S. A. Stepanek

American poet.
Died on Saturday October 19th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to S. A. Stepanek:

@ChecoZinny: RT @CT24zive: Loni jeho bratr padl na misi v Afghánistánu. Na slib, který si dali, ale Filip Štěpánek nezapomněl a stal se taky profesionál… - 5 years ago

@JakubSzanto: RT @CT24zive: Loni jeho bratr padl na misi v Afghánistánu. Na slib, který si dali, ale Filip Štěpánek nezapomněl a stal se taky profesionál… - 5 years ago

@JanChvojka: RT @CT24zive: Loni jeho bratr padl na misi v Afghánistánu. Na slib, který si dali, ale Filip Štěpánek nezapomněl a stal se taky profesionál… - 5 years ago

@IvoZelinka: RT @CT24zive: Loni jeho bratr padl na misi v Afghánistánu. Na slib, který si dali, ale Filip Štěpánek nezapomněl a stal se taky profesionál… - 5 years ago


@CT24zive: Loni jeho bratr padl na misi v Afghánistánu. Na slib, který si dali, ale Filip Štěpánek nezapomněl a stal se taky p… - 5 years ago

@_stepanek_: Kanye is the perfect example of someone who can make well-known mistakes yet still be used as a vessel to spread Go… - 5 years ago

@chedancer: @RadioFreeTom I recommend learning about the remarkable life and legacy of Mattie Stepanek, poet, philosopher, peac… - 5 years ago

@_stepanek_: The earth does a lot. It's time we gave something back. Join #TeamTrees as we plant 20 million trees by 2020. $1 pl… - 5 years ago

@gisat: Ale najdou se také tací, kteří s tím, že je 21. srpen významným dnem, nesouhlasí. Třeba takový často xenofobně a po… - 5 years ago

@ian_stepanek: RT @TulsiGabbard: .@HillaryClinton, your foreign policy was a disaster for our country and the world. It’s time for you to acknowledge the… - 5 years ago

@ian_stepanek: RT @AndrewYang: - 5 years ago

@ProfJonTaylor: RT @Ali_Wyne: The research comes from a 2017 report by @econ_hafner, Martin Stepanek, and @wendytroxel, "Later school start times in the U.… - 5 years ago

@wendytroxel: RT @Ali_Wyne: The research comes from a 2017 report by @econ_hafner, Martin Stepanek, and @wendytroxel, "Later school start times in the U.… - 5 years ago

@econ_hafner: RT @Ali_Wyne: The research comes from a 2017 report by @econ_hafner, Martin Stepanek, and @wendytroxel, "Later school start times in the U.… - 5 years ago

@Ali_Wyne: The research comes from a 2017 report by @econ_hafner, Martin Stepanek, and @wendytroxel, "Later school start times… - 5 years ago

@LT_jstepanek: RT @stepanek912: While carving pumpkins... Elijah: we need a candle to make it a jack-o-lantern. Me: I’m not sure if we have any candle… - 5 years ago

@stepanek912: While carving pumpkins... Elijah: we need a candle to make it a jack-o-lantern. Me: I’m not sure if we have any… - 5 years ago

@pduh66: @JohanGajer Povykoval Štěpánek, když dělal Xaver rozhovor s Babišem a místo lefestylu ho nechal plácat o vlastní po… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for S. A. Stepanek - #SAStepanek #S. #A.Stepanek #rip - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: S.A. Stepanek is no longer with us - #SAStepanek #S.A. #Stepanek #rip - 5 years ago

@News12LI: RT @KMaherNews12: She’s a super swimmer, a 4-time All-American and has a 98 GPA. But can @NPTTigerSports star Chloe Stepanek ace my latest… - 5 years ago

@KMaherNews12: She’s a super swimmer, a 4-time All-American and has a 98 GPA. But can @NPTTigerSports star Chloe Stepanek ace my l… - 5 years ago

@NKYBARASSN: Happy National Boss's Day to @NKYBARASSN President Bill Knoebel, who is also a great friend! Bill you are a rockst… - 5 years ago

@ian_stepanek: RT @esaagar: Yang: "There's a reason no one is using Bing today, sorry Microsoft its true" - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: S.A. Stepanek - 5 years ago

@ian_stepanek: RT @grandayy: Trump just made a Twitch and he's already getting muted because of copyright - 5 years ago

@ian_stepanek: RT @AndrewYang: It’s a lot easier to believe in yourself if someone else does. - 5 years ago

@ian_stepanek: RT @AndrewYang: We are in the midst of a mental health crisis among young people in particular - 5 years ago

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