Scott Lew

American screenwriter (Sexy Evil Genius
Died on Monday March 6th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Scott Lew:

@sterling52B: @scott__lew it's like 90 here but it's humid as hell. It's like I'm trapped in a glas case of emotions - 8 years ago

@scott__lew: RT @sterling52B: It's so damn hot! Milk was a bad choice @scott__lew - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @RangersCulture: Why are Rangers the biggest club in scotland? PC: "144 Years, 54 titles" - 8 years ago

@sterling52B: It's so damn hot! Milk was a bad choice @scott__lew - 8 years ago


@scott_lew_is: what a fun time to be alive. - 8 years ago

@aaron1_scott: Ahahaha thought lew was behind me in his car was calling him a wanker, pulled up next to me was a random old man ahahahhaa - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @Michael9589: Watching the game back. There's your 40 million man taking dives looking for penalties. Pathetic. - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @1872Kai: Choose Child Abuse. Choose Unemployment. Choose Terrorism. Choose the time to actually make this banner unemployed inbred bast… - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: red rising trilogy is a very very good story. maybe my new favorite. - 8 years ago

@___lew: RT @Rapactivities: Travis Scott - beibs in the trap ft. NAV - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @TRobinsonNewEra: If it hurts that much mate then fuck off to Africa - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @RangersCulture: What a bunch of fuckin weirdos. - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @Benoo_Brown: Summer body or McDonald's monopoly is probably the hardest decision to make this year - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @RangersCulture: Thank god Dembele wasnt playing. - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @1994NathanC: Photo of the fucking year!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @jamiecurrie89: If anyone tells you "It's only a game." Tell them to look at the faces in this picture. - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: Handsome bastard 🇬🇧 - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @_MK1872: So proud I wasn't brought up shouting brits out wae a British passport in ma tap drawer - 8 years ago

@Abeachdude: Scott Lew, Inspirational Screenwriter Who Fought ALS to the End, Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: special prosecutor preet bharara? - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @RangersFC: ✍️ @RangersFC has today confirmed Pedro Caixinha as manager on a three year deal: - 8 years ago

@RyanSpringer43: @scott_lew_is we need people like you in office Scott. You could fix this mess Trump has created...#MAGA - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @RangersCulture: Some guy. Loves the rangers. Hates tims. Stauch. - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @ForzaPapac: - 8 years ago

@EdMillerPoker: @scott_lew_is I'd have been shocked to see it approved. I think USG is reserving right to declare bitcoin is for criminals and terrorists. - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: SEC rejection on the bitcoin etf was a large error. The whole point of the US economy is to lead new technologies. Govt f'ing up everywhere. - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @BleacherReport: No one lost their lunch money on this day 😂 (via @_17thCourt) - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: No suwenda the pope is a benda - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @colesprouse: .@dylansprouse were you Zack or Cody? - 8 years ago

@tommy_lew: RT @GQMagazine: We might be doomed here, everyone - 8 years ago

@Lew_DC: @breakburgundy KC wants a trade-then Scott is fired-KC will sign his tender. See where I'm going with this? - 8 years ago

@Lew_DC: @JasonLaCanfora KC wants a trade-then Scott is fired-KC will sign his tender. See where I'm going with this? - 8 years ago

@Lew_DC: @CSNRedskins @RickDocWalker KC wants a trade-then Scott is fired-KC will sign his tender. See where I'm going with this? - 8 years ago

@Lew_DC: @JPFinlayCSN @dcsportsbog KC wants a trade-then Scott is fired-KC will sign his tender. See where I'm going with this? - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog i mean yea. but that isnt even in the overton window. - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog if you just forced everyone to buy insurance on the exchange, then you'd solve all the problems at once. - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog i agree. in a "free market" sick people that can't work dont eat. of course no one wants that (almost no one) - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog i genuinely dont know the reasoning - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog thats seem highly suboptimal from the insurers perspective. why would they do that? - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog im not sure. i thought that was the main impetus for obamacare in the first place. - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog i think its alot, a dozen $1M/yr patients with long-term degenerative diseases, and Vermont obamacare is f'd - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog then ill start "no Obamacare Insurance Co", and crush you in the market with my lower, non-globalized premiums. - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog im not sure what you are saying, that insurers could globalize their risk pool and have all customers subsidize it? - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog bc people with employment preventing injuries dont have jobs. you can price insurance lower if everyone can perform a job - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog they do mandate that you can't price discriminate on pre-existing conditions, which is cause of the flaw - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog i am too. i hate paul ryan on a political level, but he clearly didnt mean what people are saying he said - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog society just has to pay for them, and its not fair to force all the costs on small slice of society. - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @KidDynamiteBlog he completely f'd it but shoving all the most expensive patients into a pool with 6% of the country is a flaw of obamacare - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @TheStalwart too hard to overcome the aversion to quantifying how good you want a doctor to be at saving lives. - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @TheStalwart even though medical school slots have been held absurdly low over the last forever years. - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @TheStalwart bottleneck is medical school slots. you have to attack medical schools and the idea of doctors being elite and prestigious - 8 years ago

@bunaziuaiasi: A murit regizorul si scenaristul Scott Lew | Regizorul si scenaristul Scott Lew a murit dupa o lunga... - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: RT @lindseybieda: Hippos are way more dangerous than many people think watch as this one attacks a human :3 - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @PostMalone: BREAKING NEWS: Bud Light confirmed to have a positive effect on physical and mental health, makes you faster, taller, and s… - 8 years ago

@LifeStrengthLew: RT @THR: Scott Lew, screenwriter who fought ALS to the end, dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@LifeStrengthLew: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@LifeStrengthLew: RT @thomaslennon: This weekend we lost my friend Scott Lew to ALS. If you need motivation today, watch this: - 8 years ago

@LifeStrengthLew: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Scott Lew, 48. Inspirational screenwriter kept working to the end despite a long battle with ALS. - 8 years ago

@4Prina: Scott Lew Dead: Hollywood Writer And Director Dies At 48 - 8 years ago

@Fraliu_Music: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: @TimDuy trump wont - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @wdriver85: 😂😂😂 - 8 years ago

@heesoo06041: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@DoubleDownDuck: RT @PageSix: Scott Lew battled ALS for 15 years - 8 years ago

@MoviesWrld: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@chosenCandle: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@alliecine: RT @petergould: Feeling terribly sad. Goodbye to my friend, the extraordinary Scott Lew. - 8 years ago

@devyspace: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@bigroad6974: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@Agatho6: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@meliah1: RT @MikeBarnes4: #RIP Scott Lew, 48. Inspirational screenwriter kept working to the end despite a long battle with ALS. - 8 years ago

@Illogical_JN: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@chong20000: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@hightide9103: Scott Lew, Inspirational Screenwriter Who Fought #ALS to the End, Dies at 48 - - 8 years ago

@scott_lew_is: Economics of the dinotrux universe do not make ANY sense. - 8 years ago

@b1a89439f9c747a: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@PartyshipDown: RT @Variety: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@Written_By: RT @WGAWest: RIP @WGAWest member / screenwriter Scott Lew ("Sexy Evil Genius," "Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas"), dead at 48... @Variety h… - 8 years ago

@yourlastsorrow: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@Tory_trek: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@IrishCondon79: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@rabbit5duck: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@ScannerDromeMag: Scott Lew Dies: Hollywood Writer And Director Was 48 - 8 years ago

@ptonpc: RT @Celebrilizer: #ScottLew, #Screenwriter Who Fought ALS to the End, Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@Yoly55: RT @JohnTheCho: Goodbye to Scott Lew, who was alive more than anyone I knew. - 8 years ago

@WGAWest: RIP @WGAWest member / screenwriter Scott Lew ("Sexy Evil Genius," "Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas"), dead at 48...… - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: Walcott ma boy - 8 years ago

@friesncoleslaw: RT @Variety: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@lew_scott_: RT @VladiW7: I love all my fans and i hate celtic.. Thats all for today, enjoy;) #watp - 8 years ago

@SusanLambert: RIP Scott Lew. His blog is worth a read. Cool writer, joyfully determined spirit. - 8 years ago

@TheTraceC: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 #RIP - 8 years ago

@Sgtjanitorman2: RT @Celebrilizer: #ScottLew, #Screenwriter Who Fought ALS to the End, Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@Sgtjanitorman2: RT @deadpeoplecom: :( Scott Lew - #ScottLew #Scott #Lew #rip - 8 years ago

@vahsiN: RT @TomFlowers: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@TomFlowers: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@10PTTSWN: - 8 years ago

@clubcritica: [Variety] ⒸⒸ↪ Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@MC_MP95: RT @Variety: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@3ative: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@3ative: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@RSpange: RT @Variety: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@michaelahovis: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@sdwahine78: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@FilmmanCineMix: RT @Variety: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@angchir: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@VanFilmIndustry: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@theshowbiznews: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@Variety_Film: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@konanut: RT @Variety: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

@ca_90210: Screenwriter Scott Lew Dies at 48 - 8 years ago

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