Sean Murphy

American baseball player (Sacramento River Cats).
Died on Monday April 25th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sean Murphy:

@RyanBodenheim: @RyanOttley @Sean_G_Murphy there's some low hanging fruit in this sentence I'm dying to pick - 9 years ago

@LouisTheBland: @atomictimepiece @RyanOttley @Sean_G_Murphy yeah screw you Ottley. Polls for the people. - 9 years ago

@andgiedotcom: RT @dsugar444: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@atomictimepiece: @RyanOttley @Sean_G_Murphy I'd buy a comic filled with polls penciled by Mr Murphy. - 9 years ago


@RyanOttley: @Sean_G_Murphy You sure are skilled at polls and drawing. Not necessarily in that order but maybe. - 9 years ago

@PulsRadioLive: #nowplaying Sean Murphy - Pi Xiu (Radio Edit) on Puls Radio #pulsradio - 9 years ago

@Myoosli: @Sean_G_Murphy Oh no it doesn't!!! 😜 #DramaAlert - 9 years ago

@Philjimeneznyc: @Sean_G_Murphy ....special skill, that light boxing. - 9 years ago

@Philjimeneznyc: @Sean_G_Murphy I have to say, I find tracing really hard. Its why I rarely do it; I'm just not very good at it! I think it's actually a... - 9 years ago

@JoshCrewsReally: @BarryTheArtGuy @NakatomiTim @Sean_G_Murphy I'm not in a position of saying something is right or wrong. Just what I like or don't. YMMV. - 9 years ago

@JoshCrewsReally: @BarryTheArtGuy @NakatomiTim @Sean_G_Murphy I get that, but I've seen celeb likenesses used willy nilly too. - 9 years ago

@BarryTheArtGuy: @JoshCrewsReally @NakatomiTim @Sean_G_Murphy he's talking about when it needs to have a likeness like a celeb/for a celeb. - 9 years ago

@JoshCrewsReally: @BarryTheArtGuy @NakatomiTim @Sean_G_Murphy Maybe on occasion. I don't want to see random characters looking like Aniston, Hanks, etc. - 9 years ago

@SCSRZx: @RyanStegman @Sean_G_Murphy @zdarsky Good idea, and no, not into that approach but haven't experienced a great visual delivery from it yet.✌ - 9 years ago

@Remender: RT @ThePimpCheese: @Sean_G_Murphy @Remender Arrived today ♥ Keep up the great work. Greetz from Germany. - 9 years ago

@CrusaderZero6: @Sean_G_Murphy I only look at it that way in regards to not creating the art out of whole cloth. - 9 years ago

@rhino_ryanotto: Retweeted Sean Gordon Murphy (@Sean_G_Murphy): How do you feel about artists tracing photos to make comics? - 9 years ago

@AirTrafficAJ: @RyanStegman @zdarsky @Sean_G_Murphy whoever said you don't want to know how the sausage gets made was full of shit - 9 years ago

@rdouek: @Sean_G_Murphy If it looks good, don't care how they got there, but it so often looks terrible. - 9 years ago

@AirTrafficAJ: @RyanStegman @zdarsky @Sean_G_Murphy I feel like I'm peeking behind the comics biz magic curtain when I read threads like these. - 9 years ago

@stefanomjr: @Demonpuppy @Sean_G_Murphy Batmobile is kinda a super car. win/win. - 9 years ago

@GentTrooper: @Sean_G_Murphy I joined Facebook in 2008 because of peer pressure but never used it. Every picture of me is one someone else tagged. - 9 years ago

@Demonpuppy: @stefanomjr @Sean_G_Murphy I listen when he speaks about them, just wish he liked super cars😜 - 9 years ago

@stefanomjr: @Demonpuppy you are to dinosaurs what @Sean_G_Murphy is to cars. - 9 years ago

@BoxingMarco: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@MIC_NOOBY: @RadioPaparazi Murphy omo iya me hail Sean amadi🙌🙌 - 9 years ago

@BenjaminDewey: @Sean_G_Murphy it's not worth your time. It's a horror-show of people's most mundane/repugnant ideas. Besides, you have motorcycles to ride! - 9 years ago

@nickfil: @Sean_G_Murphy after they linked Spotify to fb and I lost 5 hours of work to what people were listening to, I was out. Fb free for 4 years. - 9 years ago

@DudeGnarly1990: @Beez_says Punk Rock Jesus by Sean Murphy. - 9 years ago

@RadioPaparazi: RT @bigmiketwitts: @889BrilaFM @RadioPaparazi @Sean_RMW Hello guys, Murphy I don't knw abt 2tomoro bt tonight Diego is d best coach in d wo… - 9 years ago

@EMannLand: @Sean_G_Murphy that was nice of them to ask XD I guess you finally made it you have clones ;) @rycady @mrmarkmillar - 9 years ago

@DaveAvenger: @Sean_G_Murphy life is better with out Facebook. If people really want to stay in touch with you they'll find a way. - 9 years ago

@seneca_wilson: @Sean_G_Murphy I bailed years ago. For a platform designed to bring together, I never hated people more. - 9 years ago

@PopMythology: RT @mrmarkmillar: Prediction: @Sean_G_Murphy is the artist all the kids are copying right now. Every 5 years someone breaks new ground like… - 9 years ago

@AMU7275793843: RT @ZackSnyder: Cool new #DKIII variant cover @DCComics @Sean_G_Murphy #Batman #Superman - 9 years ago

@ClareHurlers: RT @claregaacg: JC McMahon @BroadfordGaa, Sean Murphy @ocmillsgaa & Colin Haugh @RuanGaa vital members of North Clare #CelticChallenge pane… - 9 years ago

@mskvarla36: @Sean_G_Murphy You still doing SF pet photo commentary? - 9 years ago

@neilstucky1: @Sean_G_Murphy what made u decide to go with twitter instead of facebook as a way to connect to fans - 9 years ago

@glshade1: @Sean_G_Murphy though I know people who get real value from FB its algorithm never worked for me... - 9 years ago

@haddon_film: @Sean_G_Murphy I ditched FB about a month ago and I've been happier since. - 9 years ago

@texasfromjames: @Sean_G_Murphy I always thought she looked like one of the aliens from the Fifth Element - 9 years ago

@hobosalary: @Sean_G_Murphy Same. In fact I had this exact conversation just yesterday. - 9 years ago

@jaqulewithstyle: @Sean_G_Murphy @andykhouri watch out for the pixie love dust - 9 years ago

@AndyCCL: @Sean_G_Murphy solidarity ! 👊🏻 - 9 years ago

@Cuban_Superman: @Sean_G_Murphy It's overrated. You're better off joining Instagram to share your artwork. - 9 years ago

@BatlanticStudio: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@bramclark: @Sean_G_Murphy You aren't missing anything. - 9 years ago

@fred42: @Sean_G_Murphy not a bad thing. Facebook is a privacy nightmare. - 9 years ago

@rzochoa: @Sean_G_Murphy I think it's time to joint us in the year 2009. - 9 years ago

@Sean_G_Murphy: I remember quitting MySpace years ago, balking at FB thinking "this isn't gonna last!" I was SO wrong, but still haven't joined FB. - 9 years ago

@TCordones: Minor Leagues News: A’s RHP Sean Murphy Dies in Arizona. - 9 years ago

@ICALondon: RT @NTSlive: The Rise, Fall and Rise of Vinyl - panel talk at @ICALondon tonight w/ Sean Bidder, Peter Saville + Colleen Murphy: - 9 years ago

@NTSlive: The Rise, Fall and Rise of Vinyl - panel talk at @ICALondon tonight w/ Sean Bidder, Peter Saville + Colleen Murphy: - 9 years ago

@Sean_G_Murphy: @tanaford had to look that one up! Thanks. :) - 9 years ago

@Sean_G_Murphy: RT @jock4twenty: @jock4twenty Anyone interested? They’re keen to keep things local, but not essential. Pls RT thx! - 9 years ago

@IamSteveCowan: @Sean_G_Murphy You got nearly 26k followers, Rick has a few too. Everytime you tweet a WIP pic thats comics PR. You are a 1 man PR machine!! - 9 years ago

@Sean_G_Murphy: @efften @kickstarter my dealer,@sequenceart might know - 9 years ago

@SifuWazza: @Sean_G_Murphy it's because your awesome and friendly at cons and the Red Pandas - 9 years ago

@LGwenn: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@tanaford: @Sean_G_Murphy you MIGHT be sitting in the catbird seat, Murphy. - 9 years ago

@efften: @Sean_G_Murphy I can't figure out what address @kickstarter has for me, but I recently noticed my ApplePay has my old address. Options? - 9 years ago

@canarducoin: RT @dexterwee: WIP #caferacer #female #rider #drawing #illustration #sketch Inspired by @Sean_G_Murphy arts. - 9 years ago

@ItsSeanDorans: RT @mrmarkmillar: It's like watching a pop star emerge. Nobody sees them coming. But watch all the kids influenced by @Sean_G_Murphy over n… - 9 years ago

@SplashPageComic: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@Passion_Comics: RT @3MarVell: Ce soir, je vais me faire un kiffe royal. ENFIN !!! #TokyoGhost @UrbanComics @Sean_G_Murphy @Remender - 9 years ago

@Sean_P_Molloy: @Rachel__Nichols @NotoriousOHM oh man, I forgot how good the Charlie Murphy VOs were for that series - 9 years ago

@ImMissDontCare: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@KirstynMyers: @Sean_G_Murphy Wayne. Bruce Wayne. - 9 years ago

@rafael_lam: @Sean_G_Murphy /o/ - 9 years ago

@MarkElDude: @Sean_G_Murphy who does my Roxy look like?! - 9 years ago

@wally988: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@RorySublett: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@Luffy_Hz: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@MystreFixit: @Sean_G_Murphy his name is Boris, go! - 9 years ago

@sierradean: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@Sean_G_Murphy: Feral from X Force - 9 years ago

@RyanOttley: @Sean_G_Murphy TELL ME! - 9 years ago

@davedrawsgood: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@Southpawmagik: @Sean_G_Murphy @Remender @ScaleraMatteo fear agent needs to be a movie right now. My intro to @Remender . Loved everything since. - 9 years ago

@ScotTheLizard: @ZackDavisson @Sean_G_Murphy Admiral Ackbar - 9 years ago

@Southpawmagik: Forgot to tweet. I backed @Sean_G_Murphy under the hood. Can't wait. Rereading black science by @Remender @ScaleraMatteo . One of the best. - 9 years ago

@eatyourlipstick: @Sean_G_Murphy - 9 years ago

@Sean_G_Murphy: RT @elizabethforma: There's more enthusiasm for @realDonaldTrump among leaders of the KKK than leaders of the political party he now contro… - 9 years ago

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