Sean Arnold

English actor (Grange Hill
Died on Sunday April 19th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Sean Arnold:

@mpvine: Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies aged 79 after long illness Co-stars of the 90s Jersey-set detective… - 5 years ago

@arnold_salgado7: @MarceloDellamea Solo que sean virtuales, maestro. 😅 - 5 years ago

@PaulGavigan4: @SouthernKeeks Democrats are gonna have Sean Penn and Tom Arnold - 5 years ago

@jabezel: @historylvrsclub I did not know that Arnold was following in the footsteps of Sean Connery. - 5 years ago


@avella_arnold: RT @elquelosdelata: Un abogado es una persona que entra en la vida de alguien con vocación de conocer su verdad. No se pide por Rappi.A un… - 5 years ago

@Arnold_Cuaces: RT @petrogustavo: Para que chance de cientos de miles de millones a la salud, deben haber millones de personas en las calles. ¿Cuál es el… - 5 years ago

@Sean_Nicholas: RT @TheAthleticUK: 𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 | 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗴𝘂𝗲 GK: Alisson DEF: Robertson, Van Dijk, Soyuncu, Alexander-Arnold MID: Grealish, Hen… - 5 years ago

@Sean_in_Boston: RT @blobespot: She got hired because she was engaged to their QB, who got her a fax machine for Xmas and she dumped him..went on to do a sh… - 5 years ago

@festusiyenagbe9: @ToluSpinnn Where's Sean Connery, Jackie chan, van damme, Matt damon, will Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester… - 5 years ago

@sean_atkins_: RT @AaronWilson_NFL: San Diego State corner Luq Barcoo @luqmanbarcoo, has signed with the Jaguars for a record-breaking $160K guarantee. De… - 5 years ago

@VVDijkSZN: @arnold_prime @Sean__LFC We could’ve literally had 6 goals. Finishing was awful. Mane should’ve had at least 2 - 5 years ago

@ReadshawGeorge: @AhamedSaikat @EmmaMcCabe1 @jasminemstewart @sweeneym1990 @ZammitWriter @willwillynash @JuiceBlack @SamBenjaminNow… - 5 years ago

@avella_arnold: RT @Matador000: Como raro que los entes de investigación sean ágiles en castigar la corrupción durante esta pandemia como por ejemplo al Go… - 5 years ago

@sean_p92: Gonna have a charity boxing 2 on 1 fight with the Arnold's @NicArnold @AlexArnold_ for the NHS donate please - 5 years ago

@avella_arnold: RT @ammejiaaguado: A @petrogustavo lo critican x usar zapatos Ferragamo,x hacer 1ra comunión a su menor hija,x la beca d su hija en París,x… - 5 years ago

@OneTeamOnePod: @PGuy_77 clear that Sean had a very high grade on him. 2nd best TE in this class according to many. Cook is a littl… - 5 years ago

@Sean_Donald: Watchin' The Last Stand with Arnold Schwarzenegger! Well, not actually with him... Though that would be awesome😜sch… - 5 years ago

@CosimoMenotti: My five recommended films: The Quest (Roger Moore at his absolute pinnacle) Predator (Arnold at his most subtle)… - 5 years ago

@Sean_S_Smith: RT @washingtonpost: Jennifer Arnold was a longtime costume dresser on Broadway for "Phantom of the Opera." She worked the final performanc… - 5 years ago

@LuiRuani: Arnold ni existe. No sean hijos de puta jajajajajajajajaja - 5 years ago

@Peter_Eedy: @70s_mo @collinstony Sean Fagan again--with references to Monty Arnold and Edmund Barton - 5 years ago

@CD_Lucifer: RT @TiagiordanaV: Empiezo esta semana deseándoles que sean muy felices y les dejo al guapo Arnold.. Fino noble y macho como el solo!! Que c… - 5 years ago

@barb_bimp: Si tengo hijos, quiero que sean como Arnold. - 5 years ago

@Arnold_303: RT @ScooptyWhooop: Kanye introducing us to Travis Scott, Kid Cudi, and Big Sean - 5 years ago

@avella_arnold: RT @marcevalenciar: Me desaté, malparidos los que se burlan de la salud de cualquiera, pero los uribistas son la peor calaña. Exigen histor… - 5 years ago

@lucecita0111: @RevistaSemana Si Arnold puede , @Alvaro Uribe por qué no??, nuestras mascotas son parte de la familia no importa d… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Sean ARNOLD (1941-2020), English actor. He is best known for his roles as Mr. Llewelyn in ‘Grange Hill’ in… - 5 years ago

@TerrySnipes3: @seanhannity Let's hear it for Sean the richest man on Twitter. That's also here for noon as the man who said I pic… - 5 years ago

@JeffmHewitt: @AnnetteBadland1 This news is so sad ! Remember you in Bergerac too !… - 5 years ago

@SarkTwit: RT @SarkHotel: We remember Sean with great affection. He stayed at Stocks on many occasions and became a good friend. He was passionate abo… - 5 years ago

@BarbaraDickson: RT @susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@avella_arnold: RT @FisicoImpuro: No es casualidad q Jessi Uribe, Silvestre Dangond y Poncho Zuleta sean uribistas El 1ro es un levantao q hace música par… - 5 years ago

@WILDCORNDOGS: the way American Honey (2016, dir. Andrea Arnold) is just the big sister of The Florida Project (2017, dir. Sean Ba… - 5 years ago

@abnalye79675481: RT @abnalye79675481: Sean Arnold dies aged 79 – Bergerac and Grange Hill actor passes away in care home after long-term illness - 5 years ago

@avella_arnold: RT @DavidRacero: Hoy en Plenaria ratifiqué la propuesta de la Colombia Humana realizada ayer por @petrogustavo: Se necesita un gran pacto p… - 5 years ago

@aposkiatho: RT @susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@LaCoupee: RT @SarkHotel: We remember Sean with great affection. He stayed at Stocks on many occasions and became a good friend. He was passionate abo… - 5 years ago

@avella_arnold: RT @mariapa05527055: Jessi uribe es la muestra de que debemos invertir más en educación para que los artistas sean integrales y analíticos… - 5 years ago

@Leafs4life1967: @rhapsodyblueva Batman and Robin starring Arnold as the Terminator. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade starring Sea… - 5 years ago

@Jillyfern: I’ve just found out Sean Arnold sadly died a few days ago. Hubby and I have been binge watching Bergerac. So very s… - 5 years ago

@Arnold_Cuaces: RT @oracion_milagro: Oración para pedir protección contra virus y enfermedades: Haz esta oración para pedir a DIOS que sus manos sean deten… - 5 years ago

@Arnold_Cuaces: RT @oracion_milagro: Oración de bendición para mi familia: Te invitamos a hacer esta oración para poner tu vida, tu familia, sus anhelos y… - 5 years ago

@jassbcn: Sad news. Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies aged 79 after long illness - 5 years ago

@AdrianTroop: RT @susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@RainbowCaught13: RT @susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@Crazyhan1996: RT @AnnaGearyITV: I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Sean a number of times last year. RIP lovely man ❤️ >> - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Writer Cecil Bodker; editor Robert Loomis; polymath Beryl Bernay; actors Sean Arnold, Filipe Du… - 5 years ago


@SteveD01178194: Mirror Online: Sean Arnold dead at 79 - Grange Hill and Bergerac star dies after long illness. via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@yvettetreasaden: RT @susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@margare40576740: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@chrishainstock: RIP actor Sean Arnold - 5 years ago

@JsPprter1966: RT @susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@Eamon0303: RT @susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@irvingact3: RT @susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@susanpenhaligon: Me and my friend Sean Arnold. And in the end, you have the laughter. RIP Sean - 5 years ago

@ThomsonLord: RT @MirrorCeleb: Grange Hill and Bergerac actor Sean Arnold dies at 79 after long illness - 5 years ago

@JUICE1976: RT @MirrorCeleb: Grange Hill and Bergerac actor Sean Arnold dies at 79 after long illness - 5 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Grange Hill and Bergerac actor Sean Arnold dies at 79 after long illness - 5 years ago

@DaveCOU07300517: RT @MirrorCeleb: Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@marionste: Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies aged 79 after long illness - 5 years ago

@IrishMirror: Sean Arnold dead at 79 - Grange Hill and Bergerac star dies after long illness - 5 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@sjphotoarchive: RT @loveheritage: We are saddened to hear the news that Sean Arnold is no longer with us. A great actor and talented author who did so much… - 5 years ago

@BecPenny1: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@DaviesHylton: RT @ITVChannelTV: For decades, Sean Arnold had performed in theatre, films and on TV shows that were watched by millions. Read more: https… - 5 years ago

@CornishWordDay: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@ManorHouseFS: Sean Arnold dead at 79 - Grange Hill and Bergerac star dies after long illness - - 5 years ago

@Metro_Ents: Co-stars have paid tribute. - 5 years ago

@IrishMirror: Sean Arnold dead at 79 - Grange Hill and Bergerac star dies after long illness - 5 years ago

@Gordengeegee1: Daily Star: Sean Arnold dead: Grange Hill and Bergerac star dies aged 79 after long illness. via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@wikiagebio1: Sean Arnold Who is Sean Arnold? Wiki, Bio, Age, Cause Of Death, Family, Career, Net Worth, Many More Facts You Need… - 5 years ago

@abnalye79675481: Sean Arnold dies aged 79 – Bergerac and Grange Hill actor passes away in care home after long-term illness - 5 years ago

@dailystar: BREAKING Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dead aged 79 after long illness - 5 years ago

@dailystar: BREAKING Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dead aged 79 after long illness - 5 years ago

@JohnWilkinson2: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@Vicki_Mirror: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@MirrorTV: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@DailyMirror: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING Grange Hill and Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@sean_bacha: @ActuFoot_ je suis toujour po dac avec trent alexander arnold... les gars!! - 5 years ago

@SarkHotel: RT @SarkHotel: We remember Sean with great affection. He stayed at Stocks on many occasions and became a good friend. He was passionate abo… - 5 years ago

@harrythebestard: @carlmar65139376 Morning Carl. Sad to report that an actor called Sean Arnold passed away last week, news was relea… - 5 years ago

@kernow_matters: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@fudenib: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@AlmostSenseless: RT @SarkHotel: We remember Sean with great affection. He stayed at Stocks on many occasions and became a good friend. He was passionate abo… - 5 years ago

@irvingact3: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@arnold_sanche: @SIN24Horas #mequedoEnCasaViendoSIN eso está bien siempre y cuando sean los dueños de esos comercios junto a su familia. - 5 years ago

@dtjoriordan: Just watched a Bergerac episode earlier whilst trying to cook. Rest easy Sean.Arnold. - 5 years ago

@arnold_crns: RT @jorgeblancod: Esta imagen me represeta, desconozco quién sean ambos dos. - 5 years ago

@AdrianTroop: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@cesummary: actor Sean Arnold Death-Dead: Sean Arnold Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown - 5 years ago

@AMCopywriter: RT @ITVChannelTV: For decades, Sean Arnold had performed in theatre, films and on TV shows that were watched by millions. Read more: https… - 5 years ago

@Aaronmbray2: RT @SarkHotel: We remember Sean with great affection. He stayed at Stocks on many occasions and became a good friend. He was passionate abo… - 5 years ago

@KathrynThomas2: For all you #Bergerac fans, lets raise a glass to Barney Crozier aka Sean Arnold - 5 years ago

@DennyFouts: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@Sark_Events: RT @SarkHotel: We remember Sean with great affection. He stayed at Stocks on many occasions and became a good friend. He was passionate abo… - 5 years ago

@janelesley: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @mitcharj: Sean Arnold. A really lovely kind funny caring human being. RIP - 5 years ago

@Piethagoram: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@JV34504144: @susanpenhaligon I am so sorry to hear your friend Sean Arnold has passed away I met him while he was filming in J… - 5 years ago

@StHelierJsy: RT @mitcharj: Sean Arnold. A really lovely kind funny caring human being. RIP - 5 years ago

@StHelierJsy: RT @ITVChannelTV: For decades, Sean Arnold had performed in theatre, films and on TV shows that were watched by millions. Read more: https… - 5 years ago

@mitcharj: Sean Arnold. A really lovely kind funny caring human being. RIP - 5 years ago

@richard88195055: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @SarkHotel: We remember Sean with great affection. He stayed at Stocks on many occasions and became a good friend. He was passionate abo… - 5 years ago

@SarkHotel: We remember Sean with great affection. He stayed at Stocks on many occasions and became a good friend. He was passi… - 5 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @loveheritage: We are saddened to hear the news that Sean Arnold is no longer with us. A great actor and talented author who did so much… - 5 years ago

@Wimblebear: RT @ITVChannelTV: For decades, Sean Arnold had performed in theatre, films and on TV shows that were watched by millions. Read more: https… - 5 years ago

@HourJersey: RT @ITVChannelTV: For decades, Sean Arnold had performed in theatre, films and on TV shows that were watched by millions. Read more: https… - 5 years ago

@nornironknight: RT @ITVChannelTV: For decades, Sean Arnold had performed in theatre, films and on TV shows that were watched by millions. Read more: https… - 5 years ago

@ChannelArchive: RT @ITVChannelTV: For decades, Sean Arnold had performed in theatre, films and on TV shows that were watched by millions. Read more: https… - 5 years ago

@ITVChannelTV: For decades, Sean Arnold had performed in theatre, films and on TV shows that were watched by millions. Read more:… - 5 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@JonnyDrury_JEP: RT @AnnaGearyITV: He made a room light up & lived a 'life of adventure'. Tributes paid to actor Sean Arnold who died last week of heart fai… - 5 years ago

@Artiharty: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@busybee8009: RT @AnnaGearyITV: He made a room light up & lived a 'life of adventure'. Tributes paid to actor Sean Arnold who died last week of heart fai… - 5 years ago

@BichardJamie: RT @AnnaGearyITV: I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Sean a number of times last year. RIP lovely man ❤️ >> - 5 years ago

@BichardJamie: RT @AnnaGearyITV: He made a room light up & lived a 'life of adventure'. Tributes paid to actor Sean Arnold who died last week of heart fai… - 5 years ago

@catcanny: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@Joannawinterbou: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@AnnaGearyITV: I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Sean a number of times last year. RIP lovely man ❤️ >>… - 5 years ago

@ITVChannelTV: RT @AnnaGearyITV: He made a room light up & lived a 'life of adventure'. Tributes paid to actor Sean Arnold who died last week of heart fai… - 5 years ago

@SFlinn67: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@AnnaGearyITV: He made a room light up & lived a 'life of adventure'. Tributes paid to actor Sean Arnold who died last week of hea… - 5 years ago

@DonValeCars: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@GaryGladman: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@SieurdePonthieu: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@StHelierJsy: RT @Channel103: Tributes have been paid to Bergerac actor Sean Arnold who has died aged 79. - 5 years ago

@victimsvoice73: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@StHelierJsy: RT @loveheritage: We are saddened to hear the news that Sean Arnold is no longer with us. A great actor and talented author who did so much… - 5 years ago

@SupportBritish: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@motheradamplay: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@europabridge1: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@PaulHutchinson: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@CarrotteG: Sean Arnold was Bergerac's boss. (I realise most people won't have a clue what I'm talking about). - 5 years ago

@Friendbearx: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@Paul_Wingrove: RT @susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 year… - 5 years ago

@susanpenhaligon: My dear friend actor and writer Sean Arnold has died, a witty, mad, helter skelter person, a close friend for 45 y… - 5 years ago

@HourJersey: RT @loveheritage: We are saddened to hear the news that Sean Arnold is no longer with us. A great actor and talented author who did so much… - 5 years ago

@stevieboywise: RT @loveheritage: We are saddened to hear the news that Sean Arnold is no longer with us. A great actor and talented author who did so much… - 5 years ago

@loveheritage: We are saddened to hear the news that Sean Arnold is no longer with us. A great actor and talented author who did s… - 5 years ago

@gmccomics: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@FawltySybil: RT @Channel103: Tributes have been paid to Bergerac actor Sean Arnold who has died aged 79. - 5 years ago

@Gadaxara1: @Javier___1965 @solyplayacanar2 @CovidNoticias Como no sean: George C. Marshall Douglas MacArthur Dwight D. Eisen… - 5 years ago

@ANDYDB7: RT @iamnigeu: Remembering Actor Sean Arnold who sadly died on 15th April. Credits included Softly Softly, Grange Hill, North Sea Hijack, Re… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Sean Arnold, britischer Schauspieler, am 15.04.2020 im Alter von 78 Jahren - - 5 years ago

@StBreladeJsy: RT @Channel103: Tributes have been paid to Bergerac actor Sean Arnold who has died aged 79. - 5 years ago

@hill_grange: RT @iamnigeu: Remembering Actor Sean Arnold who sadly died on 15th April. Credits included Softly Softly, Grange Hill, North Sea Hijack, Re… - 5 years ago

@TheOnlyGuru: RT @Channel103: Tributes have been paid to Bergerac actor Sean Arnold who has died aged 79. - 5 years ago

@HourJersey: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@Blackcatcoffee4: Sean Arnold. the man who voiced all the characters from James the cat has sadly passed away at the age of 79 (1941-… - 5 years ago

@HourJersey: RT @Channel103: Tributes have been paid to Bergerac actor Sean Arnold who has died aged 79. - 5 years ago

@iamnigeu: Remembering Actor Sean Arnold who sadly died on 15th April. Credits included Softly Softly, Grange Hill, North Sea… - 5 years ago

@AnneBray2: Devastated to hear the news of Sean Arnold's death. RIP. #Bergerac #InspectorCrozier - 5 years ago

@GraceGrey68: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@JudithASawyer: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@BarcelonaValor: RT @jogga22: @69_cediilo @AngelitoSvr @InvictosSomos @GenaroMontoya Jaja, el año pasado el voto de Sri Lanka fue para Alexander-Arnold y Au… - 5 years ago

@Channel103: Tributes have been paid to Bergerac actor Sean Arnold who has died aged 79. - 5 years ago

@BarryHallett3: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@StHelierJsy: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@jogga22: @69_cediilo @AngelitoSvr @InvictosSomos @GenaroMontoya Jaja, el año pasado el voto de Sri Lanka fue para Alexander-… - 5 years ago

@sean_welsh77: @Thomas__Arnold Definitely a South-West Pacific country... ;-) - 5 years ago

@SarkTwit: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@VonHitchofen: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@Bwalt97071125: Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies May his soul RIP - 5 years ago

@_garywhite_: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@woodg31: RT @ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier in t… - 5 years ago

@woodg31: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@TheOnlyGuru: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@KrynoidPodCast: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@zoesfeatherboa: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@_RichMedia_: So very sad. Until recently Sean was still recording voice overs with us using his powerful and commanding voice th… - 5 years ago

@darren_lock: Oh no, no, no... 😞 RIP Sean Arnold... - 5 years ago

@Paul_Burgin: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@MartinParsonsTV: @Lou_Jameson Oh no, that is very sad, so sorry to hear this. RIP Sean Arnold - 5 years ago

@GollopGuern: @MurrayNorton @matthewjersey @BBCJersey Very shocking news as Bergeracs wise boss actor Sean Arnold gave recently a… - 5 years ago

@GollopGuern: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@prezza89: @SteveCa07840280 It is Sean Arnold who featured in Bergerac and also Grange Hill. - 5 years ago

@ITVChannelTV: RT @ITVChannelTV: Sean was best known in the Channel Islands for playing Superintendent Barney Crozier in the classic detective drama, Berg… - 5 years ago

@ChrisRaple: RT @JeanneBartram: Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies - 5 years ago

@JeanneBartram: Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies - 5 years ago

@iainpicot: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@busybee8009: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@edwardjsault: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@Pasjet1: A dear friend RIP Sean Arnold - 5 years ago

@Paul_Burgin: RIP Sean Arnold. Barney Crosier in Bergerac :-( - 5 years ago

@steveclarkuk: Sad news :-( Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies - 5 years ago

@nsimn: very sad, my thoughts are with his family and friends ... maybe i need an episode of Bergerac now … loved it ages… - 5 years ago

@ianwylie: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@Elizabe96273629: Bergerac TV series - HIFI intro ***** - 5 years ago

@Elizabe96273629: Bergerac Theme - 5 years ago

@BBCJersey: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@richiredwing: RT @matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years @BBCJers… - 5 years ago

@matthewjersey: Farewell Sean Arnold 1941-2020 Inspector Barney Crozier in Bergerac (left) - many happy memories over the years… - 5 years ago

@CTighfield: RT @lisadone2012: Gutted - met Sean in Jersey back in 1989 (along with John Nettles) He was an absolute gentleman and a good sport 😢 Berge… - 5 years ago

@lisadone2012: Gutted - met Sean in Jersey back in 1989 (along with John Nettles) He was an absolute gentleman and a good sport 😢… - 5 years ago

@cpsouthon: Sad news of the passing of Sean Arnold, at 79. His biggest TV part was as Barney Crozier, Jim's boss in Bergerac; h… - 5 years ago

@traceycahill: RT @ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier in t… - 5 years ago

@CROWNDPN: Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies #Jersey - 5 years ago

@cesummary: actor Sean Arnold Death-Dead: Sean Arnold Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown - 5 years ago

@RogerCrow: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@StHelierJsy: RT @ITVChannelTV: Sean was best known in the Channel Islands for playing Superintendent Barney Crozier in the classic detective drama, Berg… - 5 years ago

@gordygeorge88: RT @transdiffusion: - 5 years ago

@potterwigham: @Lou_Jameson sad to hear about the loss of Sean Arnold. Thought Barney Crozier on Bergerac was brilliant!! - 5 years ago

@potterwigham: RT @Dene71: The late Sean Arnold with Cecile Paoli and John Nettles in Jersey in May 1981, early in the filming of Bergerac. - 5 years ago

@potterwigham: RT @hill_grange: We’ve just heard that Sean Arnold who played Mr Llewelyn in Series 2 of Grange Hill sadly passed away on 15th April aged 7… - 5 years ago

@Marke09Mark: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@explodingwalrus: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@UKPRES1: RT @transdiffusion: - 5 years ago

@BernardQuack: #RIP2020 this week Brian Dennehy (81). Tough guy actor from Rambo First Blood, Cocoon, F/X & Presumed Innocent 📽️🇺🇸… - 5 years ago

@Dene71: The late Sean Arnold with Cecile Paoli and John Nettles in Jersey in May 1981, early in the filming of Bergerac. - 5 years ago

@dduane: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@Shadow_Chaser: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@htwcentral: RT @Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in the BBC1 detec… - 5 years ago

@Dene71: Sorry to hear of the death of English actor Sean Arnold last Wednesday. He played Jim Bergerac's boss Crozier in th… - 5 years ago

@tvlive: Actor Sean Arnold, best known for playing Superintendent Barney Crozier in Bergerac, has died aged 79.… - 5 years ago

@htwcentral: RT @transdiffusion: - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Sean Arnold @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #SeanArnold add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@transdiffusion: - 5 years ago

@Jerseygirl652: RT @ITVChannelTV: Sean was best known in the Channel Islands for playing Superintendent Barney Crozier in the classic detective drama, Berg… - 5 years ago

@Howie_Davies: Sad to hear Sean Arnold, best known for his role as Superintendent Barney Crozier in “Bergerac”, has passed away. S… - 5 years ago

@TheCudz: RT @ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier in t… - 5 years ago

@TheOnlyGuru: Aww no, not Sean Arnold too. RIP ❤️ - 5 years ago

@that_wazzock: RT @ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier in t… - 5 years ago

@DavidLBarratt: RT @ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier in t… - 5 years ago

@paulburton73: @Lou_Jameson Hi Louise, Just to let you know, if you didn't already, that Sean Arnold has passed away. x - 5 years ago

@HamBevan: RT @ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier in t… - 5 years ago

@paulburton73: I was sad to hear that Sean Arnold, who played 'Barney' in Bergerac, has passed away. RIP, Sean Arnold.… - 5 years ago

@MarcFearns: RT @ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier in t… - 5 years ago

@HourJersey: RT @JerseyPeeps: Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies - 5 years ago

@JerseyPeeps: Bergerac star Sean Arnold dies - 5 years ago

@CaptMikeYates: RT @ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier in t… - 5 years ago

@ChannelArchive: Sad news. It's been confirmed that the actor Sean Arnold who played Bergerac's boss, Superintendent Barney Crozier… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Sean Arnold has passed away - #SeanArnold #Sean #Arnold #rip - 5 years ago

@HourJersey: RT @ITVChannelTV: Sean was best known in the Channel Islands for playing Superintendent Barney Crozier in the classic detective drama, Berg… - 5 years ago

@DavidCr29290529: RT @ITVChannelTV: Sean was best known in the Channel Islands for playing Superintendent Barney Crozier in the classic detective drama, Berg… - 5 years ago

@TomJohnstonITV: RT @ITVChannelTV: Sean was best known in the Channel Islands for playing Superintendent Barney Crozier in the classic detective drama, Berg… - 5 years ago

@ITVChannelTV: Sean was best known in the Channel Islands for playing Superintendent Barney Crozier in the classic detective drama… - 5 years ago

@ManAutomation: @seanhannity While you Sean are they true embodiment of Benedict Arnold. Why is it more important to lie than it i… - 5 years ago

@tonygod8: @seanhannity Sean you're a Benedict Arnold!!!!!!! Trump puppet - 5 years ago

@colinagra: RT @CaidenRodgers: Cody, Hank, D Lo, Cale, Brody, Max, Pat, Chip, Bear, Tyler, Lando, Robo, Rick, Mitch, Deves, Karan, Ethan, Trevor, Colin… - 5 years ago

@datboidever: RT @CaidenRodgers: Cody, Hank, D Lo, Cale, Brody, Max, Pat, Chip, Bear, Tyler, Lando, Robo, Rick, Mitch, Deves, Karan, Ethan, Trevor, Colin… - 5 years ago

@ingle_karan: RT @CaidenRodgers: Cody, Hank, D Lo, Cale, Brody, Max, Pat, Chip, Bear, Tyler, Lando, Robo, Rick, Mitch, Deves, Karan, Ethan, Trevor, Colin… - 5 years ago

@trevvv_c: RT @CaidenRodgers: Cody, Hank, D Lo, Cale, Brody, Max, Pat, Chip, Bear, Tyler, Lando, Robo, Rick, Mitch, Deves, Karan, Ethan, Trevor, Colin… - 5 years ago

@SwayA01: RT @CaidenRodgers: Cody, Hank, D Lo, Cale, Brody, Max, Pat, Chip, Bear, Tyler, Lando, Robo, Rick, Mitch, Deves, Karan, Ethan, Trevor, Colin… - 5 years ago

@CaidenRodgers: Cody, Hank, D Lo, Cale, Brody, Max, Pat, Chip, Bear, Tyler, Lando, Robo, Rick, Mitch, Deves, Karan, Ethan, Trevor,… - 5 years ago

@LuisRey80493337: @alejolop1211 @tutiofifa @HDWolvie Pues yo quitaría a ndombele y pondría a witsel , vendería a kjær y pongo a rüdig… - 5 years ago

@Macko_Sean: RT @UberFacts: Arnold Schwarzenegger never blinks in Terminator 2. - 5 years ago

@ortegabeaaa: @sean_mndz good arnold - 5 years ago

@sean_mndz: RT @ortegabeaaa: gabing gabi ang kalat kalat mo arnold - 5 years ago

@RichWickPhoto: RT @B28RS: Just heard the sad news that the actor Sean Arnold, best known for playing Barney Crozier in #Bergerac and Mr Llewelyn in #Grang… - 5 years ago

@Shaun_XL5: RT @hill_grange: We’ve just heard that Sean Arnold who played Mr Llewelyn in Series 2 of Grange Hill sadly passed away on 15th April aged 7… - 5 years ago

@sean_eastwood1: @arnold_prime Determination and work rate Martial has zero - 5 years ago

@KlyHB75: Mel Brooks Hugh Hefner (CIA?) Ice T Bob Ross Mr Rogers Don knotts Dr ruth Don rickles Mc hammer Charles Bronso… - 5 years ago

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