Sanpei Shirato

Japanese manga artist (Kamui)
Died on Tuesday October 26th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sanpei Shirato:

@LordNarvi: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@EvilPhantom: Manga Creator Brothers Sanpei Shirato, Tetsuji Okamoto Pass Away of Pneumonia 4 Days Apart - 3 years ago

@NerClea: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @ExpSaun @kWEENiePiez @Saitamagoated ffs HxH and Naruto started around at the same time, HxH in 98 and official Nar… - 3 years ago


@Jikorijo: RT @_gaijinguy_: I’m devastated to learn of Shirato Sanpei’s passing. He’s one creator I’ve always wanted to meet. I first bought his Kamui… - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @driedbutter Sasuke character is inspired by Sanpei Shirato's Sasuke (1960s), Koga Ninja Scrolls novel (1960s), Sar… - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @kWEENiePiez @Saitamagoated He's not a copy of Kurapika. His character is inspired by Sanpei Shirato's Sasuke (196… - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @sofrodriguez99 @ruin_crimson @SlasheerrKing Who tf said that. Sanpei Shirato's Sasuke (1960s), Sarutobi Sasuke ser… - 3 years ago

@Oliverg963: RT @ATOM_Magazine: Sanpei Shirato (1932-2021) 😪 - 3 years ago

@Rygar_ab: Leo que en octubre falleció Sanpei Shirato, autor del glorioso manga ninja Kamui. 😔 - 3 years ago

@KurtLaffreuxped: RT @Animeland_mag: Personnalité de la semaine : pionnier du gekiga, Sanpei Shirato est décédé à quelques jours d’écart de son frère, Tetsuj… - 3 years ago

@_NdJ_: RT @Animeland_mag: Personnalité de la semaine : pionnier du gekiga, Sanpei Shirato est décédé à quelques jours d’écart de son frère, Tetsuj… - 3 years ago

@Arkifix: RT @Animeland_mag: Personnalité de la semaine : pionnier du gekiga, Sanpei Shirato est décédé à quelques jours d’écart de son frère, Tetsuj… - 3 years ago

@Animeland_mag: Personnalité de la semaine : pionnier du gekiga, Sanpei Shirato est décédé à quelques jours d’écart de son frère, T… - 3 years ago

@aizuchi: RIP, sensei(-tachi) Manga Creator Brothers Sanpei Shirato, Tetsuji Okamoto Pass Away of Pneumonia 4 Days Apart - 3 years ago

@BaheRamon: RT @ferranidus: Mor Shirato Sanpei, autor dels manga més populars entre els moviments de l'esquerra radical dels convulsos anys 60 al Japó.… - 3 years ago

@afrikaner: RT @izquierdadiario: Adiós a Shirato Sanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal - 3 years ago

@izquierdadiario: Adiós a Shirato Sanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal - 3 years ago

@imagevulture: #SanpeiShirato #storyboard #storyboards #storyboarding #anime #manga storyboard artists this might interest you. M… - 3 years ago

@Devilishleader: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@mestizatuZ: Animé y marxismo. Adiós a Shirato Sanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal - 3 years ago

@izquierdadiario: Adiós a Shirato Sanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal - 3 years ago

@LaIzqDiarioMX: Durante esta semana se dio a conocer el fallecimiento del mangaka Shirato Sanpei a los 89 años de edad, el 8 de oct… - 3 years ago

@GreenSnake00: RT @izquierdadiario: Adiós a Shirato Sanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal - 3 years ago

@iDiarioES: #MANGA ✍️🏾I Adiós a #ShiratoSanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal 👉🏾 Murió el 8 de octub… - 3 years ago

@AndVilla_: RT @juanagallardo1: ✊ Adiós a Shirato Sanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal - 3 years ago

@CDjiego: RT @izquierdadiario: Adiós a Shirato Sanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal - 3 years ago

@mati_decla: RT @izquierdadiario: Adiós a Shirato Sanpei: el mangaka que retrató a los oprimidos del Japón feudal - 3 years ago

@BBMangas: Durante a semana ficamos sabendo da morte de Sanpei Shirato, autor de "A Lenda de Kamui" - 3 years ago

@Philippe_Caen: - 3 years ago

@Philippe_Caen: RT @Ryo_Saeba_3: On apprend les décès en début de mois à quelques jours d'intervalle de Sanpei Shirato (89 ans) et de son frère Tetsuji Oka… - 3 years ago

@Petsuchan: Sanpei Shirato's "Akame Pro" logos. source: - 3 years ago

@Jikorijo: @Petsuchan I've seen Shotaro Ishinomori and Sanpei Shirato draw those type of legs on their child characters as wel… - 3 years ago

@cristianocamaur: RT @docmanhattan4: Se n'è andato qualche giorno fa, ma la notizia ha preso a circolare solo oggi: è scomparso Sanpei Shirato, il mangaka au… - 3 years ago

@ZBOMS: RT @Yellowcutie97: @The_True_Kurta @Infinite_Tusk @BasedLuffy56 He's actually correct. Have you read/watched Koga Ninja Scrolls novel (1960… - 3 years ago

@manga_news: 😪 Les frères mangakas Shirato Sanpei et Tetsuji Okamoto nous ont quitté : - 3 years ago

@YuriTLV78: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@__zem_: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @SlasheerrKing Sasuke isn't inspired by Kurapika. Have you ever read Koga Ninja Scrolls novel (1960s), Sanpei Shira… - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @The_True_Kurta @Infinite_Tusk @BasedLuffy56 He's actually correct. Have you read/watched Koga Ninja Scrolls novel… - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @HiatusxHiatusss @BasedLuffy56 Kurapika isn't mentioned. But Sasuke is inspired to an extend by Hiei and Vegeta. H… - 3 years ago

@CCTakato: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@VocalIntel: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@matteoboscarol: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@CR0SSCOUNTER: RT @htGOIW: The End of Evangelion, Hideaki Anno 1997 13 Kamen Riders, Kamen Rider series, Shotaro Ishinomori 1971 Corpse, Ninja Bugeicho… - 3 years ago

@jeromBD: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@AssoACBD: RT @MaelRannou: J'ai lu #KamuiDen en 2012, + de 1400 pages pour par tomes (4), donc le souvenir est flou, mais je me souviens d'une fresque… - 3 years ago

@Parotaku: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@Excessions: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@Grardox: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@MaelRannou: J'ai lu #KamuiDen en 2012, + de 1400 pages pour par tomes (4), donc le souvenir est flou, mais je me souviens d'une… - 3 years ago

@Duune99: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@MaelRannou: RT @gaak_fr: Les frères mangakas Sanpei Shirato et Tetsuji Okamoto, à qui l’on doit la saga Kamui Den sont décédés à quelques jours d’inter… - 3 years ago

@MaelRannou: RT @MDAH9: Très triste d'apprendre le décès Sanpei Shirato, le mangaka est décédé le 8 octobre à l'age de 89 ans d'une pneumonie, son épous… - 3 years ago

@MaelRannou: RT @MangaCurator: La presse japonaise relaie le décès de Sanpei Shirato (白土 三平 ) survenu le 8 octobre 2021 à l’âge de 89 ans des suites d’u… - 3 years ago

@g0ro4: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@GKalaitza: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@KINGOFDABRONIES: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@trilhadevapor: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@autocinephile: RT @MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahata's lege… - 3 years ago

@MatteoWatz: What was the influence of mangaka like Sanpei Shirato and Shôtarô Ishinomori on anime history? How did Isao Takahat… - 3 years ago

@Gradouble_: RT @_gaijinguy_: If you guys would like to learn more about Shirato Sanpei, I wrote a 2-part article in the N3F zine Mangaverse about his e… - 3 years ago

@CompendiumManga: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Pour ceux qui seraient passés à côté de la triste nouvelle, quelques jours seulement après le décès de Takao Saitō ("Go… - 3 years ago

@hokuto_empire: RT @gotatveye: RIP Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @Indian_weebo Naruto is based off the oneshots Kishi wrote before, Karakuri (1995) and Naruto Pilot Ch (1997). For… - 3 years ago

@ViramundoZ: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@DanielO66592307: RT @gotatveye: RIP Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@Yellowcutie97: @basedchadceo @Raeven_Lol Have you read Koga Ninja Scrolls novel (1960s), Tale of Gallant Jiraiya (200 y.o folklore… - 3 years ago

@YoAquel777: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@YoAquel777: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@YoAquel777: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@Rhyscard: RT @julienbouvard: Shirato Sanpei a largement contribué à l'édification du manga moderne. Il suffit de regarder quelques pages de "Ninja Bu… - 3 years ago

@Xesthan: RT @archeoloweeb: Finished reading Sanpei Shirato's AKAME and this was really good, surprisingly better than what I expected and not bad at… - 3 years ago

@DolmenEditorial: RT @juanwakamatsu: De Sanpei Shirato, que por desgracia nos ha dejado en estos días, hablo extensamente en "Hayao Miyazaki e Isao Takahata"… - 3 years ago

@BerkleyBearNews: RT @BerkleyBearNews: Manga Creator Brothers Sanpei Shirato, Tetsuji Okamoto Pass Away of Pneumonia 4 Days Apart - 3 years ago

@CCTakato: RT @Otaku_USA: Mangaka Brothers Sanpei Shirato and Tetsuji Okamoto Die Days Apart - 3 years ago

@archeoloweeb: Finished reading Sanpei Shirato's AKAME and this was really good, surprisingly better than what I expected and not… - 3 years ago

@gotatveye: RIP Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@Love_Nonlinear: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@Love_Nonlinear: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@Love_Nonlinear: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@RevivalBead49: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@DerrisKharlan64: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@Bahamutgreen: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@Gaueko2: RT @juanwakamatsu: De Sanpei Shirato, que por desgracia nos ha dejado en estos días, hablo extensamente en "Hayao Miyazaki e Isao Takahata"… - 3 years ago

@HallyEden: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Pour ceux qui seraient passés à côté de la triste nouvelle, quelques jours seulement après le décès de Takao Saitō ("Go… - 3 years ago

@double007: 白土三平先生お亡くなりになってたのか… - 3 years ago

@thomasXcomics: RT @BubbleBD_: 😢 Quelques jours seulement après le décès de Takao Saitō (Golgo 13), le monde de la bande dessinée perd un autre grand nom d… - 3 years ago

@BubbleBD_: 😢 Quelques jours seulement après le décès de Takao Saitō (Golgo 13), le monde de la bande dessinée perd un autre gr… - 3 years ago

@Petsuchan: Sanpei Shirato through the ages. source: - 3 years ago

@brnbrz_: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@mcbumlicker: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@ChtThomas: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Sanpei Shirato 白土三平 Kamui-den カムイ伝 - 3 years ago

@AMaddy2: Le Japon perd deux grands mangakas : Shirato Sanpei et son frère Tetsuji Okamoto - 3 years ago

@darkjuju: RT @julienbouvard: Shirato Sanpei a largement contribué à l'édification du manga moderne. Il suffit de regarder quelques pages de "Ninja Bu… - 3 years ago

@deogracia_974: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Shirato Sanpei est décédé le 8 octobre 2021 à l'âge de 89 ans. Il laissera derrière lui des œuvres marquantes, parmi le… - 3 years ago

@BleinesFerrari: RT @julienbouvard: Comme le signale ici Maruo, Shirato Sanpei était le fils d'Okamoto Tôki, un peintre qui a notamment été le professeur de… - 3 years ago

@EdoTokaido: Noted Japanese Manga Artist Sanpei Shirato Dies - - 3 years ago

@DussolAlexis: Le #Japon perd deux grands #mangakas : Shirato Sanpei et son frère Tetsuji Okamoto - 3 years ago

@ljaesch: Manga Creator Brothers Sanpei Shirato and Tetsuji Okamoto Pass Away of Pneumonia Four Days Apart - 3 years ago

@TeneraValse: RT @francofontana43: Addio a Sanpei Shirato, che con i manga raccontava le ineguaglianze e le ingiustizie sociali. Sempre dalla parte degli… - 3 years ago

@GynoidSurvival: I think it kind of sucks how english language crit seems completely ill-equipped to acknowledge the passing of Sanp… - 3 years ago

@EmmanuelLauren2: RT @ChopelinP: Deux figures marquantes du manga nous ont quittés : Sanpei Shirato, spécialiste d'histoire de ninjas (dont le mythique Kamui… - 3 years ago

@ChopelinP: Sur les apports graphiques de Sanpei Shirato. ⤵️ - 3 years ago

@TheBeguiling: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@TeaganNash: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@CCTakato: RT @Anime: The two brothers worked on the Legend of Kamui franchise together. - 3 years ago

@TEBEOSFERA: DEP Sanpei Shirato, autor de La leyenda de Kamui - 3 years ago

@FDAnime: Manga Creator Brothers Sanpei Shirato, Tetsuji Okamoto Pass Away of Pneumonia 4 Days Apart - 3 years ago

@tsuruhim: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@joejmorgan: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@diegocurcio1: RT @fumettologica: È morto Sanpei Shirato, creatore di Sasuke e Kamui: - 3 years ago

@NEWS_0: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@meffective: RT @ChrisGeldron: Pour en savoir un peu plus sur Shirato Sanpei, disparu il y a quelques jours quasiment en même temps que son frère d'une… - 3 years ago

@ErvDogg937: RT @nappasan: Takeuchi Tomekichi, one of the animation supervisors in the Dragon Ball series, studied art under Okamoto Touki, who was a pr… - 3 years ago

@X5news: GIGAZINE: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@francofontana43: Addio a Sanpei Shirato, che con i manga raccontava le ineguaglianze e le ingiustizie sociali. Sempre dalla parte de… - 3 years ago

@Lafuente_RIP: Creo que el primer manga que cayó en mis manos fue de Sanpei Shirato (Me puso los pelos de punta) - 3 years ago

@ByLucha: Rest in peace, Sanpei Shirato and Tetsuji Okamoto. Childhood me badly wanted boy ninja Watari's big battle axe with… - 3 years ago

@GundamUniverse: ALtre notizie nvece non sono così belle Questo mese sono morti sia Sanpei Shirato che suo fratello, Tetsuji Okamoto… - 3 years ago

@SingyH: RT @matteoboscarol: R.I.P. Shirato Sanpei Thank you for everything - 3 years ago

@SirFowlman: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@Ondariva: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@la_quasi: Giù il cappello: Sanpei Shirato (15 febbraio 1932 – 8 ottobre 2021) – Quasi - 3 years ago

@RaRaRazberri: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@DeirAmeba: RT @elmangazin: 🎧 Ja disponible un nou capítol del podcast! Com sempre, amb notícies interessants de manga i anime 🔻 Rewind amb Kamui-den… - 3 years ago

@ptjtsubasa: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@ajvark: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@bulatigre: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@ScWilgus: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@ArabellaGray271: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@fiskofury: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@Pixemoy: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@phznmshr: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@mise_en_scenic: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@violetheart08: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@DameDrFoxyB: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@aruvuaro: RT @snubpollard: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato and his brother, Tetsuji Okamoto, who died within a week of one another. Shirato was one of the icon… - 3 years ago

@RezaGR: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@p3paopao: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@ragnarxiv: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@shawnrpryor: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@Plasmabreak: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@MMaystorm: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@HakethKOTB: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@Psychic_Driving: RT @archeoloweeb: My biggest memory of Sanpei Shirato is probably the way Shigeru Mizuki described him in "Showa: A History of Japan". He… - 3 years ago

@pixelsaber: RT @poondonkus: manga legend Shirato Sanpei has passed away. It seems a shame to reduce a career down to a single piece of trivia, but West… - 3 years ago

@MangaDungeon: RT @snubpollard: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato and his brother, Tetsuji Okamoto, who died within a week of one another. Shirato was one of the icon… - 3 years ago

@adam_bomb7: RT @_gaijinguy_: I’m devastated to learn of Shirato Sanpei’s passing. He’s one creator I’ve always wanted to meet. I first bought his Kamui… - 3 years ago

@MinovskyArticle: RT @joeyweiser: A helpful ninja tip from Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@KDARC13: RT @snubpollard: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato and his brother, Tetsuji Okamoto, who died within a week of one another. Shirato was one of the icon… - 3 years ago

@Furustis: RT @snubpollard: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato and his brother, Tetsuji Okamoto, who died within a week of one another. Shirato was one of the icon… - 3 years ago

@JavaHouseBlues: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@M00NSIDIAN: RT @snubpollard: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato and his brother, Tetsuji Okamoto, who died within a week of one another. Shirato was one of the icon… - 3 years ago

@ReNellGlover: RT @joeyweiser: One of Sanpei Shirato’s early works was adapted to an insane live action film that I’d describe as “HOUSE as a children’s a… - 3 years ago

@ReNellGlover: RT @joeyweiser: @Phurnix It’s based on a manga by Sanpei Shirato. In English, we’ve only gotten a little of his later, more realistic work.… - 3 years ago

@joeyweiser: RT @joeyweiser: @Phurnix It’s based on a manga by Sanpei Shirato. In English, we’ve only gotten a little of his later, more realistic work.… - 3 years ago

@joeyweiser: RT @joeyweiser: One of Sanpei Shirato’s early works was adapted to an insane live action film that I’d describe as “HOUSE as a children’s a… - 3 years ago

@MinovskyArticle: RT @snubpollard: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato and his brother, Tetsuji Okamoto, who died within a week of one another. Shirato was one of the icon… - 3 years ago

@joeyweiser: RT @joeyweiser: Sanpei Shirato is among the top of my list of manga authors who need more English presence - 3 years ago

@joeyweiser: RT @joeyweiser: A helpful ninja tip from Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@joeyweiser: Sanpei Shirato is definitely an underrepresented manga author in English - 3 years ago

@DaPlatinumTrim: RT @Richmond_Lee: RIP Noboru Okamoto (pen name Shirato Sanpei) and Tetsuji Okamoto. These brothers worked together to revolutionize manga.… - 3 years ago

@Boooworth: RT @mangaberg: Shirato Sanpei and his brother Okamoto Tetsuji, who drew many of his works, have passed away, four days apart (October 8 and… - 3 years ago

@otakunozen: RT @FARfromani: If manga has managed to go in dark, tragic, and introspectively intriguing directions while managing to develop a strong ci… - 3 years ago

@Dawudi9: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@darkjuju: RT @ATOM_Magazine: Sanpei Shirato (1932-2021) 😪 - 3 years ago

@fumettologica: RT @Alabamaglam: Un altro gigante scompare. È morto Sanpei Shirato, creatore di Sasuke e Kamui - 3 years ago

@MegaNerd__: Una terribile notizia per il mondo del #manga: i Maestri e fratelli Sanpei Shirato e Tetsuji Okamoto sono morti a d… - 3 years ago

@InkfaceFahz: RT @snubpollard: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato and his brother, Tetsuji Okamoto, who died within a week of one another. Shirato was one of the icon… - 3 years ago

@happappa98: RT @lacosacine: Se nos fue Sanpei Shirato, el legendario mangaka que creó personajes como #Kamui y #Sasuke en los años '60. Conocé la hist… - 3 years ago

@snubpollard: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato and his brother, Tetsuji Okamoto, who died within a week of one another. Shirato was one of t… - 3 years ago

@MoebiusJoDo: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@StudioCATCH: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@Flowtaro: RT @Matt_Alt: “[Student coalition] Zengakuren developed their revolutionary movement from the gekiga of Shirato Sanpei,” observed the right… - 3 years ago

@Flowtaro: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@tofuverde: Sanpei Shirato Eu “roubei” essas edições de dois tios diferentes uma é A lenda de Kamui, acho que o único trabalho… - 3 years ago

@MathGC30: RT @mangaberg: Shirato Sanpei and his brother Okamoto Tetsuji, who drew many of his works, have passed away, four days apart (October 8 and… - 3 years ago

@ishiTHEFANATIC: RT @VivaErManga: El gran Sanpei Shirato (creador del manga ‘Kamui-den’) y su hermano pequeño Tetsuji Okamoto, también mangaka, fallecieron… - 3 years ago

@zeros83: RT @davide_mana: Sanpei Shirato. - 3 years ago

@Pendrops3: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@Pendrops3: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Gaiden - Saikai" creator Tetsuji Okamoto, little brother of Sanpei Shirato, has passed away on October 12, 2021.… - 3 years ago

@LaPlayerDos: RT @lacosacine: Se nos fue Sanpei Shirato, el legendario mangaka que creó personajes como #Kamui y #Sasuke en los años '60. Conocé la hist… - 3 years ago

@MarNaselli: RT @lacosacine: Se nos fue Sanpei Shirato, el legendario mangaka que creó personajes como #Kamui y #Sasuke en los años '60. Conocé la hist… - 3 years ago

@londonergurl: RT @lacosacine: Se nos fue Sanpei Shirato, el legendario mangaka que creó personajes como #Kamui y #Sasuke en los años '60. Conocé la hist… - 3 years ago

@AmadeoMendez: RT @lacosacine: Se nos fue Sanpei Shirato, el legendario mangaka que creó personajes como #Kamui y #Sasuke en los años '60. Conocé la hist… - 3 years ago

@PokeBaal: RT @mangaberg: Shirato Sanpei and his brother Okamoto Tetsuji, who drew many of his works, have passed away, four days apart (October 8 and… - 3 years ago

@nfstos56: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@iago_barrera: RT @MangaCurator: Quelques illustrations de Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@nfstos56: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@NamahMission: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@ProtagKun: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@davenadave: RT @candido_art: Descobri agora que o Sanpei Shirato faleceu :( Lenda de Kamui foi um dos primeiros mangás que li, na época (acho q 95) era… - 3 years ago

@davenadave: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@Terra4D: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@candido_art: Descobri agora que o Sanpei Shirato faleceu :( Lenda de Kamui foi um dos primeiros mangás que li, na época (acho q… - 3 years ago

@DekuNarusegawa: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@MillisBrent: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@lesamurais99: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Shirato Sanpei est décédé le 8 octobre 2021 à l'âge de 89 ans. Il laissera derrière lui des œuvres marquantes, parmi le… - 3 years ago

@lesamurais99: RT @ATOM_Magazine: Sanpei Shirato (1932-2021) 😪 - 3 years ago

@poligramme: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@nathanbarthele1: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@LXS07Tortue: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@Jpanboy: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@Zalkker: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@marcbernabe: RT @MangaCurator: Quelques illustrations de Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@marcbernabe: RT @MangaCurator: La presse japonaise relaie le décès de Sanpei Shirato (白土 三平 ) survenu le 8 octobre 2021 à l’âge de 89 ans des suites d’u… - 3 years ago

@icblues: RT @LandofObscusion: RIP Shirato Sanpei & Tetsuji Okamoto. Aside from being a notable part of influencing protest movements during the 60s… - 3 years ago

@icblues: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@sdshamshel: RT @ZackDavisson: Manga artist Sanpei Shirato (The Legend of Kamui) and his younger brother Okamoto Tetsuji died within four days of each o… - 3 years ago

@davenadave: RT @Ninttacon: E se vai outro dos pilares que ajudaram a moldar o mangá moderno como conhecemos. Sanpei Shirato nunca teve uma presença mu… - 3 years ago

@Nodens: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@nickymazak: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@francescoten: RT @matteoboscarol: R.I.P. Shirato Sanpei Thank you for everything - 3 years ago

@RoryDropkick: RT @ZackDavisson: Manga artist Sanpei Shirato (The Legend of Kamui) and his younger brother Okamoto Tetsuji died within four days of each o… - 3 years ago

@Subaruu_742: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Gaiden - Saikai" creator Tetsuji Okamoto, little brother of Sanpei Shirato, has passed away on October 12, 2021.… - 3 years ago

@LandofObscusion: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@ui_ui_ui_ui_uii: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@ui_ui_ui_ui_uii: RT @Matt_Alt: “[Student coalition] Zengakuren developed their revolutionary movement from the gekiga of Shirato Sanpei,” observed the right… - 3 years ago

@ink0r: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@LandofObscusion: RIP Shirato Sanpei & Tetsuji Okamoto. Aside from being a notable part of influencing protest movements during the… - 3 years ago

@MangaCurator: Quelques illustrations de Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@moto_mfp: RT @calimerowhite2: Shirato Sanpei 白土三平 Kamui-den Kagemaru-Den Nagisa Ôshima 大島渚 from @CW… - 3 years ago

@ChilledMatter89: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@ui_ui_ui_ui_uii: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@Theblackbird76: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@SpetImper: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@pointshiteki: RT @Jp_newswatch: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@maho01264512: RT @MangaCurator: 7/ Nul doute qu'il y a aussi un intérêt éditorial en France et aux USA pour la publication de Sanpei Shirato et un intérê… - 3 years ago

@DdJ4AqH0kuVq18U: RT @calimerowhite2: Shirato Sanpei 白土三平 Kamui-den Kagemaru-Den Nagisa Ôshima 大島渚 from @CW… - 3 years ago

@maho01264512: RT @MangaCurator: 2/Pour rappel, Kamui Den, la seule oeuvre disponible en français de Sanpei Shirato, a été commercialisée entre 2010 et 20… - 3 years ago

@maho01264512: RT @MangaCurator: La presse japonaise relaie le décès de Sanpei Shirato (白土 三平 ) survenu le 8 octobre 2021 à l’âge de 89 ans des suites d’u… - 3 years ago

@maho01264512: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@kiyo1524: RT @calimerowhite2: Shirato Sanpei 白土三平 Kamui-den Kagemaru-Den Nagisa Ôshima 大島渚 from @CW… - 3 years ago

@lawpower22: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@Cescoindie: RT @MDAH9: À noter que outre ses histoires de ninja, Sanpei Shirato à aussi remporté le 4e prix Kodansha du manga pour enfants en 1964, pou… - 3 years ago

@snowpato: RT @nippon_es: Los autores de manga Shirato Sanpei y Okamoto Tetsuji, hermanos y creadores de la popular serie 'Kamui Den', fallecieron los… - 3 years ago

@korigaming: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@SakugaDaichi: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@inobscurity: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@Punch_Drunkard8: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@yuugaku21025: RT @_gaijinguy_: I’m devastated to learn of Shirato Sanpei’s passing. He’s one creator I’ve always wanted to meet. I first bought his Kamui… - 3 years ago

@MichaelToole: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@TANDM00: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 3 years ago

@AmonduulUS: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@Floetjp621: RT @ActuaLitte: Le Japon perd deux grands mangakas : Shirato Sanpei et son frère Tetsuji Okamoto #manga #disparit… - 3 years ago

@Baron_Yorak: RT @MDAH9: Très triste d'apprendre le décès Sanpei Shirato, le mangaka est décédé le 8 octobre à l'age de 89 ans d'une pneumonie, son épous… - 3 years ago

@Agregenpoche: Le Japon perd deux grands mangakas : Shirato Sanpei et son frère Tetsuji Okamoto - 3 years ago

@aCiBVKpHUf61L0l: RT @Jp_newswatch: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@Petsuchan: I really can't believe it. . .I know Mr. Okamoto (Sanpei Shirato) was around for a very long time but. . .I had jus… - 3 years ago

@kabu_log: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@Wiiiiper: RT @MDAH9: Très triste d'apprendre le décès Sanpei Shirato, le mangaka est décédé le 8 octobre à l'age de 89 ans d'une pneumonie, son épous… - 3 years ago

@ChrisGeldron: Pour en savoir un peu plus sur Shirato Sanpei, disparu il y a quelques jours quasiment en même temps que son frère… - 3 years ago

@pierregas2014: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@ActuaLitte: Le Japon perd deux grands mangakas : Shirato Sanpei et son frère Tetsuji Okamoto #manga… - 3 years ago

@Gearzillaz: RT @MDAH9: Très triste d'apprendre le décès Sanpei Shirato, le mangaka est décédé le 8 octobre à l'age de 89 ans d'une pneumonie, son épous… - 3 years ago

@thoton9: 'Legend of Kamui' mangaka Sanpei Shirato dies from pneumonia - 3 years ago

@Naramaruru: RT @Anime: The two brothers worked on the Legend of Kamui franchise together. - 3 years ago

@CelStacker: RT @Anime: The two brothers worked on the Legend of Kamui franchise together. - 3 years ago

@Cescoindie: RT @julienbouvard: On apprend ce matin les décès de Shirato Sanpei ("Kamui-den", "Ninja Bugeichô", "Akame", etc.) et de son frère Okamoto T… - 3 years ago

@punpun_intended: RT @MangaCurator: 1/La conclusion de l'article de @J_Lachasse soulève une question que nous sommes nombreux à nous poser : est-ce que la di… - 3 years ago

@angelofdarknes1: RT @AnimeNewsNet: Manga Creator Brothers Sanpei Shirato, Tetsuji Okamoto Pass Away of Pneumonia 4 Days Apart - 3 years ago

@Duune99: RT @ATOM_Magazine: Sanpei Shirato (1932-2021) 😪 - 3 years ago

@Jp_newswatch: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@Helbaworshipper: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@Duune99: RT @MDAH9: Très triste d'apprendre le décès Sanpei Shirato, le mangaka est décédé le 8 octobre à l'age de 89 ans d'une pneumonie, son épous… - 3 years ago

@ArthurBayon: RT @MangaCurator: 1/La conclusion de l'article de @J_Lachasse soulève une question que nous sommes nombreux à nous poser : est-ce que la di… - 3 years ago

@Mement770: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「カムイ伝」「サスケ」の漫画家・白土三平さん死去 - 3 years ago

@YourNewBooks: 【Obituary】Sanpei Shirato, manga artist of "Kamuiden" and "Sasuke", dies - 3 years ago

@Otomogang: RT @MDAH9: Très triste d'apprendre le décès Sanpei Shirato, le mangaka est décédé le 8 octobre à l'age de 89 ans d'une pneumonie, son épous… - 3 years ago

@LNordest: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@MDAH9: À noter que outre ses histoires de ninja, Sanpei Shirato à aussi remporté le 4e prix Kodansha du manga pour enfants… - 3 years ago

@MDAH9: Très triste d'apprendre le décès Sanpei Shirato, le mangaka est décédé le 8 octobre à l'age de 89 ans d'une pneumon… - 3 years ago

@Steerpike17: RT @Richmond_Lee: RIP Noboru Okamoto (pen name Shirato Sanpei) and Tetsuji Okamoto. These brothers worked together to revolutionize manga.… - 3 years ago

@morisinji: RT @shiigeeboo: R.I.P. Sanpei Shirato. - 3 years ago

@FtvQozyip585fsS: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@SevPerillat: RT @ATOM_Magazine: Sanpei Shirato (1932-2021) 😪 - 3 years ago

@ondororu: RT @DriK_S: RIP Sanpei Shirato, autor de Kamuiden, e seu irmão, Tetsuji Okamoto, que trabalhava junto com ele. Difíceis perdas de autores c… - 3 years ago

@AllTheAnime: "You might think it is inevitable, but human beings can become the agents of real change through how they expend th… - 3 years ago

@uzaigaijin: RT @ATOM_Magazine: Sanpei Shirato (1932-2021) 😪 - 3 years ago

@Yopakko: @EditionsKana Une petite réédition de Kamui Den serai plus qu'appreciable pour faire découvrir cette oeuvre culte à… - 3 years ago

@zyu90gg: RT @Brise_Marine: We have learned through the press today (26/10/2021) that The Greatest Ninja Manga Artist In The World had passed away on… - 3 years ago

@Cocodwor: RT @Brise_Marine: We have learned through the press today (26/10/2021) that The Greatest Ninja Manga Artist In The World had passed away on… - 3 years ago

@kiiba69: RT @julienbouvard: On apprend ce matin les décès de Shirato Sanpei ("Kamui-den", "Ninja Bugeichô", "Akame", etc.) et de son frère Okamoto T… - 3 years ago

@ControleurPM733: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" - 3 years ago

@hoarau_ingrid: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@rebootSoulEater: RT @Poutchan: J'aimerais beaucoup qu'il soit possible de lire Kamui Den du regretté Sanpei Shirato en France sans se ruiner. - 3 years ago

@jujuden_ju: RT @ATOM_Magazine: Sanpei Shirato (1932-2021) 😪 - 3 years ago

@AlanHeller: RT @combattlerRickV: There is precious little of older Sanpei Shirato in english here is a porition of what is out there there is violence… - 3 years ago

@ATOM_Magazine: Sanpei Shirato (1932-2021) 😪 - 3 years ago

@tsurutsuruteiko: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@ebosikariginu: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@Brise_Marine: We have learned through the press today (26/10/2021) that The Greatest Ninja Manga Artist In The World had passed a… - 3 years ago

@Adorian_kun: RT @ferranidus: Mor Shirato Sanpei, autor dels manga més populars entre els moviments de l'esquerra radical dels convulsos anys 60 al Japó.… - 3 years ago

@Le_Bip: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@Jikorijo: RT @Anime: The two brothers worked on the Legend of Kamui franchise together. - 3 years ago

@kira_doru: RT @ZackDavisson: Manga artist Sanpei Shirato (The Legend of Kamui) and his younger brother Okamoto Tetsuji died within four days of each o… - 3 years ago

@FurryGiraffe: RT @julienbouvard: On apprend ce matin les décès de Shirato Sanpei ("Kamui-den", "Ninja Bugeichô", "Akame", etc.) et de son frère Okamoto T… - 3 years ago

@Gensensha: RT @julienbouvard: On apprend ce matin les décès de Shirato Sanpei ("Kamui-den", "Ninja Bugeichô", "Akame", etc.) et de son frère Okamoto T… - 3 years ago

@Ra3V: RT @fumettologica: È morto Sanpei Shirato, creatore di Sasuke e Kamui - 3 years ago

@Dvd95200: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@StregaGranger: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@73Satta: RT @calimerowhite2: Shirato Sanpei 白土三平 Kamui-den Kagemaru-Den Nagisa Ôshima 大島渚 from @CW… - 3 years ago

@Mini_white42: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@elemasre: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@un_autre_2000: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@furnuss: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@Antho_or_MaNia: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@Merokowo: RT @EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuji, des… - 3 years ago

@EditionsKana: Nous regrettons aujourd'hui la lourde perte de Shirato Sanpei, l'auteur de Kamui-Den et de son frère Okamoto Tetsuj… - 3 years ago

@striferser: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@TJoker0190: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@sugar_yin: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@LoboRundas: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@fumettologica: È morto Sanpei Shirato, creatore di Sasuke e Kamui - 3 years ago

@sugar_yin: RT @MangaCurator: La presse japonaise relaie le décès de Sanpei Shirato (白土 三平 ) survenu le 8 octobre 2021 à l’âge de 89 ans des suites d’u… - 3 years ago

@ShiroYa50873680: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@BasileBeguerie: RT @combattlerRickV: There is precious little of older Sanpei Shirato in english here is a porition of what is out there there is violence… - 3 years ago

@jehuty06: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@paretsdecolors: RT @ferranidus: Mor Shirato Sanpei, autor dels manga més populars entre els moviments de l'esquerra radical dels convulsos anys 60 al Japó.… - 3 years ago

@Jikorijo: RT @ZackDavisson: Manga artist Sanpei Shirato (The Legend of Kamui) and his younger brother Okamoto Tetsuji died within four days of each o… - 3 years ago

@nocotomi: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@AntonazzoAndrea: RT @fumettologica: È stato un grande fumettista, e contribuì a fondare la rivista Garo, tra le più importanti del fumetto indipendente giap… - 3 years ago

@LilPernil: RT @ferranidus: Mor Shirato Sanpei, autor dels manga més populars entre els moviments de l'esquerra radical dels convulsos anys 60 al Japó.… - 3 years ago

@DailyMangas: RT @julienbouvard: On apprend ce matin les décès de Shirato Sanpei ("Kamui-den", "Ninja Bugeichô", "Akame", etc.) et de son frère Okamoto T… - 3 years ago

@Aerindell: RT @julienbouvard: On apprend ce matin les décès de Shirato Sanpei ("Kamui-den", "Ninja Bugeichô", "Akame", etc.) et de son frère Okamoto T… - 3 years ago

@apocalypsius: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@sakemichelin: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@ferranidus: Mor Shirato Sanpei, autor dels manga més populars entre els moviments de l'esquerra radical dels convulsos anys 60… - 3 years ago

@PSI057721: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@PSI057721: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@PSI057721: RT @KamuiAlone: We mourn the death of Sanpei Shirato, a manga artist who worked on the graphic novel "Kamui Den" and influenced many younge… - 3 years ago

@Atomstrawberry: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@SlicesofManga: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@Killy_Log1: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@SlicesofManga: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Gaiden - Saikai" creator Tetsuji Okamoto, little brother of Sanpei Shirato, has passed away on October 12, 2021.… - 3 years ago

@Thromdarr: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@Crabcakes0455: RT @tweetheart4711: RIP Sanpei Shirato, #manga creator and radical, died aged 89. A few years ago I gave a panel at a US con about the pass… - 3 years ago

@MangaFANTATIC: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@MangaFANTATIC: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Gaiden - Saikai" creator Tetsuji Okamoto, little brother of Sanpei Shirato, has passed away on October 12, 2021.… - 3 years ago

@Himawaricoco3: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@Himawaricoco3: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Gaiden - Saikai" creator Tetsuji Okamoto, little brother of Sanpei Shirato, has passed away on October 12, 2021.… - 3 years ago

@dobubuta: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@imx_kq: 'Legend of Kamui' manga creator Sanpei Shirato passes away at 89 - The Mainichi - 3 years ago

@dobubuta: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Gaiden - Saikai" creator Tetsuji Okamoto, little brother of Sanpei Shirato, has passed away on October 12, 2021.… - 3 years ago

@HaiHitomi: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@Poutchan: RT @Richmond_Lee: RIP Noboru Okamoto (pen name Shirato Sanpei) and Tetsuji Okamoto. These brothers worked together to revolutionize manga.… - 3 years ago

@iria: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@Nic0Duval: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@EspaiDaruma: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@fixbox2: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@GhostpilotZ: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@Bakatyler_: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@Velma___Dinkley: RT @CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo las puer… - 3 years ago

@juanwakamatsu: Muere Sanpei Shirato, uno de los mangaka más influyentes de la historia. Con Nagisa Oshima presentó en el 67 la rev… - 3 years ago

@fumettologica: È stato un grande fumettista, e contribuì a fondare la rivista Garo, tra le più importanti del fumetto indipendente… - 3 years ago

@Lucha_vs_Ninja: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @AnimeClick: Addio a Sanpei Shirato, autore di Sasuke piccolo ninja e Kamui den - 3 years ago

@bandiria: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@lthegirlinblack: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@juanwakamatsu: RT @marcbernabe: El ENORME Sanpei Shirato (Kamui-den) y su hermano Tetsuji Okamoto, ambos mangakas, fallecieron con pocos días de diferenci… - 3 years ago

@TokuDeka: RT @marcbernabe: El ENORME Sanpei Shirato (Kamui-den) y su hermano Tetsuji Okamoto, ambos mangakas, fallecieron con pocos días de diferenci… - 3 years ago

@JCgouketsu: Enterarte de la mano de un mangaka como Yudetamago de la muerte de otro como Sanpei Shirato no es nada agradable, d… - 3 years ago

@FrancotiradoraC: RT @DeirAmeba: Sanpei Shirato, autor de 'Kamui' publicado por @PlanetadComic a principios de los 90, ha fallecido a los 89 años debido a un… - 3 years ago

@annedouh: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@CapitanUrias: Shirato Sanpei también nos deja. El mangaka más comunista responsable de que se creara la revista GARO, abriendo la… - 3 years ago

@AsamiChiaki: Ci sono notizie che non vorresti leggere mai. Questa è una di quelle. Addio maestro Shirato Sanpei. #sanpeishirato… - 3 years ago

@kisacullen: RT @DeirAmeba: Sanpei Shirato, autor de 'Kamui' publicado por @PlanetadComic a principios de los 90, ha fallecido a los 89 años debido a un… - 3 years ago

@Shueisha64: RT @MangaCurator: La presse japonaise relaie le décès de Sanpei Shirato (白土 三平 ) survenu le 8 octobre 2021 à l’âge de 89 ans des suites d’u… - 3 years ago

@WilliamBabey: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Shirato Sanpei est décédé le 8 octobre 2021 à l'âge de 89 ans. Il laissera derrière lui des œuvres marquantes, parmi le… - 3 years ago

@N_7A7E: RT @Richmond_Lee: RIP Noboru Okamoto (pen name Shirato Sanpei) and Tetsuji Okamoto. These brothers worked together to revolutionize manga.… - 3 years ago

@ShibaNagame: RT @combattlerRickV: There is precious little of older Sanpei Shirato in english here is a porition of what is out there there is violence… - 3 years ago

@DarkCyp: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Shirato Sanpei est décédé le 8 octobre 2021 à l'âge de 89 ans. Il laissera derrière lui des œuvres marquantes, parmi le… - 3 years ago

@SpeciaIHitch: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Shirato Sanpei est décédé le 8 octobre 2021 à l'âge de 89 ans. Il laissera derrière lui des œuvres marquantes, parmi le… - 3 years ago

@NGE064: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@AbhradipAchary6: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@Matt_Alt: RT @Patrick_Macias: RIP manga legend Sanpei Shirato. In 1967, director Nagisa Oshima made a film of his Ninja bugei-chô series using only s… - 3 years ago

@Gubaba777: RIP Sanpei Shirato - 3 years ago

@Cltsolym: Le Japon perd deux grands mangakas : Shirato Sanpei et son frère Tetsuji Okamoto - 3 years ago

@Meri_Manils: RT @marcbernabe: El ENORME Sanpei Shirato (Kamui-den) y su hermano Tetsuji Okamoto, ambos mangakas, fallecieron con pocos días de diferenci… - 3 years ago

@LoboRundas: RT @combattlerRickV: There is precious little of older Sanpei Shirato in english here is a porition of what is out there there is violence… - 3 years ago

@henrirousseau12: - 3 years ago

@horbinski: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@angleacpm: RT @BFMTV: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" - 3 years ago

@Votlin: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@7b73f39b85e1415: RT @BFMTV: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" - 3 years ago

@JournalDuJapon: 🔴Les deux frères Shirato Sanpei (Kamui den) et Okamoto Tetsuji sont décédés à quelques jours d'intervalle les 8 et… - 3 years ago

@J_Lachasse: RT @kamuirobotics: Tristesse toute particulière de voir disparaître Shirato Sanpei dont l’œuvre m’a tout particulièrement marquée. RIP - 3 years ago

@YohannPolitique: RT @BFMTV: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sanpei Shirato, you will be missed - #SanpeiShirato #Sanpei #Shirato #rip - 3 years ago

@chicamanga_news: Anime: The two brothers worked on the Legend of Kamui franchise together. - 3 years ago

@MangaCurator: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@LoboRundas: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@joshleaves: RT @kamuirobotics: Tristesse toute particulière de voir disparaître Shirato Sanpei dont l’œuvre m’a tout particulièrement marquée. RIP - 3 years ago

@ninoseki: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@popeyeotaku: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@LoboRundas: RT @Matt_Alt: “[Student coalition] Zengakuren developed their revolutionary movement from the gekiga of Shirato Sanpei,” observed the right… - 3 years ago

@sanzakira: RT @marcbernabe: El ENORME Sanpei Shirato (Kamui-den) y su hermano Tetsuji Okamoto, ambos mangakas, fallecieron con pocos días de diferenci… - 3 years ago

@kamuirobotics: Tristesse toute particulière de voir disparaître Shirato Sanpei dont l’œuvre m’a tout particulièrement marquée. RIP - 3 years ago

@LoboRundas: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@combattlerRickV: RT @Matt_Alt: “[Student coalition] Zengakuren developed their revolutionary movement from the gekiga of Shirato Sanpei,” observed the right… - 3 years ago

@ARABIAFATS: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@Thac42: RT @MangaMoguraRE: "Kamui Den" creator Sanpei Shirato has passed away on October 8, 2021. He was 89 years old. - 3 years ago

@ARABIAFATS: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@Gubaba777: RT @Matt_Alt: Just weeks after the death of Takao Saito, the manga world loses another great. Shirato Sanpei, creator of 1959's Ninja Buge… - 3 years ago

@_NdJ_: RT @J_Lachasse: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" 👉 - 3 years ago

@SamGorC: RT @Matt_Alt: Triumvirate of Takao Saito's "Golgo 13," Ikki Kajiwara & Tetsuya Chiba's "Tomorow's Joe," and Shirato Sanpei's "Legend of Kam… - 3 years ago

@BFMTV: Mort à 89 ans de Shirato Sanpei, légende du manga et auteur de "Kamui-den" - 3 years ago

@rbrth_ksk: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Shirato Sanpei est décédé le 8 octobre 2021 à l'âge de 89 ans. Il laissera derrière lui des œuvres marquantes, parmi le… - 3 years ago

@MangImpressions: RT @RemiNoTsundoku: Shirato Sanpei est décédé le 8 octobre 2021 à l'âge de 89 ans. Il laissera derrière lui des œuvres marquantes, parmi le… - 3 years ago

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