
Pakistani cleric and politician
Died on Sunday November 4th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Sami-ul-Haq:

@FarooqK01862657: RT @OfficialDGISPR: COAS strongly condemns assassination of renowned religious scholar and political leader Moulana Sami ul Haq. Expresses… - 6 years ago

@ShahRukhTarakai: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@maxkhanm: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@ShoaibK28338912: @AamerEngr Ayub Khan n kaha tha hindu ak na ak din tumhre dost ban jainge but afghan nhi deaka nhi molana sami ul h… - 6 years ago


@iffiheaven: RT @voadeewa: Mourners gathering at Daar-ul-Aloom Haqania in Akora Khattak where funeral of its head Maulana Sami ul Haq killed last night… - 6 years ago

@iffiheaven: RT @voadeewa: مولانا طاهر اشرفي دعوه کړې د مولانا سمیع الحق قاتل ورته معلوم دی - 6 years ago

@muhamma47514859: RT @IRISHINSAFIAN: Remember Sami ul Haq & PM @ImranKhanPTI leading by example as tomorrow a 3 day countrywide vaccination campaign for pol… - 6 years ago

@Ishfaq_Isf: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@DawarAllama: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@Zahoorkhan_1: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@MRahimooon: RT @junaidashaikh: This man alone has more wisdom than collective wisdom of Khadim Rizvi, Siraj ul Haq, Sami ul Haq and Abid Sher Ali. http… - 6 years ago

@AfaqRafiq7: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@FARAZSKP: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@EyePluto: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@SuhailYusufzai: RT @osamabinjavaid: Leading deobandi cleric Maulana Sami ul Haq stabbed to death at his Rawalpindi home. As Pakistan has been under lock d… - 6 years ago

@MushtaqGhaniPTI: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@DrNeelamRahi: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@RazaHbk: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@ali____jan: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@Azeem3626: RT @MushtaqGhaniPTI: Visited Darul Uloom Haqqania Akora Khattak to offer condolences to the family of #MaulanaSamiUlHaq and offered fateha.… - 6 years ago

@P_MNews: Rawalpindi: Molana Sami ul Haq Qatal Case Me Aham Pesh Raft, Geofencing Aur Mobile Data Ki Madad Se 3 Mashkook Afrad Griftar - 6 years ago

@9Rang_News: Rawalpindi Molana Sami ul Haq Qatal Case Me Ahem Peshraft, Geofencing Aur Mobile Data Ki Madad Se 3 Mashkook Afrad Griftar, Taftish Shuro... - 6 years ago

@InsafNews_Kp: Rawalpindi: Molana Sami ul Haq Qatal Case Me Aham Peshraft, Geofencing, Mobile DATA Ki Madad Se 3 Mashkook Afrad Gr… - 6 years ago

@Geo_TaizNews: #Rawalpindi: Molana Sami ul Haq Qatal Case Me Aham Peshraft, Geofencing, Mobile DATA Ki Madad Se 3 Mashkook Afrad G… - 6 years ago

@ALLINFOSMS: Rawalpindi: Molana Sami ul Haq Qatal Case Men Aham Peshraft Geofencing Or Mobile Data Ki Madad Sy 3 Mashkook Afrad… - 6 years ago

@ChoothaPeer: RT @junaidashaikh: This man alone has more wisdom than collective wisdom of Khadim Rizvi, Siraj ul Haq, Sami ul Haq and Abid Sher Ali. http… - 6 years ago

@LakkiNews: Rawalpindi: Molana Sami-ul-Haq Qatal Case Me Aham Peshraft,Geofencing Aur Mobile Data Ki Madad Se 3 Mashkook Afrad Giraftar,Taftish Shuro. - 6 years ago

@oneiblind: Bitter Truth!! From Sami ul Haq to Khadim Rizvi and Mullah Omar — terrorism is fostered and nurtured in Pakistan. M… - 6 years ago

@Ab_Baby__: RT @junaidashaikh: This man alone has more wisdom than collective wisdom of Khadim Rizvi, Siraj ul Haq, Sami ul Haq and Abid Sher Ali. http… - 6 years ago

@Pukhto_Mena: #Rawalpindi: Molana Sami ul Haq Qatal Case Me Aham Peshraft, Geofencing or Mobile Data Ki Madad Se 3 Mashkook Afrad Griftar, Taftish Shuro, - 6 years ago

@nusair1: RT @Sarphireee: We will soon be seeing some bright stars of Hockey as we have seen in past like Sami ul haq, Islah Uddin , Hasan Sardar and… - 6 years ago

@SamaMedia: Rawalpindi: Molana Sami ul Haq Qatal Case Me Aham Peshraft, Geofencing or Mobile Data Ki Madad Se 3 Mashkook Afrad Griftar, Taftish Shuro... - 6 years ago

@AhadHussayn: RT @junaidashaikh: This man alone has more wisdom than collective wisdom of Khadim Rizvi, Siraj ul Haq, Sami ul Haq and Abid Sher Ali. http… - 6 years ago

@proudpaki07: RT @junaidashaikh: This man alone has more wisdom than collective wisdom of Khadim Rizvi, Siraj ul Haq, Sami ul Haq and Abid Sher Ali. http… - 6 years ago

@saad_y2j: @KhawajaMAsif @sorrlly Khawajy yh Allahu akbar Allah ki brae or bartari ki wja sy nikla hai ya sami ul haq ki wakiay ka khauf hai? 😀😀😉 - 6 years ago

@Mohammed1367__: RT @Samiyousafzai: Afghan emabasy press Attache in Washington spreading photoshop and fake images of Mulana Sami ul haq bed with alcohol… - 6 years ago

@SamirLimar1: @MJibranNasir @mayjeong Example.. G.Raziq was No hero for you people, the same way Sami-ul-Haq is no hero to us..… - 6 years ago

@saadgalaxy45: RT @junaidashaikh: This man alone has more wisdom than collective wisdom of Khadim Rizvi, Siraj ul Haq, Sami ul Haq and Abid Sher Ali. http… - 6 years ago

@SHB_1983: Rawalpindi: Molana Sami ul Haq Qatal Case Me Aham Peshraft, Geofencing or Mobile Data Ki Madad Se 3 Mashkook Afrad Griftar, Taftish Shuro. - 6 years ago

@inteha_e_syed: RT @junaidashaikh: This man alone has more wisdom than collective wisdom of Khadim Rizvi, Siraj ul Haq, Sami ul Haq and Abid Sher Ali. http… - 6 years ago

@Mee_raqsam: RT @pakindc: @Wustenfushs @FrudBezhan VOA journalists who post inflammatory or fake material to social media (e.g. doctored Sami-ul-haq dea… - 6 years ago

@appcsocialmedia: GB #CM visits #AkoraKhattak to condole death of #MaulanaSamiulHaq - 6 years ago

@imranali27: @Waqas_amjad Aik hi baar ki hai yaar maulana sami ul haq ke liye galat batein na phelaya karo - 6 years ago

@Mahmood_PDF: RT @pakindc: @Wustenfushs @FrudBezhan VOA journalists who post inflammatory or fake material to social media (e.g. doctored Sami-ul-haq dea… - 6 years ago

@shah_mshah39: RT @SayedModarresi: Mulla Sami’ul Haq, the “spiritual” leader of the Taliban, had a special relationship with “spirits”! He was found sta… - 6 years ago

@Lonesome_Cat: RT @GernailSaheb: My 2 dinars on recent assassinations in the region - from Gen Raziq to Sami ul Haq to Khurshid Alam, South Asia is changi… - 6 years ago

@khann_arman: Juma Bayan [9-Nov-2018] Mufti Syed Adnan Kakakhail | Aasia Case Aur Maulana Sami Ul Haq Ki shahadat: - 6 years ago

@ajmal0629: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@Wustenfushs: RT @pakindc: @Wustenfushs @FrudBezhan VOA journalists who post inflammatory or fake material to social media (e.g. doctored Sami-ul-haq dea… - 6 years ago

@pratik_chury: RT @GernailSaheb: My 2 dinars on recent assassinations in the region - from Gen Raziq to Sami ul Haq to Khurshid Alam, South Asia is changi… - 6 years ago

@rayyanr: RT @SayedModarresi: Mulla Sami’ul Haq, the “spiritual” leader of the Taliban, had a special relationship with “spirits”! He was found sta… - 6 years ago

@TANIVASHRAF: Prime Minister Imran Khan Statement On Molana Sami Ul Haq News ||Sami Ul Haq Latest News and Updates - 6 years ago

@pakindc: @Wustenfushs @FrudBezhan VOA journalists who post inflammatory or fake material to social media (e.g. doctored Sami… - 6 years ago

@JawadHSumra: RT @AnwarLodhi: Connect the dots: Imran Khan on China tour. Riots all over Pakistan. Sami ul Haq is martyred. Media and politicians will d… - 6 years ago

@MashhoodSheikh: @natashajaved1 @ShahbazTaseer They have a divine "rohani" policy: "wait for extremists to die by hook or by crook" (hint: Sami-ul-Haq) - 6 years ago

@SyedFaizUlHuda: RT @OfficialDGISPR: COAS strongly condemns assassination of renowned religious scholar and political leader Moulana Sami ul Haq. Expresses… - 6 years ago

@sada_e_islam4: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@__TheMadKing: @sarah_3632 Rizvi boy nai aya tha Maulana sami ul haq ki jamat ka peaceful protest tha kuch time ka, jo k khatam ho… - 6 years ago

@AmmarMa39338497: @AftabIqbal_ kr nhi huwa ye faisla agr dbao mn nhi tha to Molana Sami-ul-haq ne aisa Q kaha shahee hone se pehle ke… - 6 years ago

@AnarchistPk: RT @AliArqam: I wrote a few days back that Ulemas are waiting for #JummaMobarak, as crowds in Jumma prayers help them, so they could prote… - 6 years ago

@_10compassion: RT @GernailSaheb: My 2 dinars on recent assassinations in the region - from Gen Raziq to Sami ul Haq to Khurshid Alam, South Asia is changi… - 6 years ago

@Vikyjut: Molana Sami Ul Haq | Who The Killer ? | Pakistan TV Anylist Telling Truth Behind Molvi Killing |: - 6 years ago

@Dr_AfaqAQ: RT @alisalmanalvi: In his last speech Sami ul Haq (eulogised as a peace loving cleric by the likes of @HamidMirPak and @SaleemKhanSafi on n… - 6 years ago

@sayed_hassany: RT @SayedModarresi: Mulla Sami’ul Haq, the “spiritual” leader of the Taliban, had a special relationship with “spirits”! He was found sta… - 6 years ago

@Raza_Wazir: RT @AliArqam: I wrote a few days back that Ulemas are waiting for #JummaMobarak, as crowds in Jumma prayers help them, so they could prote… - 6 years ago

@AliArqam: I wrote a few days back that Ulemas are waiting for #JummaMobarak, as crowds in Jumma prayers help them, so they c… - 6 years ago

@Abdulla__v: RT @GernailSaheb: My 2 dinars on recent assassinations in the region - from Gen Raziq to Sami ul Haq to Khurshid Alam, South Asia is changi… - 6 years ago

@HaqqaniAamir: @HamidMirPAK Hamid mer sahib yi hokamran bohut laeen Hain Jinho ki waja Sai Mulana sami ul haq SB shaheed hoay Hain… - 6 years ago

@AmmarMehdi1988: RT @SayedModarresi: Mulla Sami’ul Haq, the “spiritual” leader of the Taliban, had a special relationship with “spirits”! He was found sta… - 6 years ago

@islamicteacher9: Maulana Sami Ul Haq Ko Shaheed Karne Wala 19 Sal Ka Larka Kon Nikla - 6 years ago

@IqbalArshad56: @KhSaad_Rafique Aaj baraa Islam aur mulana Sami ul haq yaad aa raha hai??? - 6 years ago

@islamicteacher9: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@AbualiB: RT @SayedModarresi: Mulla Sami’ul Haq, the “spiritual” leader of the Taliban, had a special relationship with “spirits”! He was found sta… - 6 years ago

@NidaAamir14: @MtayyabSe @PIPL_Pakistan @OfficialDGISPR @AsimBajwaISPR @peaceforchange @ImranKhanPTI @PTIofficial @SMQureshiPTI… - 6 years ago

@pinku04: RT @GernailSaheb: My 2 dinars on recent assassinations in the region - from Gen Raziq to Sami ul Haq to Khurshid Alam, South Asia is changi… - 6 years ago

@TahirJui340: حیران ہوں کہ اِک بھی گواہی نہ مل سکی حالانکہ اِک ہجوم میں مارا گیا مجھے! #Maulana_Sami_ul_haq - 6 years ago

@ankit_sharmank: RT @GernailSaheb: My 2 dinars on recent assassinations in the region - from Gen Raziq to Sami ul Haq to Khurshid Alam, South Asia is changi… - 6 years ago

@paknewscenter: JUI S Maulana Sami Ul Haq Last Speech Today - - 6 years ago

@newreck: RT @GernailSaheb: My 2 dinars on recent assassinations in the region - from Gen Raziq to Sami ul Haq to Khurshid Alam, South Asia is changi… - 6 years ago

@Saurab__: RT @GernailSaheb: My 2 dinars on recent assassinations in the region - from Gen Raziq to Sami ul Haq to Khurshid Alam, South Asia is changi… - 6 years ago

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