S. Shamsuddin

Singaporean actor.
Died on Tuesday June 4th 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to S. Shamsuddin:

@HamzaLahori1: @SteveStfler @Omaer_k @mohd_shamsuddin is it just me or she looks like Harry Potter's sister

@SheySapinah: Tempahan sudah di bukaaa... biskut raye terlajak larisss... P/s: feel free to untag http://t.co/6KTqKbMnRs

@anas_shamsuddin: @wxyzawn. It's a term in hockey . Ask acap mael he knows that

@ijser_research: #IJSER Data Mining and Data Pre-processing for Big Data: Ashish R. Jagdale, Kavita V. Sonawane, Shamsuddin S. ... http://t.co/dGKpYf18S4


@mimi_shamsuddin: He's the only cutest one for me 💩

@mohd_shamsuddin: We makea chill. mesbah.uddin 's #MitsubishiPajero #4WD @ Al Warqa'a https://t.co/Exu1sN6Zpz

@mohd_shamsuddin: Saood likes his spots. XD kaisarkassim 's #ToyotaFortuner #4WD @ Al Warqa'a https://t.co/TYUpS011f9

@SilverfishNews: Heidi Shamsuddin is an award-winning children's book writer. Come along to the Children's Book Week (CBW), on 9... http://t.co/r30PNbn71P

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