
British Buddhist teacher and writer
Died on Tuesday October 30th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Sangharakshita:

@buddhistcentre: RT @vishvapani: Too long have I been a lion Lord of the Jungle Too long fought Paper-and-tinsel dragons. Too long have I been a child Pa… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @WindhorsePubs: Tricycle has a feature on Sangharakshita, highlighting his ability to translate the Dharma from Eastern traditions to th… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @WindhorsePubs: Ensure the Complete Works of Sangharakshita continues long after this teacher’s passing. Donate to the project or subscr… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @Manbuddcentre: The 3rd and last of a set of talks given by Ratnaguna to celebrate the life, and commemorate the death of our teacher an… - 6 years ago


@amarcadia: RT @AskAmbedkar: Very sad to note that Ven. #Sangharakshita, founder of #Triratna #Buddhism, passed away at 93, in #London on 30 October 20… - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @buddhistcentre: Sulak Sivaraksa remembering Sangharakshita. #sangharakshita - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @CamBuddhist: Reflection on #sangharakshita by @vishvapani on @BBCRadio4. Listen from 12mins, 40. - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @buddhistcentre: @triratnabarcelona Este sábado dedicaremos el día a celebrar la vida de Sangharákshita, habrá meditación, puya, poesía… - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @vishvapani: A very reasonable piece, I think. - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @vishvapani: Too long have I been a lion Lord of the Jungle Too long fought Paper-and-tinsel dragons. Too long have I been a child Pa… - 6 years ago

@TriratnaCardiff: Candramani: Spiritual Rebirth This Tuesday in Sangha Night we will be continuing the theme of Spiritual Rebirth (t… - 6 years ago

@vishvapani: Too long have I been a lion Lord of the Jungle Too long fought Paper-and-tinsel dragons. Too long have I been a… - 6 years ago

@vishvapani: Sangharakshita's funeral is at 12:00pm on Saturday 8 November at Adhisthana near Ledbury in Herefordshire. - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @buddhistcentre: Here's an account of @Sangharakshita's life written by @vishvapani +Follow #Sanghara… - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @vishvapani: The fountains of my heart no more Ooze slow into some stagnant place, But in great tranquil rivers pour Into the boundle… - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @SilAidaCR48: Despidiendo a Bhante #Sangharakshita #Bhante #Triratna #budismo - 6 years ago

@WindhorsePubs: Tricycle has a feature on Sangharakshita, highlighting his ability to translate the Dharma from Eastern traditions… - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @buddhistcentre: @brightonbuddhistcentre ・・・ With Love, Devotion and Gratitude to our Precious Teacher Bhante #sangharakshita - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @Manbuddcentre: The first of a set of talks given by Ratnaguna to celebrate the life of our teacher and founder, Urgyen Sangharakshita,… - 6 years ago

@amarcadia: RT @RichBatsford: I had the honour of leading the Urgyen #Sangharakshita Puja for Adelaide #Triratna last night. A striking example of both… - 6 years ago

@Manbuddcentre: The 3rd and last of a set of talks given by Ratnaguna to celebrate the life, and commemorate the death of our teach… - 6 years ago

@freebuddhist: We’re going to do some essential maintenance tonight on the Triratna server to get ready for the live stream of San… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: We’re going to do some essential maintenance tonight on the Triratna server to get ready for the live stream of San… - 6 years ago

@padmabandhu: Sábado 10 de noviembre - 6 years ago

@padmabandhu: Despedida a nuestro maestro, Sangharákshita: Transmisión y práctica dedicadas en su memoria - Centro Budista de la… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @vishvapani: ABOVE ME BROODS Above me broods A world of mysteries and magnitudes. I see, I hear, More than what strikes the eye or meets… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @DShantivajra: In memory of my teacher who died last week, I’ve subscribed to Sangharakshita’s complete works. #Sangharakshita #discip… - 6 years ago

@paulcrosland: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@paulcrosland: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@paulcrosland: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@DShantivajra: In memory of my teacher who died last week, I’ve subscribed to Sangharakshita’s complete works. #Sangharakshita - 6 years ago

@triratnasydney: The Funeral of Urgyen Sangharakshita: the sangha gathers - - 6 years ago

@ilanoXVI: Acabo de enterarme que recién falleció Sangharákshita u_u - 6 years ago

@annaimosity39: RT @tricyclemag: Urgyen Sangharakshita’s passing comes as the Triratna Buddhist Order he founded marks its 50th anniversary. - 6 years ago

@tricyclemag: Urgyen Sangharakshita’s passing comes as the Triratna Buddhist Order he founded marks its 50th anniversary. - 6 years ago

@telegraphobits: Sangharakshita, controversial founder of a Buddhist order who sought to make the tradition relevant to western cult… - 6 years ago

@The_Murmuration: RT @WindhorsePubs: Sangharakshita 1925-2018 - 6 years ago

@buddhistinsight: With Love and Gratitude to our Precious Teacher, Bhante Sangharakshita. - 6 years ago

@WLBC_Triratna: Sangha Newsletter: Sangharakshita's Funeral / Plans for THIS Saturday / Saturday's Classes and Events - - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: Funeral and Burial Service for Urgyen Sangharakshita @Sangharakshita : Join us in person or online.… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @Manbuddcentre: The 2nd of Ratnaguna's talks reflecting on "the qualities of my teacher Sangharakshita", held here at Manchester Buddhis… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @padmabandhu: ASPIRATION The dim sun sinks to rest In a west of watery gold. The young stars climb the sky And there like flowers unfol… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @Jayarava: A 4.5 minute video tribute to Sangharakshita. - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @vishvapani: Sangharakshita Foresees His Death In the poem 'Padmaloka' - a talk by Vishvapani (30 mins), - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @vishvapani: ABOVE ME BROODS Above me broods A world of mysteries and magnitudes. I see, I hear, More than what strikes the eye or meets… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @tricyclemag: Urgyen Sangharakshita, the iconoclastic, sometimes controversial founder of Triratna Buddhism has died in England at age 9… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @padmabandhu: MUSIC AT NIGHT The noise of day is hushed at last, A cool wind softly blows, And nightingales make beautiful The silenc… - 6 years ago

@WindhorsePubs: Sangharakshita 1925-2018 - 6 years ago

@drakotao: RT @padmabandhu: ASPIRATION The dim sun sinks to rest In a west of watery gold. The young stars climb the sky And there like flowers unfol… - 6 years ago

@Manbuddcentre: The 2nd of Ratnaguna's talks reflecting on "the qualities of my teacher Sangharakshita", held here at Manchester Bu… - 6 years ago

@padmabandhu: ASPIRATION The dim sun sinks to rest In a west of watery gold. The young stars climb the sky And there like flower… - 6 years ago

@ralphwoodcock: Watch “Sangharakshita's Life and Impact” on #Vimeo - 6 years ago

@Jayarava: A 4.5 minute video tribute to Sangharakshita. - 6 years ago

@vishvapani: Sangharakshita Foresees His Death In the poem 'Padmaloka' - a talk by Vishvapani (30 mins) - 6 years ago

@TriratnaLeeds: Sangharakshita's Funeral & Beginner's meditation - - 6 years ago

@RichBatsford: I had the honour of leading the Urgyen #Sangharakshita Puja for Adelaide #Triratna last night. A striking example o… - 6 years ago

@LionsRoar: Sangharakshita founded Triratna Buddhism--one of the most popular sects of Buddhism in England--and helped establis… - 6 years ago

@tricyclemag: Urgyen Sangharakshita, the iconoclastic, sometimes controversial founder of Triratna Buddhism has died in England a… - 6 years ago

@padmabandhu: MUSIC AT NIGHT The noise of day is hushed at last, A cool wind softly blows, And nightingales make beautiful The… - 6 years ago

@padmabandhu: RT @vishvapani: MUSIC AT NIGHT The noise of day is hushed at last, A cool wind softly blows, And nightingales make beautiful The silence… - 6 years ago

@vishvapani: A very reasonable piece, I think. - 6 years ago

@Viryabodhi: Going for Refuge - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @Manbuddcentre: The first of a set of talks given by Ratnaguna to celebrate the life of our teacher and founder, Urgyen Sangharakshita,… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @buddhistcentre: From @windhorsepubs The words of Sangharakshita continue in his books - The Complete Works project includes reprints a… - 6 years ago

@Manbuddcentre: The first of a set of talks given by Ratnaguna to celebrate the life of our teacher and founder, Urgyen Sangharaksh… - 6 years ago

@agargmd: RT @vishvapani: The fountains of my heart no more Ooze slow into some stagnant place, But in great tranquil rivers pour Into the boundle… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @buddhistcentre: @brightonbuddhistcentre ・・・ With Love, Devotion and Gratitude to our Precious Teacher Bhante #sangharakshita - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @portsangha: The Portsmouth Sangha saying farewell to Sangharakshita: some joyous mantra chanting after a morning looking at how a lifel… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @vishvapani: ASPIRATION The dim sun sinks to rest In a west of watery gold. The young stars climb the sky And there like flowers unfold… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @portsangha: The Portsmouth Sangha saying farewell to Sangharakshita: some joyous mantra chanting after a morning looking at how a lifel… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @WindhorsePubs: Help keep the words of Urgyen @Sangharakshita in print. Subscribe or donate to the Complete Works project. - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @vishvapani: MUSIC AT NIGHT The noise of day is hushed at last, A cool wind softly blows, And nightingales make beautiful The silence… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @vishvapani: The fountains of my heart no more Ooze slow into some stagnant place, But in great tranquil rivers pour Into the boundle… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @CamBuddhist: Funeral of Bhante Sangharakshita and Green Tara sadhana led by Bhante - - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @vishvapani: Presses upon me heavier and heavier day by day The unfathomable mystery of existence. Sangharakshita b. 26.10.1925; d 30.1… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @vishvapani: There is no wound man can give That nature cannot heal. Sangharakshita b. 26.10.1925; d 30.10.2018 #sangharakshita, #buddh… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @vishvapani: MANY WERE THE FRIENDS Many were the instruments I heard playing in the symphony of life; But I have cared to listen only to… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @vishvapani: The fountains of my heart no more Ooze slow into some stagnant place, But in great tranquil rivers pour Into the boundle… - 6 years ago

@WindhorsePubs: RT @vishvapani: ASPIRATION The dim sun sinks to rest In a west of watery gold. The young stars climb the sky And there like flowers unfold… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @vishvapani: ASPIRATION The dim sun sinks to rest In a west of watery gold. The young stars climb the sky And there like flowers unfold… - 6 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @vishvapani: MUSIC AT NIGHT The noise of day is hushed at last, A cool wind softly blows, And nightingales make beautiful The silence… - 6 years ago

@vishvapani: ASPIRATION The dim sun sinks to rest In a west of watery gold. The young stars climb the sky And there like flower… - 6 years ago

@thedharmadad: RT @vishvapani: MUSIC AT NIGHT The noise of day is hushed at last, A cool wind softly blows, And nightingales make beautiful The silence… - 6 years ago

@Ethan_mcu: Sangharakshita died on 30,Oct, but he left an indelible mark in history of Buddhism and his ideas will continue to… - 6 years ago

@Buddhismofworld: Triratna Buddhism founder Sangharakshita dies at 93 - Tricycle - 6 years ago

@BuddhismShow: Triratna Buddhism founder Sangharakshita dies at 93 - Tricycle - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: @triratnabarcelona Este sábado dedicaremos el día a celebrar la vida de Sangharákshita, habrá meditación, puya, po… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: @brightonbuddhistcentre ・・・ With Love, Devotion and Gratitude to our Precious Teacher Bhante #sangharakshita… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: @brightonbuddhistcentre ・・・ With Love, Devotion and Gratitude to our Precious Teacher Bhante #sangharakshita… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: From @windhorsepubs The words of Sangharakshita continue in his books - The Complete Works project includes reprin… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: triratnabarcelona Este sábado dedicaremos el día a celebrar la vida de Sangharákshita, habrá meditación, puya, po… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: brightonbuddhistcentre ・・・ With Love, Devotion and Gratitude to our Precious Teacher Bhante #sangharakshita - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: From windhorsepubs The words of Sangharakshita continue in his books - The Complete Works project includes reprin… - 6 years ago

@portsangha: The Portsmouth Sangha saying farewell to Sangharakshita: some joyous mantra chanting after a morning looking at how… - 6 years ago

@PeterMarsden: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@PeterMarsden: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@tricyclemag: Urgyen Sangharakshita died in England on October 30, 2018, at age 93. His death comes as the Triratna Buddhist Comm… - 6 years ago

@TriratnaCroydon: Sangharakshita on BBC Radio 4's 'Sunday' programme - 6 years ago

@TriratnaCardiff: Led by Candramani and Vishvapani This Tuesday in Sangha Night we will be continuing to remember Bhante Sangharaksh… - 6 years ago

@HopperMunisha: Possibly largest ever gathering of UK Buddhists Saturday 10th November, 12-30-4, near Ledbury, Herefordshire: funer… - 6 years ago

@vishvapani: @JulienMussot No, there is a well known Lama Dennis, who teaches in France in the Kagyu tradition. Sangharakshita d… - 6 years ago

@john_siddique: Buddhist sexual abuser #DenisLingwood aka #sangharakshita has died still the #fwbo #triratna @breathworks & other v… - 6 years ago

@WindhorsePubs: Help keep the words of Urgyen @Sangharakshita in print. Subscribe or donate to the Complete Works project.… - 6 years ago

@Manbuddcentre: Arrangements to sit with Urgyen Sangharakshita's body on 6th November - - 6 years ago

@CamBuddhist: Funeral of Bhante Sangharakshita and Green Tara sadhana led by Bhante - - 6 years ago

@CamBuddhist: Funeral of Bhante Sangharakshita at Cambridge Buddhist Centre - - 6 years ago

@TriratnaCardiff: Sangharakshita's body arrives at Adhisthana - 6 years ago

@WindhorsePubs: Beautiful words by Urgyen @Sangharakshita. - 6 years ago

@MaggioClaire: RT @vishvapani: MUSIC AT NIGHT The noise of day is hushed at last, A cool wind softly blows, And nightingales make beautiful The silence… - 6 years ago

@vishvapani: MUSIC AT NIGHT The noise of day is hushed at last, A cool wind softly blows, And nightingales make beautiful The… - 6 years ago

@SilAidaCR48: Despidiendo a Bhante #Sangharakshita #Bhante #Triratna #budismo - 6 years ago

@SilAidaCR48: RT @padmabandhu: “La muerte es tan natural como la vida” Urgyen Sangharakshita - 6 years ago

@MsBrooksx: RT @purpletrousers: "Vishvapani talks about the life of @Sangharakshita (founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order) who died this week." BBC… - 6 years ago

@rozgoddard: RT @purpletrousers: "Vishvapani talks about the life of @Sangharakshita (founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order) who died this week." BBC… - 6 years ago

@alteredattitude: RT @vishvapani: The fountains of my heart no more Ooze slow into some stagnant place, But in great tranquil rivers pour Into the boundle… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: RT @purpletrousers: "Vishvapani talks about the life of @Sangharakshita (founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order) who died this week." BBC… - 6 years ago

@vishvapani: The fountains of my heart no more Ooze slow into some stagnant place, But in great tranquil rivers pour Into the… - 6 years ago

@buddhistcentre: Here's a beautiful 2 minute film - made by @HSanghadhara about the life and impact of @sangharakshita… - 6 years ago

@cityalan: RT @purpletrousers: "Vishvapani talks about the life of @Sangharakshita (founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order) who died this week." BBC… - 6 years ago

@JezPete: My new favourite image of #sangharakshita. My Buddhist teacher, who died this week at 93, has had a profound impact… - 6 years ago

@jnanagarbha: Sangharakshita at a book launch at the Bristol Buddhist Centre in September 1993 - for Wisdom Beyond Words I think.… - 6 years ago

@max___bailey: RT @BBCR4Sunday: Didn't hear the programme this week? You missed: - @PB_Curry interview - Intersex Day of Remembrance - Tribute to Sanghara… - 6 years ago

@purpletrousers: "Vishvapani talks about the life of @Sangharakshita (founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order) who died this week."… - 6 years ago

@CamBuddhist: Reflection on #sangharakshita by @vishvapani on @BBCRadio4. Listen from 12mins, 40. - 6 years ago

@garryneale2: RT @BBCR4Sunday: Didn't hear the programme this week? You missed: - @PB_Curry interview - Intersex Day of Remembrance - Tribute to Sanghara… - 6 years ago

@BBCR4Sunday: .@vishvapani offers a tribute to Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and the Triratna Buddhi… - 6 years ago

@CornwallRE: RT @BBCR4Sunday: Didn't hear the programme this week? You missed: - @PB_Curry interview - Intersex Day of Remembrance - Tribute to Sanghara… - 6 years ago

@BBCR4Sunday: Didn't hear the programme this week? You missed: - @PB_Curry interview - Intersex Day of Remembrance - Tribute to S… - 6 years ago

@PeterMarsden: Homage to Sangharakshita: - 6 years ago

@reonline_tweets: RT @BBCR4Sunday: .@vishvapani reflects on Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and the Triratna Buddhist Community, w… - 6 years ago

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