Sarah Hegazi

Egyptian LGBT rights activist
Died on Monday June 15th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Sarah Hegazi:

@mashrou3vegan: my mom and i were just talking about sarah hegazi and she opened the subject i'm happy we can talk about these thin… - 5 years ago

@vuyobeaming: RT @__MJDr: So many gay people have committed suicide because of what straight people have put them through. Rest in pride, Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@jaimeurquijo: RT @Rafael_Narbona: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia. Detenida y torturada, se suicidó el pasado 14 de junio. Todos los que desde p… - 5 years ago

@lungeIo: RT @__MJDr: So many gay people have committed suicide because of what straight people have put them through. Rest in pride, Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago


@d_hernandez_j: RT @Rafael_Narbona: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia. Detenida y torturada, se suicidó el pasado 14 de junio. Todos los que desde p… - 5 years ago

@NOOOR92413866: RT @SatramValasai1: Sarah Hegazi, commited sucide in Canada. These were her last words: "To my siblings, I tried to survive but I failed… - 5 years ago

@LaBarovier: RT @Rafael_Narbona: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia. Detenida y torturada, se suicidó el pasado 14 de junio. Todos los que desde p… - 5 years ago

@ballesterada: RT @Rafael_Narbona: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia. Detenida y torturada, se suicidó el pasado 14 de junio. Todos los que desde p… - 5 years ago

@anam_cid: RT @Rafael_Narbona: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia. Detenida y torturada, se suicidó el pasado 14 de junio. Todos los que desde p… - 5 years ago

@Palomas_Alejand: RT @Rafael_Narbona: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia. Detenida y torturada, se suicidó el pasado 14 de junio. Todos los que desde p… - 5 years ago

@__Cristian_19: RT @Rafael_Narbona: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia. Detenida y torturada, se suicidó el pasado 14 de junio. Todos los que desde p… - 5 years ago

@RebecaYanke: RT @Rafael_Narbona: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia. Detenida y torturada, se suicidó el pasado 14 de junio. Todos los que desde p… - 5 years ago

@DrusseFrau: RT @nellinelke: Ein trauriger, sehr respektvoll und schön geschriebener Nachruf auf Sarah Hegazi von @OthmannRonya. 🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@carenbenjaminn: @meduimpaget @hanael5oly ah 3alemny el ehtram cause your tweet about sarah hegazi says otherwise - 5 years ago

@_tsmuu: RT @siphosihlembuli: Sarah Hegazi an Egyptian queer activist took her life. In her last letter she wrote: “The experience has been harsh an… - 5 years ago

@jihrac: RT @nellinelke: Ein trauriger, sehr respektvoll und schön geschriebener Nachruf auf Sarah Hegazi von @OthmannRonya. 🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@GillesKhoury: RT @LOrientLeJour: 🏳️‍🌈 « Un soir, dans un bar, (...) une main se pose sur ton épaule, elle te ramasse comme un caillou oublié sur une plag… - 5 years ago

@lilythevly: カナダにいるとLGBTQの人たちが普段どれくらい表現する自由、そして自分でいることの自由を奪われてるから忘れてしまう事がある。カナダにasylumsしても救えなかった。 - 5 years ago

@MissMandiQ: RT @__MJDr: She was arrested for being LGBTQI in Egypt where she was tortured in prison for 3 months. Torture methods included electric sho… - 5 years ago

@cynthianna3: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@MinisculeThe: 'In 2017, #SarahHegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a #rainbow #gay #pride flag at a concert i… - 5 years ago

@ArielNana26: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@JIlgner: RT @wcapsnet: Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian activist who was arrested, imprisoned and tortured after carrying a pride flag at a concert in 2… - 5 years ago

@lyricthompson: RT @wcapsnet: Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian activist who was arrested, imprisoned and tortured after carrying a pride flag at a concert in 2… - 5 years ago

@yucelyelda: RT @oznur_pnr: moria şarkılar, sarah hegazi için söylemiş; • iyi ve kötünün şarkısı: "kaderine ağıt yakanlar var. y… - 5 years ago

@Jenkinsbd: RT @wcapsnet: Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian activist who was arrested, imprisoned and tortured after carrying a pride flag at a concert in 2… - 5 years ago

@neil_oiwf: RT @The_NewArab: Egyptian LGBTQ+ activist Sarah Hegazi, who was arrested and tortured for flying the Pride flag at a concert in Cairo, has… - 5 years ago

@genderprofs: RT @wcapsnet: Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian activist who was arrested, imprisoned and tortured after carrying a pride flag at a concert in 2… - 5 years ago

@wcapsnet: Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian activist who was arrested, imprisoned and tortured after carrying a pride flag at a co… - 5 years ago

@moosegreygoose: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@luvintuli: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@zandi_mgutshini: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@orecheime22: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@siphosihlembuli: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@RozezasCakes: 'A fighter, a dreamer': Egyptian LGTBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi remembered with love at funeral #toronto #canada… - 5 years ago

@ttt42: Ihr Stolz und ihr Lächeln bleiben: Sie wollte den Himmel, die Erde schaffte sie nicht mehr. Rest in power, Sarah… - 5 years ago

@melierax_eco: Bewegender Nachruf auf Sarah #Hegazi: »Ihr strahlendes Lächeln – sie konnten ihr das Leben nehmen; den Stolz und d… - 5 years ago

@bakhall: RT @derfreitag: Die ägyptische LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi starb im kanadischen Exil. Ihr Stolz und ihr Lächeln bleiben Von @OthmannRonya… - 5 years ago

@scheerenberger: RT @derfreitag: Die ägyptische LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi starb im kanadischen Exil. Ihr Stolz und ihr Lächeln bleiben Von @OthmannRonya… - 5 years ago

@OthmannRonya: RT @derfreitag: Die ägyptische LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi starb im kanadischen Exil. Ihr Stolz und ihr Lächeln bleiben Von @OthmannRonya… - 5 years ago

@LIZ_de: Nach #Suizid der Ägypterin Sarah #Hegazi: Mahnwache für #LGBTQI -Aktivistin auf dem Augustusplatz #Leipzig… - 5 years ago

@jeremyarbid: RT @tfitzsimons: Why does @Wikipedia allow their editors to purge the memory of Sarah Hegazi so that Arabic speaking LGBTQ people can’t lea… - 5 years ago

@tfitzsimons: Sarah Hegazi, a lesbian, a proud queer woman, raised a rainbow flag in Cairo and was imprisoned and tortured for it… - 5 years ago

@tfitzsimons: Why does @Wikipedia allow their editors to purge the memory of Sarah Hegazi so that Arabic speaking LGBTQ people ca… - 5 years ago

@antalyanar2: Berlin'de Sarah Hegazi onuruna anma - 5 years ago

@SeninmastilaLe: RT @izmirydgiletism: #Pride2020 28. Onur Haftası'nda Sarah Hegazi için, Bu Zalim Dünyayı Affetmiyoruz🌈 - 5 years ago

@mynameisjadd: RT @alqueerian: Hi everyone can you please take a minute to report this troll? He's going on any post that mentions Sarah Hegazi's name, an… - 5 years ago

@ClaudiaSeiring: RT @glr_berlin: Im Sept. 2017 spielt die progressive liban. Indie-Band MashrouLeila in #Kairo. Sarah Hegazi schwenkt eine Regenbogenfahne.… - 5 years ago

@feministdissent: RT @TheQuint: ‘Fighter, dreamer, and a person with kind heart.’ Here's how Egyptian LGBTQ Sarah Hegazi was remembered at her funeral. Repo… - 5 years ago

@tofuprinx: RT @alqueerian: Hi everyone can you please take a minute to report this troll? He's going on any post that mentions Sarah Hegazi's name, an… - 5 years ago

@Tamateeem: RT @GilmourOnOpium: Can you all please report this acount? He's going on every post that mentions Sarah Hegazi, and spreading homophobic ha… - 5 years ago

@Azulmeansblue2: RT @hoe_llister: i don’t see anyone from homophobic twitter going out of their way to tell us that sexual predators like mohanad are going… - 5 years ago

@im_cooI: RT @alqueerian: Hi everyone can you please take a minute to report this troll? He's going on any post that mentions Sarah Hegazi's name, an… - 5 years ago

@GilmourOnOpium: Can you all please report this acount? He's going on every post that mentions Sarah Hegazi, and spreading homophobi… - 5 years ago

@HowlShadow471: RT @QueerLapis: #SarahHegazi's funeral was today. She fought for the rights of her community until she could fight no more. These are the… - 5 years ago

@Rasha__Younes: RT @jetzt: Der Tod der queeren Feministin Sarah Hegazi schlug weltweit hohe Wellen. Rasha Younes von Human Rights Watch @hrw_de über den Um… - 5 years ago

@namjooniesgf: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@jeffwoodtwtrwht: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@alqueerian: Hi everyone can you please take a minute to report this troll? He's going on any post that mentions Sarah Hegazi's… - 5 years ago

@for92z: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@MunaLou: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@kesginsirke: RT @ydgiletisim: Gökkuşağının tüm renkleriyle mücadele ediyoruz... #Pride2020 28. Onur Haftası'nda Sarah Hegazi için, Bu Zalim Dünyayı Af… - 5 years ago

@cici18480257: RT @aehunt: This is devastating news. My deepest sympathy and condolences to those who knew and loved her. My heart aches. LGBTQ activist… - 5 years ago

@mbalter: RT @aehunt: This is devastating news. My deepest sympathy and condolences to those who knew and loved her. My heart aches. LGBTQ activist… - 5 years ago

@aehunt: This is devastating news. My deepest sympathy and condolences to those who knew and loved her. My heart aches. LG… - 5 years ago

@Maiza_Elias: N consigo expressar a dor q sinto pelo suicídio da Sarah Hegazi e por todos os comentários - 5 years ago

@AlfPettersson: RT @liberalerna: ”Jag försökte överleva grymheten, men jag var för svag, förlåt mig.” Så skrev Sarah Hegazi från Egypten innan hon begick… - 5 years ago

@abeihukku: RT @kehraajaLGBT: Vuonna 2017 Egyptin Kairossa konsertissa sateenkaarilippua heiluttamassa kuvattu, queer-aktivistina toiminut Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@die_Teja: From 1954 to 2020, from Alan Turing to Sarah Hegazi, this is still the reality many LGBTQ people live and suffer th… - 5 years ago

@oiransou1126: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@CMaclin4HR: RT @UniforHR_INTNL: 'A fighter, a dreamer': Egyptian LGTBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi remembered with love at funeral | CBC News - 5 years ago

@AlexLRalph141: RT @jd_Kells: Too sad. I remember her arrest a few years ago. Our every breath is a revolution. #RestInPower #Pride2020 - 5 years ago

@haldanehomes: RT @CBCToronto: A funeral was held for LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi on Monday in Mississauga. - 5 years ago

@rozana_isa: RT @QueerLapis: #SarahHegazi's funeral was today. She fought for the rights of her community until she could fight no more. These are the… - 5 years ago

@perezdelcamp: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@gisselli: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - 5 years ago

@Danieloofcourse: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@fizzychi: RT @QueerLapis: #SarahHegazi's funeral was today. She fought for the rights of her community until she could fight no more. These are the… - 5 years ago

@juliusjoki: RT @kehraajaLGBT: Vuonna 2017 Egyptin Kairossa konsertissa sateenkaarilippua heiluttamassa kuvattu, queer-aktivistina toiminut Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@britneywithaK: RT @QueerLapis: #SarahHegazi's funeral was today. She fought for the rights of her community until she could fight no more. These are the… - 5 years ago

@Reusantifa: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@labeatriufapiu: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@youssefnkamal: RT @hoe_llister: i don’t see anyone from homophobic twitter going out of their way to tell us that sexual predators like mohanad are going… - 5 years ago

@eloeth: RT @jetzt: Der Tod der queeren Feministin Sarah Hegazi schlug weltweit hohe Wellen. Rasha Younes von Human Rights Watch @hrw_de über den Um… - 5 years ago

@emmabc73: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@IAmJustRadd: RT @QueerLapis: #SarahHegazi's funeral was today. She fought for the rights of her community until she could fight no more. These are the… - 5 years ago

@hrw_de: RT @jetzt: Der Tod der queeren Feministin Sarah Hegazi schlug weltweit hohe Wellen. Rasha Younes von Human Rights Watch @hrw_de über den Um… - 5 years ago

@BormidaLiliana: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@IrinaAscoz: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@sl33py_ari4nn4: RT @QueerLapis: #SarahHegazi's funeral was today. She fought for the rights of her community until she could fight no more. These are the… - 5 years ago

@francescjuan: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@geminiimatt: RT @sa0un: Sarah Hegazi is buried, and the Egyptian flag is raised. The Egyptian gov does not get to disown her and strip her of her ident… - 5 years ago

@Jacob13867464: RT @JamesLe_Gros: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@nichevysh: RT @sa0un: Sarah Hegazi is buried, and the Egyptian flag is raised. The Egyptian gov does not get to disown her and strip her of her ident… - 5 years ago

@MangoHeadSul: RT @sa0un: Sarah Hegazi is buried, and the Egyptian flag is raised. The Egyptian gov does not get to disown her and strip her of her ident… - 5 years ago

@thebanjane: RT @sa0un: Sarah Hegazi is buried, and the Egyptian flag is raised. The Egyptian gov does not get to disown her and strip her of her ident… - 5 years ago

@thebriefUK: RT @sa0un: Sarah Hegazi is buried, and the Egyptian flag is raised. The Egyptian gov does not get to disown her and strip her of her ident… - 5 years ago

@sa0un: Sarah Hegazi is buried, and the Egyptian flag is raised. The Egyptian gov does not get to disown her and strip her… - 5 years ago

@ccesetti: RT @laRadioNova: Qui était Sarah Hegazi, icône égyptienne du combat pour la cause homosexuelle au Moyen-Orient ? →… - 5 years ago

@Modess83: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@saroide: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Angel22016600: RT @Glitteringwoman: Sarah Hegazi era stata arrestata per aver alzato la bandiera arcobaleno a un concerto: non si è mai ripresa dalle viol… - 5 years ago

@SusiQiuMad: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Kinoax: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Susususukkk: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Ebbaba_H: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@MaryamNamazie: RT @TheQuint: ‘Fighter, dreamer, and a person with kind heart.’ Here's how Egyptian LGBTQ Sarah Hegazi was remembered at her funeral. Repo… - 5 years ago

@Glitteringwoman: Sarah Hegazi era stata arrestata per aver alzato la bandiera arcobaleno a un concerto: non si è mai ripresa dalle v… - 5 years ago

@eseabuelofacker: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@AdoptadaPuntCat: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@chusvar: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Trecegatasnegr1: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@rosandrich: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@AngretStack: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@animalsujet: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@OrtigueirAna: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@martagg: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Wolfhert2: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@gencritgreen: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@GitaSahgal: RT @TheQuint: ‘Fighter, dreamer, and a person with kind heart.’ Here's how Egyptian LGBTQ Sarah Hegazi was remembered at her funeral. Repo… - 5 years ago

@RuRu43210: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@cristinasamped1: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@RepixPix: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@aleshores_: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@djgarcia79: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@_Gafas_y_reloj_: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@xlaaud: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@ambrowoll: RT @kehraajaLGBT: Vuonna 2017 Egyptin Kairossa konsertissa sateenkaarilippua heiluttamassa kuvattu, queer-aktivistina toiminut Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@bebobbaloola: RT @kehraajaLGBT: Vuonna 2017 Egyptin Kairossa konsertissa sateenkaarilippua heiluttamassa kuvattu, queer-aktivistina toiminut Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@julmaria_: RT @kehraajaLGBT: Vuonna 2017 Egyptin Kairossa konsertissa sateenkaarilippua heiluttamassa kuvattu, queer-aktivistina toiminut Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@SueciaLiberal: RT @liberalerna: ”Jag försökte överleva grymheten, men jag var för svag, förlåt mig.” Så skrev Sarah Hegazi från Egypten innan hon begick… - 5 years ago

@y_tierra: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@LesBiCatalunya: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@RamirezSote: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@SeninmastilaLe: RT @ankydgiletisim: Gökkuşağının tüm renkleriyle mücadele ediyoruz... 28. Onur Haftası'nda Sarah Hegazi için, Bu Zalim Dünyayı Affetmiyoru… - 5 years ago

@Beloyannisss: RT @ankydgiletisim: Gökkuşağının tüm renkleriyle mücadele ediyoruz... 28. Onur Haftası'nda Sarah Hegazi için, Bu Zalim Dünyayı Affetmiyoru… - 5 years ago

@MaliciaRogue: RT @CelineMartelet: A lire, ce bel hommage à Sarah Hegazi de @shaolinbird La jeune égyptienne avait osé raconter la prison de son pays, ce… - 5 years ago

@ankydgiletisim: Gökkuşağının tüm renkleriyle mücadele ediyoruz... 28. Onur Haftası'nda Sarah Hegazi için, Bu Zalim Dünyayı Affetmi… - 5 years ago

@kehraajaLGBT: Vuonna 2017 Egyptin Kairossa konsertissa sateenkaarilippua heiluttamassa kuvattu, queer-aktivistina toiminut Sarah… - 5 years ago

@Beloyannisss: RT @ydgiletisim: Gökkuşağının tüm renkleriyle mücadele ediyoruz... #Pride2020 28. Onur Haftası'nda Sarah Hegazi için, Bu Zalim Dünyayı Af… - 5 years ago

@MU_uu_p: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@PopularChorus: RT @maitelsadany: Artists pay tribute to departed LGBTQ+ activist Sarah Hegazi Artwork by Mar… - 5 years ago

@SeninmastilaLe: RT @ydgiletisim: Gökkuşağının tüm renkleriyle mücadele ediyoruz... #Pride2020 28. Onur Haftası'nda Sarah Hegazi için, Bu Zalim Dünyayı Af… - 5 years ago

@kiridifferent_: RT @NeeedlesEye: CBC article on Sarah Hegazi's funeral does not use the words 'socialist' or 'communist' once - 5 years ago

@anuskatere: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@andreasfroby: RT @liberalerna: ”Jag försökte överleva grymheten, men jag var för svag, förlåt mig.” Så skrev Sarah Hegazi från Egypten innan hon begick… - 5 years ago

@montsefuror: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@ydgiletisim: Gökkuşağının tüm renkleriyle mücadele ediyoruz... #Pride2020 28. Onur Haftası'nda Sarah Hegazi için, Bu Zalim Dün… - 5 years ago

@valfue54: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@CAaD0808: RT @sarahorchani: Elle s'appelait Sarah.Elle est égyptienne. Un soir de concert au Caire,Sarah Hegazi a levé le drapeau arc-en ciel.Empriso… - 5 years ago

@persona15m: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@curlyhyuka: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@Katanning9: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@AsamblFeminista: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@paula07082008: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Bobig: RT @laRadioNova: Il est 7h ? L'heure de "La Grasse matinale" d'@armelhemme et de Thierry Paret, jusqu'à 10h. Au programme : Des infos, de… - 5 years ago

@Txutxon63: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Hemphala: RT @liberalerna: ”Jag försökte överleva grymheten, men jag var för svag, förlåt mig.” Så skrev Sarah Hegazi från Egypten innan hon begick… - 5 years ago

@Aguadevelilla: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@Fyrwzhf2: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi's burial. Rest in Pride Sarah. I'm so sorry we failed you. - 5 years ago

@lauravarasi: RT @laRadioNova: Il est 7h ? L'heure de "La Grasse matinale" d'@armelhemme et de Thierry Paret, jusqu'à 10h. Au programme : Des infos, de… - 5 years ago

@ntemid: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@liberalerna: ”Jag försökte överleva grymheten, men jag var för svag, förlåt mig.” Så skrev Sarah Hegazi från Egypten innan hon… - 5 years ago

@cyborgLeninist: RT @NeeedlesEye: CBC article on Sarah Hegazi's funeral does not use the words 'socialist' or 'communist' once - 5 years ago

@Chaoslord1848: RT @NeeedlesEye: CBC article on Sarah Hegazi's funeral does not use the words 'socialist' or 'communist' once - 5 years ago

@ZurcAledLeahcim: To the depressed, powerless and hopeless, please get help... - 5 years ago

@Ismube1313: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@notices___: RT @cnni: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last we… - 5 years ago

@baby_anudda: RT @NeeedlesEye: CBC article on Sarah Hegazi's funeral does not use the words 'socialist' or 'communist' once - 5 years ago

@Chris_Yeung98: RT @CBCToronto: A funeral was held for LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi on Monday in Mississauga. - 5 years ago

@NotOccupying: 'A fighter, a dreamer': Egyptian LGTBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi remembered with love at funeral - 5 years ago

@bepsiCan: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@terricoles_: RT @CBCToronto: A funeral was held for LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi on Monday in Mississauga. - 5 years ago

@XXmnkypaws: RT @CBCToronto: A funeral was held for LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi on Monday in Mississauga. - 5 years ago

@CBCToronto: A funeral was held for LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi on Monday in Mississauga. - 5 years ago

@DetStand: RT @NeeedlesEye: CBC article on Sarah Hegazi's funeral does not use the words 'socialist' or 'communist' once - 5 years ago

@to_huts: RT @NeeedlesEye: CBC article on Sarah Hegazi's funeral does not use the words 'socialist' or 'communist' once - 5 years ago

@nahaltoosi: @TheTweetOfGod Why did you delete your tweet about Sarah Hegazi? - 5 years ago

@KhalifaJune: RT @NeeedlesEye: CBC article on Sarah Hegazi's funeral does not use the words 'socialist' or 'communist' once - 5 years ago

@AndresLopez1714: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@NeeedlesEye: CBC article on Sarah Hegazi's funeral does not use the words 'socialist' or 'communist' once - 5 years ago

@Amy_Fallas: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi's burial. Rest in Pride Sarah. I'm so sorry we failed you. - 5 years ago

@alpaponycat: RT @olgarodriguezfr: Hoy fue enterrada Sarah Hegazi en Canadá. Con la bandera LGBT, la egipcia y la canadiense. Algunos puños en alto y un… - 5 years ago

@GlobalNomad87: RT @maitelsadany: Artists pay tribute to departed LGBTQ+ activist Sarah Hegazi Artwork by Mar… - 5 years ago

@DanielWickham93: RT @maitelsadany: Artists pay tribute to departed LGBTQ+ activist Sarah Hegazi Artwork by Mar… - 5 years ago

@no44_ni: The New York Times (@nytimes) Tweeted: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel,… - 5 years ago

@LindaFd2: RT @PopularChorus: Artists pay tribute to departed LGBTQ+ activist #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@maitelsadany: Artists pay tribute to departed LGBTQ+ activist Sarah Hegazi Artwork… - 5 years ago

@jrschneiter: L’abominable intolérance et violence qui a cours dans des pays musulmans jadis éclairés serait elle établie pour t… - 5 years ago

@Munsa_Munich: RT @Munsa_Munich: Si un gobierno necesita terror y violencia para imponer su dogma y mantenerse en el poder, ni tiene argumentos ni es legí… - 5 years ago

@ch_leguen: RT @CelineMartelet: A lire, ce bel hommage à Sarah Hegazi de @shaolinbird La jeune égyptienne avait osé raconter la prison de son pays, ce… - 5 years ago

@olivier_winter: RT @CelineMartelet: A lire, ce bel hommage à Sarah Hegazi de @shaolinbird La jeune égyptienne avait osé raconter la prison de son pays, ce… - 5 years ago

@CelineMartelet: A lire, ce bel hommage à Sarah Hegazi de @shaolinbird La jeune égyptienne avait osé raconter la prison de son pays… - 5 years ago

@ZidanSports: RT @PopularChorus: Artists pay tribute to departed LGBTQ+ activist #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@Munsa_Munich: Si un gobierno necesita terror y violencia para imponer su dogma y mantenerse en el poder, ni tiene argumentos ni e… - 5 years ago

@areuok__: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@ederaki: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@ederaki: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@KuchuTimes: RT @tbafoundations: This #PrideMonth2020, we remember Sarah Hegazi who showed us what it means to be brave, visible, and wave the rainbow f… - 5 years ago

@br1spina: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dead at 30 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@BlixenVolodia: 😢 - 5 years ago

@Agbejoro_: RT @tbafoundations: This #PrideMonth2020, we remember Sarah Hegazi who showed us what it means to be brave, visible, and wave the rainbow f… - 5 years ago

@PopularChorus: Artists pay tribute to departed LGBTQ+ activist #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@dinahbrand2: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@buckwheatgroat2: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@JaggiMontreal: RT @NoBordersMedia: Photos from today's Rest in Pride Vigil in Montreal for queer, communist activist Sarah Hegazi. For more about Sarah's… - 5 years ago

@RainbowStweet: RT @NoBordersMedia: Photos from today's Rest in Pride Vigil in Montreal for queer, communist activist Sarah Hegazi. For more about Sarah's… - 5 years ago

@jewkrainian: RT @NoBordersMedia: Photos from today's Rest in Pride Vigil in Montreal for queer, communist activist Sarah Hegazi. For more about Sarah's… - 5 years ago

@jewkrainian: RT @rafsanchez: Vigil in London for Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian LGBTQ activist who committed suicide this week after being imprisoned and all… - 5 years ago

@cannemckenzie: - 5 years ago

@spacecasscain: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@Naawwaalllll: I can’t get the last words of Sarah Hegazi off my mind.. - 5 years ago

@Wetterwachsig: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@hissingfire: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@aniobrien: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@trashinfluenced: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@sorryno01193784: RT @NashHadad: TW: suicide . . . . Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBT activist who was jailed and assaulted for raising the rainbow flag in… - 5 years ago

@CriticalCricket: - 5 years ago

@semy12jde: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@lesbosgon: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@HeviNuroj: RT @Aysekhanci: Sarah Hegazi Mısırlı bir lezbiyendi. Konserde gökkuşağı bayrağı salladığı için tutuklandı, işkence gördü. Kanada'ya kaçtı.… - 5 years ago

@MintLouchaa: RT @sarahorchani: Elle s'appelait Sarah.Elle est égyptienne. Un soir de concert au Caire,Sarah Hegazi a levé le drapeau arc-en ciel.Empriso… - 5 years ago

@jewkrainian: RT @RevSocGlobal: Berlin: Rest in Power Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@kitchenlizzard: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@flydeck60: RT @CPolF5: "On peut se trouver à l'intersection de différentes dominations, et les luttes peuvent se nouer." L'historien Patrick Boucheron… - 5 years ago

@luo00oul: RT @NoBordersMedia: Photos from today's Rest in Pride Vigil in Montreal for queer, communist activist Sarah Hegazi. For more about Sarah's… - 5 years ago

@Brandolf11: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@jaballayok: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@retuiqueen: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@MartaSAlmela: RT @AbellanCalvet: Avui a @ALBA_SUD enfoquem la mercantilització de les identitats #LGTBIQ des del turisme. Quina ha estat la relació histò… - 5 years ago

@AbellanCalvet: Avui a @ALBA_SUD enfoquem la mercantilització de les identitats #LGTBIQ des del turisme. Quina ha estat la relació… - 5 years ago

@ene_gb: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@gditom: Bambini abbandonati che amano. Il database genetico degli uomini in Cina. Il potere di Black Lives Matter. Wall Str… - 5 years ago

@gaayathreybala: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@Aysekhanci: Sarah Hegazi Mısırlı bir lezbiyendi. Konserde gökkuşağı bayrağı salladığı için tutuklandı, işkence gördü. Kanada'ya… - 5 years ago

@RadclyffsHall: - 5 years ago

@PFrache: RT @RevSocGlobal: Berlin: Rest in Power Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@pickyouruserid: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@idoru__: RT @Listen2Lesbians: Egypt: Arrested and tortured for waving rainbow flag, lesbian Sarah Hegazi dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@azrulznl: RT @QueerLapis: There is no blood between us, but she shared my belief: ‘Whoever saves one life, it is as if they had saved humankind entir… - 5 years ago

@isanother: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@GBouadjaj: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@Alfeia: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@jaballayok: El suicidio de Sarah Hegazi: valentía, tortura y muerte de una activista gay en el mundo árabe. - 5 years ago

@Le455203: RT @seebrueckeLE: +++Morgen 18:00 Augustusplatz gemeinsames Gedenken Der Aktivistin Sarah Hegazis+++ +++tomorrow 6pm Augustusplatz vigil fo… - 5 years ago

@Increse_Nig: RT @tbafoundations: This #PrideMonth2020, we remember Sarah Hegazi who showed us what it means to be brave, visible, and wave the rainbow f… - 5 years ago

@EvangeAlberto: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@tbafoundations: This #PrideMonth2020, we remember Sarah Hegazi who showed us what it means to be brave, visible, and wave the rainb… - 5 years ago

@MercedesSayWhat: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@jaballayok: RT @infobaeamerica: El suicidio de Sarah Hegazi: valentía, tortura y muerte de una activista gay en el mundo árabe | Por Andrea Bonzo https… - 5 years ago

@Ime9131: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@GBouadjaj: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@tolsax: RT @seebrueckeLE: +++Morgen 18:00 Augustusplatz gemeinsames Gedenken Der Aktivistin Sarah Hegazis+++ +++tomorrow 6pm Augustusplatz vigil fo… - 5 years ago

@Ayeduman1Ayse: RT @BirGunAvrupa: Berlin'de Sarah Hegazi onuruna anma - 5 years ago

@BkoTatiana: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@seebrueckeLE: +++Morgen 18:00 Augustusplatz gemeinsames Gedenken Der Aktivistin Sarah Hegazis+++ +++tomorrow 6pm Augustusplatz vi… - 5 years ago

@grannies4equal: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@gol_mia: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@moorehn: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@pierrehooka: RT @CMarcandier: Sarah Hegazi, l'hommage de Sarah de Harr sur @diacritik : - 5 years ago

@ParisPasRose: RT @CMarcandier: Sarah Hegazi, l'hommage de Sarah de Harr sur @diacritik : - 5 years ago

@diacritik: RT @CMarcandier: Sarah Hegazi, l'hommage de Sarah de Harr sur @diacritik : - 5 years ago

@moirapezzetta: RT @YoungFeministEU: Today we want to remember Sarah Hegazi and be reminded of how important it is to fight for #LGBTQ+ rights. 🏳️‍🌈 #Rais… - 5 years ago

@CMarcandier: Sarah Hegazi, l'hommage de Sarah de Harr sur @diacritik : - 5 years ago

@VysagMurali: RT @iRedPanda1: A true tragedy once again struck , I didn’t know you Sarah Hegazi but had if I did I would’ve tried all I could to help you… - 5 years ago

@BirGunAvrupa: Berlin'de Sarah Hegazi onuruna anma - 5 years ago

@FireTheseTimes: You can also listen to the @thequeerarabs episode on the death of #SarahHegazy here - 5 years ago

@mtntune_: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@FieldArtistSW: RT @SonofBaldwin: "She saved her final words for her persecutors. 'To the world,' she wrote. 'You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.'"… - 5 years ago

@Takako_av: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@TASTYSNAC: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - 5 years ago

@mariazenemij: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@MRLGsays: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@fernevado23: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@JulioCMoreno14: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@RonaldoLGBTIPTY: RT @lgbtplusnews: El suicidio de Sarah Hegazi: valentía, tortura y muerte de una activista gay en el mundo árabe #LGBT #LGBTNews https:/… - 5 years ago

@Andy82scz: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@F_i_l_m_s_: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@marielingp: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@DianaIMaldonado: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@IngridDoberman1: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@GiuseppeRomero5: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@Anarchopanda: RT @NoBordersMedia: Photos from today's Rest in Pride Vigil in Montreal for queer, communist activist Sarah Hegazi. For more about Sarah's… - 5 years ago

@DAY6ANTl: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@CarlosM97486126: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@Yasi_bh: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamo… - 5 years ago

@SherifaZuhur: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@makhoul_grace: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@Coucou_CFC: RT @NoBordersMedia: Photos from today's Rest in Pride Vigil in Montreal for queer, communist activist Sarah Hegazi. For more about Sarah's… - 5 years ago

@nolifeneet: RT @NoBordersMedia: Photos from today's Rest in Pride Vigil in Montreal for queer, communist activist Sarah Hegazi. For more about Sarah's… - 5 years ago

@NoBordersMedia: Photos from today's Rest in Pride Vigil in Montreal for queer, communist activist Sarah Hegazi. For more about Sara… - 5 years ago

@silentm0vie: RT @Karmir_Kovkas: In the wake of Sarah Hegazi's tragic death, I am reposting this list of LGBT+ organizations in West Asia. - 5 years ago

@AdhamSahloul: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@AliTheHigh1: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@iRedPanda1: A true tragedy once again struck , I didn’t know you Sarah Hegazi but had if I did I would’ve tried all I could to… - 5 years ago

@cairofornian: Today there was a vigil for Sarah Hegazi at Oakland LGBT Community Center. Rest in Peace, truth bearer. Rest in Pow… - 5 years ago

@PairsonnalitesE: RT @PairsonnalitesE: Stigmabase | BR — Sarah Hegazi ergueu uma bandeira arco-íris no Egipto. O final infeliz tornou-a num símbolo: Seguiram… - 5 years ago

@spookymarx: RT @Karmir_Kovkas: In the wake of Sarah Hegazi's tragic death, I am reposting this list of LGBT+ organizations in West Asia. - 5 years ago

@EslamEgyptian: RT @sana2: مجدو سارة كرمز للمقاومة مجدو سارة كرمز لحقوق مجتمع الميم لكن من فضلكو بلاش نمجد الانتحار We should be honoring Sarah Hegazi as a… - 5 years ago

@katrinaaszabo: RT @BeingLGBTQPod: Absolutely awful. RIP Sarah Hegazi 😕 - 5 years ago

@taxobelle: RT @SonofBaldwin: "She saved her final words for her persecutors. 'To the world,' she wrote. 'You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.'"… - 5 years ago

@Lymquiros: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@ruoma666: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@MattRog97129651: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@qlossxier: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@qlossxier: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@nolifeneet: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@Daughterofisis0: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@Adriana24964: RT @Celinuchis90: - 5 years ago

@puercogt: RT @Diversamedios: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un con… - 5 years ago

@Diversamedios: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en u… - 5 years ago

@lolshannon71: “Sarah left Egypt two years ago, but Egypt and its trauma didn't leave her alone," her friend Salama wrote on Faceb… - 5 years ago

@BWUnitedYEG: Our hearts are breaking today! #SarahHegazi #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLGBTQLivesMatter #SayHerName Please be aware… - 5 years ago

@tcwittes: RT @molenkopf: @tcwittes 🇬🇧 At the German Wikipedia there is currently a request to delete the article about Sarah Hegazi. Please add "Beha… - 5 years ago

@molenkopf: 🇩🇪 Bei der deutschen Wikipedia gibt es derzeit einen Löschantrag zum Artikel über Sarah Hegazi. Bitte "Behalten."… - 5 years ago

@molenkopf: @tcwittes 🇬🇧 At the German Wikipedia there is currently a request to delete the article about Sarah Hegazi. Please… - 5 years ago

@KareMuriuki: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@_love_supreme: RT @SonofBaldwin: "She saved her final words for her persecutors. 'To the world,' she wrote. 'You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.'"… - 5 years ago

@3eleven17: RT @SonofBaldwin: "She saved her final words for her persecutors. 'To the world,' she wrote. 'You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.'"… - 5 years ago

@ValkyrieLadyK: RT @SonofBaldwin: "She saved her final words for her persecutors. 'To the world,' she wrote. 'You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.'"… - 5 years ago

@mussrayyah: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@AminkengNze: RT @SonofBaldwin: "She saved her final words for her persecutors. 'To the world,' she wrote. 'You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.'"… - 5 years ago

@FatChronic: RT @SonofBaldwin: "She saved her final words for her persecutors. 'To the world,' she wrote. 'You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.'"… - 5 years ago

@Karrel_Mae: RT @p0r714: Vigil for Sarah Hegazi, LGBTQ activist who was imprisoned, tortured, and sexually assaulted for raising a pride flag at a conce… - 5 years ago

@soltanlife: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@SonofBaldwin: "She saved her final words for her persecutors. 'To the world,' she wrote. 'You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgi… - 5 years ago

@soltanlife: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@LindaFd2: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@DianneG: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@ldga123456: El suicidio de Sarah Hegazi: valentía, tortura y muerte de una activista gay en el mundo árabe - Infobae - 5 years ago

@MostFouad: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@returntobabylon: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@TodosNetwork: El suicidio de Sarah Hegazi: valentía, tortura y muerte de una activista gay en el mundo árabe - 5 years ago

@paintmyblues: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@SandyAlkoutami: RT @maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@maitelsadany: Washington, DC remembers the beautiful soul, Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. May she rest in power and peace. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@marianotas1: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@Ioshymon: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@consensusworks: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@verturquoise: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@TarekHussein22: من واشنطن ، هنفضل فاكرينك يا سارة . Photos from a vigil in washington today to honor the late Egyptian activist S… - 5 years ago

@julianafregoso: RT @infobaeamerica: El suicidio de Sarah Hegazi: valentía, tortura y muerte de una activista gay en el mundo árabe. | Por Andrea Bonzo http… - 5 years ago

@cehem1: Sarah Hegazi, martyre égyptienne du mouvement LGBTQIA+ s'est donné la mort. - 5 years ago

@AASchapiro: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@stcrgazinq: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@_Star_Tron: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - 5 years ago

@HeyItsWajahat_: To my siblings – I tried to survive and I failed, forgive me. To my friends – the experience was harsh and I am too… - 5 years ago

@CreteilS: RT @CPolF5: "On peut se trouver à l'intersection de différentes dominations, et les luttes peuvent se nouer." L'historien Patrick Boucheron… - 5 years ago

@nezzRX: RT @CPolF5: "On peut se trouver à l'intersection de différentes dominations, et les luttes peuvent se nouer." L'historien Patrick Boucheron… - 5 years ago

@anregarret: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. #RaiseTheFlagForSarah - 5 years ago

@HotlipsHarkness: RT @BeingLGBTQPod: Absolutely awful. RIP Sarah Hegazi 😕 - 5 years ago

@Nusch16: Am Dienstag findet in #Leipzig eine Mahnwache für Sarah Hegazi statt. - 5 years ago

@CamilleGirerd: RT @CPolF5: "On peut se trouver à l'intersection de différentes dominations, et les luttes peuvent se nouer." L'historien Patrick Boucheron… - 5 years ago

@MoneypennyCH: RT @MsTomata: RIP Sarah Hegazi. Dein Mut und Einsatz wird nicht vergessen sein. - 5 years ago

@MoneypennyCH: RT @erkanpehl: "An die Welt: Du warst grausam, aber ich vergebe dir." -Sarah Hegazi- - 5 years ago

@JordanianRebel: @18thpilotrr @thedinarstore It's the Sarah Hegazi graffiti but they haven't blacked out the "لكني أسامح" part - 5 years ago

@selinthebean: RT @Karmir_Kovkas: In the wake of Sarah Hegazi's tragic death, I am reposting this list of LGBT+ organizations in West Asia. - 5 years ago

@jenoarmpit: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@die_Teja: Some people created a Wikipedia page for Sarah Hegazi in multiple languages, the Arabic one is now threatened with… - 5 years ago

@queertennie: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@colinjo98: @BrandonStraka - 5 years ago

@colinjo98: @Mattersofpride - 5 years ago

@PURITYBOYS: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@luacontremoi: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@bbcdf713: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@isaasi79714314: RT @CPolF5: "On peut se trouver à l'intersection de différentes dominations, et les luttes peuvent se nouer." L'historien Patrick Boucheron… - 5 years ago

@JackFtL: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@jkelley399: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@raysava: La communauté gaie pleure la mort de la militante Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Gridleysoxfan: RT @PhilKlay: She saved her final words for her persecutors. “To the world,” she wrote. “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” @decla… - 5 years ago

@_libra_queen: This guy right here is a king that we should all stan, i hope you pigs understand a thing or two. Rest in power, Sa… - 5 years ago

@Rizzuti09: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Jevcat: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@SabaShah_Khan: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@kodunthamizhan: RT @Hevallo: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last w… - 5 years ago

@narumidaze: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@LaurieE93026417: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@hungee_boy: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@Wissensei: RT @erkanpehl: "An die Welt: Du warst grausam, aber ich vergebe dir." -Sarah Hegazi- - 5 years ago

@Im_not_a_commie: You know what the worst part about the local council seeking out the one piece of graffiti related to Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@d1sk99galaxy: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@kenmauk: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@javiergleddy: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@HayanImd: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@PairsonnalitesE: Stigmabase | BR — Sarah Hegazi ergueu uma bandeira arco-íris no Egipto. O final infeliz tornou-a num símbolo: Segui… - 5 years ago

@LeeMatsu: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@rayeIite: RT @nickmiIIvr: - 5 years ago

@ByromHeather: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@Kennelly_Erin: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@CCorjulo: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@iris_versari: RT @AllisonLMcManus: Amid the beautiful tributes to Sarah Hegazi around the world, worth a moment to watch this brief interview with her. S… - 5 years ago

@hmbuchmann: Sarah Hegazi, martyre égyptienne du mouvement LGBTQIA+ - 5 years ago

@Ramy_Rafik: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Sheminion1: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@crazynerdchic: RT @siinjiim: Someone graffiti'd some walls in Amman with Sarah Hegazi's face and her last words: "But I forgive". 76 replies to this dir… - 5 years ago

@eviltid: Rip sarah hegazi </3 - 5 years ago

@Schnupperfunk: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@p0lychrome: I see Sarah Hegazi's🏳️‍🌈 final note: "To the world - you were cruel to a great extent, but I forgive." & it HURTS.… - 5 years ago

@pairsonnalitesF: Sarah Hegazi, martyre égyptienne du mouvement LGBTQIA+: L'Egypte n'interdit pas formellement l'homosexualité, mais… - 5 years ago

@intlibecosoc: RT @siinjiim: Someone graffiti'd some walls in Amman with Sarah Hegazi's face and her last words: "But I forgive". 76 replies to this dir… - 5 years ago

@siinjiim: Someone graffiti'd some walls in Amman with Sarah Hegazi's face and her last words: "But I forgive". 76 replies t… - 5 years ago

@aniwinterbourne: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@carnivoresetal: im heartbroken. If you're straight and believe that LGBTQI+ rights are won completely, you have a lot of work to d… - 5 years ago

@cafee_luna: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@_crayolacrayon: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@jiyahkelly: RT @HowUpsetting: Sarah Hegazi was a gay Egyptian woman who proudly waved a rainbow flag at a Mashrou’ Leila gig in 2017. In the days and m… - 5 years ago

@corsicaturchina: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@harbiebebek: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@siinjiim: I really needed to hear @sysh's words on Sarah Hegazi's death and queer Arabs - 5 years ago

@PeterDracarys: Coragem! - 5 years ago

@nthndrke__: @esholol @welimemo3alibro mentalities. This mentality is what got Sarah Hegazi killed. Some lgbt back home have a r… - 5 years ago

@TheWorld: Remembering Sarah Hegazi, the Egyptian LGBTQ activist arrested for unfurling the rainbow flag - 5 years ago

@MonsieurChamois: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@DsCrash254: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - 5 years ago

@Christi79980174: RT @LeopoldMusic: ⚪ Sarah Hegazi - You were punished & tortured because of the way you think and love. ♥️ There's still so much discriminat… - 5 years ago

@Cameron52070666: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Cameron52070666: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@Cameron52070666: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@Cameron52070666: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@Cameron52070666: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@talinay64: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Cameron52070666: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@yamhos: #一日一曲 vol.52 Kacey Musgraves『Rainbow』 全てのLGBTQの人が、全てのマイノリティの人が、全ての人種が、全ての宗教の人が、自分に対して引け目を感じる事が無くなる日を夢見てるよ。R.I.P. Sa… - 5 years ago

@Silvia87044182: RT @malditaternura: Presa y torturada durante meses en Egipto por hacer flamear una bandera gay 🏳️‍🌈 en un concierto, la activista SARAH HE… - 5 years ago

@CPLATAM: RT @RicardGonz: Sarah Hegazi's suicide note: “To my siblings: I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends:The jo… - 5 years ago

@jewkrainian: RT @ReutersLatam: Amigos y simpatizantes de todo el mundo lloran la muerte de la activista egipcia LGBTI+ Sarah Hegazi a principios de esta… - 5 years ago

@33449jag: RT @RicardGonz: Sarah Hegazi's suicide note: “To my siblings: I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends:The jo… - 5 years ago

@MeinkingLG: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@DjoHsenen: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Autumnt14: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@culturegay1: RT @komitid_fr: Un rassemblement en mémoire de Sarah Hegazi est prévu dimanche 21 juin à midi devant l'ambassade d'Égypte, à Paris. https… - 5 years ago

@slftt: Sarah Hegazi will be remembered as someone who just wanted to be herself — and was imprisoned and tortured for doin… - 5 years ago

@tiepazos: rest in power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 - 5 years ago

@erickfguapizaca: RT @ReutersLatam: Amigos y simpatizantes de todo el mundo lloran la muerte de la activista egipcia LGBTI+ Sarah Hegazi a principios de esta… - 5 years ago

@HowUpsetting: Sarah Hegazi was a gay Egyptian woman who proudly waved a rainbow flag at a Mashrou’ Leila gig in 2017. In the days… - 5 years ago

@OSGreens: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@Emerson27958295: RT @ReutersLatam: Amigos y simpatizantes de todo el mundo lloran la muerte de la activista egipcia LGBTI+ Sarah Hegazi a principios de esta… - 5 years ago

@LGBTRightsGhana: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@ArsonitsLullaby: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@KodyAWilson: "I don't know what to make of the amount of hate I've seen over the last two days," he wrote. "None of this is God'… - 5 years ago

@luish0926: Amigos y simpatizantes de todo el mundo lloran la muerte de la activista egipcia LGBTI+ Sarah Hegazi a principios d… - 5 years ago

@anamariantonio: RT @ReutersLatam: Amigos y simpatizantes de todo el mundo lloran la muerte de la activista egipcia LGBTI+ Sarah Hegazi a principios de esta… - 5 years ago

@SevenCupsOfMilk: This brought me to tears, nobody deserves this. Sarah Hegazi, you deserved to live in a world that respected your h… - 5 years ago

@yersinia76: RT @TardisTheDocto1: Sarah Hegazis Geschichte begann im September 2017, als sie 28 Jahre alt war. Sie war auf einem Musikfestivals in Kairo… - 5 years ago

@redcajapandora: RT @ReutersLatam: Amigos y simpatizantes de todo el mundo lloran la muerte de la activista egipcia LGBTI+ Sarah Hegazi a principios de esta… - 5 years ago

@naverix: RT @ReutersLatam: Amigos y simpatizantes de todo el mundo lloran la muerte de la activista egipcia LGBTI+ Sarah Hegazi a principios de esta… - 5 years ago

@ungrejibeat: RIP Sarah Hegazi . Yes this world is very cruel . #Sarahegazy - 5 years ago

@ReutersLatam: Amigos y simpatizantes de todo el mundo lloran la muerte de la activista egipcia LGBTI+ Sarah Hegazi a principios d… - 5 years ago

@yersinia76: RT @sab_dam: Sie wollte sich nicht verstecken: Trauer um die ägyptische LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi - - 5 years ago

@TimmyFitzgeral8: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@JTolbott: RT @Rants17402017: These are the people trying to influence your youth and tell you that you're racist! - 5 years ago

@manalfou: RT @AllisonLMcManus: Amid the beautiful tributes to Sarah Hegazi around the world, worth a moment to watch this brief interview with her. S… - 5 years ago

@BTertie: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@SabriB02022545: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@simonettapiero2: RT @tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@marypgkeating: RT @AllisonLMcManus: Amid the beautiful tributes to Sarah Hegazi around the world, worth a moment to watch this brief interview with her. S… - 5 years ago

@tekaldas: RT @AllisonLMcManus: Amid the beautiful tributes to Sarah Hegazi around the world, worth a moment to watch this brief interview with her. S… - 5 years ago

@SGineth: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@LgbtqYemen: RT @norashalaby: #Berlin: today at 3pm vigil/protest at Hermannplatz for Sarah Hegazi, followed by one at 5pm at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. http… - 5 years ago

@catherinedowlan: RT @tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@Allouuu: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@invisiblearabs: RT @AllisonLMcManus: Amid the beautiful tributes to Sarah Hegazi around the world, worth a moment to watch this brief interview with her. S… - 5 years ago

@ladee_xx: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@AbuMrouj: RT @AllisonLMcManus: Amid the beautiful tributes to Sarah Hegazi around the world, worth a moment to watch this brief interview with her. S… - 5 years ago

@Westengland: RT @maitelsadany: This video of the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi speaking to @CBC in 2018 about her siblings & her dreams broke me h… - 5 years ago

@BoludoXXL: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@saitanK: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@Ragab: RT @norashalaby: #Berlin: today at 3pm vigil/protest at Hermannplatz for Sarah Hegazi, followed by one at 5pm at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. http… - 5 years ago

@LGBTphobie_INFO: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@caerdael: RT @nscounterinfo: Tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi "I remember her saying “I never felt so alive as during the revolution.” In her… - 5 years ago

@IFEX: RT @maitelsadany: This video of the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi speaking to @CBC in 2018 about her siblings & her dreams broke me h… - 5 years ago

@JeanC109: RT @Culturizando: La activista egipcia LGBT+ se quitó la vida en Canadá debido a su experiencia traumática en Egipto, aquí te contamos sobr… - 5 years ago

@NLOSAL: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@ledee03: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@QueenMahgie: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@B0nB0n__: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@sweatyhabibti: Mashrou’ Leila is the gay Lebanese band Sarah Hegazi saw the night she raised the rainbow flag, for which she was t… - 5 years ago

@ejderza: RT @komitid_fr: Un rassemblement en mémoire de Sarah Hegazi est prévu dimanche 21 juin à midi devant l'ambassade d'Égypte, à Paris. https… - 5 years ago

@LGBTFranceCM: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@Blaise_21: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@SanchezCedillo: RT @RicardGonz: Sarah Hegazi's suicide note: “To my siblings: I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends:The jo… - 5 years ago

@Ithacanexile: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@farahbahgat: RT @tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@berayusamero: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@Newsu2fan: La historia de Sarah Hegazi y la complicada situación LGBT+ en el Medio Oriente - 5 years ago

@cheeseisogood: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@anacrois: RT @Two_Desert: “To my siblings, I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends, the journey was cruel and I am too… - 5 years ago

@ne1986: La storia di Sarah Hegazi - Il Post - 5 years ago

@JeanMarcLevent: RT @alicecoffin: I have been reading so many posts from lesbian activists about #SarahHegazi this past week. And there are also all those,… - 5 years ago

@ElzaSeferian: RT @tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@Zehra_Zaidi: RT @tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@MagazineCheek: Sarah Hegazi, militante égyptienne LGBTQ+ de 30 ans exilée au Canada, s'est suicidée - 5 years ago

@WAVE_europe: Today we want to remember Sarah Hegazi for her courage to come to terms with her sexual orientation, and be reminde… - 5 years ago

@_LeCordon_: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@SoraTocci: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@MunaElMasriya: RT @tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@sab_dam: Sie wollte sich nicht verstecken: Trauer um die ägyptische LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi - - 5 years ago

@victoirapute2: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@salmasaid: RT @norashalaby: #Berlin: today at 3pm vigil/protest at Hermannplatz for Sarah Hegazi, followed by one at 5pm at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. http… - 5 years ago

@norashalaby: #Berlin: today at 3pm vigil/protest at Hermannplatz for Sarah Hegazi, followed by one at 5pm at Rosa-Luxemburg-Plat… - 5 years ago

@geoffreyyork: RT @tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@fred2paris75: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@YusufkrBaskan1: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@Echinea1: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@sophauxmanettes: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@Street_Insights: RT @BruitsNoirs: Sarah Hegazi : un drapeau qui s'envole - 5 years ago

@colerenoire_: RT @BruitsNoirs: Sarah Hegazi : un drapeau qui s'envole - 5 years ago

@BruitsNoirs: Sarah Hegazi : un drapeau qui s'envole - 5 years ago

@linzzari: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@anarchoaltruism: RT @thequeerarabs: Episode 117 [in English]: Sarah Hegazi first came under the public eye following the Sept. 2017 Mashrou’ Leila concert w… - 5 years ago

@EricVANROY: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@le_dilo: RT @komitid_fr: Un rassemblement en mémoire de Sarah Hegazi est prévu dimanche 21 juin à midi devant l'ambassade d'Égypte, à Paris. https… - 5 years ago

@to_kfe: RT @komitid_fr: Un rassemblement en mémoire de Sarah Hegazi est prévu dimanche 21 juin à midi devant l'ambassade d'Égypte, à Paris. https… - 5 years ago

@NinouOceane: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@komitid_fr: Un rassemblement en mémoire de Sarah Hegazi est prévu dimanche 21 juin à midi devant l'ambassade d'Égypte, à Paris.… - 5 years ago

@Yagg_Komitid: Un rassemblement en mémoire de Sarah Hegazi est prévu dimanche 21 juin à midi devant l'ambassade d'Égypte, à Paris.… - 5 years ago

@nurhannce: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@CnidoRaph: RT @TETUmag: Exilée au Canada après avoir brandi un drapeau LGBT+ en Égypte, Sarah Hegazi s’est suicidée - 5 years ago

@gundi_kendal: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@narttumainen: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@pelorduy: RT @RicardGonz: Sarah Hegazi's suicide note: “To my siblings: I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends:The jo… - 5 years ago

@two_ships: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@RicardGonz: Sarah Hegazi's suicide note: “To my siblings: I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friend… - 5 years ago

@BrianB2BDW: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@CoralReef84: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@jlfleite: RT @gaytimesmag: The LGBTQ+ community is mourning the loss of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, who passed away over the weekend. - 5 years ago

@yamiviss: RT @Culturizando: La historia de Sarah Hegazi y la complicada situación LGBT+ en el Medio Oriente ► - 5 years ago

@amenapsy: Many people in our community are mourning the death of Sarah Hegazi - Suicide prevention must begin with changing w… - 5 years ago

@BloodyPact: RT @gaytimesmag: The LGBTQ+ community is mourning the loss of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, who passed away over the weekend. - 5 years ago

@sapphiclily: RT @gaytimesmag: The LGBTQ+ community is mourning the loss of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, who passed away over the weekend. - 5 years ago

@SosieTeAmo: RT @gaytimesmag: The LGBTQ+ community is mourning the loss of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, who passed away over the weekend. - 5 years ago

@hinata444: RT @gaytimesmag: The LGBTQ+ community is mourning the loss of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, who passed away over the weekend. - 5 years ago

@MegsDonovan: - 5 years ago

@gaytimesmag: The LGBTQ+ community is mourning the loss of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, who passed away over the weekend. - 5 years ago

@cengizyagizim: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@Aboojwala: - 5 years ago

@roz_jenny: RT @Culturizando: La historia de Sarah Hegazi y la complicada situación LGBT+ en el Medio Oriente ► - 5 years ago

@MartiezJ3sus: RT @Culturizando: La historia de Sarah Hegazi y la complicada situación LGBT+ en el Medio Oriente ► - 5 years ago

@sohaibrahim199: RT @maitelsadany: At the Toronto vigil in honor of the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@SMM501: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@HALIMAKIBAR7798: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@philosophygays: We need to bring attention to LGBTQ rights in the Middle East. It can be deadly. Rest in power, Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@MostFouad: RT @maitelsadany: At the Toronto vigil in honor of the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@sayani181: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@like_like66: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@andyintheshamsi: RT @maitelsadany: Photos from a vigil in Tunis, Tunisia earlier today to honor the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@AntonoftheAnton: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@SammySturbridge: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@izchannel835742: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@sharksluvr: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@CaireneGirl: RT @maitelsadany: At the Toronto vigil in honor of the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@Morigto9: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@SlCKLOV3: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@bruce79038687: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@meganonealll: RT @MoMoCherri: “I wanted to clarify the language here. I don’t think it’s fair someone who has dealt with torture and degradation to this… - 5 years ago

@Snow1ii: - 5 years ago

@ElaineS41103933: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Choki_trbl: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@soltanlife: RT @tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@_m4rt1nez_: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@Amy_Fallas: RT @maitelsadany: At the Toronto vigil in honor of the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@tekaldas: A vigil for Sarah Hegazi from her favorite park in her city of exile, Toronto. Rest in Pride Sarah - 5 years ago

@tekaldas: RT @maitelsadany: At the Toronto vigil in honor of the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@maitelsadany: At the Toronto vigil in honor of the late Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. 🌈 - 5 years ago

@steevestweet: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@brindaddy: RT @MoMoCherri: “I wanted to clarify the language here. I don’t think it’s fair someone who has dealt with torture and degradation to this… - 5 years ago

@KindOfMadness_: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@marta__andres: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@alannadoucette: RT @MoMoCherri: “I wanted to clarify the language here. I don’t think it’s fair someone who has dealt with torture and degradation to this… - 5 years ago

@liminimalist: Rest In Power Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@LizThom85193312: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@robotafterall: RT @RTSinfo: #SarahHegazi, martyre égyptienne du mouvement #LGBTQIA+. La militante gaie #SaraHegazi a été retrouvée morte chez elle le 13 j… - 5 years ago

@David_Donovan: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, charged, jailed and tortured, a Gay Egyptian takes her life.… - 5 years ago

@district_jngn: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@mayane65252134: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@mic72fis: RT @zeckomag: Morgen sollen in Berlin 2 Mahnwachen zu Ehren der ägyptischen LGBTI*-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi stattfinden. Wie ihr Anwalt Ali… - 5 years ago


@RTSinfo: #SarahHegazi, martyre égyptienne du mouvement #LGBTQIA+. La militante gaie #SaraHegazi a été retrouvée morte chez e… - 5 years ago

@ohsumi_tenpai: RT @FIFI_Egypt: ⬜️ エジプトのシシ政権に逮捕され、拷問を受け、自殺したLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが残した言葉 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私にと… - 5 years ago

@cag_nur: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@zombieloni: RT @CBCNews: A prominent LGBTQ activist who sought asylum in Canada after being arrested and tortured for three months in her native Egypt… - 5 years ago

@Guerrera999: RT @TheBigPharaoh: The majority of Egyptians are against gay rights. It will unfortunately remain so in the years to come. But there is o… - 5 years ago

@TardisTheDocto1: Sarah Hegazis Geschichte begann im September 2017, als sie 28 Jahre alt war. Sie war auf einem Musikfestivals in Ka… - 5 years ago

@zombieloni: RT @Hebahersi: Still thinking of Sarah Hegazi. Someone who I’ve followed for a while and was hoping she was finally in a good place only to… - 5 years ago

@isabelle_denuit: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@NamikoAwa: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@regardezlapeche: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Shizun___: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@FrankCmptn: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@DickinsEmily: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Filip_Bill_: RT @patrycja_ley: Sarah Hegazi (سارة حجازي) miała 30 lat. Była aktywistką LGBTQ w Egipcie. W 2017 roku została aresztowana za reprezentowan… - 5 years ago

@pianofortist_24: RT @OzgurKadinDay: Queer feminist aktivist #SarahHegazi 2017 yılında Kahire’de gittiği bir konserde LGBTİQ+ bayrağı açtığı için gözaltına a… - 5 years ago

@Connor_MacDon: RT @kabbsss: - 5 years ago

@EmiLady_: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@TheBaseBK: RT @nscounterinfo: Tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi "I remember her saying “I never felt so alive as during the revolution.” In her… - 5 years ago

@2Fikornot2fik: RT @nscounterinfo: Tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi "I remember her saying “I never felt so alive as during the revolution.” In her… - 5 years ago

@Anarchopanda: RT @nscounterinfo: Tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi "I remember her saying “I never felt so alive as during the revolution.” In her… - 5 years ago

@nscounterinfo: Tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi "I remember her saying “I never felt so alive as during the revolution.” In… - 5 years ago

@sxrvanne: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@Fatou1203: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@dkavanaugh: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@itsmamselle: RT @zeckomag: Morgen sollen in Berlin 2 Mahnwachen zu Ehren der ägyptischen LGBTI*-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi stattfinden. Wie ihr Anwalt Ali… - 5 years ago

@golfgirlie72: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@ellenspencer03: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@seokjinandout_: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: UPDATE: CBC Toronto made use of our material and told Sarah's story! - 5 years ago

@seokjinandout_: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@mrgregknight: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@snolivey: RT @kabbsss: - 5 years ago

@Ymmw0222: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@WajidKh58732206: Depression is real disease 💔 R.I.P Sarah Hegazi has committed suicide. And this was her last message: To my sist… - 5 years ago

@kim_seokstacy: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@crvpuule: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@rainymarici: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@wicardossa1957: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@ewguacamel: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Aimee_Arti: RT @Hebahersi: Still thinking of Sarah Hegazi. Someone who I’ve followed for a while and was hoping she was finally in a good place only to… - 5 years ago

@zamakany: Thank you @OutRightIntl for joining the Egyptian LGBTQ community in mourning the passing of my late friend Sarah He… - 5 years ago

@nanikaskv: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@SebastienTULLER: RT @MikaelZenouda: 2 rassemblements prévus à paris, autorisés par la pref, en mémoire à Sarah Hegazi, militante communiste queer égyptienne… - 5 years ago

@DTC_NEWS_2: Friends and supporters around the world mourned the death of prominent Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@WaymackR: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Rabbitlili: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@h4nds0mestr4p: We’re here. We’re queer. We’re done waiting for you to get used to it. #SarahHegazi The Tragic Story of Sarah Heg… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Chad_Tew: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@luxakribeia: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@MikaelZenouda: 2 rassemblements prévus à paris, autorisés par la pref, en mémoire à Sarah Hegazi, militante communiste queer égypt… - 5 years ago

@Sophie281032116: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@bludogdem: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@berlioz_paul: RT @Invertifr: On ne tue pas les anges… Sarah Hegazi était son nom. - 5 years ago

@calamityjane524: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@izumi_8809: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@_linakayali: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@spottedpony4170: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@pete_vote: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Mogore: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@MaryAliceBisho2: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@NakitaRakel: RT @Hebahersi: Still thinking of Sarah Hegazi. Someone who I’ve followed for a while and was hoping she was finally in a good place only to… - 5 years ago

@liveshiv: RT @Hebahersi: Still thinking of Sarah Hegazi. Someone who I’ve followed for a while and was hoping she was finally in a good place only to… - 5 years ago

@lakgirl27: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Aleks_maraj: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@jectkionob420: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@JeffSch82293559: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Drydune: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@FrenchFrey_s: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Reizoukonoko: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@vietnamdadoll: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@mice2_6226: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@TalfrynBowen: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@aghanaiangirl: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@fadinader: Sarah Hegazi: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - CNN - 5 years ago

@Femrevvnr: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Larsdotter1901: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@aem11138: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@virgojaye: RT @rafsanchez: Vigil in London for Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian LGBTQ activist who committed suicide this week after being imprisoned and all… - 5 years ago

@OrgulloLGBT: RT @ILGAWORLD: El histórico fallo de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, el fallecimiento de la activista egipcia Sarah Hegazi, y más n… - 5 years ago

@MoonDolph: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@pratab_a: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@PanAfricaILGA: RT @ILGAWORLD: The historic #SCOTUS ruling in the United States, the passing of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, and more LGBTI news from th… - 5 years ago

@alqueerian: RT @rafsanchez: Vigil in London for Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian LGBTQ activist who committed suicide this week after being imprisoned and all… - 5 years ago

@wolfwrangler45: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@Messinatya: RT @arabia_vox: 🏳️‍🌈✊🏼 Ce dimanche un rassemblement est prévu devant l’ambassade d’Égypte à Paris pour honorer la mémoire de Sarah Hegazi,… - 5 years ago

@its_so_: RT @arabia_vox: 🏳️‍🌈✊🏼 Ce dimanche un rassemblement est prévu devant l’ambassade d’Égypte à Paris pour honorer la mémoire de Sarah Hegazi,… - 5 years ago

@xpapcy: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@ParveenAliPhoto: - 5 years ago

@knightlite47: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@GonzaloMo: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@DavidMarlow: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@NightsKing69: RT @Reuters: Friends and supporters around the world mourned the death of prominent Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@afrakss___: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@BetsyNorvell1: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@alvabren: RT @ILGAWORLD: The historic #SCOTUS ruling in the United States, the passing of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, and more LGBTI news from th… - 5 years ago

@RTM_26: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@SciStoop: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@shaikzameer9818: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@budbuddiebabe: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@AspieOrphan: Sarah was also autistic. #RaiseTheFlagForSarah. - 5 years ago

@steeljawpanda: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@wasablimboo: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@ILGAWORLD: El histórico fallo de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, el fallecimiento de la activista egipcia Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@ILGAWORLD: The historic #SCOTUS ruling in the United States, the passing of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, and more LGBTI new… - 5 years ago

@jintan05syu: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@berman_sid: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@melipoulpe: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@juliead29198071: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@ayanon_1128: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@arabia_vox: 🏳️‍🌈✊🏼 Ce dimanche un rassemblement est prévu devant l’ambassade d’Égypte à Paris pour honorer la mémoire de Sarah… - 5 years ago

@AlexDanvers2017: RT @KristieKMusick: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - 5 years ago

@pinkalicious112: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@anxiotic: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Charrrliebarly: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@xhuljo_dinaj: RT @Reuters: Friends and supporters around the world mourned the death of prominent Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@nbloodhdr: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@fiftythreeDegs: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@DanaKelly7: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@kedipity: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Pikaya61: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@snaykbayt: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@teaskys: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@riioze: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@hadjar12: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@jacmcquade2: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@rowlands999: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@tobytuffy: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@love_51244: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@christinespad: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have re… - 5 years ago

@LielaPot: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@JoAtherton7: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@liloxeuuu: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@SukyThornback: RT @Humanists_UK: Very sad to hear of the death of Sarah Hegazy who took her own life having suffered from PTSD and depression as a result… - 5 years ago

@siyahteltoka: RT @entdergi: Sarah Hegazi ve Koparılan Tüm Çiçeklerin Ardından - Gizem Yerik ✒"Sevgili Sholeh, Ağlama. Karakoldaki ilk günümde, yaşlı be… - 5 years ago

@Olacreator: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@nazkebab77: RT @Hebahersi: Still thinking of Sarah Hegazi. Someone who I’ve followed for a while and was hoping she was finally in a good place only to… - 5 years ago

@Merilaux: RT @cnni: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last we… - 5 years ago

@sissi_ffxiv: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@joshmarusophie: RT @cnni: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last we… - 5 years ago

@SomehowCreative: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@JustDerby: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@kwbt4321: RT @yri_tam: [RT歓迎] 「レインボーフラッグを掲げた」というだけの理由で、エジプト警察に拘束され拷問を受け、先日自ら命を絶たれたSarah Hegazi氏のご遺族のための募金にご協力をお願いします。Hegazi氏が生前運営されていた団体を含む、エジプトのLGBT… - 5 years ago

@scharw_: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@sboug413: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@stars_trek: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@przykroscc: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@vio_guillet: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@PearlJolly: RT @Hebahersi: Still thinking of Sarah Hegazi. Someone who I’ve followed for a while and was hoping she was finally in a good place only to… - 5 years ago

@IYou_IndigoOil: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@ShreoshiB: RT @Hebahersi: Still thinking of Sarah Hegazi. Someone who I’ve followed for a while and was hoping she was finally in a good place only to… - 5 years ago

@BdAsAhmedRomea: RT and sign plz Egyptian Police : justice for Sarah Hegazi - Sign the Petition! - 5 years ago

@fujimura_k: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@mAisTAEpAsNeT: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@davidromano72: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@AndrewEhle: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@lildumplingg_: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@akn6753354: RT @yri_tam: [RT歓迎] 「レインボーフラッグを掲げた」というだけの理由で、エジプト警察に拘束され拷問を受け、先日自ら命を絶たれたSarah Hegazi氏のご遺族のための募金にご協力をお願いします。Hegazi氏が生前運営されていた団体を含む、エジプトのLGBT… - 5 years ago

@aldysonism: RT @yri_tam: [RT歓迎] 「レインボーフラッグを掲げた」というだけの理由で、エジプト警察に拘束され拷問を受け、先日自ら命を絶たれたSarah Hegazi氏のご遺族のための募金にご協力をお願いします。Hegazi氏が生前運営されていた団体を含む、エジプトのLGBT… - 5 years ago

@DoddleDie: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@GrlldChsAsp: RT @yri_tam: [RT歓迎] 「レインボーフラッグを掲げた」というだけの理由で、エジプト警察に拘束され拷問を受け、先日自ら命を絶たれたSarah Hegazi氏のご遺族のための募金にご協力をお願いします。Hegazi氏が生前運営されていた団体を含む、エジプトのLGBT… - 5 years ago

@cygne_agressif: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Noeuds__: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@shamsgresh: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@GranDios19: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@nkn_r: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@mynameisuju: RT @Blaise_21: An LGBTQ+ activist committed suicide even when they were in a better country.According to them, they couldn’t get over the t… - 5 years ago

@BrianWukich: RT @PeteButtigieg: The death of #SarahHegazi is a heartbreaking loss & a grave reminder of how LGBTQ people around the world face repressio… - 5 years ago

@b1222_ap1985: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@Ti8RenFzKvpWgYp: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@22lighthouse: RT @sherryamin13: i wish Sarah Hegazi had seen the outpouring of love for her on social media while she was alive. she may not have thought… - 5 years ago

@MomDaurer: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@_kozm: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@AikaAimemo: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@jaypin8: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@acVmJiqTUGk6Q0Y: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@rainyckyday: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@Sallou20: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@Conflabbing: RT @ExmuslimsOrg: One of the saddest things after Sarah Hegazi's death is seeing Muslims saying, "Don't pray for her! She was gay and a sin… - 5 years ago

@GeekMom2013: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@Ayahsaki: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@reimexacion: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@Mena_Angelfire: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@malkmusj: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@shagadellic2: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@R55giLKi7sWlU8s: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@ahmad_bassamsh: RT @TheBigPharaoh: The majority of Egyptians are against gay rights. It will unfortunately remain so in the years to come. But there is o… - 5 years ago

@Lie_ag: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@aawadall: RT @TheBigPharaoh: The majority of Egyptians are against gay rights. It will unfortunately remain so in the years to come. But there is o… - 5 years ago

@stevenacook: RT @TheBigPharaoh: The majority of Egyptians are against gay rights. It will unfortunately remain so in the years to come. But there is o… - 5 years ago

@noelepace: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@Coma235: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@minamiwind1: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@TuohyRon: RT @ExmuslimsOrg: One of the saddest things after Sarah Hegazi's death is seeing Muslims saying, "Don't pray for her! She was gay and a sin… - 5 years ago

@QueerAf: @pride_site @outmagazine We Lost Sarah Hegazi to Suicide can that make headlines to - 5 years ago

@iammarywhite: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@QueerAf: We Lost one of our very own Sarah Hegazi, She Committed Suicide Today😭😭. May Her Soul Rest in Peace. Sarah was Arre… - 5 years ago

@chihokate: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@albina_verrone: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Drogosuo: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@n_kensaku: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@thirsaVE: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@kayngz: The Tragic Story of Sarah Hegazi is One You NEED TO KNOW! IMPORTANT! - 5 years ago

@____berfin____: "..bazı harflerin yan yana gelişi çok güçlü bir silahtır; öldürmese bile bir kez okunduktan sonra pek çok şeyin ayn… - 5 years ago

@fersurenick: RT @teatornado: “To the world,” she wrote. “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.”🌷🌷🌷 - 5 years ago

@SuperSaiyanGray: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@JoeMacChang: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@JoeMacChang: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@Jluclevenes: RT @InterLGBT: Sarah Hegazi était une militante égyptienne. Arrêtée et condamnée pour avoir brandi un drapeau arc-en-ciel 🏳️‍🌈 en #Égypte… - 5 years ago

@SherbsBell: RT @LilyLilyMaynard: An Egyptian lesbian is arrested & tortured (& later kills herself) after waving a rainbow flag at a gig, while a young… - 5 years ago

@isdsnhonyaku: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@AbdulHurayrah: RT @ExmuslimsOrg: One of the saddest things after Sarah Hegazi's death is seeing Muslims saying, "Don't pray for her! She was gay and a sin… - 5 years ago

@ishicoroff: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@yukatorawman: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@cheesetarts_: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@reddit_exmuslim: RT @ExmuslimsOrg: One of the saddest things after Sarah Hegazi's death is seeing Muslims saying, "Don't pray for her! She was gay and a sin… - 5 years ago

@WiseOldQueen: RT @ExmuslimsOrg: One of the saddest things after Sarah Hegazi's death is seeing Muslims saying, "Don't pray for her! She was gay and a sin… - 5 years ago

@ruuunasea: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@wall0028: RT @viremi06: Pero alza la voz fuera de España. Que te oigan bien en los países que de verdad lo necesitan. Esos, donde incluso les condena… - 5 years ago

@Ichikawakei: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@AmerZahr: Sarah Hegazi... When people ask me why I have posted rainbow flags in the past, it is because of Sarah Hegazi. Ou… - 5 years ago

@kaggma: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@DlehJimmy: RT @ExmuslimsOrg: One of the saddest things after Sarah Hegazi's death is seeing Muslims saying, "Don't pray for her! She was gay and a sin… - 5 years ago

@anonymouseffect: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@pipie511: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@anaballes: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dead at 30 - 5 years ago

@yo_zansanada: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@wordpuddle: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dead at 30 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@talkiermango: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@nanana_7kokko: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@margotnu__: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@BCDGu: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@touken_sakura: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@InfoDignity: RT @equality_fund: We are heartbroken to hear the news that Sarah Hegazi—prominent LGBTQ+ activist who sought asylum in Canada after being… - 5 years ago

@liar_badger: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@RobMeekel: RT @Cheyom1: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@nananjy: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@Cheyom1: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@saegusaayako: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@fuckthersf1: RT @rafsanchez: Vigil in London for Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian LGBTQ activist who committed suicide this week after being imprisoned and all… - 5 years ago

@russfla: CNN: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price. via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@momolapointe: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@Sinolodigo2: RT @viremi06: Pero alza la voz fuera de España. Que te oigan bien en los países que de verdad lo necesitan. Esos, donde incluso les condena… - 5 years ago

@lump9n: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@swimmingpyt: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@RachelWilliamsO: RT @ShroukELA: When I dance, I always do with a rainbow flag. The same flag that Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned for. I dance in all my queerne… - 5 years ago

@c7vzpniXaxFq5pD: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@Azul_Chelsea: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@OwlsForEntrapta: R.I.P Sarah Hegazi. You stood up to the homophobia and the regime of the oppressive. You were tortured and wronged… - 5 years ago

@marjory_worsnop: RT @cegecal: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia, fue arrestada, encarcelada y torturada durante 3 meses en Egipto después de desplega… - 5 years ago

@maruineko8: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@yururika3: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@LotusEyedFlower: RT @MichelleYesudas: Why does this person wants to hijack the narrative of Sarah Hegazi. Sarah has already suffered injustice in her lifeti… - 5 years ago

@fishysalty: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@pon_kotsu_pon3: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@ceiremurphy1: RT @BrodHiggins: “To my siblings:I tried to survive and I failed,forgive me; To my friends:the ordeal was too painful and I wasn’t strong e… - 5 years ago

@geko79605332: RT @FIFI_Egypt: ⬜️ エジプトのシシ政権に逮捕され、拷問を受け、自殺したLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが残した言葉 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私にと… - 5 years ago

@mezashinosampo: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@donchan_oka: RT @FIFI_Egypt: ⬜️ エジプトのシシ政権に逮捕され、拷問を受け、自殺したLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが残した言葉 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私にと… - 5 years ago

@tw_tabinin: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@dysnomia_adm: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@genko_gen3: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@GY58WkKnCy7he0g: RT @Sleeperkid: Her name was Sarah Hegazi. 😥 Her last words: “To my siblings: I tried to find redemption and failed, forgive me. To my f… - 5 years ago

@barbwa: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@makotomakoto1: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@natnat494: RT @MichelleYesudas: Why does this person wants to hijack the narrative of Sarah Hegazi. Sarah has already suffered injustice in her lifeti… - 5 years ago

@417738m: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@elprimero1080: RT @FIFI_Egypt: ⬜️ エジプトのシシ政権に逮捕され、拷問を受け、自殺したLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが残した言葉 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私にと… - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @MichelleYesudas: Why does this person wants to hijack the narrative of Sarah Hegazi. Sarah has already suffered injustice in her lifeti… - 5 years ago

@miikun12341: RT @America_seiji: エジプトで逮捕され、拷問・性的暴行を受けたLGBT活動家サラ・ヘガジーが自殺しました。 遺書: きょうだいへ、私は救いを見つけようとしたけど失敗した。許して 友人達へ、私は残酷な経験に抵抗するには弱すぎた。許して 世界へ、あなたは私に… - 5 years ago

@Jowritesnow: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - 5 years ago

@bluehabibti: RT @rafsanchez: Vigil in London for Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian LGBTQ activist who committed suicide this week after being imprisoned and all… - 5 years ago

@francescocosta: RT @ilpost: L'attivista lesbica egiziana #SarahHegazi si è uccisa, dopo essere stata arrestata e torturata per aver sventolato la bandiera… - 5 years ago

@vidaviid72: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@Get2Noha: Surprised not more people are talking about Sarah Hegazi RIP - 5 years ago

@lesbianlanzhan: RT @mynameisjadd: Donations are being collected in memory of Sarah Hegazi. The donations are for Sarah’s family and Egyptian LGBTQ+ initiat… - 5 years ago

@franciscccoooo: RT @rafsanchez: Vigil in London for Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian LGBTQ activist who committed suicide this week after being imprisoned and all… - 5 years ago

@feshow420: RT @deltanz: No mês do orgulho LGBTQ, nossa comunidade teve uma perda sem tamanho. A ativista egípcia Sarah Hegazi, presa e torturada em 20… - 5 years ago

@CrisBG: RT @fcondemartins: No Egito, em 2017, Sarah Hegazi usou a bandeira LGBT com orgulho. A fotografia tornou-se viral e Sarah foi presa, tortur… - 5 years ago

@rndznskerbrat: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@mukuljrsharma: To the world, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” - 5 years ago

@FreeMarketTom: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Lobosphinctes: RT @cegecal: Sarah Hegazi, activista lesbiana egipcia, fue arrestada, encarcelada y torturada durante 3 meses en Egipto después de desplega… - 5 years ago

@lankythunder1: RT @JanisIrwin: This is heartbreaking. Sarah was not safe in her home country of Egypt, so she came to Canada. This is why we have Pride. T… - 5 years ago

@redbudmary: RT @JanisIrwin: This is heartbreaking. Sarah was not safe in her home country of Egypt, so she came to Canada. This is why we have Pride. T… - 5 years ago

@percosidire: La storia di Sarah Hegazi Rest in peace dear Sarah, it's so sad… - 5 years ago

@bluetragedies: RT @mynameisjadd: Donations are being collected in memory of Sarah Hegazi. The donations are for Sarah’s family and Egyptian LGBTQ+ initiat… - 5 years ago

@Gabenewsinfo: - 5 years ago

@aholyghost1: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dead at 30 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@amevalem: RT @Jeanne_Magazine: Sarah Hegazi, militante lesbienne égyptienne, s’est suicidée le 14 juin. Elle avait été emprisonnée au Caire en 2017,… - 5 years ago

@TaniaTroncosoC: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@kazewan: RT @tlrd: Sarah Hegazi Raised the Rainbow Flag at a Rock Concert and Ultimately Paid for the Brave Act with Her Life - 5 years ago

@ptrdim: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - 5 years ago

@NIALLWBLONDZIE: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@ticklingtheamy1: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@salehmuhaemed: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@lacaroli_: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@miss_lilywhite: RT @CBCToronto: Sarah Hegazi, a prominent LGBTQ activist who sought asylum in Canada after being arrested and tortured in her native Egypt,… - 5 years ago

@mru77777: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@Prokrastinator0: RT @GaySiegessaeule: Am Samstag finden in #Berlin zwei Mahnwachen zu Ehren von Sarah Hegazi statt. Weil sie auf einem Konzert eine Regenbog… - 5 years ago

@Goldylions: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - The New York Times ⁦@monaeltahawy⁩ - 5 years ago

@Hypathialex: Vendredi - 19h - Trocadéro Hommage et rassemblement pour #Sarah_Hegazi 🌈🌈🌈 #Paris وقفة ل #سارة في باريس في ساحة الح… - 5 years ago

@xaidiali: - 5 years ago

@ernstd: RT @GaySiegessaeule: Am Samstag finden in #Berlin zwei Mahnwachen zu Ehren von Sarah Hegazi statt. Weil sie auf einem Konzert eine Regenbog… - 5 years ago

@MarggieDB: RT @cnni: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last we… - 5 years ago

@Mounirian: RT @basildabh: Sarah Hegazi: How one gay Egyptian woman stood up to homophobia and paid the ultimate price - CNN - 5 years ago

@biellabruna: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@GaySiegessaeule: Am Samstag finden in #Berlin zwei Mahnwachen zu Ehren von Sarah Hegazi statt. Weil sie auf einem Konzert eine Regen… - 5 years ago

@louisa_dupa: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@tychkav: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@Ssirgany: RT @blathnaidhealy: Sarah Hegazi was arrested in 2017 and tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a music concert in Egypt.  Last… - 5 years ago

@GlitterCymru: RT @ShroukELA: This week has been really hard hitting for me with the recent news about my friend, Sarah Hegazi. She too was a refugee. Thi… - 5 years ago

@CaireneGirl: RT @tamaraqiblawi: A poignant, beautiful portrait of Sarah Hegazi pieced together by @Ssirgany - 5 years ago

@Ina88881578: RT @Queerspiegel: Trauer um die LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi #RaiseTheFlagForSarah - 5 years ago

@caitlinthehob: RT @NaomiOhReally: Powerful piece by @declanwalsh on the appalling loss of Sarah Hegazi, who was arrested and tormented for raising a rainb… - 5 years ago

@_artisticals_: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@noisydisaster: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@hhhhallelujah: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@giovannaconfal4: RT @ilpost: L'attivista lesbica egiziana #SarahHegazi si è uccisa, dopo essere stata arrestata e torturata per aver sventolato la bandiera… - 5 years ago

@osmanazab1961: RT @cnni: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last we… - 5 years ago

@HelenEleni: RT @fburrill: Rest in power, Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@drue_michael: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@CLU_theory: Sad to hear about the death of LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, who experienced imprisonment and torture for raising a… - 5 years ago

@VerseauBlack: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@CLEMENCEZAMORA: RT @InterLGBT: Sarah Hegazi était une militante égyptienne. Arrêtée et condamnée pour avoir brandi un drapeau arc-en-ciel 🏳️‍🌈 en #Égypte… - 5 years ago

@WillPower_Radio: RT @mackaytaggart: Take five minutes and learn about the life of LGBTQ trailblazer Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@Bluvelvet112: RT @cnni: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last we… - 5 years ago

@TerryB28937065: Activist Sarah Hegazi took a stand for LGBTQI+ rights and paid the ultimate price․ We must honour that. - 5 years ago

@Dante369: RT @Casfetera: La activista LGTBQ egipcia Sarah Hegazi, detenida y torturada en 2017 por la policía de aquel país después de que una fotogr… - 5 years ago

@gomez_joseangel: RT @Casfetera: La activista LGTBQ egipcia Sarah Hegazi, detenida y torturada en 2017 por la policía de aquel país después de que una fotogr… - 5 years ago

@S28Mx: RT @ghinapalestina: the fact that sarah hegazi was raped in jail for being a gay rights activist hurts my heart, NOBODY deserves this. i wa… - 5 years ago

@TETUmag: @LilleFransk Bonjour Fransk, apparemment, vous avez raté nos articles précédents comme celui… - 5 years ago

@Set_LS: This breaks my heart - 5 years ago

@teagueaf: RT @portiaclarkcbc: This is horrifying and terribly sad. Sorry to share but important - 5 years ago

@troubledtaro: RT @maitelsadany: From a candlelight vigil in Beirut, Lebanon in remembrance of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. O… - 5 years ago

@Rbrbtz: RT @kuriryuofficial: 2017年カイロで行われたコンサートで「ゲイプライド」(そのまま訳しました)のレインボーフラッグを掲げたことで逮捕され、拷問を受けたと語ったSarah Hegaziさんが先週末30歳でカナダで自死。 - 5 years ago

@GiuseppeGarau: La storia di Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@yvalaresistance: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dies at 30 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@AmberNDaugherty: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@wtp2005ap: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@ItsOchichi: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@FaithMattersUK: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@Franche007: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@ikateufel: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@sofia19aimee: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@TeteryczMarcin: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@Just_JLC: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@spacelessspirit: RT @tamaraqiblawi: A poignant, beautiful portrait of Sarah Hegazi pieced together by @Ssirgany - 5 years ago

@Denise82031906: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@bayiskendr: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@punkyprinceese1: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@rosamundpikes: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@Seda20362281: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@theseerblack: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@kohbahtarleylar: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@annapduggan: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@39_stephs: RT @CNN: In 2017, Sarah Hegazi was arrested and said she was tortured for waving a rainbow gay pride flag at a concert in Cairo. Last weeke… - 5 years ago

@halimshebaya: RT @tamaraqiblawi: A poignant, beautiful portrait of Sarah Hegazi pieced together by @Ssirgany - 5 years ago

@Ssirgany: RT @tamaraqiblawi: A poignant, beautiful portrait of Sarah Hegazi pieced together by @Ssirgany - 5 years ago

@rshifflet: @EGYPTAIR O - 5 years ago

@L0lit4aa: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@remo051: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@spankozalfie: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@jpoli6: RT @ilpost: La storia di Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@rshifflet: and Alexandria, home to Philo: 5 decades of exodus, emptiness ? #Egypt #PoliceState #religion #patriarchy #mh… - 5 years ago

@Krzyszt32129027: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@Aetaluta: RT @julienbahloul: Elle était égyptienne et s'appelait Sarah Hegazi. Elle avait osé venir avec un drapeau #LGBT à un concert au Caire en 20… - 5 years ago

@doni__leonardo: RT @ilpost: La storia di Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@oromei: La storia di Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@uhohsnapp: RT @aricwilliam_: show some respect on Sarah Hegazi’s name you inhumane, hyprocrital, cherry-picking, sexually repressed imbeciles. you don… - 5 years ago

@Just_Gramma: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@petcrierbonanza: RT @Karmir_Kovkas: Rest in power, Sarah Hegazi. She was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for three months after flying a rainbow… - 5 years ago

@AasaRaiko: RT @MaryCAtkinson: A reminder, in Pride Month, that the UK sold over £8m worth of arms to the Sisi regime in 2019 alone It's the Sisi regi… - 5 years ago

@giurget18: RT @ilpost: L'attivista lesbica egiziana #SarahHegazi si è uccisa, dopo essere stata arrestata e torturata per aver sventolato la bandiera… - 5 years ago

@tittimaestra: RT @ilpost: La storia di Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@battlewoundscar: RT @mrbenjaminlaw: Gee, this story is so bloody sad. - 5 years ago

@Luttend: La storia di Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@reddititaly: Sarah Hegazi, un'attivista lesbica egiziana, si è uccisa dopo essere stata arrestata e torturata per aver sventolat… - 5 years ago

@Hottyboi2: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@TomMcGr: Sarah Hegazi - Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@dw_turkce: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@amanyhend: RT @_thenode: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017 #سارة_حجازي… - 5 years ago

@bbelyot: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@JayTiche: RT @Galck_ke: The world mourns a resilient and proud LGBT activist, Sarah Hegazi who was arrested for flying the rainbow flag in Egypt, a c… - 5 years ago

@salas_huizar: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@pr_pearson: RT @TheLabAndField: A rainbow flag is such a simple thing, for many but not for all. LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after t… - 5 years ago

@MarcHMarcHer: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@ProfKahf: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@bbelyot: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@HenksView: RT @Queerspiegel: Trauer um die LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi #RaiseTheFlagForSarah - 5 years ago

@Oddwrath: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@Ziutek999: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@MisiekMisiek7: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@Elauriverde1: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@LordMangrove: RT @TheLabAndField: A rainbow flag is such a simple thing, for many but not for all. LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after t… - 5 years ago

@frankandrews__: "To my siblings, I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends, the journey was cruel and… - 5 years ago

@32iAu: RT @_thenode: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017 #سارة_حجازي… - 5 years ago

@dirtlovinggrrl: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@MariolaPucinska: RT @arekpisarski: Sarah Hegazi popełniła samobójstwo, wcześniej była więziona za "promowanie homoseksualizmu" czyli za to z czym chce walcz… - 5 years ago

@CanuckDrone: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dies at 30 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@JDefarge: RT @Limbictweets: - 5 years ago

@dzzszafy: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@Yetkili_Bir_Abi: RT @dw_turkce: "Dünyaya: Müthiş derecede acımasızdın, ancak affediyorum" İntihar eden Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi, bir konser sır… - 5 years ago

@joy_mojo: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dies at 30 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@fournokonti: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@KlassmannAngela: RT @ClaudiaLuisa16: Weil sie auf einem Konzert die Regenbogenflagge schwang, wurde die ägyptische Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi verhaftet. Nun h… - 5 years ago

@gatx_negrx: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@divoantics: RT @nickjboisvert: On the remarkable life of Sarah Hegazi, whose dreams of reuniting with her family and continuing her fight for human rig… - 5 years ago

@zettl_audrey: RT @Limbictweets: - 5 years ago

@Karmir_Kovkas: Rest in power, Sarah Hegazi. She was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for three months after flying a ra… - 5 years ago

@nasserhaidar: RT @mackaytaggart: Take five minutes and learn about the life of LGBTQ trailblazer Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@JustineVyaene: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@socjalisciLGBT: RT @arekpisarski: Sarah Hegazi popełniła samobójstwo, wcześniej była więziona za "promowanie homoseksualizmu" czyli za to z czym chce walcz… - 5 years ago

@meweewem: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@cdngeekgirl: RT @CBCToronto: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dies at 30 - 5 years ago

@Theborg3of5: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@KhalypsoThePoet: RT @randajarrar: Been crying on and off since hearing about Sarah Hegazi and Toyin Salau. Can we celebrate, support, lift up, and love each… - 5 years ago

@Agniesz09358030: RT @arekpisarski: Sarah Hegazi popełniła samobójstwo, wcześniej była więziona za "promowanie homoseksualizmu" czyli za to z czym chce walcz… - 5 years ago

@arekpisarski: Sarah Hegazi popełniła samobójstwo, wcześniej była więziona za "promowanie homoseksualizmu" czyli za to z czym chce… - 5 years ago

@zamoneperez: RT @MiriamABerger: Sarah Hegazi, now another rainbow in the sky. - 5 years ago

@tgclark56: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@Benteleil: RT @E3lliee: Hear and follow @sarahhegazi89 on #SoundCloud - 5 years ago

@2014_cora2014: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@VandodFarhadi: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@ds1apf: LGBTQ 운동가 사라 헤 가지 (Sarah Hegazi), 이집트에서 고문 후 캐나다에서 추방, 30 세 사망 - 5 years ago

@yomnaheshaam: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@E3lliee: Hear and follow @sarahhegazi89 on #SoundCloud - 5 years ago

@ScorpioKing1183: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@RWML2026NA: Ontario news. - 5 years ago

@AdoboSushi: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@ishaantharoor: RT @MiriamABerger: Sarah Hegazi, now another rainbow in the sky. - 5 years ago

@nutmom123: RT @SafetyPinDaily: 'Egypt failed her': LGBT activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma || Via MiddleEastEye https… - 5 years ago

@SnowdenJim: RT @SafetyPinDaily: 'Egypt failed her': LGBT activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma || Via MiddleEastEye https… - 5 years ago

@BrighidsForge: RT @SafetyPinDaily: 'Egypt failed her': LGBT activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma || Via MiddleEastEye https… - 5 years ago

@Je_suis_Ehsan: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@SafetyPinDaily: 'Egypt failed her': LGBT activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma || Via MiddleEastEye - 5 years ago

@Mrs3freettt: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@0802_lillith: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@FakihaBaig: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@judetehe: RT @randajarrar: Been crying on and off since hearing about Sarah Hegazi and Toyin Salau. Can we celebrate, support, lift up, and love each… - 5 years ago

@gemtrannybar: @tuns1999 Really sad all the nasty things people on who i thought were on our side are saying about Sarah Hegazi.… - 5 years ago

@brothrstrawbrry: RT @santafeez: "Non ho dimenticato l'ingiustizia che mi ha scavato un buco nero nell'anima, lasciandola sanguinante – un buco che i medici… - 5 years ago

@stargirldi: RT @stargirldi: i can't stop crying about the passing of the brave and beautiful Sarah Hegazi. i am so devastated and angry. she deserved b… - 5 years ago

@KatrickBateman: RT @KenRoth: Egyptian authorities arrested and tortured Sarah Hegazi for waving a rainbow flag. Tragically, this gay Egyptian has now taken… - 5 years ago

@GaryTheWanderer: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@TheMovieProjec1: LGBTQ activist exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dies at 30 - 5 years ago

@LydiaAlpizar: RT @Galck_ke: The world mourns a resilient and proud LGBT activist, Sarah Hegazi who was arrested for flying the rainbow flag in Egypt, a c… - 5 years ago

@canadian_sjw: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dies at 30 - 5 years ago

@KoloRaye7: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@yoongiconluv: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@hegazyonacrylic: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@ClarkeHamel: #RaiseTheFlagForSarah Grateful for the protection from prosecution given by Canada, #SarahHegazi dreamed of returni… - 5 years ago

@E3lliee: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@santafeez: "Non ho dimenticato l'ingiustizia che mi ha scavato un buco nero nell'anima, lasciandola sanguinante – un buco che… - 5 years ago

@ElbanaEslam: RT @CBCToronto: Sarah Hegazi, a prominent LGBTQ activist who sought asylum in Canada after being arrested and tortured in her native Egypt,… - 5 years ago

@TFG1Mike: RT @Nightbeat: A terrible story. I hope she finds peace now. This is why the fight for the LGBQT+ community must never stop. - 5 years ago

@trunk65: RT @CBCToronto: Sarah Hegazi, a prominent LGBTQ activist who sought asylum in Canada after being arrested and tortured in her native Egypt,… - 5 years ago

@BettyOops: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@EpicACL5: RT @Nightbeat: A terrible story. I hope she finds peace now. This is why the fight for the LGBQT+ community must never stop. - 5 years ago

@LowlifeTami: This is what Kavanaugh, Alito and Thomas would have the US be like. Tortured in Eqypt. Lesbisn activist dies on Tr… - 5 years ago

@rcngshdws: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@cwilliamsky: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@PKanagaratnam: RT @Limbictweets: - 5 years ago

@dashiellc: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@jeffrey_sze: RT @ramna_s: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dies at 30 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@KDDeon: RT @CBCToronto: Sarah Hegazi, a prominent LGBTQ activist who sought asylum in Canada after being arrested and tortured in her native Egypt,… - 5 years ago

@karazorel420: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@YasminZacaria: RT @randajarrar: Been crying on and off since hearing about Sarah Hegazi and Toyin Salau. Can we celebrate, support, lift up, and love each… - 5 years ago

@ramna_s: LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi, exiled in Canada after torture in Egypt, dies at 30 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@TylerWS: This is just hideously sad. Not a single redemptive note to cling to in the entire story. Activism can make better… - 5 years ago

@twinkletars: RT @brideofthenile: @ white women journalists, I do not want to see your "hot takes" on Sarah Hegazi. Let us mourn in peace. - 5 years ago

@Kihaadherakameh: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@mandalablessyou: The memorial of sarah hegazi - 5 years ago

@MOsama04109: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@JackieManthorne: - 5 years ago

@Deprifrei: „Viele weisen schnell auf psychische Erkrankungen und ihre #Depression hin. Aber psychische Erkrankungen existieren… - 5 years ago

@Pocket_Size_Gay: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@entertheflorpus: RT @mynameisjadd: Donations are being collected in memory of Sarah Hegazi. The donations are for Sarah’s family and Egyptian LGBTQ+ initiat… - 5 years ago

@The_Cairene: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@CrossInStyle: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@ehhsquidward: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: UPDATE: CBC Toronto made use of our material and told Sarah's story! - 5 years ago

@susumkskn: RT @GazeteKarinca: Bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanmış, işkence görmüş, cinsel saldırıya uğramıştı. Gittiği… - 5 years ago

@jmpixals: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@ehhsquidward: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@ghinapalestina: the fact that sarah hegazi was raped in jail for being a gay rights activist hurts my heart, NOBODY deserves this.… - 5 years ago

@Joyita_Sengupta: UPDATE: CBC Toronto made use of our material and told Sarah's story! - 5 years ago

@triviayls: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@preciosaaa_: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Caro_ooms: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@JenniferGosnell: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: Through some teamwork with @CBCToronto, Sarah Hegazi's story and some of our interview did find a home after all. Big… - 5 years ago

@delicategguk: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@GadflyQuebec: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@mmowaffak: RT @TheBigPharaoh: There is something in common between the Maspero massacre, Rabaa massacre, reaction after the arrests of Tiktok girls an… - 5 years ago

@saddadalex: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@RuthKastner: RT @washingtonpost: Sarah Hegazi raised the pride flag in Egypt. The price was torture, exile and her life. - 5 years ago

@asaphxsampa: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Queenism__: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@yoursextanttape: RT @socjalisciLGBT: 🇪🇬 "Więzienie mnie zabiło. To mnie zniszczyło" - napisała w liście pożegnalnym Sarah Hegazi, egipska działaczka LGBT. O… - 5 years ago

@mariposapixie: RT @vancouverpride: Join a memorial for Sarah Hegazi this Thursday, June 18 at 8:30pm at Vanier Park near the steel mosque - event details… - 5 years ago

@BlueNibb: RT @libe: «Au monde : tu as été extrêmement cruel et je ne pardonne pas. » Ces mots sont ceux de Sarah Hegazi, militante #LGBT égyptienne.… - 5 years ago

@Pan__or: RT @g_gendron: «A mes frères et sœurs : J’ai essayé de trouver le salut… mais j’ai échoué. Pardonnez-moi, A mes amis : l’épreuve est dure… - 5 years ago

@pescobar61: RT @simonerzim: This story is devastating. Rest in power Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@MarcEtienneS: RT @libe: «Au monde : tu as été extrêmement cruel et je ne pardonne pas. » Ces mots sont ceux de Sarah Hegazi, militante #LGBT égyptienne.… - 5 years ago

@YSafwatWissa: RT @yehia_anas: I naively thought that the unfortunate death of Sarah Hegazi was going to be a wake up call to our society. I thought maybe… - 5 years ago

@tazTopStories: Weil sie auf einem Konzert die Regenbogenflagge schwang, wurde die ägyptische Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi verhaftet. Nu… - 5 years ago

@lokumdakiboncuk: RT @Medyascopetv: Hayatına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ+ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi - “Ey dünya: Çok acımasızdın ama affediyorum” - 5 years ago

@aidydrum: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@minolikwasi: RT @Galck_ke: The world mourns a resilient and proud LGBT activist, Sarah Hegazi who was arrested for flying the rainbow flag in Egypt, a c… - 5 years ago

@ooosimonoooo: RT @g_gendron: «A mes frères et sœurs : J’ai essayé de trouver le salut… mais j’ai échoué. Pardonnez-moi, A mes amis : l’épreuve est dure… - 5 years ago

@RachelisWINNING: RT @declanwalsh: Beaming with joy, Sarah Hegazy raised a rainbow flag at a summer concert in Cairo. As a young gay Egyptian, here was a gli… - 5 years ago

@MargyMayell: RT @ceciliauddenm: Heartbreaking tragedy. Sarah Hegazi has ended her life.A beautiful human being who was arrested for waving the rainbow f… - 5 years ago

@BlackSheepAnts: RT @declanwalsh: Beaming with joy, Sarah Hegazy raised a rainbow flag at a summer concert in Cairo. As a young gay Egyptian, here was a gli… - 5 years ago

@needcxffee: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@LailaAlarian: RT @declanwalsh: Beaming with joy, Sarah Hegazy raised a rainbow flag at a summer concert in Cairo. As a young gay Egyptian, here was a gli… - 5 years ago

@jhubbard22T: RT @declanwalsh: Beaming with joy, Sarah Hegazy raised a rainbow flag at a summer concert in Cairo. As a young gay Egyptian, here was a gli… - 5 years ago

@queenolympiaa: RT @declanwalsh: Beaming with joy, Sarah Hegazy raised a rainbow flag at a summer concert in Cairo. As a young gay Egyptian, here was a gli… - 5 years ago

@MametteLAINE: RT @KenRoth: Egyptian authorities arrested and tortured Sarah Hegazi for waving a rainbow flag. Tragically, this gay Egyptian has now taken… - 5 years ago

@yamsivam: RT @declanwalsh: Beaming with joy, Sarah Hegazy raised a rainbow flag at a summer concert in Cairo. As a young gay Egyptian, here was a gli… - 5 years ago

@jana_vandyck: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@karateka_pete: RT @nowthisnews: Sarah Hegazi, a 30-year-old queer activist from Egypt, died by suicide in Canada on June 14. Hegazi’s death was confirmed… - 5 years ago

@wael: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@cuzinvinny: RT @mad_ecologist: “I was declaring myself in a society that hates all that is different from the norm.” - 5 years ago

@marie_vermeylen: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@SherriGold33: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@mariammshaaban: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@nastaranfh: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@staerrings: Sarah Hegazi raised a rainbow flag in a concert to display her LGBT pride but the authorities arrested her, she rec… - 5 years ago

@ColeUrben: RT @nowthisnews: Sarah Hegazi, a 30-year-old queer activist from Egypt, died by suicide in Canada on June 14. Hegazi’s death was confirmed… - 5 years ago

@MichelleGhsoub: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@Adrenahn: 😢 - 5 years ago

@Sharmiladeparis: RT @libe: Egypte : la militante LGBT Sarah Hegazi «tuée par la prison» - 5 years ago

@DaliaNewYork: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@yosephmaguire: RT @nadahrashwan: "She was angry about everything that had been done to her. She wanted so badly to come back but she was afraid she would… - 5 years ago

@HebbelinckLaura: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@SherriGold33: RT @KenRoth: Egyptian authorities arrested and tortured Sarah Hegazi for waving a rainbow flag. Tragically, this gay Egyptian has now taken… - 5 years ago

@rebecca_everly: RT @sa0un: New York: a vigil will be held for Sarah Hegazi in front of the #Brooklyn Museum at 6.30pm today, to celebrate her life and mour… - 5 years ago

@zaina_elsarrag: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@000Nunc: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@karlajbeily: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@sticky_paradox: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@john_f_hamer: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@AssemMemon: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@jina_heyv: RT @entdergi: Sarah Hegazi ve Koparılan Tüm Çiçeklerin Ardından - Gizem Yerik ✒"Sevgili Sholeh, Ağlama. Karakoldaki ilk günümde, yaşlı be… - 5 years ago

@Malkia_Nessa: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Lulu4Rights: RT @ucancallmeAly: Qui l'articolo di Sarah Hegazi del Settembre 2018 dove racconta le torture, gli abusi e le molesie subiti nella prigione… - 5 years ago

@musamaleada: RT @cosecharoja: La activista lesbiana Sarah Hegazi se suicidó el domingo. En 2017 la encarcelaron y la torturaron en Egipto por desplegar… - 5 years ago

@queridasok: La activista lesbiana Sarah Hegazi se suicidó el domingo. En 2017 la encarcelaron y la torturaron por desplegar una… - 5 years ago

@magmgfrites: RT @libe: Egypte : la militante LGBT Sarah Hegazi «tuée par la prison» - 5 years ago

@HuizziSofia: RT @cosecharoja: La activista lesbiana Sarah Hegazi se suicidó el domingo. En 2017 la encarcelaron y la torturaron en Egipto por desplegar… - 5 years ago

@RawaPichetto: RT @HalaKodmani: Egypte : la militante LGBT Sarah Hegazi «tuée par la prison» - 5 years ago

@laylamashkoor: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@ShaeThaTitian: RT @nowthisnews: Sarah Hegazi, a 30-year-old queer activist from Egypt, died by suicide in Canada on June 14. Hegazi’s death was confirmed… - 5 years ago

@BonneAmory: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@JanayKinney: RT @westratenick: Even as we celebrate- we have miles to go. This article's hard to read: a reminder of what so many LGBTQ people face. We… - 5 years ago

@AngellicAribam: I have read this suicide note by Sarah Hegazi multiple times and each time pains me more than the last.… - 5 years ago

@_the_shnall_: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@njorogevivian_: RT @iloveuyoongs: tw// "suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017..… - 5 years ago

@baetokkiseul: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@Alain_Chemali: RT @HalaKodmani: Egypte : la militante LGBT Sarah Hegazi «tuée par la prison» - 5 years ago

@onlyforeverbear: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@krishaamer: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@Gesltat: RT @nowthisnews: Sarah Hegazi, a 30-year-old queer activist from Egypt, died by suicide in Canada on June 14. Hegazi’s death was confirmed… - 5 years ago

@entdergi: Sarah Hegazi ve Koparılan Tüm Çiçeklerin Ardından - Gizem Yerik ✒"Sevgili Sholeh, Ağlama. Karakoldaki ilk günümde… - 5 years ago

@malakhammouda: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@schonnezijn: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@euanalv: RT @akirangei: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned” -Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@itsn0tsamantha: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@egemengok_: RT @cakir_rusen: Hayatına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ+ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi - “Ey dünya: Çok acımasızdın ama affediyorum” - 5 years ago

@SelderslaghsKim: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@NinGaMovz: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@vaniada2: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@sarasanabria_: RT @legallyines: my heart shatters for sarah hegazi i cannot find the words i‘m about to break. she didn’t deserve to be abused and torture… - 5 years ago

@DevosIna: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Wareshefanagirl: RT @akirangei: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned” -Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@monstermemories: RT @nowthisnews: Sarah Hegazi, a 30-year-old queer activist from Egypt, died by suicide in Canada on June 14. Hegazi’s death was confirmed… - 5 years ago

@monajem: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@th3illnigga: RT @nowthisnews: Sarah Hegazi, a 30-year-old queer activist from Egypt, died by suicide in Canada on June 14. Hegazi’s death was confirmed… - 5 years ago

@ara_nt_X_a: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@NadimGalal: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Layth06: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@magentaphile: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Guynotguy_: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@jso65: RT @declanwalsh: Beaming with joy, Sarah Hegazy raised a rainbow flag at a summer concert in Cairo. As a young gay Egyptian, here was a gli… - 5 years ago

@Zenndragon307: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@the_halmeoni: RT @libe: Egypte : la militante LGBT Sarah Hegazi «tuée par la prison» - 5 years ago

@elCampeone: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@LaureDaussy: RT @Yagg_Komitid: La militante queer et féministe égyptienne Sarah Hegazi s'est suicidée #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@ZidanSports: RT @sa0un: Hamed, the lead singer of @mashrou3leila, sings for Sarah Hegazi. She took her life after the Egyptian gov arrested, imprisoned,… - 5 years ago

@IAmAnaDiamond: RT @DandiaAsad: Forgive us, Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@cleanoutsold13: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@sarahdca_: RT @Charlotte_Mon: Ze heeft een naam, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@antongiuliobua: RT @Internazionale: Da Beirut al Cairo, le comunità lgbt del mondo arabo sono in lutto dopo l’annuncio della morte di una delle più note at… - 5 years ago

@peachiejam: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@FemmeNerd: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@EveMcCabe: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@EmmanuelUrbanet: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Malazalamin3: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@AlexTPope_: We first have to recognize people as fellow human beings. We are all more than our sexuality, gender identity, skin… - 5 years ago

@AntonellaPirr: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@FanwesenAlex: RT @Queerspiegel: Trauer um die LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi #RaiseTheFlagForSarah - 5 years ago

@EcoDev5: RT @HumanDignityT: Heartbreaking news...Waving a flag should never be a crime. Our condolences to Sarah Hegazi's friends and family. In sol… - 5 years ago

@Yagg_Komitid: La militante queer et féministe égyptienne Sarah Hegazi s'est suicidée #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@UnquietGrief: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@damasoreyes: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@hollypickett: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@orwell4ever: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@milzkun: RT @Queerspiegel: Trauer um die LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi #RaiseTheFlagForSarah - 5 years ago

@komitid_fr: La militante queer et féministe égyptienne Sarah Hegazi s'est suicidée #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@JonathanMKemp: Activist Sarah Hegazi took a stand for LGBTQI rights and paid the ultimate price. We must honour that. - 5 years ago

@bridgitteb123: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@h_spoehr: RT @Queerspiegel: Trauer um die LGBT-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi #RaiseTheFlagForSarah - 5 years ago

@theartemisus: RT @Medyascopetv: Hayatına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ+ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi - “Ey dünya: Çok acımasızdın ama affediyorum” - 5 years ago

@AshleyAreeSmith: Rest in power Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@abas41842442: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@NadineAlakkad: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@HagaiElAd: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Jamie_VonShtupp: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@lestambi: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@anxiouskeleton: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@LauraBoushnak: RT @nadahrashwan: "She was angry about everything that had been done to her. She wanted so badly to come back but she was afraid she would… - 5 years ago

@NadineAlakkad: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@shaimaaelshimy: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@midoo0: RT @TheBigPharaoh: There is something in common between the Maspero massacre, Rabaa massacre, reaction after the arrests of Tiktok girls an… - 5 years ago

@distopia_o_novo: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@NadineAlakkad: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@SamehMo57448801: RT @TheBigPharaoh: There is something in common between the Maspero massacre, Rabaa massacre, reaction after the arrests of Tiktok girls an… - 5 years ago

@Tusk8rman: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Toufiicc: RT @itsphoebebuffay: bigots who continue to taunt sarah hegazi are fucking monsters ayre bl araf fuck their disgusting mentality - 5 years ago

@caringerel: RT @KenRoth: Egyptian authorities arrested and tortured Sarah Hegazi for waving a rainbow flag. Tragically, this gay Egyptian has now taken… - 5 years ago

@marc_o_berlin: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@wiase: RT @queer_de: Der Tod der ägyptischen LGBTI-Aktivistin Sarah Hegazi hat weltweit Entsetzen ausgelöst - 5 years ago

@NicolaiofArabia: RT @glcarlstrom: "Police raids followed. Dozens of people were arrested, including Ms. Hegazi—the start of a desperate trajectory, marked w… - 5 years ago

@amstefi: RT @francescacaferr: Su @repubblica Il testamento spirituale di Sarah Hegazi: "Così il regime ha scavato un buco nero nella mia anima" http… - 5 years ago

@Farrelleyebrows: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@BaronPauline251: RIP #SarahHegazi. La militante égyptienne #LGBTQ+ de 30 ans exilée au Canada, s'est suicidée le 14 juin. Bravo pour… - 5 years ago

@jamezayn: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@ChristineJameis: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@MichaelMcGaughy: RT @AminaIsmail: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@JadYateem: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@smithopea: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@cherry_se1: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@emarcusmaximus: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@thecatisupstair: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@GiulioWolfe: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@glcarlstrom: "Police raids followed. Dozens of people were arrested, including Ms. Hegazi—the start of a desperate trajectory, m… - 5 years ago

@palafo: “To the world,” she wrote. “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” - 5 years ago

@CrowSongLodge: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@Brian_Whit: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@3azazel: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Lessismore_2121: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@repubblica: RT @francescacaferr: Su @repubblica Il testamento spirituale di Sarah Hegazi: "Così il regime ha scavato un buco nero nella mia anima" http… - 5 years ago

@JOSHUAJREYNOLD1: RT @aravosis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@Steffi_955: RT @Zett: Die queere Aktivistin Sarah #Hegazi wurde 2017 verhaftet, nachdem sie auf einem Konzert in Ägypten die Regenbogenflagge schwenkte… - 5 years ago

@monmon29__: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Constant31: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@johnnykaram3: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@rerutled: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@itsbrennadixon: RT @DandiaAsad: Forgive us, Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@ThatDamnBeans: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@evb66: RT @alfonslopeztena: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, a gay Egyptian takes her life — Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi was… - 5 years ago

@Wong_Albert: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@RobertMackey: RT @seldeeb: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, an #Egypt Gay Takes Her Life. "I was declaring myself in a society that hates all that is di… - 5 years ago

@lokis_lala_land: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@AlBawabaEnglish: RT @_thenode: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017 #سارة_حجازي… - 5 years ago

@perrahiena: RT @alfonslopeztena: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, a gay Egyptian takes her life — Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi was… - 5 years ago

@SineCakir: RT @Medyascopetv: Hayatına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ+ aktivisti Sarah Hegazi - “Ey dünya: Çok acımasızdın ama affediyorum” - 5 years ago

@NoFuckenIdea: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@DewenterElina: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@goldrunner68: RT @courrierinter: Exilée au Canada, après des mois d’emprisonnement et de torture au Caire pour “immoralité” et “déviance”, Sarah Hegazi,… - 5 years ago

@TurkuazNews: RT @MiddleEastEye: "To mitigate stigma among people like her, she spoke out about herself and her pain, and her constant suicidal thoughts.… - 5 years ago

@RanaGaza: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@sedaztrkgl: RT @GazeteKarinca: Bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanmış, işkence görmüş, cinsel saldırıya uğramıştı. Gittiği… - 5 years ago

@OsindeJr: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@ShadeOlaoyeMary: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@thinkingbirdd: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@softsadpoet: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@Zett: Die queere Aktivistin Sarah #Hegazi wurde 2017 verhaftet, nachdem sie auf einem Konzert in Ägypten die Regenbogenfl… - 5 years ago

@NIHAustin: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@sadyouthofpink: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@ErkinEr_: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@mael_t03: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@lilqueero: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@RuthVallenduuk: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@JehangirJm: RT @ZulfiRao1: "To my siblings, I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends, the journey was cruel and I am too… - 5 years ago

@thirlwallshood: RT @sharasekaram: Egyptian queer and socialist activist, Sarah Hegazi, took her own life in her forcible exile in Canada. She was arrested,… - 5 years ago

@ey_sears: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@Martinsmarie8: RT @courrierinter: Exilée au Canada, après des mois d’emprisonnement et de torture au Caire pour “immoralité” et “déviance”, Sarah Hegazi,… - 5 years ago

@Tarekkk15: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@Roberta16154507: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@ZulfiRao1: "To my siblings, I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends, the journey was cruel and… - 5 years ago

@_RyanLevitt_: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@pepsolavall: RT @mespanolescofet: Colpidor, l'últim missatge de la Sarah Hegazi, l'activista LGBTQ arrestada i torturada per les forces de seguretat egí… - 5 years ago

@RWiSblog: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@kimmoneihum: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@antobon2: RT @repubblica: Il testamento spirituale di Sarah Hegazi: "Così il regime ha scavato un buco nero nella mia anima" - 5 years ago

@Alahis: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@TheRealYuriF: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@IFritonFire: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@ishathepoet: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@CryptoVitamins: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@PinkBatSon: RT @aliceysu: 💔 - 5 years ago

@Steve12L: Le suicide de Sarah Hegazi, l’icône égyptienne du mouvement gay - 5 years ago

@LGBTQRetweeter: RT @monaeltahawy: To honour and celebrate the life of queer #Egyptian feminist Sarah Hegazi, my dear friend drag queen Ana Masreya is hosti… - 5 years ago

@1cbesenescocia: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@rohzana2: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@NadeenEbrahim9: RT @AminaIsmail: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@Ralf_slt: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@ShesInBloom_: RT @legallyines: my heart shatters for sarah hegazi i cannot find the words i‘m about to break. she didn’t deserve to be abused and torture… - 5 years ago

@sean_gowe: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Cthullhu: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@dhuhaxo: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@s0ftdyk3: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@neonumbra: - 5 years ago

@ShellyB_Tweets: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@literalbebe: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@IM_DEB_RAJ: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@jan_nke: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@jem1515: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@giubberosse: RT @striscia_rossa: Sarah Hegazi è morta suicida dopo aver subito violenze in un carcere in #Egitto, dove si trovava per aver sventolato un… - 5 years ago

@taemfhyung: RT @mangonama: i haven’t been able to get sarah hegazi out of my head. the world did not deserve a soul like hers - 5 years ago

@farah_elsaid200: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@darren_olivier: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@gaurdianangeI: RT @legallyines: my heart shatters for sarah hegazi i cannot find the words i‘m about to break. she didn’t deserve to be abused and torture… - 5 years ago

@YohkoHatada: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@boldverse: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@jackalexstuart: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@MahmoudGhedira: RT @douglasgrnwd: - 5 years ago

@caleidoscops: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@vmax_14: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@OAlmasri: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@KarmaOlo: RT @alfonslopeztena: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, a gay Egyptian takes her life — Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi was… - 5 years ago

@6artes_anales9: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@Huiyu_An: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@MalakJM__: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@aelfar: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@docklohns: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@SusieQandB: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@TheMuslimHippie: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@acvalens: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@tisdebby: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@guerrillamama_: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@InsAlmeidaESou1: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@dimokazam: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@AniqahC: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@Livadiva2: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@moon_dust2000: RT @legallyines: my heart shatters for sarah hegazi i cannot find the words i‘m about to break. she didn’t deserve to be abused and torture… - 5 years ago

@Livadiva2: - 5 years ago

@cathbooth: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@brownandanxious: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@altarnativee: RT @liamstack: This is such a heartbreaking story, and ⁦@declanwalsh⁩ told it well. I hope you all read this piece on the life and death of… - 5 years ago

@AndreaLiberati: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@AriadneTzn: [Thread] Sarah Hegazi, a queer Egyptian activist who was imprisoned for waiving the rainbow flag at a concert in E… - 5 years ago

@butterfly_0474: RT @GazeteKarinca: Bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanmış, işkence görmüş, cinsel saldırıya uğramıştı. Gittiği… - 5 years ago

@Ravenser: RT @alfonslopeztena: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, a gay Egyptian takes her life — Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi was… - 5 years ago

@Brown76623019: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@zei1na: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@AndreVarella17: RT @nytimesworld: "She was angry about everything that had been done to her," said the lawyer of an Egyptian lesbian who killed herself, "S… - 5 years ago

@ProfOntography: RT @alfonslopeztena: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, a gay Egyptian takes her life — Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi was… - 5 years ago

@alanstonier: RT @alfonslopeztena: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, a gay Egyptian takes her life — Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi was… - 5 years ago

@josephwillits: RT @umploopy: Please educate yourself about Sarah Hegazi, a queer Egyptian activist who tragically took her own life yesterday. She was f… - 5 years ago

@pacaflower: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@HeiermanRobert: RT @nazandmatt: "She was blindfolded and taken to a foul-smelling interrogation room where she could hear people groaning with pain. A piec… - 5 years ago

@tugba_turan: RT @alfonslopeztena: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, a gay Egyptian takes her life — Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi was… - 5 years ago

@thegoddez_: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@qwolqa: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@saumyab50: RT @herbertnyt: For one shining moment, Sarah Hegazi raised both hands in the air and, beaming with joy, hoisted a rainbow flag aloft. Her… - 5 years ago

@UnRapporteur: RT @herbertnyt: For one shining moment, Sarah Hegazi raised both hands in the air and, beaming with joy, hoisted a rainbow flag aloft. Her… - 5 years ago

@pacaflower: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@emofreak5sos: RT @13SCORP1: Sarah Hegazi was sexually assaulted & imprisoned in egypt for raising the pride flag at concert, recently she took her own li… - 5 years ago

@peachycisca: RT @legallyines: my heart shatters for sarah hegazi i cannot find the words i‘m about to break. she didn’t deserve to be abused and torture… - 5 years ago

@FuoKcu: RT @alfonslopeztena: Arrested for waving rainbow flag, a gay Egyptian takes her life — Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi was… - 5 years ago

@lobenia26: RT @nytimes: “To the world,” Sarah Hegazi wrote in a letter, “You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Her final words have reverberated… - 5 years ago

@yobaabe: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@raghavanWaPo: Sad, powerful telling of the life and death of Sarah Hegazi. She raised the rainbow flag at a 2017 concert, eliciti… - 5 years ago

@taranaasingh: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@TweetOfSatan_: @TheTweetOfGod So u saying u sparing them whoever drove her to heaven.What kind of puny God you are,you don't take… - 5 years ago

@nafalafella: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Jeannie_Hartley: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@VLCorgullosa: RT @LuisaNotario: La activista lesbiana egipcia Sarah Hegazi se suicida. Fue encarcelada y torturada por sacar una bandera #LGTB en un conc… - 5 years ago

@einashaddad: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@Marco_ingrassia: In memory of #SarahHegazi, arrested and tortured in #Egypt to expose a rainbow flag. She committed suicide after th… - 5 years ago

@chrisvhayton: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@PharaohWilson_: “To my siblings: I tried to survive and I failed, forgive me. To my friends: the ordeal was too painful and I wasn’… - 5 years ago

@Erica90222051: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@desi_RiRi_: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@Hoetox: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@diprasingh1: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@_Robinalan_: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@SarahMun0: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@jun1pero: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@hitthebellicon: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@perrysfreak: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@dbgiovanna: RT @LoredanaTaddei: Egitto, attivista Lgbt suicida dopo gli abusi subiti Sarah Hegazi arrestata nel 2017 per aver alzato la bandiera arcob… - 5 years ago

@twitbulle: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@FairyB20: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@ZeroTrustSAGov1: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@haywans: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın” - 5 years ago

@m65132821: RT @akirangei: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned” -Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@dariamazzuoli: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@chrisdensonnyc: RT @akirangei: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned” -Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@GianpaoL0: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@Tigershah26: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@glorytoglorzo: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@chrisdensonnyc: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@Aouds: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@kristenpalaggii: RT @legallyines: my heart shatters for sarah hegazi i cannot find the words i‘m about to break. she didn’t deserve to be abused and torture… - 5 years ago

@jshua_m: RT @akirangei: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned” -Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@mirianagrassi1: RT @eucromia: Il cielo è più bello della terra! E io voglio il cielo e non la terra. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@sinai: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@wassimelhaddad: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@John_Vidovich: RT @MiddleEastEye: Egypt does not explicitly prohibit homosexuality, but it uses the 1961 prostitution law to prosecute LGBT individuals ht… - 5 years ago

@FatimaWaleed_: i opened facebook to check if a dr replied to me w i found the homepage timeline thing flooded with PRO sarah hegazi posts.. lowkey proud - 5 years ago

@genderberries: Sarah Hegazi was a lesbian, an advocate for LGBT rights, and a communist who was tortured by the Egyptian state. Sh… - 5 years ago

@ZwiZen: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@lexaprolevantin: RT @akirangei: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned” -Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@EnochTonui: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@der_bluthund: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@yourozymandias: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Omnipangolin: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@IvyTamwood987: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@todearaujo: RT @nikkiusher: Do not forget in today's victory, there is still so much pain, and so much equality and inclusion to be fought for #LGBTQR… - 5 years ago

@donatelleon: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@LunaticEuphoric: RT @akirangei: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned” -Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Ben35846532: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@ReemSaad10: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@plees13: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Jk67Joan: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@abdeezii: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@rexie_k: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@larrylafountain: Heartbreaking: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@Punhal54771496: RT @raja_mukesh: Sarah Hegazi, a human rights activist commited sucide. Her last words To my siblings, I tried to survive but I failed; fo… - 5 years ago

@IRGayShark: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@aniopseD: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@jauregggay: RT @legallyines: my heart shatters for sarah hegazi i cannot find the words i‘m about to break. she didn’t deserve to be abused and torture… - 5 years ago

@elizabethcav07: RT @nytimesworld: "She was angry about everything that had been done to her," said the lawyer of an Egyptian lesbian who killed herself, "S… - 5 years ago

@Fay_TheSomali: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@lesbiantheology: RT @freedac95: i’m so angry reading the news abt sarah hegazi. how many of our lgbt+ brothers/ sisters/ siblings do we have to lose until y… - 5 years ago

@AlbertoRuy: RT @davidrieff: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@AllisC4: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@iQuarantine11s: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@Pmcwill1: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@MdShahi09675407: RT @MiddleEastEye: 'They alienated her; they forced her out of her country; they are responsible for her suffering' -Rasha Younes, HRW ht… - 5 years ago

@VassilisNalba: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@ReyStJohn1: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@usuallyhungover: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@polaris4a: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@RaeyHan: RT @MiddleEastEye: 'They alienated her; they forced her out of her country; they are responsible for her suffering' -Rasha Younes, HRW ht… - 5 years ago

@AltonNorthup: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@SuperSrBachchan: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@Adi77993085: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@zazoomblog: SUICIDIO SARAH HEGAZI- Usarla per la propria “battaglia” è solo l’ennesima violenza - #SUICIDIO #SARAH #HEGAZI-… - 5 years ago

@nouhabr44: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Sarah Hegazi is here in heaven as My new Vice-President in Charge of Rainbows. Fuck every last one of you who drove her… - 5 years ago

@a_yat_: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@lunar_posey: RT @bryanboy: Just a reminder that not everyone has freedom... - 5 years ago

@intlibecosoc: RT @siinjiim: Sarah Hegazi was killed by the violence inflicted on her by the Egyptian state, but her blood is on the hands of every homoph… - 5 years ago

@femmespirit: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@FGueret: RT @bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@Teresa_Kelly: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Tengwar_Nerd: #RaiseTheFlagForSarah 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 - 5 years ago

@lennypierramos: RT @bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@anarchist_black: RT @mangonama: By the late Sarah Hegazi in January of 2020: The military succeeded in diverting & polarizing people along sectarian lines,… - 5 years ago

@Sparkly_Night: RT @ArielimndaM: “The sky is more beautiful than the earth. I want the sky, not the earth.” — Sarah Hegazi🌈 Rest in Power! SAY HER NAME!!… - 5 years ago

@phenlix: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@_nadia_says: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@lisbethwest: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@BastardPaladin: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@rokorumora: cw: suicide '...She saved her final words for her persecutors. “To the world,” she wrote. “You’ve been greatly cr… - 5 years ago

@SFDukie: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@FilmDavide: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@prabalgurung: RT @bryanboy: Just a reminder that not everyone has freedom... - 5 years ago

@lesbiantheology: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@kudablog: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@strawberrywedge: And that, importantly, must mean /every/ state. Sending love and solidarity to my Egyptian friends for whatever it… - 5 years ago

@strawberrywedge: I don’t want to undercut the fact that so many American gays are finally taking a breath after the Supreme Court de… - 5 years ago

@GermanCipriani: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@Al_Naffy40: RT @mangonama: By the late Sarah Hegazi in January of 2020: The military succeeded in diverting & polarizing people along sectarian lines,… - 5 years ago

@m3jstile: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@CounterTrollist: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@sapphicdesi: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@JaelCorbin: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@zehrabozca: RT @GazeteKarinca: Bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanmış, işkence görmüş, cinsel saldırıya uğramıştı. Gittiği… - 5 years ago

@suzmarks: While the SCOTUS ruling today was one step toward equality in the US, oppression and persecution are the norm in ma… - 5 years ago

@VeiledFat: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@mert_complex: RT @GodComplex19: Sarah Hegazi, Mısır'da bir konser esnasında Gökkuşağı Bayrağı açması dolayısıyla 2017 yılından beri cezaevindeydi. Orada… - 5 years ago

@marj1na: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@idklollmao1: RT @13SCORP1: Sarah Hegazi was sexually assaulted & imprisoned in egypt for raising the pride flag at concert, recently she took her own li… - 5 years ago

@AlliKat_23: RT @nytimesworld: For one shining moment, Sarah Hegazi raised both hands in the air and, beaming with joy, hoisted a rainbow flag aloft. He… - 5 years ago

@almattone: RT @nytimesworld: For one shining moment, Sarah Hegazi raised both hands in the air and, beaming with joy, hoisted a rainbow flag aloft. He… - 5 years ago

@DanyDuskSkull: RT @gaytimesmag: The LGBTQ+ community is mourning the loss of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi, who passed away over the weekend. - 5 years ago

@Lovitawfrost: RT @13SCORP1: Sarah Hegazi was sexually assaulted & imprisoned in egypt for raising the pride flag at concert, recently she took her own li… - 5 years ago

@aaolomi: RT @mangonama: By the late Sarah Hegazi in January of 2020: The military succeeded in diverting & polarizing people along sectarian lines,… - 5 years ago

@chunn_athena: RT @nytimesworld: For one shining moment, Sarah Hegazi raised both hands in the air and, beaming with joy, hoisted a rainbow flag aloft. He… - 5 years ago

@AskMrMickey: RT @bryanboy: Just a reminder that not everyone has freedom... - 5 years ago

@srhtrq: Im angry that Sarah Hegazi was surrounded by people who fetishized her for her trauma; ignoring the impact it was h… - 5 years ago

@Wewilldieanywa1: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@Nivibirb: RT @ArielimndaM: “The sky is more beautiful than the earth. I want the sky, not the earth.” — Sarah Hegazi🌈 Rest in Power! SAY HER NAME!!… - 5 years ago

@rossgrady: RT @sweatyhabibti: Sarah Hegazi’s only crime was raising the rainbow flag. She was electrocuted in prison for it, fled her home for it, tri… - 5 years ago

@hectorherreramx: RT @MarchaLGBTCDMX: Que el arcoiris ilumine tu camino #SarahHegazi 🏳️‍🌈✨ - 5 years ago

@Mark14743575: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@idklollmao1: RT @13SCORP1: Sarah Hegazi was sexually assaulted & imprisoned in egypt for raising the pride flag at concert, recently she took her own li… - 5 years ago

@1loriking: RT @MikeSoron: She fled to Canada. We failed her. - 5 years ago

@gothistani: so many of u are this person for me. thank u for ur existence, ur art, ur activism and ur love. rest in power sarah… - 5 years ago

@modernistwitch: RT @sweatyhabibti: Sarah Hegazi’s only crime was raising the rainbow flag. She was electrocuted in prison for it, fled her home for it, tri… - 5 years ago

@MarkMaheer: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@AlexSBurton: RT @MikeSoron: She fled to Canada. We failed her. - 5 years ago

@spookydt: RT @13SCORP1: Sarah Hegazi was sexually assaulted & imprisoned in egypt for raising the pride flag at concert, recently she took her own li… - 5 years ago

@sweatyhabibti: Sarah Hegazi’s only crime was raising the rainbow flag. She was electrocuted in prison for it, fled her home for it… - 5 years ago

@ZipClap: RT @bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@sociologyWV: RT @bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@dcabfab: RT @hypervocal: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@wyatttmg: RT @13SCORP1: Sarah Hegazi was sexually assaulted & imprisoned in egypt for raising the pride flag at concert, recently she took her own li… - 5 years ago

@onlyangelrsl: RT @13SCORP1: Sarah Hegazi was sexually assaulted & imprisoned in egypt for raising the pride flag at concert, recently she took her own li… - 5 years ago

@AbigailShrier: RT @bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@pinzia62: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@Ornellasgomezm: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@ReconRabbis: RT @MarisaElana: Devastating. May Sarah Hegazi’s memory be a blessing. - 5 years ago

@telepathinkling: RT @monaeltahawy: And Tuesday: #Egyptian drag queen Ana Masreya is hosting a group of us on her Instagram to honour and remember queer femi… - 5 years ago

@laminalumina: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@sachp: RT @sa0un: I can't begin to describe the immense heartbreak reverberating through the Egyptian and MENA lgbtq+ community, in exile and at h… - 5 years ago

@AmyAyers16: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@rosesarrafi: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@TheLadyImam: RT @monaeltahawy: And Tuesday: #Egyptian drag queen Ana Masreya is hosting a group of us on her Instagram to honour and remember queer femi… - 5 years ago

@tokengirI: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@ericharr: “To the world, You’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive.” Sarah Hegazi took her own life, because she was persecut… - 5 years ago

@A7mdNasef: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@flextaperapper: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@nutmeg3000: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@SaraPatriceGen1: RT @HelenCaddes: As we celebrate the victory in the Supreme Court, we must remember those we have lost. Sarah Hegazi was arrested & impris… - 5 years ago

@TitusMichaeleus: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@kshaheen: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@HelenCaddes: As we celebrate the victory in the Supreme Court, we must remember those we have lost. Sarah Hegazi was arrested &… - 5 years ago

@CarineinAlbion: RT @monaeltahawy: And Tuesday: #Egyptian drag queen Ana Masreya is hosting a group of us on her Instagram to honour and remember queer femi… - 5 years ago

@fatumsch: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@kylorenfanclub: i know the us had a massive win in lqbtq legislation today but its completely overshadowed by sarah hegazi's death.… - 5 years ago

@SpaceVanCat: RT @siddhmi: If you aren't destroyed by the end of this story, Hamed Sinno's tribute to Sarah Hegazi will finish you off. May she rest in… - 5 years ago

@indigostories_: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@yehya37830089: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@wildcatsanddogs: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@XiomaryUrbaez: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@greenlightkiwi: RT @ArielimndaM: “The sky is more beautiful than the earth. I want the sky, not the earth.” — Sarah Hegazi🌈 Rest in Power! SAY HER NAME!!… - 5 years ago

@alrghtyaphrdite: RT @RosalineElbay: The loss of Sarah Hegazi is horrifying. - 5 years ago

@darfurdarling: RT @nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant queer musl… - 5 years ago

@dolcesapphic: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@Hadeel_Almasry: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@AbundantPedShed: RT @MikeSoron: She fled to Canada. We failed her. - 5 years ago

@nablayah: staying alive is such a precarious affair 4 queer muslims and often times only sustained by knowledge of a distant… - 5 years ago

@Ng_Dave: This is heartbreaking. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@esteetabernac: RT @nytimesworld: "She was angry about everything that had been done to her," said the lawyer of an Egyptian lesbian who killed herself, "S… - 5 years ago

@MaysamBehravesh: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@sjs1181: Remember Her Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@bitterissweet: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@chiaraserruto94: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@ayoaseweje: RT @siddhmi: If you aren't destroyed by the end of this story, Hamed Sinno's tribute to Sarah Hegazi will finish you off. May she rest in… - 5 years ago

@grock6969: - 5 years ago

@shrugdeaIer: RT @MidwesternBaby: An Egyptian woman took her life after being arrested & tortured by the Egyptian police, fired from her job & rejected b… - 5 years ago

@badboybuttmunch: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Liz_Fitting: Heartbreaking loss via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@islamxxz: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@HighPulpOJ: RT @MidwesternBaby: An Egyptian woman took her life after being arrested & tortured by the Egyptian police, fired from her job & rejected b… - 5 years ago

@brunajureg: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@Shirubain: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@palevell: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@LOUlSTARK: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@WriterJonLeaf: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@nthndrke__: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@climent_sara: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@CorbynsPiss: RT @nadiawesome: if Sarah Hegazi’s death doesn’t lead to some serious re evaluation within some people then idek man - 5 years ago

@suunanaa: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@badboybuttmunch: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@yosoyysarah: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@dorfradio: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@farahsalameh_1: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@MidwesternBaby: An Egyptian woman took her life after being arrested & tortured by the Egyptian police, fired from her job & reject… - 5 years ago

@ahmaui8: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@CommonCormorant: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@Korl_Marcus: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@ChriXCoenen: "...the masses, even as they were oppressed by the system, broke the police system in six hours. Police ran from th… - 5 years ago

@DardanePerez: RT @MarchaLGBTCDMX: Que el arcoiris ilumine tu camino #SarahHegazi 🏳️‍🌈✨ - 5 years ago

@LUNELIXIR: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@s1efan0: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@DrAndrewFlores: RT @GabMagni: reminder that there's still so much work to do Sarah Hegazi - a lesbian activist living in Canada after claiming asylum - ki… - 5 years ago

@Pastelistaz: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@glgarretson: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@zidanism: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@feygirl33: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@MidasMisery: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@BuddhaofJudah: RT @GadSaad: - 5 years ago

@mrCLEANqs: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@Strengy_: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@BenjaminCB45: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@gvbriellefalcao: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@Luca_zone: RT @deveraun_seraun: “Ai miei fratelli, ho cercato di sopravvivere però ho fallito. Perdonatemi. Ai miei amici, è stata un'esperienza tropp… - 5 years ago

@bonitarosekemp: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@ChiChiBLanchett: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@Isis35320191: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@BrandonJoDixon: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@EdmundAllenby: RT @bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@JudithDimitrov: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@irongvail: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@AquaAwaits: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@crabcker: RT @SoyHomosensual: La encarcelaron, torturaron y marcaron de por vida. 😭 Ojalá que su carta de despedida ayude a crear conciencia. Descans… - 5 years ago

@lrozen: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@noor_halabi: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@forbiddeenn: i just saw sarah hegazi instagram and i felt so saad i can barely handle it !!! - 5 years ago

@nadeemhaidary: This makes me sick to my stomach. And on this historic day for LGBT rights. 💔 - 5 years ago

@JDinChitown: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@HoansSolo: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@milenaac: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@AVLNXA: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@renukamendiss: RT @siddhmi: If you aren't destroyed by the end of this story, Hamed Sinno's tribute to Sarah Hegazi will finish you off. May she rest in… - 5 years ago

@dn1164: RT @bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@MarietjeSchaake: RT @NickKristof: So heartbreaking. So infuriating. Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@AJMarauder98: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@FadiAbouRihan: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@KenWarnock: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@burweedobowl: rest in peace sarah hegazi - 5 years ago

@themusekill: RT @herbertnyt: For one shining moment, Sarah Hegazi raised both hands in the air and, beaming with joy, hoisted a rainbow flag aloft. Her… - 5 years ago

@hoefood: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@tylerdeaton: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@MrEvanRoss: RT @bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@bariweiss: - 5 years ago

@Aleee1954: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@JohnCarltonKing: RT @TheRealestSpoon: May Allah bless her soul, for she was braver than most. - 5 years ago

@marah_omaro: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Samisnote: RT @TheBadalpha: Hamed sinno singing Sarah hegazi’s last words on instagram in honor of her death ❤️ #restinpower - 5 years ago

@CrossSkania: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@jabmorris: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@anabellebf: RT @NAChristakis: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. Appalling. Heartbreaking. Inhumane. The homophobia in… - 5 years ago

@WaxEBuildup: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@CurseOfTheCynic: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@chance_bennett: RT @AmyWithAWhy: Their name is Sarah Hegazi. They are a friends sister. Please go and read about their incredible life. - 5 years ago

@ferdymad: "Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life" by BY DECLAN WALSH via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@siddhmi: If you aren't destroyed by the end of this story, Hamed Sinno's tribute to Sarah Hegazi will finish you off. May… - 5 years ago

@truestarmann: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@RolleDom: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@GodmotherDeath: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@tfitzsimons: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@jaysanw: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@N__LLR: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@adamgriffiths: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@tamara_batty: Rest in peace and in power, Sarah El Hegazi. You did not deserve this. The world is cruel, but we will keep fightin… - 5 years ago

@infodiva: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@xocarloss: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@beystylo: rest in power beautiful sarah here’s the link to the article if u wanna educate urself more on how the normalized… - 5 years ago

@Metropolis_Gda: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@femtosrevenge: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@GalMarielena: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@brianmagallones: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@LovelyLolitaLo: RT @nadiawesome: if Sarah Hegazi’s death doesn’t lead to some serious re evaluation within some people then idek man - 5 years ago

@chabailey: RT @MiddleEastEye: Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi has committed suicide in Canada. The 30-year-old was arrested in Cairo for 3 months… - 5 years ago

@Boas72: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@Muzammi71790900: "Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life" by BY DECLAN WALSH via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@uurtastan: RT @ekmekvegul: Mısır’da bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanan, işkence gören ve cinsel saldırıya maruz kalan L… - 5 years ago

@KaiiHunterr: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@2patchitup: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@HFILSHAWTY: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Fff_James1: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@mangonama: RT @siinjiim: It breaks my brain that Sarah Hegazi was arrested and tortured in jail because she raised a rainbow flag at Mashrou' Leila co… - 5 years ago

@Andreiririi: RT @Pride: Yesterday, Egyptian #LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she lived in exile. She was imprisoned and tort… - 5 years ago

@pellucidewer: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@by_the_pool: "Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life" by BY DECLAN WALSH via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@RuthHolcombe: RT @freedac95: i’m so angry reading the news abt sarah hegazi. how many of our lgbt+ brothers/ sisters/ siblings do we have to lose until y… - 5 years ago

@TheRealestSpoon: May Allah bless her soul, for she was braver than most. - 5 years ago

@carlabachk: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@TheRealestSpoon: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@patiramzi: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@Iusterr: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@summo_t: - 5 years ago

@EKhachian: RT @ekramibrahim: Sara Hegazi died because of her honesty. She died because our darkness is bigger than her truth. Her death is the lou… - 5 years ago

@Borjana_Lubura: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@ecclesias: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@mush0872: "Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life" by BY DECLAN WALSH via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@nextolouvis: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@notnobody13: rest in peace Sarah Hegazi. i am so deeply sorry for how the world treated you and the horrendous trauma you were p… - 5 years ago

@siinjiim: It breaks my brain that Sarah Hegazi was arrested and tortured in jail because she raised a rainbow flag at Mashrou… - 5 years ago

@giobonini: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@IskandarBnt: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@JillFilipovic: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@RahulSKofficial: "Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life" by BY DECLAN WALSH via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@nathirhussein: RT @nytimesworld: "She was angry about everything that had been done to her," said the lawyer of an Egyptian lesbian who killed herself, "S… - 5 years ago

@Vivazgz: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@tradwan: RT @nytimesworld: "She was angry about everything that had been done to her," said the lawyer of an Egyptian lesbian who killed herself, "S… - 5 years ago

@alfieotma: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@LindaFd2: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Jairo73659651: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@BwBernstein: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@alwaysgopeace: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@andrequerry: Our tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@chiara_amt: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@PoliticalkY: RT @nytimesworld: "She was angry about everything that had been done to her," said the lawyer of an Egyptian lesbian who killed herself, "S… - 5 years ago

@siinjiim: Sarah Hegazi was killed by the violence inflicted on her by the Egyptian state, but her blood is on the hands of ev… - 5 years ago

@MvonderSee: @lou_jbara Genau 😔🌈 Sarah Hegazi war ihr Name - 5 years ago

@drpatfarrell: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life - 5 years ago

@AbuMrouj: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@NEWSWORLD555: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life Charged with “inciting debauchery,” Sarah Hegazi w… - 5 years ago

@wilmascampini: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@SoniCubed: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@loosteek: RT @JennaLBs: Repression in #Egypt often blurs into the abstraction of numbers : 10000s of political opponents languish in prisons, 100s va… - 5 years ago

@LoloWali: Tried to have a conversation with my mom about Sarah Hegazi and boy did I make a mistake. - 5 years ago

@herbertnyt: For one shining moment, Sarah Hegazi raised both hands in the air and, beaming with joy, hoisted a rainbow flag alo… - 5 years ago

@aletimarco: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@LushLuxxxury: RT @RossiHabibi: Today is a rough day for arab queers everywhere. Sarah Hegazi, the egyptian super gay and feminist activist who was detain… - 5 years ago

@aletimarco: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@thepuresearch: "Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life" by Declan Walsh via NYT - 5 years ago

@kenlly_pacheco: RT @MarchaLGBTCDMX: Que el arcoiris ilumine tu camino #SarahHegazi 🏳️‍🌈✨ - 5 years ago

@luizap1: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@JoanMBrenner1: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@Abeer_90: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@roromero78: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@aithlea: RT @MiddleEastEye: Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi has committed suicide in Canada. The 30-year-old was arrested in Cairo for 3 months… - 5 years ago

@NiteStar: "Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life" by BY DECLAN WALSH via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@OmarWaraich: RT @declanwalsh: Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life. - 5 years ago

@MisssBennet: RT @eucromia: Il cielo è più bello della terra! E io voglio il cielo e non la terra. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@_ilivehigh: "Today update Arrested for Waving Rainbow Flag, a Gay Egyptian Takes Her Life" via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@ryukorjhesap: Sarah Hegazi’nin ruhuna içiyorum bu gece,sistem ve biz varız,ruhun yaşadı bu dünyada sistem seni yenemedi,sen intih… - 5 years ago

@POMED: Egypt Update: Sarah Hegazi, who was arrested and tortured for standing up for LGBT+ rights in Egypt, has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@_KhaledShalaby: Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi has committed suicide in Canada. The 30-year-old was arrested in Cairo for 3 mo… - 5 years ago

@beamrotation: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@fleurdelis30: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@belitaibt: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@LgbtNigerian: RT @coconutflakes_: Sarah Hegazi was a beautiful, vibrant young woman whose only crime was trying to be herself (by just WAVING a fucking r… - 5 years ago

@GiovanniRota52: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@nchesenso: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@EstherSeoane: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@alixfdl: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@rabushakra: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@LgbtNigerian: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@_KhaledShalaby: 'They alienated her; they forced her out of her country; they are responsible for her suffering' -Rasha Younes, HRW - 5 years ago

@andrescaudiel: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@AlbertSakr: RIP Sarah Hegazi, Egyptian LGBTQ Activist - 5 years ago

@redausen: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@reallllsmooth: RT @lREB_: Rest in Power Sarah Hegazi. You were a brilliant activist. I’m sorry you felt so isolated and excluded to commit suicide in exi… - 5 years ago

@taemfhyung: My heart keeps breaking Everytime I see a post about Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@stefidefelix: RT @tartaro7: Postata anche su il Post​ #SarahHegazi #Lgbt #Bandiere #Diritti #Egitto Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@hallahinar: RT @lREB_: Rest in Power Sarah Hegazi. You were a brilliant activist. I’m sorry you felt so isolated and excluded to commit suicide in exi… - 5 years ago

@Manovella12: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@Epp_mgz: RT @sa0un: I can't begin to describe the immense heartbreak reverberating through the Egyptian and MENA lgbtq+ community, in exile and at h… - 5 years ago

@IOunalettrice: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Laraenne69: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@al_isabell: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@lippopercivale: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@Smolleadernim: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Neila: Concert de @mashrou3leila, à Tunis, il y a quelques années. Un drapeau LGBT dans la foule. Quelques chuchotements,… - 5 years ago

@vincef_: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@dottmc1: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@a_ragna: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@zeinabaly17: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@moonpiscean: RT @umploopy: Please educate yourself about Sarah Hegazi, a queer Egyptian activist who tragically took her own life yesterday. She was f… - 5 years ago

@vincenzodivili0: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@xamus_goldman: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@tiz_zi: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@beelzemaid: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@zeyad_shalaby: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@tonysop67201004: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@giorgita_: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Nickskyrunner: RT @rubio_chef: Le prigioni egiziane, come quelle israeliane, sono devastanti sia fisicamente che psicologicamente. Non può essere sufficie… - 5 years ago

@rearleftist: RT @sa0un: I can't begin to describe the immense heartbreak reverberating through the Egyptian and MENA lgbtq+ community, in exile and at h… - 5 years ago

@ctapey: RT @sa0un: I can't begin to describe the immense heartbreak reverberating through the Egyptian and MENA lgbtq+ community, in exile and at h… - 5 years ago

@BiffPM: RT @RayaSharbain: Wikipedia is a mirror of our conservative society. The Arabic article of Sarah Hegazi is being nominated for deletion whe… - 5 years ago

@QueerjohnPA: RT @ChrisCoons: I am deeply saddened that Sarah Hegazi – a prominent Egyptian LGBTQ rights activist – died yesterday. Sarah’s tragic death… - 5 years ago

@jjeuwiqum: RT @MiddleEastEye: "To my siblings, I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends, the journey was cruel and I am… - 5 years ago

@adarbatman: RT @GazeteKarinca: Bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanmış, işkence görmüş, cinsel saldırıya uğramıştı. Gittiği… - 5 years ago

@hierophantpink: RT @MarchaLGBTCDMX: Que el arcoiris ilumine tu camino #SarahHegazi 🏳️‍🌈✨ - 5 years ago

@GabMagni: reminder that there's still so much work to do Sarah Hegazi - a lesbian activist living in Canada after claiming a… - 5 years ago

@IsmailMaya: earlier tonight infront of the Egyptian Embassy in Beirut - Sarah Hegazi may you always rest in pride, peace and po… - 5 years ago

@aminelgamal: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@GazeteKarinca: Bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanmış, işkence görmüş, cinsel saldırıya uğramıştı. Git… - 5 years ago

@shahddddd_: RT @gIdnIou: tw//suicide and SA Sarah Hegazi, an egyptian activist who raised the pride flag at a concert in Egypt n got arrested, sexuall… - 5 years ago

@cherchi1974: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@NermienAziz: RT @rowanaabdalla: Doesn’t it slap you that people who welcomed Hesham Selim’s trans son are the ones against wishing peace upon Sarah Hega… - 5 years ago

@faab64: RT @MiddleEastEye: "To my siblings, I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends, the journey was cruel and I am… - 5 years ago

@Serahdoll: RT @sa0un: I can't begin to describe the immense heartbreak reverberating through the Egyptian and MENA lgbtq+ community, in exile and at h… - 5 years ago

@colinsusan1: RT @ChrisCoons: I am deeply saddened that Sarah Hegazi – a prominent Egyptian LGBTQ rights activist – died yesterday. Sarah’s tragic death… - 5 years ago

@softbitchxx: theyre fucking murderers their homophobia led to the death of Sarah Hegazi (and many other lgbtq) and they're still… - 5 years ago

@fireandrainbows: RT @sa0un: I can't begin to describe the immense heartbreak reverberating through the Egyptian and MENA lgbtq+ community, in exile and at h… - 5 years ago

@MattRMBlake: RT @MiddleEastEye: "To my siblings, I have tried to find salvation and I failed, forgive me. To my friends, the journey was cruel and I am… - 5 years ago

@hareme2: RT @ChrisCoons: I am deeply saddened that Sarah Hegazi – a prominent Egyptian LGBTQ rights activist – died yesterday. Sarah’s tragic death… - 5 years ago

@AngeloGallo87: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@hicsuntoves: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@tony4teen: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@sirmikius: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@sirmikius: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Andrews_Blog: Egitto Suicida Sarah Hegazi attivista LGBT+: Egitto Suicida Sarah Hegazi attivista LGBT+. “Ai miei fratelli, ho pro… - 5 years ago

@cirocozzolino74: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@ElisabettaIori3: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@ricarvaquerizo: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@labettala: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@bassemwahba: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@riversaiint: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Gin_Miriam: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@23Silence: Yesterday, Egyptian LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazi died by suicide in Canada where she was living in exile. She was ar… - 5 years ago

@hicsuntoves: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@RD: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@SusannaDodgson: RT @ChrisCoons: I am deeply saddened that Sarah Hegazi – a prominent Egyptian LGBTQ rights activist – died yesterday. Sarah’s tragic death… - 5 years ago

@BroodJupiter: RT @ChrisCoons: I am deeply saddened that Sarah Hegazi – a prominent Egyptian LGBTQ rights activist – died yesterday. Sarah’s tragic death… - 5 years ago

@potenspuella: RT @ChrisCoons: I am deeply saddened that Sarah Hegazi – a prominent Egyptian LGBTQ rights activist – died yesterday. Sarah’s tragic death… - 5 years ago

@unclear_edge: RT @DiabolicalIdea: "The sky is more beautiful than the Earth. I want the sky, not the Earth," Sarah Hegazi wrote in her final post. Way… - 5 years ago

@PJvanEgg: RT @ceciliauddenm: Sarah Hegazi RIP 💔 Hbtq-världen skakad efter lesbisk kvinnas självmord - Nyheter (Ekot) - 5 years ago

@leilayahi: RT @maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@gprosam: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@ciler_ilhan: RT @MiddleEastEye: ‘Egypt failed her’: LGBTQ activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma - 5 years ago

@EvaMouz: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@PomponiGiovanna: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@jankocean: RT @DiabolicalIdea: "The sky is more beautiful than the Earth. I want the sky, not the Earth," Sarah Hegazi wrote in her final post. Way… - 5 years ago

@truantmexican: RT @alqueerian: Sarah Hegazi's story is breaking my heart - 5 years ago

@IreneMossa: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@vinovavi: RT @Radicali: Nelle stesse ore in cui Corte Suprema USA ha stabilito che nessuno può essere licenziato per il proprio orientamento sessuale… - 5 years ago

@marisavillani: RT @BlitzQuotidiano: Sarah Hegazi, morta suicida l’attivista Lgbt egiziana. Fu arrestata e torturata per una bandiera arcobaleno - 5 years ago

@ruikurii: RT @DiabolicalIdea: "The sky is more beautiful than the Earth. I want the sky, not the Earth," Sarah Hegazi wrote in her final post. Way… - 5 years ago

@vianneyorjebin: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@Alkhamraa: RT @DiabolicalIdea: "The sky is more beautiful than the Earth. I want the sky, not the Earth," Sarah Hegazi wrote in her final post. Way… - 5 years ago

@Catholico_: RT @DiabolicalIdea: "The sky is more beautiful than the Earth. I want the sky, not the Earth," Sarah Hegazi wrote in her final post. Way… - 5 years ago

@complic8edrania: RT @DiabolicalIdea: "The sky is more beautiful than the Earth. I want the sky, not the Earth," Sarah Hegazi wrote in her final post. Way… - 5 years ago

@ctapey: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@maitelsadany: Hamid Sinno of @mashrou3leila. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Sorenjuvas: RT @ceciliauddenm: Sarah Hegazi RIP 💔 Hbtq-världen skakad efter lesbisk kvinnas självmord - Nyheter (Ekot) - 5 years ago

@Bami_Tsunami: Rest in peace Sarah hegazi. To have hope crushed to the point of hopelessness is a nightmare. - 5 years ago

@rita_stefania: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@cecilia18182124: RT @SoyHomosensual: La encarcelaron, torturaron y marcaron de por vida. 😭 Ojalá que su carta de despedida ayude a crear conciencia. Descans… - 5 years ago

@esitiz: RT @ekmekvegul: Mısır’da bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanan, işkence gören ve cinsel saldırıya maruz kalan L… - 5 years ago

@rita_stefania: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@smolrat: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@GlinKksal1: RT @ekmekvegul: Mısır’da bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanan, işkence gören ve cinsel saldırıya maruz kalan L… - 5 years ago

@D1Assem: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@MinkysHighjinks: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@laniXment: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@BerfinZenderlio: Melek Nabih Khalil işkenceyle öldürüldü. Sarah Hegazi ise intihar etti. Ve ardından bıraktığı cümleler, insanın ca… - 5 years ago

@EleniFerlet: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@ekmekvegul: Mısır’da bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanan, işkence gören ve cinsel saldırıya maruz… - 5 years ago

@in3dmu: Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi dies in Canada, suicide suspected - 5 years ago

@laniXment: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@RainbowParents: RT @Renee_Dixson: Yesterday Sarah Hegazi took her own life in Canada. She was imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for waving the rainbow flag… - 5 years ago

@FedericoMancus: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Infojunkie22: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@gpercia: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@MarchaLGBTCDMX: Que el arcoiris ilumine tu camino #SarahHegazi 🏳️‍🌈✨ - 5 years ago

@2k13zain: RT @najichanna: Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian communis, commited sucide in Canada. her last words: "To my siblings, I tried to survive but I… - 5 years ago

@JockstrapMexico: RT @SoyHomosensual: La encarcelaron, torturaron y marcaron de por vida. 😭 Ojalá que su carta de despedida ayude a crear conciencia. Descans… - 5 years ago

@annalisasanti: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@UsingSelena: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@maytemoro59: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@Gregoriofistet1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Silea71630181: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@micaelagc9: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@YusurAlBahrani: A heart touching tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi Via @socialist_ca - 5 years ago

@TimSEaston: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@John_bc21: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@pierrinexrsn: RT @gunspilots: Sarah Hegazi was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for 3 months after flying a rainbow flag at a 2017 Mashrou' Lei… - 5 years ago

@HB2it: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@FaganKara: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@mik_elab: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@mik_elab: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Manu_2310: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@serendipity368: RT @gunspilots: Sarah Hegazi was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for 3 months after flying a rainbow flag at a 2017 Mashrou' Lei… - 5 years ago

@ludovicacastal1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Sarscorner: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@emilyjodell: RT @nathirhussein: ‘Egypt failed her’: LGBT activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma - 5 years ago

@AntonellaChessa: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@DannyNIR10: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@nathirhussein: ‘Egypt failed her’: LGBT activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma - 5 years ago

@DidoDiab: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@rk70534: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@Michela11506104: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@JamalDajani: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@MarcusPun: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@Horl: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@carlosgazze: RT @SoyHomosensual: La encarcelaron, torturaron y marcaron de por vida. 😭 Ojalá que su carta de despedida ayude a crear conciencia. Descans… - 5 years ago

@lm_alvaro: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@garychun: RT @MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi has kil… - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: Three years after her arrest and torture by Egyptian security forces, Egyptian LGBT rights activist Sarah Hegazi ha… - 5 years ago

@kylemalanda: Here is a photograph of the moment of solidarity Hamed asked us to take for the Egyptian activists, among whom was… - 5 years ago

@FixYourUglyMind: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@Jenner_Balagot: RT @maitelsadany: Beirut, Lebanon. Rest in peace, Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@SharonCampolon1: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@LLobiciyan: RT @bornandrazed_r: R.I.P Sarah Hegazi, an egyptian girl and LGBT activist who committed suicide yesterday in Canada where she escaped afte… - 5 years ago

@stroppolovale: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@hitandeject: RT @prosciuttoxcx: La morte di Sarah Hegazi (attivista LGBT egiziana) mi ha insegnato che queste bestie non si fermano nemmeno di fronte al… - 5 years ago

@CARLadvocates: Sarah Hegazi (1990 – June 14, 2020): an Egyptian LGBT woman was detained & tortured in Egypt after unfurling a rain… - 5 years ago

@mariuhmm_: if you can’t wish sarah hegazi to rest in peace get off of my account - 5 years ago

@SharonCampolon1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@emiliodebenito: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@BolognesiMaria: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@thefxllenxngxl: "La experiencia fue muy dura y yo demasiado débil para resistirla." -Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@Dome689: Si suicida Sarah Hegazi, l'attività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - 5 years ago

@iEdgarAllanhoe: RT @TheBigPharaoh: 🏳️‍🌈 To Sarah Hegazi. Egyptian LGBT activist who was arrested and assaulted after raising the rainbow flag in a concert… - 5 years ago

@BlitzQuotidiano: Sarah Hegazi, morta suicida l’attivista Lgbt egiziana. Fu arrestata e torturata per una bandiera arcobaleno… - 5 years ago

@sysco5: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@ANIRAK61: RT @ArielimndaM: “The sky is more beautiful than the earth. I want the sky, not the earth.” — Sarah Hegazi🌈 Rest in Power! SAY HER NAME!!… - 5 years ago

@bmby_sapphire85: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@bmby_sapphire85: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@dabelcruz: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@JustPaolaC: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Ludovic96001767: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@drya_fly: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@drya_fly: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@icemastromatteo: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@prosciuttoxcx: La morte di Sarah Hegazi (attivista LGBT egiziana) mi ha insegnato che queste bestie non si fermano nemmeno di fron… - 5 years ago

@Carloslv20171: RT @SoyHomosensual: La encarcelaron, torturaron y marcaron de por vida. 😭 Ojalá que su carta de despedida ayude a crear conciencia. Descans… - 5 years ago

@robo_niccarey: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@NIZARalAYOUBI: RT @maitelsadany: Beirut, Lebanon. Rest in peace, Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@Alessan57047047: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@ChRiStIaN1987_: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@mariotorralbo: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@ramioncrack: journalists in egypt are being silenced for raising awareness about the fact that people are being stripped of thei… - 5 years ago

@deveraun_seraun: “Ai miei fratelli, ho cercato di sopravvivere però ho fallito. Perdonatemi. Ai miei amici, è stata un'esperienza tr… - 5 years ago

@AntonellaChessa: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Elio561: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@AtiqKhalidCh: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Hanna0076: RT @_thenode: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017 #سارة_حجازي… - 5 years ago

@PiBra2014: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@ALLBECOMESROSES: RT @pigtwt: tw// This is Sarah Hegazi. She attended a concert in 2017 where she raised a pride flag then got imprisoned, tortured, physica… - 5 years ago

@entvinyl: RT @pigtwt: tw// This is Sarah Hegazi. She attended a concert in 2017 where she raised a pride flag then got imprisoned, tortured, physica… - 5 years ago

@bornandrazed_r: R.I.P Sarah Hegazi, an egyptian girl and LGBT activist who committed suicide yesterday in Canada where she escaped… - 5 years ago

@BlackAfri: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@wilbursblade: RT @pigtwt: tw// This is Sarah Hegazi. She attended a concert in 2017 where she raised a pride flag then got imprisoned, tortured, physica… - 5 years ago

@sean_c_lee: RT @maitelsadany: From a candlelight vigil in Beirut, Lebanon in remembrance of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. O… - 5 years ago

@bonito_monito: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@caarlosgg_: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@chiar9: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@Falisterio: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@Rosa_vint: RT @eucromia: Il cielo è più bello della terra! E io voglio il cielo e non la terra. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@palombo_rossana: RT @iHeartJamul: so much for Om el Donya that couldn't hold Sarah Hegazi when she needed her the most... #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@YukihiraDiego: RT @SoyHomosensual: La encarcelaron, torturaron y marcaron de por vida. 😭 Ojalá que su carta de despedida ayude a crear conciencia. Descans… - 5 years ago

@chiar9: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@federicolzz: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@_MrWolf_: RT @Radicali: Nelle stesse ore in cui Corte Suprema USA ha stabilito che nessuno può essere licenziato per il proprio orientamento sessuale… - 5 years ago

@ReManuLulu: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@GodComplex19: Sarah Hegazi, Mısır'da bir konser esnasında Gökkuşağı Bayrağı açması dolayısıyla 2017 yılından beri cezaevindeydi.… - 5 years ago

@muskhairallah: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@lalla_yuyu: omg im heartbroken i just found out abt sarah hegazi’s suicide :( - 5 years ago

@Jcharlie96: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@ORHamilton: RT @maitelsadany: From a candlelight vigil in Beirut, Lebanon in remembrance of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. O… - 5 years ago

@FCamachoC: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@fMRI_guy: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Paatrii_21: RT @rubenlodi: Sarah Hegazi, activista por los derechos humanos en Egipto, muy conocida por llevar una bandera arcoíris en un concierto en… - 5 years ago

@donotwriteback1: RT @MiddleEastEye: ‘Egypt failed her’: LGBTQ activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma - 5 years ago

@Psi_HectorCleme: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@chiotchiot1: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@MPKOBC: RT @JarekKociszewsk: Sarah Hegazi, egipska aktywistka LGBT odebrała sobie życie. Na koncercie w Kairze w 2017 miała tęczową flagę. Za to 3… - 5 years ago

@cristinagrazio5: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@GayArtists: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@Vll38i: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@JKeuphoria_mx: RT @SoyHomosensual: La encarcelaron, torturaron y marcaron de por vida. 😭 Ojalá que su carta de despedida ayude a crear conciencia. Descans… - 5 years ago

@AmeliaA24520599: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Marcotweeet: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@LimooTorshQueen: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@mrs_marplem: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@MaisSalman9: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@speleodori: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@mespanolescofet: RT @maitelsadany: From a candlelight vigil in Beirut, Lebanon in remembrance of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. O… - 5 years ago

@rucassa: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Cairo67Unedited: RT @maitelsadany: From a candlelight vigil in Beirut, Lebanon in remembrance of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. O… - 5 years ago

@Obi1K2: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@speleodori: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@MicheleDDunne: RT @maitelsadany: From a candlelight vigil in Beirut, Lebanon in remembrance of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi. O… - 5 years ago

@AngeloR54671811: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@JolaMonikaS: RT @JarekKociszewsk: Sarah Hegazi, egipska aktywistka LGBT odebrała sobie życie. Na koncercie w Kairze w 2017 miała tęczową flagę. Za to 3… - 5 years ago

@pikahie_: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@IsmailMaya: Infront of the Egyptian Embassy in Beirut - lighting candles for Sarah Hegazi 🏳️‍🌈💕 - 5 years ago

@mustafa_mamay: Yaşamına son veren Sarah Hegazi'den “kardeşlerime, hayatta kalmaya çalıştım ve başarısız oldum, affet beni. Arka… - 5 years ago

@sosnow723: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@YasmineZohdi: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@PhilDaPayne: RT @Radicali: Nelle stesse ore in cui Corte Suprema USA ha stabilito che nessuno può essere licenziato per il proprio orientamento sessuale… - 5 years ago

@0l0s0b0w: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017.… - 5 years ago

@FACSAria: RT @RosalineElbay: The loss of Sarah Hegazi is horrifying. - 5 years ago

@prendilacosi: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@AGreenAutumn: She faced homophobia from every angle and still did amazing things. I never knew her but she was a leftist, a lesbi… - 5 years ago

@MiddleEastEye: “I suffered from severe depression, PTSD, tension, anxiety and panic attacks, with electroconvulsive therapy that l… - 5 years ago

@SrtaRitaL: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@lyx_vi: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@fafiore: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@eucromia: Il cielo è più bello della terra! E io voglio il cielo e non la terra. Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@3hree6ix5ive_: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@alayneslady: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@Clotild75026688: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@ankit_g92: RT @erinlwilliams18: In her memory... "I remember her saying 'I never felt so alive as during the revolution.' In her honor, and to fulfil… - 5 years ago

@cloudywithsol: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@waltb31: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@nour_shh: RT @nadashaheen35: On the right is a pic of Sarah hegazi 5 years ago,the picture in the middle is 3 years ago when she took her hijab off f… - 5 years ago

@Meowdip: RT @RosalineElbay: The loss of Sarah Hegazi is horrifying. - 5 years ago

@thewordsaremaps: RT @RosalineElbay: The loss of Sarah Hegazi is horrifying. - 5 years ago

@michaela_paech: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@Mabagi: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@EmilianoMaveri: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@FairOlof: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@francirisso: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@GDeStefano11: Egyptian Lesbian Activist, Sarah Hegazi, Remembered - 5 years ago

@FPuncic: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@transpawsitive: RT @NashHadad: TW: suicide . . . . Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBT activist who was jailed and assaulted for raising the rainbow flag in… - 5 years ago

@ignaziobennardo: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@AhmedTarek_: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@Re_Lalla: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@SatramValasai1: Sarah Hegazi, commited sucide in Canada. These were her last words: "To my siblings, I tried to survive but I fa… - 5 years ago

@oabiose: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@Giulia06231050: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@btaskaya: Yaşamına son veren Sarah Hegazi'den dünyaya not: "Çok acımasızdın" - 5 years ago

@ginaancora: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@FrancescaLaroc: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@PBrenon: RT @nicolasgregoire: En 2017, l'Egyptienne Sarah Hegazi déploie un drapeau LGBT pendant un concert. Elle est arrêtée, humiliée, exilée. Sy… - 5 years ago

@ricmontagnin: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@RETROJIN: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@_critic10_: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #Egyptian #LGBT activist found dead in Canada, the country she found asylum in after being tortured in #Cairo. https:… - 5 years ago

@Agenzia_Dire: #Egitto, si suicida l’attivista #SarahHegazi: arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno. - 5 years ago

@amalghamlooch: The world keeps on failing those who never deserve it. Rest in power Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@eripetemorae: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@eripetemorae: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@reylc: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #Egyptian #LGBT activist found dead in Canada, the country she found asylum in after being tortured in #Cairo. https:… - 5 years ago

@FMartina1: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@Elliot___96: "To the world, you were unbelievably cruel, but I forgive." From Sarah Hegazi's suicide note. - 5 years ago

@amalghamlooch: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@lantifragile: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@Mihura79: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@AmirFirus: RT @Jerusalem_Post: #Egyptian #LGBT activist found dead in Canada, the country she found asylum in after being tortured in #Cairo. https:… - 5 years ago

@7ennawyy: RT @blakescvlt: - 5 years ago

@Dusty_48: They arrested her for raising the rainbow flag & subjected her to physical & psychological torture for being gay fo… - 5 years ago

@LucianadArcang1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@MeerNohrii: Sarah Hegazi Egyptian communist, defending LGBT rights, commited sucide in Canada. her last words to siblings, I… - 5 years ago

@lightsengineer: @jack Is there any kind of censorship on twitter for content in Arabic? Yesterday I was shocked by hateful people… - 5 years ago

@silmaga76: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@syafiq_aimannnn: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@megatrawn_: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: #Egyptian #LGBT activist found dead in Canada, the country she found asylum in after being tortured in #Cairo. - 5 years ago

@blakescvlt: - 5 years ago

@takezokensei4: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@SelenaM69722389: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@EricDelerue: #Egitto, attivista Lgbt Sarah #Hegazi suicida dopo gli abusi subiti #Zaky #Regeni - 5 years ago

@demi_dori: RT @NashHadad: TW: suicide . . . . Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBT activist who was jailed and assaulted for raising the rainbow flag in… - 5 years ago

@malberizzi: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@bumblebike: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@DamiLlamaa: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@jxgiuliano: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@albeggiava52: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@Tatienz: "To my siblings, I tried to survive and I failed, forgive me. To my friends, the experience was cruel and I'm too w… - 5 years ago

@AngelaSquitee: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@AhmedMaherBBC: We struggle in silence, don't ask for help. Might be ego or just being shy. I had a trauma and escaped from the tru… - 5 years ago

@profanitylab: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@gidingayri: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@billie_aquaphor: RT @hurrybil: i am truly heartbroken. nobody ever deserves to go through this shit, let alone it being for her expressing her true self. im… - 5 years ago

@seayceeeilish: RT @hurrybil: i am truly heartbroken. nobody ever deserves to go through this shit, let alone it being for her expressing her true self. im… - 5 years ago

@Sunnyeverynight: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@QueerLapis: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@GDeStefano11: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@AlbertoCannijo: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@MdShahi09675407: RT @MiddleEastEye: ‘Egypt failed her’: LGBTQ activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma - 5 years ago

@zarab3shr: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@_pardon__: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@hurrybil: i am truly heartbroken. nobody ever deserves to go through this shit, let alone it being for her expressing her tru… - 5 years ago

@_emilyhawley: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@Acamilin: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@AntoAndreoni: RT @HuffPostItalia: Si suicida Sarah Hegazi, l'attività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - 5 years ago

@SilvanaCasarini: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@ElPipo93328522: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@SilvanaCasarini: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@chiaraintiso: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@notzahara: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@InesGil__: RT @MiddleEastEye: ‘Egypt failed her’: LGBTQ activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma - 5 years ago

@TOSADORIDANIELA: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@PalestineHouse: RT @springmagca: We are deeply saddened to announce the death of our comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi. In her honour, and to fulfill our own s… - 5 years ago

@oablito: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@alabianca3: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@tomber50: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@sarahdfadel: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@FATHERFlGURE: i’m seeing this happening right now so, to my knowledge, sarah hegazi was a lesbian. why are you all calling her qu… - 5 years ago

@sferriam: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@ElshamiHilal: - 5 years ago

@CarlaGigia: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Saturnino69: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Lellasilvi: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@60diamante: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@albi2103: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@MardanBasim: RT @MiddleEastEye: ‘Egypt failed her’: LGBTQ activist kills herself in Canada after suffering post-prison trauma - 5 years ago

@janaelwardany: RT @dearlanaaa: sarah hegazi was an amazing woman. she was an activist and spoke her truth. she spoke againt injustice and opression. if yo… - 5 years ago

@Piergiulio58: Si suicida Sarah Hegazi, l'attività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno. - 5 years ago

@AnnaFranzoso: Egitto, attivista Lgbt suicida dopo gli abusi subiti. (Sarah Hegazi era stata arrestata nel 2017 per aver alzato la… - 5 years ago

@BrunetRoser: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@iHeartJamul: has there been a reaction from the international/Western LGBT+ community or organizations concerning Sarah Hegazi? legit asking - 5 years ago

@migliio: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@JustDeindre: Sarah Hegazi aveva 27 anni quando è stata arrestata per aver sollevato una bandiera arcobaleno a un concerto in Egi… - 5 years ago

@FlavioSP56: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Rapha47634881: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@angelinesyague: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@maryguardacose: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@chicapinup: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@giorgioAfichera: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@algorytmo: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@longueron76: RT @EuprepioPadula: LAS NOTICIAS QUE NADIE DA: Sarah Hegazi se ha suicidado. Había sido arrestada en 2017 por haber levantado la bandera ar… - 5 years ago

@zoyascrown: RT @gunspilots: Sarah Hegazi was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for 3 months after flying a rainbow flag at a 2017 Mashrou' Lei… - 5 years ago

@NeleTabler: RT @glr_berlin: Im Sept. 2017 spielt die progressive liban. Indie-Band MashrouLeila in #Kairo. Sarah Hegazi schwenkt eine Regenbogenfahne.… - 5 years ago

@fepacheco: Por mais bonita que seja a mensagem, não foi o que aconteceu com Sarah Hegazi, que em três meses de prisão foi mal… - 5 years ago

@comma_23: Thowra mustamira Sarah rafeqa 🖤 #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@Daniela32693112: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@MazzaliVanna: RT @paoloigna1: Momenti tragici Si suicida Sarah Hegazi, l'attività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - 5 years ago

@RiteshJes: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@Rob_AR: El día de ayer Sarah Hegazi se quitó la vida. Tras alzar una bandera de arcoíris en un concierto de Mashou’ Leila e… - 5 years ago

@Ibu_Ala_Ina98: “Within minutes of meeting Sarah at Toronto’s Workers’ Action Centre, she declared to me “I am a communist.” She h… - 5 years ago

@vinvolt00: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@SusannaCamusso: RT @paoloigna1: Momenti tragici Si suicida Sarah Hegazi, l'attività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - 5 years ago

@pisco_luisa: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@wissal_royani: @m7amad_al3alawi RIP Sarah Hegazi ❤️🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@TizianaRusso_it: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@akaltun21: RT @yeniyasamgazete: Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti yaşamına son verdi Mısır’da bir konserde gökkuşağı bayrağı taşıdığı için tutuklanan, işkence… - 5 years ago

@LughiFra: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@emogasss: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@realunowen: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@theefavourite: RT @gunspilots: Sarah Hegazi was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for 3 months after flying a rainbow flag at a 2017 Mashrou' Lei… - 5 years ago

@ghostinhorny: @demissunflower im sorry all i got was sarah hegazy not hegazi and it's affecting me badly - 5 years ago

@franklinotoole: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@IlariaFerrari13: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@AncoraGiusy: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@ShaharaMuttiah: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@ShaharaMuttiah: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@manuelmezav: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@MaxCudera: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@demissunflower: @ghostinhorny for anyone who wants to research this, her name spelled correctly is sarah hegazi - 5 years ago

@GeertPlas: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@OmNico72: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@NatashaLHM: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@spighissimo: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@cardinaleriche1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@solounastella: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@wallabee10: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@LucaPinotti1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@candaceshaw: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@zazoomblog: Si suicida Sarah Hegazi lattività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - #suicida #Sarah #Hegazi… - 5 years ago

@yuna_hikari: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@Borg123holm: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@MlRRORFOREVER: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Makedni: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@yuna_hikari: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Sulserio1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@elespaterlini1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@FrecklesXX20: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@koalasornione: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@saramagg_: RT @Iperbole_: Sarah Hegazi, attivista LGBT arrestata e torturata per aver esposto una bandiera arcobaleno durante un concerto (in foto), s… - 5 years ago

@max1969s: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@dishwash_expert: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@chloee_eu1: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@chanudaro: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@khaledcheibi: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@chansondada: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@CTrentham88: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@FortitudeMP: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@blivande: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@kimba1970: RT @Iperbole_: Sarah Hegazi, attivista LGBT arrestata e torturata per aver esposto una bandiera arcobaleno durante un concerto (in foto), s… - 5 years ago

@MayordomoAlbert: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@dancinginshado: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@MaradeBonis: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@xebatkar1917: RT @yeniyasamgazete: Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti yaşamına son verdi Mısır’da bir konserde gökkuşağı bayrağı taşıdığı için tutuklanan, işkence… - 5 years ago

@fra_bis: RT @Iperbole_: Sarah Hegazi, attivista LGBT arrestata e torturata per aver esposto una bandiera arcobaleno durante un concerto (in foto), s… - 5 years ago

@yeniyasamgazete: Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti yaşamına son verdi Mısır’da bir konserde gökkuşağı bayrağı taşıdığı için tutuklanan, işke… - 5 years ago

@liveshiv: RT @priyadesai: Joyita had done the interview and produced the story. It still didn’t go to air. Sarah Hegazi bared her soul and trauma, t… - 5 years ago

@card_letty: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@mixosaurus: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@bfry1981: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@spooniebard: RT @Moudhy: “I was declaring myself in a society which hates all that is different from the norm” Rest in Power, Sarah Hegazi ❤️ - 5 years ago

@LeonardoMuti: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@FrancescoCretti: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Simosedda: RT @robertosaviano: Nei sei mesi di carcere, Sarah Hegazi è stata picchiata, torturata, stuprata con l’accusa di propagare idee “immorali”.… - 5 years ago

@eumill: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@nicolettagiust1: RT @Iperbole_: Sarah Hegazi, attivista LGBT arrestata e torturata per aver esposto una bandiera arcobaleno durante un concerto (in foto), s… - 5 years ago

@kinggeorges27: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@M4xi3rrant: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@RiccFerrigato: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@sillwho: RT @Iperbole_: Sarah Hegazi, attivista LGBT arrestata e torturata per aver esposto una bandiera arcobaleno durante un concerto (in foto), s… - 5 years ago

@tripps42: RT @Iperbole_: Sarah Hegazi, attivista LGBT arrestata e torturata per aver esposto una bandiera arcobaleno durante un concerto (in foto), s… - 5 years ago

@LioMatt: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@omertrn140: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@BarbaraPerucca: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@laura_dolcetti: RT @Iperbole_: Sarah Hegazi, attivista LGBT arrestata e torturata per aver esposto una bandiera arcobaleno durante un concerto (in foto), s… - 5 years ago

@euridice110: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Xian__Xing: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@hoil_olivia: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Annathelion: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Iperbole_: Sarah Hegazi, attivista LGBT arrestata e torturata per aver esposto una bandiera arcobaleno durante un concerto (in… - 5 years ago

@athila: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@onthemove247: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@ketelodicoafa: RT @robertosaviano: “Il viaggio è stato duro e sono troppo debole per resistere.” Si è suicidata Sarah Hegazi, attivista egiziana per i di… - 5 years ago

@Zulaila82153837: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@Pbstrd: RT @MChatelin: La militante egyptienne Sarah Hegazi avait été arrêtée en 2017 après avoir tenu un rainbow flag lors d'un concert au Caire.… - 5 years ago

@LyaIssa: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@geminiimatt: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@Swedtraders: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@bifincancay: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@yelb11: RT @glr_berlin: Im Sept. 2017 spielt die progressive liban. Indie-Band MashrouLeila in #Kairo. Sarah Hegazi schwenkt eine Regenbogenfahne.… - 5 years ago

@zazoomnews: Si suicida Sarah Hegazi lattivit&agrave; lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - #suicida #Sarah… - 5 years ago

@holadestinie: RT @AmyWithAWhy: Their name is Sarah Hegazi. They are a friends sister. Please go and read about their incredible life. - 5 years ago

@pradier_marc: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@AlanConfesson: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@Barocchio: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@JackieDuf: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@Leenaelrefaey: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@chammi91: the idea that my LGBT friends could hurt themselves makes me sad and terrifies me. I love my friends for who they a… - 5 years ago

@Asmagaber0: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@eugenia_tuitter: RT @fanpage: Sarah Hegazi si è tolta la vita dopo aver lasciato un biglietto carico di dolore #lgbt #Egitto - 5 years ago

@saramikkka: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@Weatherboy_fr: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@awillats: RT @springmagca: We are deeply saddened to announce the death of our comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi. In her honour, and to fulfill our own s… - 5 years ago

@lnaberkaoui: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@OzgurKadinDay: Queer feminist aktivist #SarahHegazi 2017 yılında Kahire’de gittiği bir konserde LGBTİQ+ bayrağı açtığı için gözalt… - 5 years ago

@labnehwzeit: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@Bacharelhalabi: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@anilorac333: rest in power Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@patsduckx: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@Mathenge_Faith: RT @Ngunu_: From the ones we know such as Sushant Singh Rajput and Sarah Hegazi to the countless others we don't know 😭😭 it's been a reall… - 5 years ago

@Paleo_Sally: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@xsherinee: RT @umploopy: Please educate yourself about Sarah Hegazi, a queer Egyptian activist who tragically took her own life yesterday. She was f… - 5 years ago

@piahMaria: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@CITGny: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@elziba2: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@anna_belle_f: RT @HuffPostItalia: Si suicida Sarah Hegazi, l'attività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - 5 years ago

@_zeinaelmasry: It’s unbelievable how disgusting and inhumane the comments are on Sarah Hegazi’s posts. How do they not realize tha… - 5 years ago

@bercemaycicek: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@madditxu: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@nrrz_: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@cleanoutsold13: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@VillageFederal: RT @nicolasgregoire: En 2017, l'Egyptienne Sarah Hegazi déploie un drapeau LGBT pendant un concert. Elle est arrêtée, humiliée, exilée. Sy… - 5 years ago

@ChrisAlexis2188: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@lauracdean: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@nat_lern: RT @degendering: Woke up crying for Oluwatoyin Salau, Chantel Moore, and Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@Faizan_Imaan: RT @Ibzor: #SarahHegazi was a #Queer activist arrested after displaying a #Pride flag publicly. Few of us knew of her in life because she w… - 5 years ago

@bobocendre: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@TeaCups94: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@Chafia22397232: RT @nicolasgregoire: En 2017, l'Egyptienne Sarah Hegazi déploie un drapeau LGBT pendant un concert. Elle est arrêtée, humiliée, exilée. Sy… - 5 years ago

@Panic_and_Janet: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@SohaBayoumi: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@Panic_and_Janet: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@TDucats: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@girolles36: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@kedimocha: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@joyachii: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@_Karungi__: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@Stormtrooper528: RT @HuffPostItalia: Si suicida Sarah Hegazi, l'attività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - 5 years ago

@DanielaPF75: RT @HuffPostItalia: Si suicida Sarah Hegazi, l'attività lesbica egiziana arrestata per una bandiera arcobaleno - 5 years ago

@KWEZI__: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@_Cavana: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@MonicaMoka79: RT @fanpage: Sarah Hegazi si è tolta la vita dopo aver lasciato un biglietto carico di dolore #lgbt #Egitto - 5 years ago

@katiekoomomkat: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@spiritcrow94: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@Rbrbtz: RT @89xnl92gm81v17l: Sarah HegaziというエジプトのLGBT活動家(レズビアン)&女性人権活動家が、カイロのデモ?で逮捕?拘束?されたあと性的虐待を受け、ついに自殺してしまったらしい(情報がちゃんと見つかってなくて曖昧) - 5 years ago

@Gazi96393823: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@cullenbaba: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@miriamsdivacup: RT @degendering: Woke up crying for Oluwatoyin Salau, Chantel Moore, and Sarah Hegazi. - 5 years ago

@paulafay58: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@soodandansoo: RT @umploopy: Please educate yourself about Sarah Hegazi, a queer Egyptian activist who tragically took her own life yesterday. She was f… - 5 years ago

@naouess: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@MikaelZenouda: RT @MChatelin: La militante egyptienne Sarah Hegazi avait été arrêtée en 2017 après avoir tenu un rainbow flag lors d'un concert au Caire.… - 5 years ago

@DavidLance3: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@DavidLance3: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@DavidLance3: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@dtzb: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@getawaycarey: RT @bruhenjamin: Their name, as mention in the thread, was Sarah Hegazi. They were an Egyptian who fled to Toronto after raising a Pride fl… - 5 years ago

@jazele_: RT @AmyWithAWhy: Their name is Sarah Hegazi. They are a friends sister. Please go and read about their incredible life. - 5 years ago

@Asahinohoshii: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@Nuria_G_M: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@odeliabay: RT @elsaasce: This is a beautiful tribute. Our tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@ValbertP: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@Ibzor: #SarahHegazi was a #Queer activist arrested after displaying a #Pride flag publicly. Few of us knew of her in life… - 5 years ago

@DebbyDeb84: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@claudiarey3113: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@elsaasce: This is a beautiful tribute. Our tribute to comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@ElleAndraWarner: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@tramparing: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@friziefruz: RT @flowerystark: tw suicide i don’t see anyone talking about it on my tl so pls read. Sarah Hegazi is a proud Gay Egyptian and human ri… - 5 years ago

@_denelis: RT @loverofbrie: thinking about sarah hegazi with a heavy heart, there are only so many openly gay and queer arabs for one to look up to an… - 5 years ago

@FiodorNabocop: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@FrenchieSam_: I'm shook by the death by suicide of Sarah Hegazi who's only "crime" was to show up with a rainbow flag at a concer… - 5 years ago

@Sidoras_: RT @Benji_tzs: Sarah Hegazi decidió quitarse la vida ayer. Sufría transtorno de estrés postraumático debido a los tres meses de vejaciones… - 5 years ago

@IreneMossa: RT @tinymovingfvrts: "To the world, you were cruel to a great extent, but I forgive."- Sarah hegazi. 💔 For waving a pride flag, she was a… - 5 years ago

@IreneMossa: RT @Renee_Dixson: Yesterday Sarah Hegazi took her own life in Canada. She was imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for waving the rainbow flag… - 5 years ago

@IreneMossa: RT @BridgesofloveA: Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian, Canada based LGBT activist known for waving a pride flag during a concert in queer- intoler… - 5 years ago

@gunspilots: Sarah Hegazi was arrested, imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for 3 months after flying a rainbow flag at a 2017 Mash… - 5 years ago

@meztliunchained: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@fanivs: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@88klouds: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@LexDupuis: RT @AmyWithAWhy: Their name is Sarah Hegazi. They are a friends sister. Please go and read about their incredible life. - 5 years ago

@88klouds: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@ericalenti: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@ElectroGatoo: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@arielleps: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@yyoonncc: RT @umploopy: Please educate yourself about Sarah Hegazi, a queer Egyptian activist who tragically took her own life yesterday. She was f… - 5 years ago

@Rukenoool1: RT @GazeteKarinca: Bir konser esnasında gökkuşağı bayrağı kaldırdığı için tutuklanmış, işkence görmüş, cinsel saldırıya uğrmıştı. Gittiği K… - 5 years ago

@LafeeBabouchka: RT @nicolasgregoire: En 2017, l'Egyptienne Sarah Hegazi déploie un drapeau LGBT pendant un concert. Elle est arrêtée, humiliée, exilée. Sy… - 5 years ago

@javycor: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@notyetbtch: “The sky is more beautiful than the earth. I want the sky, not the earth.” — Sarah Hegazi Rest in peace :( #SaraHegazy - 5 years ago

@maggie_cummings: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@__CarlaK: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@IAhmedSalah8: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@charlysgalaxy: RT @MChatelin: La militante egyptienne Sarah Hegazi avait été arrêtée en 2017 après avoir tenu un rainbow flag lors d'un concert au Caire.… - 5 years ago

@Hragy: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@LangletDominiq2: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@zoloft_12: Sarah Hegazi. 💔 - 5 years ago

@DarkCountry4: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@gujansen: RT @AnahitahH: #سارة_حجازي Sarah Hegazi an Egyptian socialist and LGBT activist, has taken her own life whilst living in exile in Canada I… - 5 years ago

@rowanredsky: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@NosedaV: RT @EuroLesbianCon: « The Egyptian authorities in September, 2017 arrested Sarah Hegazi over raising the pride flag in a concert in Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@ldarcangeli: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@talentosprecato: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@Ngunu_: From the ones we know such as Sushant Singh Rajput and Sarah Hegazi to the countless others we don't know 😭😭 it's… - 5 years ago

@JORGIEMATHEW: If you are curious and want to know more about a very trending topic on internet ,search Sarah Hegazi. #Sarah Hegaz… - 5 years ago

@Portvakten: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@Mustafa29025984: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@BergamaSes: RT @ekmekvegul: “Kardeşlerime, hayatta kalmaya çalıştım ve başarısız oldum, affet beni. Arkadaşlarıma, deneyim acımasızdı ve ona karşı k… - 5 years ago

@hugosocorro: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@44mesude: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@Sta_Brisby: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@youmnom_: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@KinastLalo: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@reshminair: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@cellinibasri: RT @umploopy: Please educate yourself about Sarah Hegazi, a queer Egyptian activist who tragically took her own life yesterday. She was f… - 5 years ago

@luchi_pitipoto: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@clarazamora96: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@rowanredsky: RT @RosalineElbay: The loss of Sarah Hegazi is horrifying. - 5 years ago

@heysandro02: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@WhiteSq68442786: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@CrosisNeptune: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@GuilleFav: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@juliakabullia: RT @AmyWithAWhy: Their name is Sarah Hegazi. They are a friends sister. Please go and read about their incredible life. - 5 years ago

@umploopy: Please educate yourself about Sarah Hegazi, a queer Egyptian activist who tragically took her own life yesterday.… - 5 years ago

@fjaviersantosm: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@Tulling8: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@gbrew24: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@ennaoop: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@tacoda00: RT @ArielimndaM: “The sky is more beautiful than the earth. I want the sky, not the earth.” — Sarah Hegazi🌈 Rest in Power! SAY HER NAME!!… - 5 years ago

@jenkitoko: *Sarah Hegazi died by suicide. I’m using murdered here also because by not providing her with support, safety and m… - 5 years ago

@Madeline_McNair: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@LBuixadera: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@losingthemoon_: RT @itsphoebebuffay: every time I see pictures of sarah hegazi smiling my heart breaks....bigotry and oppression killed her soul - 5 years ago

@payne_me8: RT @nicolasgregoire: En 2017, l'Egyptienne Sarah Hegazi déploie un drapeau LGBT pendant un concert. Elle est arrêtée, humiliée, exilée. Sy… - 5 years ago

@H4Hesh: @Mond_Black @sama_hx2 Staying silent isn’t a form of complicit support. Ppl can choose not to speak up for a variet… - 5 years ago

@kaydee_swizz: RT @Renee_Dixson: Yesterday Sarah Hegazi took her own life in Canada. She was imprisoned and tortured in Egypt for waving the rainbow flag… - 5 years ago

@noabdsha: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@lunadelmoral: RT @Benji_tzs: Sarah Hegazi decidió quitarse la vida ayer. Sufría transtorno de estrés postraumático debido a los tres meses de vejaciones… - 5 years ago

@GnsCn87: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@ElisaJohansson: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@Emythat: It was decent of @scottlong1980 to talk about Sarah Hegazi and offer support, but where is the rest of the internat… - 5 years ago

@SBoustany: RT @gravejonesmusic: You guys probably know how allergic I am to online activism and hashtags, to hopping on the bandwagon of a different c… - 5 years ago

@vuralfrat21: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@Caamiuch: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@AyugiWendy: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@mahmouddallam: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@minusval2000: El pasado día 13 de junio se suicidó Sarah Hegazi, la activista egipcia que sufrió torturas por exhibir una bandera… - 5 years ago

@DrDSanghavi: Sarah Hegazi, RIP. I am heartbroken. @netshrink: Any ideas on how we destigmatise love? - 5 years ago

@AitziArri: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@1337spork: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@NN_Emmanuels: RT @coconutflakes_: Sarah Hegazi was a beautiful, vibrant young woman whose only crime was trying to be herself (by just WAVING a fucking r… - 5 years ago

@debraweber5: RT @HumHum83: “The sky is more beautiful than the earth. I want the sky, not the earth.” — Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@NN_Emmanuels: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@yarvic: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@socunagat4: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@ReemElbeshbeshy: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@Wikifo: Sarah Hegazi is trending on Wikipedia with 23 edits from 6 contributors. Read more: - 5 years ago

@robbbbbbbd: if i see one more sarah hegazi post 7a ebke - 5 years ago

@Jonaxnord: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@pensiveparadox: RT @jenkitoko: Toyin Salau was murdered at the hands of someone within her community. She seeked a world where she and others could have fr… - 5 years ago

@tipsy_mermaid: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@_behive__: RT @freedac95: i’m so angry reading the news abt sarah hegazi. how many of our lgbt+ brothers/ sisters/ siblings do we have to lose until y… - 5 years ago

@tipsy_mermaid: Wasn’t Sarah Hegazi a lesbian? Why are y’all calling her q*eer - 5 years ago

@HashtagKatlego: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@lelecg22: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@DrDSanghavi: Omg! Sarah Hegazi has died of suicide! I am so heartbroken! Why do we tolerate people holding guns over eachother's… - 5 years ago

@rose_zoomiessss: RT @NashHadad: TW: suicide . . . . Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBT activist who was jailed and assaulted for raising the rainbow flag in… - 5 years ago

@iHeartJamul: so much for Om el Donya that couldn't hold Sarah Hegazi when she needed her the most... #SarahHegazi - 5 years ago

@OzzytheOcicat: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@MrThom12: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@xili_duran: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@nathanflachaire: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@ZaleskiLuke: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@marilusegunch: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@SanjoyRoyTWA: RT @parthosengupta: “I tried to survive and I failed.” - Sarah Hegazi, Egyptian LGBT rights activist dies by suicide in Canada 🙁 - 5 years ago

@proyectolabrys: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@Gueguen18503911: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@flare_light_8: RT @MChatelin: La militante egyptienne Sarah Hegazi avait été arrêtée en 2017 après avoir tenu un rainbow flag lors d'un concert au Caire.… - 5 years ago

@mutperest: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@Alexblack7777: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@Macagiara: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@myhand__: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@probin2374: RT @parthosengupta: “I tried to survive and I failed.” - Sarah Hegazi, Egyptian LGBT rights activist dies by suicide in Canada 🙁 - 5 years ago

@soloemoloemo: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@QTIPOC_NATION: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@JamesWJCain: Heartbreaking to hear that Sarah Hegazi has taken her own life. May her brave, bold and badass gesture fuel the fig… - 5 years ago

@bellmanNo82: RT @ceciliauddenm: Heartbreaking tragedy. Sarah Hegazi has ended her life.A beautiful human being who was arrested for waving the rainbow f… - 5 years ago

@vallejo_marta: si Pedro Lemebel visqués, avui li dedicaria el "Aquí está mi cara / hablo por mi diferencia / defiendo lo que soy /… - 5 years ago

@gondioc451: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@PatrickThevenin: RT @MChatelin: La militante egyptienne Sarah Hegazi avait été arrêtée en 2017 après avoir tenu un rainbow flag lors d'un concert au Caire.… - 5 years ago

@IAmSudhirMishra: RT @parthosengupta: “I tried to survive and I failed.” - Sarah Hegazi, Egyptian LGBT rights activist dies by suicide in Canada 🙁 - 5 years ago

@thatidomagirl: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian communist and human rights activist known for defending the LGBT rights, is believed to have t… - 5 years ago

@MChatelin: La militante egyptienne Sarah Hegazi avait été arrêtée en 2017 après avoir tenu un rainbow flag lors d'un concert a… - 5 years ago

@alaingresh: RT @TheBigPharaoh: 🏳️‍🌈 To Sarah Hegazi. Egyptian LGBT activist who was arrested and assaulted after raising the rainbow flag in a concert… - 5 years ago

@AshKhayami: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@XVIIIIDGAF: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@lopezdominique2: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@sanchez_pepa: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@KHAN2705: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@ClancyReports: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@peter_hoges: RT @springmagca: We are deeply saddened to announce the death of our comrade/rafeqa Sarah Hegazi. In her honour, and to fulfill our own s… - 5 years ago

@MIPE34: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@LefaREVENGE: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@Itvan: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@Miss_InDeed: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@CindyNye1: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@SniPicS_: RT @angie8leo: RIP Sarah Hegazi, activiste égyptienne LGBT, communiste, arrêtée en 2017 pour avoir arboré publiquement le drapeau arc-en-ci… - 5 years ago

@forteller: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@maikiestudonc: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@fink_: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@tekaldas: RT @DHamamdjian: Tragic. Egyptian LGBT activist Sarah Hegazi, 30, dies by suicide. She sought refuge in Canada after being arrested & tortu… - 5 years ago

@tamar1606: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@bjorn_bjarneha: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@CarlesVallsB: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@zeeyyahh: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@habibmamaa: @killuaakunn Basically Sarah Hegazi a human right and LGBTQ activist killed herself yesterday after being imprisone… - 5 years ago

@zynp__ckr: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@roadsidepicnicc: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@txxstark: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@ParkerInsane: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@adazzlinglover: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@ThePissICallArt: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@savira_machrus: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@streamluver: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@sheerateam: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@NORMANDEALWINE: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@Ahmed_AlNawas: Niin surullista! Egyptiläinen Queer aktivisti Sarah Hegazi teki itsemurha maanpaaossa Kandassa. - 5 years ago

@sadmermaidss: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@PoeninKuzgunu: Yaşamına son veren Sarah Hegazi'den dünyaya not: "Çok acımasızdın" #SarahHegazy - 5 years ago

@Idrils: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@dinaasawi: Rest in power Sarah hegazi - 5 years ago

@danielepaletta: Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBTQ+ activist who was arrested and tortured for flying the Pride flag at a Mashrou L… - 5 years ago

@IreenanisSUP: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@kattaB4: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@monasterrr: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@danielepaletta: 🧵 / News had been awful enough this weekend (stripping people of their rights not to be discriminated in healthcare… - 5 years ago

@CaptnCaffeine: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@NSophiee_: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@minatwitts: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@sokids: RT @nicolasgregoire: En 2017, l'Egyptienne Sarah Hegazi déploie un drapeau LGBT pendant un concert. Elle est arrêtée, humiliée, exilée. Sy… - 5 years ago

@abidi_habibatn: RT @seldeeb: Sarah Hegazi - an #Egypt activist jailed for raising the rainbow flag in Cairo and living in exile in Canada- took her own lif… - 5 years ago

@LittlePeliverde: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@LEYLAOUFQIR: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@lucafagbalsa: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@UlrikaSkane: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@ManuelRguez3114: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@ahmadovichz: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@Madrumo: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@Larybs: RT @gravejonesmusic: You guys probably know how allergic I am to online activism and hashtags, to hopping on the bandwagon of a different c… - 5 years ago

@PONSAnnie5: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@mranESMER3: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@char_aznable13: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@YASMEN_GAD: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@BridgesofloveA: Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian, Canada based LGBT activist known for waving a pride flag during a concert in queer- int… - 5 years ago

@fannarchy: RT @DenisNzioka: Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian communist and human rights activist known for defending the LGBT rights, is believed to have tak… - 5 years ago

@fannarchy: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@newconxion: RT @ArielimndaM: “The sky is more beautiful than the earth. I want the sky, not the earth.” — Sarah Hegazi🌈 Rest in Power! SAY HER NAME!!… - 5 years ago

@lauraarduini: RT @LuciaSorbera: What a terrible loss! Rest in power, Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@ysherif7: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@lanawritesalot: RT @NashHadad: TW: suicide . . . . Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBT activist who was jailed and assaulted for raising the rainbow flag in… - 5 years ago

@ataskiran: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@FerdinandRo01: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@MumyWeasley: RT @Joyita_Sengupta: I found out this morning that Sarah Hegazi had passed and had likely taken her own life. She was by all definitions of… - 5 years ago

@Catreche: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@aba_setranah: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@ezel_evin: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@byzantinologue: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@residentharper: RT @jesuisharam: Sarah Hegazi’s death is just a reminder of how close people like us are into falling into hopelessness. Broken communities… - 5 years ago

@a______but: RT @thehaddaddy: sarah hegazi killed herself and they’re still attacking her after her death. these people have no faith in whatever religi… - 5 years ago

@dercorn: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@canpolataynur1: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@momoslopyane: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@LliurementUV: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@oktayurk: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@asmaabuzz: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@ann_horizon: RT @NashHadad: TW: suicide . . . . Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBT activist who was jailed and assaulted for raising the rainbow flag in… - 5 years ago

@karinmad1: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@chaensel: RT @glr_berlin: Im Sept. 2017 spielt die progressive liban. Indie-Band MashrouLeila in #Kairo. Sarah Hegazi schwenkt eine Regenbogenfahne.… - 5 years ago

@joseangeljarama: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@lmaocantwell: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@ESMirelle: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian communist and human rights activist known for defending the LGBT rights, is believed to have t… - 5 years ago

@ectrab: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@teej_the_joy: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@PantinInsoumise: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@FandeEmrys: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@AllisonLMcManus: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@AllisonLMcManus: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@marcchacon13: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@Alain92339183: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@blakkmolasse: RT @freedac95: i’m so angry reading the news abt sarah hegazi. how many of our lgbt+ brothers/ sisters/ siblings do we have to lose until y… - 5 years ago

@AtoriaPrim: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@sandoly: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@pandovstrochnis: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@al_scoop: RT @NashHadad: TW: suicide . . . . Sarah Hegazi was an Egyptian LGBT activist who was jailed and assaulted for raising the rainbow flag in… - 5 years ago

@FatmanurCete: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@SandraGomezMusi: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@kristenchick: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@pablocarrs: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@manelj_: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@anu_oluwaaa: RT @coconutflakes_: Sarah Hegazi was a beautiful, vibrant young woman whose only crime was trying to be herself (by just WAVING a fucking r… - 5 years ago

@safakerkol: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@Bintoudiarra15: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@kristenchick: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@SarabandeHaende: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@LossioJuan: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@monachollet: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@ShayneDoesTweet: RT @freedac95: i’m so angry reading the news abt sarah hegazi. how many of our lgbt+ brothers/ sisters/ siblings do we have to lose until y… - 5 years ago

@safakerkol: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@safakerkol: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@Miss_InDeed: RT @coconutflakes_: Sarah Hegazi was a beautiful, vibrant young woman whose only crime was trying to be herself (by just WAVING a fucking r… - 5 years ago

@HadesMate: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@PauuMolina7_RPM: RT @Benji_tzs: Sarah Hegazi decidió quitarse la vida ayer. Sufría transtorno de estrés postraumático debido a los tres meses de vejaciones… - 5 years ago

@HadesMate: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@YaaAsantewaaBa: RT @freedac95: i’m so angry reading the news abt sarah hegazi. how many of our lgbt+ brothers/ sisters/ siblings do we have to lose until y… - 5 years ago

@Ulrika28581091: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@_YoungJnr: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@_YoungJnr: RT @coconutflakes_: Sarah Hegazi was a beautiful, vibrant young woman whose only crime was trying to be herself (by just WAVING a fucking r… - 5 years ago

@BelkiBi19679635: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@Kayode_ani: RT @coconutflakes_: Sarah Hegazi was a beautiful, vibrant young woman whose only crime was trying to be herself (by just WAVING a fucking r… - 5 years ago

@AWestum: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@OhTimehin: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@OhTimehin: RT @coconutflakes_: Sarah Hegazi was a beautiful, vibrant young woman whose only crime was trying to be herself (by just WAVING a fucking r… - 5 years ago

@NodSam: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@OhTimehin: RT @freedac95: i’m so angry reading the news abt sarah hegazi. how many of our lgbt+ brothers/ sisters/ siblings do we have to lose until y… - 5 years ago

@ElizabethWoller: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@OhTimehin: RT @IamConfused404: This beautiful person commit suicide yesterday after posting that she choose the sky and that she does not like earth.… - 5 years ago

@pmguerrerotic: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@dimicIaude: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@OhTimehin: RT @EgyptTodayMag: Sarah Hegazi, an Egyptian communist and human rights activist known for defending the LGBT rights, is believed to have t… - 5 years ago

@postatmosphere: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@OhTimehin: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@elvan27820152: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@NoisesPink: RT @ekramibrahim: Sara Hegazi died because of her honesty. She died because our darkness is bigger than her truth. Her death is the lou… - 5 years ago

@Amr_ElMargoushy: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@fxnkls: RT @glr_berlin: Im Sept. 2017 spielt die progressive liban. Indie-Band MashrouLeila in #Kairo. Sarah Hegazi schwenkt eine Regenbogenfahne.… - 5 years ago

@powksa: RT @tekaldas: The deluge of names & numbers describing Egypt's overwhelming scale of repression can be numbing. We lose sight of the human… - 5 years ago

@zucuba1400: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@prtmafia: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@jawharji10: @LaurenJauregui Heyy Lauren,I've been following you for a long time and I know you stand with justice,Sarah Hegazi - 5 years ago

@glr_berlin: Im Sept. 2017 spielt die progressive liban. Indie-Band MashrouLeila in #Kairo. Sarah Hegazi schwenkt eine Regenboge… - 5 years ago

@tetoo_1981: RT @KhattabAsser: “Suicide is a homicide perpetrated by people who will never be condemned,” wrote Sarah Hegazi in her blog in 2017. “A who… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Sarah Hegazi - #SarahHegazi #Sarah #Hegazi #rip - 5 years ago

@middattia: kotr tafkeer el nas el ghalat fe mawdoo3 sarah hegazi arafny - 5 years ago

@Benji_tzs: Sarah Hegazi decidió quitarse la vida ayer. Sufría transtorno de estrés postraumático debido a los tres meses de ve… - 5 years ago

@alekiorovitz: RT @SomosMov: La activista egipcia y lesbiana Sarah Hegazi fue detenida y violentada por alzar la bandera LGBT en un concierto en El Cairo… - 5 years ago

@buraksari2012: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@HappyBI37253971: RT @nicolasgregoire: En 2017, l'Egyptienne Sarah Hegazi déploie un drapeau LGBT pendant un concert. Elle est arrêtée, humiliée, exilée. Sy… - 5 years ago

@ludvigstiernstr: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@Kareem_Seif: RT @nicolasgregoire: En 2017, l'Egyptienne Sarah Hegazi déploie un drapeau LGBT pendant un concert. Elle est arrêtée, humiliée, exilée. Sy… - 5 years ago

@VHennius: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@Mara1Dubois: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@bbyjackpot: RT @IgualdadLGBT: En el año 2017, la activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue agredida y detenida por izar la bandera arcoíris en un conc… - 5 years ago

@OysteinRunde: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@HabibaHassaan: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@khaledhaitham: RT @tekaldas: Sarah Hegazi dared to honestly be herself for a few moments For many in Egypt living safely requires living a lie. For those… - 5 years ago

@baphometciyan: RT @AnahitahH: #سارة_حجازي Sarah Hegazi an Egyptian socialist and LGBT activist, has taken her own life whilst living in exile in Canada I… - 5 years ago

@RYOSIMP: RT @maitelsadany: As we commemorate #Pride, heartshattering to learn the beautiful soul Sarah Hegazi has left us. Sarah had been detained… - 5 years ago

@KarinAbrahamss3: RT @JustLuai: Hej @gudschy, Detta är Sarah Hegazi från Egypten. En ung lesbisk skribent som tog sitt liv p.g.a muslimernas hat. Avskedsbr… - 5 years ago

@Xiaotujii: RT @maitelsadany: Looking through photos of Sarah Hegazi & reminded that she was an advocate for social justice in all of its forms. She sp… - 5 years ago

@RYOSIMP: RT @bigbootydjoodie: This cute little angel ended her life today. Her name is Sarah Hegazi, she’s an egyptain LGBT+ & woman’s rights activi… - 5 years ago

@diakonlena: RT @ceciliauddenm: Heartbreaking tragedy. Sarah Hegazi has ended her life.A beautiful human being who was arrested for waving the rainbow f… - 5 years ago

@PatrickSaez2: RT @AbirGhattas: Sarah Hegazi was imprisoned in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag in Cairo. She was held in solitary confinement, sexually as… - 5 years ago

@denizhatem: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

@TheobaltT: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@diezmikel_: RT @aminahekmet: La activista LGTB egipcia, Sarah Hegazi, fue arrestada y agredida por izar la bandera del 🏳️‍🌈en un concierto en El Cairo.… - 5 years ago

@_stan76_: RT @LachaudB: Bouleversant. Sarah #Hegazi, anticapitaliste et militante #LGBTQI des droits humains arrêtée en 2017 en #Egypte pour un drape… - 5 years ago

@nicolaslehe: RT @afroamazigh: Sarah Hegazi, activista #LGBTI se ha suicidado después de ser acosada, violada y encarcelada por ondear una bandera lgbt e… - 5 years ago

@EpochsThe: RT @GazeteKarinca: Yaşamına son veren Mısırlı LGBTİ aktivisti ve insan hakları savunucusu Sarah Hegazi’den dünyaya not: “Çok acımasızdın”… - 5 years ago

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