Sea of Class

Irish-bred British-trained racehorse
Died on Monday July 22nd 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sea of Class:

@MrsToner_class: RT @xavierfettweis: A heat wave is starting tomorrow over Greenland with Tmax reaching 25°C in tundra. The integrated anomaly of melt over… - 6 years ago

@cathalfla: Geography teacher sat on the desk in front of mine at the top of class and drew on my forehead while lecturing us… - 6 years ago

@northhills_love: ディープインパクトにウオッカに Zenda,Sea Of Class,Natagora 偉大馬達が別れを告げた年 競馬ファンにとっては 印象的な年になりましたね... 亡くなった全馬が、天国で 幸せに暮らせていますように - 6 years ago

@truckyellow: JOB; Edmonton AB Canada - Class One Driver - CSL Transportation is in need of 2 Class 1 Driver with exper: CSL Tran… - 6 years ago


@sea_porter: RT @KamalaHarris: When I’m president, the middle class and working Americans will not bear the brunt of the burden of paying for Medicare f… - 6 years ago

@LisaDelfino5: Ce serait suite à une fracture des cervicales que ce champion hors du commun aurait été euthanasié. Malheureusement… - 6 years ago

@1axmolly: @DaisyCousens @stillgray Their are plenty of real problems in the world to solve, the societal disconnect in urban… - 6 years ago

@hikariwarrior: @ChrisJC12002 I think the term 'carbon free' relates to the journey across the Atlantic rather than its constructio… - 6 years ago

@BBCRadioSolent: Service of Dedication for RFA Tideforce, a 39,000 tonne Auxiliary Oiler at #Portland, Dorset - #Tideforce replaces… - 6 years ago

@NeagleMatt: RT @NavalShipbuildC: Sea Trials for AMCAP Frist of Class ship, HMAS Arunta #navalshipbuilding #sustainment - 6 years ago

@Exhausted33: @TEAM_BAHAB Me too, but as with most of these upper class folk, they can all get in the sea. - 6 years ago

@NavalShipbuildC: Sea Trials for AMCAP Frist of Class ship, HMAS Arunta #navalshipbuilding #sustainment - 6 years ago

@USDSG: #CVN75 #USSHarrySTruman #CSG8 #COMPTUEX 2019-07-29 06:44 UTC 🇩🇪FGS Hessen (#F221) MMSI:211906000 Sachsen-class, par… - 6 years ago

@Suzuka3228: RT @horse_memorys: 集中治療が続いていたSea Of Classが22日容態が悪化して、馬主と獣医で協議され安楽死の処置が取られた。ハガス師は癌性腫瘍も見つかり癌が拡がっていたことも明かし、"素晴らしい牝馬で極めて高い能力のある馬だった。一生懸命闘ってくれたが… - 6 years ago

@HorganTania: @AtTheRaces Another One! What Happened to DEEP IMPACT? Was it Colic like SEA OF CLASS and MIGHTY BOSS? My Si… - 6 years ago

@NPR_sponsor_bot: Support for PBS is offered by The Sea Green Club, which, tapping the entire sheep population of New Zealand, is det… - 6 years ago

@JonofLeyden: @peterawolf This was day 1 of my Europe since 1789 class. Didn’t even ask about their “weird” places that don’t sti… - 6 years ago

@Cathscot21: RT @amymaygreenuk: Absolutely torn, she was the kindest, happiest little soul with the greatest presence and character. A pleasure to deal… - 6 years ago

@millionfag: RT @Xrror_Freak: Specter Class:Guard Occupation:Religionist Specialization:Theology、Fight(Sea) Birth Place:Ægir Infection:√ Has the Chine… - 6 years ago

@High___Class: RT @RamLover69: @peta I can make a difference by hauling every Orca out of Sea World with my Dodge Ram that has a 12,750 lb towing capacity… - 6 years ago

@Xrror_Freak: Specter Class:Guard Occupation:Religionist Specialization:Theology、Fight(Sea) Birth Place:Ægir Infection:√ Has th… - 6 years ago

@sea_witch01: RT @thebradfordfile: @realDonaldTrump I will never stop supporting the first president willing to sacrifice the obsequious flattery of the… - 6 years ago

@PrepHoops_WI: RT @PrepHoopsTop250: Welcome Class of 2020 Jaden Bell (@jaden4mb ) of Beloit Memorial HS to the @PrepHoops_WI Top 250 Expo on 9-15 @ SEA -… - 6 years ago

@Clive_A_Boyce: RT @SayyedAmir_IR: @rngala No a submarine doesn't need to go that deep and Iran has 3 major classes of submarines with different aspects. G… - 6 years ago

@jaden4mb: RT @PrepHoopsTop250: Welcome Class of 2020 Jaden Bell (@jaden4mb ) of Beloit Memorial HS to the @PrepHoops_WI Top 250 Expo on 9-15 @ SEA -… - 6 years ago

@PrepHoopsTop250: Welcome Class of 2020 Jaden Bell (@jaden4mb ) of Beloit Memorial HS to the @PrepHoops_WI Top 250 Expo on 9-15 @ SEA… - 6 years ago

@BritComMil: HMS Albion (R07) HMS Albion (R07), nicknamed "The Old Grey Ghost of the Borneo Coast", was a 22,000-ton Centaur-cl… - 6 years ago

@jubear720: In my junior year HS English class, we had to draw a picture for each book we went over in class and I guess I appa… - 6 years ago

@WickedDecent: RT @HeyListenGames_: Wondering if the video game @seaofsolitude is worth teaching with in my advisory class next year. Seems like it can fo… - 6 years ago

@jennysimonFACE: Voluspa Casa Pacifica 🌊 Notes of California Driftwood, Sea Salt, Shore Brush. From the finely fragrant coconut wax… - 6 years ago

@RTGifford: RT @HastingsBath: In a lovely teal finish, our modular Class vanity takes on a wonderful tranquility reminiscent of the sea when paired wit… - 6 years ago

@KateRevGuelph: RT @UTArchives: Prof. @A_Olechowski (engineering) was intrigued when she saw a woman (in a sea of men) in a photo in the Mining Bldg: Ms. P… - 6 years ago

@schianoMor2: @FrankieDettori L'ultima volta fu un altra guidata magica tua ed un errore di James Doyle che aveva un Sea of Class - 6 years ago

@SayyedAmir_IR: @rngala No a submarine doesn't need to go that deep and Iran has 3 major classes of submarines with different aspec… - 6 years ago

@LieRayyan: @DeepRacing Just one thought for sea of class 😓😓😓 - 6 years ago

@Reliableman77: @leemottershead hi Lee. I see a couple of your references state that Sea Of Class died of cancer. My understanding was that it was colic? - 6 years ago

@fspedigreechile: William Haggas pays tribute to Irish Oaks winner and 'best filly' Sea Of Class - 6 years ago

@housefulofchaos: Learn why pirates went to sea and the history of the world from 16th to 18th centuries in this unique online class.… - 6 years ago

@wheelerofads: @HYWEL_ROBERTS @grahamandre @8bitteacher @aly_sea @simonkidwell @Happytoteach1 @jonthelegend @HecticTeacher… - 6 years ago

@Clean_the_sea: RT @BernieSanders: Why does Trump continue to use racism, bigotry and xenophobia to divide us? Because he can only win when the people of… - 6 years ago

@cliffschindler: @fredct @TheDavidL81 @SWM_in_SEA @ua_pragmatist @NateSilver538 Don’t forget, minimum 4% GDP growth, end of gun viol… - 6 years ago

@3DGifts_Shop: Class of 2020 3D, Sea Blue T-Shirt #zazzle - 6 years ago

@NoelAnderson_: @NiallSabongi @poloconghaile @JillianBolger @GourmetTweets Bring sea shoes. Some of areas done have beaches but the… - 6 years ago

@ABC_Awakening: RT @TheEconomist: What is striking about Baltimore’s slums is that they are islands of dystopia in a sea of middle-class comfort - 6 years ago

@melissa0262: @NUFBFamily @HolidayBowl Enduring memory? Hampton Inn breakfast room on game day is a sea of red shirts & hats. All… - 6 years ago

@ass_kebab: i'm so bored that this morning i was going through my camera roll and i saw a picture i took of the sea at uni and… - 6 years ago

@Augus_Banned: Colleges teach courses on a lot of things so that means nothing especially when that’s a unimportant class that you… - 6 years ago

@michdetpitts: Kentucky Basketball recruiting in the 2021 class - A Sea Of Blue - 6 years ago

@WestTimor: Australia PM @ScottMorrisonMP Due to 🇦🇺Gov.refused+ over 100,0000 Indonesian suffered.We agreed file a lawsuit for… - 6 years ago

@JJMaples55_MST: @chips_and_kso I think Hou and Colts are the class of the AFC south. Jets I gotta see it first. Hard to get a WC… - 6 years ago

@alessi_adriano: @RodenPlav64 @Ascot Coronet is a very inconsistent horse. No lines needed, if Doyle had gone for it a second earli… - 6 years ago

@AuthorRonald: Here's a thought get the Block IV #SSN774s and Columbia class to sea sooner than wasting time keeping these relics!… - 6 years ago

@gill_tyson: @JulieOwenMoylan Don't believe he ever knew he was! After all the "Channel is important trade entry route(?) Red se… - 6 years ago

@RodenPlav64: @alessi_adriano @Ascot I agree but on a line through Coronet who Enable trounced at levels Sea Of Class would have… - 6 years ago

@northhills_love: 先週末に疝痛の手術を 受けたRoaring Lionは 食事を摂らなかったり、今も 時々痛みを感じているようです... しかし血液や臓器の状態は 良いようです。まだ安心は できませんが亡くなった Sea Of Classよりは今の… - 6 years ago

@rubricturf: RT @turfsanlucar: @angels_9 @colosseo3 Enable gana por que es la mejor y lleva al mejor encima. Sea Of Class con mejor cajón habría ido un… - 6 years ago

@alessi_adriano: @RodenPlav64 @Ascot Very very big shame. The fillies she beat were very good. I don’t think Laurens is as good th… - 6 years ago

@GOLewot: RT @its_sarah_again: @shimkoongie That's a sharp outfit, Chan. Careful, you could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle s… - 6 years ago

@TimoKataja: Eli tänne: "MS Zenobia was a Swedish built Challenger-class RO-RO ferry launched in 1979 that capsized and sank in… - 6 years ago

@alessi_adriano: @RodenPlav64 @Ascot Sea of Class would have beaten her. RIP Sea of Class. - 6 years ago

@turfsanlucar: @angels_9 @colosseo3 Un amigo me comentó dspués dl Arco "Sea Of Class habría ganado si arranca antes", Dettori sabe… - 6 years ago

@TRCommentary: Death of Sea Of Class, New disciplinary body in @RacingInsider, @LeopardstownRC chief takes helm at the… - 6 years ago

@turfsanlucar: @angels_9 @colosseo3 Enable gana por que es la mejor y lleva al mejor encima. Sea Of Class con mejor cajón habría i… - 6 years ago

@LisaDelfino5: Sea Of Class nous a quittés.Mais si elle a perdu son combat contre la mort elle a gagné notre cœur par sa classe, s… - 6 years ago

@LisaDelfino5: Sea Of Class se bat contre la mort - 6 years ago

@LisaDelfino5: Sea Of Class se bat contre la mort - 6 years ago

@OwnerHoliday: If you visit Gulf Shores of Alabama, you’ll be witnessing: 1. 32 miles of sugar-white beaches 2. Waterfront view 3.… - 6 years ago

@LisaDelfino5: Merci c'est très dur pour tout le monde cette mauvaise nouvelle. RIP Sea of Class. Le public ne t'oubliera jamais,… - 6 years ago

@fearssss: @angels_9 @colosseo3 Sea of class pierde por el cajón ese arco, eso lo ve cualquiera con ojos. - 6 years ago

@angels_9: @colosseo3 Jajajajjajaja. Casi que me jodio mas (por así decirlo ehhh) el recorrido de Doyle en el Arco con Sea Of… - 6 years ago

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