Scott Fredericks

Died on Thursday November 9th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Scott Fredericks:

@ShuffledOff: Scott Fredericks (74) Irish actor - 7 years ago

@keithgooch6: RT @MakingBlakes7: Sad to hear that Scott Fredericks has passed away. Carnell was one of the greatest guest characters in Blake’s 7. RIP. #… - 7 years ago

@WhoviansUnited1: R.I.P Scott Fredericks 1943-2017 The Irish actor Scott Fredericks has died at the age of 74 Scott Fredericks... - 7 years ago

@DoomWatchVision: Freedom Fighter... Just learned of the death of classic #DoctorWho actor Scott Fredericks. A class act. RIP. #DrWho… - 7 years ago


@Doctor_Who: Scott Fredericks 1943-2017 - 7 years ago

@WhoviansUnited1: Scott Fredericks has passed away. Born in 1943, Fredericks had appeared in Doctor Who in Day of the Daleks... - 7 years ago

@rosemarymagalha: RT @karell920: Sawyer Fredericks @SawyerFrdrx ~ Man Of Constant Sorrow video by Scott Coleman - 7 years ago

@WoodwardRichard: RT @MakingBlakes7: Sad to hear that Scott Fredericks has passed away. Carnell was one of the greatest guest characters in Blake’s 7. RIP. #… - 7 years ago

@MihaelaSmaniot3: RT @karell920: Sawyer Fredericks @SawyerFrdrx ~ Man Of Constant Sorrow video by Scott Coleman - 7 years ago

@AnGarraiDubh: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Scott Fredericks (1943-2017), who died on Monday after a long and serious illness in Sligo, Ireland. Scott played Bo… - 7 years ago

@WalmingtonOn: Obituary of Scott Fredericks 1943-2017 who appeared in the original Dad's Army film as one of the German airmen… - 7 years ago

@mattmackay6: Scott Fredericks Actor DR Who Blakes 7 RIP Very underated actor #ScottFredericks #Actor #RIP #DrWho #Blakes7 #Irish - 7 years ago

@Doctor_No1: RT @WhoogleNews: Scott Fredericks has died: WHOOGLE shared this story from WHOOGLE. --- The actor Scott Fredericks has died. Scott was best… - 7 years ago

@WhoogleNews: Scott Fredericks has died: WHOOGLE shared this story from WHOOGLE. --- The actor Scott Fredericks has died. Scott w… - 7 years ago

@AlMaradon: Scott Fredericks 1943-2017: Scott Fredericks appeared in two Doctor Who stories. In 1972 he played Boaz in the… - 7 years ago

@HealhGlyn: RT @DoctorWhoNews: Scott Fredericks 1943-2017: The Irish actor Scott Fredericks has died at the age of 74 Scott Fredericks a.. https:/… - 7 years ago

@HealhGlyn: RT @Who_News: Scott Fredericks 1943-2017: The Irish actor Scott Fredericks has died at the age of 74 Scott Fredericks appeared in two Docto… - 7 years ago

@DoctorFreedom1: Scott Fredericks 1943-2017 - 7 years ago

@JediTimeSaiyan: RT @DoctorWhoNews: Scott Fredericks 1943-2017: The Irish actor Scott Fredericks has died at the age of 74 Scott Fredericks a.. https:/… - 7 years ago

@MyMadmanBlueBox: RT @Who_News: Scott Fredericks 1943-2017: The Irish actor Scott Fredericks has died at the age of 74 Scott Fredericks appeared in two Docto… - 7 years ago

@Fitrambler: Scott Fredericks 1943-2017 - 7 years ago

@Ladyflintlock: RT @MakingBlakes7: Sad to hear that Scott Fredericks has passed away. Carnell was one of the greatest guest characters in Blake’s 7. RIP. #… - 7 years ago

@luced42: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Scott Fredericks (1943-2017), who died on Monday after a long and serious illness in Sligo, Ireland. Scott played Bo… - 7 years ago

@wiredguytv: RT @dansquier: Sad to learn that Scott Fredericks has died after a long illness. His performance as Carnell, both in #B7 and #KaldorCity, w… - 7 years ago

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