Saadi Yacef

Algerian independence fighter.
Died on Friday September 10th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Saadi Yacef:

@NBelloula: @A_Djenad @redsemar On a accusé Yacef Saadi de trahison. J'ai rectifié le tir en disant qu'il faut pas avancer des… - 3 years ago

@jjoo771: RT @MiddleEastMnt: #Algeria: resistance fighter Saadi Yacef dies, aged 93 - 3 years ago

@Dr213_: RT @bejaia_lyon: En 1 semaine, l’Algérie perd deux de ses nombreux monuments. Yacef #Saadi et maintenant #Bouteflika allah y rahmou https:/… - 3 years ago

@MiddleEastMnt: #Algeria - resistance fighter Saadi Yacef dies, aged 93 - 3 years ago


@khzzz: RT @MiddleEastMnt: #Algeria: resistance fighter Saadi Yacef dies, aged 93 - 3 years ago

@MuammerGokcin: RT @donalhassett1: Saâdi Yacef, leader of the Algiers FLN during the Battle of Algiers has passed away. Known to audiences around the globe… - 3 years ago

@monitordoorient: Veterano da resistência argelina #SaadiYacef morre aos 93 anos - 3 years ago

@StanleyCohenLaw: RT @MiddleEastMnt: #Algeria: resistance fighter Saadi Yacef dies, aged 93 - 3 years ago

@MiddleEastMnt: #Algeria: resistance fighter Saadi Yacef dies, aged 93 - 3 years ago

@bejaia_lyon: En 1 semaine, l’Algérie perd deux de ses nombreux monuments. Yacef #Saadi et maintenant #Bouteflika allah y rahmou - 3 years ago

@YacineAmiri2: Saadi Yacef, Algerian independence fighter who starred in ‘Battle of Algiers,’ dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@monitordoorient: Veterano da resistência argelina Saadi Yacef morre aos 93 anos - 3 years ago

@marrieddtoarmin: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@Prison_Health: The famed Algerian resistance fighter Saadi Yacef, who fought for his country's independence from French colonialis… - 3 years ago

@twillierod: Saadi Yacef, whose memoir “Souvenirs de la Bataille d’Alger” inspired the film ‘Battle of Algiers” has died. - 3 years ago

@bleu_voilier: Tout à fait !.. Une légende vivante !.. Peut-être, peut-être qu'il est mort, mais son ombre hantera les petites rue… - 3 years ago

@SherifaZuhur: Algeria: resistance fighter Saadi Yacef dies, aged 93 - 3 years ago

@rashrashii: - 3 years ago

@MiddleEastMnt: Algeria: resistance fighter Saadi Yacef dies, aged 93 - 3 years ago

@Abdel_Cheref: @BasileusZeno @mayamikdashi Needless to mention that Yacef Saadi, one of the protagonists in the film and in the Ba… - 3 years ago

@grave_of_marian: RT @jiixbooks: Yacef Omar à Petit Omar (1944 - 1957) He was the nephew of Yacef Saadi leader of the FLN. He was a liaison officer between t… - 3 years ago

@grave_of_marian: RT @jiixbooks: Djamila Bouhired (born 1935) | "Algeria is our mother!" She joined the FLN as student activist & she worked as a liaison off… - 3 years ago

@AirForceuse123: Attendez, mais Yacef Saâdi est mort ! - 3 years ago

@iraq62sona: RT @nmelikechi: Yacef Saadi, a freedom fighter of the Algerian Liberation war passed away. His dream & struggle have shaped the history of… - 3 years ago

@AchmatX: RT @MoRientalist: "Saadi Yacef was born in the bustling Casbah district of Algiers on Jan 20, 1928, to illiterate ethnic B̵e̵r̵b̵e̵r̵ Amazi… - 3 years ago

@mordieu: Zemřel Saadi Yacef, bývalý alžírský militant z FLN, dlouholetý senátor a také hvězda jednoho z nejlepších válečných… - 3 years ago

@okba21: RT @Ouardaiqbal: Yacef Saadi posing with his wife at 27th Venice International Film Festival ( 1966 ), the festival that awarded Gillo Pont… - 3 years ago

@Oum_Oona: RT @HishamAidi: RIP Saadi Yacef whose memoir inspired Gillo Pontecorvo’s classic film Battle of Algiers (the Polish poster for the film vi… - 3 years ago

@mouhab2510: RT @asadabukhalil: Algerian FLN commander, Yacef Saadi. Look into his eyes. How could he not defeat French colonialism ياسف سعدي. انظروا ف… - 3 years ago

@ouitit: RT @Ouardaiqbal: Yacef Saadi posing with his wife at 27th Venice International Film Festival ( 1966 ), the festival that awarded Gillo Pont… - 3 years ago

@mmiss_n_simoh: RT @Ouardaiqbal: Yacef Saadi posing with his wife at 27th Venice International Film Festival ( 1966 ), the festival that awarded Gillo Pont… - 3 years ago

@Fmetaoui: RT @Ouardaiqbal: Yacef Saadi posing with his wife at 27th Venice International Film Festival ( 1966 ), the festival that awarded Gillo Pont… - 3 years ago

@algeriandproud_: RT @asadabukhalil: Algerian FLN commander, Yacef Saadi. Look into his eyes. How could he not defeat French colonialism ياسف سعدي. انظروا ف… - 3 years ago

@politicalHEDGE: Algerian independence fighter Saadi Yacef dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@politicalHEDGE: Algerian independence fighter Saadi Yacef dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@El_Mohamed13: RT @YZerguini: Les insultes intolérables envers la mémoire de Yacef Saadi, Héros de la Nation: A force de déclarer "Un seul héros, le peupl… - 3 years ago

@bouzariaa_hako: RT @Ouardaiqbal: Yacef Saadi posing with his wife at 27th Venice International Film Festival ( 1966 ), the festival that awarded Gillo Pont… - 3 years ago

@HanadiFawaz1: RT @asadabukhalil: Algerian FLN commander, Yacef Saadi. Look into his eyes. How could he not defeat French colonialism ياسف سعدي. انظروا ف… - 3 years ago

@timgad25: RT @YZerguini: Les insultes intolérables envers la mémoire de Yacef Saadi, Héros de la Nation: A force de déclarer "Un seul héros, le peupl… - 3 years ago

@Cuzzzy: RT @asadabukhalil: Algerian FLN commander, Yacef Saadi. Look into his eyes. How could he not defeat French colonialism ياسف سعدي. انظروا ف… - 3 years ago

@amchetta: RT @YZerguini: Les insultes intolérables envers la mémoire de Yacef Saadi, Héros de la Nation: A force de déclarer "Un seul héros, le peupl… - 3 years ago

@fra_lau16: RT @guidoolimpio: E' morto Saadi Yacef, famoso militante del Fronte algerino (nella foto AFP in arresto nel 1957). E' uno dei personaggi ch… - 3 years ago

@FouLibre: RT @YZerguini: Les insultes intolérables envers la mémoire de Yacef Saadi, Héros de la Nation: A force de déclarer "Un seul héros, le peupl… - 3 years ago

@TequilaPriest1: Saadi Yacef, Algerian independence fighter who starred in ‘Battle of Algiers,’ dies at 93 Now please introduce as m… - 3 years ago

@AriastutiHilda: RT @asadabukhalil: Algerian FLN commander, Yacef Saadi. Look into his eyes. How could he not defeat French colonialism ياسف سعدي. انظروا ف… - 3 years ago

@sabengel4: RT @MezahiMaher: Yacef Saadi passed away last night. He is best known for his role in the Battle of Algiers, in which he was at one point… - 3 years ago

@osutayusuf: Saadi Yacef, Algerian independence fighter who starred in ‘Battle of Algiers,’ dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@zolaism: Saadi Yacef, Algerian independence fighter who starred in ‘Battle of Algiers,’ dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@dounyans: RT @arabia_vox: 🇩🇿 Yacef Saadi, héros de la bataille d’Alger, est mort à l’âge de 93 ans. Héros de la lutte pour l’indépendance et chef de… - 3 years ago

@houari_guermat: Yacef Saadi vient de décéder à o3 ans. Ancien combattant du FLN, artisan de la bataille d'Alger, 3 fois condamné à… - 3 years ago

@revue_gibraltar: RT @campvolant: Annonce de la mort de Yacef Saadi qui dirigea la Zone Autonome d'Alger du FLN durant la grande répression de 1957 puis cont… - 3 years ago

@lb_iyes: Je pourrais vous parler des milliers de morts des Algériens tuer dans la rue lors de la Toussaint rouge par des sol… - 3 years ago

@sirtakid: RT @Amar_Baguitta: Yacef Saâdi par Dilem - 3 years ago

@nbjewbolshevik: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@ahmedbabyface: RT @Amar_Baguitta: Yacef Saâdi par Dilem - 3 years ago

@DeodatdeGozon: RT @JulienAubert84: L’⁦⁦@AFPcom⁩ qualifie Yacef Saadi, de « héros » de la bataille d’Alger. Je suis consterné de ce titre donné à quelqu’un… - 3 years ago

@PuissegurRemi: RT @ECiotti: Scandalisé de voir une certaine presse française parler de Yacef Saadi comme d’un héros. Ce combattant anti français du FLN… - 3 years ago

@EmmaDac: RT @arabia_vox: 🇩🇿 Yacef Saadi, héros de la bataille d’Alger, est mort à l’âge de 93 ans. Héros de la lutte pour l’indépendance et chef de… - 3 years ago

@mehdimerbah: RT @Amar_Baguitta: Yacef Saâdi par Dilem - 3 years ago

@brevesdejours: RT @JulienAubert84: L’⁦⁦@AFPcom⁩ qualifie Yacef Saadi, de « héros » de la bataille d’Alger. Je suis consterné de ce titre donné à quelqu’un… - 3 years ago

@Babelouedson: RT @PtolemeeM: Yacef Saadi hormis sa carriere de militant fut un grand sportif il portera les couleurs de l`OMSE-USMA-MCA Jouera en Belgiq… - 3 years ago

@nabmaraj: RT @arabia_vox: 🇩🇿 Yacef Saadi, héros de la bataille d’Alger, est mort à l’âge de 93 ans. Héros de la lutte pour l’indépendance et chef de… - 3 years ago

@Lepapou1: RT @FMAGHREB2: #Algérie Yacef Saâdi n’est plus Qu’il repose en paix 🤲 #YacefSaâdi, né le 20 janvier 1928 à la #Casbah d'#Alger et mort ce v… - 3 years ago

@Noobie003: RT @Amar_Baguitta: Yacef Saâdi par Dilem - 3 years ago

@iamkvmel: RT @LeHuffPost: Yacef Saadi, héros de l'indépendance de l'Algérie, est mort à 93 ans - 3 years ago

@TPDZ24: RT @AitLivai: Saviez Vous 🇩🇿 Yacef Saâdi est Mort Aujourd’hui Allah y rahmou. N’oublions pas que c’est cette Harkiya qui l’a trahie. Elle… - 3 years ago

@DaoZak: RT @Amar_Baguitta: Yacef Saâdi par Dilem - 3 years ago

@sapphaex_: RT @arabia_vox: 🇩🇿 Yacef Saadi, héros de la bataille d’Alger, est mort à l’âge de 93 ans. Héros de la lutte pour l’indépendance et chef de… - 3 years ago

@maxajl: RT @omardahi: RIP Yacef Saadi . One of the heroes of the Algerian revolution and an unforgettable role in Battle of Algiers - 3 years ago

@FatihaK951: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@bartlebooth45: RT @dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a starring… - 3 years ago

@notrivia: RT @dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a starring… - 3 years ago

@thepapicha: Je suis choquée pour Yacef Saadi. Même si ça reste un personnage controversé dans l’histoire de la guerre d’Algér… - 3 years ago

@gommunisd: RT @dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a starring… - 3 years ago

@headunder_water: RT @dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a starring… - 3 years ago

@uFailedAgain: RT @dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a starring… - 3 years ago

@Safou2180: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@komallsalman: RT @dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a starring… - 3 years ago

@RiverToSea48: RT @dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a starring… - 3 years ago

@SidiMaouche: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@Ryswerte: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@elmoralero: RT @dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a starring… - 3 years ago

@Jessim7_: RT @TSAlgerie: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans - 3 years ago

@Ryswerte: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@mounibtayeb: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@dehgani1: Yacef Saadi passed away today at the age of 93. Part of the Algerian liberation movement, he also went on to play a… - 3 years ago

@nasser_anki: @Gostoland Un "oubli" injuste au mémorial de Tafourah, la statue de Mahmoud Bouhamidi le 4eme martyr de la rue des… - 3 years ago

@motelabyss: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@LamineKingbird: RT @laalamhakimus: Ne retenir de YACEF SAADI que le jour où il a embrassé la main de Abdekka est aussi sacrilège que de qualifier l’ÉMIR AB… - 3 years ago

@OlivierCyran: RT @omardahi: RIP Yacef Saadi . One of the heroes of the Algerian revolution and an unforgettable role in Battle of Algiers - 3 years ago

@ohuhokdac: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@LRigarai: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@Ms_F1971: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@Baghdadoo: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@psimoneasp: RT @Jul_Chinchilla: Murió a los 93 años Yacef Saadi. Referente del FLN durante la guerra de independencia de Argelia. Actuó de sí mismo en… - 3 years ago

@joseeduardopy: RT @Jul_Chinchilla: Murió a los 93 años Yacef Saadi. Referente del FLN durante la guerra de independencia de Argelia. Actuó de sí mismo en… - 3 years ago

@Baghdadoo: RT @NBelloula: Yacef Saadi figure emblématique de la bataille d’Alger nous a quitté, Paix a son âme - 3 years ago

@LeeArt: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@drozdal: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@Miles_SarahK: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@sammy_93_213: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@H_1887: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@DaveauLeila: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@AnisTozz: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@Alilapointe63: RT @NBelloula: Yacef Saadi figure emblématique de la bataille d’Alger nous a quitté, Paix a son âme - 3 years ago

@MaryCatJude: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@basickhadija: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@sfalbait: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@njlightfoot: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@DrSepinwall: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@rpanchasi: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@AnisTozz: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@9asantiniya: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@derrar24h: Inna lillahi wa Inna ilayhi rajioon (إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون)  - 3 years ago

@mustaphaoran31: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@khaltishan: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@Andrew_B_Bader: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@ExYuriMargRine: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@malim23: RT @RadioMPost: Il était une figure historique de la révolution, Yacef Saadi disparaît ce soir - 3 years ago

@wechkho: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@bread_price: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@osssmanovic16: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@chief921: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@mei_sonelgaz: yacef saâdi est décédé : un grand nom de la révolution s’éteint laissant #l_Algerie orpheline d'un pan de son histo… - 3 years ago

@Wissem_Amzert: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@9asioun: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@gucchymen: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@JustineLimLaw: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@Zeinobia: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@profmarylewis: RT @rpanchasi: Décès du révolutionnaire Yacef Saadi | El Watan - 3 years ago

@httpmilk: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@zibimgaleb: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@giornogiovannv: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@ArbiaYanis: RT @algeriades: On doit à Yacef Saadi l'initiative de "la Bataille d'Alger" d'être allé chercher le cinéaste Gillo Pontecorvo et la product… - 3 years ago

@ArbiaYanis: RT @algeriades: Yacef Saâdi, l’ancien chef de la zone autonome d’Alger durant la guerre d’indépendance, est décédé ce 10 septembre à Alger,… - 3 years ago

@rpanchasi: here's footage of yacef saadi's arrest from 1957: - 3 years ago

@88CW88: RT @TSAlgerie: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans - 3 years ago

@rpanchasi: Décès du révolutionnaire Yacef Saadi | El Watan - 3 years ago

@Omokeddem: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@ameeemaaa: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@Algerie_Infos: Décès de Yacef Saadi - 3 years ago

@aniskerch: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@omardahi: RIP Yacef Saadi . One of the heroes of the Algerian revolution and an unforgettable role in Battle of Algiers - 3 years ago

@queenrs_7: RT @algeriades: Yacef Saâdi, l’ancien chef de la zone autonome d’Alger durant la guerre d’indépendance, est décédé ce 10 septembre à Alger,… - 3 years ago

@ryadAbk: Yacef Saadi un monument de la révolution Algérienne de 1954 n’est plus 😢 - 3 years ago

@rshbxn: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@AssiaMoug1: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@AmeLAssirem1: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@amirrr93: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@shaneocurry: RT @aminebenloulou: إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون رحم الله روحك الطاهرة ايها المجاهد ياسف سعدي May God have mercy on your pure soul Saadi Yacef - 3 years ago

@shaneocurry: RT @AlgerianRelief: Allah Yerhmou Saadi Yacef Le symbole de la résistance algérienne Restera toujours dans nos cœurs - 3 years ago

@OeBbCZiane: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@idir1848: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@ridisreug: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@axmed2002: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@ridisreug: RT @ChoufChoufdz: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans ✌🇩🇿❤ - 3 years ago

@DZCalling: @HippieFlying Never mind je viens de le lancer, c’est bon. Je regarderai ça un peu plus tard dans la nuit en hommage à Yacef Saadi. - 3 years ago

@SaturneNn: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@bpeps91: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@fouroulou56: RIP Yacef Saadi 93 ans Allah Yarhmou - 3 years ago

@meli93__: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@leyyyna__: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@HerMatinIncense: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@blackestlarose: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@ChoufChoufdz: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans ✌🇩🇿❤ - 3 years ago

@RamiRobyn: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@Adoria65095632: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@JYIAS_: RT @TSAlgerie: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans - 3 years ago

@zizoublk: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@Sofy3ndz: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@Missndjurdjura: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@LeDocJr1: @BdnrToufik @LisaBxL J’vien de me rendre compte que c’est yacef saadi , j’ai jamais vu sa photo jeune ça fait grave bizzare - 3 years ago

@auritaauritae: RT @PacoAudije: Yacef Saâdi (93 ans) est mort. L’ancien chef de la zone autonome d’Alger durant la Guerre d'indépendance de l'Algérie sera… - 3 years ago

@auritaauritae: RT @PacoAudije: Yacef Saâdi n'est plus. - 3 years ago

@le__poulpe: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@AbanenIraten: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@AitLivai: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@shaantyi: RT @HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'une f… - 3 years ago

@JNNiz: RT @Jul_Chinchilla: Acá Yacef Saadi (bigotes al centro) durante los años de guerra junto Djamila Bouhired y Hassiba Ben Bouali. Debajo (de… - 3 years ago

@JNNiz: RT @Jul_Chinchilla: Murió a los 93 años Yacef Saadi. Referente del FLN durante la guerra de independencia de Argelia. Actuó de sí mismo en… - 3 years ago

@HistoireKabyle: Yacef Saadi, le héros de la Bataille d’Alger est décédé aujourd’hui, à l’âge de 93 ans, il est né a Alger, issu d'u… - 3 years ago

@FatimaAyc1: @ex_bou3ouina C qui yacef saadi? - 3 years ago

@auritaauritae: RT @PacoAudije: Le légendaire Yacef Saâdi est décédé. Il avait interprété son propre rôle dans le film La Bataille d'Alger, de Gillo Pontec… - 3 years ago

@AlgerianRelief: Allah Yerhmou Saadi Yacef Le symbole de la résistance algérienne Restera toujours dans nos cœurs - 3 years ago

@ex_bou3ouina: Je sais pas mais j'arrive pas à dire allah yarham yacef Saadi , le fait de penser qu'il avait pttr livré ou vendu A… - 3 years ago

@elwatancom: Décès du révolutionnaire Yacef Saadi - 3 years ago

@viedestmg: RT @TSAlgerie: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans - 3 years ago

@AboulelaHosam: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@RebecMasterton: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@LaPointeTPC: RT @TSAlgerie: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans - 3 years ago

@Ouardaiqbal: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@samynteresse: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@mesk_ellile: RT @LGDFennec: L'USM Alger et l'Algérie perdent une figure historique! #TeamDZ #USMAlger #Saadi #carnetnoir - 3 years ago

@kRim0o: RT @TSAlgerie: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans - 3 years ago

@mesk_ellile: RT @TSAlgerie: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans - 3 years ago

@imanxix: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@yasbouzar: Yacef Saadi (1928-2021) - 3 years ago

@HishamAidi: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@KheiraArrouche: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@kRim0o: HOMMAGE À YACEF SAADI - 3 years ago

@elchourouk_: RT @animsche: Yacef Saâdi, a veteran of the Algerian Liberation war, has passed away at the age of 93. He was the FLN's military chief in… - 3 years ago

@RyadBenaidji: RT @algeriades: Yacef Saâdi, l’ancien chef de la zone autonome d’Alger durant la guerre d’indépendance, est décédé ce 10 septembre à Alger,… - 3 years ago

@Drobble1: RT @AndrewFarrand: RIP Yacef Saâdi, #Algeria-n anti-colonial resistance hero, shown here playing himself in the classic film The Battle of… - 3 years ago

@AbdelDubai1: RT @TSAlgerie: Le moudjahid Yacef Saâdi rend l’âme à l’âge de 93 ans - 3 years ago

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