Sam Galbraith

British politician
Died on Monday August 18th 2014

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Sam Galbraith:

@maverick_mac: RT @smokymozzarella: Margo McDonald, Sam Galbraith, Tom McCabe, Charles Kennedy. Scotland has lost some thoroughly decent human beings.

@smokymozzarella: Margo McDonald, Sam Galbraith, Tom McCabe, Charles Kennedy. Scotland has lost some thoroughly decent human beings.

@AntiquesQuarter: At the market tomorrow local artist Sam Galbraith will be doing quick sketch portraits...

@cbbaxter5a: @Jefforbited I took the old new Highers in 2000. That fiasco cost Sam Galbraith his job. No party has an unblemished record in this area.


@samhuntermusic: Had a fun time on the Joe Padula show special guesting with Rob Galbraith playing some tunes on my BackporcH Guitars

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