Said Zahari

Singaporean journalist and political prisoner.
Died on Tuesday April 12th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Said Zahari:

@aliranmalaysia: Said Zahari - telling it as it is, as it was - 9 years ago

@alirafiqibrahim: RT @FazallahPit: Bacalah buku Meniti Lautan Gelora tulisan Pak Said Zahari, kau akan mengerti peritnya, pentingnya, panjangnya perjuangan k… - 9 years ago

@RaihaBahaudin: RT @FazallahPit: Bacalah buku Meniti Lautan Gelora tulisan Pak Said Zahari, kau akan mengerti peritnya, pentingnya, panjangnya perjuangan k… - 9 years ago

@RaihaBahaudin: RT @FazallahPit: Pak Said Zahari simbol kebebasan media di Malaysia. Perjuangannya mempertahan Utusan dari dikuasai Umno kekal di ingatan,… - 9 years ago


@RaihaBahaudin: RT @FazallahPit: #SaidZahari : Patriotic, powerful and principled: - 9 years ago

@arehman_rashid: Interview with Said Zahari, on his anti-colonial struggle and 17-year political detention in Singapore. - 9 years ago

@aliranmalaysia: Suffering for the Truth: Aliran's interview with Said Zahari (Part 2) - 9 years ago

@Naufal_Zahari: RT @khairulaiman106: Haha tersangat deep. Well said bro. - 9 years ago

@bumno: Paying a hefty price for his principles - 9 years ago

@tirah_zahari: RT @omgRudeComedian: Guy: how old are you😏Girl: 15 Guy: you look young for an 18 year old😉Girl: i said fifte..Guy: - 9 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Said Zahari (1928 - 2016), died at age 87 years: was a one time editor-in-chief… - 9 years ago

@ISIS_MY: Prof Jomo Kwame Sundaram's personal take on the late Said Zahari: - 9 years ago

@sgbroadcast: [TRE] A Tribute to a Malay Intellectual – Said Zahari: ‘Another unsung hero from our anti-colonial ... - 9 years ago

@brotherchanyh: RT @syahredzan: Debut article by Ayah in The Star today. About Allahyarham Said Zahari. - 9 years ago

@syudeys: RT @mykamarul: Paying a hefty price for his principles -Enlightening story on journalistic independence by TS JJ - 9 years ago

@mykamarul: Paying a hefty price for his principles -Enlightening story on journalistic independence by TS JJ - 9 years ago

@Ezriq_Hj_Zahari: @Mars__1023 I said she's a scumbag, don't you know! - 9 years ago

@NuruluyunZainal: RT @netraKL: Paying a hefty price for his principles - 9 years ago

@AfiqahZlkfl: RT @syahredzan: Debut article by Ayah in The Star today. About Allahyarham Said Zahari. - 9 years ago

@sgbroadcast: [TRE] Another forgotten political warrior: S’pore citizen, Said Zahari, died recently age 88, in KL... - 9 years ago

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