Seble Desta

Ethiopian princess.
Died on Friday January 27th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Soul Jah Love

Tweets related to Seble Desta:

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Seble Desta - #SebleDesta #Seble #Desta #rip - 2 years ago

@Anwarovic16: RT @TheDejazmach: [Update Jan. 9/23] In memory of Princess Seble Desta Damtew (pictured below), granddaughter of Emperor Haile Selassie I,… - 2 years ago

@tomoshibi6o6o: エリトリア副女王であるテナグネワーク王女の最後の娘、セブレ・デスタ王女が亡くなりました。 彼女は特に、祖父であるエチオピア皇帝ハイレ=セラシエ1世の個人秘書であり、彼の旅行に同行しました。 - 2 years ago

@ActusRoyales: La princesse Seble Desta, dernière fille de la princesse Tenagnework, vice-reine d'Érythrée, est décédée. Elle a n… - 2 years ago


@sethbleonard: RT @CorinneLaPook: Honored and privileged to have known the remarkable Princess Seble Desta. Her kindness, bravery, courage, empathy, dedic… - 2 years ago

@CorinneLaPook: Honored and privileged to have known the remarkable Princess Seble Desta. Her kindness, bravery, courage, empathy,… - 2 years ago

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