Sandra Bland

social activist
Died on Monday July 13th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Sandra Bland:

@OVDub: RT @Karnythia: ...this lie RT @AP BREAKING: Sheriff: Sandra Bland, woman found hanged in Texas jail cell, told jailer she tried to kill her…

@Chyrye_: The Sandra Bland story is scary as fuck cuz that could be one of our moms...

@SadeLindsay: RT @BenjaminNorton: UPDATE: The new Sandra Bland video is 49:11, 3:01 shorter than the original 52:12 video. It still has no timecode. http…

@steve_green_66: RT @athens_lawyer: TX: Sandra Bland arrest video appears edited


@retweeted_p: RT @OutFrontCNN: Family of #SandraBland, who was found hanged in her Waller County, Texas, jail cell, addresses the media. @CNN

@LgnCtn: RT @aurabogado: For starters, Sandra Bland KNEW she was supposed to have the right to be able to express that she was irritated for getting…

@rifleticia: Q cabuloso esse caso da Sandra Bland

@bettywolday: RT @ayypollo: theres a very real possibility that Sandra Bland may not even be alive in her mugshot... her shoulders, the shadows..


@msgoddessrises: RT @thefeministwire: I mourn for Sandra Bland and Kindra Darnell Chapman. I say their names. Because whether they took their own lives or n…

@_PachecoKIDD: RT @ayypollo: theres a very real possibility that Sandra Bland may not even be alive in her mugshot... her shoulders, the shadows..

@theaveragevoter: RT @happydreams22: msnbc: #SandraBland's sister: Keep tweeting, keep Facebooking, keep instagraming, keep Snapchatting

@BookishGirl92: Photoset: untouchablethot: krxs10: Picture taken of scene where Sandra Bland allegedly “hung herself”,...

@SenseiChanning: RT @ShaunKing: I live w/ 6 black girls/women How the arrest/death of #SandraBland changes everything for me

@LgnCtn: RT @aurabogado: Consider Sandra Bland's case specifically. She knew her rights, but they were alienable—as was her very humanity.

@__VALENTINEE: RT @dana_fenty: wow. RIP Sandra Bland.

@mohtawfik75: RT @washingtonpost: A trooper arrested Sandra Bland after she refused to put out a cigarette. Was it legal?

@BrianKapz_: RT @TiaToldYouSo: This Sandra bland thing is soooooo fucked

@DAVEITSDOPE95: RT @ayypollo: theres a very real possibility that Sandra Bland may not even be alive in her mugshot... her shoulders, the shadows..

@pillsn_potion: RT @dannyyonce: the whole Sandra Bland mugshot is so interesting. Y'all are on some kind of Olivia pope detective shit! Expose these crimin…

@Mavrie12: BBC News - Sandra Bland death: Texas officials deny editing arrest video

@_MISSiles: RT @BlvckConscious: Sandra Bland was going to fight that battle. She was taking that pig to court. So no, not for a minute do I believe she…

@iamthemoonking: RT @AVAETC: I edit footage for a living. But anyone can see that this official video has been cut. Read/watch. Why? #SandraBland

@PrattX: I liked a @YouTube video from @antihostile

@dkgbackstreet: Activists voice concern that Sandra Bland video was edited: Texas officials on Tuesday released nearly an hour...

@TrishMKelly: RT @MotherJones: The #SandraBland arrest is difficult to watch but you need to watch it because Jesus Christ

@keishahutchin10: RT @rhysism_: Sandra Bland's mother. #SandySTILLSpeaks #WhatHappenedToSandraBland #JusticeForSandy

@SamSeder: RT @swamiamala: @SamSeder I edit footage for a living. But anyone can see that this official video has been cut Read watch Why?

@DDMonic: RT @JamilSmith: 14 times. That's how many times in the video is that Sandra Bland asks why she is being detained. No straight answer. http:…

@SarpAli93: Activists voice concern that Sandra Bland video was edited: Texas officials on Tuesday released nearly an hour...

@Dfeley365: Activists voice concern that Sandra Bland video was edited: Texas officials on Tuesday released nearly an hour...

@TechFeed: Activists voice concern that Sandra Bland video was edited

@MikeJonesSez: RT @ShaunKing: I live w/ 6 black girls/women How the arrest/death of #SandraBland changes everything for me

@tapiagoras: Activists voice concern that Sandra Bland video was edited: Texas officials on Tuesday released nearly an hour...

@G9_Nicole: RT @BlvckConscious: Sandra Bland was going to fight that battle. She was taking that pig to court. So no, not for a minute do I believe she…

@azureblade7: As Texas Officials Release Violent Arrest Video, Death of Sandra Bland Being “Treated Like a Murder Investigation”

@AMReveron: Activists voice concern that Sandra Bland video was edited

@shekordaa: Sandra Bland Has a hot slut that slangs farts

@abradacabla: RT @marabout40: @docrocktex26 CNN panel explodes after ex-cop says Sandra Bland died because she was ‘arrogant from the beginning’

@ericdeamer: RT @TIME: The Texas Department of Public Safety tells TIME it will release a new version of the Sandra Bland arrest video

@Son1ofZulu: Texas Officials Release Video Footage In Jail Death Of Sandra Bland -

@Digixp: What Would've Happened If The Cop Who Pulled Over Sandra Bland Just Let Her Smoke Her Cigarette?

@MaHa15X11: RT @evan_greer: DA in #SandraBland case basically says black ppl must be "model" citizens if they expect cops not to murder them

@PhillyAdvocates: Police video shows what happened when a Texas trooper stopped #SandraBland, who died days later in jail.

@JohnnySoftware: @bellyshiriashi @JamilSmith Minutes 7:18 am to 7:24 am missing from jail video don't really square as motion-sensor.

@freelancer254: VIDEO: Sandra Bland death: What we know

@Son1ofZulu: 6 Things You Should Know About The County Where Sandra Bland Died -

@Rhoad_Rage: RT @AVAETC: I edit footage for a living. But anyone can see that this official video has been cut. Read/watch. Why? #SandraBland

@nunez_anna: Officer Threatened #SandraBland With Taser, Police Video Shows / NY TIMES

@olrnsaiokymad: Sandra Bland Knows a sexy boss that trips trucks

@olrnsaiokymad: Sandra Bland Wants a hot raver that digs bucks

@Politi_QUE: 6 Things You Should Know About The County Where Sandra Bland Died

@RiskyLiberal: RT @drdrbrockman: When will right-wingers be as horrified by the death of Sandra Bland as they are by a heavily edited and misleading PP vi…

@theresanothrway: RT @AVAETC: I edit footage for a living. But anyone can see that this official video has been cut. Read/watch. Why? #SandraBland

@cododegato: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die „Black Lives Matter“-Aktivistin Sandra Bland wurde wegen Bagatelle festgenommen. 3 Tage später starb sie im Knast h…

@OGJudy_: RT @wsbtv: Dashcam video shows arrest of Sandra Bland before her jail death:

@dsysamu: RT @JamilSmith: Sandra Bland did nothing unlawful in that video. Attitude and disgust with her own mistreatment was treated like a criminal…


@world_latest: New: Video of Sandra Bland arrest ignites firestorm

@gotdem: RT @BenjaminNorton: 33:50-34:12 in the footage released of the arrest of Sandra Bland. The same white car enters the frame 4 times:

@ukwildcatsfan: RT @TheDailyEdge: How it all began: Cop speeds behind #SandraBland. She changes lanes. Explains: "I was getting out of your way."

@patelankur: Sandra Bland Death: Texas to Look Into Alleged Edits of Dashcam Video -

@isonalpatel: Sandra Bland Death: Texas to Look Into Alleged Edits of Dashcam Video -

@ipatelankur: Sandra Bland Death: Texas to Look Into Alleged Edits of Dashcam Video -

@EruditeClothing: #Newsupdate Sandra Bland Death: Texas to Look Into Alleged Edits of Dashcam Video - NBCNews...

@messy16748040: RT @PressTV: Texas lawmakers blast police for treatment of black woman who died in jail

@vaporware: #googlenews Sandra Bland Death: Texas to Look Into Alleged Edits of Dashcam Video -

@AllTheNewsIsNow: #googlenews Sandra Bland Death: Texas to Look Into Alleged Edits of Dashcam Video -

@anabananaclips: RT @Gabriellesse: Selma’ director Ava DuVernay says dashcam video of #SandraBland arrest was doctored ➡

@mlroam: What Would've Happened If The Cop Who Pulled Over Sandra Bland Just Let Her Smoke Her Cigarette?

@kenjbarnes1: Yep, @TIA_EWING nailed it-->"@latimes: #SandraBland arrest video has continuity problems, anomalies


@_haliscomment: RT @nytimes: A dash-cam video shows that a state trooper threatened Sandra Bland with a Taser, saying “I will light you up.”

@Jamil53: RT @JamilSmith: Sandra Bland did nothing unlawful in that video. Attitude and disgust with her own mistreatment was treated like a criminal…

@yrotitna: RT @FusionNews: Sandra Bland arrest video: She asks why she’s being arrested 14 times, doesn’t get an answer

@shmr50: RT @BenjaminNorton: 33:50-34:12 in the footage released of the arrest of Sandra Bland. The same white car enters the frame 4 times:

@lordssyndicate: Sandra Bland Death: Texas to Look Into Alleged Edits of Dashcam Video

@Laurenaurelia: RT @collier: We counted how many times #SandraBland asked the officer why she was being arrested. 14. And she never got an answer.

@Isarojs: What Would've Happened If The Cop Who Pulled Over Sandra Bland Just Let Her Smoke Her Cigarette?

@hetnieuws365247: Volkskrant | Video toont arrestatie Sandra Bland vlak voor haar dood: Een dinsdag vrijgegeven politiev...

@IAMNikkiStrong: ‘I will light you up!': Texas officer threatened #SandraBland with Taser during traffic stop

@mshel702: RT @YeaYouRite: The Sandra Bland video is fucking unreal. Officer arrests her for literally no fucking reason

@ABC7: Dashcam video of Sandra Bland's arrest released. FULL VIDEO:

@MichaelSkolnik: RT @GlobalGrindNews: Police have released the dash cam footage of Sandra Bland's traffic stop arrest

@seraphimmoon13: RT @thecounted: UPDATE: Dashcam video of #SandraBland's arrest has been released

@vkj73: New trending story from TIME: Watch the Police Video of the Arrest of Sandra Bland

@BriaMaria92: RT @GlobalGrind: Police have released the dash cam footage of Sandra Bland's traffic stop arrest

@CNN: RT @CNNVideo: Was jail hanging a suicide? #SandraBland's sister says she's left with far more questions now.

@JahNestaWailer: RT @Allie_Elisabeth: #SandraBland is absolutely correct: "This is some bullshit."

@PRMediaHostRene: @CornellWBrooks @TIME: Watch the police video of the arrest of Sandra Bland

@thee4thFrog: RT @TeenVogue: Why Are Young Women Dying in Police Custody?:

@asapROCKKKYYY: RT @GlobalGrind: Police have released the dash cam footage of Sandra Bland's traffic stop arrest

@Real_Food: RT @TheDailyEdge: How it all began: Cop speeds behind #SandraBland. She changes lanes. Explains: "I was getting out of your way."

@chrischris400: RT @VibeMagazine: New footage has emerged detailing the mysterious death of Sandra Bland:

@BelleDae: RT @JoyAnnReid: Pull up any Youtube video of Open Carry advocates in TX and note that Sandra Bland asserted her rights w/ nearly identical …

@NaomiDinah: RT @JoyAnnReid: DPS ruled that standards of public interaction were violated in the Sandra Bland stop.

@TheAngelKing: RT @CaNdY_n_VoDkA: Even IF Sandra Bland "killed herself" how tf did a plastic bag get in her holding cell to begin with? Still. Negligence.

@don_visions: RT @HerringWSJ: The Sandra Bland video is horrifying on several different levels.

@jaeahjlee: TX state @SenRoyceWest, after seeing dashcam footage: #SandraBland should not have been taken into police custody.

@iyamiyam: RT @KTLA: Dashcam video released of arrest of Sandra Bland, whose Texas jail death created controversy

@CathyJacobowitz: RT @chicagotribune: Affidavit: Trooper used force in arrest of 'combative' Sandra Bland, who later died in cell

@MauiMescudi: RT @theshrillest: Even as he announces that he's investigating Sandra Bland's death as murder, the DA says this. Infuriating.

@23smlsaleaholic: RT @AP: County administrator says probe into jail death of Sandra Bland to be treated like murder investigation:

@MapThePolice: RT @NPMRP: Update: Waller Co., TX death of Sandra Bland investigated by 2 agencies & overseen by FBI. Arresting officer on leave

@redot2005: “The Racist Killing Fields in the US: The Death of Sandra Bland,” by Henry A. Giroux

@Utopiayes: RT @TananariveDue: CNN: DA: Sandra Bland's death being treated like murder investigation

@bjongrk: RT @MarkRuffalo: “@micnews: Sandra Bland’s "suicide" being investigated by FBI as murder

@SparrowOnTheEye: RT @MarcelinoKHOU: Small rally for Sandra Bland in front of federal building in downtown Houston. Demanding answers. #KHOU11

@SoMajesticWWMD: #nowplaying #tunein Everything You Need to Know About the Sandra Bland Case: Investigators have not concluded ...

@DJMICHAELKNIGHT: Off The Press!!! Everything You Need to Know About the Sandra Bland Case: Investigators...

@adaptanita: RT @MarcelinoKHOU: Small rally for Sandra Bland in front of federal building in downtown Houston. Demanding answers. #KHOU11

@cp24co: RT @nowthisnews: The DA is investigating Sandra Bland's death like it was a murder case

@DianaDee16: @LeslieMac It's coming... We'll get Sandra Bland's name back on top!

@mollymckay: Sandra Bland and the Long History of Racism in Waller County, Texas

@nikdodani: What happened to #SandraBland?

@juevesTIC95: Social media reacts to release of Sandra Bland arrest dashboard ... -

@caloganslp: RT @AP: County administrator says probe into jail death of Sandra Bland to be treated like murder investigation:

@tigeriza: THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Attorney General Loretta Lynch: Take Over The Investigatio...

@SomaliEmbassyUS: RT @jyangnbc: Inside the Texas jail cell where Sandra Bland died. Was it suicide? My report tonight on @NBCNightlyNews

@Jp_Morgan_: RT @Lividul: Dashcam video said to show officer threatening #SandraBland with taser. Release is imminent

@Scream_millz: RT @ComplexMag: Sandra Bland's death now being investigated as murder

@PalavaWoman: RT @JamilSmith: This is what the Waller County D.A. said about Sandra Bland. He can't determine cause of death, but he can judge her. http:…

@NBCDFW: RT @AmandaNBC5: Sandra Bland's signature on the page acknowledging her Constitutional rights.. @NBCDFW @JocelynNBC5 @NBCNews

@ResistRadio: Texas trooper who arrested Sandra Bland claims the Black Lives Matter activist assaulted him: The Texas state ...

@fixgear: Sandra Bland. She's dead for the crime of mouthing off to a cop.

@FOX4: WATCH LIVE: TX leaders to discuss death of Sandra Bland at news conference

@dennis_reichel: RT @abc13houston: Press conference on Sandra Bland's death at jail: LIVE:

@johnnyheathcorp: johnny heath corpus christi July 21, 2015 at 11:00PM "Sandra Bland Was ‘Combative,’ Texas Arrest Report Says" via …

@RaceAndRomance: RT @TalibKweli: RT @cnnbrk: Sandra Bland's death in police custody to be probed as murder, da says.

@ashutoshjha54: "Sandra Bland Was ‘Combative,’ Texas Arrest Report Says" by DAVID MONTGOMERY via NYT

@bjsexy1111: RT @RawStory: Texas trooper who arrested Sandra Bland claims the Black Lives Matter activist assaulted him

@tvkoolturaldgoh: "Sandra Bland Was ‘Combative,’ Texas Arrest Report Says" by DAVID MONTGOMERY via NYT

@ourviolentchild: RT @SenSanders: When we look at names like Sandra Bland, or Eric Garner or Freddie Gray, we understand that what we want...

@big_business_: RT“@cnnbrk: Sandra Bland's death in police custody to be probed as murder-district attorney

@FriedrichMedia: RT @PhilArcher_KPRC: Sandra Bland mother & sister met w/ Waller Co Judge this morning. Assured case to be treated " no differently than a m…

@MisonoAlex: "Sandra Bland Was ‘Combative,’ Texas Arrest Report Says" by DAVID MONTGOMERY via NYT

@mirogeorgiev97: "Sandra Bland Was ‘Combative,’ Texas Arrest Report Says" by DAVID MONTGOMERY via NYT

@video_agent: Sandra Bland police videos don't shed light on her death, attorney says - LA ... - Los Angeles Times

@kennethsherrard: Activist Sandra Bland's Death Sparks #Ifidieinpolicecustody Hashtag - Atlanta Blackstar

@InfamousVirgo: RT @abc13houston: Press conference on Sandra Bland's death at jail: LIVE:

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