monday ditemukan bunuh diri di rumahnya p… - 4 years ago

@KON_BeX: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@Cinephemeride: L'actrice japonaise #SeiAshina a été retrouvée sans vie hier dans son appartement de Tokyo. La thèse du suicide est… - 4 years ago

@Ngunnnn130: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@NewsMondo1: Cinema in lutto, trovata morta l’attrice giapponese Sei Ashina - 4 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @ilmessaggeroit: Sei Ashina, l'#attrice di "Seta" trovata #morta in casa: aveva 36 anni - 4 years ago

@omaralkatiri: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, aktris Jepang yang berperan di film Kamen Rider dan drama Bloody Monday ditemukan bunuh diri di rumahnya p… - 4 years ago

@SantosPaoXoXo: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@RachelGOOOOOOO: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@prcowboys: RT @Variety: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies Age 36   - 4 years ago

@sfiorata82: RT @ciakmag: Sei Ashina è stata trovata morta nella sua casa in Giappone. L'attrice era nota per aver recitato in "Seta", film tratto dall'… - 4 years ago

@NicoZulli: #SalaLettura SEI ASHINA Si camminava indolenti nella sera, parendo quasi fermi nel pensiero, giacchè per andare… - 4 years ago

@Janu17_: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@EssieKho888: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@sfiorata82: RT @ParamountItalia: Addio all'attrice giapponese che si era fatta notare nel film tratto dal romanzo di Alessandro Baricco #SeiAshina http… - 4 years ago

@celebspkrs4u: Japanese Actress Ashina Sei Dies Age 36   - 4 years ago

@lordbowron: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@Ketty1408: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@PhoebeKeys777: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@TracieJane: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@paengpns: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@fuseiotadase: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@Lucreazia: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@rubinho_bi: RT @mundojpopbrasil: Foi relatado que a atriz Ashina Sei faleceu em 14 de setembro de um aparente suicídio. Ela tinha 36 anos. De acordo c… - 4 years ago

@annmavi: RT @RepubblicaTv: Giappone, trovata morta l'attrice di ''Seta'' Sei Ashina: il trailer del film che l'ha resa famosa: Secondo le prime inda… - 4 years ago

@RepSpettacoli: Sei Ashina, morta la star di 'Seta': l'attrice 36enne è stata trovata priva di vita in casa [aggiornamento delle 13… - 4 years ago

@repubblica: RT @RepubblicaTv: Giappone, trovata morta l'attrice di ''Seta'' Sei Ashina: il trailer del film che l'ha resa famosa: Secondo le prime inda… - 4 years ago

@chocmagma: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@CapaMagMoments: Japon oyuncu Sei Ashina(36), evinde ölü bulundu. Ülkesinde birçok farklı yapımda rol alan ünlü aktrisin intihar e… - 4 years ago

@FEMsrl: Sei Ashina, morta la star di 'Seta': l'attrice 36enne è stata trovata priva di vita in casa - 4 years ago

@kef: Ashina Sei Dead: Japanese Actress Was 36 - 4 years ago

@seungwoozuix: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@NeinBaha: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@Japanese_Lang_: Japanese Actress Ashina Sei Dies Age 36 - Variety - 4 years ago

@RepubblicaTv: Giappone, trovata morta l'attrice di ''Seta'' Sei Ashina: il trailer del film che l'ha resa famosa: Secondo le prim… - 4 years ago

@RJamarama: RT @Variety: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies Age 36   - 4 years ago

@cineloisirs: L'actrice japonaise Sei Ashina (Soie, Kamen Rider Hibiki) retrouvée morte à l'âge de 36 ans - 4 years ago

@giornalettismo: Si ipotizza, viste le circostanze della morte dell'attrice #SeiAshina, il suicidio - 4 years ago

@udaygeeth: Actor in Japan dies of suspected suicide. - 4 years ago

@estimariam1: Japanese actor Sei Ashina was found dead at her Tokyo apartment on Monday, The Japan Times reported. She was 36. - 4 years ago

@chrish44447257: Japanese Actress Ashina Sei Dies Age 36 - 4 years ago

@mcoscetta: - 4 years ago

@VIVAlife_: Bintang Kamen Rider Hibiki, Sei Ashina Meninggal Bunuh Diri - 4 years ago

@mosene_: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies Of Suicide at Age 36 - 4 years ago

@outlaw__J: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@RivkaOciosa: RT @cineasia_online: La tragedia vuelve a golpear a la industria audiovisual japonesa. Ha fallecido la actriz Sei Ashina, con apenas 36 año… - 4 years ago

@desperate_gabby: RT @RepSpettacoli: Sei Ashina, morta la star di 'Seta': l'attrice 36enne è stata trovata priva di vita in casa [aggiornamento delle 11:48]… - 4 years ago

@fiveerp: RT @repubblica: Sei Ashina, morta la star di 'Seta': l'attrice 36enne è stata trovata priva di vita in casa - 4 years ago

@yuka4846: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@MBellessort: RT @repubblica: Sei Ashina, morta la star di 'Seta': l'attrice 36enne è stata trovata priva di vita in casa - 4 years ago

@repubblica: Sei Ashina, morta la star di 'Seta': l'attrice 36enne è stata trovata priva di vita in casa - 4 years ago

@i_nu_ga: RT @Variety: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies Age 36   - 4 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @Variety: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies Age 36   - 4 years ago

@rafiikhsn: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, Aktris Kamen Rider dan Bloody Monday Bunuh Diri - 4 years ago

@kcrtt: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, aktris Jepang yang berperan di film Kamen Rider dan drama Bloody Monday ditemukan bunuh diri di rumahnya p… - 4 years ago

@blackrover69: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, aktris Jepang yang berperan di film Kamen Rider dan drama Bloody Monday ditemukan bunuh diri di rumahnya p… - 4 years ago

@repubblica: RT @RepSpettacoli: Sei Ashina, morta la star di 'Seta': l'attrice 36enne è stata trovata priva di vita in casa [aggiornamento delle 11:48]… - 4 years ago

@ceknricekcom_id: Aktris Sei Ashina ditemukan tak bernyawa di apartemennya, Senin 14/9/20. - 4 years ago

@ThatYuupon: RT @cineasia_online: La tragedia vuelve a golpear a la industria audiovisual japonesa. Ha fallecido la actriz Sei Ashina, con apenas 36 año… - 4 years ago

@ijunan56: RT @pepottu: 311被災者なのに小泉純一郎の長男に近づいていたw。 リアル生活でも週刊フォトスの記者みたいなことをやってたのか。うーむ。たぶん小泉ファミリーの何かをつかんだのだ… 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いて… - 4 years ago

@OrigTeslasMuse: RT @Variety: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies Age 36   - 4 years ago

@divine_jit: RT @Variety: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies Age 36   - 4 years ago

@RepSpettacoli: Sei Ashina, morta la star di 'Seta': l'attrice 36enne è stata trovata priva di vita in casa [aggiornamento delle 11… - 4 years ago

@batukalikecil: RT @JapaneseStation: Sei Ashina, aktris Jepang yang berperan di film Kamen Rider dan drama Bloody Monday ditemukan bunuh diri di rumahnya p… - 4 years ago

@kchan1612: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@aaqmar_: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@solt48374307: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@Syvd_: RT @coffeemoogles: Here's the Japan Times article about Sei Ashina. Note that suicide hasn't been confirmed and investigation is still ongo… - 4 years ago

@hanab704: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@brownicotine: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@3samjai: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@tightrope_jpn: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@fararoche: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@thekpopbop: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@dayshollydays: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@watashiwaWidya: RT @tokyohive: Actress Ashina Sei passes away from an apparent suicide - 4 years ago

@tookkata_ta: RT @motorwars: ในวันเดียวกันนี้ที่ญี่ปุ่นก็มีข่าวเศร้า นักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีซึ่งวัยเดียวกับ โออินฮเย #ohinhy… - 4 years ago

@JCoskrey: RT @tokyoreporter: Actress Sei Ashina dies in apparent suicide - 4 years ago

@phx787: RT @tokyoreporter: Actress Sei Ashina dies in apparent suicide - 4 years ago

@ryosukeiko: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@n1998s_: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@___meww: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@ryosukeiko: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@MonkeyGale: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@_xzxrxsxvrvs: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@acat73246806: RT @pepottu: 311被災者なのに小泉純一郎の長男に近づいていたw。 リアル生活でも週刊フォトスの記者みたいなことをやってたのか。うーむ。たぶん小泉ファミリーの何かをつかんだのだ… 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いて… - 4 years ago

@bhhyun506: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@TumiYukii: RT @nippon_en: Actress Ashina Sei was found dead in her apartment in Tokyo yesterday. - 4 years ago

@yamakawaii: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@carnadine_: RT @nippon_en: Actress Ashina Sei was found dead in her apartment in Tokyo yesterday. - 4 years ago

@NurAzminaaa: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@abaddon73: RT @tokyoreporter: Actress Sei Ashina dies in apparent suicide - 4 years ago

@coeurdelion89: RT @j_doramanga: พบศพ Sei Ashina นักแสดง (อดีตนางแบบแฟชั่นนิตยสาร Cancam) ในบ้านตัวเอง คาดสาเหตุจากการฆ่าตัวตาย - 4 years ago

@halochenle: RT @Koreaboo: "Kamen Rider Hibiki" Actress Sei Ashina Has Died In Suspected Suicide - 4 years ago

@syazana_nasuha: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@Voufalarsoumav1: RT @hakaidermv: Uma triste notícia. A atriz Sei Ashina, a Hime de Kamen Rider Hibiki, foi encontrada morta em seu apartamento. Ela tinha 36… - 4 years ago

@_nurinirdna: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@CwJangy: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@AmaryllisX: RT @tokyohive: Actress Ashina Sei passes away from an apparent suicide - 4 years ago

@Godblessmyworl1: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@niew_menow: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@ploynploy: RT @doramaworld: TV Asahi offered their condolences in response to the sudden passing of Ashina Sei who was supposed to appear in their upc… - 4 years ago

@PenguPooh: RT @UnseenJapanSite: (CW: Suicide) Actress and model Ashina Sei, who has starred in dramas AIBOU, SHIP OF THESEUS, and YAE NO SAKURA, has… - 4 years ago

@EXTRAYEOL21: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@WXAreDAw9ESsCNV: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@gViva5hCGcPgTBU: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@shin_634: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@B_eyecandy21: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@r75wvKiGep: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@AizeeIza: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@NeKeyz: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@KimGolffy: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@nekomiisenpai: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Minbbobbo: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@1519marry: RT @Hikari75338292: La actriz y modelo japonesa Ashina Sei ha sido encontrada muerta hoy en su casa a la edad de 36 años. Se baraja el sui… - 4 years ago

@GustavoAS21: RT @TheTokuNet: Kamen Rider Hibiki's Sei Ashina Found Dead - 4 years ago

@vCNqq98NAPS1D4d: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@LArcNewsXile: RT @doramaworld: TV Asahi offered their condolences in response to the sudden passing of Ashina Sei who was supposed to appear in their upc… - 4 years ago

@OverseasIdol: Aktris Cantik Sei Ashina Ditemukan Meninggal Dunia di Apartementnya - 4 years ago

@CPN4S6Do6GFFDXJ: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@BhHxTJnjhIRSHpt: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@TEN10LAY: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@usangi_: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@shockshinestyle: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@parkthammarat: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@4b6JNlGY6eEjv6v: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@Randys5: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@WWSNK: RT @HenshinNews: A atriz Sei Ashina foi encontrada morta nesta manhã em Shinjuku, por sua família. As causas de sua morte ainda estão sendo… - 4 years ago

@HenshinNews: A atriz Sei Ashina foi encontrada morta nesta manhã em Shinjuku, por sua família. As causas de sua morte ainda estã… - 4 years ago

@ubukatayoshiko: 破とは破れのこと。 破が付いていると、思うようにことが進まない、足を引っ張られる、怪我するといった災厄が降りかかります。 2020年9月15日は卯の方位、東に破があり、四緑木星の方は気をつけてください。 暗剣殺は北西の七赤金… - 4 years ago

@HiyoAkane: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@paaticabr: @apple_juice53 Pior que acabei de ler que outra atriz, a japonesa Sei Ashina, também cometeu suicídio hoje. Triste...😪 - 4 years ago

@tanuki0223: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@oscarhaboni: RT @CelebrityDead2: 🇯🇵 Japón Murió [Sei Ashina], fue una actriz japonesa, mejor conocida por interpretar a Hime en Kamen Rider Hibiki, tam… - 4 years ago

@CAMELKUKU: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@CBDchabistar: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@flair13: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@Killswitch815: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@2hard2Sweet: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@Karamvic: RT @Hikari75338292: La actriz y modelo japonesa Ashina Sei ha sido encontrada muerta hoy en su casa a la edad de 36 años. Se baraja el sui… - 4 years ago

@cocopuffs1210: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@KoaraWhite: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@konishi1972: RT @JapanToday: Japanese actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide: Japanese actress Sei Ashina was found dead at her Tokyo apartm… - 4 years ago

@LifeOPi: RT @Hikari75338292: La actriz y modelo japonesa Ashina Sei ha sido encontrada muerta hoy en su casa a la edad de 36 años. Se baraja el sui… - 4 years ago

@Ghasnakr: RT @Hikari75338292: La actriz y modelo japonesa Ashina Sei ha sido encontrada muerta hoy en su casa a la edad de 36 años. Se baraja el sui… - 4 years ago

@toshi71895089: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@FormaranLot: Why it has end this way ? She is a good actress Her smart character in AIBO series is excellent Ashina Sei too yo… - 4 years ago

@JapanToday: Japanese actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide: Japanese actress Sei Ashina was found dead at her Toky… - 4 years ago

@Ice_ninelives: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@Cha_aim13: RT @j_doramanga: พบศพ Sei Ashina นักแสดง (อดีตนางแบบแฟชั่นนิตยสาร Cancam) ในบ้านตัวเอง คาดสาเหตุจากการฆ่าตัวตาย - 4 years ago

@ebondaian: This is so sad😢 Sei Ashina, 36 y.o Japanese actress, also died ytd, possibly of suicide. 😞 If you are having suici… - 4 years ago

@85spsxaCZYGhN6A: - 4 years ago

@miemiesakura: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@URinzou: RT @TokyoKinky: We are saddened to hear of the death of actress Sei Ashina, perhaps best known in the West for her role in "Silk." - 4 years ago

@purin_galz: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@85spsxaCZYGhN6A: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@_perseids352: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@758gen: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@Ymoricoro: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@NoMusic18NoLife: RT @nautiljon: Décès de l'actrice Sei Ashina. La comédienne de 36 ans a été retrouvée morte chez elle ce lundi matin. - 4 years ago

@ParkSaYuri1: RT @AKB48Daily: RIP Japanese actress Ashina Sei found dead in Tokyo home today. - 4 years ago

@illya_fatezero: RT @AnimeNewsNet: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 - 4 years ago

@R20ika: RT @AKB48Daily: RIP Japanese actress Ashina Sei found dead in Tokyo home today. - 4 years ago

@0um00omLHXyqpwB: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@FSkies32: @macch_iato an unfortunate message ms sei ashina died in her apartement due to drug overdose - 4 years ago

@menthol12m: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@kikinana_0710: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@2r7q8SE3pgLpswq: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@supusan3737: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@XX101XXXX101XX: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@noririna_abc: ショック・・・😭 Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide | The Japan Times - 4 years ago

@Miss_Yubari1: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@farr_ppl: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@jayofakina: RT @AnimeNewsNet: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 - 4 years ago

@albertsama: RT @TadaimaMx: Sei Ashina, quien protagonizara la adaptación fílmica de Nanase Futatabi, falleció a los 36 años de edad. ⬇️ Más detalles h… - 4 years ago

@Japanese_Lang_: Japanese actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - Kyodo News Plus - 4 years ago

@ant0vent: RT @Toku_Custom: RIP Sei Ashina. her role in Kamen Rider Hibiki became one part of her successful career. - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: 【Popular No.1 Topics in Japan!】 #AIBOU:_Tokyo_Detective_Duo #Sei_Ashina #Atsushi_Yamanishi #TV_Asahi 山西惇「言葉がありません」相棒共演の芦名さん悼む - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@xxckoff: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@kuriharapato: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Gramille03: RT @Hikari75338292: La actriz y modelo japonesa Ashina Sei ha sido encontrada muerta hoy en su casa a la edad de 36 años. Se baraja el sui… - 4 years ago

@kuriharapato: RT @myasianmadness: Ha muerto a los 36 años Ashina Sei, actriz japonesa conocida por películas como Killing for the prosecution, Kung Fu Le… - 4 years ago

@rr_lyrae: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@EnnuiKeaton: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@jackpotzi: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@reikableu: RT @hpriestsubs: Ashina Sei is dead? What? :((( She was 36 years old. A relative found her dead at her apartment in Shinjuku. The cause i… - 4 years ago

@DoodlebugFour: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@JimmyTVu1: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@JimmyTVu1: RT @Toku_Custom: RIP Sei Ashina. her role in Kamen Rider Hibiki became one part of her successful career. - 4 years ago

@BriceParis15: RT @nautiljon: Décès de l'actrice Sei Ashina. La comédienne de 36 ans a été retrouvée morte chez elle ce lundi matin. - 4 years ago

@SPACET0_: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@Harukisamae: Sei Ashina adında bir aktris daha intihar edip kendisini öldürmüş. Amına koduğumun Japonyası. - 4 years ago

@JimmyTVu1: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@Marshmallo_KS: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@minobees: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@shxxmangpor_: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@lwannaslep: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@torcnn: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@xwmt94: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@lilahfleur: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@lunastraaaa_: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@prvssian: RT @myasianmadness: Ha muerto a los 36 años Ashina Sei, actriz japonesa conocida por películas como Killing for the prosecution, Kung Fu Le… - 4 years ago

@GoNagaiWorld: 📷 Addio a Sei Ashina, attrice apparsa nelle serie live action Kamen Rider Hibiki e Kamui Gaiden #lutto #seiashina… - 4 years ago

@lllthgovlll: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@aisyahnordin: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@lalalulu14171: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@GoNagaiWorld: Addio a Sei Ashina, attrice apparsa nelle serie live action Kamen Rider Hibiki e Kamui Gaiden #lutto #seiashina #t.… - 4 years ago

@myasianmadness: Ha muerto a los 36 años Ashina Sei, actriz japonesa conocida por películas como Killing for the prosecution, Kung F… - 4 years ago

@Minustiie: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@sailorpeachpls: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@bigfanjay: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@Panita_fei: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@opacity25: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@hahhahhahhahh: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@_ieqa: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@__pppppgy: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@PTN_palm: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@path_pr5: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@flower_xyaa: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@kivalkyrie: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@Ciel_CK: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@AomaamTae: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@formmii: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@heidi_nr: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@donutsrants: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@horiuchiRyusei: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@mahdiamput: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@KidulWarlock: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@ksociety2: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@DF13_93: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@YNWkuki: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@MassyPower: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@badpxm: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@prillyone: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@matcha_ywkb: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@nazmengantuklah: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@_a_L_palomino: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@mecanox927: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@Roliixol: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@xmmiixiv: - 4 years ago

@peluzeus: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide | The Japan Times ジャパンタイムズでは「自殺の疑いあり」と出ているが、実際はどうなんだろう。 - 4 years ago

@banimiru11: RT @someone5963: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update12 311被災者で小泉ファミリーに接近、何を掴んだのだろう?🤔 - 4 years ago

@causelove: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@beezzkubpom: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@09ars05: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@CryhavocDOW: RT @The_Illuminerdi: Kamen Rider Actress Sei Ashina was Found Dead in her Home Early This Morning - 4 years ago

@shezzawho_: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@vixxerror: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@_withbabyfhk: RT @JapanSalaryboom: ข่าวเศร้าอีกแล้ว วันนี้มีการพบร่าง Ashina Sei วัย 36 นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดังในเรื่อง bloody Monday เสียชีวิตอยู่ที่บ้านพัก… - 4 years ago

@__Batrisya: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@Aam_Amzah: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@sentosbottles: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@arasyzz: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@khunlung_s: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@shazy_lim: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@Gilga_t: Shame about Sei Ashina. Sad that KR Hibiki lost two actors already. - 4 years ago

@kuroowaifuu: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@animemanganoti: Sei Ashina, actriz en series como Kamen Rider Hibiki, fallece - 4 years ago

@yufaheema: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@ElisandraBorg10: RT @TheTokuNet: Kamen Rider Hibiki's Sei Ashina Found Dead - 4 years ago

@_alyaisarss: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@aulaityuri: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@purplwer: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@seokapuji: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@cendolpulut95: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@filmxrz: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@shananna_: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@vachzar: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@ladykimie: RT @j_doramanga: พบศพ Sei Ashina นักแสดง (อดีตนางแบบแฟชั่นนิตยสาร Cancam) ในบ้านตัวเอง คาดสาเหตุจากการฆ่าตัวตาย - 4 years ago

@Hikari75338292: La actriz y modelo japonesa Ashina Sei ha sido encontrada muerta hoy en su casa a la edad de 36 años. Se baraja el… - 4 years ago

@boschettoamore: Ashina Sei foi encontrada morta :( Ô gente pelamor... Ela fez Bloody Monday assim como o Miura Haruma... - 4 years ago

@1984Nippongo: @TheTokuNet RIP Sei Ashina 😢 - 4 years ago

@SAKURAsenpaiJP: I can't believe ... We see a lot of suicide news these days... Actually my relative and boss also did it... I hav… - 4 years ago

@MrChangeDragon: RT @TheTokuNet: Kamen Rider Hibiki's Sei Ashina Found Dead - 4 years ago

@riojin_san: RT @DaisukiToku: Sei Ashina, who appeared in the 2005 film #KamenRider Hibiki & The Seven Senki as Hime, has passed away at the age of 36.… - 4 years ago

@destinyambercos: RT @TheTokuNet: Kamen Rider Hibiki's Sei Ashina Found Dead - 4 years ago

@TheTokuNet: Kamen Rider Hibiki's Sei Ashina Found Dead - 4 years ago

@adampryslak: RT @AnimeNewsNet: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 - 4 years ago

@shogunmuteki: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@brandorider: RT @tokublog: Começamos o dia com uma notícia triste para os fãs de #tokusatsu. Descanse em paz, Hime. - 4 years ago

@namanya_vidi: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@DovahKiin_91: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@zecqezaa: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@shoji22_masato: RT @bonaponta: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update9 - 4 years ago

@naimkudo: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@azamsuratem: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@bonaponta: 弁財天: 週刊フォトス記者役の芦名星(あしなせい)が自殺体で発見されて311を解いてしまう… update9 - 4 years ago

@videoneonr: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@airishiteru_: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@_dini07: RT @PsychoDramaJP: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found at home earlier today. The cause of death is currentl… - 4 years ago

@azhani_k: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@tngmypr_: นึกออกแล้วว่าคุณashina seiแสดงnobunaga no chef ด้วยนี่นา เศร้าจัง - 4 years ago

@ReiConsidera: RT @hakaidermv: Uma triste notícia. A atriz Sei Ashina, a Hime de Kamen Rider Hibiki, foi encontrada morta em seu apartamento. Ela tinha 36… - 4 years ago

@azamsuratem: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@mlyzfrnnn: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@sazalona: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@ale_nagado: RT @hakaidermv: Uma triste notícia. A atriz Sei Ashina, a Hime de Kamen Rider Hibiki, foi encontrada morta em seu apartamento. Ela tinha 36… - 4 years ago

@Dapoq_pdot: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@TheGamerHDF: RT @AnimeNewsNet: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 - 4 years ago

@MarioJPC: RT @DaisukiToku: Sei Ashina, who appeared in the 2005 film #KamenRider Hibiki & The Seven Senki as Hime, has passed away at the age of 36.… - 4 years ago

@KamenCorgi: RT @DaisukiToku: Sei Ashina, who appeared in the 2005 film #KamenRider Hibiki & The Seven Senki as Hime, has passed away at the age of 36.… - 4 years ago

@brendybossun: Aktris Ashina Sei, kenal dari Bloody Monday sama seperti Miura Haruma, ditemukan meninggal dengan cara yang sama juga 😭😭😭 - 4 years ago

@kaijinrights: RT @DaisukiToku: Sei Ashina, who appeared in the 2005 film #KamenRider Hibiki & The Seven Senki as Hime, has passed away at the age of 36.… - 4 years ago

@Jesszman: RT @DaisukiToku: Sei Ashina, who appeared in the 2005 film #KamenRider Hibiki & The Seven Senki as Hime, has passed away at the age of 36.… - 4 years ago

@DaisukiToku: Sei Ashina, who appeared in the 2005 film #KamenRider Hibiki & The Seven Senki as Hime, has passed away at the age… - 4 years ago

@kiyokiyo_japan: 芦名星さん 今日「週刊プレイボーイ」が発売だったのに 一体何があったの?? 残念過ぎる..... #芦名星 #芦名星ちゃん - 4 years ago

@zakky17_: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@sorewadoukana: Bersama dengan Haruma Miura di Bloody Monday. Jadi villain di Kamen Rider Hibiki juga. RIP. - 4 years ago

@CHANNAKAJIMA: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@CikManisDonut: RT @handrifter86: RIP - 4 years ago

@fatin_jun: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@handrifter86: RIP - 4 years ago

@rohmatsp: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@LunziKawaihime: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@lilassouslaplu1: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@Pichink: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@realthi__: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@china_must: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@baii_yo: RT @kyodo_english: Japanese actress Sei Ashina has been found dead at her Tokyo apartment by family in what investigative sources believe w… - 4 years ago

@leon_fan: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@KuntumAfnani: RT @Tentangdorama: Kabar duka dari industri hiburan Jepang. Aktris Sei Ashina meninggal dunia di usia 36 tahun Dilansir Oricon News, Ashin… - 4 years ago

@KuntumAfnani: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@_doshigatai__: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@blue17w: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@gukienvughtdj: 芦名星の新宿自宅マンションの場所はどこでなぜ自殺を?理由は? - 4 years ago

@Charlesnchaos: RT @DraikenTalkos: Ashina Sei, who played Hime (one of the homunculi) in Kamen Rider Hibiki, found dead in her home. Cause still TBD. 😥 - 4 years ago

@color5seaside: Ashina Sei... - 4 years ago

@PhanRai: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@closedeyee: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Schismocracy: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@melodiouspoetry: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@NP_Punch: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@erijaps: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@mirairashi: @PsychoDramaJP 😱 one of my girl crush 😭😭😭 RIP Ashina Sei 😭 - 4 years ago

@adenosine3_p: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@JokerXtreme36: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@dancing_onmyown: RT @japantimes: Actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@ballmwmak: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@MrChangeDragon: RIP Sei Ashina - 4 years ago

@tokublog: Começamos o dia com uma notícia triste para os fãs de #tokusatsu. Descanse em paz, Hime. - 4 years ago

@malmal0021: 芦名星さん テセウスの船の演技が好きだった とても魅力がある人だったので、残念。。 #芦名星 #芦名星ちゃん - 4 years ago

@hyeoksshi: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Amir_Zai: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@thisissin_er: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@JaimeAMBarcena: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@HEERO_LIVE01: [Actress Sei Ashina, 36 years old] It was impressive that Sei Ashina and Haruma Miura co-starred on Bloody Monday 😢… - 4 years ago

@Catheri69941876: RT @kotetsutoysjp: Sei Ashina was died...what? Excuse me? I can't understand... - 4 years ago

@PPYPP__: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@gigkagigka: RT @marumuradotcom: นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดัง Ashina Sei เสียชีวิตแล้ว #ข่าวญี่ปุ่น #marumura #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@serjie22: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@fierazor: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@asdfghjumiii: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@onizuka10_: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@yichan888: Lama ga buka twitter, baru buka udh lgsg dpt berita duka aktris jepang ashina sei ditemukan meninggal. Diduga bundi… - 4 years ago

@AkayamaRyu: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@HEERO_LIVE01: [Actress Sei Ashina, 36 years old] It was impressive that Sei Ashina 〖Ashinasei〗 and Haruma Miura co-starred on Blo… - 4 years ago

@MaruiTheBunny: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@shipsnavigator: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@Naramaruru: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@labyrinth0102: RT @marumuradotcom: นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดัง Ashina Sei เสียชีวิตแล้ว #ข่าวญี่ปุ่น #marumura #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@meicumkom: RT @marumuradotcom: นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดัง Ashina Sei เสียชีวิตแล้ว #ข่าวญี่ปุ่น #marumura #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@followstorms: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@chokinetto: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Igadevil: RT @DraikenTalkos: Ashina Sei, who played Hime (one of the homunculi) in Kamen Rider Hibiki, found dead in her home. Cause still TBD. 😥 - 4 years ago

@bon_2105: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@cumkom: RT @marumuradotcom: นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดัง Ashina Sei เสียชีวิตแล้ว #ข่าวญี่ปุ่น #marumura #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@ChisatoOo00: RIP to Sei Ashina, a beautiful talented, and precious Japanese actress. Though the cause of her death is still unde… - 4 years ago

@twinklejourney: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@gurichiron: RT @nippon_ja: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies in Apparent Suicide - 4 years ago

@Diontorahono: Innallilahi Wa Innallilahi Rojiun... Kamen Rider Hibiki's Sei Ashina Found Dead At Her Residence - 日本… - 4 years ago

@inoji78: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@nippon_ja: Japanese Actress Sei Ashina Dies in Apparent Suicide - 4 years ago

@amesan___: RT @marumuradotcom: นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดัง Ashina Sei เสียชีวิตแล้ว #ข่าวญี่ปุ่น #marumura #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@arianaajin: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@peculiarfuyu: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@itsmeu: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@risusagi__: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@followstorms: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@ninoaimiya: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@sakonpsychi: RT @marumuradotcom: นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดัง Ashina Sei เสียชีวิตแล้ว #ข่าวญี่ปุ่น #marumura #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@ha2ydo: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Ploy_Michii: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@21douggie: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@AmaryllisX: RT @marumuradotcom: นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดัง Ashina Sei เสียชีวิตแล้ว #ข่าวญี่ปุ่น #marumura #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@care_hc: RT @marumuradotcom: นักแสดงหญิงชื่อดัง Ashina Sei เสียชีวิตแล้ว #ข่าวญี่ปุ่น #marumura #AshinaSei - 4 years ago

@Chibipickles: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@kookgakik: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@TamaTsun_: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@kookgakik: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@pierueaix_: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@thisissin_er: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@Nowhere_iame: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@X1n90: In che senso Sei Ashina morta?! Ma porca troia 😞 - 4 years ago

@KochiRatoSho: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@daraiver: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@kyungyME: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@kanacit: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Lana_Cake: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@V0xsF0f6yDfUwCw: 今テセウスの船見返しましたがスタイル抜群で綺麗なのに、華やかさが全く感じられない田舎臭さが最高でした!幸薄い雰囲気がすごくはまって自然でした。写真は三浦春馬との共演があったブラッディマンデイ #芦名星… - 4 years ago

@superroxy_11: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@jen__0622__s__r: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@hikohiko4482: 芦名星さん ストイックな一面があったみたい・・ にしても、努力を惜しまない人だったので、 悲しすぎる。。 #芦名星 #芦名星ちゃん - 4 years ago

@is_nna: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@ayathealtair: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@GoldstarTMG: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@ichanogi: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@MiankaZavier: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@nutchngorna: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@khunkwl: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@is_nna: Ashina Sei???? Eeehhhhhh - 4 years ago

@BluestMS_: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@GammaTeruo: RT @VivaErManga: Encuentran sin vida el cuerpo de la actriz Sei Ashina de 36 años. La policía investiga un posible suicidio. Actriz conocid… - 4 years ago

@BluestMS_: RT @hpriestsubs: Ashina Sei is dead? What? :((( She was 36 years old. A relative found her dead at her apartment in Shinjuku. The cause i… - 4 years ago

@holystan_: RT @kyodo_english: Japanese actress Sei Ashina has been found dead at her Tokyo apartment by family in what investigative sources believe w… - 4 years ago

@brendybossun: Mbak Ashina Sei juga ikutan Miura Haruma 😭😭😭 - 4 years ago

@Lockservv: RT @kumparan: Belum diketahui mengenai penyebab meninggalnya artis Jepang, Sei Ashina. #kumparanHITS - 4 years ago

@Lockservv: RT @tribunsolocom: Ashina Sei Artis Jepang Pemeran Hime di Kamen Rider Hibiki Ditemukan Meninggal Dunia di Rumahnya - 4 years ago

@tyquack: RT @PsychoDramaJP: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found at home earlier today. The cause of death is currentl… - 4 years ago

@Lockservv: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@Lockservv: RT @Toku_Custom: RIP Sei Ashina. her role in Kamen Rider Hibiki became one part of her successful career. - 4 years ago

@Lockservv: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Lockservv: RT @hpriestsubs: Ashina Sei is dead? What? :((( She was 36 years old. A relative found her dead at her apartment in Shinjuku. The cause i… - 4 years ago

@Lockservv: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@Lockservv: RT @Tentangdorama: Kabar duka dari industri hiburan Jepang. Aktris Sei Ashina meninggal dunia di usia 36 tahun Dilansir Oricon News, Ashin… - 4 years ago

@Its_Eemir: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@lunaelric: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@themainichi: Japanese actress Sei Ashina found dead in suspected suicide - 4 years ago

@Nathan_Dika: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@IKarentuite: RT @DraikenTalkos: Ashina Sei, who played Hime (one of the homunculi) in Kamen Rider Hibiki, found dead in her home. Cause still TBD. 😥 - 4 years ago

@wasti_127: RT @Tentangdorama: Kabar duka dari industri hiburan Jepang. Aktris Sei Ashina meninggal dunia di usia 36 tahun Dilansir Oricon News, Ashin… - 4 years ago

@yumabun: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@Appendixst: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@almafairuz: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@ploynploy: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@fareezJOE: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@DevilWarChild: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@JhexosPokeFan: RT @VivaErManga: Encuentran sin vida el cuerpo de la actriz Sei Ashina de 36 años. La policía investiga un posible suicidio. Actriz conocid… - 4 years ago

@Jo_Kwanghee_07: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@hatenkachi: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@mjske_e: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@MinimusTamias: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@MY_1428_V2: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@kyomoyuzue: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@SnowballSB11: RT @AnimeNewsNet: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 - 4 years ago

@yuzujusu: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Tentangdorama: Kabar duka dari industri hiburan Jepang. Aktris Sei Ashina meninggal dunia di usia 36 tahun Dilansir Oricon News,… - 4 years ago

@videoneonr: RT @AnimeNewsNet: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 - 4 years ago

@farahinanana_: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@konounmei: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@KiwamiCube: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@rinerin__: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@qutaqrela: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@reginleiffff: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@hasanah_hmd: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@twt_tokusatsu: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@tan_woman: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@_Asiancinema_: Hoy nos ha dejado la actriz Sei Ashina, reconocida mundialmente por su papel en la película del 2007, 'Seda' y por… - 4 years ago

@shiqinnnnn: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@TamaTsun_: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@akajnishi: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@iamasaltedfish: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@darissurayya: Ashina Sei passed away. What happened? - 4 years ago

@Ridw_21: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@malmal0021: 芦名星さん 大河ドラマやテセウスの船など人気ドラマも主演してて グラビアも出しして評判良かったのに。。 すっごく悲しい・・ #芦名星 #芦名星ちゃん - 4 years ago

@awalibrary: ♀芦名 星 Ashina, Sei 女優 19831122 福島 東京 20200914 36 /自殺? /165cm [O] 元モデル/籍=五十嵐 彩 - 4 years ago

@IzzieNai: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@gukienvughtdj: 芦名星の新宿自宅マンションの場所はどこか特定!なぜ自殺を?理由は? - 4 years ago

@N_Shiraiishi: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@pointmercury: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@sukaikemen: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@chinadolldx: RT @Anime: Kamui Gaiden, Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Sei Ashina Passes Away at 36 • Police are investigating death as possible suicide https… - 4 years ago

@emerald_love: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@Popodechu: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@ms_wabisabist: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@arashixtones: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@akuluthfi: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@jguedez: RT @cineasia_online: La tragedia vuelve a golpear a la industria audiovisual japonesa. Ha fallecido la actriz Sei Ashina, con apenas 36 año… - 4 years ago

@a_sunf1ower: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@dontslouchkji: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@kyodo_english: Japanese actress Sei Ashina has been found dead at her Tokyo apartment by family in what investigative sources beli… - 4 years ago

@tacctacchin: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@aiia001: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@ogawa_sora: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@chayumini: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@akydnala: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@KamenMayumi: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@Alkupra: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@Oyasumi_Arimura: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@helgaw321: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@JarrFajarr_: Ashina Sei Artis Jepang Pemeran Hime di Kamen Rider Hibiki Ditemukan Meninggal Dunia di Rumahnya - 4 years ago

@whoisthebestA: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@yuyulisch: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@kimdreamcrush: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@silverwind: RT @unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep 14.… - 4 years ago

@peculiarfuyu: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@unleashthegeek: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found by a relative at her home on the morning of Sep… - 4 years ago

@altheaxiv: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@NelsonKShin: RT @cineasia_online: La tragedia vuelve a golpear a la industria audiovisual japonesa. Ha fallecido la actriz Sei Ashina, con apenas 36 año… - 4 years ago

@Biden_Harris_: Sei Ashina is dead! #SeiAshina Cowboys - Add some flowers to their digital memorial! Suicide, Murder or Accident? W… - 4 years ago

@kPachii: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@kyungyME: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@cineasia_online: La tragedia vuelve a golpear a la industria audiovisual japonesa. Ha fallecido la actriz Sei Ashina, con apenas 36… - 4 years ago

@ploynploy: RT @RealBummie: Why it happened again? 😭 RIP to "Sei Ashina" I like her role in "Bloody Monday" & "Tenno no Ryoriban" so much - 4 years ago

@AlertaGeekChile: ¿Conocías a la actriz? Sei Ashina, actriz de Kamui Gaiden y Kamen Rider Hibiki, fallece a la edad de 36 años… - 4 years ago

@6002Scm: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! ที่ญี่ปุ่น #Japan พบศพนักแสดง-นางแบบสาว “เซ อะชินะ” (Sei Ashina) วัย 36 ปีที่บ้านของเธอในกรุงโตเกียว คาดว่าจะเป็… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Sei Ashina dies - #SeiAshina #Sei #Ashina #rip - 4 years ago

@eksohana: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@azurelcz: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@4hanahbuddy: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@2amondmango: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@jdramapll: RT @hpriestsubs: Ashina Sei is dead? What? :((( She was 36 years old. A relative found her dead at her apartment in Shinjuku. The cause i… - 4 years ago

@jandoe23: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

@randy_diamond: RT @PsychoDramaJP: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found at home earlier today. The cause of death is currentl… - 4 years ago

@chiimathoszz: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@takukairi: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@Bot285881613: 芦名星 Sei Ashina Actress #芦名星  #仮面ライダー響鬼 #AI崩壊 #鴨川ホルモー - 4 years ago

@jdramapll: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@elegylicious: RT @hpriestsubs: Ashina Sei is dead? What? :((( She was 36 years old. A relative found her dead at her apartment in Shinjuku. The cause i… - 4 years ago

@randy_diamond: RT @coffeemoogles: Actress Sei Ashina was found dead in her home. She acted in works like Kamen Rider Hibiki and Bloody Monday. Cause of de… - 4 years ago

@moonalsky: RT @PsychoDramaJP: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found at home earlier today. The cause of death is currentl… - 4 years ago

@Ryushell_: RT @cloverblossoms_: Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found dead at her home in Shinjuku. The cause of death currently under investigation. htt… - 4 years ago

@elegylicious: RT @PsychoDramaJP: Actress Ashina Sei has passed away at the age of 36. She was found at home earlier today. The cause of death is currentl… - 4 years ago

@withasmile_kaji: ashina sei passed away...sigh, there are really way too many this year... - 4 years ago

@jgtokyo: More sad news. Actress Ashina Sei (芦名星) was found dead at her Shinjuku apartment today in a suspected suicide. When… - 4 years ago

@I_3Nyongdal: RT @yullaineedesu: Kamen Rider Hibiki Actress Ashina Sei (36) was found lifeless at her residence today. The police are currently under inv… - 4 years ago

@yimmyon: RT @doramaworld: Ashina Sei found dead at her home in Shinjuku by her family this morning as reported on 14 Sep 2020; her agency Horipro co… - 4 years ago

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