Sam Foster

British politician
Died on Tuesday August 19th 2014

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Sam Foster:

@Russ_Foster: @Sam_Foley or how to spell know 😉😝

@sam_foster: @0770lee I should definitely be on there. I think miss foxy would agree ha

@scoobyxsnaps: @ComicBookBros1 it's fake. Doesn't even have the current incarnations of characters (Sam Wilson as Cap, Jane Foster as Thor)

@WatcherMarShar: @Gambit the picture isn't real. It doesn't even have the current incarnations of characters (Sam Wilson as Cap, Jane Foster as Thor)


@WatcherMarShar: @SuperheroFeed this is fan made, doesn't even have the current characters. Sam Wilson as Cap, Jane Foster as Thor, come on man

@kenzie_gennaro: RT @DrBarbaraMorse: Funko Pops I need them to make: Jane Foster, Sam Wilson, Bobbi Morse, Pepper Potts, and Bruce Banner (not just Hulk!)

@normbygrave: Wkt! Sam Foster hits a return catch to Lambo Col: 198-8 (40.6) #scc #rlcc

@DrBarbaraMorse: Funko Pops I need them to make: Jane Foster, Sam Wilson, Bobbi Morse, Pepper Potts, and Bruce Banner (not just Hulk!)

@AlexStenner1: @brieanne_foster i'm sure sam and callum laughed

@catherinecj87: Narcissus Kimball, Charlene Bracken, Andie Foster, Misty D Norman, Amber Reddick, Sam Reddick, Michael Rigure

@hanzypanzy: This is my Foster Sam he was rehomed yesterday love fostering enjoy @petworldinsider @PACT4Animals @BlogPaws

@sam_foster: @0770lee haha I like how you think. I'll be following your lead soon

@sam_foster: Applied for jobs, tidied up, played a little piano. Feeling strangely productive right now.

@Sam_Emmery: RT @MartinBarrow: 'Protecting our Foster Kids' documentary series announced by the BBC | Community Care

@twiiit_sam: RT @LinaTaghreed: "You’ll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do." David Foster Wallace #quotes

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