Scott Kennedy

American comedian.
Died on Thursday March 14th 2013

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Scott Kennedy:

@Envo_gue: RT @HistoryTabloid: Former first lady Jackie Kennedy offers her condolences to Coretta Scott King at Martin Luther King Jr.’'s funeral. htt…

@scott_stouffer: RT @SpaceX: Our biggest hangar yet in work at Kennedy Space Center — capable of holding up to 5 rockets at once

@_lildesii: RT @HistoryTabloid: Former first lady Jackie Kennedy offers her condolences to Coretta Scott King at Martin Luther King Jr.’'s funeral. htt…

@yuzutan_bot: @leon_o_kennedy (*´◇`)<おやすみなさいませ♡Leon Scott Kennedyさんが、よい夢を見られますように…♡


@theminster5: @scott_pianowski would you rather have him ROS than Kennedy or Brett Anderson?

@ConnorHavre: dom kennedy's new single > travi$ scott's

@violaojei: RT @samsteinhp: Kennedy’s letter to Obama shows why he couldn’t back off health care after Scott Brown’s victory a yr later…

@Scott_A_Kennedy: RT @tobiasbuckell: Editor serially harasses: no public letter. Contracts person attacks woman on public blog. No public letter. Woman comme…

@Scott_A_Kennedy: RT @SwiftOnSecurity: What if we sequence dinosaur DNA and find out they were machines 😱

@Scott_A_Kennedy: RT @Paul_Cornell: Standing with @IreneGallo this morning, as the Puppies find yet another way to degrade our genre.

@Scott_A_Kennedy: RT @tobiasbuckell: What the ever loving fuck? I stand by Irene Gallo as well

@Scott_A_Kennedy: RT @MattFnWallace: ICYMI: My words about Irene Gallo. "When We Drive out the Innovators We Are Left Only with the Sad and Rabid" http://t.c…

@zeppy_lions: Another me #resident evil lion cfb creators leon scott #kennedy #gloves mitten , LINK:

@Scott_A_Kennedy: RT @Cecily_Kane: CW for documentation of violent bigotries of RP in this "I Stand With Irene Gallo" post.

@Krista_Anne12: @graceannee97 haha John Albert Kennedy but we call him Scott 😂

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