
Australian racehorse
Died on Thursday December 15th 2016

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Saintly:

@HowlTweeter: who let themselves be fucked in the ass by saintly motorcyclists, and screamed with joy, - 8 years ago

@HydeWatch: The ladies an' gents 'ere before you - Which none of 'em ever admits - May 'ave saintly looks - But they're sinners an' crooks! #Facade - 8 years ago

@manifestcon: Palo Santo : Secrets Of This Saintly Stick - 8 years ago

@SilverAdie: RT @SilverAdie: #BerlinChristmasMarketAttack RIP Berlin victims. Merkel rescued refugees from violence like this & is a saintly humanitari… - 8 years ago


@Grandpar1: If d @apcnigeria saintly posture is anything 2 go by in '15, no member @ FG, state or d party should steal from d coffers @demolarewaju - 8 years ago

@MonroyUS: RT @shagga111: @Sandra_Sully @TheNewDailyAu A good watch before you start! - 8 years ago

@BrendaJaden1: Rc toys, not saintly toys for kid: XzUnmhk - 8 years ago

@R2neem: RT @ItsEskai: I truly dont understand people who bother explaining themselves to others like what kind of saintly patience do you have - 8 years ago

@amamyucamus: @Saintly_Camus ん…ちゅ、ちゅ…お前から、もっと上手に出来ないのか?フン、出来の悪い愚民め…ちゅ……ん、ほら、もっと舌を出せ… - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: If you want to give the devil a nervous breakdown, get up every day and be as happy as you can possibly be! - 8 years ago

@MelanieRenesme: glenn & rick | right hand man cc saintly martin [edited] / my audio + THIS HURT ME (Vine by @sonequasmartin) - 8 years ago

@FC150: RT @AndrewPWBennett: St. Thomas More pray for us! May we model your and St. John Fisher's saintly witness in defending the faith in the pub… - 8 years ago

@SikeeDlanga: Listening to @BantuHolomisa also reveals that Mandela wasn't as saintly as we make him out to be. He was a good politician not without fault - 8 years ago

@LoneXI: @Twwitterdotcom she has saintly patience - 8 years ago

@amamyucamus: @Saintly_Camus そうだな…今日はお前からしてみろ。……出来ない?如何して?何時もしているのに。早くしないと、気持ち良くしてやらんぞ - 8 years ago

@isakrovia: RT @PAULROVlA: —season 7 fav, wbu? 》ac frootland / cc saintly martin can't wait to have them both e... (Vine by @uriegrimes) - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: RT @FaithReeI: A Farmer Was Shocked When He Taped The One Who Had Been Setting His Horses Free! click>> - 8 years ago

@hana_akr: @Saintly_blue ぜひ繋がっていただけると嬉しいです😭🙏🏻💓 フォロー失礼いたします☘ - 8 years ago

@hana_akr: @Saintly_blue あおさんお迎えいただきありがとうございます😳🙏🏻✨ リツイートから、なんて透明感のあるお美しいカミュさま!とずっとソワソワとお写真拝見しており、 |д・) ソォーッ…っと隠れファンだったのですが、あまりにも素敵で思わずこちら反応させていただきました✨⇨ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: Pray until your situation changes. Miracles happen every day, so never stop believing. God can change things very quickly in your life. - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: 7 days without prayer makes one "weak" :) - 8 years ago

@tatsumi8549: @saintly_c123 かしこまりました。よろしくお願い致します。 - 8 years ago

@Greg_Papaa: What in the hell is my guy Saintly wearing???? Lol - 8 years ago

@guinness4ever61: @annika_simpkins @whiskey_girl33 @NashVolGuy always. And it's why I live a saintly life lol - 8 years ago

@Saintly_padre: @HenriVerber а че с ошибкой? ХD - 8 years ago

@TaRo_cos_128: @Saintly_blue 宜しくお願いします! 碧生さんのカミュすごく素敵です😂😂 - 8 years ago

@saintly_c123: @tatsumi8549 承知しました。お時間合いましたらよろしくお願い致します。また到着される際、ご連絡くださいませ。私も帰る時間になりましたらご連絡致します。 - 8 years ago

@rajji3351: @CNNnews18 Plz dont disgrace yourself by quoting a criminal like @laluprasadrjd on our saintly PM @narendramodi ji - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: God will never lead you wrong. - 8 years ago

@IGBeautyBox: @jackieperichi @BabyGirlTjk @PrayInFaith @Saintly_Life @PrayInFaith @God_Loved @Godly_Life @Hillsong_Live @hillsong… - 8 years ago

@RoselynSmitley: @alansarchives You just have to look handsome & saintly, Alan! You've got it made! 😄👼✨ - 8 years ago

@faithfulnews: RT @AnOceanofTime: holy. Not God or Jesus or the spirit most likely, but the saints aren't saintly. (5/5) - 8 years ago

@IGBeautyBox: Amen!! @jackieperichi @BabyGirlTjk @Saintly_Life @PrayInFaith - 8 years ago

@IGBeautyBox: Amen!!! @jackieperichi @BabyGirlTjk @Saintly_Life @PrayInFaith @FaithReeI - 8 years ago

@AnOceanofTime: holy. Not God or Jesus or the spirit most likely, but the saints aren't saintly. (5/5) - 8 years ago

@UncleFlapjacks: RT @Brother_Andre: Not to the East, But to the West – The Saintly Adventures of Francesca Cabrini - 8 years ago

@ms_emmalyon: @dreandmax @Wolf_six you are both saintly brings, because of he would ban car alarms I would be favorably disposed. - 8 years ago

@tatsumi8549: @saintly_c123 こんにちは。お返事ありがとうございます。14時前に間に合うかどうかまだわからないので、もし14時前に到着しましたら是非交換よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: RT @JesusGraces: Jesus The Savior. -> - 8 years ago

@mameders: She's walking down the aisle With lovely clothes of crimson red A look of a saintly figure A voice of an angel A silent whisper. - 8 years ago

@gemini11: [daddiezzz] ac: capricorn || cc: saintly martin - 8 years ago

@saintly_c123: 東京いくで~↑↑ - 8 years ago

@saintly_c123: @Kbmn_by_2tr 4時ですね、承知しました!こちらこそよろしくお願いします! - 8 years ago

@Kbmn_by_2tr: @saintly_c123 ご連絡ありがとうございます😊私は4時くらいに行く予定です。よろしくお願いします! - 8 years ago

@bimalkrray: @SonaChele1 @mediacrooks How utopian uttering against Saintly Tagore We all forget to make out between Divinity and devilish word pity - 8 years ago

@saintly_c123: @Kbmn_by_2tr こんにちは。本日よろしくお願いします。 今日の予定ですが、もしかすると武道館につくのが開場始まってからになるかもしれません。 着き次第ご連絡致しますね。 - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: A friend loves at all times, & a brother is born for adversity. - Prov 17:17 - 8 years ago

@Parasinsa1: RT @baldeepkaulakh: @Gurmeetramrahim #PeakCraze4LionHeart Blest...!!! the destiny of those saintly persons.who remember God da… - 8 years ago

@avanconia: @oreillyfactor @jessebwatters Please never put that lyin liberal #Flannery on ever again. What waste. Your other saintly guest deserved more - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: Today, forgive those that have hurt you & forgive yourself so that you can walk in victory. - 8 years ago

@Dickcolorado: A saintly act of kindness. - 8 years ago

@Karnailinsan15: RT @baldeepkaulakh: @Gurmeetramrahim #PeakCraze4LionHeart Blest...!!! the destiny of those saintly persons.who remember God da… - 8 years ago

@mameders: She's walking down the aisle With lovely clothes of crimson red A look of a saintly figure A voice of an angel A silent whisper. - 8 years ago

@enternoon: @sitsio the buck stops with him. But there IS a history of saintly resistance (starting with Paul!) wrt popes who overstepped their office. - 8 years ago

@Kirtiinsan19: RT @baldeepkaulakh: @Gurmeetramrahim #PeakCraze4LionHeart Blest...!!! the destiny of those saintly persons.who remember God da… - 8 years ago

@UKHistoryTours: Latest from HT... The Perils of Piety - Medieval understanding of the soul and the body meant that a saintly li... - 8 years ago

@MatchlessBeaute: 'Saintly/Holy' "That's nice." 😊 - 8 years ago

@CountyPolk: @KarenKeyLargo Or saintly Jimbo who suspends bench riders for failed drug test, but not the star guys. That came to from an Fsu player. :) - 8 years ago

@TheSquaducator: The Perils of Piety - Medieval understanding of the soul and the body meant that a saintly life was a life of p... - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: God doesn't move in your life when you struggle; He moves when you pray. - 8 years ago

@pies61187: @Saintly_Life yea faith in yourself not some imaginary deity - 8 years ago

@PosterityTitan: @michellemalkin @JohnRiversX4 blacks are wise and saintly. - 8 years ago

@jakewestmore: @zoelondondj @partofnoworld that would be subtley saintly epic - 8 years ago

@JFJohnson737: I just read about St. Peter Canisius on the @SaintOfTheDay mobile app: - 8 years ago

@PosterityTitan: @L_Babenberg blacks be so wise and saintly. - 8 years ago

@Gdxvbki1: いつまでたっても氷漬けにならないからSaintly Territoryきく - 8 years ago

@Maginary1_: It is so cruel of unbelievers to put such a saintly ambassador of Christ behind bars. - 8 years ago

@TrueHeaven1: @Saintly_Life .Amen - 8 years ago

@TheVoiceOfHim: @Saintly_Life What God intends is not for any to know, as he has never intended anything. I know for a fact. - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: I have been crucified with Christ & I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. -Gal 2:20 - 8 years ago

@apa_ghosh: RT @sssingh21: Once the saintly voice and calm demeanour of @_YogendraYadav made an impact. Now he just looks like alter ego of @ArvindKejr… - 8 years ago

@robbieGGhailey: UK acts like theyre all saintly. Kash Daniel bought a recruit a lap dance at the strip club the other day and he committed 2 days later🤐 - 8 years ago

@taissaxhennig: allison&kira | ac gabriels edits cc saintly martin / for nadia&insane #dphntyto60k (Vine by ig:catallystic) - 8 years ago

@BradysAdventure: @not_snee Den Game 2: Legends of The Perfect Abyss Above and the Saintly Eye - 8 years ago

@robby_day: @davewasson low by people saintly accurate blow - 8 years ago

@CRDeel: @L33t555Bourne @Saintly_Life ...and brings more peace than ever thought possible. #peace #truth - 8 years ago

@CRDeel: @L33t555Bourne @Saintly_Life My truth lies in the Word of God. - 8 years ago

@GalvestonBBQ: @_selbels @JamesLiamCook true, but the narrative is now that Delta booted a saintly Muslim from a plane becuase people hate Muslims. - 8 years ago

@CRDeel: @Saintly_Life @ashleyelaine28 @rileykdeel - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine. Never lose hope and hang on to God's hand. - 8 years ago

@TaRo_cos_128: @Saintly_blue ぜひ、仲良くしてください😃😄😆 カミュカッコイイですよね!!! フォロー失礼します - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @shoyyu521 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @_kann77 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @arkc_tourabu101 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@harukore02: @Saintly_blue リプありがとうございます😊 こちらアイアイコスを来年からやろうとしているので素敵なカミュに惹かれてしまいました꒰ ੭ˊ꒳ˋ ू ꒱♡*⸝⸝ 是非是非仲良くしていただきたいです!宜しくお願いします😊 - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @Knight_0818 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @gosh0123 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @Yurara_12 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @totumika 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @TaRo_cos_128 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @bvdtaso 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @AKiRA_kikt 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @harukore02 初めまして、あおと申します! こちらのタグに反応ありがとうございます💓😊誤反応でなければ是非仲良くさせて頂きたいです◎ カミュちゃん大好きマンですが宜しくお願い致します❄ - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. - Mother Teresa - 8 years ago

@Hammdriller: RT @julietkego: 2/2. E.g of bad use-PMB is oblivious/'saintly' of corrupt antics of his cabinet or "UN exaggerating IDP crisis' or APC 'fig… - 8 years ago

@uchefuna11: @Saintly_Life how can someone stop masturbation? - 8 years ago

@xo_Shalisa: @SchoolBoyQuinn @joinez everybody acting all saintly about it, knowing damn well... - 8 years ago

@aoi_anime2000: @Saintly_blue わ〜😭💞💞 JT……やりたみ…… あおさんの生カミュ拝むためならなんだってやります……☺️🙏💕 - 8 years ago

@ksr88kar91: Saintly people are seldom sick! They are calm, less complicated and have minimum conflicts of thoughts! Their... - 8 years ago

@IanRH64: @sparkx64 @FrankWords_ Let's not forget that Geldof et al were being followed and supported by the saintly Cox family. - 8 years ago

@BabyGirlTjk: @IGBeautyBox @jackieperichi @Saintly_Life @PrayInFaith @God_Loved @Godly_Life Amen! - 8 years ago

@IGBeautyBox: So powerful!! @jackieperichi @BabyGirlTjk @Saintly_Life @PrayInFaith @Godly_Life @GODs_Graces - 8 years ago

@IGBeautyBox: @jackieperichi @BabyGirlTjk @Saintly_Life @PrayInFaith @God_Loved @Godly_Life - 8 years ago

@MarkBraithwait2: @saintly_jim Cyclists should be insured, someone's got to pay for your coffins when you ride like arseholes 😆😆 - 8 years ago

@MarkBraithwait2: @saintly_jim I pay Council Tax so I can ride on the pavement, swerve everywhere, jump red lights & put pedestrians at risk 😆😆 #spaso - 8 years ago

@MarkBraithwait2: @saintly_jim Fuel duty, for a cycle 😆 or u a car user just bitching ? Paying VAT does not validate cycling on a road like a complete wanker - 8 years ago

@kit_Harrru930: @Saintly_blue こちらこそありがとうございます🙏✨ その時はぜひ✨よろしくお願いします.゚+.(´∀`*).+゚. - 8 years ago

@nito0929cos: @Saintly_blue 通知欄が反応してなくて気づくのがいまになってしまいました😭💦💦申し訳ありません😭💦改めましてニトと申します!本物すぎるカミュ様にいてもたってもいられずふぁぼりつ飛ばしてしまいました😭🙏🏻💕💕ぜひ繋がらせてください…!フォロー失礼いたします! - 8 years ago

@saintly_jim: @LeaveEUOfficial you're not doing a very good job of it with your imbecilic remoaner jibes. Do grow up. - 8 years ago

@jabluz: If love were a manger that cradled a savior, unequivocal adherence would leave all living saintly. - 8 years ago

@saintly_jim: @MarkBraithwait2 @CCSteV @widgetas so no, I pay plenty of tax, and I'm going to continue riding my bike when I want! - 8 years ago

@saintly_jim: @MarkBraithwait2 @CCSteV @widgetas fuck all, except for income tax, VAT, council tax, alcohol duty, insurance premium tax, fuel duty etc etc - 8 years ago

@Saintly_Life: RT @AmazedByAnimals: Merry *woof* *woof* Christmas…. - 8 years ago

@nachi_coscos: @Saintly_blue あおさんのカミュ様すごい好きなんです...🙏🙏🙏ありがとうございます🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 - 8 years ago

@Saintly_padre: Новый год с эмо...ахха блядь человеку который ревет каждый новый год, новый год в одном помещении с эмо! Госпади это будет круто! - 8 years ago

@Saintly_padre: RT @Hirokun62061168: Вот бы закрыться в зале и тренить до потери сознания. - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: @nachi_coscos うわーーーんありがとうございます❄( •̩̩̩̩_•̩̩̩̩ ) - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: God's S.T.A.R.が頭から離れないから 5thセトリ聴いてたらそれはそれで……みたいになった……😕 逃げ場なし…… - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: RT @Saintly_blue: 【cos】 うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE LIVE 5th ( プリライ ) ❄前野智昭さん衣装ver カミュ 『Both will be as you wish どちらでもくれてやる ーーーーーー魅惑のDouble… - 8 years ago

@Saintly_blue: RT @Saintly_blue: 【cos】 カミュ 『譲れない夢を お持ちになるなら 共に叶えましょう』 『譲れない夢を 一番近くで 見させてやろう』 - 8 years ago

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