Sammy Guillen

Trinidadian-born New Zealand cricketer
Died on Friday March 1st 2013

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sammy Guillen:

@guillen_sammy: RT @itsboyschapter: ❒Taken ❒Single ✔ Dont care anymore.

@guillen_sammy: Bullshit after bullshit. I really need to get away for a while.

@matiasvargasma3: 1990 Donruss Chicago White Sox Team Set Carlton Fisk Sammy Sosa Ozzie Guillen

@guillen_sammy: @NessaKilgannon lol a LONGGG ASS trip. but I will❤😊


@NessaKilgannon: @guillen_sammy Damn, from NC! That's going to be some trip. Tell your mom I said hi, Sammy! (I doubt she really remembers me.)

@guillen_sammy: I'm that type of person who's like "nobody ever texts me." but will forget to text back when I get a message. 😅😅😂

@guillen_sammy: Nevada bound in a couple weeks. 🌆💋❤

@guillen_sammy: @NessaKilgannon yess. and we're driving 😑😣 lol idk how ima surrvive. awe yeaa, understandable though. hopefully soon though!

@NessaKilgannon: @guillen_sammy Damn. All of you are going? :( I don't know when I'll be able to go back. Life has been keeping me kind of busy.

@guillen_sammy: @NessaKilgannon they're good. we're suppose to be going over there in July ! what about you .?

@NessaKilgannon: @guillen_sammy I'm alright! How is your mom and Kyle? When are you going back to Reno?

@guillen_sammy: RT @iDeepuDJ: the accuracy

@allanholloway: @NarayanShastri Indeed. Dipak Patel born in Kenya and Sammy Guillen born in Trinidad (as well as playing for West Indies).

@guillen_sammy: @NessaKilgannon lolol that lady was soo nice. but I'm good how are you ???

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