Satish Chandra

Indian historian.
Died on Friday October 13th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Satish Chandra:

@FollyGuru: @ahlade Medieval India by Satish Chandra, Ancient India : Historical Outline - D N Jha, A History of India (frm ori… - 7 years ago

@CHENDHU21: RT @CHENDHU21: @ncbn @APNRTOfficial @ncbn garu please understand the present situation happening in our state so that it would be a great h… - 7 years ago

@CHENDHU21: @ncbn @APNRTOfficial @ncbn garu please understand the present situation happening in our state so that it would be… - 7 years ago

@yusufpore: RT @NH_India: #SatishChandra combined in him 3 most creative traditions in historical scholarship in India @RakeshBatabyal1 - 7 years ago


@kanishkasingh: RT @NH_India: #SatishChandra combined in him 3 most creative traditions in historical scholarship in India @RakeshBatabyal1 - 7 years ago

@drscagarwal: DrSatish Chandra हमने अपने समाज को बांट दिया हमने सब लोगों को लड़ने का अधिकार ना दिया आत्मसम्मान नहीं दिया... - 7 years ago

@AbhaysinghBMKJ: @Uppolice @PMOIndia @akl963 @AwasthiAwanishK @PTI_News @shalabhTOI @IPS_Association @neeleshmisra Shaheed Shri Sati… - 7 years ago

@Saurabh_Pathak7: RT @alokpathak1966: SHAHEED DIVAS par SHAHEED Constable Sri Satish Chandra Ji ko SHRADHANJALI arpit karta hu - 7 years ago

@alokpathak1966: SHAHEED DIVAS par SHAHEED Constable Sri Satish Chandra Ji ko SHRADHANJALI arpit karta hu - 7 years ago

@newssutra: Famous historian Prof. Satish Chandra passes away at 95 years of age - News Sutra: - 7 years ago

@SriAiyerRS2: Retweeted satish chandra kumar (@sat_gollapudi): @SriAiyerRS2 Thanks for sharing - 7 years ago

@HydWatch: RT @DigitalAssocham: Growth in transport support economic growth: Professor Satish Chandra, Dir., CSIR, Central Road Research Institute htt… - 7 years ago

@DashAbhaya: @AftabChowdhry @TarekFatah Colonial historian narrative. Satish Chandra? - 7 years ago

@SATISHSHARMA999: RT @Prof_HariOm: @tavleen_singh reads only Islamist Irfan Habib, Satish Chandra and ilk and not great historians like K S Lal. Read b4 U tw… - 7 years ago

@kkeshavv: @AartiTikoo @Madame_Micawber whats strange is that her ideas are not even original.. satish chandra's book already… - 7 years ago

@zahidxac: R.IP. ....He challenges the colonial and hindutva interpretation of Indian history. His information-rich work... - 7 years ago

@wackyscribe: Narpat Singh Charan हेमंत भरतपुरी Vinod Mimani Raja G Satish Kumar Pillai Prajavaradhi Party-india Arjun Chandra... - 7 years ago


@sudhir_bisht: @Javedakhtarjadu Give #SangeetSom a book on history by all means. But not the history written by Romila Thapar, Irf… - 7 years ago

@aftabcalm: RT @iamrana: Prof Satish Chandra is no more A great loss to the academic world. Rest in peace Sir - 7 years ago

@ranaalikash: The post Dr. Satish Chandra Singh appeared first on Firstpost. - 7 years ago

@iVoteForBest: #ModiMinistry Dr. Satish Chandra Singh - 7 years ago

@ranaalikash: Published Date: May 17, 2017 03:52 pm | Updated Date: Oct 17, 2017 03:53 pm Tags : - 7 years ago

@LEDtvn: RT @Miister_H: darn bipan chandra, satish chandra and arjun dev were leftists naxals and antinationals for the right-wing (read OPindia) pr… - 7 years ago

@Prof_HariOm: @tavleen_singh reads only Islamist Irfan Habib, Satish Chandra and ilk and not great historians like K S Lal. Read… - 7 years ago

@kris_writer: Historian Satish Chandra passes away at 95 - 7 years ago

@gnowgi: RT @kavita_krishnan: Just heard with sorrow that historian Prof Satish Chandra passed away. #Respect - 7 years ago

@vijaykumarkarn2: Verna sahi najayaz husband is Jayant Kumar principal of skj law college muzaffarpur and also satish Chandra srivastava who is judge. - 7 years ago

@vijaykumarkarn2: Ujjawala mishra has many husbands in skj law college firstly Jayant Kumar secondly BM Ajad thirdy Rajeev Kumar and fourth is satish Chandra - 7 years ago

@Miister_H: darn bipan chandra, satish chandra and arjun dev were leftists naxals and antinationals for the right-wing (read OP… - 7 years ago

@cricdrugs: This year, India lost her 3 #GEMS In july, ISRO scientist Prof U R Rao, the great Prof Yashpal and recently Historian Prof Satish Chandra. - 7 years ago

@vebhuti: RT @AudreyTruschke: Historian Satish Chandra passes away - 7 years ago

@vsr_satish: @CIF_Team @harjas2517 Our honorable CM, Mr. N Chandra babu naidu - 7 years ago

@DeplorablePagan: @AudreyTruschke Even a favourite of the cultural Marxist coterie, Satish Chandra said sambhaji was executed by Aura… - 7 years ago

@umesh5152: RT @kavita_krishnan: Just heard with sorrow that historian Prof Satish Chandra passed away. #Respect - 7 years ago

@a_sarcar: Satish Chandra helped establish Centre for HIstorical Studies in JNU. RIP, prof. - 7 years ago

@jmvaidya: RT @iamrana: Prof Satish Chandra is no more A great loss to the academic world. Rest in peace Sir - 7 years ago

@AsimKumarVerma: #IndianHistory Great Historian Satish Chandra passes away. His Book on Indian Medieval History was best seller - 7 years ago

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